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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 21, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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ones that are go against that or try to buy themselves for winning over those delegates will be what will create some competition. and it may happen, um, but ultimately this will come down to the rounds of building that happened in chicago in august. well, it'll be fascinating. just see how the next few weeks applies out. thank you so much, jennifer, victor and steve clemens for talking us through this. so no doubt to be coming back to you in the near future. thanks so much or us president joe biden has made a decision that has thrown the 2024 presidential rice into disarray. the democratic contender is stepping aside buttons, age and cognitive decline have taken since this stage and recent weeks with many fearing it could cost as positive the election. a white house correspondent, kimberly healthcare has more even before he was sworn to office most, whose showed americans thought joe biden was too old to be president after a phonetic 4 years of donald trump. americans were exhausted and eager to slow
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things down. joseph robin at by the junior do psalms an elderly bite and seemed like the solution at age 785, and made history becoming the oldest us president within our 5 inside 17 executive orders to begin reversing trumps policies on everything from immigration to rejoining the paras climate accord, the age of president had early legislative success, working with congress to give americans still struggling to recover from the corona virus pandemic, billions and financial release. a one trillion dollar infrastructure bill to improve roads, airports and bridges was also passed. but as time passed to lack the prison access, highly controlled presidential press conferences compared to other presidents,
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was notable that lack of accountability magnified as biden's, foreign policy crises mounted us withdrawal from afghanistan in 2021. the russian invasion of ukraine and 2022. the 2023 october 7th, tomas attack and israel's months long war on gaza. still with whitehouse tried to portray biden's, age and experience as his strength phases. i'm a president until it became impossible to hide president as lucy at a white house event in 2020, to live in search for a did congress woman in the crowd. jackie here risk jack? she has diction. right? she wants to go out of the corner. and his struggles to put together even simple sentences became frequent. and austin overshadowed his message
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into our military's work on following the advice of my commander in chief my, my life of the chief of staff in the military. his physical decline in public falls occurred. austin at the g 7 in italy for leaders were seeing, directing as even assisting the president as he became confused and began to wander off. but it was this june presidential debate against former us president donald trump. the finally expose the true extent of president biden's decline. it was a bad night. we understand that it was a bad night. and the president has spoken to this. the president struggled to maintain focus, the white house that he had a cold democratic supporters weren't buying it. it was tragic. i've had my hopes that bite and would make a good showing, and i support biden. and now,
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i don't know what to think. weeks later, a successful post natal press conference gave biden's campaign. the oxygen needed to bounce back. i didn't score and suggestions, his mental acuity was slipping. i'm the terminal and running for it. i think it's important and i real. i am a fears. i see. let them see me out here. take a look. what happens of the chapter, the sas, the nation of the former president, trump offered another opportunity to let the dump bite in efforts the battle of president addressed the nation from the old law office appearing strong and presidential or so. then i then got sick. he just tested positive for cove it and senior democratic leaders made it public. it was time for biden to end his bid for another presidential term polls showed 65 percent of democratic supporters
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wanted by then dropped from the ticket. a cobit stricken by then finally abandoned his campaign jo flight and entered the white house at a turbulent time. the united states was in the midst of a deadly pandemic, but it was also decently divided after an attempt to stop him from becoming president. now, by being leaves almost the same way he came in, kimberly held his l 0 washington. as hello your watching. i'll just adds the whole rob is called $1900.00 gmc, and if you are joining us, we continue with all breaking news coverage that the us president joe biden has announced that he will quit the 2020 full presidential race. but he intends to complete his tub in office, spies made a statement on the platform x, y. he said there's parts of that statement which is released in the past hour. it's
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been the greatest all the 2 of my life to serve as your president. while it's being my intention to seek re election, i believe it is in the best interest of my party onto the country for me to stand down to focus solely on the fulfilling my duties as the president. for the remainder of my tub. official, a correspondent test on the vi, washington dc for us. hi ellen. obviously this is all happened with the, the, the last 17 minutes. what comments all coming out from? you might say the center of power in washington. the woods. that'd be speaking as well. a lot of republicans are saying, look, if you're not capable of running for office, then you should stand down right now. and that's a view that has been put forward by senior figures and the highest a couple of people in the senate. and most notably speaker mike johnson, clearly the same message is coming out of donald trump. he has put a message on his social media platform saying that joe biden, i failed as
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a president. he should've been president. it was done through lies medium and installation. and the fact that he stayed in his basement throughout the campaign, a reference to the fact that a lot of the time job i didn't, didn't katia, public events. but that's because the election was in 2020 when we were in law died . and because of cool, but as far as democrats are concerned, they believe that they do it by who should be praised for making a decision that isn't the best interests of the country. remember to bite and said the reason he was running again was to protects democracy from donald trump. so they see that he has done this. he's looked at the polls. he realized that he was way behind that it was perhaps too much trying to make up in the period between now and november the 5th and has done what is right, maybe not for himself, but for the country. but we all know, we all remember just over 3 weeks ago that the beat in atlanta and the remember that was pushed by the, by the team, the rules. what essentially set by the bite and team. and the reason that they were so keen on a debate this actually in the election cycle was because they felt they could do it
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. bill of people blue to donald trump and his presidential election campaign. the felt the job i would demonstrate that he was fully in command of the facts that donald trump didn't tell the truth all the time that joe biden was not the door to the old man that'd be presented by donald trump. in the end, what we got was an appalling performance and perhaps the most consequential debate in modern political history. what you'll fight and just look like an old man who was beginning to lose a grip on his faculties. no. afterwards, he said that he'd spent a lot of time and traveling, but have been bought for several days and also that it had a cold. at one point they thought it was cool, but is that convince new one? and then in the 3 weeks then says, does it kimberly leave out. there have been issues and moments where it just looked as if he was not really on top of his game. i certainly, democrats will say he's able to see how it is 10, but not as
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a democratic party. we'll look to decide who is going to be the successor by nominating campbell a hottest that's usually important, but essentially puts joe biden and i take it in hard bulk so he can't direct his delegates. it can't move them over to hard comp, but he can direct them and can give his support. so that's important. and also the democrats might not want to fight on the convention floor in chicago, and they've just looks on the seemly and so they may well, quickly cool less. alright, and campbell of hard us and then look to, to put in a vice president who will perhaps help them in other areas. now, in the last couple of weeks we've had that come with how does this been speaking to anybody here? who's a very popular democratic governor in kentucky. he is also spoken to judge shapiro, a very popular governor in pennsylvania, pennsylvania unimportant swing state and also uh, gretchen whitmore, who is the governor in michigan again,
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another swing states. but just in the last couple of hours, we saw poles in the swing states that said, joe biden was way behind donald trump. and he must have realized that he wasn't going to make up that ground between now and november if this uncertainty continued . and there was on 70 because nobody can come out and see i'm staying in the race. i'm fighting the election. that's what's going to happen. no one was convinced that was the case because big name dollars to the democratic party. we're either say we're not raising money for joe biden or we, i'm not raising money for joe biden on that hits election campaign. so in the end, this seems like it was and then they have it, the consequences of that terrible debate performance that we witnessed just 3 weeks ago. and of course, we've had the contributors all day in the last hour, allen talking about the fact that this isn't just an individual decision, is a policy decision. i didn't the days you might say after that debates and to where we are. now. we've heard rumors, i've seen the democratic officials,
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senior members of the party, you know, voice thing, that disconcerting, even peps picking up the phone and speaking to joe biden. we've also heard that strip biden has to be very angry with the way he's being treated by his own party, but it has been a great deal of pressure amounting to get to this point as well. joe biden feels as if there has been almost space cou against him. but the reality is people who are not convinced that while he may be able to handle the job in the short term, you're looking at 2 feet, 4 years starting the line. and the when convinced the continue to operate at the same level and many will point to the fact that they believe that he is the most consequential democratic president. and modern times that he introduced this wave of legislation that was bipartisan. and he issued a number of presidential orders that have actually impacted ordinary american lives . but there was a consent that he would lose his cognitive abilities that to use a phrase he would begin to flicker on a much more a is
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a much more often basis. uh, we have from south mountain who is a congressman again in a n, and a port is wayne state. and he said that joe biden had helped him in his primary. he'd raise money for him. he'd been a fence for him for years ago. when he saw him at an event just a few weeks ago, he didn't actually recognize test milton. and when he expresses this consent, then you know there's an issue because he is a bite and loyalist so inevitably i think the pressure just built on joe bite. and then we had been the last couple of days. like don't one who's one of his closest advisors, someone who's been around this is or but for many, many, many years and for a long time had been defending joe biden, eventually went to him with the polls. and i probably said we can't win this. we're too far behind. there's nothing that is going to come in the next few months that will convince people that you are the candidates who can beat donald trump. and let
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me tell you that democrats are convinced donald trump can be, even though he's a head in the polls at the moment. they watched the speech on thursday, as i did in the hole in milwaukee. and they said, this is the best thing that has happened to us in 3 weeks because they felt the donald trump light was on focus. i didn't talk about policy articulated policies, the ordinary americans are concerned about. and all of those things built up in their favor. so they think he can be beaten. of course, the question now is, which kind of it will it be that will be put up in the fight against donald trump? and donald trump kind of knew this was coming because there was a change in republican messaging. this wasn't as a tax on joe biden's white house, or the obama bite and white house, or obama is running the white house. and joe biden is just the puppet. the old disappear this was about, this is what is happening in the bite and hottest white house. they wanted to make sure that campbell hottest was also a subject to some of those criticisms to try and we can her as a candidate,
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if she were to suddenly appear as the presidential candidate from the democratic party. and that might well be the case. the other that you'll be standing by for solid, we will be coming back to you very shortly. let's give all these a little bit more information because we've also heard from dr. barton about to his pick is to run full the top 12 and in a tweets he said by very 1st decisions as the policy nobody in 2020 was to pick. kimberly harris, as my vice president, attendance being the best decision i made today, i want to also by full support under endorsement for cumberland to be the nominee of our party this year. democrats, it's time to come together. i'm beat trump, let's do this. and here's the process of that, nobody's in going forward the presidential moment, and he will be elected by thousands of delegates that the democratic national convention of august, the 19th vice president campbell harris is the most likely candidate to replaced by
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them. but said no, medation is not guaranteed. nobody has endorsed us to in account of that need. suppose of a majority of the pledged delegates, the mold in 3900 democrats who pledge that support during the primaries. if not the vote. goods was like around the superdelegates take part, the group of around 700 cd at party leaders and elected officials who will automatically delegates based on the positions by them. and thomas share a campaign committee that raises $270000000.00. the 2nd quarter of this year, and if she remains on the ticket as either the presidential candidates, she could retain her access to the on spent funds. well, that has been reaction to biden's decision to quit the 2020 full presidential race . senate democratic leader took shrew, but has reacted to joe by dropping out of the race by saying good bye tingled twitter. joe biden has also the beat, a great president of the great legislative leader. but he's truly,
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truly amazing. he would be. his decision, of course, was not easy, but he wants to get and put his country, his party, and our future fast. jo, today shows you are a great patriots and a great american are still the husband is a democratic political strategist, join us online from burlington in the mode. is it too late, too little too late? it would it be an ideal for this process to have been done much faster, more swiftly for this to happen. and here we are. here we are. so at any moment that we would have waited longer to do this, i think would have been even more damaging. so here we are on a sunday afternoon with this kind of news. i just heard about it recently and the delegate, so uh, onwards. yeah, in terms of being a delicate, now,
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i do see that the lots of conversations across all of the 50 states wondering what happens next is everybody converge is on chicago. it just a few weeks time. and that will be the logical decision that will be had the in the meantime, we have now couple of hours adults to buy a president by and what sort of reaction do you think initially? debit cross the game to give her because she's got to not sell herself so much. why the public joe biden's endorsement goes its very long way for all of us. who are delegates, who we are. delegates mentioned to represent joe biden and specifically dividing voters in our states. so he's saying something in particular, then that's can you carry a lot of weight more over. this is for somebody who's already on the ticket as you've all already explained. so we've all already cast our implicit support for criminal harris. so now we're going to have the opportunity to do an explicitly, i will tell you this. so my seat party chair called me just a half an hour ago,
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40 minutes ago and said, would you support come with harris? i said yes. so i presume then that all of the other delegates are getting similar calls from their state, pretty chairs, who they themselves have probably gotten a call from joe biden or the campaign itself. so this is a process that is happening as we speak. and because it is happening swiftly, i think it will be, uh, i, i think your homeowners as a very good shot of getting the sports he needs from the delegates. because what it does, it's all happening. yeah. how important? assuming that these are just hypotheticals, that she does well, she is going to be the nobody if the democratic party is behind. she now has to take to the road and talk about the policies that back to to americans right now, as we saw from donald trump's presentation in michigan, a less than 24 hours ago, a rambling speech, very lacking of policy. but more on what back
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a couldn't do she is that she's, she's a good debates a she's, she's proved herself suddenly, and those those 1st house things back in 2020, when she wanted to be the president and she, she pulled out. that's why joe biden picked a sheet, she knows how to fight and how to debate. that's exactly right. tom harris is one of investigators on that stage. in fact, one of the only debaters to make sure by the end flustered because he himself was a pretty good debate or in 2020 sir. i very much look forward. i relish any one and one any kind of debates. they'll have both because come on harris as well spoken. if you listen to the donald trump for more than 3 or 4 minutes, you can see that he rambles. he goes on a lot of the things that people are accusing job i enough, but trump has gotten past with this particular kind of contrast. i think this will go very painfully in our direction. the 2nd reason i think this is very good is because a policies that job item has enacted again as uh, as you've already gone over this program, have been significant and substantial,
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very short period of time. those policies are widely favored by the american public . if you say do use for x or do you support y and the things that you are buying has done, then they have massive support from the public. so what we need, what democrats need is a well spoken candidate, the top of the ticket. got it backing very popular policies. we've got that. so i'm looking forward to this. okay. or should this space hold 5 for a stay where you? well, because they're gonna come back to you, so to get a bit more information, 2 of us who are watching out just every because of public in the presidential candidate donald trump has posted on his social media platform truth social he says, joe 5 was not fit to run the president of this thing, don't fit to serve all those around him, including his don't to knew that he wasn't capable of being president. and he wasn't. look at what he's done to our country with millions of people coming across the border. we will suffer greatly because of this presidency. obviously, i should,
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we will get that sort of a statement from donald trump. it's one of those statements that couple of harris will have to come to that when it comes to the issues of immigration, the cost of living, investment, the economy as we seem to have lost our should have said that uh, democratic political strategist, of course he was giving us an idea of what a couple of harris is, challenges will be in the next few weeks. so we're going to try and see if we've got mr. hudson to get out. should have some. can you hear me? it's also building to yes, and it's great, i love technology, but it doesn't work properly, especially when it's breaking news like that. it's good to have you with us still. let's just talk about couple of hours, the challenges she faces now in terms of getting those policy decisions was trump, if you may, had just talked about trump criticizing the bite and presidency,
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especially on immigration, but she's also got to deal with the cost of living the economy foreign relations, we'll talk about that separately in the body. but i mean, these are the challenges that old me, americans from east coast, west coast, north and south what pennsylvania they will answering very quickly. she's got to win the both very quickly. as she does, i will say they'll have to respond in part to donald trump's statement that he just released here. if he is going to make commentary on that, but on the health of july, and then i call on donald trump to release his health records from an independent doctor. if you feel so confident about this, i will put them up against pamela harris is our house records any day that is on him now since he wants to bring it up and welcome that. when it comes to the policies that joe biden and come with harris and pushed through for the last 3 and a half years, i should say 1st, their record of accomplishment is extraordinary. most people and i'm a progressive. we've had a number of criticisms with a democratic party and we had maybe lowered expectations for the bite in harris
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administration. instead, what's happened is they deliver more in the last 3 and a half years, and obama had and about 8 years. part of that is because of the republican opposition, but biting in harris had been highly talented in getting legislation passed. that includes the infrastructure and the inflation reduction act, which is the biggest climate and infrastructure bill. this country has seen in a generation. so when we take a look at our roads, the project, so you might be saying that americans might be seeing as they're kind of driving through our new schools, our new airports. those are things that by and has accomplished economically in terms of the things that he's been able to do, we've been able to lower inflation, increase jobs, increase, take home wages, all of these things. if you compare to where we were 4 years ago, which i think is actually very good comparison again, july of 2020 was very different than we when, where we are today. i think that when biden and harris this case now,
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harris makes the case for the policies that they pushed through. people will see what the difference is. both these candidates, highly different, highly contrasting visions for the future of the country. you can see that when donald trump is talking about integration in a negative way, it's mostly a tax. but when you hear from harris, i'm sure coming out you hear a vision to the future that includes all of us. that's what i believe that the candidates, harris and the vice presidential candidate she picks need to really double down on what is her vision for the future. are physical. so you'll stay with us while we're on the lives of coal says, well, they start with news that joe biden is stepping aside from being re elected them will of course, come back to you a little bit later. the speaker of the house, mike johnson says the republican policy could legally challenge the replacement of trade by these elections are handled at the state level. every state has its own
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system. and in some of these it's, it's not possible to simply just switch out a candidate who has been chosen through the democratic small deed, democratic process. over such a long period of time, 14000000 democrats voted to make joe biden to nominate. so it would be wrong and i think on lawful it in accordance to some of these states rules for a handful of people to go in a back room and switch it out because they're, they don't like the candidate any longer. that's not how this is supposed to work. so i think they would run into some legal impediments and at least a few of these jurisdictions. and i think uh they'll be a compelling case to be made that that shouldn't happen. and so i think they've got legal trouble if that's there and you know, that's our intention and that's their plan. while we have correspondents in washington dc, kimberly how kits is that the white house now the fischer is in uh, washington as well. a life point. uh, let's close. let's talk to. uh, kimberly 1st. kimberly of course, the speaker of the house. talking about legal ramifications now about this decision
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made by them with a couple of harris could, can takeover. i mean, obviously with the legal realms here. if, if that's the case, but at the moment it seems that the backing is full. pamela harris. so yeah, there's no question that the backend is for cala harrison. well there may be legal ramifications that need to be worked out. there's a big reason why the democratic party is going to be so solidly behind, comma harris to full really one is money. the other is history on the money front. uh, the reason is, is that the, there are very strict laws here in the united states about how campaign money can be spent and the money that has been donated to joe by then can't just go to any old democrat who is going to fill a spot a, it needs to, if it went to the bottom here, is ticket, it needs to stay with the biden harris ticket. so that's number one. and that's
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a very simplified version of the law. i should tell you. the other reason is, is that joe biden has been very clear all the way along, whether it was a supreme court appointments, whether it was uh, appointments uh, lower down in his administration. he wanted to see women of color in his administration, and that is why he chose comedy harris as his running mate. and that makes sense why he also was to endorse or when he realized that he no longer could stand at the top of the ticket. this is about fulfilling a flood she made long ago when he 1st stepped on to the campaign trail. this is about making history. this is about trailblazing history. and he feels that tablets can fit that role. but he also is very adept when it comes to politics he's, he's not a spring chicken, as they say he's been doing this for a 40 years or more and, and he knows how to win elections. and he believes that. com a lot is the one that can be donald trump, and so that is another reason for this endorsement. so even as there are,
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those were saying that her background makes it that she is not fit. she is not going to be able to. there will be legal challenges, job items is confident that the democrats can win those challenges. and then the lead up to this announcement. kimberly, i mean you are a white house correspondent. you have been following events very closely from where you are. did you see the sort of announcement coming? was it that in the, in the crystal ball there? i say it to oh, it's been hovering like a dark cloud for weeks and it really, it seemed after that debate performance in late june. but every thing was not going in jo biden's favor. and even as he seemed to pull things out of the water and there was a brief injection of oxygen, if you will. when he had that press conference following the 3 days of, of meetings at the nato summit here in washington. but he had sort of managed to
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hang on. he didn't seem to perform strongly enough to convince all of the party members that he was going to be able to carry on. and so it seems at that point. but there were really enough members in the party that were just looking for another reason or another sort of moment of, of bad luck for joe biden. but they could eventually say he's got a go. and so it was just a matter of time and went to buy it and got diagnosed with co would. that was the moment that the party seized upon and at that point most in washington knew it was over in terms of your belief, quizzical career. yeah. can we what we can be about to you shortly in the why it's us that's close over time. elizabeth. she's also in washington, dc allen, obviously with the news it to bite and has now withdrawn from the race and couple of harris has been endorsed. it's not news that the republican republicans would have wanted and hadn't such a very quick statement by mike johnson of the house speak about where he thinks the
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next move will be to the colts. and i've just been looking at mock elias, who is the leading democratic lawyer who won many of the court challenges as to the election in 2020 something. when i asked him, will that or publicans be able to do this? will they be able to take this to the course to see? absolutely not because the states haven't yet printed their ballots. the name of the democratic? no, many isn't on that valid yet. that wouldn't happen until after the convention. so the idea that this can be challenged is complete nonsense, but it's something that the republicans can talk about for the next couple of days and threw up that consent. what is also interesting that just in the last 15 or 20 minutes so, so we've had endorsements from cumberland, how does, from both bill and hillary clinton and also the progressive caucus of a house, democrats and those unimportant endorsements to see. we are standing behind
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a counsellor now if brock obama comes in the next few minutes. and it me will happen is we're talking here to say that he also supports kind of the highest affair.


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