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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 21, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST

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keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is clear as you do the, [000:00:00;00] the colors, the whole rom, and you want, you know, to 7 use on lines. my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes is ready. find to chance attack oil and energy facilities in the evans port city of a data. at least 80 people are injured. many people have been severely funds the at least 37 palestinians being kills installed on such a day as israel continues its relentless attacks on the strip. in defiance of the world calls and protected by the army as by the settlers attacked palestinians and
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the occupied westbank plus president donald j. trump come on out. sir. republican presidential candidate doubled from raleigh's support, as in michigan for the 1st time since his attempted assassination. the welcome to the news are, it's 2200 gmc, we begin in the admin where the, who's the of the group says it would hesitate to the attack. he wasn't goals vital targets in israel. it comes as of the key size and the city of the data, where hits the israel's military size. it targeted an oil facility and the power station. the health ministry says as many as 80 people have been injured. israel says the site was being used as an entry point for weapons from iran. now the attack came a day after the booth these last low range drones strike on israel's biggest city. one person was killed there, a u. s embassy office in central, tennessee,
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when the drug struck the numbers. the we were shocked and terrified by today's bombing, for air strikes and oil facilities. we already have a severe fuel prices and severe electricity prices. and so if you are living crisis, our infrastructure in yemen is exhausted. this is really a talk has further defeated our fuel and a central supplies needed by the citizens. and people may flush out of the american end is really attacks are happening right in front of the world with no deterrence of place. there are no laws to prevent these attacks. people are now standing in lines of gas stations, fearing the crisis might occur today. tomorrow or in the future of these, the evans health industry says at least a few people have been injured with most suffering severe, but some of the salute has little for an oil refinery, a blaze in humans, port city of her data, clouds of smoke filling the air after the attack in which a power station was also hit,
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all part of the retaliation. israel had promised the food fees after they launched a drone, which had till a v prime minister benjamin netanyahu watched the attack on fault with security officials after the country's defense minister gave the order to attempt to come from the beginning of the war. i made it clear that israel would have any one who hums us. and so earlier today i convened the political security cabinet. i asked them to support the decision i brought to attack the, who's the targets in yemen. the say the targeted tel aviv with a drone that went on detected on friday, killing one person and injuring 10 others. these really military is still investigating why the countries air defense systems were not activated to intercept the aerial target. but the who these are now threatening to not let this attack go on, answer to after the many of the many armed forces confirmed that they will respond
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to this place integration. and that with the help of a lot of my teeth, they will not hesitate destructive, bundled targets of these right the enemy, while consuming what was stated in the previous statement considering occupied you also as an unsafe area, dozens of casualties in yemen. as the attacks mark an escalation between both sides, as israel continues its assaults on garza and southern lebanon from the central jersey to ha ha, is a senior associate fellow and security studies at the royal united services institute for defense and security studies. so he says the risk of an escalation, like this, has been clear since the war on because i began. what we've seen with this latest retaliation by this rave is on the who is in yemen, i think is more evidence of that. there might always be this sense um from one side or the other or thinking that they can, you know, retaliate,
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adjust this particular not should not take it up any further than that. but of course, the law of unintended consequences always applies and think can spit out of control and who the fees are said that they will retaliate and respond. there's a reason to suggest that they will, um, this particular tech doesn't, doesn't remove their resolve. it doesn't establish is really to terrance it all it does is shows that these rubies will give quite frankly, know who it is, what they want, which is the presenter who sees as a worth while adversary against these various on the, the who these are what make a lot of mileage out of the the, these really strikes gross gaza since anybody on saturday and no killed at least 37 palestinians. most of them in refugee comes in dense, be populated residential areas. 10,
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a couple of assume has more. this is rarely strikes level residential buildings in unless i rocked in central the did seem to approach to a box of hospital menus to lonely beneath the rustle of buildings that collapsed around them. must have a football. so i figured look that up a little bit, we woke up around 3, 15 am after i miss southwell, i went downstairs and found the oldest destruction above our heads have no connection to any organization. 2 of my daughters were killed before my relatives also died. there were more than 7 injured, including my father and my sister. how much older death doctors managed to salvage nice display be was 1st cute from the one both have pregnant mother killed and then is barely attack of the night. i'm a shot if that's
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a well especially that an immediate operation was performed at the hospital offices . his mother was killed and the baby now is in the incubator. and he started his life as a muffin. and i know most of those is people what killed the hospital for the families forced to say goodbye. the putnam upon what i know mama, the cook children, and a pregnant woman does. an unprecedented crime is released don't care about the international community or human rights program. women have experienced so much loss says the will began in october, age groups estimate that there are more than 50 sounds like pregnant when they're right now in the gaza strip. as well as will means that'd be all 3 times more likely to experience i miscarried. and 3 times more likely to doing in that chunk path tara capacitive algebra. they're ready by palestine. a silly respite to pass calculus on an emergency coordinates as
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a doctors without borders. she's coming in con eunice lab, it's f operates a maternity ward and the nozzler hospital. she explained the health risks facing pregnant women. the beacon faces mostly uh, like, uh, watch it for with the hygiene we, which will, of course bring that out of the infections and the for a pregnant women. we can talk about your remarried infections, for example, and just friends and they're leaving conditions. they also will make them more prone to print them deliveries, miscarriages. and we have seen that in the words that we are supporting at the necessary us because blood pressure related complications as well are very common. and in general, they're leaving conditions after the delivery are all very good for women. so taking care of themselves and the baby is a being really,
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really complicated to protest as of held a weekly valley in tell of you've defending such elections and calling for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign. the refusing these way, the army of committing genocide and gaza demonstrates us with all the attempt is to be returned safely and an end to end the wolf behaves. now. jo, my, me, the, i'm believe i have. i think that the god going jeremy size. it's,
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and i'm really and i changed my son to go to the way. this is the ideas to expose very sad cuz on palestinians across the occupied westbank overland plus they create what the international calls of justice has just ruled is a waste of environment been to displace palestinians at annex that territory. and as long as the j routing was groundbreaking, but they don't change the violent reality on the ground as no day to pull stuff over to by law. armed with buttons and the confidence of entrenched. impunity is really settlers attack a palestinian family in the southern hebron hills. a young man shields himself from the blows his aunt isn't as lucky when relatives try to pull her away and is rarely sold or consent from firing in the year to protect the settlers or what,
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how was sent to a hospital where she received 7, such as the head, this is not the 1st time well wishers have visited the family after an attack. 20 years ago is rarely settlers killed with his brother. and the assaults have not stopped since the shooting and there no one helped us. i was beaten on my head and shoulders. my nephew could have died. they don't spear any one. they don't want any public opinion here. elsewhere in the occupied, westbank is rarely subtler set fire to palestinian businesses and fields near nablus. a seer ring, reminder for palestinians. the, on its own, the landmark rule and by the international court of justice on the legality of israel occupation did not bring dispute from reality to an end. still, experts believe the decision clears the way for effective accountability. easily
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supplements enterprise is solely intertwined. with the the, the, the, the state. oh simple. oh simple to say that this is why i know it's dying to impose this function so nice row control doesn't comply on the ground, the daily bottles to protect the palestinian land. m lives will continue for rose. just it was really your thoughts are unlikely to stop palestinians feel vindicated by the world court. but say there's a long and hard road ahead. exact. the cost on the is rarely occupation and the international actions allowing it to continue. not all day as ita drama, la palestine, the republican presidential candidate, the old trump is addressing his best campaign valley since his assassination attempt in pennsylvania last week was supposed to have announced a grand rapids in the state of michigan and just listening to what he's saying last
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4 or 5 times that's really been good, but you know, you lose a little shift. but reciprocal trade. it's basically means you screw us and we'll screw you, it's versa. and i can't describe it. i don't think it's file but he's probably right to further protect michigan order workers. i will and the binding harris electric vehicle mandate on day one. and i will immediately terminate the renew scam and we're going to use that money to build roads and highways in bridges under by the radical live democrats, inflation is wiping out our middle class groceries. europe, 57 percent. gasoline is up. 69 percent mortgage rates have quadruple,
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they've gone up $34.00 or 5 times. and they never include that in their stats. you know, they never include those things. they never include mortgage rise and you can't get the money anyway. so what really is the number and since democrats took over, total household costs have increased by an average of $28000.00 per family. think of that under my leadership, we will throw out by nomics. so we will replace it very simply with megan nomics. the, you know, to just to check if you would turn on those cameras because i don't want to see the
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screen up there. me that's very severe. that. com over. that's just that's just a very soccer. what's with that one? it looks ok from the other side, but that is very severe. i apologize. yeah, i looked up there. i said, well look at that. wow. that's like a work award to come speaking the event and the reason is the speech continues to is a simply look at that was the palace's in to bring down the price michigan. that's the joined phil laval of the sale, the president to speak in front of what 12000 gathered support has many disappointed supports, as i'm sure outside the reader as well. who would have liked to see and hear what do you have to say? oh yeah, a lot of disappointed people, you know, it's almost from love's just big crowds. has me your thoughts about how he draws
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a huge crowd and sometimes there is skepticism for whether or not the numbers are as big as the uh implies. how about you've got to give it to him on this occasion, because this is a 12000 seat, the stadium, and it was full to capacity. i mean, we saw people been trying to weigh a mile, a mazda the house, down the line. people were waiting, there was thousands of people on even up to the valley, started even monday, but i didn't know what people inside. there was still a lot of people waiting to go and just in case anybody left, i'm a good type of places. that's how key most people with to see i see presidential from a president, trump. i've got roy in beverly here with me now. they obviously didn't go with the same book. you called at the trisic story because i'm right thinking you've had it for thought and less time. right? that's correct. you ready for trump? i mean, i've heard the conversations in your house are quite so by addressing we, we agree not to discuss politics, you know? where lately we have the flint to find suppose to, to
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a trump suppose the of the weather balloon over our country. why and, and here's physical conditions. i don't think he's ready to be president again or twice before obama. right? yes. because i came out of the auto industry and they saved the auto industry was completely turned round because of their, i wanna say about trauma that appeals to you because you don't think gets criticism to not being so permanent friendly suicide. somebody's present. you edwards? well, i haven't seen one of the women for trump. i happen to live in livingston county at the time when he 1st ran. i became a volunteer because i've also lives in california for 35 years. and i know with that open border because send to my all of the flights when multiple families lived in
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a single family home. that's not living your best life. i really questions and people were doing nothing. trump is the 1st one that came in and heard my concern, and that is where i said i can support that person because he has my interest, my quality of life at the forefront. and now there's only one other than lower taxes. i want to drill my own oil. i don't want to buy for an oil. we have natural resources here in this country. and we're blessed to have that. that's another thing. they've taken god out of our schools that belongs in our schools. we may honor different versions of space, so we can embrace there's different and we don't have to use violence to reach that point where we go forward to speaking for students,
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you're going to go to ask you your opinion on j d funds because a lot of them a lot of people. well, how does it until a few weeks ago? well, i hope it gets medium. and this is a hillbilly over here next. and so the hill billy allergy is something i'm looking forward to taking a look at. so knowing his education that i read about, i sure i feel he, he brings great promise forward and strength in working with president trump as we go forward and wait for the last few since you have so to provide me in the past. i know it's not, it's trump, if joe biden was to not stand for president, which is we all having might be the case that needs to be replaced. would you ever consider coming back? no at all when you're really condition? no. thank you very much. such as the conversations in your house, will you better interest things like you still get the president for the president
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is on the stage now 80 bucks to being on the stage. and this is now where this riley takes on a new direction of this kind of pay and takes on a new direction, because this is not a true mon campaign that but it's going to help that i would release that. but going to travel across the country as they both try to spread the message and getting sort of as many votes has it as many swing states as they come before the end of the year before the election in philadelphia for us at stephen and arena in michigan, thanks so much phil. that's showing me the show a political strategist in the form of a senior presidential campaign adviser choices from washington, dc. michelle good to have you on the program a way we know that you have multiple opinions about what's going on right now. in the american political sphere, of course, we seem to be heading towards divisive politics. again, the position on policy, the way forward for the united states, just as an overview of what's going on. and certainly the last 7 days, we've got the democrats wondering about what's going to happen with president trump, with present buys and pardon me, if anything and double trumpeting now is the official lumber, the full,
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the republicans. you know, i think a lot about how we see our politics this day and age and seeing that some 12000 people have shown up to see trump in his 1st rally after he was almost as fascinated and had left riley a week ago. tells you that american people view politics as a spectacle and we do what i also saw this past week at the republican national convention, felt a lot like attending a circus. there was this amusement there that break over there. i'd have to be frank about it. you know, week shoulder long held a carnival and that is what i saw on the play at b r n c. it was meant to get people entered, change it was meant to read them. i'm not in a positive way. i don't think. i think it was meant to drive some degree of anger because the chanting would fight, fight, fight. so yes, that's the, that's the thing that these 2 candidates have to do all the way from now until
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november. we have some 4 months ahead of us. and i think, you know, our politics are not just careening towards the divisiveness. we're almost there fully because the way in which our politics transpired every day of the week laughing at you and i with that together last stop today, which for me it's saturday night for you. it would have been saturday afternoon. what change and you've had some folks in the cloud, pennsylvania, i think i'll jewels open what was getting on the scene show and yet it doesn't seem to have impinged too much at the moment on the way republicans feel about policy that talking more about the assassination attempt that they are about policy. let me just tell you, i'm sure you'd be listening in to put a donald trump speech at the moment in michigan. he's been talking about the mandate being cancelled. he's been talking about shock attacks and always been talking about the co,
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but that doesn't look great on camera. it swings from one extreme to another. and yet i suppose the public at large, those are sitting on the fence wondering what they want to vote for trump again, listening to and watching all of us sitting for us. and how else can you describe the trunk brolly? this, danny? just some place you attend to kind of see what's happening. how funny is it going to get how, how sensational is it going to get? you know, he says these things because he wants to elicit the reaction from the crowd that she is fine. not just the music but fun, and that is what i think is seriously a problem for our electorate, because voting is a right that we have given how many soldiers have died in our wars. how many civil rights activists have lost their lives and we ought to be taking this duty of voting very seriously. and it seems by and large that a lot of my fellow americans are not doing that. i mean, simply attending a rally just to kind of see what's going on,
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that that's on series in every way. and so i don't think much has changed since last week. it wasn't jarring moment. i remember not being able to sleep that night, you know, and disagree with president trump for this is the day he announced his candidacy. i've been taking it back, but the things have come out of his mouth. i've been shocked by the actions of it to him in his administration, but i was really scared about of the most immediate former president united states be shocked to death at a raleigh page. i'm with us just not the american that i was raised, knowing if possible and we are in a big stream place where a place where people don't want to believe the facts right in front of their very eyes. we have a lot of work to do to shield the divisions here, and it starts by it by stopping the blame game. and that's what i have seen republicans do by misdirecting their anger at the secret service. i read it just briefly. i mean, how difficult is the road ahead not just raising for the republicans, for trump to actually when people have both of the democrats to present bite, when really hasn't back up against the wall right now,
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the port ation operating all the talk lately has been about oh, my goodness, the democrats are in disarray. people been explaining that every day the week, whether it's actual pundits are a journalist. and then there's also been bite and is very vulnerable. that's the top of the week as well. i want to push all of that aside for a moment and say, i'm going to put up my strategist type i. if i were advising the republicans, which i am not, i would say trump is vulnerable. the numbers are simply not on his side. only 57 percent of eligible voters cast ballots in the election. 2020. that's a serious issue because that means so many of my fellow americans do not want to turn up to the polls. we have no idea. no empirical evidence that can lead us to draw sensible conclusions about what those americans will do this time. and it trump what kicked out last time i want is just assume that people are going to suddenly have a change of heart and click for him. so what we ought to do is start to look at reality trunk vans are vulnerable and they have to do a lot to get people to turn out for them. it doesn't mean that the democrats are in
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perfect condition and should be sitting pretty and feeling like they don't have to do the work. but i'm just saying if there's a lot that has happened in this campaign already and expect a lot more to happen in a very condensed timeframe that could truly change the outcome in november. yeah, indeed, we often say a week is a long time in politics. my wherever you've got several weeks ahead of us, rena shaw, i too much for joining us from washington, dc. good to see you. thank you to hell me. well, pressure as mounting on us present, joe biden, to quit his re election bid, members of the democratic policy and publicly edge binding to drop out of the race . the presidents being isolating in delaware with caving 19 since wednesday, but he says he'll be back on the campaign trail next week. my kind of his in washington dc spending by 1st and close by and the pressure power the for members of his own party to resign all. but he seems to be determined to push on mike. well, he's under pressure from some members of his own party and he's absolutely
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insistent that he will run in the election. so to all his campaign, managers have been suspect. he has no intention whatsoever of stepping down. no, i made the thing about some of his support is, are putting pressure on him because let's just silt out the facts that we do know. we do know that mold and such a democratic members of congress have called on joe biden to step down. putting this into a context, they'll some 250 democratic members of congress. so this is a very small minority of those. so according on him to step down, the vast majority of the keeping silence on the matter of waiting for some kind of direction from the latest. well, i'll get into support by them as to those lead as well. once again, we have a non us report saying that they are putting pressure at the bell and bite into step done. but from the senate majority leader, the minority lead in the house from the former speaker. none of them has said
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anything publicly. and in fact, chuck schumer, the senate leader, said that all reports about pressure being put on by them is sheer speculation. so it's very difficult to pass out exactly what is and what isn't. if we stick to the facts, the mold, and so the members of the democratic colgrove stuff, the congressional group calling plan to step down, that is significant. but be anonymous campaign that has booked up around this as well. is one that is the property manager for the democrats, and certainly whatever it's motives that does put pressure to back on by didn't. and on his decision to step down on, some of the pressure is coming to you want to say from outside of the democratic party, it seems there is an advertisement that's running that's, that's on one of the major news channels in the us. so this is going to cause the president, isn't it? yes, indeed, it is, particularly as it's going to be playing in what is set to be his favorite to new show. but there with him. what you have here is this issue, this movement called pass the torch as
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a super pack that was registered probably 3 days ago. now we simply do not know who put up the money for this ad, but who is actually behind this ad. but so these are all that kind of issues that we see non advert. like this could have a major issue. it's echoing a phrase, it was 1st used by representative adam shift about a week ago from california. he said, pos, the torch jo, heating cooling, full bite into step down one of the most senior members of congress to make that cool to the state. but once again, you have a situation where the anonymous reports the anonymous sources and you have for example, this advocate put together by anonymous people you don't have to reveal with the money comes from for at least 3 months. so this just complicates the situation because one would expect that those who do one fight and to step down would actually publicly announce it rather than this campaign of which is,
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which is it puts throughout the media via anonymous sources. mike, thanks very much for the update that mike kind of in washington dc. the still ahead half. i'll be, i'll just ever use a bug with the shortage soldiers. i was in falls across the country of the riot police fire on the student protests to define a government because you plus i am. i'm indeed recei. uh in the gum. yeah. when i'm dishes, government for them to stop right. impulse is hoping to raise out for an income the had a lot of that was not down on the in australia and eastern areas of the country have been feeling rather chilly with some focus stops to the mornings and pots of a queen's. and it's also being rather cold across the se, thanks to
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a cold front. it's still going to bring some showers to pots of new south wales victoria, and it has made you, you can see the rain continuing to pull in that on sunday. we'll also see some rain stops, touched in some parts of w, a with showers in past the west of the flow of and means the temperature will be picking up sitting at 20 degrees celsius the through. so monday. now, temperatures will be coming down in new zealand. thanks to a change in the wind. we'll also see more in the way of wes, a weather splashing once against into the north island, creeping down into northern areas of the south on it. but it is looking laundry dry in christ church on sunday, not the case on monday you can see those shawn was that there was an there's the south east asia or heavy rain that continues to plague and move and areas of the, the region we are seeing some heavy rains thanks to a tropical system, putting into high nan island. and then we will heavy rain coming in because northern parts of the philippines, thanks to
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a developing tropical storm moving its way north. the, the, the latest news as it breaks. they are not afraid they are going to stay here with detailed coverage the last few weeks of seem to apply to lose the presidential debates. donald trump secured a number of important victories can survive and assess the nation attached from around the world. irregular migration from west africa into europe rose by 174 percent in the 1st couple of 2024 the
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the . ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00] the book about the watching you, i'll just, there was beside with me. so, rodney, the reminder of all top new stories for public and presidential candidate donald trump is addressing his 1st campaign rallies inside the attempted assassination in pennsylvania. last week, he's speaking to a crowd of thousands of grand in grand rapids in michigan, michigan. the who the own group says it won't hesitate to attend quite a cold,
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thoughtful target as well as to the all the bump key sites. and you haven't said you have a data. israel's military size, it struck an oil facility at the power station, at least say 2 people. 15 inch it is very science of kills at least 37 pallets the needs of wall sconces. they'll be talks investor, g. kemp's incense be populated residential areas building 38900 people have not been killed and at least 89622 engine. since the war and costs began. the children in gaza has been out of school symbols and 9 months instead of books, they now share the best of finding water and food with our families. agency oaks pump as accused as well, of using water as a weapon of war against palestinians include 3 reports of the bella in central casa
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where once they tell you the dream children now carry water in and just contain, or they can find when they can find a carry heavy load and i'm not used to carrying heavy things. i'm 11 years old, i'm too little. i will kill long distance from the tons to get water. i do several trips back and forth and i get drenched as i walk into sun. clean water is a precious resourcing garza to water stations like this one have run dry. some are switch off for days or weeks of time, so there is never, you know, floods her to go around. and that means the children have to walk longer distances to find a top that's working and asked me, my name is dave. we've been displaced today at all, butler, we are having difficulties with puerto. sometimes we find it sometimes we don't know and it helps me carry the bucket to the tent. fetching water exhausts me. we q in the sun. my head starts. i take one at a time to bring to drinking
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water here once a day. it's nowhere near in the stuff. some people get water moves to know. my yeah, but i do want to think we have these children and they show during the responsibility they have to fetch force and do the laundry. i'm gonna shut them off to that. they go to the sea, which is up to 5 kilometers by foot, just to get a list to move. so i swear the other day we have to work to fetch the sea water to drink, of international charity excellencies. israel has been systematically webinar thing walter against politan, using the showing disregard for human life and international. the results of that, with the nice ation, are clear everywhere. you look into the alternator de la garza palestine, that is where it is covered on the strikes on several areas of southern level. a has belong. munition depot has repulsively being targeted near the town of doing such a of a large fire has been lost as
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a ton expires relevance forces and the to the allies in the end of the market. dangerous tub in the conflict will fighting low levels border has full tens of thousands of people from the homes. hotels have offered refuge to some of the displays, but this holiday season arrives or does need rooms. the tourist thing creasing. pressure of the place is often shelter of a mazda report from suffolk, a lot of them they wait and wait for fighting between these really ami and has the law is only intensifying people, like these have been false from that homes can only wonder when they'll be able to return the international organization for migration says 95000 have been displaced in the southern level. many to make shift accommodation to montana hotel near the village of mall when the in southern lebanon is one such south of south largest. she could far colour. she has
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a room with her parents and brothers. the family has been living here for 6 months and the beginning of the where i'm safe at home to office and i'm scared from that were planes. and i was crying. i was the i was hiding all was. * catching, i missed my village every things such as my bed, my room ahmed, oh my, my home, my best friends like that in the home. i sleep on the bed, buckhead, i sleep on the floor. so i'm that redeem, that's good. as us the risk reduction agency, the local municipality, and runs the montana already struggling with limited resources. he worries the israel carries out a full scale ministry campaign. the hotel may be pushed to breaking point 90 for the whole deal with on people graciously open their homes for us and let us stay. but unfortunately, we're now seeing some homeowners returning from a drive. we need their houses back, that'd be good. just placing extra pressure, honestly, the,
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with the conflict between israel and husband are intensifying. the montana hotel in southern lebanon has once again become the 1st point of cool for those being the border area. but it's already full and unable to take in any more of their seeking shelter. dwindling resources and not the only risk for those that have been displaced by the fighting. if they try to attend to their homes in the future, new dangers, wait them. unexploded artillery shells and mines present dangerous threat members of a non governmental organization. i've come to the montana to warm people here, not to approach anything that could be a hazard if they go back. but the noises of the threats, why don't you know the plane, the plane scheduled from the lower plane without a political solution to the conflict noisiest via con and more people are likely to seek refuge in the montana to escape the escalating fighting all of the mazda and
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elder 0, southern lebanon, the, the, the, the, the site of most, all, just patrolling the cities hasn't stopped protest as from defining a nationwide coffee. at least 105 people have been killed and thousands more injured in demonstrations against the government. jobs is quite a system in to that and text message services. i've also been suspended, effectively isolating the country. charles struck that has the story. soldiers on the streets of bangladesh, his capital dotcom, a similar scene in towns and cities across the south asian nation. as a country wide co, 3 was enclosed. what did you see down what the police drove us away and the notes said to come here to this, the travel agent, but we're not allowed in here either. wherever we go during this costume, this is insane. security come down,
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comes up to the days of student protests against the reinstatement of the quote to assist the government jobs leaving a 100 people have repeatedly been killed. thousands injured groups of protest is gathered on the empty streets in the car on saturday to find the government fine. the government doors of the co, a few of to a prison was attacked. more than 850 inmates escaped because the system was established more than 50 years ago to help people who folks in the world in dependence organ, half of government jobs, the reserve for veterans, children, women, disabled people in extra to minorities. the system was scratched in 2018, but reinstated earlier this month, the state appealed the ruling and the supreme court suspended the case for a month. but it wasn't enough to quote on the university students struggling to
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find work in a limited run george job market who protest display, improve governments groups. the ssl team defines some of the leaders security method, the t of the government ministers last late last night. and actually they pulled forward 8 months, which um, so it's not clear yet whether government we agree to do those demands. those demands essentially include the navigation of the ministers, some of the top on ruling by the leaders who according to the students instigated the routing bodies stored in front to attack on the student's incidents and text. messaging services are being suspended since thursday. international phone calls mostly failed to connect. many opposition leaders, activists and student protested so being arrested. charles,
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stopping the elder 0 does it show, but it has this update from the capital duck. the coffee is back on after 2 hours of break, people rushed to the grocery store and did the essential any emergency stuff, but the internet is still shut down and across the country, it's causing serious inconvenience for the people across the country. now people are very anxious trying to keep it then apprehensive. what will happen next? after all this violence, past few days, the government is still open to negotiate with the students. the student leaders have for the 8 point demand among them to demand uh that those who instigated the violence against them, including ruling party leaders, student waiting for members as well as the police members must be brought to justice. all the leaders behind the buyers are who are being apprehended must be released. these are some of that demand before they even consider sitting with the government. now the government, as widely blamed, is on the opposition thing to capitalize on the student movements can solve the
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violence and energy across the country. the opposition party said that they did support the students movement publicly, and many members of the public actually took part in the products with the students . and that is why it stays. people are somber for the number of deaths and injuries that happened within last several days. in the country, and they don't know where the political situation will have within coming day of months. and weeks time each audrey, i'll just say the doctor, a satellite democratic soul. so rebels have killed at least 37 people in eastern democratic republic of congo. the m 23 of the group is also advancing on the cold liaison mean any town of penny in the knolls island y connie reports. this is one of the according to contain that it's located in the dictated total for many or most to 54 kilometers away. and this area has been under heavy talk from the it,
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if we looked at for we're going to end up doing that at one of the i system groups . these people have been in the forest of this area. 2 for decades right now, and then the army has been trying to deal with them by launching the parental permission. if you have seen because of the cleaning conducted by these people have report this in the telling us when it goes that you weren't calling. did the off the government, do you want to be more what's decided to put us on the launch at the last 2 years by the d. i'm and they've gone down. i mean, then you have rubles remains very active even this we've, they killed it on to 27 people for monday because of a lot from disability and even after now people still searching for bodies in different areas. but for this village on an in do people with caleb around hundreds of civilians. most of the big things we came to bring my ship is. some of the bodies were 20 in the water. the mentality, i mean is,
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1st thing worth now is coming from didn't off because this is just outside. what did the if is most active and the other side or last time for the 3 levels, the bossing to watch this last month. and that's been a big storm in the terminal for been and even for the corporate or something that we're doing here. what's on in the capacity to video. see, i mean to deal with the military will finish on the descent on. and 1st thing, some of the most active movement, the individual is what i've seen. for example, the top colanda, the rise, truthful stuff of the d r c. i mean is now here in this area, they can talk to different conditions. want to us for them. that's the i'm is doing what they come to, what's popular so knows very well that it's a big challenge for the army. and this is why they are expressing difficult on and don't worry about for watching that happen for them here in the village. if it's from the full cost of only $20.00 m $33.00, which seems to be put out into the government's island like on it. um, does it all brand new territory, the democratic republic of cool?
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well, still a head, hey, all the news are cypress needs for, for centuries since behind the nation was divided the as iris, the past to host the olympic games. french athletes where the head just will not be allowed to compete. alongside players, coaches and team leaders. and athletes challenges to by creating a space for all to embrace the game they love, regardless of what they wear on their head. paris game changes with this document on just the latest news, the lounge roots that could supply the people of calls of what are available for
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the us didn't use it's leverage to for israel to open them with detailed coverage. make sure if the school such as from distraction from the ongoing contest in plumbing, um, displacements of light and goes up from the hall. so the story is really military claim. the target of the attack was a theater. i'm a military commander, but how much is the claim falls? the the book about the gun is run, think it production of its most popular food. thank you. present to the west african nations, ronnie says impulsive. so the government is offering incentives to fall ibis to grow their own habit address. suppose now from job the 300
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kilometers from the gbi and capital project field is being prepared for the next planting cycle. the surgeon agriculture electricity is, is driven by an emissions government program to increase rise protection can be a staple for being. so been living a board on our coming to take advantage. the one that happened was a 400000 usc and matching branch where they paid 60 percent, and i did the rest, right? so apart from that, i also benefit it from like i'm in a big, i mean, i mean like i'm in like in the storage and some of the equipment to the government do. so using established promises, i came to distribute grants machinery in palm inputs, re i disability. pretty good. i seem to be able to come in this entire country at no cost. and we think that is also entirely apartments. and those seems that'd be
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a disability. the a high you that climate smart, some of them i dropped resist, i'm even florida is is up until now, mentor, probation in the gambia looked like this. it still is in many parts. the government says it wants to change the old methods of not only production, but processing rapid and look at inductors in last, often of the call to boost out the concept by capitana rice consumption in the gum country of 2800000 people is 115 kilograms, 80 percent of it is important. very crazy. also create opportunities for investment. this rice meal is one of several that operating in the gambia, addressing the child in promise used to face in processing that product or some rules on which they get. things that produce through the markets is still a challenge. the left quadrant lead, i'm in close started. yeah, the 1080 kilometers,
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looking from us also one of the quality of saw it would be improved to open up more areas for contribution and better prizes for that crops. how many degrees i would use it. i put you all the gum. yeah. the fall was installed, so they were unable to pun cops because of fighting between the army and the power ministry of rapids support forces the you and is wanting up to the food and security for millions of people in the coming months. but now how's the story from the south eastern states of gatherings but most and his family just thought lives in good life. he says he left his home and he's land for a life of dependency in a displacement comp. but he had no choice, but then i'll be moving on. is it all we still want you to farm is we're used to doing during the rainy season, but the rapid support forces attacked the area and looted everything. most of the people who are high here leading the fighting and so not our farm is normally at this time of yeah, they should be in the fields,
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but they say there is no way they can go with them. do it to is security. it was more than $18000000.00 heck, details of the land. so that is often described as the bread baskets of the world. some of the most filth times fields are in the states, such as you see, not a good life areas where the conflict has been spreading. quickly in the past few months, we definitely give you the issue that just need a state supplies all of sit done with food when the season starts and you were plant, so come on and we and many other krupps. but there will be no funding this year. the villages until the artist, af, is for everyone. i'm to leave. because while you, since the beginning of the violence in april last year, the body posit receive more than 1000000 people displaced from conflict zones across the country. many of them off promise that the body diagram is in a culturally state where full median hacked is of land are prompted with various
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crops, including wheat, mays, sesame, beans, and sunflower. as it has the largest titles and the arrow boiled this year. the planted area began to shrink, especially near the border. woodson are because of the fighting there. the other factor is this war in cost of fuel pesticides and fertilizers, welfare pharmacy. they're afraid to is expensive machinery such as practice for fear of looting. if the fighting spills over in the body, sort of gum is a state before then. so then, and the state used to export millions of tons to other regions, including costume and thought for now with small houses, it's expected. the government will need to find alternative sources to avoid the funding. how much fun does he have a good body suit that a luxury a has find? the tech joy mete $220000000.00, what it calls multiple and repeated violations of our he's the keys,
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facebook and what's that parent company violating the countries data protection and consumer rights laws. they say meta shed use this personal data was not authorized . ation and tonight, nigerians the right to determine how that data is used. microsoft says 8 and a half 1000000 devices were affected by the global i t outage the repercussions from a software security update. the crash computers across the world on friday are likely to be felt for weeks. the chief executive of crowd strike the company behind the tape says, engine is, have released a fix to update microsoft operating systems, tens of thousands of flights worldwide to ground it along with hospitals, retailers and things will going offline divided cypress is mocking the wall that began on july, the 20th 1974, but as one side moves its loss, the other is celebrate to 50 as a reconciliation seems
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a long way off. during the whole explains the sirens interrupt the silence as to just as they did 50 years ago. at 5, 20 in the morning when turkey's troops landed on the beaches of northern cypress, the military in athens had days earlier attempted to to and nichol see, to re unite cyprus with greece. to kias response was to invade, occupying a 3rd of the island, a division that remains to this day. the yes, the pain and bitterness we feel for this day cannot be described in words. all those dock days come to our memories. we remember the betrayal that happened when they just left our children over that to be killed. because these 10 it kits this was 30 at the time, displaced like thousands of others from his home in the north. here tending his
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brother's grave. the self declared took east republic of northern cyprus, announces itself in the distance. many of its citizens displaced as well. are the 2 sides separated by a buffers unprotected by the un folders peacekeeping mission? 2 sides mocking this moment quite differently. greek cypriots moaning on what they call a black anniversary, the turkish cypriot leadership. meanwhile, celebrating a military victory previous attempts at reunification have failed. a plan put forward by then you and secretary general coffee and then in 2004 and talks in geneva that collapsed in 2017 greek cypriots and the u refusing took a separate demands of a 2 state solution. there is a need for the need is on the island to redouble their efforts to secure
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a political solution. the secretary general has made clear that to the window of opportunity is only becoming smaller with the passage of time. and so an easy state is quite a remains bullet riddled buildings. reminder of all old pictures that commemorate the missing and graveyards the dead. the former international airport abandoned in 1974 still running away untouched children. how elder 0, a lot sense for me for that. but let's say you straight back to michigan and the van and lorraine, what donald trump is presenting and speaking to 12000 assembled. suppose this weighs talking about what he's going to do. if he becomes president again in november, he's been talking about canceling the electronic physical mandates, which is something that, to the us worlds to try and proceed with trying to make that country will become friendly. it's talking about loving installation and building and buying missile
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defense system to protect america from watson from whom he has clarified the, examining. the headlines is really soldiers. when they came to shift, they started attacking the machines, unflinching. john knows what message do you think that they were trying to send. we'll come here and we'll tell you a minute, sharing personal stories with a global audience. it's you who determine what the future we all collective we make always explode on a funding. well, costs progress on ours is 0 with americans. more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us once to keep the war in ukraine going until russia's will is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes the quizzical look
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good us politics, the bottom line, african story from african perspective. i like on page i, dentist, authorities using different media to show documentary why african filmmakers from kenya and kansas. if it goes to science, it in black a need for you pulls up on me, it says off on the left side, the bile, bob waste and all was fine. i used the drivers on, i'll just sierra in 2 weeks into protests against the controversial finance bill. demonstrators are still on the streets of kenya. police accused of disproportionate pilots showed no signs of backing down. president william retail may have scrapped the bill, but protesters demands, as of all, they want justice for what they say was the government's heavy handed response to
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canyons exercising their constitutional rights. there's still a great deal of anger against the government. protesters here said their voices are still not heard, and the government still doesn't understand. they're coming out and protesting the israel attacks a who's the run oil refinery in e. m a, at least 80 people are injured. many severely burnt. the rock, this is alta 0 line from dell ha. also coming up. the 37


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