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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 21, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the the israel attacks of who's the run oil refinery, any of, and at least 80 people injured, many severely burnt the rock. this is elda 0. lie from to how also coming up at least 37 palestinians killed, says dawn on saturday. as israel continues as relentless attacks on the strip, we may thank you very much. thank you miss
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donald trump rally supporters for the 1st time since the attempted assassination. the gross industry held, gone beyond is offering incentives to farmers to produce more of its own rice, the we didn't any i'm a knew where the, who's the arm to groups says it won't hesitate in attacking what it calls vital targets in israel. it comes hours after 2 sites in the city of data. we're hit. israel's military says it targeted an oil facility and a power station. the health industry says at least 80 people have been injured while the attack came a day after the who sees last a long range, drones strike on israel's biggest city. one person was killed near us embassy
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office in central tel aviv when the drones struck on the so who has more an oil refinery, a blaze in humans, port city of her data, clouds of smoke filling the air after the attack in which a power station was also hit all part of the retaliation. israel had promised the food fees after they launched a drone, which had till a v. so numbers, the, we were shocked and terrified by today's bombing for air strikes and oil facilities . we already have a severe fuel crisis, severe electricity crisis, and so if you live in crisis, our infrastructure in yemen is exhausted. prime minister benjamin netanyahu watched the attack on fold with security officials after the country's defense minister gave the order to attempt mix it up and we come from the beginning of the war. i made it clear that israel would hom, anyone who homes us. and so earlier today i convened the political security cabinet
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. i asked them to support the decision i brought to attack the who the targets in yemen. who they say they targeted tel aviv with a drone that went on detected on friday, killing one person and injuring 10 others. these really military is still investigating why the countries air defense systems were not activated to intercept the aerial target. but the who these are now threatening to not let this a task go an answer to the many of the many armed forces confirmed that they will respond to this place integration. and that with the help of a lot of my teeth, they will not hesitate to strike the vinyl targets of these riley enemy, while consuming what was stated in the previous statement considering occupied jasa as an unsafe area. dozens of casualties in yemen. as the attacks mark an escalation between both sides as israel continues its assaults on garza and southern lebanon
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from the central jersey to of israel's army has targeted residential areas in refugee camps across gauze, on coming at least 37 people on saturday. or some of the latest strikes have fee of res refugee camp in central garza. and these are the scenes at the ox hospital or some of the victims of intake. and israel has killed more than 38000 people since the war on gaza began talk. i presume reports from the village in central garza, this is rarely strikes level residential buildings in unless i rocked in central. 0 the did seem to approach to ok, so hospital, many still only beneath the russell of the buildings that collapsed around them
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must have football. so if you're gonna cut up a little bit, we woke up around 3 15 am after i miss southwell. i went downstairs and found oldest destruction above our heads have no connection to any organization. 2 of my daughters were killed before my relatives also died. there were more than 7 injured, including my father and my sister. how much older death doctors managed to salvage 9. this baby was rescued from the wound both have pregnant mother killed and then is barely attack of the noise. i'm a shot if that's a well especially that an immediate operation was performed at the hospital offices . his mother was killed and the baby now is in the incubate. just a comment about me started his life as a move. and i just know most of the program at women have experience so much last since the will began and october age groups estimate that there are more than 50 sounds that pregnant when they're right now in the gaza strip. as well as will
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means that be all 3 times more likely to experience i miscarried. i'm 3 times more likely to don't in charlotte path those as people what killed the hospital, more full of families forced to say good bye. positive upon what the mama, the cook children, and a pregnant woman does. an unprecedented crime is released don't care about the international community or human rights. sorry, capacitive algebra. they're worried about i had a story and part testers have held a weekly rally and television, demanding new elections, and calling on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign all summer, accusing these really army of committing genocide and gaza. demonstrators weren't all the captives to be returned safely and an end to the war. the hey,
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small flight to germany. the the meanwhile attacks by is really settlers on palestinians across the occupied was back, are relentless. they create what the international court of justice has just ruled is a course of environment and to displace palestinians and antics their territory. friday's i c. j ruling was groundbreaking, but it has not changed the violent reality on the ground, nor, or the reports from one of my law. armed with buttons and the confidence of entrenched impunity is really settler's attack, a palestinian family in the southern hebron hills. a young man shields himself from
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the blows his aunt isn't as lucky when relatives tried to pull her away and is rarely sold or confront from firing in the year to protect the settler's walk, how was sent to hospital where she received 7 stitches to the head this is not the 1st time well wishers have visited the family after an attack. 20 years ago is rarely settlers killed with his brother. and the assaults have not stopped since the shooting and there no one helped us. i was beaten on my head and shoulders. my nephew could have died. they don't spare any one. they don't want any public opinion here. elsewhere and the occupied westbank is really subtler set fire to palestinian businesses and fields near nablus. a seer ring, reminder for palestinians. the on its own. the landmark ruling by the international court of justice on the legality of israel's occupation did not bring dispute for
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realities to an end. still, experts believe the decision clears the way for effective accountability is all set comments. enterprise is solely intertwined. with the the, the, the, the state. oh simple. simple to say that this is why i know it's time to impose this function. so nice row. if you drove down and comply on the ground, the daily battle to protect the palestinian land and lives will continue for rose. just is really your thoughts are unlikely to stop palestinians feel vindicated by the world court. but say there's a long and hard road ahead, exact the cost on the is rarely occupation and the international actions allowing it to continue. not all the as ita drama, la palestine. the
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donald trump has held his 1st rally since a failed assassination attempt in pennsylvania last week. as i said earlier this week, i said before you only by the grace of all my the guy that's styles as the supporters gathered in michigan for the campaign. events with heightened security on terms spoke for over an hour about the shooting last week. his campaign promises and about his election rival, president joe biden butler memorial. at this very moment, democrat party bosses are frantically trying to overthrow the results of the road parties. primaries to dump quickly. joe biden from the ballot, couldn't happen to a nicer guy. and as you're seeing, the democratic party is not the party of democracy. they are really the enemies of
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democracy. the parties of corrupt insiders like with vers special interests and they failed, hold it at no glass. that's what they are. phil laval has been outside the rally in michigan where he spoke to some trump supporters or some some loves as big crowds as me. he always talks about how he draws a huge crowd, and sometimes there is skepticism about whether or not the numbers are as big as the uh implies. how about you got to give it to him on this occasion, because this is a 12000 seat, the stadium, and it was full to capacity. i mean, we saw people think times away a mile, a model of the house down the line. people were waiting, there was thousands of people on even up to the valley started even more than one of the normal people inside. there was still a lot of people waiting to go and just in case anybody left, i'm a good type of places. that's how key most people want to see. i see presidential former president trump, i thought roy and beverly here with me now. they obviously didn't go with the same book. you called an interesting story because i'm right thinking you've had it for 5 and last time. right. that's correct. you're ready for trump. i've heard the
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conversations that you will have so quite so quite interesting. we, we agreed want to discuss politics, know where lately we have to flip to a fight and suppose that to a trump, supposedly, of the weather. balloons are 2 or 3. why? and his physical condition? i don't think he's ready to be president again or twice before. right? yes, because i came out of the auto industry and they saved the auto industry was completely turned round because about the trip that appeals to you because you were think gets criticism to nothing. so family friendly suicide. somebody's present, you edwards. well, i have to be one of the women for trump. i happen to live in living,
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sing county at the time when he 1st ran. i became a volunteer because i boss who lives in california for 35 years. and i know, but that open border has been to my all of the flights. when most of the families lived in a single family home. that's not living your best life. i really questions and people were doing nothing. trump is the 1st one that came in and heard my concern, and that is where i said i can support that person because he has my interest, my quality of life at the forefront. and now there's only one other than lower taxes, and i want to drill my own oil. i don't want to buy for an oil. we have natural resources here in this country. and we're blessed to have that's another thing. they've taken god out of our schools. that belongs in our schools. we may honor
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different versions of faith. so we can embrace in the mean time pressure has been mounting on us present to bind to acquits his re election. but a growing number of democrats of publicly urged binding to drop out of the race. the president has been isolating in delaware after a cove of 19 diagnosis, but he says he'll be back on the campaign trail next week. my panel has more from washington dc, as president biden remains in isolation that his vacation home in delaware recovering from colbert and meanwhile, the reports of pressure mounting on him to step down from the november election. however, many of these reports, quote, anonymous sources publicly. let's be clear. molden city, members of congress, democratic members of congress have called publicly on president biden,
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to step down. we do have reports that some of the senior leaders have been speaking to president biden. however, those lead is the senate lead to the minority lead in the house of representatives, the former speaker of the house have all not said anything publicly about whether or not the president biden should step down. we have heard publicly from a former president obama, who has said that the only person who can decide whether or not the president fight and will stand is president finding himself. you also have an advertisement which has been released cold, pos, the torch. now the problem with this as well is that we do not know who's funding this advertisement. we do not know who is behind it. so this is yet a nother anonymous piece of pressure being put on the bye. didn't administration. the president himself is said he will not stand down. this is something that has been echoed by the leaders of his campaign committee. but still, this pressure continues whether it is from
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a number of sources or publicly from some of the members of the congress. the democratic members of congress might kinda, i'll just here a washington as still a had here on algae 0, bundled this on edge soldiers out in force across the country after life police fire on student protesters defying a government curfew. the 2 books system, the streets of chicago on different with the same ambition biting the way to a better life for themselves and their. 6 through in the volatile world of chicago, south side is no easy task. witness
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ringside on out to 0. in depth analysis of the day sidelines he's right. is like he's raised the accusing that there was an okey dokey, the point them cents informed opinions. this is her 1st visit to north korea in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way as well as voters in america inside story massachusetts. the group was fine to send on out jersey, around hearing that they don't want to miss their dignity being displays and makes it comes and not being able to get access to food to see who is across the world, bring you closer to the house. if the story, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching elda 0 reminder of our top stories, this, our, the who see arms group says they won't hesitate to attack what it calls viable targets in israel, after the army bombed key sites, and humans, city of who data. israel's military says it struck an oil facility and a power station. at least 80 people were injured. and israel's army has targeted residential areas and refugee camps across casa healing, at least 37 people on saturday alone. some of the latest strikes hit the ovaries. refugee channels in central garza and these are the scenes that deluxe a hospital or some of the victims have been taken for public and presidential
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candidate. donald trump held his 1st. 2 pain rally says and attempted assassination in pennsylvania last week we spoke for over an hour to a crowd of thousands in grand rapids, michigan. you turn our focus now to bangladesh, where the sight of more soldiers patrolling cities has not stopped protestors from defying a night nationwide curfew, at least 105 people have been killed in thousands injured in demonstrations against the government's jobs. quote, a system internet text messages message services have also been suspended, effectively isolating the country troll stratford. reports of the soldiers on the streets of bangladesh is capital dot com. it's a similar scene in towns and cities across the south asian nation. as a country wide coast, we were going to close down what vehicle police drove us to way. and the
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notes said to come here to this travel agent, but we're not allowed in here either. wherever we go during this costume, this is insane. security come down, comes up to days of student protests against the reinstatement of the quote to assist with government jobs. even a 100 people have repeatedly been killed. thousands injured groups of protest is gathered on the empty streets in the car on saturday to find the government by the government. doors of the co, few officer of prison was attacked. more than 850 inmates escaped the quote, your system was established more than 50 years ago to help people who felt in the work independence holden hoff of government jobs. there was a perpetual children, women, disabled people in experts, minorities. the system was scratched in 2018,
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but reinstated earlier this month. the state appealed the ruling and the supreme court suspended the case for a month. but it wasn't enough to quote and go among university students struggling to find work in a limited. roger, it's joe ball. kids who protest is blame, prove governments, groups the salting the violence. some of them didn't get the leaders security method. the t of the government ministers last late last night and actually they pulled forward 8 months, which um, so it's not clear yet whether government really agreed to do those demands. those demands the se shelley includes the music nation of the ministers, some of the top reading by the leaders who according to the students instigated the reading by these students front to talk on the students' incidents and text
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messaging services of being suspended since thursday international phone calls mostly failed to connect many opposition leaders, activists, and student protested so being arrested. charles trumpet, elder 0. so it was for can nation of colombia is ramping up production of rice, it's most popular. staple food, 80 percent of the country's rice is important. important. so the government is offering incentives to farmers to grow their own. adriece reports 300 kilometers from the can be and capital project field is being prepared for the next planting site. the surgeon agriculture electricity is, is driven by on a big shift government program to increase rice production can be a staple for gum. being so been living abroad on our coming to take advantage. the one that happened was
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a 400000 years di and matching branch where they paid 60 percent. and i did the rest, right? so apart from that, i also would benefit it from like i'm in a big, i mean, i mean like i'm in like my storage and some of the, you know, you come in to the government do. so using established promises, i came to distribute grant machinery in palm inputs, re i disability. pretty good. i seem to be able to come in this entire country at no cost. and we think that is also entirely apartments. and those sees that we had disability. the high, you climates, smart, some of them, i doubt resist, um, even florida is, is that to, on to now men for probation in the gambia looked like this. it still is in many parts. the government says it wants to change the old methods of not only production, but processing rapid in local inductors in last, often ethical intel and boost the concept. the bi copy to arise consumption in the gum. yeah,
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a country of 2800000 people is 115 kilograms. 80 percent of it is important. very crazy and also create opportunities for investment. this rice meal is one of several that operating in the gambia, addressing the child in problem was used to face in processing that pad. some of the farmers, they getting that produced through the markets is still a challenge. the left quadrant lead, i'm in close, that's it. yeah, the 1880 kilometers. lucas thomas also want to call it. you have sort of be improved to open up more areas for contribution and better prizes for that crops. how many degrees i was just gonna put you off the gum. yeah. microsoft says 8 and a half 1000000 devices were affected by a global i. t outage. all the revolutions from a software security update that crashed computers across the world on friday are
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likely to be felt for weeks. the chief executive of crowd strikes the company behind the out outage says engineers have released a fixed update, microsoft operating systems. tens of thousands of flights worldwide were grounded hospitals or we tailors and bags went offline. and it also impact of government services in multiple countries. a divided cypress is marking the war that began on july, the 20th 1974, but as one side warns its loss, and the other celebrates and military victory. 50 years on reconciliation seems a long way off. during a whole reports, the sirens interrupt the silence as to just as they did 50 years ago at 5 20 in the morning. when turkey's troops landed
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on the beaches of northern cypress, the military in athens had days earlier, attempted to init casea to re united cyprus with greece to a kia his response was to invade, occupying a 3rd of the island, a division that remains to this day. the yes, the pain and bitterness we feel for this day cannot be described in words. all those dock days come to our memories. we remember the betrayal that happens when they just left our children over that to be killed. because these 10 it kits this was 30 at the time, displaced like thousands of others from his home in the north here tending his brother's grave. the self declared to case republic of northern cyprus announces itself in the distance. many of its citizens displaced as well. the 2 sides separated by a buffers unprotected by the un folders peacekeeping mission. 2 sides mocking this
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moment quite differently. greek cypriots morning on what they call a black anniversary. the tech huge cypriot leadership. meanwhile, celebrating a military victory. previous attempt to reunification have failed. a plan put forward by then you and secretary general coffee and then in 2004 and talks in geneva that collapsed in 2017 greek cypriots and the u. refusing tech, a separate demands of a 2 state solution. there is a need for the need is on the island to redouble their efforts to secure a political solution. the secretary general has made clear that to the window of opportunity is only becoming smaller with the passage of time. and so an easy state is quite a remains bullet riddled buildings. a reminder of all old pictures that commemorate
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the missing and graveyards the dead. the former international airport abandoned in 1974 still running away, untouched. jo. know how elder 0 as it does it for me, i'm lay laraca. i'll be back in 30 minutes with more headlines. in the meantime, visit our website out to xerox. dot com the the paddler. they have the monsoon rains, continue to flood in to south asia and office and very hot and humid days. karachi is seeing that width of whether we have seen some flooding here. it's looking much dryer on sunday. the west has all the weather, confined because western and most central areas of india that's thanks to an area of low pressure move across more eastern areas. it will continue to push the pulses
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of heavy rain for the north and to the north west of the next few days. we are likely to see some flooding here scott, the child was, will remain for the south, the stretching down to the south of india. and the rain is set to pick up towards the north east, across baton, as well as nicole and bung gladish and is looking very wet to across large areas of east asia. thanks to the may you front, the continues to push the pulses of torrential rain across the korean peninsula. owner wants to know the areas of japan down in the south. it has been very hot and humid, in particular, for central areas of china, down towards the southeast and full, the southern japanese islands with things all set to turn much west. so as we go into the new week, we have got developing a tropical system that's going to bring that heavy rain towards a tie one on monday at 2 with the, the
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unique perspective i sent the i really not that because the i left and nothing is something you that we on heard voices, but we are committed to guessing best i can know all about you so much connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. lot of these provisions, if it was part of the medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable that or what's the stream on i would just say are you ins, top court rules, israel's decades long occupation of palestinian territories is unlawful. the international court of justice says it must end as rapidly as possible. so what's the impact of this non binding booley? and will it change anything on the ground? this is inside story,
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the hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much i'm shown. illegal is rarely


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