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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 22, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] news business latest news sponsored by him to lot global. your real estate destination in due by the couple of hours makes how fast public compare and soft and democrats and done is riley around head to become the apologies. presidential nominee often joe biden, some exit from the race. the main site, this is alex, is there a lawyer from the? what's upcoming on the head of the u. s. secret service admits the attempted. assassination of donald trump was the most significant operational failure in
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decades. hundreds of displays, palestinians on the move again, is ready for says launch a new offensive in san eunice. and these 57 people are killed. adults is without boldest say civilians in sedona suffering horrendous levels of violence. the u. s. vice president cumberland harris says pay tribute to jo biden's, legacy and have 1st public appearance since being endorsed by the president to take over as the democratic candidate in the presidential race with president barton and dropping his re election bid. harris is the likely from run out for the parties nomination. she's filed in on when that nomination and campaign is received about $50000000.00 and donations. since the announcement on sunday. and in one terms,
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he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents with serve 2 terms and office . and i 1st came to know president biden through his son bo, we worked together as attorneys general in our states and back then bowed austin. tell me stories about his dad. he would talk about the kind of father and the kind of man that joe biden is. the qualities that both revered in his father are the same qualities that i have seen every day in our president. his honesty, his integrity, his commitment to his face and his family, his big heart, and his love, deep love of our country. a great number of democrats have come out in support of us, vice president cumberland harris as the new presidential candidate in less than 4 months before the november election form. the american president bill clinton,
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california governor gavin newsome arm on the highly profile policy members backing harris. others including for my house beacon, nancy pelosi and sold the president bar, could bama to remain sign it on the masa. president joe bought an announced his withdrawal from the race on sunday. well, we have a team of correspondents covering all the latest developments from the united states. phil laval is in middletown, ohio, which 80 fonts is expected and a variety of assess, let's get the very latest on the democrats with white house correspondent can be whole good. so kimberly, all the focus is very much on the coming of harris on surprisingly, but it is with pointing out it's not a done deal yet. there is still several key democratic figures, such as nancy pelosi barca, bama, who haven't yet endorsed a, and she hasn't yet been picked as the as the replacement. yeah, yeah, that's absolutely right. there are some notable absences when it comes to the endorsement . so when it comes to that, there's actually
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a list of about 5 names that have not in fact to endorse this. i have not in fact endorsed a couple of harris there for president brock. obama, the former house speaker, nancy pelosi, senator berry sanders sen, majority leader, chuck schumer and the house minority leader and team jeffreys that have all not done that. and there's a reason behind that. and that reason is because there is a careful strategy here. not only were they instrumental in making sure that job item for the good of the party, step decide. but now the next phase of that strategy is making sure that the knowledge of the democratic part of, of the voters in the united states accept carmella harris. they know that she's going to be under scrutiny as a woman and a woman of color. and so they don't want it to be seen as her being kind of swept in on the coattails of jo by that they want it to be seen that she has working for this nomination, that she's earning this nomination as the presumptive nominee. and so as a result,
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she hasn't been since july and made this announcement working the telephones. we know that she has been calling democratic party members. she's made more than a 100 phone calls. she's already earned the endorsements of more than almost $200.00 members of congress. and she has earned more than a dozen uh endorsements from various different kind of governors across the nation, essential and clearing the pathway for any sort of potential arrivals that might want to run against or for the top spot of the tickets. so she's clears that pathway essentially for the as the presumptive nominee. but she has to make it official by really getting all of the delegates for the democratic national convention. and that the democratic national convention is about a month away. uh, just took us through the logistics and the timeline of what happens until then a yeah, well again, she has to get there support. so these delegates and there are thousands of them
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that have been pledged through the primary process that has been around as the nominating contest in the united states. and they all pledged their support to jo by those pledges don't automatically go to campbell harris. those delegates can. 2 for whomever they want at the democratic national convention. so she's got to convince them to vote for her. look, they're probably going to, but she's got to have that assurance. so that's what she's doing now. reaching out to them, engaging with those individuals and just making sure that those delegates and so called superdelegates that have a little extra power that they're really going to support here. so that's are tests between now and then. okay, thank you for that can be how could that for us that the white house, so republican vice presidential kind of j. b vance is making a trip home for his 1st campaign. riley, he will be addressing support. is that a riley in his hometown a. middletown ohio with phil laval joins us now from so, phil, what's to me that like,
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what is the chassis about present in button stepping down from the race? tell us what you're hearing. it's of bass, it's positive. it's excitable. let me remember this is a man who was a local so there's a lot of people who are really keys here. what he's got to say in support a presidential, but of course they all talking about jo 5 and it took me a couple of hours because that's a big new story for them. of course. um, but sat in the opinions range, you know, use some of them all more along the lines of bring it on. let's go, i have which is what we had from j. d bounce yesterday. others a little more measured. some have spoken about how they've, rationalizing her possibly being the nominate. they look forward to what they call a respectable buckle, one that is driven more about policies rather than named cooling. so to be interesting to see what j d buns has got to say, let me just tell me about what's happening here right now because the crowd is fairly begging me with talking relatively because this is taking place at a school. so we're not talking like a huge stadium of thousands and thousands of people, which was j. d binds his 1st rally event with donald trump. the we can,
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this is much smaller, but of course it's very important to be here because this is where the comes from. this line is like around the block to the main road. and some people have been here since 7 o'clock this morning. it's just up to 12 o'clock in the afternoon. it's very hot. in fact they're just started getting water out and somebody had the medics brought in to take care of that because obviously people have been waiting for a long time. there was also a lot of security because of police because if adults it'd be walking past us every few minutes while he up and down the crowd on, on the roofs. uh, they're all sizes. obviously we're having about this hearing of washington. i'm not assassination, attend. j. d. vance is now a tall that you know, he is 2nd to a man who was in a in line of us like this bullets just over a week ago. and so the police on the secret service, everybody here is being very cautious and making sure that all of this is covered at j. the balance is to take the stage in about 90 minutes. it should be a fairly quick riley once it gets on the way. okay,
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thank you for that to level that for us in middletown, ohio. uh well, the direct to the us secret service says the attempted assassination of donald trump was the most significant operational fighter in decades. kimberly, chico is appearing before the congress. she has told the house committee she's taking full responsibility for any security lapse. the secret service has come under intense scrutiny off to the attempted assassination of the full and the president. earlier this month on trump was hit in the by a bullet one pass and was killed. 2 of us injured the secret service. a solemn mission is to protect our nation's leaders. on july 13th, we failed. as the director of the united states secret service. i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. we are fully cooperating with ongoing investigations. we must learn what happened and i will move heaven and
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earth to ensure that an incident like july, 13th does not happen again. it was just your advertising, saves lives in capitol hill in washington dc and shared we took a little bit of this hearing a little earlier live and the questioning was quite hoss was made to particular from the republicans, took us through some of the highlights of what we've had and it's, it's already increased you can actually about is very bypass design now by pauses on incredulity. at the lack of all this is being furnished by the director of the secret service service. well, republicans know to be the awkward resignation, but some democrats have joined in to but i mean, the key questions that you know everyone's mind really. how could that roof be secured by the secret service given it was in such a proximity to donald trump's podium. it wasn't even in the security perimeter. how could the government have been passed as suspicious, but don't as a friend, even though he was seen using a drone and
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a rangefinder device to measure measure distances, she's of officer any of those questions or didn't talk just now? suggested she may not, on certain events, precedents for another 2 months was when she thinks the secret service investigation will be over. that is not going down. well, yeah. the, there are so many questions here that needs as i was under comfortable this just just said one of the house, the left wing house members suggested, you know, we're in the middle of election season. we need offices now. we've got lots moratti's coming up. we need to sort of with this out, will this out now she did confirm the fact that this government was cause of suspicious, but not as a threat uses the very different things, but interest to get another consultation amongst the republicans side about a washington post report suggesting that the donald trump campaign at aust for more secret service, secret service protection and have been rebuffed for how long there is one of the secret service of house that would meet at the back. those are both have happened, not with this particular demonstration that we know extra requests for security of
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this demonstration of this at this riley that were rebuffed to that. so that's kind of what she's saying, which is rushing basically don't think very much of tools. you're saying like i, i won't what transparency and accountability but i'm not going to resign. i'm. i'm not gonna tell you anything until the, until the enquiries done in a 2 months time. okay, thank you for that same breakdown. say that for us in washington the, the decimal in garza is rising quickly of to is, are launched a new ministry operation in the city of con eunice and the 60 people have been killed, thousands wounded. and i've been taken to a nearby hospital palestinians say that we've given no time to find safety majority for which the stones are to bone. the area just moments off to they issued and evacuation would up and could die reports from there on by the air strikes on eunice. and then as always,
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the casualties brought to hospitals in the box of cards. inside the dead lay on the floor. a familiar scene in garza, there's no despair. did you know that 6 of my family were killed? my son and his wife, together with the 3 daughters and son were all killed, but drunk, did those innocent children to me? so i landed, and naples has a run out to see my sisters, my nephews and nieces only lying on the ground torn to pieces. the mother was also killed on there's a stomach, was ripped open. they were old women, the young innocent children, the body parts of wood over the place. more ambulances arise at most of the hospital. the attack came minutes after and is really wanting to leave. not enough time for those people to escape. thousands of others rush to get out for us to be displaced, time and time again to to leave. then it's
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a vicious cycle of brutality. the family was sleeping and they hit him. they were children. this is the american naziism. this is the nothing. yeah. not system israel carried out of the tongues swear this time outside of the hospital and duty, but the drones try kitchen, attend, used by turning this district was only 20 meters away where our team was based next to the hospital district was so strong. but the couple of my colleagues were knocked off their feet. this is meant to be a safe space next to the hospitals compounds. she continued this, this man, maurice is dead twice. where is our mother? to ask him? she was killed her body. he is inside the car trunk. he tells him. and from here she will be taking tea thing in the morning as she was driven away cleaning on to
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their final moments and told her the i'll just need a duty, but because of how the medical stuff the now so hospital have said that the situation that is out of control, the medical complex in con unit has been overwhelmed with the number of patients the wounded are being treated on the floor. health officials had declared the hospital out of function mission in not somebody because complex is out of control . actually we lost control over dealing with cases we had been receiving hundreds of because you will, it is and more feel it is within uh or viewing 3 our our situation. uh, is it a bed we need to be supported by me because supplies and assignments. uh, tens of cases are on the floor. we, we don't find bits to at least based on, on. we don't to find enough supplies to,
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to get his services to our patients. the situation is very hard. okay, that's cause now it's, it's our cup. assume his life for us in darrow balance. central garza so tarik. what, what is the latest you can tell us from nasa hospital of the 12000000 the situation is, is, was sending enough for hospital as the medical facility has been receiving more casualties among civilians in the past couple of hours and according to latest updates that we've managed to get from the ministry of health. the we've been also say a hearing from them that at least 6 the palestinians have been killed wild, more than 200 others were wounded and all of your boy now are receiving medical treatments. in con you, his hospitals and the situation that is beyond imagination because people have been at the given a very small times, face time in order to flee from, from the eastern areas upon you this up to the east. wait a minute to rehab, please. let's for residents that warning them to remain in the eastern side of the
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city. now we also need to remember that this is beth said, telling, cutting this has been stormed by these. but um, it is a very, a remarkable advancement of these really minute 3 tents for families, austin, are trapped in the houses. don't know, april yet to be from the area due to the intensity of defined color that has been used for this maneuvering the troops in order to control that side of the city. but basically, as the situation is very dangerous, inquiring this is getting much more or less than the central areas of the strip of the range has been the focus of is valley up above mentioned, some can clearly see and see loud explosions of the eastern side of a graze where these very minute treat tanks have carried out to the very limited military incursion of that's part of the account which had been widely targeted during the past couple of days. but basically the, our small strikes right now, and there was no, any sort of let's helping, fighting on the ground, especially in finding the city lead. thank you for that and said, sorry about, assume that for us,
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india out by still. busy on the elders or the pains president benz, chinese own online casino is for many sites and also priority. find out why the hello again, it's hard to of rain is being unleashed up and down the west coast of india. hi, everyone. all has to do with the monsoon rain, so pretty much from con, can go off a ross drive right into of goods or at the highest level or it's issue for rainfall here. that's all spreading into central india going further north into the capitol region. so some downpours in new delhi over the next little bit, just know that there is a threat of flooding in the stone here for the philippines. 2 things going on on one side, the monsoon rains on the other, this the party in tropical storm, but it's dragging whole this rain right across of who's on island. we'll talk more
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about this storm in one sec, but 1st, another storm at the same time. this tropical storm signs in to the north coast of vietnam, so annoyed looking at half a month's worth of rain over the next 24 hours and promised we would get here. we've got this strengthening, this will become a type food as it closes in on tie one. think the red line on see where the storm goes, potentially passing rate over type pay. when it does, it could be the equivalents of a category to hurricane. so look what it does, potentially dropping a months worth of rain in 24 hours. those winds really within up on wednesday. and there is a threat of seeing some flooding once again in south korea and will end in indonesia . or there's plenty of sun to go around all islands the once a journey through every story, every step is in there to the celebration of what we can achieve when we,
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as well to simmons and exclude design a redesigns luxury living crafting l a future. today we create the in watching out, is there a mind to 5 top story? is this a us vice president in cumberland harris has paid tribute to j biden's legacy and have 5 public interests since he dropped his bid for re election. she described his accomplishments in one time as unmatched and more than history bought in housing
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doors terrace for the democrats presidential candidate. direct to the u. s. secret service says the attempted assassination of donald trump is the most significant operational failure and decades. kimberly chico is appearing the for the congress. she's always told the house committee. she's taking full responsibility for any security that 316 policy means been killed in gaza oft israel launched a new ministry operation in eastern communities. people say that we've given no time to find safety and certainly forces salanza to bomb the area just moments off to issuing an evacuation. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu is traveling to the us hours of the president biden abandoned his re election, but spoke to reporters before boarding reports, as before boarding his flight to washington. he science biden for supporting the will and gaza. the u. s. presidential race is being watched,
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closely across the middle east, nor all day has reaction from ramallah. the announcements by joe biden to pull out of the presidential race, did not elicit any official response here in palestine. but generally, palestinians of accused biden of sidelining, of the palestinian question and the issue of ending occupation during his tenure and more bitterly. of course, they accused him of complicity in the genocidal war on guards. that's a note here said here in palestine over that decision, but they're very mindful that trump is a formidable foe and they view him as extremely hostile. the experience with that former president was very tough during his 10 years. so they're looking for the democratic party to see who will they choose, what kind of policy line will emerge on palestine and the is really occupation and will the candidate of the democratic party call for an end to the wor, work for that. and also open
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a horizon for ending the occupation that could bring some promise of re engaging palestinian americans, many of whom hail from the line b to area to re engage, re offer their support to the democratic party and be active in this upcoming race . but for now, no official reactions, no tiers should go to all day. i just need a comma law talestine to bundle national weather, some semblance of calm on the streets of the capital of to several days. a protest against a controversial jump quite a system because he remains in place and definitely in the telecoms blackout continues to affect internet and mobile phone services seen as a partial victory for protest as the supreme court scrapped most government job cases on sunday. reinstatement of the policy and june issue initially sparked the student and process that have since spread well then a 140 people have been killed. thousands injured off the cracked down by police and
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the military convent. chandra is moved from dr. of the situation is early calm. there's 3 hours car, few bag today, but the carpet continues in definitely on get the situation normalize according to the government, the student stays, they'll continue that person and they're a point, demands remain intact. there is also a major concern with the coming operation going on. students and other politicians been picked up. many are not accounted for a permanent to young politician where a student leaders, jeanette sucky. another is normal hawk, no normal, then on the account that fraud united was found in the hospital, rudely bitten by the ruling party soon members. so those cutting down still going on off position member. and the students who were protesting. and yet the government wants a conciliatory compromise with the student. the also concerned with people injured with shot gun pallets many of blinded. many family members went to get their
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families who are killed during the protest, but the medical alternatives are unwilling to hand over the body of those with the bullet injury. these are concerned that remains in a situation where they have complete blackouts. there's no news. the news in the tv are censored, and there is no social media for people who kind of protest people kind of show what happened. and this will have that fallout and coming days and weeks. and this is hardly over till we know how people react to win the fee, all those videos $1.00 half, and then the, all those people that are accounted fox. because in the end, people who are to those who did that must be accounted for sandwich audrey, i'll just say the dock off or india is top quote has over 10 orders for restaurants to display their own as names publicly and local government and some production with their comp issue, the directive saying it would help him. do pilgrims comply with dietary which directions?
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critics say move would ferment discrimination and increase the tax on wisdom switch . already on the rise on the government, a prime minister under moody suited me civilians have suffered horrendous levels. of violence bounce according to doctors without borders. a group has the keys, both facilities on me and the paramedics you wrap and support forces of quote, a blatant disregard for human life and international sol suitcase. both parties of subjecting and ty, communities indiscriminate, kennings and persistent attacks on medical facilities. over the past 2 months, health facilities that we support typing rapid has being repeatedly attacked and targeted. we were forced to suspend the operations in what mcdonny in southeast was to don. and most recently, in the tucked his hospital in cartoon since may and assess supports his hospitals
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or premises have been hit by shilling or strikes at least 5 times in, on demand call to enter or fashion leading to the death death of health workers and patients including children, the u. an agency says more than 7000000 venezuelans have left the country in the past 9 years, most have settled in neighboring states where they've continued to struggle with economic hardship and hostility towards migrants. many hope the upcoming presidential election could put venezuela on a different path paving the way for that time was on the rapids. he has his report from but with our us. some companies, catalina, believe that or less in the swear, less 6 years ago escaping unbearably harsh economic and political conditions under president. because that's my daughter. 3rd time here in the colombian capital has not been easy to make a living. she sells coffee on the streets of book, a book, caring for 9 years old daughter online. your. she says she's hoping the upcoming
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presidential elections will give her the opportunity to return home to be with the rest of her family. they what, but i was the last step. what i have to hope i'm face, that we will kick out the government that things will change, that i won't be able to return to my country, for most of the venezuelans abroad won't based badly that the president leaves and the country gets fixed. to make many others or putting their faith in the opposition candidate. it need to go inside this route. yeah. one of his campaign play just to bring back michael living abroad. there's no doubt that the upcoming elections represent the most serious challenge yet to an ssi benefits while i'm president for me class, my daughter opinions poles favor the opposition. but in a context of ongoing refreshing against critics, nobody here believes that the elections will be fair. some 5000000 venezuelans were eligible to vote,
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live outside the country. many in shanty towns like this one on the outskirts of both to the re present an important electoral group. government numbers showed that only a 107000 that been allowed to register to vote. create except denounced in nearly impossible requirements, needed to register like demanding migrants hold residency visas in the country where they were site or valid passports that are often very expensive. some migrants just gave us up, refusing to even try and manage what i don't come at. i today, i never registered because everybody already knows who will win again, and that's probably why the government always went in for to you because people are disillusioned with the process and don't vote. and that's wrong. i know. but i do the same guy. why boat? if they won't let anybody else when they come with you with the election, new means been swelling. migraine seesaw between hope and fear. knowing that the
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results could define the options to return or force many more to leave alison to be at the i just looked at in the philippines. president fed and locust junior has ordered the pleasure of online casino businesses, most of which on chinese. and that's off to investigation on comment, human trafficking, financial food, and other crimes. while the move has been commended, many people say they want macos too fast, they address the high cost of living on a be low reports. now from there. 1 it is 3rd state of the nation address. philippine president, 14 and marcus junior toted a fast growing economy on track. he said to deliver upper middle income status to millions are poverty rate has significantly dropped the 15.5 percent down


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