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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 21, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the knowledge is with the, [000:00:00;00] the, if you're watching the news, our lives from headquarters in delphi and jerry, you navigate, i, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes, bangladesh, a supreme court is in session to decide on the future of the jobs. quote, assistant triggered days of dudley protests. israel says it's shot down
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a missile approaching from yemen hours after it struck. the force of for thing done is really strikes target residential areas and rescue. g accounts across scars on a 5 month old baby is killed and alberta is they keep saying she's a threat to democracy. i'm saying what the hell that i do with democracy. last week i took a bullet for democracy from thousands of supporters greet donald trump that his 1st campaign rally since surviving an assassination. at times the we begin this is our band with us where the supreme court is expected to deliver a ruling on the jobs. quote, a system in the coming our a nationwide curfew remains in place and has been extended indefinitely to quote protests against the system. at least a 114 people have been killed and thousands injured in a violent crack down by the police and military telecommunications have also been
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suspended, effectively isolating the country. the protests initially instigated by students are gaining traction and support across society. tundra charged re has more from dr . a telephone lines or a traffic. there is no internet service, is the newspaper. it are not delivered. there's no newsstand. and the tv is the satellite tv. is that not showing anything about the desktops or any part of casualties? the only thing they're showing is the destruction of government and public property . that's all we get to see nowadays. and as far as the current information, we're getting our colleagues on the ground in different locations across the country. and even yesterday there's been many of the that some casualties, but it's not been tallied. it's not been published in the news media, at least not on the electronic news media, but it might be on the print media, which we can get older for right now. as far as the code goes,
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the full bunch of the supreme court will hear hear this case on hand out a birthday. and the government side is sinking at full abolition of the code that i bought from end of the quarter. sorry. and that is what the student wanted, but the student right now have other demands. the main demand is couple of the 2 key figures in the government has to resign. one of them is the roads and transfer the income education minister. and now there is a home minister, they said they had instigated the balance against the students. they'll also have other demands. there's a lot of students are behind the buyers right now. it's interesting that one of the key protests leader now, hey, this loan who has been picked up by civil clubs. detective police is not accounted for when the family members are, and that's read this and we don't know where about his right now. but he was picked up by detective police and yet even divided might be part of the students that are a lot of things that the student wants to resolve before they actually come to
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a compromise. because they have been so much blood shed within the last one week and the city is early come. the try for you is still on as you have reported. and we'll see what the after the bodies, the fallout is from that. okay, bangladesh as photo system for government jobs as you've been hearing is at the heart of the pro task that was established in 1972 to help those who fought in the liberation war the year before. and today, 30 percent of government positions are reserved for their children. another 26 percent are for women, that disabled as well as us other ethnic minorities. each year, nearly 400000 graduates compete for $3000.00 civil service jobs. and critics say that system is open to abuse, that excludes qualified applicants, and it's sometimes leaves positions on fields. we're going to speak to a shop. we are a copier. who is the human rights activist and author?
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he's joining us on the phone from dr. thanks for your time with us on alda 0. so obviously all lies now on the supreme court. to see how it will rule, what is the sense you're getting about how this decision is going to go? actually this is the uh, 34 minutes to an of philadelphia. so they just said uh in 2018, out of that, that means to an end stewart, they said that the government decided it should be no quarter in a couple of minutes time. it is mr. kennedy, but he to those people, particularly to the actual i miss the but i will have to jump in there. i apologize . we're having some trouble understanding what you're saying due to poor connectivity issues. we will move on for now and we will try to reestablish that connection. our correspondence on here treasury is inside the supreme court and we will be crossing life to him just as soon as there isn't. so there's
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a decision from the court on the job quota system the as well, the is really military size. it's shot down a surface to air missile approaching from yemen before it entered is really territory. so this comes with hours after the whole is the arm groups that it wouldn't hesitate to attack what it calls vital targets and response to an is really a talk on the port city for data. so israel's military size of carried out air strikes on an oil facility under power station on saturday. yeah, men's health ministry says at least 80 people were injured. many have sustained severe burns. the attack came a day after the for with these last a long range, drones strike on israel's biggest city. one person was killed near us embassy office and central tel aviv. when the drone hits on the past few hours,
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aries sirens have sounded and is really city of enact. the who with these have frequently attacked the red sea city on the assumption which has more on israel's retaliation as an oil refinery. a blaze in humans poured city of her data. clouds of smoke filling the air after the attack in which a power station was also hit. all part of the retaliation israel had promised the fluid fees after they launched a drone, which had till a v. so number, we were shocked and terrified by today's bombing, for air strikes and oil facilities. we already have a severe fuel prices, severe electricity crisis. and so if you live in crisis, our infrastructure in yemen is exhausted. prime minister benjamin netanyahu watched the attack unfold with security officials after the country's defense minister gave the order to attempt mix it up and we come from the beginning of the war. i made it clear that israel would hom,
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anyone who homes us. and so earlier today i convened the political security cabinet . i asked them to support the decision i brought to attack the, who's the targets in yemen. the say they targeted tel aviv with a drone that went on detected on friday, killing one person and injuring 10 others. these really military is still investigating why the countries air defense systems were not activated to intercept the aerial target. but the who these are now threatening to not let this attack go on, answered to walk through the many of the many armed forces confirmed that they will respond to this place integration. and that with the help of a lot of my teeth, they will not hesitate to strike the volume targets of these riley enemy, while consuming what was stated in the previous statement considering occupied jasa as an unsafe area. dozens of casualties in yemen. as the attacks mark an escalation
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between both sides as israel continues its assaults on garza and southern lebanon from the central jersey don't. meanwhile, the is really military has also gone several areas in southern lebanon, one of the strikes it. and i'm your missions depot causing a major fire. local media are reporting 3 people were injured, hezbollah size is really attacks on its forces. and the whole thing is in yemen. mark dangerous turn in the conflict and in gaza is really strikes on the central region. have killed several children. families say at least 9 people were killed when the is really army hit, a house and the body is refugee camp. at least 16000 children had been killed in israel's wong jobs up. there are thousands more that remain missing. we'll have to didn't by the, from central guys. i speak to our correspondent hampton, for the, for that he has joining us from outside the up to the hospital. so you know him to a lot of these places that are struck by israel. it's not the 1st time i mean these refuge jake g comes like on but is,
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has been gone several times. what can you tell us about the aftermath of display to strike overnight of the city. but let me remind you that this is not the 1st time a good days and no slay dogs has been under our thoughts. since the past couple of months, allison, you're living in those area. we're curious to work separate times the space from those areas. they have to go through, that's why they have to go to some units. they have to put the video but left. and now they went back to their houses after the is there any forces or good people or somebody else to evacuate if box to the middle area? so not only that, those are the residents, obviously it up and agrees, but also they are kind of sinew sneezed multiple times. who came from ad, from con eunice? that's why we find a lot of how this thing is still in the same exact house because those houses in
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the, in, in 2 days have a lot of policies and citizens that either is, seeks refuge ends or at a relative's house or in their friend's house. and according to the pod, a city administer of how and the civil defense, the and they're saying that in the past 3 days, all of the is ready as hawks are concentrated on some of those areas. this 6 categories, according to the permitting and the civil defense being the stuff that they spend the night transferring the palestinians from the targeted areas where that is where the forces have been targeted. targeting houses, we're talking about at least $2500.00. the thing is that we're to, yesterday, the desktop is accept expected to rise because there are more policy news that are still trapped under the rubber. and this is the same exact thing. are you every single day days where the horses have been targeting residential houses,
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but palestinians in child tours and you and shelters. so promising is our left hand is not knowing where to go and every where the goes it in their being targeted and they're forced to be the safe. we saw a couple of people who got evacuated under fire under air, starts from a on the slate off. and they said that they did not even have time. they started evacuating under is ready, uh, shuttling and is ready as quick as they don't have any place to go where everywhere is crowded. there is no place for them to live or to set up their tense. and this is the situation right now that he didn't god, the people are very for us. they frustrated their hard fight based off the area in the middle area. the central gospel service is going to be a safe place. it's going to be a common place where the is really forces are still continuing their operations and drove off and those who manage to survive the attacks go to hospitals
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like an upshaw right behind you. what's the situation up to the hospital right now in terms of suppliers in terms of fuel, in terms of how it's able to cope, of the situation in the hospital is horrifying. it's terrible actually building. if we go inside right now, we won't even have space to walk because everyone is waiting on the floor. people at patients injuries do not have pets to nate on. there's no medical supplies since the refreshing surgeon started and no medical medicines have been allowed to enter the rough crossing and also palestinians here this hospital is serving 1800000 kind of thing is us are squeezed into that area and we're not only talking about patients with chronic diseases or injuries from is are in the air strikes. we're talking about kidney dialysis patients. we're talking about diseases and viruses that have been spreading across the gall, this trip,
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due to the sue with the garbage and, and all of these kind of thing is, are seeking for medical treatment and they're also back from receiving their treatment abroad. because the rough crossing has been closed. okay, and thank you so much. and then for the reporting for us from the, from central 1000 corporate testers, return to the streets of tennessee of on saturday, demanding new elections on calling on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign. thousands of people joined that raleigh. it's a weekly riley, and they condemned the government's handling of the war on gosh, on their calling on leaders to reach an agreement with him. us to secure the release of captives were being held in gaza. daniel liptrot's, as the grandson of the retired, is really journalist the whole day liptrot's and who was taken captive on october. the 7th, he says that pressure needs to be put on all sides to return the captives and, and the war of my grand father. the only great grandfather held hostage in the
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world of video. it is like my sister, my best friends, olivia. all a good birthday is on october 7th. i'm very worried about what's going on in the region and i really hope nothing in few days already. we can see a change that's we'll end the war and does that in 11 non and the issue that is coming from yeah, man must. i think more arab countries have to step in and to make sure that it's and it's, and in the yeah ma'am, it's m as in data, we need the help of a. so if the thought or any rate, the jeep chance, the malaysia and indonesia, whoever is able to put the, put some of the ground, let the idea go out and bring the hostages back home. we need it. it's a very complicated solution, but we need everyone to understand the boots on the ground, make the pressure over from us, like the pressure of the prime minister and it's in the out. and i really hope that you can,
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the next time we talk it's after the deal is over and the old worries over my grandfather is home, our bellies, gold, and all the other 118 hostages are back onto the family. this is really forces of storm the city of tall bus and the occupied westbank, reading palestinian homes on how mazda is arm to bring. the sun brigade says that it's fault with the soldiers is really forces have increased the frequency as well as the intensity of their raise and they occupied westbank since october. the 7th. we have with us marco and jones is an associate professor with him and been funded by university. joining us here in the hot to discuss all the latest developments. welcome back to all your 0 mark. look, looking ahead. we know that nothing yahoo is expected to go to the us to address congress on wednesday if he does go ahead with that trip. we also know that he's meeting with president biden. well, whatever happened in washington, i have an impact on the trajectory of the war and particularly on any spar
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negotiations that seem to be kind of stalled at this point. yeah, i mean, i've had a dime for every time the seats fight. negotiations had been still, i'd be a rich man and i think i said a while back that it seems to me that netanyahu is basically waiting for a trump presidency because he knows that trump will give him cop launch. so i am into minds as to whether and and then, you know, as a visit to congress will actually make a significant difference on what happens in gaza. in fact, i think the very fact netanyahu has been invited to congress is actually indicative of the fact that it's business as usual for the us and the planning to continues to support, as well as not forget, it was only a couple of weeks ago that the u. s h which was meant to be some sort of intervention to monitor intervention was dismantled. so i think now with bite and on the ropes due to his health, trump and ascendancy. i think democrats are going to be very wary about isolating at that potential, that base which is divided. so i don't know if they know how to play this necessarily. but there seem to be
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a sort of the more on the ground developments. and particularly when it comes to the latest attack by the amenities we are sending the drone over tel aviv and then television retaliating and hitting and for data. and according to is really media air defense systems have been reinforced. the transportation ministry has held the situation, assessments, meeting and preparation for a possible for the attack, which may target civilian infrastructure. and israel sort of mit mirroring what the is really, are doing in yemen. uh, do you think that the whole thing is will target non military sites and is really mean how is this going to play out? well, i don't think the who things have the sufficient accuracy to actually be able to delineate between military and civilian infrastructure. going back to the sub netanyahu thing as well. i think this who the attack is going to change the calculus. let's not forget, it's just just sorry to go back to that. but the icy c decision or the restaurants, but not in, you know, who are expected to be issued soon. right. it would be very interesting to see if there are issues before natalie. how goes to us? because if so that will put pressure on us not to have them bring back to the human
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point. i think um the who piece has it's fired. number of germans and yourselves at israel before just none of them got through. i think what's bizarre about this particular case is that the idea of claimed that the reason it got through which human error on part of the, i guess i took, is human error on probably idea and why they launching a must have a time on civilian infrastructure. in yemen, i think this indicates that the is there is a wanting to send a message robin. in fact, we're hoping that this will be escalate. it looks with these do fine moments of and they get through because people still haven't got through that will just be another signal that israel will attack most civilian targets in yemen. and let's, let's emphasize the point that they have attacked. so you know, civilian targets and although they time is written obligations drive, which it was, it doesn't give them legal justification and then session law to attack oil demos and kind of facilitate what is it that the is really is kind of achieve when it comes to human that the us and the u. k. haven't really been able to achieve because ever since the start of this year, there has been a number of strikes by the us and u. k. together,
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coordinated strikes on the amounts targeting infrastructure. well, that's a really important point. i mean the us and u. k. it's like a tax have targeted attempted to target miss our launch sites and have been effective and trying to actually stop the who's these attacking shipping, going into the red seal. and sorry, what's really interesting that this, the, you then use a tech to prove that they cannot stop or degrade the who these missed all capabilities is there will be while around. that is, i will also be well aware of where intelligent says with the miss of the site to. so why then, if they are aware of this, all the attacking sibling infrastructure because they're thinking, oh, well, the effects of miss outsides having helped, we're going to do what we normally do in gaza and bumped civilian infrastructure as a former to tyrants. and just very briefly that does this mean a whitening of the conflict? it is a right thing of the conflict. we're seeing a whitening of the conflict. i don't think we're on the precipice of a whitening of the conflict, which we always talk about. you know, is it going to escalate, go further into loving, non full human. we're seeing it now. it's happening. okay, thank you so much,
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marco and jones. thanks. i this year with the news, ronald is 0 and here's what's coming up in just a moment. right. wow. the professor is outside the white house, calling president biden to draw his re election good tapes out of that to get, keep watching. i'll tell you why people are living on the street another the okay, so donald trump has held us 1st campaign, riley's and surviving an assassination attempt last week. thousands of supporters greeted trump and his pick for vice president jane events in michigan. it's one of the battleground states, expect it to determine the outcome of november's election. fillable reports from the raleigh in grand rapids. trump suppose is everyone in grand rapids. i'm police on horseback on rooftops, a full,
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the president that president narrow de missed an assassination attempt a week ago, and they all have for him, no matter what the earth show when he got shot. because everybody felt it. can you imagine what this country would be like without him? it's the 1st campaign events together as a 2 man team days of the trump named j d events as his running mate. but few in this crowd reading a bunch about the man who could be the 2nd most powerful person in the us come january. do you know much about trade events before is no, but we still don't know a lot about what we do now. we really like donald trump loves a big crowd. we certainly got one here. 12000 packed into this serena full to capacity, many others to weigh as he began to speak. we will never stop working to deliver a magnificent future for our people. and together we will fight fi fi right
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back outside a see of my go read high, that's t shirts, even pizza deliveries. i'm buying this one. the much make has embracing the assassination attempt, or 3 d printing model, donald trump, and everywhere that sense that this is a find that keeps a piece of threat to democracy. i'm saying what the hell that i do for democracy. last week i took a bullet for democracy. for donald trump, this is the start when you trump the one where he is now officially the republican nominate. nobody can charge you for that anymore. i'm one where he has a b p running made on the ticket with him. after this they will go in a separate direction so they can spread the mug a message and the wrong way to the wrong people. the worry about folks is like these. these people say want michigan, there are still lots of decided, but there is no way to i'd say that action i live at the 0
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roughly what you're gonna reinstall as a political strategist and a former senior presidential campaign advisor. and she says, the republican party still has a long way to go to convince undecided voters the voting is a right that we have given how many soldiers have died in our wars. how many civil rights activists have lost their lives. and we ought to be taking this duty of voting very seriously. and it is by and large that a lot of my fellow americans are not doing that. all the talk lately has been about, oh my goodness, the democrats are in disarray. people been explaining that every day of the week, whether it's actual pundits, are journalists. and then there's also been biden as for vulnerable. that's the talk with the week as well. i wanna push all of that aside for a moment and say, i'm going to put on my straw just high. i. if i were advising the republicans, which i am not, i would say trump is vulnerable. the numbers are simply not on his side. only 57 percent of eligible voters cast ballots in the election. 2020. that's
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a serious issue because that means so many of my fellow americans do not want to turn up to the polls. we have no idea. no empirical evidence that can lead us to draw sensible conclusions about what those americans will do this time. and it's trampling kicked out last time i want is just assume that people are going to start and we have a change of heart and click for him. so what we ought to do is start to look at reality, trump bands are vulnerable and they have to do a lot to get people to turn out for them. it doesn't mean that the democrats are in perfect condition and should be sitting pretty and feeling like they don't have to do the work. but i'm just saying there's a lot that has happened in this campaign already and expect a lot more to happen in a very condensed timeframe that could truly change the outcome in november. well, professor is gathered in front of the white house on saturday, calling on president joe biden to a band and his re election beds. wow. how many
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a growing number of democrats have publicly urged biden to drop out of the race? the president has been isolating at his home in delaware since he was diagnosed with code 19, but he says he'll be back on the campaign trail next week. my kind of has more from washington dc. the president biden remains in isolation that his vacation home in delaware, recovering from colbert and meanwhile, the reports of pressure mounting on him to step down from the november election. however, many of these reports, quote, anonymous sources publicly. let's be clear, mold and such the members of congress, democratic members of congress have called publicly on president biden, to step down. we do have reports that some of the senior leaders have been speaking to president, finding. however, those lead is the senate lead to the minority, lead in the house of representatives, the former speaker of the house have all not said anything publicly about whether
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or not the president biden should step down. we have heard publicly from a former president for rock obama, who has said that the only person who can decide whether or not the president biden will stand is president binding himself. you'll also have an advertisement which has been released cold past the torch. now the problem with this as well is that we do not know who's funding this advertisement. we do not know who is behind it. so this is yet a nother anonymous piece of pressure being put on the bye. didn't administration. the president himself is said he will not stand down. this is something that has been echoed by the leaders of his campaign committee. but still, this pressure continues whether it is from a number of sources or publicly from some of the members of the congress, the democratic members of congress, montana. i'll just sarah washington. still add on the al jazeera news, our
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a rise in mt refugee sentiments in some regions. after 2 years. the government accuses the opposition of smoking fears by threatening to deport syria and columbia's force left swing preventative halfway through his firm and still pushing economic reforms. despite scanned the, the, had a lot of a europe kicked off the weekend with a lots of summary weather, very high temperatures, and hot and dry conditions, especially in the southwest, spain. sweated through its 1st official heat. wave of the temperature is picking a right up into the 14th. it will be coming down. however, as we go into sunday, thanks to a weather front. moving from the west to the east temple just have come down slight
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equals eastern areas. thanks. the storms, the breaking out in the balkans, but that heat remains for to akira and grease those numbers touching well above the average. now the way just all the weather on sunday is being pushed across the low countries into germany, down across switzerland and austria. we've seen some very strong storms here with a chance of hale and some powerful winds as well. that weather is also going to pop off around the balkans, putting it to you. rain bring a splash of what weather as well to remain here. but a lot of heat continues down in the south of spain and portugal. and despite the temperature of picking up in rome, we are going to see the arrival of some wet weather. if we have a look at 3 day here, temperature remaining in the early thirty's, that rain rolling in on sunday of the
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as iris prepares to host the olympic games, french athletes where the head, jeff will not be allowed to compete. alongside players, coaches and teams eaters, an athlete challenges the by creating a space for us to embrace the game they love, regardless of what they wear on their head powers, game changes a witness document, part of the jersey. the reporting and the field means i often get the witness, not just news as breaking, but also history as it's unfolding. dropping from one day i might be covering politics might be covering protests. but what's most important to me is understanding what they are going through. so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. just here to we believe everyone has
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a story worth hearing. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the top stories on the l, just it rings our bangladesh, is a waiting a ruling from it's tough court on a controversial jobs. quote, a system that has caused mass demonstrations for weeks. police, the 114 people have been killed in thousands insured into cracked down by all forty's. the is really military says it's shut down to miss out approaching from human that comes our office to the policy arms room said it wouldn't hesitate to attack what it calls, fights will targets,
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and that's in response to is really air strikes on for data and gaza. is really strikes on this central region have killed several children. family say at least 9 people were killed. one day is really army here to house in the days refugees. thought of us doing reports now from dated by the on more is really attacks is really strikes level residential buildings in unless i rocked in central. 0 the did seem to approach to a box of hospital men still only beneath the rustle of buildings that collapsed around them. smells so. so what, so i think about that a little bit. we woke up around 3 15 am after i missed southwell. i went downstairs and found oldest destruction above our heads have no connection to any organization . 2 of my daughters were killed before my relatives also died. there were more than 7 injured,
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including my father and my sister. and how much old the death doctors managed to salvage 9. this baby was rescued from the wound both head breaking, the mother killed and then is barely attacked of the night. i'm in charlotte, that's up well especially that an immediate operation was performed up the hospital officer. this mother was killed and the baby now is in the incubate department. and he started his life as a move and last name of the program that women have experienced. so much loss since the will began in october, age groups estimate that there are more than $50000.00 pregnant one there right now and the gaza strip as well as will means that'd be all 3 times more likely to experience i miscarried. i'm 3 times more likely to doing in that chunk path. those as people what killed the hospital, more full of families forced to say good bye. positive upon what i know mama, the cook children, and a pregnant woman does an unprecedented crime is released don't care about the
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international community or human rights when i talked about it. and i will just be around there that i had a story or earlier we spoke to an emergency coordinator for doctors without borders . who's currently in con eunice, where the group operates, and maternity ward and also the hospital. and she explained the health risks pregnant women and gaza are facing what became facing is mostly a laptop. what's it for with the hygiene we, which will of course bring that out of the infections and the for a pregnant women. we talked about urinary tract infections, for example, in this press and they're leaving conditions at all. so we'll make them more profitable, free time and deliveries discourages. and we have seen that in the words that we
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are working at the not sure us because lots of pressure related communications as well are very common. and in general, they're leaving conditions after the delivery are all very good for women. so taking care of themselves and the baby is a being really, really complicated for you. when says it's really settlers have carried out. it's more than $1100.00 attacks on palestinians and the occupied westbank since october the 7th. on friday, the u. n's top court found israel is obligated to end the unlawful presence in the territory. palestinians have killed the landmark decision, but as new to all their reports from the law, it will take much more to change. the reality on the grounds are armed with buttons and the confidence of entrenched impunity is rarely settler's attack of palestinian family in the southern hebron hills. a young man shields
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himself from the blows his aunt isn't as lucky when relatives try to pull her away and is rarely sold or consent from firing in the year to protect the settler's walk, how was sent to hospital where she received 7 stitches to the head or this is not the 1st time. well wishers have visited the family after an attack. 20 years ago is rarely settlers killed. what's his brother? and the assaults have not stopped since. what was your kind of what do i do the shooting them there? no one helped us. i was beaten on my head and shoulders. my nephew could have died . they don't spear any one. they don't want any public opinion here. elsewhere in the occupied westbank is really subtler set fire to palestinian businesses and fields near nablus. a seer ring reminder for palestinians. the on its own, the landmark ruling by the international court of justice on the legality of israel
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occupation did not bring dispute from reality to an end. still, experts believe the decision clears the way for effective accountability. easily supplements enterprise is so intertwined with the the, the, the, the state. oh simple. oh simple. just this is why i know it's time to impose this function. so nice. real control doesn't comply on the ground, the daily bottles to protect the palestinian land. m lives will continue for rose, just as really your thoughts are unlikely to stop palestinians feel vindicated by the world court. but say there's a long and hard road ahead. exact. the cost on the is rarely occupation and the international actions allowing it to continue. not all day as ita drama, la palestine. some regions of turkey are facing a rise in antique refugee sentiments. so the government accuses the opposition of
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stoking fears by threatening to the port syrians. more than 3 and a half 1000000 syrian refugees live in turkey, and current insists no syrian will be forced to leave unless they want to send them cuz a local reports from a stumble in the circus professors once see we massachusetts to go home, police arrested hundreds of people after on team the grant fines and several cities earlier this month, it was triggered by accusations of a syrian men harassing a child. the violence against syrian businesses and properties has opened it to kids once will coming to reputation for syrians living. going to somebody for more than 10 years whose children have studied in good schools like, ma, here's it is not easy to just leave hit things. this is a temporary backlash sold off the no, sir, we guys incredibly complicated up to sonia as a full security somewhat improved. but the economy in damascus is awful. and they
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have various plays with various influence on the ground. even if reconciliation because not all problems will be resolved. i doubt that those that funding that's in this country will return by they own well with an economic downturn and the rise of national, this opposition on to syrian sentiment has periodically arisen in recent years into kid. the nation is among the was top refugee hosting countries would at least $3200000.00 celia and some of them say they started to feel safe and are considering leaving. if it goes like this, it will not be possible for me to stay here. i've had to go back to syria or maybe europe live here is good. there's racism, but we shouldn't forget the good people. for some the syrian refugees are to blame for what they have lost or missed in life. the rent for shops and homes have increased dramatically because of them and people cannot fund job. you know, i took
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a situation is miserable. that's enough. hospitality took his present friendship type. don has been advocating for the political solution to the syrian conflict and the voluntary return of the syrian refugees on past the policy of since the outbreak of the civil war has proven to be no longer a sustainable thought elsewhere. and it is like walking on ex shelves, aside from the military and responsibilities to kids in french and opposition, health areas of northern syria are finding however, the economy and the ship things your politics are not helping at all. so, so i'll just erase stumble. fighting in the democratic republic of congo continues despite a humanitarian truce. a coalition of rebel groups known as the allied democratic forces has killed at least 37 people in the east of the country. the m $23.00 on group is also advancing on soldiers near the city of benny. and why connie has more this is one of the,
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according to contain that it's located in the dictated total for many or most distinct a few moments as a way. and this area has been under heavy talk from it if we looked at. so we're going to end up doing that as to one of the ice as a group. these people have been in the forest of this area for decades right now in the d. r. c, i mean, i've been trying to do, we didn't by launching the parental permission, who i've seen because of the cleaning conducted by these people have report this in the tone of when it gets that you weren't calling the the government. do you want to be more what's decided to put us on the launch at the last 2 years by the deal, and they've gone down on the 30th, but it was remains very active even this week. they killed it on the 27th people from monday because of the not from disabilities and even after now people still searching for bodies in different areas. but for this village, only in 2 people were killed around hundreds of civilians. most of the big things
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we came to bring my ship is some of the bodies were 20 in the water. by them in telling them is 1st thing worth now is coming from didn't off because this is just outside. what did the if is most our team and the other side, or last time for the 3 levels, the bossing to watch this last month. and that's been a big post on the total for been and even for the corporate or something that we're doing here. what's on in the capacity to video? honestly, i mean to deal with the military will finish on the descent on and 1st thing, some of the most active movements, the individual is what i've seen. for example, the top command, the vice chief of stuff for the army, is now here in this area, they can talk to the population. i'm trying to assure them that's the i'm, is doing what they can do. what's popular so knows very well that it's a big challenge for the army. and this is why they are expressing difficulties on and don't worry if i could watch them. it happened for them here in the village. if
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it's from the full cost of only $20.00 m $23.00, which seems to be holding fuel the government, the land like on it. i've just been entered into the democratic republic of coal in south africa. officials in cape town have won a court order, allowing the eviction of people living in tents in the city center. the officials say that they are offering safe spaces to the thousands affected rice. campaigners disagree air latasha has more from cape town, cost. if i move in by is used to living rough next to a busy road in south africa. she and as a homeless people could seem, be evicted for a legally occupying public spaces in the city of cape town. conditions here are basic, but they say they won't leave. i'm not going to, i'm not going to move. we must, we go to cape tons. government has put some people in temporary accommodation sites called safe spaces. officials say social workers are assisting the homeless. people can leave during the day, but at night they have to be back by
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a certain time or they will be dropped out on the shelf is, is located on the a, the highway and the city has said that that constitutes sufficient shelter from the, the elements and so people will sleep on effectively on the floor underneath the call phones. and you can understand that it's in rainy and windy conditions that, that it's still going to be terribly cold. and lots of comfortable post evictions are not new to take time even though. but they are often chaotic and violent too, because people fight to stay on the street. many of these people, for decades, some of them is being subjected to a great deal of neutrality from the city of cape town. so number one, the, don't you say they don't civil say that the can specialist with the poverty, unemployment and housing shortages. some of the reasons why people are on the
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streets because of 19 pandemic. major things was added to the numbers a few years ago homeless people were removed from this area of tape tom. city officials put up these rocks and making it very hard for families to live here. but if you came back then said they have nowhere else to go. some people also the africans, as is an undocumented, foreigners, that needs to say they're living rough because they are disciplined. hardaman tests out there, kicked off a woman who's served 43 years in prison for murder in the us state of missouri is free. after her conviction was overturned, sandra, him was released on friday after weeks of legal discussions. she's now 64 years old . a judge over to her and her conviction last month. but the attorney general fought against her release in bolivia, a head on collision between a truck and the bus has killed at least 16 people in injured. another 14,
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the bus had been heading towards chile officials say both drivers or longer dads, a traffic officer says the crash happens when the truck cross plains into oncoming traffic to overtake a car. that as well, i'm president nicholas major says the presidential election on july. the 28th will be a vote for peace or war. madura is seeking a 3rd term useful supporters that he wants to bill the society of a close on the queues opponents of conspiring against him. but rights groups are increasingly concerned the election will be free or fair. several active as an opposition party members have been arrested on the opposition politician maya machado has been banned from running to your total on july 28th. the future of venezuela for the next 50 years will be decided whether it will be a venezuela of peace or venezuela, that is convulsive, violent,
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and full of conflict piece or war. columbia has 1st left when president is halfway through his term button. gustavo petros low approval ratings and a series of scandals are threatening his ambitious economic and social reforms, alessandro and patsy reports from bogo to collect these president gustavo pay to move this years. independence state per rates being published south of the capital will go to a symbolic choice to read, to rates as government's commitment to the country suppor. yet as he reaches the half pointed, his administration is in vicious plans to reform the countries unequal economic and social laws had been stymied by congress and corruption scandals among some of his officials. the problem is he tried to overcome me in a speech in august 18. congress is new. they just let the periods and calling for a national agreement. as part of the political pact that's i propose to you is meant to help us reach an agreement on the reforms. it's not meant to preserve
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the status quotes. yeah. because that's what brought us. yeah. it's the latest to be the most an equal society on the planet or spectrum at one level. in this 1st 2 years in office paper was managed to pass the tax reform or the on a pension bill and reduce deforestation. but his overall agenda and security plan supplied better has had difficulties building consensus with different political forces. this has translated for one part into a significant duration of his, of his government's political capital. and on the other hand, we have seen several corruption scandals that have eroded its credibility and its legitimacy as a government that was meant to do things differently. faced with these challenges paid the rest change, the more minutes there's been any previous administration. transforming an early
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coalition government into one more entrenched and loyal to his vision, accusing the country's traditional release of waging a soft crew against them, and repeatedly flirting with the idea of over holding the constitution to implement this agenda. outside the congress protesters were a reminder of the country's deep revitalization aloud century. sell a home that will give you the former minister of education and it was 1st cabinet says the president, that's mostly himself to blame for lashing out at his critics and allies. i like your cut open, present the paper. why do we do it? i still see the president's petro has divided the society even more. he has tried to divide society between a corrupt leech and the people of which he pretends to be the only spokes person. and that has created more political problems and generated more by such as time passes, it seems increasingly clear what avenues are less for the president to reach is
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emissions for change which risk leaving his promises? i'm fulfilled, i will send that. i'm get the i just need, i've looked at the lot on the news hour. i am, i'm indeed recei uh, in the gun via when the shows government for them to stop rush impulse is hoping to raise the outputs on income. the a 150 is a gyptian history seen through an extraordinary photographic archive. this remarkable treasure trove shows how well photographers captured key military historical moments from the earliest partition occupation to the arab israeli, who was the 20th century. and the contrast and emotions in victory and defeats egypt through the lens. conflicts on al jazeera,
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they don't want to lose their dignity being displays and makes shift comes and not being able to get access to food. asking questions. how likely is it in reality that nothing? yeah. who would be arrested when visiting a fine look posing from the action? but what i would say to the administrative health is come to see the effects about the best off from the factories in india. i'll just use chines across the world when you closer to the house of the story. the government challenges here with
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the we have some breaking news out of bangladesh and in the past hour we've been expecting the supreme court to deliver a ruling on the jobs. quote, a system and now that ruling has been delivered, we understand that the supreme court has dismissed the lower court order on quotas in government jobs, and that's according to local media. so this quote, a system for government jobs was really at the heart of the protests and bangladesh . recently, this quote was established in 1972 to help those who fought and liberation were the year before. and today, 30 percent of government positions are reserved for their children. another 26 percent are for women, that disabled and other ethnic minorities. and each year, nearly 400000 graduates compete for $3000.00 civil service jobs. critics are saying that the system is open to abuse, it excludes qualified applicants and sometimes these positions on fail. so there
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had been protests in the past few days in bangladesh. and now we understand that the supreme court has dismissed the lower court order on hotels and government jobs . that's what local media is reporting. we will bring up our correspondence from bank with us in the next few minutes to talk through all of these developments. but for now, we'll move on to tell you about cyprus, because a divided island has been marking the war that began in july 1974. but as one side warns its loss on the other celebrates the military victory. 50 years on reconciliation seems a long way off. during the whole, the sirens interrupt the silence of to just as they did 50 years ago at 5 20 in the morning. when turkey's troops landed on the beaches of northern cypress,
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the military and athens had days earlier attempted to init casea to re unique cyprus, with greece to kias response was to invade, occupying a 3rd of the island, a division that remains to this day. the yes, the pain and bitterness we feel for this day cannot be described in words. all those dock days come to our memories. we remember the betrayal that happens when they just left our children over that to be killed. because these 10 it kits this was 30 at the time, displaced like thousands of others from his home in the north here tending his brother's grave. the self declared took his republic of northern cyprus, announces itself in the distance. many of its citizens displaced as well, of the 2 sides separated by a buffers unprotected by the un folders peacekeeping mission. 2 sides mocking this moment quite differently. greek cypriots moaning on what they call
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a black anniversary, the turkish cypriot leadership, meanwhile, celebrating a military victory. previous attempts at reunification have failed. a plan put forward by then you and secretary general coffee and then in 2004 and talks in geneva that collapsed in 2017 greek cypriots and the u. refusing tech. a separate demands of a 2 state solution there is a need for the need is on the island to redouble their efforts to secure a political solution. the secretary general has made clear that to the window of opportunity is only becoming smaller with the passage of time. and so an easy state is quite a remains bullet riddled buildings reminder of all old pictures that commemorate
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the missing and graveyards the dead. the former international airport abandoned in 1974, still running away untouched. jo, now how elder 0, the gambia is ramping up production of its most popular staple foods. 80 percent of the west african nations rice is imported. adriece reports from a char 300 kilometers from the gbi and capital project field is being prepared for the next planting cycle. the surgeon agriculture electricity is, is driven by an emissions government program to increase rise protection can be a staple for a gum being. so been leaving a board on our coming to take advantage. and the one that happened was a $400000.00 u z in matching branch, where they paid 60 percent. and i did the rest. right? so i bought from that, i also benefit it from like i'm in a big, i mean,
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i mean like i'm in like my storage and some of the, you know, you come in to the government do. so using established promises, i came to distribute grants machinery in palm inputs, re add the simplicity of put together, i saved the equity from a in the entire country at no cost. and we think that is also entirely apartments. and those sees that we had disability. the high you the climate smart, some of them i dropped resist, i'm even florida is, is that on to now mentor probation in the gambia looked like this. it still is in many parts. the government says it wants to change the old methods of not only production, but processing rapid and look at industrious in last often of the car to boost the concept by computerized consumption in becoming a country of 2 point. 8000000 people is 115 kilograms. 80 percent of it is important. very crazy and also create opportunities for investment. this
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rice meal is one of several that operating in the gambia, addressing the child in problem was used to phase in processing that pad. some rules how much they getting that produced through the markets is still a challenge. the left quadrant lead. i'm in close, that's it. yeah, the 1008 and 80 kilometers local farm us. also one of the quality of saw be improved to open up more areas for contribution and better prizes for that crops. how many degrees i was just gonna put you all the gum. yeah. thanks for watching the news on all the 0. we're back in just a moment with much more of today's pod. huge. i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that's the new thing you have on his government with these 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking odd since the e you made weapons being used in guns? no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running, mean what does he bring to the table, hard from the presidential?
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could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was suddenly present as not that important factor. he had the story on talk to how does era the . ringback the african stories from african perspectives, antagonists had my life. and i did process is to show documentary spite african filmmakers from monte. and sending the lady, for example,
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more or less of the size of the can. 3, linus and toddler, new series of africa, direct on, i'll just 0 in india's remote tribal areas, hockey is a function, so it gets selected for the national team play for the country. that's my 3 tribal athletes are contributing to english, international policy research and, and the support is transforming that communities one. 0, one east reveals india's tribal healthy trans on outages era, the bangladesh, a supreme court scales back a lower court ruling on a controversial jobs photo system. that triggered the days of filing protests the you're
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watching ultra 0 light from headquarters and del fine teddy navigate. the also


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