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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 22, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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to give the secret services performance in butler, pennsylvania, on july 13 as i've stated, ma'am, this was clearly a failure. i would grade the agents and officers who selflessly threw themselves in front of the president and neutralize the threats. and a i think that we need to examine the events that led up to it. and prior to that day, you stated in 2021 that the secret service has a 0 fail mission is clear that the events of july 13 show a task cage of failures that caused corey compared to where his life nearly costs former president, his life, an injured david judge and james copeland haver when an agency fail spectacularly its mission, those responsible must be held accountable and the problems must be fixed so they cannot happen again. why should the american people are the officials you're
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responsible for protecting, have confidence in your ability to leave the secret service after such a spectacular failure? i appreciate the question and i am committed to finding answers so that we can make the agency stronger after this. you said on july 15 at the buck stops with may. how are you taking accountability for the secret services failures during the july 13 assassination attempt? i'm president from i have taken accountability and i will continue to take accountability. i am responsible for leading the agency and i am responsible for finding the answers to how this event occurred and making sure that it doesn't happen again. so i would like to explore how you got the job as director of the united states secret service. or is it typical for the director of the secret service to be recommended for the role at the behest of a president's family and senior staff?
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perhaps at the request of joe biden or anthony burn all. i got the job as a director of the secret service because i spent 27 years in an agency with a mission that i absolutely love. i started my career in detroit. i worked my way up through investigations and protection or you was there competition for the position. you would have to ask those who are involved in the interview process. but you think you are the best person in the country to head the secret service. i think that i am the best person to leave the secret service at this time. the secret service receives billions and funding each year, as has been explained by my colleagues here. in fact of increase, you've had an increase in real terms of 55 percent as you are no doubt aware staffing levels for those assign to protect the president. former president
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and other senior officials has decreased by about 350 between 2014 and today. clearly a lack of financial resources not to blame for the staffing shortage. in 2022. the secret service on nearly half its workforce leave in one year. during the same year it was right death, while among law enforcement agencies in the best places to work in the federal government. can you explain why your agency was so poorly rated and why so many staff left in just one year. and so with all due respect, i dispute div this district of half of the employees leaving in 2022. i think that that has been any accurate data that's been reported out there. but what i can tell you is, as i have returned as the director of the agency, we have had an increase in hiring and staffing and an increase and resources. and we are committed to continue to hire so that we can be staffed appropriately to
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meet the dynamic mission that we have. well, uh you may want to dispute it, but it's out there. mind your stay in given the high profiles, high profile failures and rotten culture, it's a secret service during your nearly 2 year turn tenure. why should the american people have any confidence in your ability to lead the secret service to perform it's 0 fail mission to protect our senior leaders? the secret service has an incredible culture. our men and women play service over self. they come in every day willing to risk their lives for our protective mission . and they work investigations that for people who would do harm to children, child exploiters. we have an incredible mission and our culture is we will get the job done no matter what. well, those on the front line certainly have a great culture, and they were willing to risk their lives for president trump. but i'm not sure.
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the leadership at the agency has this right kind of culture. i jo back mister. sure . sure. now recognize miss conley from virginia. thank you mister chairman. well, i hope the american people do appreciate the incredible daily risks secret service agents pay on our behalf. as you mentioned, there are $36.00 regular clients. you've got that you protect constantly, but i was participating in the nato summit just 2 weeks ago. we had $32.00 has a government and it has the state plus visiting has a state and has a government. presumably you provided protection for all that is correct. just just saying help us understand however i, i will stipulate that there does not going investigation. you don't want to go into too much detail on that until you have been able to ascertain all the facts and
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analyze what they mean. you can understand, however things id we and the american public have about. how could this happen and how can we insure it can recur? now there are some things my friends on one particular side of the i'll don't really want to talk about like a r fifteens and access to them by 20 or, or anybody for that matter, presumably directed you to leave. you be worthy of weapons. guns in america, especially assault weapons or somebody out of matic weapons. that's helped your job . and the mission of your agencies, right? that's is made it less complicated, isn't that true? i'm sorry, i'm not understanding your question. real simple, more gums, especially dangerous ones, have beg your job, protecting people easier. is that not right?
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i think ads from every record cheated. this is simple english. more guns. does they make your job more complicated or less complicated and protecting these $36.00 clients and visiting has a state, has a government that come to washington. i think the secret service needs to take into account. i didn't ask that the very i, i'm sorry. i asked the simple question, which deserves a simple answer. the beek worthy of guns, dangerous weapons in america like a r fifteens, has that made your job. that is to say the mission of the secret service easier or more difficult. i think the threat environment for protecting our secret service protect these is always difficult and that's dynamic and it's always evolving. we stipulate it's always difficult. i again, this is a simple one. does you be goody of guns,
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make your job easier or more difficult? today? i understand the 2nd amendment rights of individual. i didn't ask that question. i'm not questioning the 2nd amendment. i'm asking a simple analysis director tool. i can tell you you're not making my job easier in terms of assessing your qualification for continue not as director. please answer the question, you are the head of the secret service you're speaking on behalf of 8000 members who put their lives on the line. we just had a failure by your own admission to guns. make your job easier or harder. i think the job of the secret service is difficult on every day, and we need to make sure that we are mitigating all threats. whether that be that was my question, how that is not my question and now i think you're a bathing the answer which is not a hard one. i am sorry that you feel that way, sir. how else could i feel directed?
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0 when you were clearly avoiding a direct answer to a very simple declarative question. we almost lost a presidential candidate the other day. a 20 year old have access to his father's a r 15 and got on top of a roof within 500 yards. our feet of the podium and i'm asking you did the availability of that a r 15, which is replicated all across america, make your job harder or easier. and you're not willing to answer that question. and you sick and, and you wonder why we might have a lack of confidence and your continued ability to direct this agency? i understand your question, that's the environmental. if you want to sound like question, why not answer it? because it's the environment that the secret service works in every day. but that doesn't tell me anything. that's the, that's the environment we work in. i had an i had an attack in my office
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a year ago. i know a little bit about violence too. he came to kill me when he couldn't beat one of my staff as 8 times with a baseball bat on the head. we live with a threat of violence. but a simple answer from the director of the secret service would be helpful. and i'm sorry you've chosen to evade a jo back chair, directly asked mr. grossman from wisconsin to thank you. okay, if you're just joining us, we were just listening to us. secret service directs can be changed to a facing questions from a house. can we see over the attempted assassination of donald from we had to, to say just a little bit earlier, admit that the shooting was the most significant operational failure at the secret service in decades. of course, $19.00 was killed out that riley that took place on the 13th of july and 3 others,
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including a former president trump was injured. and multiple witnesses reported seeing a man with a rifle on the roof until a few minutes before the shots were fired. we can go to our correspondence to advertise and see his life for us in capitol hill in washington, dc. she, i've, you, you've been watching closely. it's west that telling the audience this is, this is a hearing that's meant to go on for about 6 hours or so. busy she's due to be facing questions, but we've been watching it for about an hour or so. and she's facing very, very sharp questions as and she, especially from the republicans coastal nation, amongst the republicans that she has resigned. and i think you'll be getting to see some of that frustration while over, especially given the non offices she's giving to very specific questions. as you said, clearly the main question is how could that be a roof overlooking the podium? what donald trump would be speaking to was on secured by the security services that wasn't even inside the security security perimeter. and what we keep hammering from
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the director of the secret service is what we're already 9 days out from the incident. we have investigation on the way, so i do have the honors, we're still trying to figure out the division of responsibility and the decision making process of not many offices to very specific obvious questions about how us this assassination attempts could have taken place. we go but, but this is what she said of the opening of a testimony as you actually did, pads for transparency and responsibilities. the secret service of solemn mission is to protect our nation's leaders. on july 13th, we failed. as the director of the united states secret service, i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. we are fully cooperating with ongoing investigations. we must learn what happened and i will move heaven and earth to ensure that an incident like july 13 does not happen again from some information. very. she did confirm that the f
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b. i had informed the secret service of the government and use the drone in the area. she confirmed that the government has a rangefinder, sir. i as will device to measure the distance between so that was enough for him. but said items he did confirm that he had been seen as a suspicious, suspicious individual, but not costs as a correct to donald trump at that then. but then she was still trying to make clear that there is a difference as a assess perhaps of these thoughts of sorts of events. and i think this particular consultation amongst the republicans because initially the secret service it said had denied reports. the trump campaign of aust for extra secret service protection and have been rebuffed. and this is a washington post article over the weekend because a great deal of anger and republican cycles because of the secret service folks that have denied but as reports that turns out that the, that, that was robust from of the trump campaign. as a aust, i'm more secret service protection might magnets, magnets homages, and so an extra personnel bob cheese trying to make the case
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a book for this particular event. there was no rebuff of any, any cool for extra protection. ok, thank you for that chub response. any of that for us in washington, we can get a little more on this. we can speak to bob a is. he's a former cia officer, and now an international security, unless he joins us now live from 1210 in the united kingdom. so i wonder what you make that, i mean, the secret service chief acknowledging that it was her failure, it was the secret service is failure. did we get a better idea of what exactly those failures were? is absolutely not. she a acknowledged, there was a failure which is kind of hard to dispute that there was a failure. so she's acknowledging something that is reality and was seen by every one in terms of providing any extra clarification. she did, she dodge of the questions. she did all sorts of things to avoid answering the question. i was in washington for 20 years,
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and i even testified before the senate. but when you go before a committee, a congressional committee of any sort, whether it be house or senators, before you walk in the door, your brief to know in by your staff, you know, every question they might ask, you know, every answer you have to give this woman walked in like she didn't know what was going to be ask. and so she tried to stonewall and say, it's under investigation. what was it takes that long to conduct an investigation to find out who told her people to get off the roof from the building because it was slanted, then we got a bigger problem than just didn't competency. we've got a problem of destruction of justice and what has been revealed over the course of the week uh, was that the gunman was actually flagged by the secret service. uh at least 20 minutes before the shooting. uh, so did she address the tool, how we went from that point to him, ending up on the roof and managing you to shoot the president of for the
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presidential nominee? so apparently someone said there's a suspicious person there. typically when that happens, they're suspicious person is confronted challenge. they ask, what are you doing here? why are you here? try to get some assessment as to whether or not he's just a nice little person. they've got lost or he's possibly a threat was identified and nobody followed up on it. and then after that, when he was observed climbing on the roof of the building, and it was passers by pedestrians, people in the, in the streets, the looked up and said, oh my god, there's somebody on the roof. secret service didn't say i'm the local police, didn't see him only all the people standing around the building so on. so the question then becomes, how does the, the seeing this guy? and then after that question of the next question is, what would crowd sewing up there? he was identified on top of the building. well, before he took a shot, why was he allowed to spend that much time on the building site in his rifle and
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take a shot at the president, former president, excuse me. so there's a whole series of questions. now if you listen to director chapel very carefully, she was praising the secret service agents on site on donald trump, how they all jumped on him and provided protection for him. and she was so proud of that. they got an a plus for being a good guy. but what she didn't say is how that man got to shoot at the president. she said the secret service reacted strangely. well, after the shot. well, the purpose of the secret service was not to react after the prison has been shot is to prevent him from getting shot. so we have to listen very carefully to what a senior washington political appointee says when you interrogate and said as they were like trying to data. and it's interesting because we had a that a that in the hearing they, they made that point that when she made that point, he was, he was quick to say that actually took at least
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a minutes before the secret service got on the stage and moved in a move trump of the stage, and that was actually quite a long time for that to take place as well. that the time moving off the stage is not as critical as the amount of time between when the threat was observed by passers by. and the secret service on stage reacted to that script. i mean, to say that the secret service agents on the stage reacted will by jumping on trump after the shots is interesting, but it's irrelevant because if the shots would have been more accurate, they would have been jumping on a dead man. i spelled a very good to talk to both. i is full most c i c, i a also known international security on the speaking to us back from 20 in the united kingdom. thank you. the
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now to all of that big story this our account pay now pen data, race transformed. we are less than full months away from the 2020 for us presidential election. and carmella harris has already secured the backing of some top democrats and influential policy done is this out she will make have 1st public appear in since jo biden's exit from the race by didn't himself is always financing a home with caving 19, but he has endorsed his vice president to replace them on the policy ticket, of the republican policies already on the attack, focusing on issues like immigration, harris is track record as vice president, donald trump says harris will be easy. it's a beat that president find, and that message is likely to be echoed by his running major 80 vons who's holding his 1st solo rally in his home state of ohio in the next few hours. let's start
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with the corresponding committee who, who is in washington for us. so it came in a while the momentum growing behind. come la harris in the last few hours there are still some major key democratic figures that have yet to mendoza. that's right. it's certainly interesting who has endorsed and who has it. what we know is that in the last hour, what kind of le harris has done is secured yet another endorsement via illinois governor of the governor from illinois. and that has effectively cleared her past to the nomination of potential challenger. so she's in the clear in terms of making sure that she will be the democratic nominee. she just now has to make sure she gets for delegates to commit to her. but what is notable is that she has not gotten some endorsements from some of the top. deborah product party leaders. we're going to us them out for you because their names are prominent for president brock. obama,
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former house speaker, nancy pelosi, sen, bernie sanders, sen, majority leader. chuck sure, at house minority leader had came jeffreys. now all of these individuals were very prominent in nudging out the current president joe biden. and there is, was a conspicuous absence when they congratulated joe by then doing the previous thing of stepping aside for the good of the country. there was no will absence in the fact that they did not save it says and endorse carla harris has the same time. now the reason for this is many are speculated here in washington that they want to see . com a lot really work for this endorsement. and that is because as the potentially 1st woman of color and become potentially the president of the united states, they know she'll be under an enormous amount of scrutiny. and they don't want this
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to be seen as a coordination. they want this to be see the something. 2 and that the voters will accept her for that. and so as a result, we know that those endorsements are to be coming, but they may not be immediate. the right good to talk to you, can we whole cut that for us in washington dc. let's go to phil laval, who joins us now from middletown. ohio, where we are. do you to see j, the vance appear in the riley in the next few hours. what is the me that like? has it been any chassis whole about a president button stepping down from the rice? well, it's a face, it's positive. i mean, you can fully have the music playing songs like the playlist. it's the end of the world as we know by all re um, all you need is love. here comes the song lead into that what you will. but of course i was told about pamela harris's talk about joe biden. it ranges everywhere from the bring it on attitude, which is what we had from j. d vance. yesterday. all the way through to a gentleman. i spoke to a short while ago, he was very measured. he said, you know,
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i congratulate her on perhaps getting the nomination on. let's just get ready to talk about policies and see how it goes that let me show you what's going on here though. this is a, it's a fairly big crowd. i mean, it has to be reasonably sized for where we all were at the middle school went on to the stadium library when j defense and donald trump, they had a couple of days ago to do a 12000 people that much smaller number had. but obviously still enough to fill the school. some people have been here since 7 o'clock in the morning. it's currently maybe 11 30 in the morning. so they've been curing for hours waiting to say what you might be able to also notice is that huge police presence. we've just been hearing about what's happening to washington, that hearing regarding the assassination attempt, no chances had their all guns. there are police everywhere. you've got ahmed, cause over that, if we bring you around here, up there on the roof, there will snipers pointed outwards and we'd be watching them for the last few hours, just watching everything coming going because obviously this is very different to what we saw. a michigan, a few days ago, which was a stadium,
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this is an open area. and so the thread is obviously much higher considering what happens. but don't wanna take any chances, but it's a crowd here that is largely supported, but pretty much all supported because these are the people that have come to hedge steve on speed, he's seen as a local boy. so i'm good. you know? yes, he went so yeah, a one of the most prestigious universities in the world. he was a best selling olsa. he was a venture capitalist, but he's also somebody who grew up in small town america. he came from a trouble background. you know, a broken, hired a mother who was an ethics. he was raised by his grandparents and yet he became a marine, he became a senate so. so we seem very much as the embodiment of the american dream as to the people that they think that's why donald trump picks him because he couldn't really appeal to those fighters. of course, his, those voices who made their minds, i should say, of course there is some discussion about his changing political views. the fact that at times in the past, he referred to donald trump is
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a cultural henry. when he referred to him as being like the american equivalent of idol philip. but a gentleman i spoke to a short time ago said, you know, really we just got to take that within reason. he's not going to be the 1st politician and united states government to change your mind or change a stance on someone, the more information that you have, you know, policy, you know, maybe he was just trying to grab his lunch before. who knows? this is a quick, raleigh. it starts at 130 this afternoon. he's got to be on the by $330.00 because he's got another raleigh at 7 pm. this campaign as well, and truly underway now. okay, thank you for that. so level that for us in middletown, ohio, the, and now the desktop in gaza is rising quickly off to israel launched a new military operation in the city of con eunice. and these 57 people have been
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killed. thousands, a wounded and have been taken to a nearby hospital palestinians say they were given no time to find safety as only fools the stones at the bottom. the area just 5 minutes off to they issued the evacuation order and guitar reports. now from there on bala in central garza, the air strikes on unit and then as always, the casualties from 2 hospitals in the box of cards. inside the dead lay on the floor. a familiar scene in garza, there's no despair. did you know that 6 of my family were killed? my son and his wife, together with the 3 daughters and son, were all killed. what's wrong to those innocent children to me suddenly ended, and then naples has a run out to see my sisters. my nephews and nieces always lying on the ground torn to pieces, and the mother was also killed. the stomach was ripped open. they were old women,
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the young innocent children, the body parts of wood over the place. more ambulances arrive at the hospital. the task came minutes after and is there any warning to leave? not enough time for those people to escape. thousands of others rush to get out for simply displaced time and time again, the tool to leave, then it's a vicious cycle of brutality. the family was sleeping and they hit, they were children. this is the american naziism. this is the nothing. yeah. not system. israel carried out of the tongues, i swear this time outside of the hospital and did it. but the drones try kitchen, attend, used by turning this district was only 20 meters away where our team was based next
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to the hospital. the strength was so strong that the couple of my colleagues were knocked off their feet. this is meant to be a safe space next to the hospitals compound. she has not continued this, this man. murray's dead wife. where is our mother to ask him? she was killed her body, he is inside the car trunk. he tells him. and from here she will be taken cheaper in the morning as she was driven away cleaning on to their final moments with her into the office. either that is the cause of house time or medical stuff at the national hospital, a sense of situation there is out of control. the medical complex in hon. unice has been overwhelmed with the number of patients wounded all being treated on the floor . health officials have declined the hospital out of function. we can speak now to intervene and the name. he's medical team data with doctors without borders. he
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joins us now live from tanya and us. talk to many thanks for joining the program. so i believe you've been at nasa hospital most of the day. can you talk us through some of the scenes you've witnessed the challenges you faced to thank you for having the melinda, this is the 6 mass casualty event in fly alone for which in the last 9 days, today's mass casualty, it started super quickly, alternative actuation older was given so many blogs in the humanitarian zone and very quickly injured patients came to the emergency room and very quickly for the whole day there was a trickle of injured patients uh at by 230. so from 9 am to $230.00 with that at that time there were a $115.00 injured and approximately 40 dad. i have just received a message from my colleague still on site saying another wave of injured have
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arrived. what i can say is that we all most run out of blood today. uh, staff members are involved. 4 of my colleagues was living in the of actuation or did zones. 2 of them were in tears at the walk because they were on the phone to that families listening to the, the, the, the called called to is in that home saying they felt on the safe and my colleagues couldn't go to them. i stuff nice that i was working with tons and so a patient that was a doctor that he had been working with yesterday. another feature was how many on a company children that was today, it was very striking and very shocking. and uh, i mean you've been, you've been your u. k. talk to you and imagine seeing cad talk to you've been in gauze, i believe for a month. i mean, it took me through some of the, the,
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the main challenges in these hospitals, in terms of you being able to provide can, what is it that you need desperately it's locking? is it the will to, is it the electricity? is it the sound of taishan? what does that, what are the biggest challenges in, in trying to do your job? a 1000000 i've been here since the beginning of june and july. the last 3 weeks of july has been absolutely intense and relentless. the hospital has no way to recover from each mass casualty. it's not just that day because then patients go to your pricing fits a until the trauma was where i was until the intensive care unit i to you should be 12 beds and nasir it was 28 so ventilated patients, the blood thing is nearly spent. we don't have the materials we need stuff are exhausted and are affected by these evacuation orders and are affected by the entire scenario that we find ourselves here when nowhere is safe of
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a consistent spread in july has been a lot of fuel. and the lack of sufficient supplies, the how service alone should have received something like 630000 leading to the fuel in the 1st 7 days of july, we only received 53000. that meant we watch without tenant tricity on our awards. and sometimes without air conditioning and water in the operating system. the issue here is that there is a deep, deep exhaustion this back on fee a amongst off and amongst patients, i myself felt terrorized today because there was a strike at a press tent outside. i likes the hospital. my colleagues heard that strikes themselves. i believe you'll report to just mentioned that we have a pressed tense rights outside nasir hospital. we the pressure that we have to work in
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a condition where we may expect to strike anything or mental and the press. when that happens, how can you concentrate when you ton and the next step patients you see was a staff member that you were working with yesterday, which is what happened to my nurse colleague today. let me just say the last thing i did today when i left that emergency room at the soft change of it was to try to do a suite to make sure that what know supposed to be the patients left to come to our trauma units. i turned the cuts and back, and there was a child, a go, maybe 8 years old, a lone dying a leg woods twisted a net close to the side. she clearly had a brain injury. and we our be owned, any capacity to be able to save her life, any other health care system, if that had been one patient in the u. k. where i was cool, i'll swear we may have been able to save her. but here today in god's that because of what we're all in jewelry, we have to leave half a dead and she's dying alone on that truly. i know she will have died by now that
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was about 6 hours ago. and the mass casualty is ongoing at not ser, today is nasir itself comes under attack or if not so it has to be evacuated. there is no way to evacuate now sir. hospital to your pin hospital have to close on june . the 7th of august has sweet patients for every bed. we have nowhere left to go. this is the end of that line. we need safety. we need supplies, and we need an end to this. unrelenting, devastating on safety is all i can say. so the thank you so much for talking to us on out. is there an in sharing at the challenges that you are facing the people of goals or facing hopefully someone will hit your please. david did a bill more name, medical team data with doctors without borders speaking to us that from one unit. thank you. the still ahead on al jazeera doctors
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without borders, the civilians and see dollars suffering for rendez levels of violence in the conflicts and supports. don't just stadium isn't big enough to contain the hitting of its biggest stock and the deal with that story. the, it's monday july, the 22nd carrier headlines for the americans. here's what you should know. we've got showers in store and stretching from new mexico rate into the carolinas. i think it will potentially be worse for north carolina. all this energy is working up the eastern seaboard, finding it's in the mid atlantic and then, oh yeah, there's also some showers and storms front perio providence in canada. but really, the big story, at least in the west, is all this kid for british columbia is interior. same goes for the pacific
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northwest into us, the further your head away from the coast. it hits out and there are heat alerts in place there. up and down the coast of california, it's looking good. plenty of sun that warm for this time, the year in san francisco, that's on the high side at 26 degrees and to central america for the eastern caribbean, which had some hot nights there. martinique now joining the club of setting some records dose with rain from mexico, so you could tell me peninsula and the way we go to south america. it's been what for the guy n as and started on that will continue on monday. and then winds have turned around, so there is a warm breeze from the argentine pampas freight down to patagonia, that heat also extending into assault sale where it is going to get hotter by the day closing on your hot. it's too high day on record. on wednesday at 33 degrees c later i the, the
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. ringback the, the, or the
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watching out is there a mind if i told the story, is this a growing number of democrats have come out in? suppose have come to law harris as the new presidential candidate. you as president joe biden endorsed harris for the role office, stepping aside on sunday. my profile democrats, including food in the house, beacon, nancy pelosi and senate majority needed chuck. she must have remained silent on the nicest i saw the dar into the secret service says the attempted assassination of donald trump was the most significant operational failure in decades simulate. chantelle is appearing the for the congress committee chief unless told the house
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committee she's taking full responsibility for any security on the secret service has come on the intent secures and also the attempted assassination of the former president. earlier this month, trump was hit in the buy of bullets, one passenger was killed. 2, i'm at least 57 palestinians have been killed in gaza. oft is our launch a new military operation. in easton on unit, he said it was given no time to find space. is there any forces sonton to bone? the area just went off to issuing an evacuation. so any civilians have stuff and horrendous levels of violence, that's according to doctors without borders. the a group has a keys both facilities on the and power minute tre, wrap of support forces. of course, a blatant disregard for human life and international law and soul. so accused by policies of subjecting and todd communities, indiscriminate kennings assistant attacks on medical facilities.
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over the past 2 months, health facilities that we support have being rapid, have being repeatedly attacked and targeted. we were forced to suspend the operations in what mcdonny in, southeastern, to dawn, and most recently in the tuckers hospital, in cartoon since may and assess supports. his hospitals or premises have been hit by shilling or s strikes at least 5 times in on demand. call 2 ends of pressure leading to the death death of health workers and patients, including children. as rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu was traveling to the us hours on some president fine and abandoned his re election bid. as in yellow, spoke to report this before voting case, flight to washington, he signed items for supporting the war on casa i
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plan to see present in barton whom i have your for over 40 years will be an opportunity to factor for the things in the war during as long to understand what's going on in public service center, to vice president and this time of war and on. certainly, it's important that israel know that america and israel science together today, tomorrow and all is well the us presidential race is being watched, closely across the middle east, nor all day has a reaction from ramallah in the occupied west. mike of the announcements by joe biden to pull out of the presidential race, did not elicit any official response here in palestine. but generally, palestinians of accused biden of sidelining, of the palestinian question and the issue of ending occupation during his tenure and more bitterly. of course they accused him of complicity in the genocidal war on
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guards. that's a note here, said here in palestine over that decision, but they're very mindful that trump is a formidable foe and they view him as extremely hostile. the experience with that former president was very tough during his 10 years. so they're looking for the democratic party to see who will they choose. what kind of policy line will emerge on palestine and be as really occupation and will the candidate of the democratic party call for an end to the wor, work for that, and also open a horizon for ending the occupation that could bring some promise of re engage in palestinian americans, many of whom hail from that on line b to area to re engage, re offer their support to the democratic party and be active in this upcoming race . but for now, no official reactions, no tiers should go to all day. i'll just eat a comma la talestine. okay, let's take you now to washington with us vice president and the potential
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democratic presidential nominee. pamela harris is you to speak any moment now. let's take a look at the pictures a. she is walking to the podium now. so this is a significant moment, as we know, as a growing number of democrats have come out in support of couple of harris as a new presidential candidate. let's have a listen. i'd like to thank president biden and vice president harris for organizing this event today. this is an incredible backdrop to celebrate incredible achievement. it will start by congratulating all of you on your successful season. there are more than 500 student athletes in more than 1000 and say, institutions across the country. many of those teens and student athletes started the season with a goal of achieving a national championship. you all have done that. you're the best in your sport.
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you've crossed the finish line, you will forever be and see age hmo. congratulations. for the see now please here i hope that you take a moment to truly appreciate what you've achieved, whether it's your 1st and say championship or one of many. what you've done is remarkable. in addition to your success on the field, many of you are using your platform that, that success has brought to do really incredible things to engage your communities, to become entrepreneurs, to represent, okay, where we are just waiting for a couple of hours to address the crowd i think it's just with me pointing out that the us vice president is a, is at this event she's due to deliver a speech to the women and men of the national collegiate athletic association championship teams at the white house. she is a service event taking place on
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a south loan, so let's just go to uh, a correspondence can be whole coach. she's at the white house for us. so kimberly said the momentum behind vice president come to harris to look up that said, for the white house, what is she going to be thinking right now? i understand too. well, it appears she already has pretty much clinched the pathway to that nomination. among the democrats to may potentially have been challenging her. the last person to really look like a contender was the illinois governor, prince cur. and what we know now is that, that have endorsed me, it has come through in the last couple of hours. so it really now is looking like any of those possible contenders is now a potential running made uh, all of those endorsements that she was looking to collect have now been gathered.
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she's gotten me endorsements of close to $200.00 members of congress, at least a more than a dozen democratic governors. and in just the last 24 hours, she's raised more than $50000000.00 in grass roots donations for these extraordinary student athletes. and it is good to be here with so many leaders, including of course, members of congress, members of our administration, and our extraordinary athletes, our presidential by and want it to be here today. he is feeling much better and recovering fast. and he looks forward to getting back on the road. and i wanted to say a few words about our president, joe, by his legacy of accomplishment over the past 3 years, is unmatched in modern history. and one term he has already, yes, you may class in one
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term, he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents with serve 2 terms and office . and i 1st came to know the president by them through his son both. we worked together as attorneys general in our states and back then bowed austin, tell me stories about his dad. he would talk about the kind of father and the kind of man that joe biden is. the qualities that bo revered in his father are the same qualities that i have seen every day. and our president, his honesty, his integrity, his commitment to his face and his family, his big heart, and his love, deep love of our country. and i am 1st witness that every day is our president joe biden sites for the american people, and we are deeply, deeply grateful for his service to our nation.
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and so with that on behalf of our president and doctor barton, i am honored to welcome all of you to the white house to celebrate the achievements of these great athletes. every one of them is a national champion, a national champion in america, tens of millions of people play a sport as a child, and the best of the best grow up to become national champions. here today we have 7 and defeated teams 11 to repeat champions and 21st time winners. the some of you have represented our nation on the international stage in world cups and world championships. and later this month, 6 of you will represent our nation at the 2024 olympics in paris.
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as members of the team usa, you are ambassadors for our nation and with pride. we will cheer you on, and we look forward to congratulating you when you bring home the goal. just said to all of our athletes, i know it was not easy to make it to this moment. each of you has faced challenges and obstacles. and you have endured, you have thought back and forth through by doing so, and you demonstrated that true greatness requires more than skill. it requires grips and determination. you all know what it means to commit and to persevere. and you know what it means to count on teammates during the course of
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a long season. sports teams become a family. you rely on each other. you develop relationships that will last a lifetime. and you make the people around you better in every way. and when you play, you inspire people across our nation. you remind all of us what can be achieved with hard work and ambition. and of course, none of you made it here alone. today you are surrounded by the people who stood by you every step of this journey. the folks who support you on and off the fields, your friends, your family members are cautious, your trainers and teachers who for years have cheered you on. so today again, let us give them a round of applause. i
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didn't conclusion, i say torres, congratulations again on all you have accomplished and good luck on all that is to come wherever you will. i'll go from here. you will always notice you will always be champions and we will always be so proud of you. and so now it is my honor to welcome to the stage jordan dudley, who plays on the florida state university women's soccer team and our you 20 women's national team. please welcome jordan. okay, can you uh describe joining us that was coming to harris, making her 1st public appearance since president joe biden, ended his re election campaign and endorsed a as democratic nominate less than 24 hours ago. and if you're wondering what the location is, this is the south north, the white house to us vice president,
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delivering the speech to the women and the men's national collegiate athletic association championship teams that at the white house. so let's go straight. so can we help it? she is wasting by the white house for us. so i'd be a lot of scrutiny on this appearance because this is, of course, just last time coming to harris is making a fast public appear. and since joe biden ended his re election campaign, a very brief statement, the from pamela harris a, but in it she, she made tribute to joe biden, as she did, but it's also important to note that in her role as vice president, she cannot campaign officially from the white house, strict laza hat jack for example, as prevents her from doing so. so that's why we didn't hear too much about the presidential race because of her strict requirements there. but this is her 1st public appearance for 1st time breaking her silence. but the truth is that what's
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on her mind is more than just the, the events of the athletes. she's been working the phone for hours since getting the news of joe biden stepping aside. we know that she's made hundreds of phone calls and i'm not exaggerating, making calls to democratic donors to different party members. all trying to get some on board with her candidacy. and she's had the resulting endorsements now ag, clinching potentially the past. so the nomination, uh and this will finalize that in august at the democratic national convention. okay, complete, we're going to leave it that we have a to guest who've been wasting very patiently for us to get to them. rebecca kansas who's vice president of the fair election center she is the only for us in washington dc. we also have michael troll, got sees of research, professor emeritus with the center for bennett school studies at the university of michigan. he joins us from an all but in michigan. thank you both for wasting so
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patiently. rebecca, i'm going to start with you. i mean, this is the 1st time we all seeing a couple of harris out of the shadow of the president with the most scrutinizing spotlights firmly now on has some potential presidential candidate, do you think she's up to the task? so what we're watching is that so in the united states, the vice presidents are picked for a strategic value um to the ticket in order for the president to secure both of the nomination and man to secure on the presidency. and so one thing that we do know is that the vice president cumberland harris i'm, she has been on the ballot and many times would be my district attorney, california attorney general. and she herself ran for president and the 2020 cycle. one thing that the complet harris campaign has been putting out each time calmly here is, is on the ballot. she wins her election. and so what we're seeing is someone
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transitioning from being the number 2, which is the vice president now transitioning, would be out front and being the presidential candidate. and joe biden, most certainly thinks, and he has expressed us yesterday even before that he believes that calmly harris is ready to lead. i mean, we've had from trump's team already starting to attack a couple of harris. michael try got that. if i can come to you now, so come on, our says she wants to earn the nomination at, but do you think she will edit or have earned it under the circumstances so late in the race as well. she doesn't become the nominator until the delegates to the democratic national convention. actually take a vote. but she is clearly the front runner and best position to get the nomination
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. the event that you just saw was not a political event. it was an event scheduled with the white house, probably joe biden would have been there to make the person to but because he has called in the vice president, my daughter natalie, fill in and, and she did that point. well, i think the field is clearing for her to receive the nomination. it begins with the requirement to get somewhere between $3600.00 signatures. so that one gets and because the bind harris team had 3900 little over 3900. now it gets secured through the primaries, she does this easily. no one else has declared that they want to be the nominee yet . so i think the past is pretty clear. she becomes now the presumptive nominee, and she will become the actual nominee in
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a few weeks out in terms of her ability to win against trump. how would you rate touch on? so is there someone would say she hasn't had the most favorable? racing is as vice president, as well as or not, and the photos that are been conducted in the past. but i think you have any validity in the longer because they were all based upon hypotheticals. but the campaign won't start for a couple of weeks. and then we'll have to see how donald trump and kind of like harris actually engage in what their policy positions are. the one potential advantage for the democrats is joe binds withdrawal, eliminates that issue of his age and the frenzy of this house. okay. uh, from the conversation i just uh i'm so sorry for interrupting you. rebecca. one
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quick one from you before the top of the what, what do you think a couple of harris needs to do to win the election at this point? so for either major presidential party candidates when they have to start getting out there on the road and talking to voters, voters actually want to know what are the voting for november? voters are filling, filling it every day, but they actually want to hear what is the proactive plan. so we're hearing the timeline here as campaign. talk about the project 2025. that trump and his allies are pushing. and so we're also going to need to hear from cumberland. here is what is her vision? okay, we're going to get to talk to you by rebecca care with as vice president of the bi election center. michael target that research profess. i'm or it is the center for political studies, the university of michigan. thank you for watching. i'll be back in the top of the out. the
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. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by the
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business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the couple of harris makes how fast public compare himself to democrats and done is riley around to head to become the apologies. presidential know many often joe biden, some exit from the race. the main site. ssl is, is there a lawyer from the also coming out ahead of the u. s. secret service admits the attempted. assassination of donald trump was the most significant operational failure in decades. hundreds of displays, palestinians on the move again is ready for says launch a new offensive in san eunice. and these 57 people are killed. adults has without voted.


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