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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 22, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the system even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator here on now. the other way, a rock you're watching out a 0, it's o 2 g m t, that's 10 pm in washington dc. and a pivotal moments in american history, us presidential barton has dropped out of the 2024 presidential race against donald trump. he has endorsed his running mate, vice president calmly, harris, to take his place. and this is the scene right now at the, at the white house as night falls,
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biden's decision throws the entire 2024 presidential race and the democratic party into chaos and disarray. our white house correspondent, timberly how good reports after days of isolation, recovering from cove it and deliver ration, consulting with his family and a handful of friends. us president joe biden made his historic announcement on x. he'll no longer seek the democratic nomination for president. i believe it's in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. the calls for by then to drop his bid for a 2nd term exploded last month after what many critics described as a disaster is debate performance. it goes for were us president donald trump. i was
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so deeply moved by the presence, powerful and poignant statement which was truly courageous and visionary present by them has been one of the the greatest most courageous and consequential presence of american history. stepping down 5 in immediately and doors, vice president comma la harris to be the democratic nominee. harris responded saying, i'm honored to have the president's endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination. commer harris is the easiest pick based on the back to the vice president. and i think it would be tough for the party to try to go a different direction than that. his performance was, has been a debacle. i think that it made the public very nervous look at what he's done to
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our world. i just, i think donald trump should have been back a long time ago. the democratic national convention is just a month away by didn't had secured the most delegates to win the parties nomination was bought and gone. those delegate store automatically passed to harris. it's now what's known as an open convention with delegates free to support the candidate of their choice. harris already has 2 powerful endorsements. former us president bill clinton and former 1st lady, and the 1st female nominated for president hillary clinton. but for us, president brock, obama and former 1st lady michelle obama have not endorsed harris. in his statement, obama writes the party will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. republicans are threatening to challenge still biden's decision to step down. they
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argue a president no longer fit to be, the nominee should also no longer be running the country. kimberly health is elda 0. the white house was bringing our correspondence to the christian. the sole reissue joins is now from new york. a very good day to you are christian. the majority of democrats are now endorsing tomlin harris, who are some of the big names. and who are those still holding out? as we are starting to see a number of democrats come out and us throw their support behind vice president campbell harris for the nomination. we now now have the 1st state nominating committee, tennessee, to pledge all of their delegates, 77 of them to cala harris. we've also heard from the governors in key states like pennsylvania governor uh, josh shapiro, getting behind her the governor of california, gavin newsome governor of north carolina, 13 senators,
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a number of congress men and women like alexandria o casio cortez for their support. the time pamela harris, but there are still some key hold outs, like former president, brock obama, very powerful figure in the democratic party. chuck schumer, he's the senate majority leader, nancy pelosi, former house speaker. they're a little more reticent. they have not come out and endorse anyone just yet. they may be holding out to see how things move forward. but the overwhelming feeling that you get from the party and also from voters in places like new york, where i am, is just this sense of relief and a desire to quickly move to coalesce around a candidate, especially given how strong a former president donald trump was able to coalesce his base at the republican convention that just finished up after the assassination attempt on him. there is
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really this obvious, invisible effort to show unity among the democrats, but still we are seeing some uncertainty there, as i mentioned with those holdouts. now republicans also jumping into the fray right away with the announcement with joe biden throwing his support behind cala harris, already dropping attack ads against her. putting out a press release from the republican national national convention. saying that from the national party, that is saying that she has been in lock step with joe biden. and just as he is on fits rule. so is she, they're attacking her on her sound, on immigration, in the work or, and their view, the lack of work that she's done on that. well, democrats are really hoping she can rally the base behind her, me and you, well, one place where she'll have to do that is forces that the democratic national convention what, what can we expect in the lead up or to that's a convention which is taking place in chicago later
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yes. well, the big question that everyone has, of course, is who will she picks for her running made or who will the party pick for her running maid? who will, how will that shape as a, again, given her history and her past, she has strong support from many she base members of the democratic party minority voters. she's already gotten an endorsement from the federal teachers union in the united states. those kind of key demographics for the democratic party are likely to get behind or quickly. these are people who view donald trump as a threat to democracy and see cala harris as a woman of color or someone who can represent them and take their issues forward, especially when it comes to things like women's rights and abortion and so on. but again, it's not guaranteed when she goes to the democratic national convention. later in
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august, the delegates that were chosen and we're committed to joe biden. they don't necessarily have to support commer harris. although we're seeing this big effort to get them behind her. it's very uncertain and in a bit unusual and unchartered territory that we're heading into on that front, we may see other 3rd party candidates already. robert kennedy junior is trying to capitalize on the situation and president biden stepping out of the racing in the press release that this is now a 2 man race for president attempting to sway those independent voters. and that's really what's going to be tough for cala harris. and what she's gonna have to try to do, and probably the vice presidential running mate that she picks is likely to be someone who they might see as appealing to those one middle of the road. voters in
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places like pennsylvania and michigan working class folders were concerned about the economy and immigration might be more likely to go towards that kind of a, a traditional candidate from one of those states. but it's, it's going to be very interesting to see how that plays out. i'm not at all clear how that will work going for him. one final thing that harris does have in her favor, however, is the fact that all of the money that joe biden had raised for $1.00 of his main super packs to uh, $270000000.00 in the last quarter, raised for joe biden. does automatically get shifted to harris because she was named on that committee initially as his running mate. so that is one big advantage that democrats have to be thinking about as a way whether or not to get behind her. the nominees uh that joe biden supports or perhaps look for someone else that they see who would appeal more to those middle
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of the road voters. chris and the saloon we are reporting. thank you very much. and vice president calling harris a released statement following barton's announcement. she fact president barton for his leadership and decades of service to the nation. she went on to say she's honored to have a binds endorsement but intends, on earning and winning the nomination. she added, she will do everything in her power to unite the democratic party and to the feet republican candidate, donald trump in the november election. all right, so the arshad hassan is a democratic political strategist, the joys as live from washington dc, also in washington. dc is james davis republican strategist and the founder of touchstone strategies and a warm welcome gentleman. the to you both are shy that so much has happened since
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we last spoke or what 24 hours ago. you were adamant just like bite and seen that she was not going anywhere. you how surprised were you by today's offense? okay, so we bought a bunch of rumors going around, but i did not put a whole lot of stock in them and everything she needs. so that's 5 or 5 that's life. let me get your take in terms of, you know, we see now a vice president commer harris gathering endorsements from quite some high profile, a democratic leaders, but notably a chuck schumer, nancy pelosi and brock obama, have not come out a endorsing her. why? and i can't make too much of that, it's been about 8 hours. so even my own 2 senators are still putting together whatever they're going to put together. i have to note though,
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the enormous amount of support that has come together. is it a short period of time? you have centers like the quinta and you progressives like bernie sanders, elizabeth warren, a alexander your costs are great, has even have rivals, potentially rivals like booted judge and news. um uh, and you also have the grassroots base in the last 8 hours or less, 5 hours. uh, online small donors to the gmc went up $38000000.00 in a just thought 2 hours to over whelming lee. the support has come around faster than i would have guessed, actually, to be very honest behind here as behind coming harris's bit. so if a couple of people are still waiting to make their statements, i presume they're going to go ahead and do those and make it today. i was talking to my state chair for my state party, i'm on the delegation and he said that he can't schedule a call between all of the delegates until tomorrow morning. so some of this may just be we've got to get our stuff together is all happening so quickly. so i'm not
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sure to read into it quite yeah. right. so we're all still digesting this. the dust has not settled yet a james, a gosh. uh so many things that happened this past week, obviously. uh, the republican party riding high uh after. uh, that's a very successful convention. uh, as they see it on this this now. mean, these events that have on folder today that they have to go back to the drawing board now. and the, this does to some extent up and the race. i don't think, you know, things right inside the polling tons of polling wasn't filling. in the aftermath of the bite and knocked down for the day, and it showed come all couple of harris and newsome and whittemore all kind of around the same area as joe biden. and then polling has continued even after the assassination attempt against president trump. and the pulse hadn't changed much
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since then. then you had the republican convention, which on all accounts was a really great production. i worked a couple of conventions in my, in my time and, and i felt they did a really good job of putting it great speakers. and there were some compelling stories and some emotional appeals. you know, i think about the, you know, the, the, the, the, the military veterans that were there and, and some of the heartfelt stories and i, i think they're going to get a bump out of this convention. and i think a lot of people that might not have otherwise been turned into politics or turned into the convention, because this was the 1st time trump was wanting to speak. they wanted see, you know, post the assassination attempt. and they want to see what this convention was going to be all about. and i, i think they probably walked away with the, with the federal viewpoint. and that's the point that the sold quite a bit. so we'll see what happens with democrats and who they put forward, but i can't imagine, you know, if i'm getting these um,
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or some of the others who have been jocking, it positioning for a presidential bid for a while that they want to jump in right now because this is sort of the dumpster fire, you want to get in at the end of this campaign, trailing and money trailing in the campaigning that you need to do to really establish your name, your brand new to your story out. as i would dig hard past, you take a hard task. so our shot, let's talk about, you know, some of the criticism that's been leveled at the, at this process. you know that it's not an open process. and so to find the strongest candidate who can run against the trump, uh, what you make of that can have it both ways. you can't have any known as pressure campaign to get joe biden to step down with just a little over a 100 days watching the election. and then also want a long deliberative process like we have already had during the, during the presenter primaries choose one. and so people have chosen the edge of
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pressure by them to step down. it works so now by them as indoors. commer harris. there it is. that's what it is. there's a process. there is a process. now trump a james has struggled when it comes to women. i mean harris to potentially has that over and how do you think he will try to approach that predicament? so that's an important question. i'm going to get right back to it. but before i get there, i know our son said that he was surprised by this bird at her mother's outcome. but when we were on, we were on houses here in november, i made this very prediction. now i said it might go to the convention and they might have a broker convention, but ultimately, i believe the joe biden wouldn't be the nominee. you can see the writing on the wall. and i feel like a lot of voters are the feel like democrats and some of the media have tried to pull one over them for a long time. because you can see it if you're watching his speech is if you're
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watching his public appearances, you can tell that he just was it capable of being in the office anymore as i'm going to interrupt you or is it what we're going to look ahead because i mean he's, he's not in the race anymore. so let's focus on, uh, what's coming up in terms of, of arguably one of the phone level points for trump is, you know, it's his deficit with, with women. i mean, you know, the convention was extremely muscular. and um, you know, and his running mate also has some very outspoken opinions about some issues that to touch or women's lives as well. they thought about keeping mixing america safe again. and that speaks very much to the suburban woman. does it feel like their communities are safe? and i think that that plays really well. they had the gold star moms, and i think that phase really well. so they had a lot of elements for the conventional hottest heritage. and i think elevated in
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the right way could definitely make some inroads with women overall. you also see that the campaigns have been finding over hispanics and trip republicans have been cooling, hispanics, significantly off of where democrats have had in the past. and so that's also a key demographic to take a look at edge look for and are said, what are some of the vice president strings. so when it comes to speaking on a former president of donald trump, well, i mean you've got a prosecutor going after a felon. so right off the bat, if you want to talk about safety and you know, the holes that are framework brand line order. i think the harris campaign is going to welcome that, but going to another strength that harris has, and some of you mentioned before swimming, what are the biggest and most animating issues right now in the united states is abortion. when the right to over of abortion was overturn. we've had a number of elections where the issue of abortions come up in canada. they've taken
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2 different sides. every time that we've had the opportunity to defend abortion at our candidates have over performed a historical norms and often one in race and places that are unlikely. for example, in kentucky, i know this year as one of the people who are being talked about as a price president, we $1.00 in kentucky, the share got re elected. and one of his primary issues who was talking about in kentucky was abortion. we've had victories like this and louisiana in georgia in kansas. and those are like 12 victories. there's also having abortion on the ballot legislatively by referendum. so every time this comes up, it becomes an issue that people line up for the democrats and come with harris under guidance administration has gone on the road ever since. so she's begun to make a name on this issue, which is one of my ceiling issues that will have this election cycle. gentlemen, thank you so much for this discussion. our side hassan and james davis. good day to you. bye. it's a republican presidential candidate,
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donald trump has posted on his social media platform truth social he says joe barton was not fit to run for president and it's certainly not fit to serve all those around him, including his doctor, knew that he was not capable of being president, and he wasn't look what he's done to our country with millions of people coming across our border. we will suffer greatly because of his presidency. allan fisher is in washington dc, as the republicans will have to change tactics if come on harris is to become the democratic presidential candidate. and i'm hearing from some republicans that they're going to an american terms flooding the zone, which means essentially they're going to go on all low to attack against pamela harris to try and disable her at a very early stage. they want to attack cars that are going to tire. the problems that the board does are going to say she knew about job items. the client in is condition and did nothing about it as they're going to save the problems with
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a emigration. and inflation can also be traced to the bite and hottest white house, and they're going to spend a lot of money doing this. i'm doing it very quickly. but i'm also hearing that the democrats have raised throwing $75000000.00. so it's the a nice meant that joe biden was going to step down. and so we're going to see a lot of political lads a lot of post during and a lot of talking. they're going to try and stop coming behind us before her campaign even begins to ignite across the country. but of course, we're 4 months away from the election. and that's expensive. and at the moment, the republicans on raising that sort of money miss wayne states, donald trump had a lead and that lead was increasing. however, if it comes to how does up against fuel bite and, and then that's a completely different. so you put, come louder is up against donald trump. that's a completely different equation. she starts to tie and in some cases, even lead. i mean, those polls the effectively told joe biden he had to get out of the race because
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not only was he behind in swing states, but he was behind in states like virginia, a new mexico states that the democrats expected to win and did not expect to spend any money fighting those states essentially jo bytes is passed to the presidents. they went from there to there. it disappeared, not quite overnight, but certainly in the last 3 weeks since that terrible debate performance. and so what the democrats will be hoping is that couple of hours will open up that path will be able to push forward. she will get the nomination from the convention in chicago next month. and then we'll spend 3 months so on the campaign trail and certainly from what we're seeing. it looks as if a lot of big name endorsements are flying behind. and it would really speaking to one democrats, but it would be political suicide for anyone to go up against her at the moment. this is really going to be the coordination of come up to a couple of hot us. and she is going to more than likely be the nomination. so
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i still had here on alger 0, bring you war on our special lab coverage of the us election campaign. after president, joe barnes announced he's dropping out of the rates from go anywhere in the had a low that remains as solve the situation for much of south asia. thanks for the monsoon range that continue to push to run shall rain into eastern parts of india that has caused water logging in my roster. we are expecting multiple flooding is while across those central areas putting out east. this is where the rain falls heaviest . on monday, a little so bubble up into more knowles and areas as we go into choose to it is looking a lot, quiet down the coast southern parts of india into shoreline,
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cuz as well, which is the scattering of showers, the rain, it pushes heavily around coastal areas of the bay open go into me in mont as well as bungler dash on choose day. it's much to lie. a picture, however, to the north west, just from showers coming into eastern parts of afghanistan and northern parts of pocket sun. but at large, the hot and humid picture of full karachi as we go into the middle of the week has been very hot and humid across central and southern parts of china. it is going to get west. so as we go into the middle part of the week, not just across the north, as the storms continue, have got a developing tropical fi icon down in the south that is expected to strengthen into a tie food. and it's likely to bring those flooding rains and exceptionally powerful wins to southern china by the end of the, the
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the organ back here watching out a 0 reminder of our top stories this, our us presidential barton has dropped out of the 2024 presidential race against donald trump, he says it's in the best interests of the country to do so, and we'll focus on fulfilling his duties as presidents for the remainder of his term. and bind has been quick to endorse his current vice president commer harris to become the democratic nominee. she's also had the support of t fingers, including former president bill clinton and republicans on the other hand of in court to attack. come, where's the trump campaign? released a video attacking her political record. trump himself says harris will be easier to
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be and find would have been and as mike a hand reports her road to securing the nominate nation won't be easy. the spot light is now shining brightly on cumberland harris. president biden's endorsements may make a pass to the democratic party nomination a lot easier, but they are still many hurdles in who way. former president bill clinton has endorsed us party candidates, along with some of the former colleagues on the senate. but the former president obama made no mention of kamala harris and his statement reacting to president biden's decision to step down. instead, he said we will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. but i have extra old re confidence that the leaders of potty will be able to create a process from which an outstanding no many images. there's also be no immediate endorsement from the senate majority leader, chuck schumer,
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the house minority leader hakim jeffries or the former speak up the house, and nancy pelosi cumberland harris, broke one gender ceiling. when joe biden, us to be, as vice president, picking the 2020 election going on to become the 1st female to hold the office all the way did it. so you're getting a really nice president of the united states. congress pointed proudly to the historic nature of the appointment as vice president. while i may be the 1st woman in this office, i will not be the last, the because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities. as vice president harris was tacit, tackling the sony issue of immigration, giving a trip to guatemala, she was criticized for some liberal so as
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a harsh message. do not do not come under relentless attacks from opposition, republicans and the right wing news media. harris struggled to wouldn't widespread public approval, although she remained popular with young voters and people of color i going to run for re election part is sold to really voters around issues of civil rights, excess to abortion, and gun violence. we will not be defeated. we will not be deterred, we will not come supporters with quick to go and attack posting video, accusing the of creating what is described as a folder invasion and runaway inflation lation. paris itself released the statement, thanking president biden for his leadership and accepting his endorsement as
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candidates. we have a 107 days until election day. she concludes. together we will fight and together we will win california georgie, win the nomination and defeat donald trump in the election, the door, twelf, jamaican, an indian immigrant parents would become the 2nd, the black president of the united states and the 1st woman to hold the office. mike kinda, i'll just say around washington, and we are tracking reactions from around the world to the u. s. president exiting the presidential race and the solo to starts as off now with a view from the mid east. but we haven't heard from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, which is interesting considering that he's supposed to fly to washington on monday and then meet with us presidential binding on tuesday. but we have heard from the countries president issac heard song to emphasize that joe biden was the only us president to visit israel at war time. and that he also wanted to thank president
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joe biden for his support for israel. additionally, we heard from the defense ministry of, of kalonde, who did say that joe biden support for israel during this current war on gaza. is something that is quote, in valuable. we do know that bite and has been supporting israel and how they've been prosecuting this war. whether it's through weapons or moral support, constantly speaking with is really leaders throughout it. and it's kind of become unpopular for him back at home, where the war has become such a controversial issue in terms of a change in policy with the united states as a whole has had a policy when it comes to israel, their, their biggest ally in the middle east, the americans say they are preserving american interest abroad, which is why this relationship is so strong. so no matter who is on the democratic ticket and no matter who eventually is the united states president, the support for israel is going to remain the same. and i want to point to something that members of nathaniel whose own government have said months ago.


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