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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 22, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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to me into interpretation a powerful documentary tells the story of how the geo politics of the post 911 while we were in the life of an innocent feel my suitcase phone, which is here. the u. s. president or biden withdrawal is from november's election and endorsed as his vice president carmella harris to be the new democratic candidate, the color that i'm associated, hey, this is all just here at life from the 2nd power says she intends to on and winning the nomination as a growing number of senior democrats throw the support behind. meanwhile, republican presidential candidate donald trump says 5 and was never sent to run for
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president. and then harris says even less confidence. and at least 27, the palestinians have been killed by as rarely as strikes. unless, as you have communes and $7.00 the pivots whole day in american history has transformed the race for the white house. you as president joe biden has now dropped out, and d, as in dog, as his vice president, coming out of harris to take his place more than 100 congressional democrats are also backing. have a white house correspondent can be how could begin to have coverage after days of isolation. recovering from cove it and deliver ration, consulting with his family and a handful of friends. us president joe biden made his historic announcement on x. he'll no longer seek the democratic nomination for presidents. i believe it's in
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the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. i was so deeply moved by the presence, powerful and poignant statements which was truly courageous and visionary present by them has been one of the the greatest most courageous and consequential presence of american history. the calls for by then to drop his bid for a 2nd term exploded last month after what many critics described as a disaster is debate performance. it goes for were us president donald trump stepping down 5 in immediately endorsed vice president comma la harris to be the democratic nominee. harris responded saying,
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i'm honored to have the president's endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination. the democratic national convention is just a month away bite and had secured the most delegates to win the parties. nomination was bite and gone. those delegate stores automatically passed to harris. it's now what's known as an open convention with delegates free to support the candidates of their choice. harris already has 2 powerful endorsements. former us president bill clinton and former 1st lady, and the 1st female nominated for president hillary clinton. but for us, president brock, obama and former 1st lady michelle obama have not endorsed harris. in the statement, obama writes the party will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. republicans are threatening to challenge still biden's decision to step down. they
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argue a president no longer fit to be the nominee should also no longer be running the country. kimberly health is l g 0. the white house from new york to ohio and wisconsin, but it is in the us has been reacting to vitamins exit from the presidential race. his performance was, has been a debacle. i think that it made the public very nervous as far as him going into this presidential race age base, the base major part in politics and making decisions. i think it's a good decision. i think he didn't have a chance against trump too many people are concerned about his age, which i was to look at what he's done to our world. i just, i think donald trump should have been back a long time ago. there are certain things he can still do,
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but he can't campaign anymore. so i'm, i'm sad and he's a, he's a, he's a true patriot for stepping down. he's fast. i don't, i didn't see him. trump. and so there will be entry, just interesting to see how it all things hash out. looks like it's gonna be kind of the harris which i'm fine with. i think it's very surprising news. um, definitely not something i personally san coming. i think it puts the entire election in a kind of a weird position. i think comma harris is the easiest pick based on the back to the vice president. and i think it would be tough for the party to try to go a different direction than that. without corresponding kristen so they may has one out from new york on what led to president biden's decision until saturday. all signs were that he was not backing down that he was going to stay in the race.
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but we know that pressure was mounting, and many in the democratic party had begun to open lease, calling for him to step aside. and now we're starting to see, since he's done that support growing behind cala harris in the form of endorsements that have been coming out just in the last hours, less than 24 hours in spite and stepped aside and put his support behind her. we're seeing the party machinery really trying to galvanize around her. the party chairs for the democrats in all 50 states now have come out in support of her. some key democrats, like pete boot a judge, use a transportation secretary serving under bite and ran against him in the past. senator elizabeth warren, more than a dozen senators have come out and endorsed her alexandria casio cortez, a congresswoman from new york. it has come out to endorse her,
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and it's expected that the support for her is growing by also the amount of money that's being raised on her behalf. the democratic political action committee act, blue saying that they've had their best day fund raising so far this year. they expect to set a record in the 24 hours after that she 24 hours since she announced her candidacy . that is seen as a firing up the base assign that the party is excited to get behind her. particularly younger voters are thought to have a better connection with kala harris and they did with joe biden. and black women are very excited to have the 1st female black woman running for president in the united states. so that's some of the excitement and attempt to rally the democrats behind her as support for biden was fading, as well as how black in the presidential candidate donald trump has posted on his
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social media platform, saying joe biden was not fit to run for president. he's certainly not fit to solve all those around him and treating his doctor knew that he wasn't capable of being president. and he wasn't. look what he's done to our country with millions of people coming across the border. we will suffer greatly because of his presidency. alan sasha is in washington dc and he says republicans will have to change the tactics if harris doesn't need to become the democratic. so many i'm hearing from some republicans that they're going to in american terms, flooding the zone, which means essentially they're going to go on all low to attack against pamela harris to try and disable her at a very early stage. they want to attack cars that are going to tire the problems that the board, the going to say she knew about job items. the claimant is condition and did nothing about it. as they're going to say that the problems with immigration and inflation can also be traced to the bite and hottest white house. and they're going
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to spend a lot of money doing this. i'm doing it very quickly. but i'm also hearing that the democrats have raised their own $75000000.00 since the a nice meant that joe biden was going to step down. and so we're going to see a lot of political lads, a lot of posts during and a lot of talking. they're going to try and stop, come to hide us before her campaign even begins to ignite across the country. but of course, we're 4 months away from the election and that's expensive. and at the moment the republicans on raising that sort of money miss wayne states, donald trump had a lead and that lead was increasing. however, you could come with how does up against your bite and, and then that's a completely different. so you put, come a lot of stuff against donald trump. that's a completely different equation. she starts to tie and in some cases, even leave, i missed those polls. the effectively told joe biden he had to get out of the race because not only was he behind in swing states, but he was behind in states like virginia, a new mexico states that the democrats expected to win and did not expect to spend
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any money fighting those states essentially jo, buys is passed to the presidents. they went from there to there. it disappeared, not quite overnight, but certainly in the last 3 weeks since that terrible debate performance. and so what the democrats will be hoping is a couple of hours will open up that path will be able to push forward. she will get the nomination from the convention in chicago next month. and then we'll spend 3 months on the campaign trail and certainly from what we're seeing. it looks as if a lot of big name endorsements are flying behind. and it would really a speaking to one democrats, but it would be political suicide for everyone to go up against her at the moment. this is really going to be the coordination of come up a couple of hers. and she is going to, more than likely be the nomination whole bivens decision kind of just before is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his visit to the us capital and yahoo!
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he spoke to him for his just before boarding his flight to washington dc. and he sent the us president for supporting the war on casa, i'm only for guess, and i will meet president joe biden who i've known for more than 40 years. this will be an opportunity to think conflicts. he provided for his ralph during the war and during his years of service of the senate, vice president and president. i believe that during this time of war and political upsets and see it this time on the tele enemies. note that the united states and israel time together today, tomorrow and forever. well that's bringing up the iran, he is there an associate professor of history at georgetown university here in castle, and he joins us now in idaho studio. abdullah over the last few months, many have speculated sitting at this desk, but nothing yahoo was biting his time, keeping things going, waiting until biting was out of the white house. does this change his calculation as well? certainly there's, there's going to be an open question about the outcome of the cus selection in
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a way that we haven't expected over the last few months. i think there was certainly a growing assumption that, that by then simply was not a very competitive candidate in terms of his re election prospects. whether this sudden turn of events in terms of it, having a new candidate is going to shift that i think it's still too early to tell. but certainly that, that might, in some ways at least altered some calculations. what, what a harris whitehouse means is randomness. and yeah, well, so far everything we've seen suggest that it would be much of the same. right? that, that there has been really no difference between, you know, the vice president and the president in terms of the ongoing genocide and gaza that we know, of course that, that providing this is something that's deeply personal, that it's ideological in addition to being certainly a political strategy that he's taking on throughout his entire career and especially as he was president. but we see also that this is very much something that is across most of the democratic party with very small exceptions. that there seems to be you and anybody. and in fact, at the break with bite,
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it has never really been about this maybe on the popular level in terms of folders for quite upset. and of course express this in, in, throughout the primaries we saw in a swing state like michigan were over a $100000.00 voters registered is not committed specifically to be in opposition and protest of the genocide going on and gaza and biden's roland. do you think this might then change dynamics is harris painted by the same brush? i mean, as we were saying, that's a huge amount of criticism for bite and supportive of his relatives or the last 9 months from quoting him genocide, joe and or if that does this change dynamics in the us? i'm not yet. i think certainly where we stand now, the assumption of course is that the vice president is firmly just as a supportive of this policy of this administration. and there's been no indication whatsoever that she seeks to, to break from this policy. but certainly, this is something that, that she's going to confront. i think on the campaign trail as she goes from state to state and meets with voters and talks to various to, you know, interested groups, particularly in swing states that are going to actually decide the selection
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whether she responds to those. um certainly i think is, is really the open question, but let's, let's also be clear about the fact that this is changing in canada. it's happened not because of the popular protests, any outcry. but because of the breaks from that leap breaks of the democratic party, and of course, the donors who are funding these campaigns. and of course, neither of those have indicated any significant shift on the question of cause i'm do i want to focus a little on, on what this might mean? so for the war and gaza where 9 months that is supposed to be some kind of piece process has been a huge us lead pushed versus fine. does this change any of them? well, i mean, i think, you know, in, in the short term, i don't think we can expect much of a change, right. that the joe biden will remain us presidents at least for the next 6 months . and, and in the short term, he has not indicated any significant push either toward a ceasefire beyond kind of some of the, the sort of, you know, throw away language that we've seen, but not in terms of policy. we've seen multiple vito's of, of significant un security council resolutions and of course,
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of more prominently the arguments of history, right, that there can be no cease fire as long as israel has a blank check, essentially of us weaponry that it's being used consistently to, to continue it's on slots on the civilian population of gaza in this moment. so in that sense, i don't think that we can expect much of anything. the 2 state solution is, is been dead for, for quite some time, decades really. but in terms of what we've seen this week is really convinced that, of course, has passed the law essentially saying it's just kind of cementing it's categorical rejection. what we've known all along but is now kind of firmly in place. and we haven't heard a single word of condemnation or any kind of, of, of kind of a back tracking of us policy since then. either i'll say how dynamic shift, if a tool in the coming weeks and months will out already. and thank you so much for joining us again on tuesday or as the one that's got the latest on the situation on the ground and gaza right now with
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best the death toll is quickly rising off to a series of his riley strikes on the city of con eunice, at least 27 palestinians have now been killed. thousands were wounded. having rushed to hospital civilians say they were given no time to find safety is really for assistance in the bombing that area. just moments often evacuation order was issued. will that speak to him for daria? she's in darrell ball out in central garza for us. and i understand people were given less than an hour's notice to leave literally just just a few minutes of the weather. literally a few minutes the float even very hot. this time the fact that they need to evacuate, they were sleeping. it's in the early hours of the morning. then they heard that there is evacuation ben's are tele restarted sending the policy news. and in less than a couple of hours, we're talking about 2 hours 27 policies have been killed,
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including children and women. not only that they're evacuating right now under buyers. they did not have time to even take or to accept any of their belongings there. need to be trying to save their lives. and not only that, they're surrounded by all your artillery sending in an air strikes, palestinians who are in the area at went back to their houses after these are the forces made a round invasion to the area for at least 3 months. and not only thoughts, it's, it's, it's very hard buying because even philosophy and growth is also in danger zone. so according to eye witnesses, people are coming in the eastern parts of the left. some of them are even barefoot . they do not have anything with them. and their funding from the amount of fire civil defense in crews were also targeted according to the permitting space up there. and they could not treat as this is why we're accepting the best tool to
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rise. if this happens, like in seconds, the minutes and people bear the house, the time to evacuate or to you've been a collect anything to cope with their lives up to this evacuation for your kind of thing use are the states, and we're seeing people arriving from con, eunice right now, but all of them are terrified and they do not have any place to go to co. daria they were pushing for us from the ground from darrow bullet and central gauze. and thank you and a hostile, a head here on al jazeera streaming protest isn't on the dash, will not stand down despite a court ruling and then say that we'll take a look at the month the the, it's monday, july, the 22nd. let's get going with your weather uptake for europe in africa and 1st
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things 1st. we've got this line of showers in store and stretching from scandinavia, right into central europe. but let's pick up the weather story where i think the rain will be worse. and that's actually in norway, so round also looking to pick up half a month's worth of rain over the next 24 hours. all of this drops down into central europe, around the l pine region, a fresher field for the balkans and romania. but it is still boiling hot in portugal and spring elizabeth, 38 degrees your highest job high day on record 40. so certainly getting close there today on monday when i take you to the northwest slice of africa because this is where all that hot air is coming up from. not hard to see why, right marrakech at 43 and central algeria is still in the thick of a heat wave grease in searcy. a hot here too. it's got $38.00 in athens shooting for a height of $36.00 and is dental. and same goes for northeast africa, talking about the heats as one at $44.00, your hottest month of the year, or july and august. so it's not that unusual for this time of the year and will end
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in southern africa, not much to reports. plenty of sun looking like a beauty of a day in cape town. 17 degrees for you today on monday, so it was a journey through every story. every step is to the celebration of what we can achieve when to reach the welcome to simmons and exclude does the redesigns luxury leasing, trusting no future. today we create the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching on to 0. let's remind you about top stories. the south u. s. president joe biden has dropped out of the 2020 full presidential race against donald trump. he says he'll focus on fulfilling his duties as president for the remainder of his time. finding has been quick to endorse his vice president carmella harris to run in his place. she's also has the support of senior policy if it gives including california and government like avenue some himself was a potential life. meanwhile, republicans have responded by attacking harris and the trump campaign released this video disparaging. have this cool record. tom says the vice president will be easy . it's beat invite for me, us present. brock obama has also issued
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a statement. here's what he said online. joe biden has been one of america's most consequential presidents, as well as a dear friend and partner to me. today, we've also been reminded again that he is a patriot of the highest order. obama has yet to endorse anyone that's replaced by them in the presidential race. the democratic national convention is set to begin on august the 19th, and that's where the policy will make the final decision. on the many, my kind of reports on the spot light is now shining brightly on cumberland. harris . president biden's endorsement may make a pass to the democratic party nomination a lot easier, but they are still many hurdles in who way. former president bill clinton has endorsed us party candidates, along with some of the former colleagues on the senate. but the former president obama made no mention of kamala harris and his statement reacting to president
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biden's decision to step down. instead, he said, we will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. but i have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of potty will be able to create a process from which an outstanding no many images. there's also be no immediate endorsement from the senate majority leader, chuck schumer, the house minority leader hakim jeffries or the former speak up the house, and nancy pelosi cumberland harris, broke one gender ceiling. when joe biden us to be, as vice president, picking the 2020 election going on to become the 1st email to hold the office. oh, it always did. so you're getting a really nice president of the united states. congress pointed proudly to the historic nature of the appointment as vice president. for a while, i may be the 1st woman in this office. i will not be the last, the because
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every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities. as vice president harris was tacit, tackling the sony issue of immigration, giving a trip to guatemala, she was criticized for what some liberal so as a harsh message do not do not come under relentless attacks from opposition. republicans and the right wing news media . harris struggled to wouldn't widespread public approval, although she remained popular with young voters and people of color. i'm going to run for re election power. so to really vote has around issues of civil rights, excess to abortion, and gun violence. we will not be defeated. we will not be deterred,
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we will not come supporters with quick to go and attack posting video, accusing the of creating what is described as a per folder invasion and runaway inflation lation. paris itself released the statement thinking president biden for his leadership and accepting his endorsement as candidates. we have a 107 days until election day. she concludes. together we will fight and together we will win california georgie, win the nomination and defeat donald trump in the election, the door, twelf, jamaican, an indian immigrant parents would become the 2nd, the black president of the united states and the 1st woman to hold the office. mike, hannah, i'll just say, or washington, well, people in mexico, i've also been reacting to buy this decision to step aside. donald trump has promised a hard to crack down on my friends crossing the southern border. now the fighting has withdrawn pieces saying that even more concerned about their chances of getting
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into the united states in the close on who was with joe by then we had guaranteed the passage up here for the i think it was the best option because he had no chance of winning against trump with joe biden. the board was not as close as it is with donald trump trumpet, strong. go with that. and he pushes migration further away. the us presidential race is being watched closely across latin america. we've seen human has more for us from today's capital santiago. the general feeling in latin america is one of release, none of also certain puzzlement as to what to job. i do so long to decide to step down. and that's because the general consensus in this part of the world as in many others, in fact, is the joe biden had become an electable. he could not be re elected. and that's what really concerns most countries in this region. and that is because there was very little level last for donald trump. he was not well liked during his 1st
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presidency, he was seen as beings and phobic, anti migrant. and even more so now that he's running on a campaign that's even more anti migrant than most of those migrants are from latin america as we all know. so there is a sense that whoever is going to replace joe biden as the democratic presidential candidates will have more or less the support, at least in the hearts of most latin americans. with the exception, perhaps of the government of argentina, which is very, very close to to donald trump. that is, we're talking about the delay government, but just about everybody else. even the conservative government seem to believe that a trump administration will hook the economy of the region more than a democratic one, and certainly that it will destabilize the world more than it is. they believe. already. see a newman, al jazeera santiago or it's a bonded ash now where there is some semblance of calling on the streets of the
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capital of the several days a protest against a controversial job course, a system, a coffee, there remains in place and definitely the telecommunications blackout continues to affect internet and mobile phone services seen as a partial victory for protest as the supreme court scrapped most government job courses on sunday. the reinstatement of the policy and june initially sparked these the student had purchased that whole service and spread elsewhere. more than a 140 people have been killed him, thousands were injured off the crackdown by police and the military time. did you, audrey has moved from deco one group of protests leaders. i who met with the government saying that we will withdraw the protests for 48 hours and then will continue again. our 8 points. the men's remains that it includes the resignation of the police chief and the whole minister. on the other group, those we are talking to on the phone that are on the run. this thing, we don't agree with them. our protest still remains will have a mass funeral all across the country,
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honoring those who are killed. the situation is ready. you really come, it's not over. the biggest problem will be people who are still and injured. those not accounted for. many were picked up and then not accounted for too prominent politician where a student leaders of don't ad stuckey. i know little hot. no, no, sorry, no really hot noodle was picked up and not accounted for. and the other person, united stuckey was mercilessly bitten by the student doing liter of last night. his now into hiding this sort of things are going on. there's a coming operation going on. students are picked up and detain, so they said they would continue the protest, and those bodies on accounted for it because i guarantee this i thing that we can get this body of all the family is going there, said those wherever the bullet injury we cannot get them are, these are concerned that been have the file are doing coming days and weeks, a move and a half
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a 1000000 argentinians have had their eyes scanned and return for crypto currency as part of an online biometrics project known as one coin. the company says the project protects people's identity, but some countries have restricted to the use of the technology because of privacy concerns. theresa, but when to take a look and one of the areas it's known as the world s b or that scans the iris deployed on across when a site is by technology company tools for humanity. loading up with a c works as a seamstress and came to get her iris can add the sub way in exchange, she'll be paid $25.00 world coins equipped to kerensky worth around $60.00. there's almost no work and now i have nothing and maybe next week i'll make some money. i'm angry because of the tough economic situation. this helps a bit to at least buy something for my children. more than half


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