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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 22, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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embrace the game they love, regardless of what they wear on their head. paris game changes with this document on just the the on the rock you're watching al jazeera is 23, g m king 7 pm in washington, dc. and a pivotal moments in american history. us president joe barton has dropped out of the 2024 presidential race against donald trump. he has endorsed his running mate, vice president campbell, i harris, to take his place. it's a decision that throws the entire 2020 for presidential race and the democratic
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party into chaos and disarray. in the last few hours, harris has praised biden's decision and promised she you will win the nomination and defeat donald trump. and here's part of vitamin statements which was released a few hours ago. now. it has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president. and while it has been my intention to seek re election, i believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand out and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. and let's take a look now back at what led to president biden's decision findings, age and cognitive decline have taken center stage and recent weeks with many fearing it could cost his party the re election. and our white house correspondent, kimberly how it gets,
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has more or even before he was sworn into office most whose showed americans thought joe biden was too old to be president. but after a phonetic 4 years of donald trump, americans were exhausted and eager to slow things down. joseph robin advised you to solve an elderly bite and seemed like the solution at age 785 made history becoming the oldest us president. within our 5 inside 17 executive orders to begin reversing trumps policies on everything from immigration to rejoining the paris climate accord. the age of president had early legislative success working with congress to give americans still struggling to recover from the corona virus pandemic, billions and financial release. a one trillion dollar infrastructure bill to improve roads, airports and bridges was also passed. but as time passed
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to lack the prison access, highly controlled presidential press conferences compared to other presidents, was notable that lack of accountability magnified as biden's foreign policy crises mounted us withdrawal from afghanistan in 2021. the russian invasion of ukraine in 2022. the 2023 october 7th, tomas attack and israel's months long war on gaza. still whitehouse tried to portray biden's age and experience as his strength page. i'm a president until it became impossible to high fever feet president present listing at a white house event in 2020 to live in search for a did congress woman in the crowd. jackie here risk jack. so i think she writes us
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across the board and his struggles to put together even simple sentences, became frequent and often overshadowed his message. and so our military's work on following the advice of my commander in chief, my, my life, the chief of staff in the military. his physical decline in public falls occurred often at the g 7 in italy for leaders we're seeing directing as even assisting the president as he became confused and began to wander off. but it was this june presidential debate against former us president donald trump. the finally expose the true extent of president biden's decline. it was a bad night. we understand that it was a bad night and the president has spoken to this. the president struggled
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to maintain focus, the white house that he had a cold democratic supporters were buying it. it was tragic. i've had my hopes that bite and would make a good showing, and i support biden. and now, i don't know what to think. weeks later, a successful post natal press conference gave biden's campaign. the oxygen needed to bounce back. i didn't score and suggestions, his mental acuity was slipping. i'm the terminal and running for it. i think it's important and i real i erase. here's. i see, let them see me out here. take a look. what happens of the chapter, the sas, the nation of the former president, trump offered another opportunity to flood the dump bite in efforts the battle of president addressed the nation from the old law office appearing strong and presidential or so. then i then got sick. he just tested positive for cove it
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and senior democratic leaders made it public. it was time for bite into and his bid for another presidential term whole showed 65 percent of democratic supporters wanted by then dropped from the ticket. a cobit stricken by then finally abandoned his campaign. joe biden entered the white house at a turbulent time. the country was in the midst of a deadly pandemic, and deeply divided after an attempt to stop him for becoming president. now 5 and leaves almost the same way he came in. kimberly help it out to 0. the white house. and we can talk to kimberly how good to standing by. she comes to us from washington, d. c. kimberly what a roller coaster of a week. what more do we know at the stage of the?
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well, we know is that the, by the in town pay, what was known formerly is the bottom harris campaign is now known as the harris for president campaign. it has been converted and what it is uh say, according to the campaign chair, jen o'malley dylan is that it is set to beat trump, whether it is joe biden at the top of the ticket, or whether it will be coming to harris at the top of the ticket now, what we know is, of course, that joe biden has endorse campbell harris, but that doesn't mean for sure that she will be the top of there still is a bit of a process to go through and that will be determined ultimately by what is now known as an open convention process and what essentially happens here is that those delegates that were assigned to joe biden that he won in that nominating contest known as the priorities earlier this year. well, they don't automatically have to go to cobble
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a harris. they basically can choose whomever they want and for now most things that they will go to calmer harris but uh, that's really the open question. and so it's really anybody's guess we're in on charter territory as for now, it really is up to cobble a harris to try and solidify that support. and so she's got a task ahead of her for the next 3 and a half weeks or so. she's going to be working the phone, she's going to be out campaigning and trying to win over those delegates. and what her notice superdelegates support. right. and a high wire act for the vice president so that she will have to undertake do stand by kimberly, i want to continue our conversation up and ask you about to some of the reactions that we've seen a so far a former us present. brock obama has also issued a statement and here's what she said on the social media platform x. joe barton has been one of america's most consequential presidents as well as
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a dear friend and partner to me. and today we've also been reminded again that he's a patriots of the highest order. and so there we have, it's a quite a, an emotional statement if i can characterize it that way. but he didn't go so far as to endorse the vice president. right. brock obama didn't endorse connell, a harris, and that is striking, given the fact that he made history as the united states 1st black president or president of color. and given the fact that he had the opportunity to pass the baton if you well to potentially women of color to be the next president of the united states, it was an opportunity that he chose not to take advantage of was also striking is
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that nancy pelosi the 1st speaker of the house, who was also a woman, she did not take that opportunity to endorse comma, la harris, even though she herself had made history. so the fact that they both did that is not only striking, but it's calculated. and we don't know why, but we do know that both of them are t fundraisers in the democratic party and they've also been carefully orchestrating a lot of the calls for joe biden to step aside. so this is obviously deliverance. and whether or not they have someone else in mind whether it be to run alongside carmella, it's not clear, but certainly i, it's clear that it will be the evidence in the days to come. and kimberly, how important is it for the vice president to secure their endorsement? it's important that they should do it and that should do it quickly. because right
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now what we have is what i've been referring to is a parlor game. we had one parlor game that has just wrapped up, and that is, when is joe biden going to step aside and now we have the next one. and that is, when is com a going to deal with this open wound of division within the democratic party, and she's got to do it quickly. she doesn't have a lot of time. the democratic national convention starts on august 19th, so she's got a lot of work for her. she's, we've basically seen one prices and, and another one has been ignited. so this is the challenge for kala. again, she doesn't have a lot of time and she's going to have to work quickly. she's got to work quickly. you're kimberly how could reporting live from washington dc. oh, it's a pleasure to talk to you and i'm sure we'll be connecting pretty soon again. thank you. for now and vice president comma harris release statement following buttons announcements. she sat president barton for his leadership and decades of service
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to the nation. she went on to say she is honored to have binds endorsement, but intends on earning and winning the nomination. she added, she will do everything in her power to unite the democratic party and to defeats republican candidate, donald trump in the november election. and as my counter reports, her will to securing the nomination won't be easy on the spot. light is now shining brightly on cumberland harris. president biden's endorsement may make a pass to the democratic party nomination a lot easier, but they are still many hurdles in who way. former president bill clinton has endorsed us party candidates, along with some of the former colleagues on the senate. but the former president obama made no mention of kamala harris and his statement reacting to president biden's decision to step down. instead, he said,
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we will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. but i have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of potty will be able to create a process from which an outstanding no many images. there's also be no immediate endorsement from the senate majority leader, chuck schumer, the house minority lead to hakim jeffries or the former speak up the house, and nancy pelosi cumberland harris broke wasn't gender ceiling when joe biden, us to be, as vice president, picking the 2020 election going on to become the 1st female to hold the office or the so you're going to really nice president of the united states. iris pointed proudly to the historic nature of the appointment as vice president. but while i may be the 1st woman in this office, i will not be the last, the because
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every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities. as vice president terrace was tossed with tackling the sony issue of immigration, giving a trip to guatemala, she was criticized for some liberal sol as a harsh message. do not do not come under relentless attacks from opposition, republicans and the right to the news media. harris struggled to wouldn't widespread public approval, although she remained popular with young voters and people of color into a run for re election parasol to rally voters around issues of civil rights, excess to abortion, and gun violence. we will not be defeated. we will not be deterred, we will we
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will come supporters with quick to go and attack posting video, accusing him of creating what is described as a per folder invasion, and runaway inflation lation. paris a sup, released the statement, thanking president biden for his leadership and accepting his endorsement as candidate. we have a 107 days until election day. she concludes. together we will fight, and together we will win california georgie, win the nomination and defeat donald trump in the election. the door, twelf, jamaican, an indian immigrant parents would become the 2nd, the black president of the united states and the 1st woman to hold the office. my kind of out just here a washington and i'd like to welcome now rebecca clarissa, so she's the vice president of fair election center and an election strategist. she joins this line from washington, dc. and louisa navarro is a foreign policy research institute fellow and
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a for barn stafford. and he joins us live from brookville, maryland, a very warm welcome to you both so good to have you with us. i'd like to start to a with you where, rebecca? oh, i at the moment are uncomfortable, harris, but the entire party at this stage at least is not coalescing around her. are you surprised that she has not locked this in yet? thanks for having me on tonight. so there's a lot of moving parts that are happening here in washington, the dc. we've heard for the last few weeks, so there was a potential for um, the ticket, the top of the ticket for the democratic party changing. so one thing that will caution people is there's so many moving parts. there are a lot of people who are being called, we understand that delegates a super delegates are the ones who are going to um, to let folks know throughout the rest of the nomination process. for the democratic party, who the not many um will be so i would caution people with some of the hot stakes,
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understand the best, but let's take a couple of days for the dust settled. what we saw happened today is very historic in nature. it caught some people by surprise. other people weren't surprised at all . so i think we do have to settle it and wait a couple days and see where the dust settles, luis to rebecca as a point, i mean, everybody is still by justing. this news, i mean it's been a dramatic at a peck's but the writing has been on the wall for a while now. as well. thank you very much for having me. first of all, i think that it's important to take note that we are in an unprecedented situation and the folks who have spent the better part of the past month trying to pressure a person by now the race i have gotten what they claimed will be the the silver bullet in this situation. but the truth is, is that whether or not present bite me who has done that by missing job or was that albany or not? everyone understood this would be a very tough and competitive in terms of the,
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the nomination. almost 4000 delegates will make the determination at this point. who then albany will be $750.00 of them approximate free will be superdelegates. and at this point, the, the thinking is that as a function of the 4 performs that took place since 2016, those superdelegates largely made up of elected officials, will not be able to vote on the 1st ballot. so, you know, there'll be a lot of tracking for endorsements. i think, you know, it'll be interesting to see if anyone is able to secure the number of delegates big need in order to file a challenge against vice president harris. you know, they will need at least 300 signatures from delegates. no more than 50 of them can come from a what state. so, you know, this is a process spent the, you know, certainly the vice president is leading into and should certainly be considered the favorite for uh, and there's
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a pretty high hurdle for others who wish to get into the race to get enraged. i sorry, if i understand you correctly, i mean it's not a done deal yet, and it's also of course the question that on everybody's mind right now is whether they present a supporters and delegates are transferable. rebecca, she says that she plans to earn and when the democratic nomination, what is she signaling here as well in the smoke bed? um, she has to be very gracious, quite frankly. um vice president here is um, can't view this as a trying off or her. i'm doing like a victory left, but she has to show that she's willing to talk to people willing to earn the nomination because it technically is not a done deal. but we're also seeing some politics here. we're seeing some hard politics that let us to this matter. but the next couple of weeks we're going to have to see soft politics to make sure that people moving forward are comfortable, they're comfortable with the process. but more importantly is more important that the american people know that they have to clear choices in november. and so
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regardless of what's happening on the, in the democratic party, my hope is that a major us political party, a 107 days out from the general election, make sure that the american public understands the contrasts between the candidates . so there prospering up for the american people to vote. right, and i'm just getting my producers just telling me that all 50 democratic party estate shares have throwing their weight. now behind vice presidents are calmer hairs to be the parties. new presidential nominees, uh, according to sources, are familiar with the matter. so, you know, it's, it's gaining momentum right now. louise. i mean, still in terms of, you know, potentially another predicament for the democratic party that the situation might have created. do you think the party will now be able to put behind it? it's in to a party disagreements because
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any democrat would be proud and should be in serious about the opportunity to run on the record of the past 4 years at your opening segments referred to as the situation or yeah, we're at the lowest point in terms of the border crossings in the last 3 years, and there have been more people arrested for kind of crossing the border under prison by and then under president trump, my point be that, you know, the, the case that republicans will make is largely based on this representations and this information and the record of president biden is one back and he never had his mind to be able to embrace fully. and the campaign before the american people on behalf of rebecca. how important will you know if, if vice president harris secures the top of the ticket and how important will it be
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for her? uh, wanting mates, she picks, i mean, will it take a more outsize role than it would usually? so once again, we are in unprecedented territory. i would assume that whoever the running may is someone who s strategic value to the ticket. so whether that is through um, proper name id, where a lot of people i'm a across the country understands and knows or is familiar with that person. i would assume this is also someone's lesser strategic strategic value, especially in thinking about the electro college look you have to pay particular states that the democrats the, the way in versus the particular states that the republicans are predicted. so when i would assume that is going to be someone that is connected to one of the swing states, somebody connected to one of the swing states. the reason i'm going to give you the last word, if i may, the democratic convention as you know, just weeks away from now, what needs to be done in the interim to unify the party?
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well, i think clearly uh, you know, that the, the situation that you outlined about the state chairs demonstrates that there's a strong desire among many within the party to dispense with the sort of fantasy football approach to this nomination process and embrace vice president errors and the record is divided ministration. that doesn't mean that that is how things will turn out. but, you know, i think it is a clear indication of, of where again, my friends want things to go at this juncture. in order to ensure that the focus of this selection is going to be ways or like in terms of a, from a present trumps, lies and distortions as opposed to gaming out who he is and who isn't interested in, in being in an office. and as a democrat over the course, the next 4 years, rebecca carruthers and luis chaverra, thank you. birth,
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we greatly appreciate having you on thanks for coming us and republican presidential candidate donald trump has posted on his social media platform the truth social. and he says, joe barton was not fit to run for president and is certainly not fit to serve all those around him, including his doctor knew that he was not capable of being presidents. and he wasn't. look what he's done to our country with millions of people coming across our border. we will suffer greatly because of his presidency. all right, our alan, the fisher is in washington dc for you. we're good to have you. alan of vice president harris be coming the nominee. what? what's that mean for our trump? and if you look at the polls, and the most recent poll suggests that she's at least tied with,
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with donald trump and some of the key swing states. and that's important because joe biden wasn't, he was a head, an exactly 0 of the swing states, and it's going to be the swing states that are going to decide this election. you can talk about national pulls all you want. and joe biden and donald trump are within the martin a better with each other. but in the important swing states, like the pull that came out from michigan overnight, that says that joe biden had dropped from 3 points behind donald trump. because 7th, however, if you might just become la hottest in michigan, unimportant swing states, then suddenly that race is tied. now they'll be a lot of confusion. they'll be a lot of concern and consternation about the way that the democrats have done this . but as you get closer to the election and american start paying attention, the listen to what comes to how does this to say and the listen to what donald trump has to say. and there's definitely contrast between the 2 that can be made. the both sides think the will have the upper hand, but we know that the republicans were almost hoping the joe biden would stick with
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it because they thought, absolutely, donald trump could when and after the out and see the republican national convention in milwaukee. they certainly left their boyd with the idea that they could not only when the white house, but they wouldn't the house of representatives understand it as well. that calculus has changed it. this race has been up ended. i'm gonna say nothing like it in the united states since 1968. there's a lot of part allows of what lyndon b johnson did when he withdrew his nomination. in 1968, i want to buy that now. the democrats will be hoping the piles and certain not least because the schubert humphrey then vice president who became the know many good, absolutely shall light in the general election in november and don't go anywhere. i want us to assist you a bit of tape now or if we can, or shortly after president bind endorsed to come on errors. but trump campaign released a video attacking her political record. let's watch a comma was in on it. she covered up,
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chose obvious mental decline. our president is in good shape and good. how tireless, vibrant, and i have no doubt about the strength of the work that we have done, but commonly knew joe couldn't do the job. so she did it look what she got done, a border invasion, runaway installation, the american dream debt they created this mess. they know commer owns this, failed the record. so allen, you know, the specs. the question, of course, i mean they will have to change tactics. now, and they'll continue to go off to come a lot of us and we saw an element of that during the republican national convention that it moved from the obama bite and white house with a bomb up pulling the strings or the bite and white house with jumping tool 2 or 3 not fit to make decisions to that buys and hottest white host. and that was deliberately making sure that they could say that counselor is tied in to all the decisions that job i made. and they will continue to do the,
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the fact that the hides are ready to run and put it out on social media, shows that they were aware that this could well be a possibility. i want to take it back to earlier this year. remember when nikki haley was saying, the don't tell me, shouldn't be the republican know many, and also taught talking about age limits for those who run for president. what she actually said that the time was the 1st part to, to date. so it's a 2 year old presidential know many will be the part to that. when's the selection that makes you healy isn't some great political says sir. but there's the possibility that that might be true. people didn't want either bite and or trump. that's what all the posts told us. they were sick of the choice of the 2 men. they wanted something new and something different. and for the moment, tamela hottest is exactly that. she's getting support in the democratic party could well mean that there won't be a brokered convention that this will be like 1968 and the vice president step sent to the president pro. and therefore she will go on to the election in november.
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certainly, that's what the democrats are hoping by making this switch. and by tumble of how does changing the name of the fight and how does presidential election campaign to become? how this for president and alan, you know, if age and feebleness, you know something that trump and that you, if you have hammered on no longer holds what you think they will hone in on right now. they will talk about a couple of how to spin given responsibility for the border and the fact that that's a lot largely the got it as a bit of a disaster. but she can respond by saying the had a bipartisan deal to sort the border, but it was sung by donald trump because he wanted to use it in the election. and you also wanted to use it as the republican national convention. both of those things are happening. they will attack come to us for being far more liberal than joe biden. they will say that she holds far more radical positions. they will say that she is not ready for hi office, even though she spent 4 years as vice president. and it's clear that that is going
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to be the top line that they have. now what is interesting is that the 2 presidential candidates were due to meet in september for the next presidential debate. and then the total sum seems to be already elaine. the growing more to walk away from that by saying, well, it was meant to be on a b, c news, a tv network here in the united states. maybe we should move it to fox, which is always considered to be much more sympathetic to the republicans. and that's not something that's going to get much crying to wonder public and said, donald trump ego is not going to a lot of that. but you can see that this still has a long way to go. certainly all attention will be for the next few weeks on getting to the democratic national convention in chicago. but after that, it's all the run down the hill to november, the 5th and the election. and as we knew many, many, many different things can change in that time. it was lenin that said and loved them. you're not joined.


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