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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 21, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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says are still not heard, and the government still doesn't understand why they're coming out and protesting the israel, a tax a who see run oil refinery, any young and at least 80 people are injured. many severely burnt. the rock, this is alta 0 line from bill how also coming up the please . 37 palestinians killed, says dawn on saturday as israel continues its relentless attacks on the strip and defiance of the world courts and protected by the arm. it is really settlers attack cost and use in the occupied westbank plus held on
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out sir donald trump rally supporters in michigan for the 1st time since this attempted assassination. the we'd be doing in the i'm and where the, who's the arm to group says it won't hesitate in attacking or did cause vital targets in israel while they comes hours after 2 sites in the city of data where hits israel's military says it targeted an oil facility and a power station. the health industry says at least 80 people have been injured. while the attack came a day after the who sees launched a long range of drones stripe on israel's biggest city, one person was killed near a us embassy office is central tel aviv when the drones struck. i'm the so hurt has
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more an oil refinery, a blaze in humans, port city of her data, clouds of smoke filling the air after the attack in which a power station was also hit. all part of the retaliation israel had promised the who sees after they launched a drone, which had till a v. so numbers, the, we were shocked and terrified by today's bombing for air strikes and oil facilities . we already have a severe fuel crisis, severe electricity crisis, and severe living crisis. our infrastructure in yemen is exhausted. prime minister benjamin netanyahu watched the attack on hold with security officials after the country's defense minister gave the order to attempt. if you're not going to come from the beginning of the war, i made it clear that israel would hom, anyone who homes us. and so earlier today, i convened the political security cabinet. i asked them to support the decision i brought to attack the, who's the targets in human be say the targeted tel aviv with
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a drone that went on detected on friday, killing one person and injuring 10 others. these really military is still investigating why the countries air defense systems were not activated to intercept the aerial target. but the who these are now threatening to not let this attack go on, answer to the many of the many armed forces confirmed that they will respond to this place and aggression. and that with the help of a law mighty, they will not hesitate to strike the vinyl targets of these right the enemy, while consuming what was stated in the previous statement, considering the occupied, you offer as an unsafe area, dozens of casualties in yemen, as the attacks mark, an escalation between both sides. as israel continues its assaults on garza and southern lebanon from the central jersey to of
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israel's army has targeted residential areas and refugee camps across causal killing. at least 37 people across the strip on saturday. and some of the latest strikes 50, every refugee camp in central goes on. these are the scenes at the all ox, the hospital or some of the victims have been taken. israel has killed more than 38000 people since the war on gaza began. thought about as the reports from 30 by this is rarely strikes level residential buildings in unless i rocked in central to the did something to approach to ok. so hospital many still only beneath the russell of the buildings that collapsed around them must have a football. so if you're gonna set up a little bit, we woke up around 3, 15 am after i miss southwell. i went downstairs and found oldest destruction above
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our heads have no connection to any organization. 2 of my daughters were killed before my relatives also died. there were more than 7 injured, including my father and my sister. how much older dest doctors managed to sell for each line. this baby was rescued from the wound, both head breaking, the mother killed, and then is barely attack of the night. i'm a shot if that's a well especially that an immediate operation was performed up the i was a hospital officer. this mother was killed and the baby now is in the incubators department. and he started his life as a move. and i know most of the program women have experience so much last since the will began in october, age groups estimate that there are more than 50 sounds like pregnant when they're right now in the gaza strip. as well as will means that'd be all 3 times more likely to experience i miscarried. and 3 times more likely to doing in that chunk path. those as people what killed the hospital full of families
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forced to say good bye. positive upon what the mama take of children and a pregnant woman does. an unprecedented crime is released don't care about the international community or human rights. when i talked about that, i would do 0. they're worried about i had a story, us and israel has carried out airstrikes on several areas of southern lebanon has. well, i munition depot has reportedly been targeted near the town of a noon, setting off a large fire, hospitalized those attacks by israel on its forces and its who's the allies in human mark, a dangerous turn in the conflict for testers, have held a weekly rally in tel aviv demanding fresh elections and calling on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign. they are choosing the is really army of committing
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genocide and gossip. demonstrators want all the captives to be returned safely and an end to the war. now jo, my, me, the, i'm believe the attacks by is really settlers on palestinians across the occupied west bank. relentless, a create. what the international court of justice has just ruled is a course of environment man to displace palestinians and antics their territory fridays. seizure ruling was groundbreaking, but it has not changed the violent reality on the ground, nor ever de reports from what i'm a law. us armed with buttons and the confidence of entrenched
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impunity is rarely settlers attack a palestinian family in the southern hebron hills. a young man shields himself from the blows his aunt isn't as lucky when relatives try to pull her away and is rarely sold or consent from firing in the year to protect the settler's walk, how was sent to hospital where she received 7, such as to the head, this is not the 1st time. well wishers have visited the family after an attack. 20 years ago is really settlers killed. what's his brother? and the assaults have not stopped since. what was your kind of what do i do the shooting them there? no one helped us. i was beaten on my head and shoulders. my nephew could have died . they don't spare any one. they don't want any public opinion here was elsewhere in the occupied. westbank is really subtler set fire to palestinian businesses and
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fields near nablus. a seer ring reminder for palestinians. the on its own, the landmark rule and by the international court of justice on the legality of israel occupation did not bring dispute from reality to an end. still, experts believe the decision clears the way for effective accountability. these will supplements enterprise is solely intertwined with the the, the, the, the state. oh simple. oh simple. just this is why i know it's time to impose this function. so nice real if you drove doesn't comply on the ground, the daily battle to protect the palestinian land and lives will continue for rose. just it was really your thoughts are unlikely to stop a hello cindy is feel vindicated by the world court. but say there's a long and hard road ahead, exact the cost on the is rarely occupation and the international actions allowing
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it to continue. not all day as ita drama, la palestine. the donald trump is addressing his 1st riley since the field assassination attempt and pennsylvania last week. as i said earlier this week, i said before you only by the grace of all my the guy that's all thousands of supporters are gathered in the michigan for the campaign averse and been hacked in security. trump, doug, and to help present button is facing increasing pressure from his democratic party, your members to step aside from his re election campaign memorial hospital. at this very moment, democratic party bosses are frantically trying to over throw the results of their old party's primaries to dump quickly. joe biden, from the ballot,
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couldn't happen to a nicer guy. and as you're seeing, the democratic party is not the party of democracy. they are really the enemies of democracy. the parties of corrupt insiders like wind verse special interests and the failed hold it or no glass, that's what they are. so lavelle is live for, you are outside that very rally in grand rapids, michigan fil a. trump and bounce, appearing at their 1st rally together, making their pitch to supporters and to the country. what's it like that you know, uh, the person is so full of residents, just barely speaking in the last few seconds on. you can say the people are starting to come out and i'll hold, i believe it or not, they've actually been pouring out in the hundreds for the last hour or so. this is for a number of reasons. partly been told by one lady was because they kept on thinking that he was wrapping up. so people want me to leave to get back to that cause before they got quotes and the congestion but also to
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a number of these bodies of people do tend to leave after an hour or so because they don't know how them they kind of go on especially if the opponent president goes on the scripts and go on the several hours. so people coming out now, 2nd boss, i've never paid thousands of them here today. it should pull you over to what's happening here as well. we've got some protest is very few having to trust the safety lightspeed. remarkable. how to use the receiver. we've only seen 203. and the last 2 minutes i take into that platform that they have site and say not the wisdom and the the up against project 2025 would just be linked to the president. so happy to sort of all of these trumps supposed to show a whole thing that i shrunk funds findings in front of them, but it is fairly peaceful to find some bit loud, but it's funny, peaceful. but like i say, a lot of people are 12000 fits and rena kind of post. donald trump likes a big crowd. he always talks about how big is proud is all, sometimes the skepticism i for whether one of the numbers will be the basic one
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half. ready, ready to ring? true. and that's because we were here all day. i'm full hours before this valley because there are several models of why people were lining up for miles. even 2 hours before the valley be gone. they went along the line and they said, if you will be fine, this point, you're not getting good on people continue to queue up just to get in just so they could hear well that the president, trump, i'm what j d buns talk besides. now this campaign moves up here because this was the 1st time that it paid together on a campaign stage. now it moves up again. i may have gotten it off in the road individuals directions. so donald trump will go and host his route east j defense will go. host is why do you see how to on monday i'll own one in his home state of ohio, one in virginia, honest becomes a true mountain company. now where they both try to spread the market message for as many people as they can. how does the election in november? so the turn out has been satisfactory for the former president to be happy about that. um,
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do we know how his speech has been for some receive i mean, people are happy with it. i. this is a very loyal audience. this is a faithful notice is that people who came here because they wanted to see the former president in the past, and i'm gonna type it out of a sense of support as well. remember, this is a man who suffice. assassination to time. exactly a week ago, all the way along the lead up to this campaign money today. i always ask the people that they feel nervous about being here. everyone, i expect you said no, we wouldn't be here. we want to support donald trump on a number of the t shirts, perhaps had moved on from saying make america great. the guy, it will take america box of phrases we normally here to showing that simple picture of donald trump is 1st raised in the i'm those words side by side. so everybody here really wanted to get behind the presidential, the full the presence, depending on how you were president. of course, it's a touch of on all of those usual points migration, crime. he said he was gonna replace. i didn't want me to get a hold of mike and i'll make a p becomes the president once again. but of course
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a crowd pleasing speech. i wouldn't say you've got any complaints. have any of the crossover in the right sell a val, and live from outside the the rally in grand rapids. michigan. thank you. are shawn hassan is the democratic political strategist many drawers is now live from burlington vermont. so. so good to have you with this. thank you so much for your time. i still don't want to talk to you 1st about obviously trump's 1st riley has just concluded after his brush with death. what did you make of his speech? how did he strike you? a will when everyone was calling for unity and to turn down the, the temperature of the political rhetoric. clearly trump blew all the way through that, that is not his intention. and all right, 5 bite is the least of the, of the kinds of things that donald trump says. he went immediately on the negative . he went immediately to start attacking. and is anyone surprised? so uh, with trump out there and out with uh,
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with vance as well. they have clearly gone on the negative. they found everyone would be good to attack. and he started to characterize a democratic party and the lease fighter in the most negative tone. so we really didn't have a suspicion of, of having the rest of the tone, not at all. a speaking of, of no surprises. a violence zeroed in on the comm why harris, for present. donald trump piled on the turmoil. it's currently gripping the democratic party at the moment. um, i want to take a listen to what trump said at the very beginning of the raleigh. they have a couple of problems. number one, they have no idea who they candidate is. i need to do way that's a problem. that's a problem. democrats, predicaments, also an issue for the republicans. we do have a candidate. it is joe biden. that is
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a candidate for president and the vice presidential candidate is coming here. us. obviously there is quite a bit of quite a bit of discussion about whether or not he should stay on the top of the ticket. but as it is, this is the man who won every democratic primary contest in every state and territory. you have it. so it's a bit off to say that, but it has your knowledge. there is some uncertainty created by many people within our own party about whether or not we should keep the job. i don't have the tickets, the real discussion about this. i feel like we kind of lost, how would we decide with about a 100 feeds left to be election? who would be on the top of the ticket? that is where there isn't a clear answer. if we wanted to change who is at the top of the tickets, joe biden, how would we do that? it's, it's not so much there's so much uncertainty. it's just that whether or not we should do that binding doesn't want to. she's the guy who is the one person who can make that decision. and so far he said he's staying with it. you know,
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it's undeniable though that these, you know, events of the past couple of weeks have been damaging. just how damaging i guess we'll, we'll, we'll have to still find out in time will tell. you know, you've got next week coming up. these really prime ministers of a washington visit and a visibly embattled of us president, as well as no secret the the that 9. yeah. who is new was for by the interest that gave him a lot for obama. it either, but it isn't actually quite a simple the support for these really governments actions and gaza and just generally scrambles party lines attractive for anything. the is really government has less support now going to did a year ago in places where you might have expected that the democratic party split on how they want to treat this event. whereas if you, within a year ago, 2 years ago, it would not have been nearly so split. it would have been easy for most people.
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and most factions and both sides to say i yes, is realize our greatest ally, etc, etc. now that isn't the case. so this brings chaos, but it doesn't really quite fall along the the, the unit. anybody in that the party line does it as it was that all right? are shot asana. thank you so much for talking to is greatly appreciate it. absolutely. uh. so have here on al jazeera, bangladesh on edge soldiers out in force across the country. after right police fire, all student protesters defying a government curfew plus the cypress marks half a century since the island nation was divided the
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as hello the. let's have a look at the weather across north america over the next few days and heavy rain across eastern areas of the us springs, a threat of flooding to some of the south eastern states like georgia, the carolina is to go to trailing weather front. it's also going to bring some storms and showers across the deep south. some of that heavy rain of fixing affecting texas as we go sunday into monday is also looking very well across the midwest. some of that rain touching into central parts of canada as well. and we'll see the chance of a storm kicked off by that often heat across the desert southwest in the us. so the nose of this, it is a long as neat, dry picture, the heat continuing to build the western canada. but a lot of the heat that we've seen across central america and the caribbean is been kicked out by some very heavy rain falling across into the bahamas, a drenching florida as well. we've got some very strong trade winds blowing across the caribbean, and they'll continue to push the west
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a web into southern parts of central america. so we've seen some very heavy bus of rain stretching from the yucatan peninsula down for the south. we'll see some of that heavy rain pull into honduras and el salvador on monday at 2 weather update the the . ringback the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching elda 0 reminder of our top story, is this our republican presidential candidate, donald trump, addressing his 1st campaign rally, isn't attempted assassination in pennsylvania last week, speaking to a crowd of thousands in grand rapids, michigan, and the who is the armed group says a won't hesitate to attack what it calls, filed targets, and israel after the army bump, cheese sites and humans, city of who data. israel's military says struck an oil facility and a power station. at least 80 people have been insured. is really strange,
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said killed at least 37 palestinians across casa, on saturday. the army targeted refugee camps and densely populated residential areas. for the 38000 people have been killed since the war on gosh, on the gas or and bangladesh. the sights of more soldiers for trolling cities as installed protesters from defying a nationwide curfew. at least 105 people have been killed in thousands injured in demonstrations against the government jobs quote, a system internets and text messages. message services have also been suspended, effectively isolating the country. draw. stratford reports soldiers on the streets of bangladesh is capital dot com. a similar scene in towns and cities across the south asian nation. as a country wide co,
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3 was enclosed. what did you see down what the police drove us away and the notes said to come here to this travel agents, but we're not allowed in here either. wherever we go during this costume, this is insane. security come down, comes up to the days of student protests against the reinstatement of the quote to assist the government jobs. even a 100 people have repeatedly been killed. thousands injured groups of protest is gathered on the empty streets in the car on saturday to find the government fine. the government doors of the co, a few of to a prison was attacked. more than 850 inmates escaped because the system was established more than 50 years ago to help people who folks in the work independence holden hoff of government jobs. there was a perpetual children, women,
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disabled people in extra to minorities. the system was scratched in 2018, but reinstated earlier this month, the state appealed the ruling and the supreme court suspended the case for a month. but it wasn't enough to quote and go among university students struggling to find work in a limited range. you, it's joe ball, kids who protest is blame, prove governments groups. the sort of thing defines some of the leaders security method, the t of the government ministers last late last night. and actually they pulled forward 8 months, which um, so it's not clear yet whether government really agreed to do those demands. those demands essentially include the navigation of the ministers, some of the top on ruling by the leaders who i am going to the students instigated the routing by these students front to talk on the students, incidents and text messaging services of being suspended since thursday
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international phone calls mostly failed to connect. many opposition leaders, activists and student protest is being arrested. charles, stopping the elder 0 allied democratic forces rebels have killed at least 37 people in the eastern democratic republic of congo. the m 23 armed group is also advancing on the congo these army near the town of benny and the north. you connie reports this is one of the according to contain. it's located in the, the total for many or most the 54 kilometers away. and this area has been under heavy i talk from the it, if we looked at when we were going to end up doing that to one of the ice as a group. these people have been in the forest of this area. 2 for decades right now into the r c. i mean, i've been trying to deal with them by launching differential permissions. who i've
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seen because of the cleaning conducted by these people have report this in the town of india. guess that you weren't calling the government that you want to be more. what's the beside the launch at the last 2 years by the deal and they've gone down on the india rubles remains very active even this week. they killed it on to 27 people for monday because of a lot from disabilities and even after now people still searching for bodies in different areas. but for this village, only 2 people were killed that on hundreds of civilians. most of the big things we came to by my ship is some of the bodies were 20 to want to buy them in selling that, i mean is 1st thing worth now is coming from didn't off because this is the south side. what did the if is most active and the other side or last time for the 3 levels, the boss thing to watch this last month. and that's been a big post on the throne with forbidden and even for the popular something that we're doing here. what's your name?
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the complexity of the deal. honestly, i mean to deal with the military will finish on the descent done. and 1st thing, some of the most active movement in the region is what i've seen. for example, the top command, the rise people, stuff, the army is now here in this area, they can talk to the population. i'm trying to assure them that the i'm is doing what they come to. what's popular so knows very well that it's a big challenge for the army. and this is why they are expressing difficult on and don't worry about for what them to happen for them here in the village. if it's from the full cost of only $20.00 m $23.00, which seems to be holding fuel the government's like on it, just need a brand new to inventory. the democratic republic of cool or, and 9 jury, all the country has fine tech, giant metal, $220000000.00 us dollars for what it calls multiple and repeated violations
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authorities to choose facebook and watch saps the parent company of violating the countries a data protection and consumer rights laws. this a meta shared user's personal data without authorization and denied nigeria is the right to determine how their data is used on facebook and watch. sap are among the most popular social media platforms. in nigeria, microsoft says 8 and a half 1000000 devices were affected by a global i t outage while the repercussions from a software security update that crashed computers across the world on friday, a likely to be felt for weeks. the chief executive of crowd stripe, the company behind the out just outage says engineers have released a fixed update, microsoft operating systems, and tens of thousands of flights of world wide were grounded. hospitals retailers and backs went offline. and finally, it divided surfaces marking the war that began on july,
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the 20th 1974. but as one side mourns it's loss. and the other celebrates the military victory. 50 years on reconciliation seems a long way off showing how reports the. c sirens interrupt the silence as to just as they did 50 years ago at 5 20 in the morning. when turkey's troops landed on the beaches of northern cyprus, the military and athens had days earlier attempted to to and nichol see, to re unite cyprus with greece. to kias response was to invade, occupying a 3rd of the island, a division that remains to this day. the door. yes,


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