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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 21, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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paris game changes with this document on that jersey though the as well attack. so hope yvon owners are finally in gamma, and at least a 2 people are injured. many severe event, the hello, i'm elizabeth donovan. this is out of your life from doha. also coming out the please 37 palestinians, a co since the one on saturday as well continues its relentless attacks across golf, monetization on edge solar surrounding 1st across the country after violence. police file on student protest as defined government casting plots that keeps
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a piece of threat to democracy. i'm saying what the hell that i do for democracy? last week i took a bullet for democracy. donald trump, wholesale valley for the 1st time, attempted assassination. the that was really mandatory, it's has it's shut down a surfaced and miss all approaching from yemen. they say it wasn't accepted before crossing into is really territory comes, this all is off of the who the and for that it won't hesitate to attack what it calls vice will targets in israel and response to one is where the attack on key sites. and again, as pull city of whole data as well as military, it's as a targeted an oil facility and a pals station and as strikes on saturday. yeah, men's house ministry use has at least a few people have been injured. many have sustained severe beds. the attack came a day after the holidays launched, a long range drawn strike on,
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as well as the biggest city. one person was killed in the us embassy office in central tennessee, when the drawn struck. i'm the fellow who has more. it's an oil refinery, a blaze in humans, port city of her data, clouds of smoke spilling the air after the attack in which a power station was also hit. all part of the retaliation. israel had promised the food thieves after they launched a drone, which had till a v. so we were shocked and terrified by today's bombing for air strikes and oil facilities. we already have a severe fuel crisis, severe electricity crisis, and severe living crisis. our infrastructure in yemen is exhausted. prime minister benjamin netanyahu watched the attack unfold with security officials after the country's defense minister gave the order to attempt, mix it up and become a from the beginning of the war, i made it clear that israel would have any one who hums us. and so earlier today i
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convened the political security cabinet. i asked them to support the decision i brought to attack the who the targets in yemen. who would be say they targeted tel aviv withdrawn, that went on detected on friday, killing one person and injuring 10 others. these really military is still investigating why the country's air defense systems were not activated to intercept the aerial target. but the who these are now threatening to not let this attack go on, answered talked to the many of the many armed forces confirmed that they will respond to this place integration. and that with the help of a law mighty, they will not hesitate to strike the vinyl targets of these right the enemy, while consuming what was stated in the previous statement considering occupied you also as an unsafe area, dozens of casualties in yemen. as the attacks mark an escalation between both sides
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as israel continues its assaults on garza and southern lebanon from the central jersey to the as well as ami, has targeted residential areas and refugee camps across garza. could i get these 37 people on saturday. some of the latest strikes at the output, a refugee camp and central gaza. these are the themes that locks the hospital with some of the victims have been taken as well. has code nearly 59000 people since the long cause of again thought god was in before from the bala and central gaza is really strikes level residential buildings in on those i rocked in central. 0 they did something to approach to a box of hospitals, many still only beneath the rustle of the buildings that collapsed around them. a must have a so well. so i figured look that up a little bit,
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we woke up around 3 15 am after i missed southwell, i went downstairs and found oldest destruction above our heads have no connection to any organization. 2 of my daughters were killed before my relatives also died. there were more than 7 injured, including my father and my sister. and all the doctors managed to salvage nice display be was rescued from the one both have breaking up mother killed and then is rarely attack of the night. i'm in the i saw that sets up was so should that an immediate operation was performed up the hospital officer. this mother was killed and the baby now is in the incubate department. and he started his life as a muffin last name of the program that women have experience so much loss since the will began in october. age groups estimate that there are more than 50000 pregnant when they're right now with the gaza strip, as well as will means that they all 3 times more likely to experience i miscarried
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. and 3 times more likely to da only electronic pass. those as people what killed the hospital full of families, forced to say good bye, putnam upon us, i know mama, the cook children, and a pregnant woman does. an unprecedented crime is released don't care about the international community or human rights. are recognizing algebra. there in about, i had a story attack supplies really set those on palestinians across the occupied west bank relentless. they create what the international court of justice has ruled. what does the co us of environment to displace palestinians and next that tao tree? friday's icy j for winning was ground, vacating, but it hasn't changed. the violent reality on the ground has little data reports from it on my la is armed with buttons and the confidence of
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entrenched impunity is rarely settler's attack of palestinian family in the southern hebron hills. a young man shields himself from the blows his aunt isn't as lucky when relatives try to pull her away and is rarely sold or consent from firing in the year to protect the settler's walk, how was sent to hospital where she received 7 stitches to the head this is not the 1st time. well wishers have visited the family after an attack. 20 years ago is really settlers killed. what's his brother? and the assaults have not stopped since. what was your kind of what do i do the shooting them there? no one helped us. i was beaten on my head and shoulders. my nephew could have died . they don't spare any one. they don't want any public opinion here. elsewhere in the occupied westbank is really subtler set fire to palestinian businesses and
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fields near nablus. a seer ring reminder for palestinians. the on its own, the landmark rule and by the international court of justice on the legality of israel occupation did not bring dispute from reality to an end. still, experts believe the decision clears the way for effective accountability. these will supplements enterprise is solely intertwined with the the, the, the, the state. oh simple. oh, simple. to separate that this is why i know each time to impose this function. so nice row, if you drove doesn't comply on the ground, the daily battle to protect the palestinian land and lives will continue for rose. just is really your thoughts are unlikely to stop a hello sundance feel vindicated by the world court. but say there's a long and hard road ahead, exact the cost on the is rarely occupation and the international actions allowing
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it to continue. not all day as ita drama, la palestine. meanwhile, as well as military has bomb several areas in southern 11 on one of the strikes that an ammunition definitely setting off and launch fine. a local media is reporting 3 people having injured, as well as says is riley attacks on its forces and the hoops. and yet in mock, a dangerous turn in the conflict the to bundle dish. now we're a nationwide co, a few that was supposed to end on sunday has been extended and definitely telecommunication, several sleeping suspended, effectively isolated from the country. those measures on place to, to, to protest against the government job once a system which i've seen violence, police crackdowns, at least a 114 people have been killed in thousands injured. the supreme court is now meeting and is expected to hand down a decision on the system in the coming hours. that's bringing on correspondence on
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be charles that he's joining us live from dhaka. so familiar with communications costs, are you able to find out anything about the protests and if the continuing in defiance of that extended curfew, it's extremely difficult to come out of news and information right now. the telephone lines are a traffic that has no internet service is the newspaper, it are not delivered. there's no new stand. and the tv is a satellite tv is that not showing anything about the desktops or any part of casualties. the only thing they're showing is the destruction of government on public property. that's all we get to see nowadays. and as far as the current information, we're getting our colleagues on the ground in different locations across the country. and even yesterday there's been many of the that some casualties, but it's not been tallied. it's not been published in the news media, at least not on the electronic news media, but it might be under print media,
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which we can get older for right now. as far as the code goes, we'll hear within maybe even a half an hour and the full bench of the supreme court will hear hear this case on hand out a birthday. and the government side is seeking a full abolition of the code that i bought. i spent on dakota, sorry, and that is what the student wanted. but the student right now have other demands. the main demand is couple of the 2 key figures in the government has to resign. one of them is the roads and transfer the income education, minnesota. and now there is a home minister, they said they have instigated the balance against the students. they'll also have other demands. there's lot of students are behind the buyers right now. it's interesting that one of the key products leader nay. this loan has been picked up by civil clubs. detective police is not accounted for when the family members are those read this and we don't know where about his right now. but he was picked up
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by detective police. and yet, even divided might be for the students that are a lot of things that the student wants to resolve before they actually come to a compromise, because they have been so much blood shed within the last one week. the city is early come. the try for you is still on as you have reported, and we'll see what the after the bodies, the fallout is from that. yeah, absolutely. who lives on the supreme court is actually brought this hearing on the commercial system for what hasn't to funded in life of the process. it's yes, it's uh, it could have been done earlier, but the hide code on june put this friday. the government did that brought listed in 2018, but the hi good reinstated the code, the system on the code. i'm gonna actually expedite this this thing. but after all these violent, the supreme codes felt that this need to have a special hearing on the board member, apple of division bench. and after all,
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day is not a lot of people are saying, why all this bland, by the why all does destruction. after all these, you could have listened to what the students are saying. and we need to see how people react after this because it's not just the issue of co die right now. many people die, property is destroyed, government property is destroyed and there was a information blackout car. few people are into serious inconvenience, are apprehensive. they don't know what the future holds. that's part of the political situation. goes in buying a there at least 70 opposition leaders detain, including 4 major senior leaders. are buying a this nationally as by the many of the students started behind the bar and we started doing our full account of the debt total and casualties. it'd been last few day if that happened. here's kind of your thank you very much for that. that as part of the child to be with what we know as our fall, joining us live from doc a still ahead on al jazeera i am. i'm indeed recei uh, in the gumby when i'm dishes,
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government told them to stop right. impulse is hoping to raise outputs and incomes the pod came in to be used. is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd, since the e, you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that you to sign the present as not then import effective g of the story on talk to how does era the how much is happening is
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enough question. why have limits like this? let denise this call your mind. it's area where the foundation with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us wants to keep the war in ukraine going hill rushes will is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do? if there is no date after in israel's war on causes the quizzical look good us politics, the bottom line, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching on just the of the, of the bottom and don't have
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a mind to of on top stories. this how does really middle trace has it's shot down a surface to and the solve approaching from again, it says it was intercepted before crossing into is there any territory comes as alazam for the who, the groups that it won't hesitate to attack? what a cause of vice will target some israel and response to an attack on key sites. and again, that's cool. city of whole data as well as ami has targeted residential areas in refugee camps across casa, getting at least 37 people on saturday. some of the latest types have the output ation, refugee camp, and central gaza and bond division nationwide costs you has been extended indefinitely at some place to protest against the government jobs quanch's system, which has a bottom police crackdowns. the supreme court is missing and is expected to hand on a decision on the commercial system. in the coming hours. donald trump has held his 1st values since he survived assassination attempt in pennsylvania last week.
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tens of thousands rather of support has gathered in michigan for the campaign event with heis and security from split for over an hour without the shooting has campaign promises and has of action rival joe biden. some of our reports from grand rapids in michigan, the trump suppose is everyone in grand rapids. i'm police on horseback on rooftops, a full, the president that president narrow the mist an assassination attempt a week ago, and they all have for him, no matter what the earth show when he got shot. because everybody felt that, can you imagine what this country would be like without? it's the best campaign events together as a 2 man team days of the trump named j d events as his running mate. but here in this crowd reading a bunch about the man who could see the 2nd most powerful person in the us come january. do you know much about trade events before is no, but i still don't know
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a lot of what we do now. we really like donald trump loves a big crowd. you certainly got one here. 12000 packed into this serena full to capacity. many others tired. the way as he began to speak. we will never stop working to deliver a magnificent future for our people. and together we will fight fi fi right back outside a sea of my go red hots t shirts, even pizza deliveries. i'm buying this one. the much make has embracing the assassination attempt, or 3 d printing model, donald trump, and every with that sense that this is a fines. they all determined to win it with him. for him, i'm go the extra mile. i've got an 8 hour drive here in from the long day for donald trump, this is the start. and then you trump the one where he is now officially the republican nominate. nobody can challenge you for that anymore. i'm one where he has a v p running made on the ticket with him. after this they will go in
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a separate direction so they can spread the mug a message in the wrong way to the wrong people. we're not going to worry about folks is like these, these people say like michigan there will still lots of decided on the, the direction that i live at to 0 will protest is gathered in front of the white house on saturday, cooling on joe biden, to quit his re election bid. wow, the number of democrats have probably age by to drop house or the vice president has been isolating it has held in delaware since he was diagnosed with clubs of 19. he says he'll be back on the campaign trail next week. my kind of has moved from washington dc. the president biden remains in isolation that his vacation home in delaware recovering from colbert and meanwhile,
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the reports of pressure mounting on him to step down from the november election. however, many of these reports, quote, anonymous sources publicly. let's be clear, mold and such as the members of congress, democrats, members of congress, have called publicly on president biden, to step down. we do have reports that some of the senior leaders have been speaking to president, finding. however, those lead is the senate lead to the minority lead in the house of representatives, the former speaker of the house. have all not said anything publicly about whether or not president biden should step down. we have heard publicly from a former president for rock obama, who has said that the only person who can decide whether or not the president biden will stand is president binding himself. you also have an advertisement which has been released, cold, pos, the torch. now the problem with this as well is that we do not know who's funding
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this advertisement. we do not know who is behind it. so this is yet a nother anonymous piece of pressure being put on the by the end of ministration. the president himself is said he will not stand down. this is something that has been echoed by the leaders of his campaign committee. but still, this pressure continues whether it is from a number of sources or publicly from some of the members of the congress, the democratic members of congress, montana. i'll just here a washington. south korea's, as the north has again launched the balloons carrying trash across the board to the comes 2 days off to soldiers in bold, costing messages on loudspeakers towards the north. since may, north korea has been sending the balloons dropping cigarettes box dead batteries. and menu spat has already led to the suspension of a 2018 dealer to reduce tension between the countries. a microsoft as age and a half 1000000 devices were affected by
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a global i t outage. the repercussions from the software security update that crashed computers across the world on friday, and likely to be felt for weeks. the chief executive of crowd strikes the company behind the average says engineers have released to fix to update microsoft operating systems, thousands of flights world wide, well grounded, and hospitals retailers and banks went offline. colombia is 1st left as president is needing be half way point of as to the style of petros low approval ratings and a series of scandals, a threatening has, i'm precious economic and social reforms. alice sounds around p a. t reports from full with that, or let these presidents gustavo pay to move this year's independent state parades to being published south of the capital book to a symbolic choice, to reiterate, this government's commitment to the country suppor. yet as he reaches the half point of his administration,
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his own vicious plans to reform the countries in equal economic and social laws had been stymied by congress and corruption scandals among some of these officials. the problem is he tried to overcome even speaching august 18 congress, these new legislative periods and calling for a national agreement. as part of the party for the political pact that's i propose to you is meant to help us reach an agreement on the reforms. it's not meant to preserve the status quotes yet, because that's what process. yeah, it listed with what's an equal society on the planet, or whoever wrote, in his 1st 2 years in office paper was managed to pass a tax from, from her, and the on a pension. bill and reduced deforestation, but his overall agenda and security plan. so flag better has had difficulties building consensus with different political forces. this has translated for one part into a significant duration of his,
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of his government's political capital. and on the other hand, we have seen several corruption scandals that have eroded its credibility and its legitimacy as a government that was meant to do things differently. faced with these challenges, spit, the rest change, the more minutes there's been any previous administration. transforming an early coalition government into one more in train, spend loyal to its vision, accusing the countries to additional leads of waging a soft crew against them. and repeatedly flirting with the idea of over holding the constitution to implement this agenda on the outside. congress processors were a reminder of the country's deep loudest ation. aloud at century cell a hand that'll give you the former minister of education and fitness. first cabinet says the president as mostly himself to blame for lashing out at his critics and allies. i like, you'll cut open, present the paper. why do me do it? i suppose,
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to be the president's. petro has divided the society even more. he has tried to divide society between the corrupt leads and the people of which he pretends to be the only spokes person. and that has created more political problems and generated more by certainty. as time passes, it seems increasingly and clear what avenues are left for the president to reach is emission is for change which risk leaving his promises fulfilled. i'll send that, i'm 50 and just need i've looked at the gambia as rats, i've got production of its most popular staple food, 80 percent of the west african nations rises and pull to so the government is offering incentives to farmers to grow their own interest reports from patch at 300 kilometers from the gbi and capital project field is being prepared for the next planting site. the surgeon,
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agriculture electron produced is driven by an emissions government program to increase rice production can be a staple for a gum being. so been leaving a board on no coming to take advantage. the one that happened was a 400000 years. the in matching branch where they paid 60 percent. and i did the rest, right? so apart from that, i also would benefit it from like i'm in a big, i mean, i mean like i'm in like my storage and some of the, you know, you come in to the government do so using established promise and i came to distribute grants machinery in palm inputs, releasability of pretty good. i see every problem in this entire country at no cost . and we think that is also enticing department and those sees that we had disability. the a high you the climate smart, some of them, i doubt resist. i'm even florida is up until now,
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mentor probation in the gambia looked like this. it still is in many parts. the government says it wants to change the old methods of not only production, but processing rapid and look at inductors in last. often at the car, trouble boost that the concept the bi copy to the rice consumption in the gum country of 2800000 people is 115 kilograms. 80 percent of it is important. very crazy. also create opportunities for investment. this rice meal is one of several that operating in the gambia, addressing the child in promise used to face and processing rep had some of the palm which they getting that produced through the markets is still a challenge. the left quadrant lead, i'm in close started. yeah, the 1008 and 80 kilometers local farm us also wanted the quality of saw be improved to open up more areas for contribution and better prizes for that crops. how many
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degrees i was just gonna put you all the gum. yeah. as well that somebody elizabeth put on them for this house. our name is you can always keep up to date on our website, algebra dot com to i'll just say what's next? the hello. the, let's have a look at the weather across the middle east and live and remains a launch the hot and dry picture a little bit on settled to we've got some breezy winds blowing across the event, some breezy ones as well, moving down the gulf states, and of course, a spattering of showers affecting the caucasus, and possibly some showers coming into the very software or mon and human. as the monsoon winds continue to keep things allows you to cool around coastal areas, but temperature will be picking up across the region over the next few days to wait
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. think 52 degrees celsius that into monday and go how is set to see the temperature pick up into the high forty's, with lots of heat here in could top. now heat is the story across the north of africa, temperatures on as high in the north west. they'll continue to rise in the north east, across egypt, temperature, switching to edging towards the middle. forty's, the much west side across the western parts of africa towards those central areas. thanks to the east of the waves. that will continue to bring some heavy rain to chad and the central african republic. on sunday to monday is looking much to wire . however, for the south of this full cape town in south africa, ahead of rain that moves back in on choose day the the, they don't want to miss their dignity being displaced and makes shift comes and not being able to get access to food. asking questions, how likely is it in reality that nothing? yeah. who would be arrested when visiting
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a fine look posing from the action. but what i would say to the administrative health is come to see the effects of us best off from the factories and india out to see who is chines across the world. when you closer to the cost of the story the project is done. nestled in the heart of asia is atlanta striking contrast and rich history. this mountain destination featured some of the mice piece and this as a pos that the strictest back to the nearly unbroken ages. it's mountains


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