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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 21, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the the . ringback the, [000:00:00;00] the color so robin, you want to be able to save and use our lives while headquarters here in the hall coming up in 60 minutes is really fun to just set the evidence for the 1st time since the will and goals that, that all the thousands of casualties. he's ready for this is 10 diabetes across the goal. is this chris,
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at least $36.00 palestinians killed in defiance of the world colt. i'm protected by the all the is ready such as the tech palestinians it'd be occupied westbank and the adults on the 1st big campaign event since accepting the republican nomination to the us presidency and support very hostile was the big move on the day 3 of golds open championship, the american mustering some wild conditions in scotland to take a one shot late the tense. 2100 of gmc, we begin the news in the admin where the who's the rebel group says it won't hesitate. in attacking wasn't goals vital targets. it is right now that comes out of the key sites and the city of the data will hits, as well as military size. it talks, engine, oil facility, and the power station. the health ministry says at least 80 people have been
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injured. israel says the science was being used as an entry point for weapons. so the rods that the tech came a day after the who think as low as a low range, drones strike on israel's largest city. one person was killed near the us embassy office in central tel aviv. whether drones struck from the salute begins all coverage as an oil refinery, a blaze in humans, port city of her data, clouds of smoke filling the air after the attack in which a power station was also hit. all part of the retaliation. israel had promised the fluid fees after they launched a drone, which had till a v prime minister benjamin netanyahu watched the attack on fold with security officials after the country's defense minister gave the order to attempt, mix it up and become a from the beginning of the war, i made it clear that israel would hom, anyone who homes us. and so earlier today i convened the political security cabinet . i asked them to support the decision i brought to attack the who the targets in
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yemen. the say they targeted tel aviv withdrawn that went on detected on friday, killing one person and injuring 10 others. these really military is still investigating why the countries air defense systems were not activated to intercept the aerial target. but the who these are now threatening to not let this attack go on, answered doctor the, the many armed forces confirmed that they will respond to this place integration. and that with the help of a lot of my teeth, they will not hesitate to strike the vinyl targets of these right enemy, while consuming what was stated in the previous statement considering occupied jasa as an unsafe area. dozens of casualties in yemen. as the attacks mark an escalation between both sides as israel continues its assaults on garza and southern lebanon,
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and the central, as, as ito ha ha, is a senior associate fellow insecurity. studies up the royal united services institute for defense and security studies. he says the risk of an escalation has been clear since the war and gone. so i began, or what we've seen with this latest retaliation by this rave is on the who is in yemen, i think is more evidence of that. there might always be this sense um from one side or the other or thinking that they can, you know, retaliate, adjust this particular not should not take it up any further than that. but of course, the law of unintended consequences always applies and think, spit out of control and who caesar said that they will retaliate and respond. there's a reason to suggest that they will. um, this particular attack doesn't, doesn't remove their resolve. it doesn't establish is really to tyrants. and
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all it does is shows that these rubies will give quite frankly, know who it is, what they want, which is to present the who sees as a worth while adversary against these various on the who these will make a lot of mileage out of the news is really surprised because gall assistance of the center, they have killed at least 37 palestinians. most of them in refugee comes a densely populated residential areas down a couple as a report from the law. it is rarely as strikes level residential buildings in unless i rocked in central. 0 they did seem to approach to ok, so hospital, many still only beneath the russell of the buildings that collapsed around them must have a for what's up again with it up a little bit. we woke up around 3 15 am after i missed southwell. i went downstairs
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and found oldest destruction above our heads have no connection to any organization . 2 of my daughters were killed before my relatives also died. there were more than 7 injured, including my father and my sister. and how much older death doctors managed to salvage 9. this baby was rescued from the wound both have breaking the mother killed and then is barely attacked of the night. i'm in charlotte, that's up. well, especially that an immediate operation was performed up the hospital officer. this mother was killed and the baby now is in the incubate department. and he started his life as a move. and i know most of those as people what killed the hospital, more full of families forced to say good bye. positive upon what the mama, the cook children, and
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a pregnant woman does. an unprecedented crime is released don't care about the international community or human rights were broken at women have the experience so much law says the will began in october, age groups estimate that there are more than 50000 pregnant when they're right now in the gaza strip. as well as will means that they all 3 times more likely to experience i miscarried and 3 times more likely to doing in charlotte path tara capacitive algebra. they're worried about i had a story that we set to pass colloquy saw an emergency coordinate. if the doctors without borders mysql saw in calling you this way, i missed that fault, right? same to tennessee board and the nicer hospital. she explains the health risks facing pregnant women. what because they said most the uh, the watching or with the hygiene, which will, of course bring that out of the infections and the for a regular appointment. we can talk about urinary tract infections, for example,
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and just press and they're leaving conditions at all. so we'll make them more trying to reach them. deliveries discourages, and we have seen that in the words that we are supporting at the not sure us because lots of pressure related communications as well are very common. and in general, their living conditions after the delivery are all very good for women. so taking care of themselves and the baby is the being really, really complicated. children and girls, i have been out of school from all the 9 months instead of books. they showed about the funding, water and food with the families. hey, dave, results from has accused as round of using water as a weapon of war against palestinians. him chubby pulls from that are about in central cost. they were once they played and dreamed children now carry water in this container,
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they can find when they can find a carry heavy load and i'm not used to carrying heavy things. i'm 11 years old, i'm too little. i will kill long distance from the tons to get water. i do several trips back and forth and i get drenched as i walk into sun. clean water is a precious resourcing gauze of water stations like this one have run dry. some are switch off for days or weeks of time, so there is never, you know, flush her to go around. and that means the children have to walk longer distances to find a top that's working and asked me, my name is dave. we've been displaced today at all. butler, we are having difficulties with for today. sometimes we find it sometimes we don't know and it helps me carry the bucket to the tent. fishing would exhaust me. we q in the sun. my head starts. i take one at a time to bring to drinking water here once
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a day. it's nowhere near enough. the some people get water moves to know. my yeah, but i do want to think we have these children and they show during the responsibility they have to fetch water and do the laundry and won't shut them off to that. they go to the sea, which is up to 5 kilometer by foot, just to get a little loose up. i swear the other day we have to work to fetch the sea water to drink, of international charity excellencies. israel has been systematically what the nice thing walter against politan using was showing disregard for human life and international. the results of that with the nice ation, are clear everywhere. you look into the office either de la garza palestine. somebody's if it's ready to capt is a demanding the probably be just as secure as i see 5 deal before he travels to the us, where he is expected to address congress. thousands of people gathering in tennessee,
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calling for the captives release and legal actions. protest is also holding rallies in tel aviv demanding fresh elections. i'm calling for the prime minister to resign. their accusing these by the army of committing genocide in garza demonstrates as well as the old attempt, is to be return safely under and it's a whole flight to germany. the i'm believe the i think that the got the going
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jeremy size. it's and i'm really and i changed my son to go to the waist height. a tight spot is what it is that was on pallets. and these across the occupied westbank overland. plus, they create what the international court of justice has just ruled as a course of environment meant to displace palestinians and antics that have it treat. find as i see, j ruling was groundbreaking, but it's not changed the violent reality on the ground as the reports now from ramallah. armed with buttons and the confidence of entrenched impunity is rarely settlers attack a palestinian family in the southern hebron hills. a young man shields himself from the blows his aunt isn't as lucky when relatives try to pull her away and is rarely sold or confront from firing in the year to protect the settler's walk,
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how was sent to hospital where she received 7 stitches to the head or this is not the 1st time. well wishers have visited the family after an attack. 20 years ago is rarely settlers killed. what's his brother? and the assaults have not stopped since the shooting and there no one helped us. i was beaten on my head and shoulders. my nephew could have died. they don't spear any one. they don't want any palestinian here. elsewhere and the occupied westbank is rarely subtler set fire to palestinian businesses and fields near nablus. a seer ring, reminder for palestinians. the, on its own, the landmark ruling by the international court of justice on the legality of israel occupation did not bring dispute from reality to an end. still, experts believe the decision clears the way for effective accountability. easily
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supplements enterprise is solely intertwined. with the the, the, the, the state. oh simple. oh simple. just this is why i know it's time to impose this function. so nice. real control doesn't comply on the ground. the daily battle to protect the palestinian land m lives will continue for a rose just as really your thoughts are unlikely to stop palestinians feel vindicated by the world court. but say there's a long and hard road ahead. exact the cost on these rarely occupation and the international actions allowing it to continue not all day as ita drama, la palestine. israel is carried out as drugs on several areas of southern lebanon, a has blown, i mean, nation definitely. as opposed to being talked into the town about doing, setting off a large fire the groups as a ton expires right on its forces under to the allies in human mach and dangerous
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tub. in the conflict, a fine single low levels, boulder has fulls tens of thousands of people from the homes, hotels of off with refuge to some of the despite assemblies. but it's holiday season. the representatives need the rooms back, increasing pressure on other places, offerings, shelter of boston has moved from suffolk lab and they wait and wait for fighting between these really ami and hezbollah is only intensifying people, like these has been forced from their homes. can only wonder when they'll be able to return the international organization for migration says 95000 have been displaced in the southern level. many to make shift accommodation to montana hotel near the village of mall when the in southern lebanon is one such center of south largest sheet from 5 killer chairs, a room with a pair in some bravo. the family has been living here for 6 months and the beginning of the where i'm safe at home to office and i'm scared from that. were
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planes and i was crying. i was the i was hiding. i was. * watching i miss my village every seems such as my bed, my room on metal, my, my home, my best friends like that in the home. i sleep on the bed but here i sleep on the floor. so i'm that redeem, it's good as us the risk reduction agency, the local municipality, and runs the montana already struggling with limited resources. he worries the israel carries out a full scale ministry campaign. the hotel may be pushed to breaking point the for the whole be with on people graciously open their homes for us and let us stay. but unfortunately, we're now seeing some homeowners returning from mcbride. we need their houses back, that'd be good. just placing extra pressure on, as you do with the conflict between israel and husband, are intensifying the montana hotel in southern lebanon has once again become the
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1st point of cool for those being the border area. but it's already full and unable to take in any more of those seeking shelter. dwindling resources and not the only risk for those that have been displaced by the fighting. if they tried to attend to their homes in the future, new dangers await them. unexploded artillery shells and mines present dangerous threat. members of a non governmental organization have come to the montana to want people here not to approach anything that could be a hazard if they go back. but the noises of the threats wondering how know the plane, the plane scheduled from the lower plane without a political solution to the conflict noises via con. and i'm more people are likely to seek refuge in the montana to escape the escalating fighting oliver marsden. alger 0, self 11, on the,
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the donald trump will addresses this probably since becoming the republican presidential. nobody is running, make j. the van says, addressable to is that the policy is fast campaign. nowadays, since the republican national convention is also the 1st time that trump advance have made a public appearance to gather, the secret service has increased security measures around the presidential candidates after the shooting in pennsylvania, plus uh, president. trump, in other words, wants to build a country that actually works for the citizens of this country. once again, he did it for 4 years. he did it so successfully for 4 years. we've never think about this. my friends, we have never had an election where you have 4 years of one guy and 4 years. have you ever got and who could possibly reject the idea of it's 4 years of president trump has been a hell of a lot better. been for years to jo, bind right, feel about his life for us in grand rapids in michigan where it's old happening, of course, republicans representing
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a very unified up beach front of the. yeah. and it is all creates. it's also very, very busy. you know, the stadium, post 12000 people, right. donald trump, lots, he's big crowd. your thoughts about how big a crowd control. but in this case, he's got at least 12000 people here because that stadium is full capacity. they've actually stopped letting people in about an hour ago. they blocked the line, they said, if you will, behind us, you can't go in because it's too many people here. we've got a people who are lining up just in case people may even maybe 5 or 10 people to be leaving, and 5 or 10 people going in. that's how came they all to see donald trump told panel. so to him. yeah, i chatted events. i'm going to be going to a guest to about jason sheldon, who will probably say, i know you guys are not in the valley obviously. did you do it last time? it's on the trip. was the 2016. yes. how does this compare them to that? oh, it's about to say and there's, there's a lot of people and it's, it's awesome. it's major country. it's great. do you think the crowd is got a different vibe to it off?
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so what happened last subsidized, you know, cuz i still, people might just like, you know, there's, nobody has these notices. so everybody's like, no, go ahead. you, i don't, i don't see nervous burgess casually walking around and having fun. and then this is brent rapids. it's, it's joe when i got your what would be called a your mega right sir. how strongly. yep. do you think of it? i think it's awesome. walking down i on and just seeing all the different areas to buy clothing ads for so one of the things it's on it's from set on thursday during his speech is how we want it to be a unified precedent. you know, don't just talk america for one of america. some site is divisive. do you think he can do to find me or? i believe so. yeah, absolutely. we just give him a chance. how does it make people together? what does it need to do?
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i think he needs to turn down his language a little bit, a message a little bit, i should say another word, but i think that's gonna happen, especially after this session. but then you're going to get your donald trump, but great ideas where it should be right now with buying frequents for us to put you on the spot. what do they get you? 80 bucks. i don't know much about them, but i know it's a veteran and really like what i don't know much. thank you very much. and so judy wants to use the site as well as the 1st time that these people actually get to hang up from him out of campaign events. and of course that they will come in the different directions cause that pro set of housing
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rallies. now this is a 2 mind company, indeed phil of ella, outside of the venue in grand rapids in michigan. so let's take you inside the venue of rushes. we can now see double trump sites to the stage with his vice president, norman e. j. d. events, of course, the symbols crowd, the anticipating what donald trump will say, and the very 1st address on the campaign. raleigh has he hopes to head towards the white house of the the thank you very much. this is mike at michigan football game over here. i want to thank you, j d for the introduction, you're going to be
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a fantastic vice president of the united and you know i chose him because he's for the worker. he's for the people that worked so hard and perhaps weren't treated like they should have been, but they were treated that way. 4 years ago. i couldn't tell you that. so we're going to get it fact bigger, better and stronger than ever before. thank you very much. is this something to be back in the great state of michigan with thousands and thousands and i mean, lots of thousands of yeah. the hell of in a read the like you are the hard working pages that we love. you know, they have crowds of people outside, you're not even gonna believe it. they go blocks and blocks. but let's forget about
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the price that's we get it back. so that they begin this evening with a very special thanks to americans nationwide, including all of you here today for your extraordinary outpouring of love and support in the wake of the horrific last saturday. of that, how would you think of it? it was exactly one week ago today, almost to the hour even to the minute the what it did was, as i said earlier this week, i said before you only by the grace of all my, the guy that maybe j d or somebody else would be here but i shouldn't be here right now,
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but something very something very special app and let's face it if something happens. i want to say, but the memorial hospital in pennsylvania for the incredible job they did, the service they gave and all of the great citizens of butler, pennsylvania and the surrounding area and everyone else. but the job they did, and the love that they showed us all, i was incredible actually what a time that was what a time that was. nobody seen anything like it and hopefully they never will again. and they had cameras blazing. i guess it was different in that way too because we're right in the middle school. those she looked at all the news back there and they were all blazing. they were, they were going know they covered it fairly. they couldn't believe what they were saying either. so they did,
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you did cover it fairly. let me also think congressman radi jackson's from texas, you know, target when ronnie jackson for the care and treatment. he gave me as an outstanding doctor, which he is really an amazing guy. was radi tucked around easier. some players right, that was agree that the great doctor is the white house doctor for bush obama and the guy named trump. and they said who was the healthy stuff? the 3 he said not even a question. trump, and i said, i love that guy when he said that that was my doctor is accounting. this is by doctor, but he's been a great job. there's a thank you very much, ronnie, for everything we appreciate. all right,
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yeah. we continue to pray for the recovery of the 2 citizens who were wounded in the evil attack. david dodge james cope and have her to really incredible people. we remain in contact and send our deepest respect to the families as a corey, as you now corey, compared to our was the great fire fighter died funeral yesterday. sheila, his wife and daughters from biology, shielded them from the bullets of this is read this person for it was the hero. and we will carry his memory in our hearts for the that's right. and he was a big jumper and we will never forget him, right? we're all together. we're all together. this is, there's never been the thing like what you,
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what is the other day with the convention? i don't think there's ever been a convention, whether it was such unity and love and even the i now say just for 2nd to fake news, even set it that way. i want to be nice. but the fake news reported it correctly. that was, there's never been such unity and everybody did a great job and the speeches and everything was just an incredible event. and i'll tell you what. milwaukee was a fantastic place. this was a beautiful arena. they did a really great job. and wisconsin is going to vote for us because we spend $250000000.00 when they go into the negative. say we loved this guy, trump. they gave us 250000000 with jobs they got about to wisconsin is a very important state as we know. but they do it. the wisconsin did a great job, milwaukee. they did a great job thoughts on best speaking at the event and lorraina in michigan in
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front of the assembled loadings of 12000. there was no choice of otis and the 1st riley since the assassination sense of very 7 days ago. and since taking the nomination for the republican party as the candidate for the presidency, joining me now he's carry sheffield a senior policy on the list and conservative commentator. so in his life from arlington, in virginia. miss sheffield, you're a stranger to l, just air. it's good to have you back on the program. thanks for your time. lots of issues. i suppose that double trump will be asked about in the road that leads to the white house should he when it's. so let's just begin. if you don't mind wave, the both republicans have very clear views on women's health and something that the democrats think that they can exploit is an issue that both sides think they have a grasp on sure. so i assume that your meanings specifically on the issue of abortion, just on the outset to be clear,
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my women's good. we do not take a position on abortion. so my views here will be my personal views. i am personally, i am personally pro life and, and i think what the, what president trump has said and the party platform is to return the policy to the states. but that was the policy that was basically handed down by the supreme court in the ruling 2 years ago where it took down robi way. and i think by doing that the trump campaign is hoping that this will move the issue beyond the federal issue and return to the states um and be able to focus more on economic issues, which is the top issue. is the economy generally and innovation? yeah, because the cost of living has been a huge problem. has that both before on dr. k bait. and how do you think president trump is going to deal with the issues as such because of the baby to me, what we've hearing obviously is, is the aftermath of assassination attempt is his regard for the medical team that
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looked after him. he talked about unity and love and moving forward that they will come a time will that nothing has come pain that he has to stop talking about that and talk about the issues that he was. those voters were sitting on the fence at the moment to make a decision on we're going to win michigan, we're going yeah, he's clearly ahead of joe biden right now. and also, not only nationally, but in the swing states, but again, the issues are you and i have worked closely with some former economic advisers from the true white house. and i'm still in touch with them. i talk to them about what is it, how it, how is this going to work on the, i know for a fact that trump wants to lower energy prices. that's what a big part of was driving inflation is energy prices. so in increasing the domestic energy production, allowing for the more leasing on federal lands. unfortunately, joe biden has been restricting the a man on federal lands. he also told me that she's my pipelines. he said everything
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he can define in white house to kill domestic energy providers. meanwhile, he's begging for dictators like venezuela from or, or more oil on the other side. and so you're going to see that the true white house taking a more rational and same approach on the mandates as well. these e v mandates are just completely unattainable. so you're going to see rational policy when it comes to the event. next, you're going to see, i guess it's for you. um, cutting red tape. that's another big problem for businesses when you're talking about business on certain tea and hiring decisions. when you have a of a big house, they currently providing white house. this is part of what's causing of the, the increasing costs. it's regulatory on certain media coverage. so what rational policy, i mean, it might seem rational policy to the trump campaign, to and to the republicans. but again, it, it then flies in the face of the environmental lo be a such that will want to question and challenge him on his statements. like drill, drill, drill,
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and those environmental protections that are in place of the day. but that may well be remove. this is donald trump does take power. they all flies in the face of that international agreement. they don't have a snowball effect, doesn't to. and so i wonder what stage is he going to have to meet anybody in the middle ground? because once you start, you might say crazy enemies over things like the environment. they see the set, the people are out on the streets, protesting they charge you $200.00. and this is sure, well, it's not only here in the united states, but we're also seeing this in europe and in other parts of the world that people are angry about. the so called agreement mandates and that's why conservatives are doing better in countries like germany and france in italy because they don't agree with these irrational e v mandates. these are rational, the policy mandates, which in india and for example, in germany, germany ended up having to take more kara, which has a during the world because they had unrealistic been dates. and so i think
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a middle ground is natural gas, not something that the term creations really supported because natural gas is much cleaner than the whole gas for example. so that is a good middle. and the thing is, jumps net and say you can type a rational mandate to say in california for example, they have mandates on the use that are completely not going to get. i mean, they've got less than $50000.00 charging stations as i understand it. and translation, tens of millions of people, there's no way they're going to meet these mandates. and so it's, it's actually a general and it upsets it actually farms poor people, the most of the mandate in other green policy, many are retro grade and her home page is younger people around 4 families spend more of their family budget on their fuel and other costs energy and so welfare households can absorb it and so it's just really outage, quite so much bye. again. compete is resonating because there's 4 families left on the right. it's being
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a member to their family budget and welfare elite feelings. be interesting to see how that debates it goes when it comes to electric vehicles to them and carries sheffield is pretty good to speak to you. thanks so much for joining us from arlington. i think that's close back to grand rapids, michigan during the same pay to the riley how she's done a terrible job. but i hope i be very happy with it. at this very moment, democratic party bosses are frantically trying to overthrow the results of their old party's primaries to dump prickly joe biden from the ballot. couldn't happen to a nicer guy. and as you're seeing, the democratic party is not the party of democracy. they are really the enemies of democracy. the parties of corrupt insiders like wind verse special interests and the fail hold it or no glass as well. they are under our leadership. the republican party is now the party of the people. we are the party of hardworking americans of
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every race color and we become a very big party. we become break bellas. you know what i'm talking about. i love you guys. we love you guys know we become we become a very big party. we have increased in size. nobody's ever, honestly, in the history is never been anything like this move in, and that may be in the history of the world. but let's keep it down to the country for right now because this is like, but there's never been anything like mag, a when by just we have to stop maga, we will stop next. i said, he doesn't know what magazines will it stands for, make america great again. how can you, how are you know, the other side is going around trying to make the sound extreme. like i'm an extremist, i'm not, i'm
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a person with great common sense. i'm not an extra invest at all. like some on the right severe, right? came up with this project 25 of and i don't even know. i mean some of them i know who they are, but they're very, very conservative. just like you have this sort of the opposite of the radical left . okay? you have the radical left and you have the radical right. and they come up with this, but i don't know what the hell it is. it's project toward the 5. he's involved in project and then the read some of the things that are in by me this or is like strip. but i don't know anything about it. i don't want to know when they think about it. but what they do is missing information, additional information, and they keep saying choose a threat to democracy. i'm saying what the hell that i do for democracy. last week i took a bullet for democracy who i'm speaking the read
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a about various issues affecting the republican party and what he thinks the republican party is and how hello infinity unity to the country of coast will continue to monitor what mr. trump has to say. when it gets out of the office every day and bring it to you, look a bit later. let's move on with some of the days of the news and the science of most soldiers patrolling cities across bangladesh hasn't stopped for testers from defining a nation wide coffee, at least 105 people have been killed in thousands mole injured. his demonstrations against the government's job is quite a system, incidents and text messaging services of also being suspended, effectively oscillating the country child stratford. how's the latest soldiers on the streets of bangladesh, his capital dot com. it's a similar scene in towns and cities across the south asian nation. as a country wide coast, we was enclosed. what did you see that was one of the vehicle police drove us away
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and the notes said to come here to this travel agent, but we're not allowed in here. we go through this custom. this is insane. security come down comes to days of student protests against the reinstatement of the quote to assist with government jobs. leaving a 100 people have repeatedly been killed. thousands injured groups of protest is gathered on the empty streets in the car on saturday to find the government. fine, the government ordered the co few of to a prison was attacked more than 850 inmates escaped because the system was established moving 50 years ago to help people who fools in the work independence holden hoff with government jobs. there was a perpetual ins children, women, disabled people in experts, minorities. the system was scratched in 2018,
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but reinstated earlier this month. the state appealed the ruling and the supreme court suspended the case for a month. but it wasn't enough to quote and go among university students struggling to find work in a limited graduates job market who protest display, improve governments, groups facilitating the violence, some of the leaders security method, the t of the government ministers last late last night. and actually they pulled forward 8 months, which um, so it's not clear yet whether government really agreed to do those demands. those demands essentially include the navigation of the ministers, some of the top on ruling by the leaders who according to the students instigated the routing bodies stored in front to attack on the students. incidents and text messaging services are being suspended since thursday. international phone calls
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mostly failed to connect of the many opposition leaders, activists and student protested so being arrested charles not putting elders 0 the job because this update from the capital dot com. the coffee is back on after 2 hours of break, people rushed to the grocery store and did the essential any emergency stuff, but the internet is still shut down across the country, causing serious inconvenience for the people across the country. now people are very anxious trying to see if i apprehensive what will happen next. after all this violence past few days. the government is still open to negotiate with the student . the student leaders have for the 8 point demand among them to demand that those are instigated the violence against them, including ruling party leaders, student waiting for members as well as the police members must be brought to justice. all their leaders behind the buyers are who are being apprehended mazda
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barry list. these are some of that demand before they even consider sitting by the government. now the government is wiley, blamed is on the opposition thing to capitalize on the student movements. hands all the violence and energy across the country. the opposition party said that they did support the students to move men publicly. and many members of the public actually took part in the progress with the students. and that is why it stays. people are somber for the number of death and injured is that happened within last several days in the country. and they don't know where the political situation will have within coming day of months and weeks temperatures re, i'll just say the doctor. a lot of democratic false rebels have killed at least 37 people in the eastern democratic republic of congo. the m $23.00 i'm group is also about the single become gleese on me. there's a ton of money in the middle of the economy has more this is one of the corner to
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contain that it's located in the dictated total for many, or most of the things to focus on mentors away. and this area has been under heavy talk from it. if we looked at when we were going to end up doing that as to one of the ice as a group. these people have been in the forest of this area for decades right now into the r c. i mean, i've been trying to do, we didn't buy launching the parental permission to go up soon. because of the cleaning conducted by these people have report this in the tone of when it gets that you weren't calling the government. do you want to be more what's decided to put us on the launch at the last 2 years by the deals i'm and they've gone down on the 30th, but it was remains very active even this week. they killed it on the 27th people from monday because of a lot from disabilities and even after now, people still searching for bodies in different areas. but for this village, only 2 people were killed around hundreds of civilians. most of the big things we
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came to bring my ship is some of the bodies were 20 in the water by the men telling the i mean is 1st thing worth now is coming from didn't off because this is just outside. what did the if is most our team and the other side or last time for the 3 levels, the bossing to watch this last month. and that's been a big post on the toner for been and even for the position in the region here, which one in the capacity of the deal. honestly, i mean to deal with the military will finish on the descent on. and 1st thing, some of the most active movements, the individual, is what i've seen. for example, the top command, the vice chief of stuff for the army is now here in this area, you can talk to the population. i'm trying to us for them. that's the i'm is doing what they can do. what's popular, so knows very well that it's a big challenge for the army. and this is why they are expressing difficulties on and don't worry if i could watch them. it happened for them here in the village. if it's from the full cost of only $20.00 m $23.00,
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which seems to be holding fuel the government, the land like on it. i'll just, you know, 203020 the democratic republic of cool. hello julia has find that the tech joint met to $220000000.00. what it calls multiple and repeated violations will forward. he's the keys, facebook, and what's that parent company of violating the countries data protection and can seem to rise lowes. the same method shed use of personal data with us both ways. ation and denied nigerians the right time and how the data is used place in western problem. so these take us to disperse n t base and protest as though the climate active is gather that lot of rochelle pull to oppose the building of agricultural volts. impressive was several files and protest isn't counted on friday despite a police. the a bridge in northern china is cloud stuff to dimensional range, state major on a 14 to 12 bodies have been found inside vehicles recovered from the river. bold
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and fuzzy. people still missing it west and india. heavy rain is cause damage to residential areas across the region. the size of good drop in my roster. i have been affected the weather office, a key issue for the severe allots for rain. microsoft as a to the of 1000000000 devices were affected by the guidelines you outage the repercussions of a software security update the crush computers across the world on friday and likely to be felt for weeks ahead. the chief executive of crowd strong, the company behind the out. it says that today's of release to fixed updates, microsoft operating systems, tens of thousands of flights worldwide are grounded in hospitals. retailers and banks will went offline. a still head held down to 0. the surface booked solid for centuries since the nation was divided inside is
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explained the selves coming from a lake in central chile plus its full red fold. its problems during qualify for the gallery of the full be the ones from pre owned. the will have that story after the break. the relationship with nature is one of in balance, fossil fuel extraction, intensive agriculture, over consumption. it becomes quite clear. we need to be set ohio, the planet excuse how reassessing human kind place in the world is key to tackling climate change. this is a ton difference will piece piece of will leave me with cost, with nature, no support from it on out you 0 years from i'll just here on the go and need tonight out is there is only mobile app is that the,
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this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the of the the book about to support his on the thank you so much so well american penny horshal was the big move from the day 3 goals, open championship portion in with a chance of winning the 1st major title of his career. the 37 year old must drink
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some width and wild conditions of scotland world. true and closed as a one shortly before in the palm. some big names in the chasing pac, including p j. cham shoot when it is on the show fly. he is on the 3 on the day to lead a shame very well. he lost ground. the argument finishing up on one on the i've worked my entire life to be in this position. listen, i've been in, been in lead. many times are going to find around. obviously this is a major. it means a little bit more. we all know that we know what this means to everyone. i know what it means to, you know, my legacy in the game and golf and what i want to do and accomplish. but i'm excited to be here. i want to be here my entire life. i'm finally here, i'm embrace a, the russian at dallas reached his 1st final and more than 2 years. he did it by beating the duke of it to serve you in the last for the sweetest sharpen. 38 year old building up his fitness side of the parents olympics,
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that out back. and it's time for me to sign it for the 1st time since when the french open in 2022 will be going to go invite the singles and doubles that the parents can steals in this process of uh, recording a lot of things that i, i i lost because i had to have a importance hip surgery uh when, almost one year ago. so uh things are not going that easy. but i am fighting to fight that during the whole tournament to be what i am today. and i think i might just like yesterday, like today uh, helps to to improve a lot of things on board. my so how do with that, let's see if i am able to play little bit that the model now many the track and field spouse targeting gold medals at the upcoming parcel, and pix opinion, action in london. the state in the house to the 2012 olympics, the venue for the final diamond leak made before the paris games in front of a home crowd. hey, katie hutchinson,
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running the fastest time with the age of the meters. he's looking to go one back to the silver metal. she won the last olympics in tokyo. britson has another strong gold medal contend in matthew hudson smith. he said a world leading simon, the full 100 meters of science. with miss phillips television tucker through injury . did win silver at the last well the championships as americans prince and noah lyles looks the pacing it just the right. so i'm winning the 100 me to say, and it's time of knowing point 81 seconds in paris, he's looking so michael and think history attempt seems to become the 1st male athletes in games history to win full sprint goals. some science and reports he does it just to be with the lows is one of the 12 month lease in the world right now. and certainly one of the most confident last year allows emulate to do st both and winning a trick of well titles in the 100 meters, 200 meters,
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and the 100 feet to relay. he now wants to add the full by 400 to the list in paris as he seems to become the 1st male athlete when full sprint gold medals with a single olympics. he also has bolts 200 b to world records in his sites, driving how that works. as i get faster and show up for the biggest competition in the world. i'm expecting my fast as times and when i say that, i'm expecting the p r. and a lot of people though, i'm knocking on the door. some of these were records. so i'm expecting to see what records full as i p r. in the 100 meters miles faces more competition, he's only the full as quick as the season to make a big seville beat miles just last month. i ran my 2nd fastest time in jamaica, of course getting beat. this bill was not the plan, but he had to be already be me. so i'd say that, you know, i'm making the composition stand on their toes knowing that i'm in good shape and
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the 100 grand in his debut olympics, until he killed miles wilkes away with the bronze medal and the 200 meters, 3 is late so that he's expecting a lot more concise and out 0. a number clarinet, sending up the hates on us, one will champions rental lender notices in poll positions for sundays on gary and groom. pray, teammate, pulse capacitor. he's in 2nd rebels problem started early on subsidized surgery per as crushing out of the sort of qualifying he's done in the 16th on the grid. next the stuff and qualifying behind mcclellan's in food or a sit 2nd in the dr. his championship behind the stuff and thing is driving now and with a chance of winning his 2nd grown free of the season as well. i've been trying to do all right, but as i suppose looking for that. so thanks very much on the the divided cypress is mocking the will that began on july, the 20th 1974. but as one side moves its loss on the other celebrates
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a military victory. john hall explains the dilemma. the island faces. the sirens interrupt the silence as to just as they did 50 years ago at 5 20 in the morning when turkey's troops landed on the beaches of northern cypress. the military in athens had days earlier, attempted to to and nicholas here to reunite cyprus with greece. to kias response was to invade, occupying a 3rd of the island, a division that remains to this day. the yes, the pain and bitterness we feel for this day cannot be described in words. all those dock days come to our memories. we remember the betrayal that happened when they just left our children over that to be killed. me kind of these 10 it kits. this was 30 at the time,
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displaced like thousands of others from his home in the north here tending his brother's grave. the self declared took east republic of northern cyprus, announces itself in the distance. many of its citizens displaced as well. are the 2 sides separated by a buffers unprotected by the un folders peacekeeping mission? 2 sides mocking this moment quite differently. greek cypriots morning on what they call a black anniversary, the turkish cypriot leadership. meanwhile, celebrating a military victory previous attempts at reunification have failed. a plan put forward by then un secretary general coffee and then in 2004 and talks in geneva that collapsed in 2017 greek cypriots and the u. refusing tech, a separate demands of a 2 state solution. there is a need for the need is on the island to redouble their efforts to secure
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a political solution. the secretary general has made clear that to the window of opportunity is only becoming smaller with the passage of time. and so an easy state is quite a remains bullet riddled buildings reminder of all old pictures that commemorate the missing and graveyards the dead. the former international airport abandoned in 1974 still running away untouched. jo, how l g 0 lake and central chalet is producing samsung sale, unworldly, but scientists say that phenomena has a more of the explanation, is barbara and get that explains a haunting melodies, has been rippling across this lake in central chile. this has heard say it sounds like a chorus of wells or liaison bundle in out of space. scientists say
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a noise is very much of this wild to a know, but this happens in europe in some north american countries. they called in the singing lakes. the sounds of cost when i sent a frozen lake expands and cracks, sending vibrations through the water, the yearly support, but the ice formed on the surface is light to the fluids over the water. the water keeps on moving the cause of the current or because of the wind from elsewhere. therefore, the ice phone on the surface of the lake can eventually move on to the full or crack in this generate sound. the phenomenon is unusual in chile nelson hill headed to the bully. it is not very known in chile because we don't have many lakes in environments that sustain low temperatures for several days. and when we have the formation of this kind of bicycle, it is produced, but they don't want to be likely known for now visit us to low, not,
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and mildly enjoying the as well as the sounds bob brand good to say, right. let's say it's full of expertise. i'll be back on the other side of the break, but more news here on the 0 until the from the team here. thanks very much for your time and your company. the latest news, the lounge, routes that could supply the people of cause of what are available for the us didn't use it's leverage to force israel to open them with detailed coverage makes shift to schools as from distraction from the ongoing contest and plumbing um, displacements of lights and goes up from the hall. so the story is really military claims. the target of the attack was a funeral. i'm a military commander, but how much is the claim falls? or as far as the past to host the olympic games, french athletes where the head,
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jeff will not be allowed to compete. alongside players coaches and team leaders and ask lead challenges to by creating a space for us to embrace the game they love. regardless of what they wear on their head powers, game changes a witness document on just these cultures solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs on. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want, we want the education reward because the women and my country, the not sweet to come up to on we are not so nice all a to we are human beings in this area to be trees and the coins. we are working in their thoughts,
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that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before can be done even better. as long as the human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the the color. so robin, you want to know? does it renews on life headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes? is there any fight to jazz attack or like energy facilities in the evans port, city of a data, at least 80 people to engine many mole of instability funds. the at least $37.00 palestinians being kills installed on such


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