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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 21, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the supreme court in bangladesh reduces controversial quote us for government jobs officer weeks of student led to process the you're watching elsewhere, 0 life or my headquarters, and i'll find any you navigate is also coming up. israel says it's shot down in mississauga, approaching from yemen. ours officer, it struck support of the full day job is really strikes target, residential areas and rescue. g comes across also a 5 month old baby is killed and, and boot is they keep saying peace,
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a threat to democracy. i'm saying what the hell that i do with democracy? last week i took a bullet for democracy on thousands of supporters greet donald trump, that his 1st campaign rally sum, surviving an assassination attempt. the tele, we'd be getting in bangladesh where the top court has old but scrap the controversial government job code a system. so in the past hour, the supreme court dismissed an earlier ruling by the high court that reintroduced the policy offer, reserving 30 percent of jobs for relatives of war veterans. the judgments now direct dot 9 to 3 percent of government jobs will be merit based appointments. hi courts, june order reinstating the quote. a system sparked weeks of student flood protests . at least
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a 114 people had been killed in thousands injured. incorrect is by security forces . soldiers are on the streets with a nationwide curfew in place indefinitely. internet and mobile phone connectivity remains impacted by connectivity. black out the moving on to gaza and he is really military says that it's shut down a surface to air missile approaching from human before it entered is really territory. and this comes just hours after the 4th, the army group said that it wouldn't hesitate to attack what it calls vital targets in response to an is really attack on the port city of the data. so israel's military says that it's carried out error strikes and an oil facility and a power station on saturday. the men's health ministry says at least 80 people were injured and many have sustained severe burns. the attack came a day after the proceeds long, the long range droned,
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strike on israel's biggest city. one person was killed near a us embassy office and central tel aviv when the drone hits. and in the past few hours, aires sirens of sounds isn't the is really city of a lot. the whole thing is a frequently a top. the red sea city does something which has more on israel's retaliation or an oil refinery. a blaze in humans, port city of her data, clouds of smoke spilling the air after the attack in which a power station was also hit. all part of the retaliation israel had promised the food thies. after they launched a drone, which had till a v. we were shocked and terrified by today's bombing, for air strikes and oil facilities. we already have a severe fuel crisis, severe electricity crisis, and severe living crisis. our infrastructure in yemen is exhausted. prime minister benjamin netanyahu watched the attack on hold with security officials after the
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country's defense minister gave the order to attempt. if you're not going to come from the beginning of the war, i made it clear that israel would hom, anyone who hums us. and so earlier today i convened the political security cabinet . i asked them to support the decision i brought to attack the, who's the targets in yemen. the say the targeted tel aviv with a drone that went on detected on friday, killing one person and injuring 10 others. these really military is still investigating why the countries air defense systems were not activated to intercept the aerial target. but the who these are now threatening to not let this attack go on, answered to walk through the many of the many armed forces confirmed that they will respond to this place and aggression. and that with the help of a law mighty, they will not hesitate to strike the vinyl targets of these right the enemy, while consuming what was stated in the previous statement considering occupied you
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also as an unsafe area, you know, dozens of casualties in yemen. as the attacks mark and escalation between both sides as israel continues its assaults on garza and southern lebanon from the central jersey don't. to me, while the is really a military has also gone several areas in southern lebanon, one of the strikes hidden, munitions depot, causing and major fire local media are reporting 3 people were injured, has the bottom. no, it says it's sort of the attacks on us forces and the policies in yemen. market dangerous turn in the conflict and gauze around is really strikes on the central region have killed several children. families say at least 9 people were killed when they is really army hit, a house, the employees refuge account. at least 16000 children had been killed in israel's long garza, and there are thousands more who are missing. and in that he has more from dated
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vela and central gaza. as the strikes are concentrated in good age and in the slave rods still this minute are tele, reset and continues. and is there any uh, forces just start getting a building from main, send you a building in the us button. i remember in the beginning of this week, is there any courses targeting at the school or the new and shelters in the us? and then they start to target residential areas in that area. let me remind you that we are talking about the middle area where all of these policy news evacuated from dropbox, evacuate eunice, and also investigated from the parts of the god was get started. going to mislead ross and know those palestinians aren't your best to wait again because according to them that it's unbearable. there's envious exclusions there and this are totally reselling and they already were just nice incense laid off and it's not the 1st time those policy is evacuate. it's
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a couple it more than up 3 times since the beginning of the words is where the forces are invaded. mostly about a couple of times so people were going back and forth to their houses. the office of the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has announced that he will meet us president joe biden in washington on tuesday. he said to fly to the states on monday, a head of a planned address to the us congress on wednesday. the you when says is really settlers have carried out some more than $1100.00 attacks on palestinians and the occupied westbank since october the 7th. on friday, the wench top court found israel is obligated to end, the unlawful presence in the territory. palestinians have held the landmark decision, but it's new to all the reports from but i'm a law. they will take much more to change. the reality on the grounds are
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armed with buttons and the confidence of entrenched impunity is rarely settler's attack of palestinian family in the southern hebron hills. a young man shields himself from the blows his aunt isn't as lucky when relatives try to pull her away and is rarely sold or consent from firing in the year to protect the settler's walk, how was sent to hospital where she received 7 stitches to the head this is not the 1st time. well wishers have visited the family after an attack. 20 years ago is really settlers killed. what's his brother? and the assaults have not stopped since the shooting and there no one helped us. i was beaten on my head and shoulders. my nephew could have died. they don't spare any one. they don't want any public opinion here was elsewhere and the occupied westbank is really subtler set fire to palestinian businesses and fields near nablus. a seer ring,
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reminder for palestinians. the on its own. the landmark ruling by the international court of justice on the legality of israel occupation did not bring dispute from reality to an end. still, experts believe the decision clears the way for effective accountability is will supplements. enterprise is solely intertwined. with the the, the, the, the state. oh simple. simple to say that this is why i know it's time to impose this function. so nice row. if you drove doesn't comply on the ground, the daily battle to protect the palestinian land and lives will continue for rose. just it was really your thoughts are unlikely to stop a hello sundance feel vindicated by the world court. but say there's a long and hard road ahead, exact the cost on the is rarely occupation and the international actions allowing it to continue. not all day as ita drama,
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la palestine. will some regions of your kia are facing a rise in empty refugees, sentiments? the government accuses the opposition of stoking fears by threatening to deport the syrians more than 3 and a half 1000000 syrian refugees live in turkey, year, and current and says none will be forced to leave sooner because of all good reports from stumble. the circus professors once see we massachusetts to go home. police arrested hundreds of people after on team of green fines and several cities. earlier this month. it was triggered by accusations of a syrian men harassing a child. the violence against syrian businesses and properties has opened it to kids once while coming to reputation for syrians living. going to somebody for more than 10 years whose children have studied in good schools like, ma, here's it is not easy to just leave hit things. this is
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a temporary backlash sold off the no, sir, we guys incredibly complicated up to sonia as a full security somewhat improved. but the economy in damascus is awful. and they have various plays with various influence on the ground. even if reconciliation, because not all problems will be resolved. i doubt that those that funding that's in this country will return by they own will. so with an economic downturn and the rise of national, this opposition onto the syrian sentiment has periodically arisen in recent years into kid. the nation is among the was top refugee hosting countries with at least 3200000 ceilings. some of them say they started to feel safe and are considering leaving if it goes like this, it will not be possible for me to stay here. i've had to go back to syria or maybe europe live here is good. there's racism, but we shouldn't forget the good people for some the syrian refugees are to blame for what they have lost or missed in life. the rent for shops and homes have
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increased dramatically because of them running. people cannot find job, you know, i took a situation is miserable. that's enough. hospitality took his present friendship type don has been advocating for the political solution to the syrian conflict. and the voluntary return of the syrian refugees on the policy of since the outbreak over the civil war has proven to be no longer a sustainable thought elsewhere. and it is like walking on excels aside from the military and responsibilities to kids in france, in opposition. health areas of northern syria are finding however, the economy and the ship things your politics are not helping at all. because solo else is there a stumble. donald trump has held his 1st campaign rallies and surviving an assassination attempt last week. thousands of supporters greeted trump and was paid for vice president j. the vance in michigan. it's one of the battleground states
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expected to determine the outcome of november's election. phil laval, reports from the raleigh in grand rapids, trump suppose is everyone in grand rapids. i'm police on horseback on rooftops, a full, the president that president narrow de missed an assassination attempt a week ago, and they all have for him, no matter what the earth show when he got shot. because everybody felt it. can you imagine what this country would be like without? it's the 1st campaign events together as a 2 man team days of the trump named j d events as his running mate. but few in this crowd reading a bunch about the man who could be the 2nd most powerful person in the us come january, you know much about trade events before because nobody wants to know a lot about what we do know. we really like donald trump of a big crowd. you certainly got one here. $12000.00 packed into the serena full to
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capacity. many others tired. the way as he began to speak. we will never stop working to deliver a magnificent future for our people. and together we will fight fi fi right back outside a sea of my go red hots t shirts, even pizza deliveries. i'm buying this one. the much make has embracing the assassination attempt, or 3 d printing model, donald trump, and everywhere that sense that this is a find that keeps a piece of threat to democracy. i'm saying what the hell that i do for democracy. last week i took a bullet for democracy. for donald trump, this is the start and then you trump the one where he is now officially the republican nominate. nobody can charge you for that anymore. one where he has a v p running made on the ticket with him. after this they will go in a separate direction so they can spread the mug a message and the wrong way to the wrong people. the worry about folks is like
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these, these people say watch michigan, there are still lots of i'm just so there is no way to the action. i live at the 0 roughly, but you're still a heads on how to 0. wow. the protest or is outside the white house, calling president biden, to drop his re election bid us i might've been tossing tapes outside of that to get, keep watching. i'll tell you why people are living on the streets. i know that the the a hello that was not in southeast asia and to tropical psych comes on developing
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either side of the philippines. the 1st one is making land for across southern parts of china, often moving through heinen islands. it's going to bring some very heavy rain and last 3 wins with some of that rain, touching in the pots of indo china, the places like vietnam, another tropical sy come to the east of the philippines, is moving its way to southern parts of japan. it'll brush into taiwan as we go into the new week through the mid week. it's expected to strengthen into a type thing, but for now on monday, we seem very strong winds and some heavy rain. we've got red flood, a lot south for pots overdue. sun is also heavy rain pouring into me and ma and thailand, thanks to the monsoon range. but for the south of this, it's a story of heat with an endless heat wave continuing across indonesia. and it was we headed down on the to australia. things are looking look calm and quiet of about southeast corner of toronto, wintery, and wet. we can, the weather instead, we'll be pulling into southern pots of w way with some heavy falls. coming to southern pots of perf,
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17 degrees celsius that on choose day is one way of sunshine. however, for sidney the, the . ringback the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the top stories on out to 0, this our be is really military says it's shut down. and michelle, approaching from yemen, it comes hours after the whole see group said it wouldn't hesitate to attack what it calls fido targets. dots in response to is really or strikes on some data content garza is really strikes. i'm a central region have killed several children. families say at least 9 people were killed when the is really army hit. a house is refugee bangladesh. a supreme court has scrapped most of the, quote us on government jobs that have caused mass demonstrations for weeks. at least a 114 people have been killed in thousands, injured and across town by all. stories will bring in tons of your child. true. who is joining us from the con,
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now that the decision has been made tons of your toughest through the reaction. and whether this has satisfied the protests or as of the well, it's hard to get new is that we, we haven't seen that a crowd in the street. really, the coffee has been relax for 2 hours from local time, 3 pm to 5 pm. but as you can see, it's relaxed but ready to staple a car in the streets. the defense life for the children say they'd rather satisfactory, brought it. but they said the code, beg dimensions about the, the tang students and about the students who died in the recent classes. so there's a lot of apprehension as to how the people, when you react a lot of people who were anxiously waiting. i listen to little more than 3 and a half hours before this code gave its friday. but we have yet to say, i pulled a reaction because of the car fuel because of the internet totally shut off. and it's hard to get fully news in the satellite private news because they have
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a very measured news for whatever reason stuff might be. so we'll have to see by the end of the day, i mean by tomorrow, actual say for fall out from this, considering the fill some classes in different locations in bangladesh or even today during the car for you. and we'll see how it breaks out within some time. so it's unfair and just run this through the supreme court's decision and how this quote so now is going to be broken down. ok. so out of 100 percent 93 percent basically is open ended. it goes to everybody based on merit and from that 7 percent remaining, 5 percent is allocated for the immediate family. many about that is to say the children and grandchildren of 1971 war of independence, freedom fighters and the other 2 percent has been reserved for physically challenge indigenous peoples and transgender people. so by and large,
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it looks pretty satisfactory to most people. and most people accept the defense quite satisfactory. i mean people, we've talked around the quotes every other side, it looks good. but do we have to see how the total reaction from the student community and the other general public how they react to its, considering the situation is still very channels. it's a so professionally calm that a zip sense of internet billing and the citi card is still indefinite with 2 hours break, you know, and the whole communication system is shut off. people can know the news. you kind of access social media and nothing. you cannot exchange ideas, our views, to have have to really tally and see the vibe of the people, how they're reacting to that considering the fact that so many people died and injured within the last couple of weeks. right. and this protest. okay. got it. thank you so much time. dear. thanks for that. updates from dr. oprah testers gathered in front of the white house on saturday, and they're calling on president joe biden to abandon his re election. but wow,
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how many a growing number of democrats have publicly urge biden to drop out of the race? the president has been isolating at his home in delaware since he was diagnosed with cove and 19. but he says that he'll be back on the campaign trail next week. my kind of has more from washington dc. the president biden remains in isolation that his vacation home in delaware recovering from colbert. and meanwhile, the reports of pressure mounting on him to step down from the november election. however, many of these reports, quote anonymous sources publicly. let's be clear, mold and such the members of congress, democrats, members of congress, have called publicly on president biden, to step down. we do have reports that some of the senior leaders have been speaking to president finding. however, those lead is the senate lead to the minority lead in the house of representatives,
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the former speaker of the house. have all not said anything publicly about whether or not the president biden should step down. we have heard publicly from a former president for rock obama, who has said that the only person who can decide whether or not the president biden will stand is president binding himself. you also have an advertisement which has been released at cold pos, the torch. now the problem with this as well is that we do not know who's funding this advertisement. we do not know who is behind it. so this is yet a nother anonymous piece of pressure being put on the by the end of ministration. the president himself is said he will not stand down. this is something that has been echoed by the leaders of his campaign committee. but still, this pressure continues whether it is from a number of sources or publicly from some of the members of the congress, the democratic members of congress. like kinda, i'll just say era, washington, columbia is 1st less swing president,
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is halfway through his term. but gustavo petros, low approval ratings are threatening, is economic reforms. on a center, i've got 2 reports from boca raton, to collect these presidents gustavo pay to move this year's independence state per rates being published south of the capital book, to a symbolic choice, to read, to rate this government's commitment to the country suppor. yet as he reaches the half point of his administration, his, i'm vicious plans to reform the countries in equal economic and social laws had been stymied by congress and corruption scandals among some of his officials. who yeah, the problem is he tried to overcome a speaching outgrew 18. congress is new, they just looked at periods and calling for a national agreement. as part of the political pact that's i propose to you is meant to help us reach an agreement on the reforms. it's not meant to preserve the status quotes yet,
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because that's what process. yeah. it led us to be the most unequal society on the planet or spectrum at one level. in this 1st 2 years in office paper was managed to pass a tax refund early on a pension bill and reduced before a station, but its overall agenda and security plan. so flag better has had difficulties building consensus with different political forces. this has translated for one part into a significant duration of his, of his government's political capital. and on the other hand, we have seen several corruption scandals that have eroded its credibility and its legitimacy as a government that was meant to do things differently. faced with these challenges paid the rest change, the more minutes there's been any previous administration. transforming an early coalition government into one more entrenched and loyal to his vision,
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accusing the countries traditional leads of waging a soft crew against them. and repeatedly flirting with the idea of over holding the constitution to implement this agenda. the outside congress processors were a reminder of the countries, the providers ation allowed centuries sell a hand that'll give you the former minister of education and fitness. first cabinet says the president is mostly himself to blame for lashing out at his critics and allies. i like your cut open president the paper. why do we do it? i suppose to be the president's. petro has divided the society even more. he has tried to divide society between a corrupt leech and the people of which he pretends to be the only spokes person. and that has created more political problems and generate, as i said. as time passes, it seems increasingly and clear what avenues are left for the president to reach is emissions for change which risk leaving his promises?
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i'm fulfilled, i will send that. i'm 50 and just need approval to prevent as well in president, across my derosa as the presidential election on july. the 28th will be a vote for peace or war. a jury seeking a 3rd term and he's told supporters that he wants to build a society of equals and accused the opponents of conspiring against him. but rights groups are increasingly concerned the election will be free or fair. several active as an opposition party members have been arrested and the opposition politician maria machado has been banned from running to your total on july 28th in the future of venezuela. for the next 50 years will be decided whether it will be a venezuela of peace or venezuela that is convulsive, violent, and full of conflict. peace oh, war. in south africa, officials in cape town have want a court order allowing the eviction of people living in tents in the city center.
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the officials say that they are offering safe spaces to the thousands who are affected. but rights campaigners disagree. hiram, which also has more from cape town, cost, if i move in, but is used to living russ next to a busy road in south africa. she and as a homeless people could seem, be evicted for legally occupying public spaces in the city of cape town. conditions here are basic, but they say they won't leave. i'm not going to move. i'm not going to move. we must, we go to cape tons. government has put some people in temporary accommodation sites called safe spaces. officials, a social workers are assisting the homeless people can leave during the day. but at night they have to be back by a certain time or they will be dropped out on the shelf is, is located on the a, the highway and the city is said that that constitutes sufficient shelter from the,
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the elements. and so people sleep on effectively on the floor underneath the call phones. and you can understand that in rainy and windy conditions that, that it's still going to be terribly cold and lots of comfortable post evictions. i'm not new to get to know, but they often chaotic and violent too, because people fight to stay on the street. many of these people, for decades, some of them has been subjected to a great deal of neutrality from the city of cape town. so number one, they don't say they don't civil say that they can trust this would be poverty, unemployment, and housing shortages. some of the reasons why people are on the streets because of 19 pandemic. major things was added to the numbers a few years ago homeless people were removed from this area of tape tom. city officials put up these rocks and making it very hard for families to live here. but if you came back then said they have nowhere else to go. some people also the
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applicants, as is an undocumented, foreigners, that needs to say they're leaving russ because they are disciplined. panama tests out of their cape town. the gambia is ramping up production or fits most popular staple foods. 80 percent of the west african nations rice is imported by the denise reports from pets are 300 kilometers from the can be and capital project field is being prepared for the next planting site. the surgeon agriculture electricity is driven by unambitious government program to increase rice protection can be a staple for the gum being. so been leaving the board on now coming home to take advantage. the one that happened was


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