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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 21, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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on i'll just say around the vicious dump quotes which uses clauses for government jobs up to protest. santa security track down to 100. and so he paid for the ultimate try. this is they'll just say we're live from. so coming up, humans with these pledge to carry out new strikes and response to is rarely a tax on that oil facilities is ready for us as bomb refugee camps and central guns that we're moving. 1000000 palestinians of sheltering would you let a crypto currency scan your iphones? wells coined promises that will keep the digital. i did speak to the
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for the top schools and done with dish has scaled back controversial courses for government jobs that had spoke to nationwide demonstrations. but students i protest will continue and a cooling for a nationwide shut down. michael, apple has more soldiers patrol the streets of deca during one of the worst periods of unrest and recent history in bangladesh. and go bought a quoting system, that was a 50 percent of government jobs for defendants of war veterans boiled over this. we protest who's demanded the policy be square and the supreme court almost is dismissing an earlier ruling by the high court division all the year long. the, the, the super includes given a solution to the quote to system such as
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a 93 percent quote, to the general public 25 percent for the freedom fighters. and that can be one percent prospect minorities and one percent the transgender and physically disabled applicant. however, the partial victory in the countries highest court has been overshadowed by the severity of the crack down by security forces. dozens of student leaders, activists and opposition figures have been arrested. others are missing. the exact numbers of the dead ended and arrested, but difficult to consent with their communications. blackouts and nationwide could few in place. a member of the governing, allow me lead accuses the opposition of hijacking the students because we are saying whoever is involved in that they have that me squared as well. the political party involving here on the, on the, on the police man. all the law and forcing it is in the students is it they should
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what they but the demanding some other part to get a copy. they are involved in that i've been doing all these vandalism, totally zip educational commission of inquiry. you will investigate the causes of the killings and destruction. despite the court ruling protest is all refusing to back down and it issued a list of demands among them. the resignations of 2 ministers and the release of detained student lead is sailing this. that's threatening in nationwide shut down. mike level of desert attended, challenging for pulls from deck out what the students are demanding. as the starting later today declared that they will not withdraw that product as they actually called for nationwide shut down for tomorrow on monday. and that will hold the funeral to prayers all across the country for those students who got killed in the past few days by police action. the situation in the country is still remains
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of a samsung bullet, as that's been tracked done by police in the military, in different locations in the capital doc, uh, and other parts of the country. there has been casualties. they've been 2 days now . the government has been blaming squarely everything on the opposition political party for the destruction and damage to public property and calling them creating anarchy in the country. now that has been at least 70 arrest them on the opposition main party. that is the bangladesh nationalist party, one of the case student lead, lead or night. this lab was picked up by detective police day before he's worried about this unknown. his family went to visit and see if is there and the detective police headquarters that denied that he was taking those other politicians stood in later who became a politician. little hock. mueller was also picked up and he's right about is unknown. so there's a lot of the tension up,
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jordan has been picked up by detective police and they're denying that they've been picked up. this is a serious concern because bangladesh is a direct card for us, extrajudicial killing, and as well as a police picking up people without the trace. so there is a lot of concern within the community, and the country is in full blackout communication block out there is no internet telephones are troublesome, it takes several try before we can get through. televisions are heavily sunset and situation. great ma'am. still very, but with us we'll see how things fall out within the next few days and weeks. so under charles rate, i'll just data dock of the, the humans whose the group says it won't be deterred from launching fresh attacks on as ro best despite the israeli military carrying out its products on an oil facility in the palace station and the pulled data on saturday, humans health minister, recently 6 people were killed and move and injured. many have sustained severe
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burns. we attack time a day after the booth these launched the long range drones drawn, as well as the biggest city. one person was killed near us embassy office in central tennessee, with a tron hes. for lilian, my colleague needs bach. i spoke to him home at the elbow. cathy, who is the senior political official, he says the group will not stop attacking is ro a good plan the before we talk about the results of the consequences, we need to confirm that. and then on our support to our brothers in that is fine, is a d, u d humanitarian, a deity. if they can do d as and religious due to ever the sacrifice is uh the, the zip codes from as well. it will never affect our stan, which is in support load was of our brothers input as find these and this will increase our determination to work hard to stop the genocide and you guys are
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in the higher end of the day a month from now. when we get to talk to this, well, we understand that there might be sacrifices and losses, but now our stand is just an ethical. you live at a stop until designers into this stuff. it's crimes in guys that what's the evidence exercises all you mention has blah, as being part of a, a group of resistance against israel. does this mean that the who t forces are in direct cooperation, direct communication, and coordinating attacks with hezbollah on israel. and i'm a bit techie. yes. of course. so sure. do. there is a lot of cool donation between us. yeah. man and put his tie in lebanon,
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the rock and iran. there are also a joint operations between us and our brothers, the iraq. also our mentor, 3 operations and the, the, the of the end of may or in the c, c is in called the nation with our brothers in, i'm as called, the nation is they're going to ration is developing between us, look at the most and the we might reach a point of view, and if it case in, in the fight doing this about the, again his design this enemy. and let's get more of these developments from out. correspondent hummed us to lead. thanks again for joining us here here. obviously because as well as govern his band al jazeera from reporting from there. uh, 1st of all, the israel's promising to respond to any further attacks from the who it is. this is quite quickly turning into a dangerous escalation, isn't that, or will the exchange of attacks surely marks something new?
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i mean, it's the 1st time that we know of that israel has attacked young men in these last 9 months of conflict. and these really said it's because in these several months since the war has begun, there has been more than 200 projectiles that have been launched by the food these toward israel. we're talking about crews and ballistic missiles and drones and some of them have even infiltrated is really aerospace. i mean, we just saw that drowned just a couple of days ago that was able to go undetected from him and around 2300 kilometers, traveling for around 16 hours and that's according to israel's air force. so that was able to happen. but benjamin netanyahu himself has said that the days of just quote, defense are no longer going to be viable when it comes to dealing with the food, the. so these really, their military is already overstretched. when it comes to the war, ongoing sides, we've been following quite extensively. additionally, in the north, on his roles, northern border and the continuation of these changes, the fire with loving on,
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but also now the situation with the who fees. and i think time will only tell what's going to happen there. yeah, and this is all obviously having a major impact know just within this route but the outside as well, financially to economically. this is putting extra pressure on the region, isn't it? well, exactly. you have several shipping companies who are afraid to, to now send their vessels within the red sea. and just to give you a little bit of context, 1st you have yemen, which is a little bit more south. and then you have the red sea itself. and then you have the larger area, so you can see there, egypt, israel, and the palestinian territories, and the sign i peninsula. now over on the left side of your screen, the suez canal. now this is a short cut that shipping companies use to go from asia to your of otherwise you would have to go old way around africa in order to access these routes. and not
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only is international shipping, taking a huge hit, i mean you're looking at the cost of the revenue is down billions of dollars, nearly 25 percent since all of this started. but in israel, specifically in the port city of and that shipping was paralyzed for the last 8 months and still is. and in fact, the port itself has declared bankruptcy. and the person in charge there has said that he is going to have to potentially layoff 50 percent of the people who work there and given the implications of the maritime security issue. so a lot of developing situations when it comes to the who is this, and this escalation with these really is but it is worth mentioning, these rallies have said that they are no longer going to stand still. they're going to fight back and the who with these have said that they have no red lines any longer and they are going to retaliate as well. and we thing, 5 region consequences because of that, thanks so much. i'm to switch this reminder to isn't. uh, because uh prime minister netanyahu is government has been,
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they'll just say we're from reporting and is ro, well, we're going to go to guys and now we're is ready for us as kills more than 20 people across the strip on sunday. the attacks focused on areas in central kinds of targeting these refugee camps that have barely a few kilometers away is ready for us as bomb. the talent and alumnis are out the can. the girl was killed and many of the people injured when the house and residential building with this a and a striking laurise refugee camp is killed several children family site, at least 9 people were killed when the is ready on the targets at the house. within 16000 children had been killed and israel's, for on gaza. thousands more are still missing. these rarely, i'm, it has announced that we'll start backs and i think it soldiers and guys are against polio. the virus has been detected in the search and contamination for the intent kens hundreds of thousands of palestinians who have been fullest from their homes, living in temporary shelters and tents without access to clean water, will send a taishan holy. i was
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a highly infectious virus that can cause deformities and paralysis gallon set across. now to, to eric, what was there in his life for us and del ballot and central guy's room, we'll get to the issue of polio in just a moment. the target appears that as well as really stepping up more strikes on central guy. so can you just explain to us why that area is becoming such a target right now? in fact, people as strikes to continue to target very densely populated areas in defense for regions exactly need. well, we have been recruiting and even hearing the loud and diffuse explosions took place in the eastern selling, develop parade's refuge account. the last i, i'm the latest it kind of confirmation of managed to get from local sources is that they have been to that tax on these residential houses are still missing under the ruffles, while at least more than 7, california huffman or food. while even imagine, say watches have been targeted as they were trying to rescue those who have been
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shown by these valley military. but at the same time, the there is a very probing focus by the is going to ministry on the attack in residential towers. and i'm, is that raj refuge account at least uh far as how the citizens have to report to killed while this very particular part of the strip, according to johnson's government, media office has been hit at least 6 to 3 times during the past 7 days or 91 palestinians have been reported to more than 250 others who, who did this kind of a statistic is really very shocking and on the president that especially that this is what palestinians have been told to seek refuge by the it's by the army. but what we do know leave is that there are more casualties arriving to hospital i'm, it's a very limited capacity now is left in order to do it to treat policy and you'll see more does not last the hospital need you in tears when it comes to polio, as we mentioned, these really military is maximizing its soldiers. but what about the millions of palestinians that are at risk of this virus of the
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world that she's a, you just hit the negative the head needs, palestinians have been deprived from getting all sorts of the basic rights in terms of having a huge, in terms of having even education and right now, getting vaccination off to the discover the virus by the causes health ministry, coordination with the on the steps. and basically those people right now are so afraid of from being infected, especially it is children and bringing it women are holding toner while they are talking about more than 4600 displace. pregnant women are right now in district and they are in a very high risk of contracting that in fact to us disease, it means that it's will impose to life. and so we're at the risk of danger. um, it's very limited medical capacity and capability of hospitals in order to provide the palestinians with a vaccination, but also as well has been playing a very significant tool. we're going to separate of such firestick, systematic destruction of both worlds, or for so waste a,
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treat. waste water treatment plans have been close or destroyed by the ministry. so all these factors have been contributing to, to be increasing the suppression of the is it being picked with these among palestinians spots generally need to now we smells, did not allow for the entry of such explanation into this trip while dominican the sectors of were overwhelmed with dealing with injuries result from these by that talk. so palestinians basically move are surrounded by the hydration and continued continuous destruction by the east, by the army and unrelenting attacks. and right now are on full deck with the new discovery of the polio virus. and also most helpful and diseases. so finally, potentially devastating development. thanks so much to eric eric, but was in for us there and to i'll by and central cancer. this table still a hit here on al jazeera. i'm autumn latasha in cape town, south africa. keep watching, i'll tell you why people are living on the streets another. and when we did pell,
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assuming estimates competing some more than just metals at the carousel and the hello that remains a saga situation from march of south asia. thanks for the monsoon range that continue to push to run shall rain into eastern parts of india that has caused water logging in my roster. we are expecting multiple flooding is while across those central areas putting out east. this is where the rain falls heaviest. on monday, a little so bubble up into more knowles and areas as we go into choose today. it is looking a lot quiet down the coast southern parts of india into shoreline cars as well, which is the scattering of showers. the rain pushes heavily around coastal areas of the bay open go in to me and mount as well as bungler dash on choose day. it's much
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t y. a picture, however, to the north west, just for shot was coming into eastern parts of i've got to start and northern parts of pucca sand. but a large hot and humid picture, full karachi, as we go into the middle of the week, is being very hot and humid across central and southern parts of china. it is going to get west. so as we go into the middle part of the week, not just across the north, as the storms, it continue have got a developing tropical fi icon down in the south. it is expected to strengthen into a tie food, and it's likely to bring those flooding, rains, and exceptionally powerful wins to southern china. by the end of the week, the was a journey through every story, every step or the celebration of what we cannot choose when to reach the wealth, to simmons,
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and exclude does the redesigns luxury leasing, trusting of future? today we create the the for you which and you'll just hear a reminder about top stories, the salad student leaders and bung with their site. they will not back down from their protest just by the supreme court ruling discredit. most of the quote is on government jobs which lead to demonstrations and unrest. humans who t groups is it won't be deterred from launching fresh attacks on israel. best just find these rarely, military caring out a strikes on an oil facility and house station. and the pulled data on saturday.
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and it's really a tags across the gaza strip have kept moving. 20 people since thrown on sunday. the central region has come under heavy fire of the past 24 hours. it is toll from israel's will, has reached nearly 14000. these really military is dropped in 1000 ultra orthodox jewish maine for the 1st time in its history. it follows last month, landmark rolling by the supreme court of the end of the long standing arrangement with the ultra orthodox jewish community. they were exempt from compulsory military service in order to focus on their religious studies. many se, conscription is incompatible with the values. this route will issue, conscription notices for another 2000 ultra orthodox jews in the coming weeks. it is ready forces have storms, the city of to boston, the occupied west bank writing palestinian homes. amazon during the cosign for guides is forth with the soldiers. it's rarely forces have increased the frequency
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and intensity of the rides in the occupied westbank since october. the 7th. what's the south african now and officials and cape town have won a court order, allowing the eviction of people living in tents and the city center, the official site that offering safe spaces to the thousands affected. but rights campaign is disagree. having the task that has moved from cape town, cost, if i move in by is used to living rough next to a busy road in south africa. she and as a homeless people could seem, be evicted for a legally occupying public spaces in the city of cape town. conditions here are basic, but they say they won't leave. i'm not going to, i'm not going to move. we must, we go to cape tons. government has put some people in temporary accommodation sites called safe spaces. officials say social workers are assisting the homeless people can leave during the day. but at night they have to be backed by a certain time or they will be dropped out on the shelf is,
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is located on the a, the highway and the city is said that that constitutes sufficient shelter from the, the elements. and so people sleep on effectively on the floor underneath the call phones. and you can understand that it's in rainy and windy conditions that, that it's still going to be terribly cold and not a comfortable post evictions. i'm not new to get tired of it. no, but they often chaotic and violent too because people fight to stay on the street. many of these people, for decades, some of them has been subjected to a great deal of neutrality from the city of cape town. so number one, they don't say they don't civil say that they can trust this would be poverty, unemployment, and housing shortages. some of the reasons why people are on the streets because of 19 pandemic. major things was added to the numbers of new years ago. homeless
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people were removed from this area of tape tom. city officials put up these rocks and making it very hard for families to live here. but if you came back then said they have nowhere else to go. some people also the applicants, as is an undocumented, following these families, the say they are leaving russ because they are disciplined hardaman tossed out of their cape town. the columbia is 1st left when president is halfway through his turn. but gustavo pictures lo, approval of writings and the series of scandals, a threatening his ambitious economic and social reforms, lessons around people, quotes from boca, to collect these presidents gustavo pay to move this year's independent state parades to being published south of the capital book. good to a symbolic choice to read to rates is government's commitment to the country suppor . yet, as he reaches the half pointed, his administration is in vicious plans to reform the countries unequal economic and social laws had been stymied by congress and corruptions scandals among some of
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these officials. who yeah, the problem is he tried to overcome a speech you now great in congress is new. the just let the periods and calling for a national agreement as part of the political pact that's i propose to you is meant to help us reach an agreement on the reforms. it's not meant to preserve the status quotes yet because that's what it says. yeah. it let us to be the most political society on the planet. little man, whoever wrote in his 1st 2 years in office paper was managed to pass the tax and found early on the pension bill and reduce deforestation. but his overall agenda and security plan. so flag better has had difficulties building consensus with different political forces. this has translated for one part into a significant duration of his, of his government's political capital. and on the other hand,
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we have seen several corruption scandals that have eroded its credibility and its legitimacy as a government that was meant to do things differently. faced with these challenges paid the rest change, the more minutes there's been any previous administration transforming an early coalition government that to, into one more in train, spend loyal to his vision, accusing the countries traditional leads of waging a soft crew against them. and repeatedly flirting with the idea of over holding the constitution to implement this agenda. outside the congress protesters were a reminder of the country's deep loudest ation. aloud century sell a home that will give you the former minister of education. in fact, it was 1st cabinet says the president as mostly himself to blame for lashing out at his critics and allies that like, you could open present the paper. why do you mean you would have to see the president's? petro has divided the society even more. he has tried to divide society between
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a corrupt leech and the people of which he pretends to be the only spokes person. and that has created more political problems and generated more on a 2nd. what do you, to this time passes, it seems increasingly and clear what avenues are less for the president to reach is impatient expect change which risk leaving his promises? i'm fulfilled, i will send that. i'm 50 and just need approval to move in half a 1000000 argentinians have had that i scanned the invitation for crypto currency. it's part of an online biometrics project known as world coin. the company says the project protects human identity, but some countries have restrict to the use of the technology to, to privacy can sense. so that's about when to take a look. i'm going to size it's known as the world as pure that scans the iris, deployed on across when a site is by technology company tools for humanity. loading up with the c works as
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a seamstress and came to get her iras scans add the sub way. in exchange, she'll be paid at $25.00 world coins equipped to kerensky worth around $60.00. there is almost no work and now i have nothing and maybe next week i'll make some money. i'm angry because it's a tough economic situation. this helps a bit to at least buy something for my children. more than half a 1000000 people country wide have taken part in the project. it's become a source of extra cash in times of economic difficulty. continues are struggling with a face kind of still with the plan implemented by precedents. have you had a delay? the iris is unique to each person around the world and by scanning it developers 6 to create a digit, an identification system that guarantees the user is a human being and not have bought. this is meant to make online from sections more secure. one of the founders, the some altima from open a i,
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the company says users privacy is guaranteed because people don't give their names or phone numbers when signing up. and the data is encrypted and protected by state of the art secuity. but as if it's not very obvious, then using an or to verify yourself with biometrics is private. and the counter intuitive thing is not just that it's private, but that is one of the most private systems we've ever used period much more than something about facebook and twitter. it's not like any of these things that we're using, the data they live. but several countries, i'm money towing the project and it was suspended in spain. gave me import to go you to privacy concerns because that goes, i wanna say i didn't want to. becky says the company needs to do much more to guaranteed people's privacy from that. but as an investor, you on a made a presentation at the agency for access to public information because there are at least 9 points that worry me very much. in my view, privacy is not guarantee they made a presentation. but for me,
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it's not enough for now, hundreds of thousands of origin teens don't seem to care where a queen provides extra money in their time of need. really. so we'll just see that when a site is a self curious is, is know the night that has again st. balloons, suspenses of caring rubbish. across the border, it comes to dies out the sol resumed. fluid costing messages on loudspeakers towards north korea. kiln yang has been flying glenn since night dropping cigarette bounce batteries and the new a dispute has led to the suspension of a 2018 deal to reduce tensions on the financial risk and cruise in china. i continuing to retrieve cause that plunged into a river up to the bridge. they were driving on collapsed. it happened on friday in the northern city of showing lou local authorities side the collapse was caused by a sudden down pool and flash flooding. at least 12 people were killed and thousands of still missing bonds. ponts of northern and central china have recorded heavy
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rain full in recent days to i tell us, send you, an athletes will be at the paris olympics, 2 of them. this one is who site they already feel like when is city a con explains under the flag of palestine, valerie to rosie, and you as an elbow up, are getting ready to represent their country. they are 2 of just 8 palestinians who have the chance to compete at the pirates 2024. and i'm one of the largest people in the world. i have the opportunity to compete for my country to raise a flag for my country. my heart is with them. every time i swim, every time i jump in the pool, i'm thinking about the people. paul's time of struggles, and i just want to represent them in the best way possible. actually expect strictly forbidden for making any kind of political statement at the.


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