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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 22, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the, the stars moment joe biden drops onto the 2020 full presidential race less than 4 months before the us selection, the hello, i'm elizabeth put on them, and this is the algebra life from joe. how also coming up biden has endorsed his vice president coming to have a says she was and the nomination and when the election, republican presidential candidate donald trump says fight and was never fit to run
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for president. and that kind of the harris is even less competent. plus he raised malachi, a black woman to be president over convicted felons from dc to delaware, american versions way in on how they think the races changed. the us president joe biden has dropped off with the 2020 full presidential race against donald trump. it follows weeks of concern over his age and pressure from within his own party. to step aside, bottom has endorsed vice president to come to hire us to take his place. so have other a 100 congressional democrats, a white house correspondent, kimberly how could begins coverage after days of isolation, recovering from cove it and deliver ration, consulting with his family, me and
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a handful of friends. us president joe biden made his historic announcement on x. he'll no longer seek the democratic nomination for president. i believe it's in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. i was so deeply moved by the presence, powerful and poignant statements which was truly courageous and visionary present by them has been one of the the greatest most courageous and consequential presence of american history. the calls for by then to drop his bid for a 2nd term exploded last month after what many critics described as a disaster is debate performance. it goes for were us president donald trump
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stepping down 5 in immediately endorsed vice president comma la harris to be the democratic nominee. harris responded, saying, i'm honored to have the president's endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination. commer harris is the easiest pick based on the back to the vice president. and i think it would be tough for the party to try to go a different direction than that. his performance was, has been a debacle. i think that it made the public very nervous. the democratic national convention is just a month away by didn't had secured the most delegates to win the parties nomination with bite and gone. those delegates to automatically pass to harris. it's now what's known as an open convention with delegates free to support the candidates of their choice. harris already has 2 powerful endorsements. former us president bill
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clinton and former 1st lady, and the 1st female nominee for president hillary clinton. but for us, president brock, obama and former 1st lady michelle obama have not endorsed harris. in his statement, obama writes the party will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. republicans are threatening to challenge still biden's decision to step down. they argue a president no longer fit to be, the nominee should also no longer be running the country. kimberly health is elda 0 of the white house. that's bringing all costs. born in kristen salumi, she's joining us live from new york and christian morn will senior democrat state delegations coming out and support of harris and fundraising for had for the campaign going through the roof. yes,
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we are assuming signs that kind of le harris is galvanizing the base of the democratic party with more and more democrats coming out and throwing their support behind her. some key names in addition to the clintons, that we just heard about a former a bite and competitors like p boot, a judge who's now the secretary of transportation, and senator elizabeth warren of massachusetts. more than a dozen senators and come out behind her alexandria o casio. cortez, the congresswoman has come out and for her support behind cala harris. and we are also getting the sense of the party coming behind her because of all of the fundraising that has taken place in less than 24 hours. and she is now it's for candidacy for the presidency. the democratic political action group known as act blue, says that it has raised more than $60000000.00 in his on track to set
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a record for their fundraising in a single day. having the best day in the entire year so far since she has made this announcement. so there are those encouraging signs, although also some key holdouts as we heard. kimberly how get mentioned that president obama has not yet endorsed her or any candidate in new york where i am the senator here. chuck schumer, the majority leader, has not formerly endorsed her or any candidate the mayor of new york, who would be a delegate representing new york at the convention, has not committed one way or another to who's supporting. so while there are encouraging signs for democrats that people have rallied around her quickly, but it's still not a 100 percent clear that she has the full party support. and there are questions about what the, the weather,
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the fact that we haven't heard from those democrats who are having supporters, who yet for the that's the strategic discussion. so many questions ahead of the democratic national convention next month. now, what will change in the procedure leading up to end at the event? so many questions, and it's not even clear exactly how the convention is going to play out. it is taking place on august 19th and chicago, joe biden, and winning the primary, had secured. the majority of delegates committed delegates to the party, nearly 4000 of them more than he needed to secure the nomination. now, it's by dropping out of the race. he frees up those delegates, but those delegates aren't committed to vote for comma, la harris. she still has to win all of them over. and as i said, there are still some who have not committed. so we don't know how they're going to
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go some encouraging signs. people who were rumored as possible contenders or rivals, like josh appear or the governor of pennsylvania or mark kelley, the governor of arizona. i have thrown their support behind her, indicating that they won't be trying to take her. on the other hand, you have jo, match in a democrat from virginia who has expressed reservations about harris. and there are rumors that he might try to throw his hat in the ring if there is no consensus by august 1st, when there was supposed to be a virtual roll call vote. then we could have an open convention come august 19th in chicago, and there would need to be votes taken on the floor state by state. and enough delegates would have to come behind her more than 2000 would have to come behind her in order for her to secure the majority and the nomination for us. and thank you very much for that. that is, kristen saluted me with all the nicest live in new york, or what was the cost to us have been speaking about biden's decision. let's now
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hear some of those reactions from washington dc. i know that women can read absolutely. i will support her if she is the nominee. i wonder if she would be chosen. i think the party needs to think about who can successfully win and is this country i'll put it bluntly, is this country rage will as a black woman to be president over a convicted felon? having a little bit of youth with actually go a long way. you know, president trump next president, trump the 78th and our current president's 81. so, um, yeah, i actually think that age limit terms would be on the other side as well. cuz i think that obviously it's a little bit more complicated and you know,
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you know, all of us them, as we get older, you know, obviously natural things started occurring our should, how soon as a democratic political strategist and he believes policy delegates will decisively endorse harris. as the candidate of the democratic national convention, joe biden's endorsement goes a very long way for all of us who are delegates, who we are delegates matched to represent joe biden, and specifically dividing voters in our states. so he's saying something in particular, then that's can you carry a lot of weight more over. this is for somebody who's already on the ticket is as you've all already explained. so we've all already cast our implicit support for a couple of harris. so now we're going to have the opportunity to do an explicitly, i will tell you this. so my state party chair called me and said, would you support come with harris? i said yes. so i presume then that all of these other delegates are getting similar calls from their state, pretty chairs, who they themselves have probably gotten a call from joe biden or the campaign itself. so this is
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a process that is happening as we speak. and because it is happening swiftly, i think it will be, uh, i, i think it harris as a very good shot of getting the sports he needs from the delegates at the commission. it's already happening when it comes to the policies that joe biden and come with harris and push through for the last 3 and a half years. i should say 1st, their record of accomplishment is extraordinary. most people and i'm a progressive. we've had a number of criticisms with a democratic party and we had maybe lower expectations for the bite in harris administration. instead, what's happened is they deliver more and the last 3 and a half years and obama had and about 8 years. part of that is because of the republican opposition, but biting in harris have been highly talented in getting legislation passed. that includes the infrastructure and the placing reduction act, which is the biggest climate and infrastructure bill. this country has seen in a generation. so when we take a look at our roads, the project,
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so you might be saying that americans might be seeing as they're kind of driving through our new schools, our new airports. those are things that by and has accomplished economically in terms of the things that he's been able to do, we've been able to lower inflation, increased jobs, increase, take home wages to all of these things. if you compare to where we were 4 years ago, which i think is actually very good comparison again, july of 2020 was very different than we went where we are today. i think that when biting in harris this case now harris make the case with the policies that they pushed through. people will see what the difference is. republican presidential candidate donald trump has posted on his social media platform truth social. he says, joe biden was not fit to run for president and a certainly not fit to serve all those around him, including his doctor, knew that he was capable of being president. and he wasn't the police down to our country with millions of people coming across on the border. we will suffer greatly
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because of his presidency. alan fisher was in washington dc and says the republicans would have to change tactics of powers, becomes the democratic presidential candidate. and i'm hearing from some republicans that they're going to in american terms, flood the zone, which means essentially they're going to go on all low to attack against come low, highest to try and disable hard at a very early stage. they want to attack cars that are going to tire the problems that the board, the going to say she knew about job items. the client in is condition and did nothing about it. and they're going to say that the problems with a emigration and inflation can also be traced to the bite and hottest white house. and they're going to spend a lot of money doing this. i'm doing it very quickly. but i'm also hearing that the democrats have raised the rhine $75000000.00 since the a nice meant that joe biden was going to step down. and so we're going to see a lot of political lads, a lot of postering and
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a lot of talking. they're going to try and stop kimball ahead as before her campaign even begins to ignite across the country. but of course, we're 4 months away from the election. and that's expensive. and at the moment, the republicans on raising that sort of money miss wayne states, donald trump had to lead and that lead was increasing. however, if it comes to how does up against fuel bite and, and then that's a completely different. so you put, come a lot of stuff against donald trump, that's a completely different equation. she starts to tie and in some cases, even leave. i mean, those polls the effectively told joe biden he had to get out of the race because not only was he behind in swing states, but he was behind in states like virginia, a new mexico states that the democrats expected to win and did not expect to spend any money fighting those states essentially, joe biden has passed to the presidents. they went from there to there. it disappeared, not quite overnight, but certainly in the last 3 weeks since that terrible debate performance. and so
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what the democrats will be hoping is a couple of hours will open up that path will be able to push forward. she will get the nomination from the convention in chicago next month. and then we'll spend 3 months on the campaign trail and certainly from what we're seeing. it looks as if a lot of big name endorsements are flying behind. and it would really a speaking to one democrats, but it would be political suicide for everyone to go up against her at the moment. this is really going to be the coordination of come up a couple of hot us. and she is going to, more than likely be the nomination to the head on. i'll just say i would have the latest from the middle east, asia, and latin america as the world reacts to bind in this decision. stay with us. the african story from african perspective. i like convince i dentist,
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authorities using different media to show documentary why ask leaking ceiling is from kenya and kansas if it goes to science it in. but i could meet with you for that for me to observe them on the last side, the bile, bob waste, and all was fine. i use the library on, i'll just sierra there's a deliberate mission house to mean humanity in western. and it needs to be questions. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of way. examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the, let's think that's the latest news, the land roots, the good supply, the people have cause of what are available for the us didn't use it's leverage to force israel to open them with detailed coverage. make sure if the school sub asked some distraction from the ongoing contest in plumbing um, displacements of light in garza from the house of the story,
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is really military claims. the target of the attack was a funeral. i'm a military commander, but how much is the claim falls the you're watching ultra 0 with me, and that's what's donovan doha. remind to about top stories to sell us president joe's item has dropped down to the 2020 full presidential race against donald trump . he says he'll focus on fulfilling his duties as president for the remainder of his to and 5 is being quick to endorse wise, president come of the house to run in his place. she's also had the support of key concepts, i guess, including california government,
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gavin newsome that was potential buying republicans have been clicked to attack harris. the trump campaign, released to video disparaging, had political rank. what tom says, the vice president will be easier to be invited while the democratic national convention is set to kick off on august 19th, and that's where the policy will make a final decision on its candidate for the presidency. mike, hanover pulled the spot light is now shining brightly on cumberland, harris, president biden's endorsements may make a pos to the democratic party nomination a lot easier, but they are still many hurdles in who way. the former president bill clinton has endorsed his party candidates, along with some of his former colleagues on the senate. but for my president, brock obama, i made no mention of kamala harris and his statement reacting to president biden's decision to step down. instead, he said, we will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. but i have extra old re
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confidence that the leaders of potty will be able to create a process from which an outstanding no many images. there's also be no immediate endorsement from the senate majority leader, chuck schumer, the house minority leader, hakeem jeffries or the former speak up the house of nancy pelosi. cumberland harris broke one gen to ceiling when joe biden, us to be, as vice president, picking the 2020 election going on to become the 1st email to hold the office or the did it. so you're getting a really nice president of the united states. paris pointed probably to the historic nature of the appointment as vice president. but while i may be the 1st woman in this office, i will not be the last the because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is
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a country of possibilities. as vice president harris was tossed of tackling the sony issue of immigration, giving a trip to guatemala, she was criticized for what some liberal so as a harsh message do not do not come under relentless attacks from opposition, republicans and the right wing news media. harris struggled to wouldn't widespread public approval, although she remained popular with young voters and people of color i going to run for re election part is sold to really voters around issues of civil rights, excess to abortion, and gun violence. we will not be defeated. we will not be deterred, we will not come
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supporters with quick to go and attack posting video, accusing of creating what is described as a folder invasion and runaway inflation lation. paris, a soap released the statement, thanking president biden for his leadership and accepting his endorsement as candidates. we have a 107 days until election day. she concludes. together we will fight and together we will win california churchy when the nomination and defeat donald trump in the election. the door tough, jamaican, an indian immigrant parents would become the 2nd black president of the united states. and the 1st woman to hold the office. my kind of, i'll just say era, washington uminski is the executive director of progressive democrats of america. and he says, any challenges to houses nomination within the potty won't be easy. as far as i know all the names that really were being mentioned to challenge here. so we're seeing as possible challenges have already announced their support for her,
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so it's a faith seems to be updated complete at this point. now i do think one of those things, it's true about the people who are holding out on their endorsement. i don't think it's technically unwise. in fact, i think it's, it's quite a strength move because 2 things could yet happen. i mean, there could be, and i, i'm not saying that this is likely if i could, because very unlikely. but there could be, say, a bad media appearance in the other thing could be bad poll numbers in the next week. again, both things i think are unlikely. i think there's going to be a so called honey moon for calmly harris as a candidate i imagined her pulled numbers will go up quite significantly. in particular, you have to remember that for months, going back when the american public was asked about this, again, the contest a re match between biden and trump. the majority position was dissatisfaction with the choices people wanted. another choice i think is going to be a lot of relief that probably will extend to independence again, a sort of a honeymoon period for the candidate. so i don't really expect there to be those
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kind of things that could trip up a candidate terrace. but it is still shrewd to leave. i, you know, said let it be known that not all of the democratic powers that be, are fully endorsing. and therefore, when you get to the convention, there could possibly be a window open for reversal, especially if you're facing growing numbers. when we are monitoring developments and the story from around the world have decided who it has low on the reaction from the middle east as well. we haven't heard from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, which is interesting considering that he's supposed to fly to washington on monday, and then meet with us presidential binding on tuesday. but we have heard from the countries president isaac heard song to emphasize that joe biden was the only us president to visit israel at war time. and that he also wanted to thank president joe biden for his support for israel. additionally, we heard from the defense ministry of kalonde, who did say that joe biden support for israel during this current war on gaza. is
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something that is quote, in valuable. we do know that biden has been supporting israel and how they've been prosecuting this war. whether it's through weapons or moral support, constantly speaking with is really leaders throughout it. and it's kind of become unpopular for him back at home, where the war has become such a controversial issue in terms of a change in policy with the united states as a whole has had a policy when it comes to israel, their, their biggest ally in the middle east, the americans say they are preserving american interest abroad, which is why this relationship is so strong. so no matter who is on the democratic ticket and no matter who eventually is the united states president, the support for israel is going to remain the same. but i want to point to something that members of nathaniel whose own government have said months ago when they didn't agree with the decisions that joe biden was making when it came to the war, saying that he wasn't supporting israel enough. now these are known, alter nationals. these are members of the far right camp. settlers themselves who
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have said that they're waiting for trump in november because they are going to have essentially a free pass to do whatever they want. the to at least 14 palestinians have been killed by as rainy as strikes of the city of con eunice and southern garza. many others have been wounded in the attack. it comes off to is where the falls is ordered, displays palestinians to immediately evacuated from eastern, con eunice to milwaukee. but that's so cool designation sit say, so it has come under repeated attack. at least 90 palestinians were killed by israeli strikes that just last week. that's bringing our correspondent pen further issues. joining us live from that on by that and central guy's a him. that is why the military ordering people in eastern con units to evacuate ahead of what they are calling a full full operation. do we know how many people are in eastern con us and what is
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the reality of moving? and this was, are well, 1st let me tell you that people did not even have the opportunity to evacuate. where that is, where the forces start and throwing these these that they announced to people that they need to evacuate right now. and they started firing and selling with their artillery setting, where before to kind of thing is have been killed and dozens of others have been injured. so that's why every time we talked about people being forced to evacuate, they evacuated without taking any of their belongings. but let me tell you that people in the east of con eunice, went back to their houses after a ground operation that took more than 3 months by the is where the forces their houses was, were already unbelievable. they were altering to fix their houses. there's no source of water, there is no source of electricity. and that's how palestinians were trying to adopt to this mazda of destruction as much as possible because there's no place for them
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to go. now a week before that, is there any forces target, this alma last seat area in the west? so people went to the east and now people are going back to the west. but also the west part of newness which is a milwaukee, is also not a safe zone because it has been targeted. just like you mentioned a week, a go so far as the needs are left type is not all knowing where to go. they open their eyes on evacuation or just and let me 1st to remind you that there is very expensive costs to do a re other page or to become displaced another time. so policy is kind of forward this. they don't have any place to go and everyone is frustrated and start understanding continues 10. thank you very much for that. that is him. who is it a, with the latest? joining us life on data by law in central guys, a and that set. so they elizabeth brandon,
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but you can keep up to date with all the developments, including on that a big news story from the us where president joe biden has decided to drop out of the election race. you can find more on our website, alj a 0 at dot com to do stay with us because inside story is coming up next. thank you for watching the have that there's lots of hate to be found across the middle east event at the moment and things ongoing to get hotter. in the days ahead, we've got heat wave conditions affecting eastern areas of the mediterranean, with yellow temperature warnings out for cyprus, israel and 11 on as well. but even syria, we'll see the temperatures pick rights up 40 degrees in damascus on monday. 50 degrees in q 8 city. so exceptional, dangerous heat here. we'll see that heat start to push its way for the south coming
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into doha tossing figures the sitting up into the high forties in the days ahead. but it is looking cooler for places like to you, a e, as well as on the temperature, sitting 39 degrees celsius in dubai, and must got on choose day. and it's cool down across the north west of africa, thanks to cooler wind blowing out of europe. you can see temperatures coming down full out julia to new z a and libya that's not the case with egypt. the temperature of a sitting very high launch the hot and dry conditions here through into the middle of the week. it's much which are farther south of this is more heavy rain thanks to the easterly waves for nigeria is a long, sweet, dry picture of the southern parts of africa. so looking woman in cape town on monday, the rain comes back on choose day. the examining the head blinds, there's really the soldiers. when they came to say fox,
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they started attacking the machines unflinching john lewis. and what message do you think that they were trying to send? we'll come here and we'll tell you a minute, sharing personal stories with a global audience. it's you who determine what the future we all collective we make, always explode on a pundents law class. progress on which is the supreme court in bung with their scales back a government jobs, florida protests against the controversial policy led to a nationwide curfew killings and that communications blackouts. so, well this move a piece angry students and what's behind the recurring interest? this is inside so the .


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