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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 22, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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as k, photo slavish wedding in 1938. but behind the eclipse, perhaps he also tested moments the trip egypt scroll coats, egypt through the lens. room marriages on $20.00. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello there understands the attain. this is and use our life from the coming up in the next 60 us president or button withdrawals from november's election and endorsed as a vice president of the harris to be the new democratic candidate. harrison says she intends to on and win the nomination as a growing number of senior democrats for this support behind republican presidential candidates,
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donald trump says 5 and was never fit to run for president. and the paris is even less cold. and at least 16 palestinians are killed by as rainy as strides in the city of continents. and some of the pivotal day in american history has transformed the race for the white house. us president joe biden has now dropped out and he's endorsed vice president cala harris to take his place more than $100.00 congressional democrats also backing uh, white house correspondent give the house that begins our coverage after days of isolation. recovering from cove it and deliver ration, consulting with his family and a handful of friends. us president joe biden made his historic announcement on x.
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hill no longer seek the democratic nomination for president. i believe it's in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. i was so deeply moved by the presence, powerful and poignant statements which was truly courageous and visionary present by them has been one of the the greatest most courageous and consequential presence of american history. the calls for by then to drop his bid for a 2nd term exploded last month after what many critics described as a disaster is debate performance. it goes for were us president donald trump stepping down 5 in immediately endorsed vice president comma la harris to be the
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democratic nominee. harris responded saying, i'm honored to have the president's endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination. the democratic national convention is just a month away bite and had secured the most delegates to win the parties. nomination was bite and gone. those delegates to automatically pass to harris. it's now what's known as an open convention with delegates free to support the candidate of their choice. harris already has 2 powerful endorsements for were you as president, bill clinton and former 1st lady, and the 1st female nominated for president hillary clinton. but for us, president brock, obama and former 1st lady michelle obama have not endorsed harris. in the statement, obama writes the party will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead.
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republicans are threatening to challenge still biden's decision to step down. they argue a president no longer fit to be the nominee should also no longer be running the country. kimberly health is l g 0. the white house. well that's bringing out corresponding to christine. so maybe she joins us now from new york. kristen, this and speculation pressure mounting on biting for weeks and sounds are like he made his decision himself right up until the last minute he hadn't even told some of his classes. days. yeah, he until saturday. all signs were that he was not backing down that he was going to stay in the race, but we know the pressure was mounted and uh, many in the democratic party had begun to open lease, calling for him to step aside. and now we're starting to see,
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since he's done that support growing behind cala harris in the form of endorsements that have been coming out just in the last hours, less than 24 hours in spite and stepped aside and put his support behind her. we're seeing the tardy machinery really trying to galvanize around her. the party chairs for the democrats in all 50 states now have come out in support of her. some t democrats, like uh, pete booted judge, use a transportation secretary serving under bite and ran against him in the past. sen, elizabeth warren, more than a dozen senators have come out and endorsed her alexandria casio cortez, a congresswoman from new york. it has come out to endorse her, and it's expected that the support for her is growing by also the amount of money that's being raised on her behalf. the democratic political action committee act,
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blue saying that they've had their best day fund raising so far this year. they expect to set a record in the 24 hours after that she 24 hours since she announced her candidacy . that is seen as a firing up the base assign that the party is excited to get behind her. particularly younger voters are thought to have a better connection with commer harris. and they did with joe biden. and black women are very excited to have the 1st a female black woman running for president in the united states. so that some of the excitement and the time to rally the democrats behind her as support for bite and was fading. kristen, it isn't necessarily a done deal the right for harrison in terms of the coming from no money to cost or what happens now? a yes, as present and brock obama said in his statement, the party is heading into uncharted territory in the coming days. we are hearing
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now that there will be a meeting on wednesday of democrats to discuss the rules and the way forward. there are a couple of different possibilities in how this could proceed. the parties nominating convention is scheduled for december 19th. the majority of the delegates were committed to joe biden, who won the primary in all 50 states, and as a result, they were committed to vote for him by him stepping out. they don't have to vote for harris. they can vote for whomever they would like a gun. there's a time to rally. the support behind the d and c could hold a virtual vote ahead of that party convention and try to lock things up ahead of time. if they don't do that, it could be an open convention where the vote happens on the floor and that could be chaotic. it's not clear how it would go is more middle of the road. main stream
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contenders might try to challenge her because they think she's too extreme as the republicans. i've tried to painter in that way they could try to nominate someone else. but again, we are seeing the democrats show signs that they are trying to rally behind the woman who not only has joe biden support, but also has access to his funds as someone who was part of the ticket with him already, she could just take over the money that has been raised, and that is also a very crucial point if the democrats are going to take on donald trump christian. so to me that with the laces for us from you, and thank you very much, kristen. well, from new york to ohio and wisconsin versus in the us has been reacting to biden's exit from the race his performance was, has been a debacle. i think that it made the public very nervous as far as him going into this presidential race age face to face major part in politics and making decisions. i think it's
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a good decision. i think he didn't have a chance against trump too many people are concerned about his age, which i was to look at what he's done to our world. i just, i think donald trump should have been back a long time ago. there are certain things he can still do, but he can't campaign anymore. so i'm, i'm sad and he's a, he's a, he's a true patriot for stepping down the fast. i didn't see him leading trump. and so there will be entry, just interesting to see how it all things hash out. looks like it's gonna be kind of the harris which i'm fine with. i think it's very surprising news. um, definitely not something i personally san coming. i think it puts the entire election in a kind of a weird position. i think calmly,
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harris is the easiest pick based on the back to the vice president. and i think it would be tough for the party to try to go a different direction than that. well, let's pick your brain to the color. he's a professor of american politics at the university of sydney. he joins us now from the professor. we're in somewhat uncharted territory. so let's talk a little more about about the next steps. so it is potentially this that's will vote that would happen before the democratic convention. that in itself is not necessarily a, shall wins come to her as right. and it looks very likely that some of that has to be the democratic candidate because the people who have been placed to drive by them these type of delegates, they're already coming out in various states and saying they will support couple of harris. they don't have to, they don't have to go in that direction, but there is just as overwhelming momentum to make this a very short price is now with us. it's a good idea or not. i think wiley know in november the money point is also an
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important one. if money was given to the buyer and harris can buy, it seems in theory is money has to be tested in court. but that money could be used by a couple of harris to can find is a big, which is the democrats have a lot of money. so there are a lot of things on his side with the she's the best candidate to be up against donald trump. it's hard to say she wasn't a terrific campaigner when she ran in 2020. her campaign had some real clear weaknesses. so it would be a matter of seeing if she is really improved, i think is a politician that last 4 years. well, i was interested to say that for my present, brock obama has no to be not endorsed paris. what do you make of that? obama seems to have been quite a cow behind. that's fine. with jacob button stepping aside. once i read about 4 days ago that rock obama was widely pushing drive by and out of the president saying, wanting someone else to run, that's what it was alive is
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a bite in the pretty confident he was going to be replaced of the last few days to whether it's just the case of the democrats wanting to give this idea. but being a carnation, i think by want some sense that there is a, a bottom up movement that the delegates of choosing pamela herself. what was too many of the heavy whites nancy pelosi was holding back. chuck schumer, a bomb is holding back to some extent this. i think it's an image sort of uh, massaging exercise to say, look, she's the people's choice, not just the choice of the party here. me white's. and i think that's quite smart. it's set, it's a tactic. so i wouldn't read too much into a bomb a holding back at this stage. well, there was a lot of discussion amongst democratic pundits ahead is of this and drove by this decision around what was going to be more important to vote just to see if 5 and dropped out the policy unity around the counter that this late in the race or rather a disciplined process to find a truly legitimate candidate that you're referring to. how likely on either right
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now as well. i would as the price is, would be better test paypal. sure. why big plate? it would be a bit messy. they'll be people disagreeing in the same body with each other, but better to have people tested on the national stage. and there may be series of a couple of to bites, see how they come across to the public and then get the delegates to both. but i think people within the democratic party have decided that's too messy, too dangerous. and that really just looking to anoint pamela harris as the candidate. i think that seems incredibly likely. at this point, i would type type thing, major figures like obama to come out and say, and well, let slide this down a bit. it looks to be a want to make this as quick as possible because it's very close to the democratic candidate convention in august 19. it's already very late in the season to be
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haven't got a many primary. so i think that the, the, the signs are very strong. the kind of the harris will be the democrats candidate. part of the republican convention, which in itself is a remarkable reminder of the politician trump is and how he's changed the policy from within. how is pulling looking a well polling for cares little stronger than bottom, but it's a hypothetical. and i think once she comes into the role following will be much more meaningful trends. very long rambling performance said the republican party convention. i don't think that that will be something which will sort of electrified undecided versus people who probably voted for abiding by the thinking maybe of switching some of these people probably voted for a bomb or, and trump in the past. so these are a lot heavily engaged in politics, probably low information on each strain and for major bits of news. and so i have
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a type to harris over the next couple of weights, i think will be pretty crucial in terms of the image that she's putting forward in their ability to. i think step into the role which is, is, is going to be enormous pressure on the lady up to the convention. and then you're convention speech. certainly very, very interesting, few weeks ahead of us friends and are kind of the professor of american politics at the university of sydney. thank you so much for sharing the thoughts and insights with us on the news. oh, my pleasure. well, the republican presidential candidate donald trump has posted on his social media platform saying joe biden was not fit to run for president and it's certainly not fit to sub. all those around him, including his doctor, knew that he wasn't capable of being president and he wasn't know what he's done to our country with millions of people coming across the border. we will stuff a great to me because of his presidency. well, our official is in washington dc. he says, republicans are going to have to change their tactics. if harris does indeed become
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the democratic nominee. what i'm hearing from some republicans that they're going to in american terms flood zone, which means essentially they're going to go on all low to attack against come allowed us to try and disable hard at a very early stage. they want to attack cars that are going to tire the problems that the board, the going to say she knew about job items, decline is condition and did nothing about it. and they're going to say that the problems with a emigration and inflation can also be traced to the bite and hottest white house. and they're going to spend a lot of money doing this. i'm doing it very quickly. but i'm also hearing that the democrats have raise their own $75000000.00 since the a nice meant that joe biden was going to step down. so we're going to see a lot of political lads a lot of post during and a lot of talking. they're going to try and stop, come to how does before her campaign even begins to ignite across the country. but of course, we're 4 months away from the election. and that's expensive. and at the moment,
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the republicans on raising that sort of money miss wayne states, donald trump had to lead and that lead was increasing. however, if it comes to how does up, again, still buys, and then that's a completely different. so you put, come louder is up against donald trump. that's a completely different equation. she starts to tie and in some cases, even leave, i missed those polls. the effectively told joe biden he had to get out of the race because not only was he behind in swing states, but he was behind in states like virginia, a new mexico states that the democrats expected to win and did not expect to spend any money fighting those states essentially jo, buys is passed to the presidents. they went from there to there. it disappeared, not quite overnight, but certainly in the last 3 weeks. is that terrible debate performance. and so what the democrats will be hoping is a couple of hours will open up that path will be able to push forward. she will get the nomination from the convention in chicago next month. and then we'll spend 3
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months so on the campaign trail and certainly from what we're seeing. it looks as if a lot of big name endorsements are flying behind. and it would really a speaking to one democrats, but it would be political suicide for anyone to go up against her at the moment. this is really going to be the coordination of come up a couple of hot us. and she is going to, more than likely be the nomination. well done. ro name is a full on the spokesman for the republican national committee. and he says, republicans will now be less set. another trump victory and more than well, everyone woke up this morning, it was a foregone conclusion that donald trump was going to win this election in november . and this causes a bit of a reset on that. i was up in milwaukee for the republican convention last week. it's the 5th one i've been to and i don't know if i've ever left the convention where people were more optimistic about their chances of winning. i think that wasn't just the republicans in milwaukee. i think it was political handicapper is
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around the world. and now we have to look at the new dynamics. this is no longer president trump versus president by the, as a new on and, and it certainly appears that it's going to be vice president. here's the vice presidential pick that could have an awful lot to do with the calculus of the campaign, because we'll have to see from what state does the vice presidential candidate. com . a lot of the names are we're hearing our from battleground states. mark kelley from arizona, joshua bureau from pennsylvania, rory cooper from north carolina. those are all states that are gonna determine the outcome of the election. so a very big issue that vice president harris is going to have to speak to. and that is, how long is the president been incapable of doing his job? and if he isn't capable of being on the campaign trail, can he remain as commander in chief i, i think it's a very fair question to be asked. and again, i think it's something that will dog the vice president through this campaign. the
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country saw president biden go out for debate when his campaign ended 3 thursdays ago. and were stung by what they saw. a vice president harris is in regular contact with the president. when did she see bist administer capacity? it's going to be starting her shooting through the entire campaign as well. so me, us, president, brock obama has also issued a statement. here's what he said online joe biden. has been one of america's most consequential presidents as well as a dear friend and talking to to me today, we've also been reminded again that he's a patriots of the highest order. well, as we were discussing earlier, obama has yet to endorse any one that's replaced by than in the 2020 full presidential race. the democratic national convention is set to begin on august the 19th. that's where the policy will make the final decision on the many my kind of takes a, as the spotlight is now shining brightly on coming, that harris,
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president biden's endorsement may make a pass to the democratic party nomination a lot easier. but they are still many hurdles in who way. former president, bill clinton has endorsed us party candidates, along with some of her former colleagues on the senate. but for my president obama, i made no mention of kamala harris and his statement reacting to president biden's decision to step down. instead, he said we will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. but i have extra old re confidence that the leaders of potty will be able to create a process from which an outstanding no many images. there's also be no immediate endorsement from the senate majority leader, chuck schumer, the house minority leader, hakeem jeffries or the former speak up the house of nancy pelosi. cumberland harris broke one jen to ceiling when joe biden off to be as vice president, picking the 2020 election going on to become the 1st female to hold the office all
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the way did it. so you're getting a really nice president of the united states. hi, iris pointed proudly to the historic nature of the appointment as vice president. while i may be the 1st woman in this office, i will not be the last the because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities. as vice president terrace was tossed with tackling the sony issue of immigration, giving a trip to guatemala, she was criticized for some liberal sol as a harsh message. do not do not come under relentless attacks from opposition, republicans and the right we can use media. harris struggled wouldn't widespread public approval,
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although she remained popular with young voters and people of color into run for re election power. so to rally voters around issues of civil rights, excess to abortion, and gun violence, we will not be defeated. we will not be deterred. we will not come supporters with quick to go when attack posting video accusing who of creating what is described as a folder invasion and runaway inflation lation. paris itself released the statement, thanking president biden for his leadership and accepting his endorsement as candidates. we have a 107 days until election day. she concludes together, we will fight, and together we will win california. georgie, win the nomination and defeat donald trump in the election. the door top, jamaican,
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an indian immigrant parents would become the 2nd, the black president of the united states, and the 1st woman to hold the office. mike hannah, i would just say around washington: oh and trashing reaction to the story from around the world. a correspondence of following developments for us in the least europe last in america and east asia that fast. and that speaks in or days you joins us now from a long in the occupied westbank. no. where does this bite and dropping out of the race? where does this leave any kind of us ed piece process as well? it leaves it exactly where it's been for some time now, which is going nowhere in contrast to these rallies. who can count on american support no matter who's in the white house palestinians really have a tough choice. on the one hand, they know that trump cares very little about the palestinian issue and they consider him hostile on the other. a joe biden will go down in history as well as a us presidents that enabled and funded and supported
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a genocide against the palestinians. and so there isn't love last, if you will. in fact, we haven't heard any official reaction fund king biden, for his relations, for his support or anything like that. like we've heard in other countries, but we have heard from ordinary palestinians in iowa saying, you know, good versions. this is a man who was not going to get palestinians. anything may be. now, democrats can pick someone who not just show more emphasis towards palestinians, but change here on policy. and that's really what they're waiting for. there's a very large ex spots community here in that i'm a london barrier area and they certainly will have their eyes on the democratic leadership to see who they will pick. and what they will say about palestine about ending the occupation and stopping the genocide more immediately neuro day that for us in ramallah and the occupied westbank. thank you. know, well,
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people in mexico have also been reacting to biden's decisions to step aside from has promised a hard to crack down on like winds crossing that southern border. now the fighting has withdrawn. people say that even though concerns about the chances of getting into the united states, the, the clothes on who was with joe by then we had guaranteed the passage up here for the i think it was the best option because he had no chance of winning against trump did on with joe biden, the board was not as close as it is with donald trump. trump the strong go with that and he pushes migration further away. the u. s. presidential race is also being watched closely across the last on america to be seen. human has more from today's capital santiago. the general feeling in latin america is one of release of also certain puzzlement as to what to job. i did so long to decide to step down, and that's because the general consensus in this part of the world as in many of those,
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in fact is the joe biden had become an electable. he could not be re elected. and that's what really concerns most countries in this region, and that is because there was very little loved last for donald trump. he was not well liked during his 1st presidency, he was seen as beings and a phobic anti migrant and even more so now that he's running on a campaign that's even more anti migrant than most of those migrants are from latin america as we all know. so there is a sense that whoever is going to replace joe biden as the democratic presidential candidates will have more or less the support, at least in the hearts of most latin americans. with the exception, perhaps of the government of argentina, which is very, very close to to donald trump. that is, we're talking about the delay government, but just about everybody else. even the conservative government seemed to believe that a trump administration will hook the economy of the region more than a democratic one,
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and certainly that it will destabilize the world more than it is they believe already see in human outages. hera santiago, nations across east asia have also been reacting to vitamins decision to withdrawal unit kim has more for us to from. so the news broke overnight for us here in east asia. and it is being treated as a top story for and many tv stations here. and the headline on the front page of we're not able to read bite in steps aside with $107.00 days to go to the us elections. and under the image there it says unable to overcome the wall of old age. now both south korean president used sonya and japanese prime minister to me. ok, see to have reserved directly commenting on the development. citing that they are a different countries affairs now it just has a prime minister for me. ok. she did was asked during
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a press conference on this monday on the development, and he said that it, it is a decision that bite in deans is the best politically. and that they will be watching it very closely given that japan's diplomatic and security politics remains as the alliance is a lynch pen for tokyo. it was still ahead on the south. is there a new zone departure from the decades of tradition? israel's military issues, conscription notices for 1000 ultra orthodox jews and student protest as and bind to dash will not stand down. despite the cold ruling in favor, we'll take a look at the in 2021. the to the security surfaces, the rest, the 15 suspected spice allegedly routine to buys really intelligence, the most sense to impose on our other student and just allow me to get in touch you
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sometimes they recruit you and you don't even realize you're being recruited. so just a while to explore the doc surveillance on to well beneath the diplomatic surface most that is done on the results and overwhelmed fire flashes say they're crackling with water scarcity at a lack of proper equipment or does smoke as close as air quality to plummet. authorities have reduced school hours at a stalking off on oxygen canisters in anticipation of more people
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the bulk imagine watching al jazeera. let's remind you about top stories. for some us president joe biden has dropped out of the 2024 presidential race against donald trump. he says he will focus on fulfilling his duties as president for the remainder of his time. providing husband quick to endorse his vice president, come to hire us to run in his place. she also has the support of senior policy figures including california government, gavin use of who as a potential arrival. meanwhile, the republicans have responded by attacking harris and trump campaign released this video disparaging, have political record. trump says the vice president will be easier to be invited at least 16 palestinians have been killed by as rainy as drives on con eunice and southern gaza. many of those 2 were wounded in that attack,
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the target to the eastern parts of the city. and comes up to is really forces organ displaced, palestinians to immediately evacuate to on the wasi, but that so called designation se phone itself has come under repeated attacks. at least 90 displaced palestinians were killed by is riley strikes that last week. well, let's get the nicest from him. cordaris has internal dial out in central goes up for us. and i understand people were given less than an hour, the notions to leave from community of the well in less than an hour. at least 14 palestinians, including 6 children, were killed. they threw leave flat, started selling with their artillery, selling people started evacuating under fire. but people did not even have the time to about 2 weeks they were killed. were talking about the eastern parts of community where the is there any horses are asking people to move west. but they did not have this time where the is ready for his have been extensively intensively
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at targeting the eastern parts of con eunice a according to unlock that hospital, the only operating hospitable income units, they're calling for blood donations due to that huge amount of injuries that was received into a mazda in hospice. and let me mention that this is the only operating hospital working in dropbox. and can eunice well, palestinians don't have any place to go. they recently went back to can you and as to the eastern parts after the is ready with you from the area after months of a round invasion. and also last week there were, there wasn't a top on the eastern parts of the community and the seats. so people went to the eastern part, so people feel that they're like, is there any is, are paying them assess game where they're moving them from a place to one another and no place is safe. and you say nowhere is safe where all people suffice to go often what's been happening and all the while i see it, especially as we see more and more un facilities being targeted to
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a man. people don't have any way to go. so they go to milwaukee of milwaukee is being targeted. the go to that, didn't bella, that bella is being targeted where there's really forces start getting a house a couple of minutes ago. and 2 palestinians were killed and dozens of policy and use were injured and transferred to the hospital. they're going to into play. that's also in the middle area, but it has been under a lawyer for the past week where there has been a couple of targets on and policy and has this. so people do not know where to go. their truck between 10 units and the middle area and both areas are also targeted that is on a, is not a ground operation by the is ready for. it says, no one is allowed to move up to up to why these? because the which separates the another and parts with the south parts. so palestinians are left has this not knowing where to go. and they totally believe that there is no k save all across the goddess or hold. all right?
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they're reporting for us from there all by that and central garza thank you. and while i was even enforcing is right. is increasingly targeting schools sheltering displays. palestinians do you and relief and walks. agency says 120 of its educational institutions have now been had since israel began this war on gaza was unclear which has more from the school in jamalia, in northern golf. as the army continue attacking similarly as houses and nothing does spread stools and shelter continued to be over the crowding until 2 or 4 months evacuation since that in july. there could you can, can each classroom in this facility supposed to accommodate for one family? what to do to the sentence heavy task. so nothing does trip to classroom here have more than 3 families, civilians who are taking shelter in this facility on having a malay think conditions on the databases or like a med, well, there is no safety,
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no stability. and no security and i now i am at the school and it any single moment i could be forced to leave. this school has been talking to twice before. that is why i say we don't have the ability and we don't have security. these really forces hit us and a tech has come with every week the top and i was difficult. we've been in the situation for too long. we don't properly eat or drink to sleep. we live in displacements, crime, schools, staffing, and this mike all over just just advantages. schools are being targeted civilians here are afraid of from the unpredictable attacks that might test this to any time why they've got to adjust the to nothing does a slip all this time. so how does really forces have again conducted overnight raids across the occupied westbank,
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palestinian and hebron that's in the south was taken to hospital of the being assaulted by his riley soldiers. they also rated code kalia, which is in no minute periods and the occupied westbank has been an in nightly occurrence since it's red rooms to, to long cause a non stop to all these really minute tree is now drafting $1000.00 ultra orthodox jewish man for the 1st time in history, last month, the supreme court and this is wrong exemption from compulsory service on religious grounds, not ruling has been met with opposition. protests. the ministry is use issue of the 2000 notices to ultra orthodox jews, 2 and the coming weeks. well, let's take a closer look at this development. members of the ulta or drop will setups community attend special seminaries where they study the tour a full time. they have been exempted from military service since israel's founding in 1948. now initially that will apply to around $400.00 students, but the community now counts for about 13 percent of israel's population of
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$10000000.00. following the supreme court ruling up to $66000.00 ultra orthodox man, i thought to be eligible for military service. however, the ministry says it is, are in the investing some 3000 this year. however long this, let's speak to a friend and all he's the president of the jerusalem institute for strategy and security. he joins us now from west through some frame to start off with. can you perhaps explain from view is why the ultra orthodox community believes that they shouldn't be solving. and what about those m a believes that studying gays extremely involvement studying the only villages fix in the face of a by learning is a shield. it gives the aggression and the guests the bed. things happening to, uh, does it people, is we, this is a, is an extra now, which is, uh, a, uh,
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an explanation also was easily population. this totally unacceptable. and uh, although some accepted because uh, so i understand that the bite falls you can at least be booth and the of those that will start that in, in guys. right. and easily it has social, digital men follow this situation as become intolerable. uh for. busy the majority of the so alias in the evenings, this supreme court of justice or that the at least no lead to the ground floor was exemptions that were issued sofa. it's resolved so that the idea of decided to send the announcements to the 1000 this week. yeah, it doesn't come over 2 weeks late of the to come to so a frame you is saying that you come to the list of people by force i understand.
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and this 1st wave of these 1st 1000 draft orders, imagery is saying that they sent them to people who might actually show up. and inductions are meant for instance, who have jobs or drivers licenses. for instance. do you think that might would use pushback? hey, i don't think so because is a religious leadership is adamant the about the not the joining the is the military even for those that do not study says literally just fix because and they say don't put needs that they play those a bed in fluids. that's all the so being is all me, it was a molar. come the old. so we go to that they do not want to. so was a woman, for example, a and the, the, they don't want them to be in the 42nd, the environment. despite the fact that the military is ready to adjust and the
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most of the docs in an environment which is most suitable to sales. uh the needs is interesting. you said that a friend and you talk about adjusting. i understand that is already a battalion in the idea of made up of some ultra orthodox management to accommodate their religious requirements. or this isn't necessarily the 1st time this has been an issue. and this is tools that military has always, uh, tried to be flexible in the cool thing, different parts of the population. and it's we en, eh, and is it to say, is that the most the people in the, in the battalion you mentioned actually not really. it would go to docs valid zip, flinches of roller products, the community, and the other, all the docs that jews as serve and said, but the on the fence in different units to create a special
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a companies who would go to doctor this attends, have only been thought of please successful and as everybody knows, most of the products, the not to join things um mm hm. i frame and the president of the tourism institute for strategy and security. thank you for sharing your insights with us on the elder 0. so thank you for joining if you like a, a halt, a bunch of ashen out with is some semblance of call on the streets of the capital of the several days a protest against a controversial job corps of system. a kind of you there remains in place and definitely the telecoms blackout continues to affect internet and mobile phone services that was seen as a partial victory for protest as the supreme court in scrap most government jobs, cortez on sunday. the reinstatement of the policy and june initially sparked the student that protest that have since spread elsewhere to move in a 140 people have been chosen thousands more injured off to
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a crack down by the police in the military. well that's bringing correspond to hundreds, however, he joins us now from the capital dock. a ton to protest as i'm saying that this is an over yes, you're absolutely like this thing. look. one group of protests leaders. i who met with the government saying that we will withdraw the protests for 48 hours and then we'll continue again. our 8 points. the men's remains that it includes the resignation of the police chief and the whole minister. on the other group, those we are talking to on the phone that are on the run. that thing we don't agree with them. our progress still remains will have a mass funeral all across the country. honoring those who are to the situation is very, you really come, it's not over. the biggest problem will be people who are killed and injured. those are accounted for, many rep picked up and they're not accounted for too prominent politician where
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a student leaders of don't ad stuckey. i know little hot. no, no, sorry. no really hot. no rule was picked up and not accounted for. and the other person, united stuckey was mercilessly bitten by the student being leader of last night. his now into hiding this sort of things are going on. there's a crumbling operation going on. students are picked up and detain, so they said they would come to the protest. and those bodies on accounted for because a journalist taking that we can get this body of the family is going to affect those wherever the bullet injuries we cannot get them are, these are concerned that been have the file are the incoming days and weeks. oh, it's funny watching very closely indeed tunzia cha dre the for us. but the latest from deca. what we can now bring in now is not locked as she is the founder and executive director of the lodge foundation. she's advising to improve workers' rights in bangladesh for decades. she joins us now on the phone from the vandals actually capital. and as well as we would just proposing areas that costs you still in place communications restrictions. can you give us a sense of the situation that right now,
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how people feeling off to of the violence that we've seen in the last few days? i think he's gonna be the pin down. i'm back it out of that way. well then you know what? you're doing that and you can do that a lot of people as a nozzle, i'm sorry, we're going to try to get you back a bit later. obviously, they're all communications restrictions in place. we apologize for the audio quality of that interview. we will try to get her back on a stronger line, but let's move on for now. still a head here on now to 0. would you mind a crypto card and say that scans you i will while is going from it says it will keep your digital identity safe. and we follow the story of
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a palestinian artist to use as has scales to the picture. the stuff in
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the, the, the welcome back. now more than half a 1000000 argentinians of had their i scanned in return for crypto currency as part of an online biometric program known as wild coin. now the company says this project protects people's identity, but some countries have restricted the use of the technology because of privacy concerns. correspondent to raise a bow, took a look,
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and when his errands it's known as the word s b or that scans the iris deployed on across when a site is by technology company tools for humanity. loading up with the c works as a seamstress and came to get her iras scans of the sub way. in exchange, she'll be paid $25.00 world coins equipped to kerensky worth around $60.00. there is almost no work and now i have nothing and maybe next week i'll make some money. i'm angry because of the tests economic situation. this helps a bit to at least buy something for my children. more than half a 1000000 people country wide have taken part in the project. it's become a source of extra cash in times of economic difficulty. argentinians are struggling with that face kind of stare with the plan implemented by precedents. have you had a delay? the iris is unique to each person around the world and by scanning it developers 6 to create a digit, an identification system that guarantees the user is
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a human being and not have bought. this is meant to make online transactions more secure. one of the founders, the some altima from open a i, the company says users privacy is guaranteed because people don't give their names or phone numbers when signing up. and the data is encrypted and protected by state of the art security. but if it's not very obvious, then using an or to verify yourself with biometrics is private and the counter intuitive thing is not just that it's private. but that is one of the most private systems we've ever used period much more than something like facebook and twitter. it's not like any of these things that we're using today to the live. but several countries, i money towing the project and it was suspended in spain, gave me an port you go, you to privacy concerns because that goes, i want to say i didn't want to. becky says the company needs to do much more to guaranteed people's privacy from that. but i think that's you on a made of reason facing at the agency for access to public information because
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there are at least 9 points that worry me very much. in my view, privacy is not guarantee they made a presentation. but for me, it's not enough. for now, hundreds of thousands of origin teens don't seem to care well coined provide extra money in their time of need varies. i will just see that window side is what was queen is a crypto currency. that is, we've been saying use as biometric data to prove and use it is a human not a boss or an algorithm. it scans the iris with a device called the old to create a unique digital identity. now the company behind it tools for humanity was co founded by some outland who also creates a chat g p t. he says this makes online transactions more secure. well, quinn already has 6000000 users in a 160 countries. many of them developing economies. originally, piano is a research fellow, an artificial intelligence, dean invest you belong. yeah, she was
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a bit more regulation is needed to protect you. is this possible information we don't know in the future whether the status of iris will be used for other technologies to access your home to access your bank account, etc. so there is this move towards using more biometric data, which that regulation tries to protect, such as general data protection regulation in europe, is trying to restrict the use of biometric data that can uniquely identify the individual and the link i ever sent. that is related to that digital, so they are claiming they're not collecting the names and phone numbers. but and several studies have shown that the users in developing countries happening, asked phone numbers and email addresses, etc. so it's unclear whether these claims are, are true. um plus the information that is given to the new users is, is not up to the standards of informed consent because the message of the company
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is not just that they are providing and you come to currency. but they would also want to have this authentication layer of hire these maybe web city, the centralized system. when you're requesting for a data, especially biometric sensitive data in european union, you have to explain all of the purposes how long the data will be kept and how it's treated. then sprint stare. so all of that information that deal is missing here. so many palestinians displaced by israel's war on garza has seen their lives change drastically out. 0 spoke to one palestinian who has been using her autistic scale to depict the suffering of had people over the past 9 months since hostile, nasty, and the nation come up with the said of the promise 9. that's a lot of some of the home button model, the launch none of the dates. and then how does have tonight has that you want to know
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the way of them? uh, how about uh read all the way to the head quinn . tabitha, by the end of the shipment. uh no wonder if i headed down the hold on my phone is off put kenneth then line. uh, checking to see if the of some set up the some one that has on
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the later one gets shut it off and what are you on? can you on what are you on uh let us know nothing about this. no, no, no, i'm saying, yeah, that was what i'm like. yeah. yeah. as a sort of you know, so not a problem and have to sit on the one that have been the get the shell but the, the one who has the yeah. the upstairs on the left of the have a nice the
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the phone with on the on the, on the model some showed up for the summer the so he's most of the ship can. i said just haven't had enough time to have been an executive committee and the young necessary for the young man had service with the of now not to go a heavy on the saving of put an issue with money and i forget how do we can certainly look for a headache if everyone were turning now to our top story here on now to 0 us president joe biden has dropped out of the 2020 full presidential race against donald trump. he says he'll focus on fulfilling his duties as president for the remainder of his time 5 and has been quick to endorse the vice president of the harris to run in his place. she also has the support of senior policy figures including california governor gavin newsome who was himself a potential arrival was always just across the country and speaking about 5 minutes
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decision. and let's hear some more reactions this time from washington, dc and michigan. and i know that women can read absolutely. i will support her if she is the nominee. i wonder if she would be chosen. i think the party needs to think about who can successfully win. and is this country. i'll put it bluntly, is this country res will as a black woman to be president over a convicted felon, having a little bit of youth with actually go a long way. you know, president trump next president trump the 78th, and our current president's 81. so, um, yeah, i actually think that age limit terms, it'd be on the other side as well, cuz i think that obviously it's a little bit more complicated and you know, uh, you know, all of us them, as we get older, you know,
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obviously natural things started occurring you might think of how the democratic party would be so i hope to see if there's no nonsense and input from all hers is going to be running and thinking about how invigorated how much better off we're going to be . it's crazy. i think that it probably needed to happen because he just wasn't meant to be there for a long time. so unfortunately, you know, it's one of those deals to where it probably was as a matter of time that it was going to happen. so yeah. yeah, that's what i feel. i thought it was coming. i feel bad for a president, but he is he one years old? i can't imagine running for president 15 years from now when i would be $81.00. so
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it was coming but bad for him, but to see what happens moving forward, a lot set for me that starts in case of this new job, but don't go away. i'll be back in just a couple of minutes with much more of the days needs to stay with the being a journalist is that privilege i get to the heart of the story, amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noises of war is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks. we're just going to try to take up is a safe it because there's vision trying to find the words the truth. it's that challenge and the huge responsibility we keep one of the issues and decision makers in check . so the devastating you and tossed up their decisions. the reason the soldiers
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base themselves in this house is because it's as the edges of the janine refugee cab. and from here they have, it's their view of working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice as relevant to so that this mode that unites us, that divides us tennessee in the gaza strip. as is continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media, and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanizes is ratings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to turn away. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing goes beyond who was in irving. my name is tyler. i was abducted by the c. i a, in 2004,
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a german citizen was kidnapped and tortured by to see the chain of republicans let me into interpretation. a powerful documentary tells the story of how the g o follow checks of the post 911 while we were in the life of an innocent bill. my suitcase on which is here. the u. s. president joe biden withdrawals from november's election and endorsed as his vice president, couple of harris to be the new democratic candidates, the color that i missed as you pay this is out of their life. and the 2nd power says she intends to, on and winning the nomination as a growing number of senior democrats throw the support behind. meanwhile,
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republican presidential candidate donald trump says 5, it was never sent to run for president. and then harris says even less confidence.


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