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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 22, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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ero, now the pamela harris makes her 1st public appearances, democrats and donors, riley around there to become the policies. presidential nominate j bought in some exit from the rice. the and not inside this is out is there in life and also coming up the head of the u. s . secret service admits the attempted. assassination of donald trump was the most significant operational failure. in decades, hundreds of displays, palestinians on the move again is ready, forces known to new offensive and hon. eunice and these 57 people are killed and doctors without borders, say civilians and see don, all sufferings,
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horrendous levels of violence in the conflict. the us vice president of the harris has paid tribute to jo biden's, legacy and the have 1st public appearance since being endorsed by the president to take over. as the democrats presidential candidates with bought and dropping his re election bed harris is the likely front and on the for the policies nomination. she's violent and, and when that nomination and campaign has received about $50000000.00 in donations since the announcement on sunday in one term, he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents with serve to terms and office. and i 1st came to know president by them through his son both. we work together as attorneys general in our states and back then bowed. often tell me
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stories about his dad. he would talk about the kind of father and the kind of man that joe biden is. the qualities that bo revered in his father are the same qualities that i have seen every day in our president. his honesty, his integrity, his commitment to his face and his family, his big heart, and his love, deep love of our country. well, we have a team of correspondence covering all the latest developments from the united states. phil level is in middletown, ohio with j. d bounce is expected the fest. let's get to the very latest on the democrats with our white house correspondent can be whole kids. so kimberly. so we saw a couple of harris that asked and events uh, just in the last hour or so. in the mentioned community is growing behind, but they are still several key democratic figures. nancy pelosi, barack obama being to who have yet to induce. so is it a done deal?
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this is for the most part, it is a done deal. i mean, she is the what we like to call the presumptive nominee for the democratic party because she's clinch now. 1 the endorsement of really the last possible a contender for this was seen as someone who was likely to run a guest or and that is the governor of illinois. and that is the governor print, skirt. and so now it really is just a matter of making sure that all of the delegates that were pledged to her really do support her what she's got. so as you pointed out, is a problem with regard to the fact that there are some notable emissions and that is brock obama and nancy pelosi, the former house speaker, as well as the top democrats in the house and senate who came jeffries and also checked. sure who did not endorse her, but really that is in
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a major problem. what that is really, is just a strategy they were instrumental in, not taking jo by them out. and what they are doing now is making sure that the voters and also democratic party members see that she's working to earn the nomination. it's the presumptive nominee. and she's right now, but she has to formerly be nominated as a democratic national convention. and so she's working the phone's right now, she's already wrapped up a number of endorsements. actually it's, it's in the hundreds now in terms of congressional endorsements, and also very many governors as well. and now it's the delegates that she's focusing on. and kimberly is so it's, it's about a month, isn't it? until that democratic national convention took us through the timeline until then what, what's going to happen? swell, she's got a name, a running age that so that's one of the bank at tasks that happened. and so all of those folks that maybe were buying for the top spots now that she really is the and
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has cleared the past to be the presumptive, not many, all of those people are now really buying to be her v p and running may. so what she's looking is she's sort of reading them to see who might be that possible contender for that spot. but also again, when it comes to those delegates, those delegates that were pledged in the primary contests earlier in the year. they don't just automatically go to come to la harris. they have to sort of decide in an open contest now at the democratic national convention on august 19th to the 22nd. how they're going to vote, and most think they'll go to calmer harris but not necessarily so she's got to convince them to support her and their delegates and then they're superdelegates. they have a little bit more power and little bit more weight in this process. so she's really got to lean heavily on them and that's what she's going to be doing between now. and then she says she's going to engage. she's gonna make her case. and again,
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most believe that, but she'll be able to collect them. but you know, it's not a done deal. okay. couple of harris a. kimberly helped get that for us. apologies. in washington d. c. i like, well, as we were saying, republican vice presidential candidate and j d involved says, due to address suppose is out of rowdy in his mid town of middleton, ohio, or phil laval, is that for us in middletown. so feel, what does it mean that like combination of the 2 things ready on the surface, it's positive itself beat everybody's have for that money is a local boy. there is a slight on the coverage of frustration. i'll tell you why. look at the size of this crowd, right? they're all hundreds and hundreds of people. some of them are feet here. since 7 i am to give you an idea about as well 6 hours ago. it's 1 o'clock in the afternoon now. now if you look full away on that line, goes all the way down to the right. so you would think these people are excited, right? they're gonna be saying the amount on stage not, but it's not going to happen and not us because j. d vance is not here yet,
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but the building is already full up. they let special guests and so people here to be q, if i was, they would say that annoyed with him. but the, the organizers because those funding came in the heat and they're not going to be able to say, and the best they can helpful is to stand out here and listen to it over the, the system. what else you can see here. it's just the amount of secure. so you look at this, there are cops everywhere they receive that service. so it goes, there are lots of guns and lots of police on bikes. i'm a oh here because this is a security risk. and but we all in an area where the lots of snipers, because this is a active campaign. he is now number 2 so of mine who hot and attends made on his life just a week and a half ago. and so nobody is taking any chances, but in terms of what people are expecting to say that excited about hearing from j defines because like i say, the scene is a local boy who is doing good. yes, he went to university one, the most prestigious in the world. he was the best selling ofa. he was a venture capitalist, but he came from humble beginnings. he came from this town,
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a broken home, his pirates divorce. he was raised by his grandparents. his mother was an advocate, he became a marine, he became a senator. now he is a potential vice president some sites. he might even be a president one day. and so the way the way, the keen on the role so very proud of, and i spoke to a woman earlier because i was asking also about the way j. d von says, kind of shift, explain it to him. that was, if you know, a few years ago he described donald trump as americans. hello. he said he was culture on high room and now he is completely behind donald trump. so i asked this month why he's supposed to somebody who does a complete $100.00 nathan degree use i. so he's not going to be the 1st politician and united states government to change your mind or change a stance on someone. the more information that you have, you know, policy, you know, maybe he was just trying to grab him before, who knows?
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so this really should begin in about 20 minutes or so. it shouldn't be a very long valley because j. d. but i'm supposed to get into the at, because he's got another raleigh at 7 o'clock this evening in virginia. so there's not a huge amount of time. and he's also got a tv, a parents at 8 o'clock. this campaign is very much on the right now. okay, i can do that so level that for us in mid town, a high the diary to the u. s. secret service says the attempted assassination of donald trump was the most significant operational failure in decades committee. tito was appearing before the congress. she's told the house committee, she's taking full responsibility if any security it apps. the secret service has come under intense grease of a onto the attempted assassination of the former president. earlier this month. donald trump was hit in the ear by a bullet. one person was killed, 2 others injured. the secret service, a solemn mission, is to protect our nation's leaders. on july 13th, we failed. as
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a director of the united states secret service. i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. we are fully cooperating with ongoing investigations . we must learn what happened and i will move heaven and earth to ensure that an incident like july, 13th does not happen again. she ever sounds as long as in capitol hill in washington dc. so she and she took the total responsibility for what happened. did we learn more about what actually went wrong? you know, and i think this also includes your lives, you know, being expressed by base by members of the house oversight committee from both parties that the secret service director full. and she could just come to this is here and i'm the od subpoenaed to a pair and refused to model. so the most basic questions about the circumstances around is this estimation of time. note to be how one of a roof, which stops proximity to the podium where the old trump was speeding,
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which trucks that are clear island could be unsecured, wasn't even in the security for him because he's refusing to answer all the questions, but pretty much sag which is waiting for the results of the investigations of the car the underway. and she says a viewing that the, the secret service investigation may not be done may not be complete for the 2 months. and there was some members of the committee of sacred we're in the middle of the next campaign season that we went on says right now to make sure that your changes changes are made. you did confirm that the, the would be assassin was, was seen as a suspicious character, but not as a fresh spots. despite information but by the authorities. had that he would use the range find to apply to find during the drone. stooping out the area prior to prior to the to, to the riley. but he was always to see that suspicious thought of another friend even as he kind of put onto onto the roof server. just constant ation from the various members. the various members of the, of the committee,
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and i think you're probably going to see it or after this performance more pools or how to resign. yeah, i mean, you mentioned by the democrats and the republicans. i was very, very targeted shop questions from both sides of the fence. they were both directly asking a very, very difficult questions, but she have nothing to say. and i think initially it's interesting when, when the care installed it, we did see a slight difference in emphasis. the democrats, they seem to be trying to pivots to, to the females of, of more gum regulation. the more background checks of the availability of semi automatic rifles, they all 15 or 25000000. and so they should write down the most popular rifle in the us. basically pivoting towards more legislation to for, for gum control. but i think as the hearing is, don't all the beautiful welding message now is that incredulity out of the lack of transparency, the laughter of accountability that we've seen so far from the secret service,
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despite the director statement that you just buy. okay, share breakdown. see that for us and capitol hill the, the test so in gaza is rising quickly off to israel launched a new military operation in the city of han, eunice, and these 70 have been killed. thousands of wounded and have been taken to a nearby hospital, palestinian say they were given no time to find safety. is ready for his daughter to boom. the area just by myself to be issued and evacuation order and conduct our reports from darrow, by the in central casa, the air strikes on eunice. and then as always, the casualties brought to hospitals in the box of cards. inside the dead lay on the floor. a familiar scene in garza, there's no despair. did you know that 6 of my family were killed?
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my son and his wife, together with the 3 daughters and son were all killed. what drunk did those innocent children do? me so i landed, and then naples has a run out to see my sisters. my nephews and nieces always lying on the ground torn to pieces and the mother was also killed on there's a stomach was ripped open. they were old women and the young innocent children, the body parts of wood over the place. more ambulances arrive at most of the hospital. the task came minutes after and is there any warning to leave? not enough time for those people to escape. thousands of others rush to get out for simply displaced time and time again, the tool to leave, then it's a vicious cycle of brutality. the family was sleeping and they hit,
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they were children. this is the american naziism. this is the nothing. yeah. not system. israel carried out of the tongues, i swear this time outside of the hospital and did it. but the drones try kitchen, attend, used by turning this district was only 20 meters away where our team was based next to the hospital. the strength was so strong that the couple of my colleagues were knocked off their feet. this is meant to be a safe space next to the hospitals compound. she continued this, this man murray's dead wife. where is our mother to ask him? she was killed her body, he is inside the car trunk. he tells him. and from here she will be taken to the bay in the morning as she was driven away cleaning on to their final moments with her into the office. either that is the cause of palestine medical self
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at the now. so hospital is said that the situation that is out of control medical complex in hon. unice has been overwhelmed with a number of patients, the wounded of being treated on the floor. officials declared the hospital out function mission in not somebody because complex is out of control. actually, we lost control over dealing with cases we had been receiving hundreds of casualties and mortality is within uh or viewing city our. our situation is really bad. we need to be supported by me because of lies and assignments. tens of cases are on the floor. we. we don't find bits to at least based on support. we don't the find enough supplies to, to get his services to our patients. the situation is very hard still has on al jazeera, i'm only so that i'm 50 and will go back columbia,
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where very swelling migrants are eagerly expecting the upcoming presidential elections. and many say they are hoping to return if the opposition, when the aspire is passed to host the olympic games, french athletes where the head just will not be allowed to compete. alongside players, coaches and team leaders and athletes challenges to by creating a space for all to embrace the game they love, regardless of what they wear on their head. paris game changer as a witness document on just the
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safe them even come in as an international insight. corruption excellence award nominator here on now the the
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welcome back. you're watching out. is there a mind if i told the story? is this alex, you as vice president, come to her as is paid tribute to jo biden's, legacy and have 1st public address since he dropped his bid for re election. she described his accomplishments in one time as unmatched in moments history bought in housing doors terrace for the democrats presidential candidate direct to the u. s. secret service says the attempted assassination of donald trump was the most significant operational failure in decades. kimberly tito was appearing before the congress. she told house commits h has taken full responsibility for any security that succeed palestinians have been killed in dallas all to israel launched a new managerial peroration in eastern on eunice. people say they were given no time to find safety training for assistance and bone area just by themselves to issuing and evacuation. what israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is traveling to the us hours of the president biden abandoned his re election bid
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specs reports as before. voting his flight to washington, the signed by the end for supporting the will on casa when the u. s. presidential race is being watched closely across the middle east, nor all day. how's that reaction from a ma in the all coupon westbank? the announcements by joe biden to pull out of the presidential race, did not elicit any official response here in palestine, but generally, palestinians of accused biden of sidelining, of the palestinian question and the issue of ending occupation. during his tenure and more bitterly, of course, they accused him of complicity in the genocidal war on guards. that's a note here, said here in palestine over that decision, but they're very mindful that trump is a formidable foe and they view him as extremely hostile. the experience with that former president was very tough during his 10 years. so they're looking for the
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democratic party to see who will they choose. what kind of policy line will emerge on palestine and the is really occupation and will the candidate of the democratic party call for an end to the wor, work for that. and also open a horizon for ending the occupation that could bring some promise of re engaging. tell us that americans, many of whom hail from the line b to area to re engage, re offer their support to the democratic party and be active in this upcoming race . but for now, no official reactions, no tiers should go to all day address. ita drama, la palestine. the says it will move upcoming foreign defense ministerial meetings from budapest, brussels and protest of hunger as position on the when you crane. hungry currently holds the european union presidency. the prime minister of victor or bad, came on the criticism for traveling to moscow to meet russian president vladimir
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putin without the support of allies. i understood that we have presented a signal even if it is a symbolic signal. that's big, big gains for a body has to be a union and disqualifying the policy with the union as the parties well has to have some consequences to bangladesh. now, whether some semblance of com on the streets of the capital of the several days and protests against the controversial job quoted system. okay, if you remains in place and definitely on the telephone, this blackout continues to affect internet and mobile phone services seen as a partial victory for protesters. the supreme court is corrupt. most government job court isn't sunday reinstatement on the policy in june initially spoke, the student led protests that have since fred. elsewhere. over a 140 people have been killed. thousands have been injured to crack down by police
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on the ministry. so many civilians have suffered horrendous levels of violence that's according to adults has without borders. a group has the keys. both the student needs all me on the parent military, rapid support forces of quote, a blatant disregard for human life and international will suitcase based policies of subjecting and todd communities and did indiscriminate kennings. i'm persist in the tax on medical facilities over the past 2 months. health facilities that we support typing rapid has being repeatedly attacked and targeted. we were forced to suspend the operations in what mcdonny in southeastern is to don. and most recently in the tuckers hospital, in cartoon. since may and assess supported hospitals or premises have been hit by shilling or strikes at least 5 times in on demand caught 2 ends of sasha
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leading to the death tests of health workers and patients including children. and these 50 people have been killed in southern ethiopia, following to landslides. officials say children, women and police officers all along with that. in the district of golfer some emergency work is also died. rescue f. it's all continuing. india is top. court has over 10 orders for restaurants to display that own is names publicly. the local government and to protest and a to cons issued the directive saying it would help him. do pilgrims comply with dietary restrictions? critics say the move would torment discrimination and increase attacks on muslims which are already on the rise under the government of prime minister and already know run the movie the u. n. refugee agency says more than 7000000 venezuelans have left the country in the past 9 years. waste of settled in
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neighboring states where they've continued to struggle with economic hardship and host tennessee towards migrants. many heard the upcoming presidential election couldn't put in venezuela on a different pop paving the way for that return was under repair to you. is this report from boca to some company, catalina, i believe there left the suite last 6 years ago, escaping unbearably harsh economic and political conditions under president. because that's my daughter. a 3rd time here in the colombian capital, it has not been easy to make a living. she sells coffee on the streets of bullets. well caring for 9 years old daughter online. your. she says she's hoping the upcoming presidential elections will give her the opportunity to return home to be with the rest of her family. they work better the last step while i have to hope and face that we will kick out the government. that things will change. that i will be able to return to my country. most of the venezuelans abroad weren't based badly that the president
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leaves and the country gets fixed. like many others are putting their faith in the opposition candidate. it need to go inside this route. yeah. one of his campaign play just to bring back michael living abroad. there's no doubt that the upcoming elections represent the most serious challenge yet to a seat minutes while i'm president, me call us my daughter. opinions poles favor the opposition, but in a context of ongoing repression against critics, nobody here believes that the elections will be fair. some 5000000 venezuelans were eligible to vote live outside the country. many ancient t towns like this one on the outskirts of booklets that were present unimportant electoral group. government numbers showed that only a 107000 that been allowed to register to vote. predicts
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afternoons the nearly impossible requirements needed to register like demanding migrants hold residency visas in the country where they were site or valid passports that are often very expensive. some migrants just gave up, refusing to even try and manage that. i don't come at i today. i never registered because everybody already knows who will win in and that's probably why the government always went in and forward it to you because people are disillusioned with the process and don't quote and that's wrong. i know. but i do the same guy. yeah. why vote if they won't let anybody else window, let me when you're with the election looming spinning swelling. migraine seesaw between hope and fear. knowing that the results could define the options to return or force many more. to leave allison to be at the i just eat, i will look that okay, that's i may not inside whether it is next and inside story examines if by didn't fix it on the indoor spend, the vice president come
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a higher smooth and enjoys that democratic bass ahead of november, select the the hello again. it's getting hotter by the day in the middle east. let's dive into those details. big picture 1st stuff. not much going on. plenty of hazy sunshine, but we go in for a closer look. up and down the golf coates over the next few days, your temperatures will be wobbling around 50 degrees and hot enough for us here in doha as well. let's go 47 on tuesday. show you a 3 day forecast. we're pretty much gonna walker temperature in around 47 potentially up to 48 on friday, this wall above average, but not record breaking stuff. 50 degrees this a record for july, but this is a heat wave for this part of the world's ok, the month to rain. so it's been quite up and down focused on that trend. looking to
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continue for the next 7, maybe even 10 days. but i gotta get you to a turkey where it is still hot and sunny. okay, some, what weather is starting to creep into it stumble on tuesday with a height of 34 degrees. northwest africa, ne africa. both sides are hot, but you got to head away from the coast in morocco. so places like mirror cash, chiral $41.00. go down. denial. in so as one your temperatures are in the mid forties as well. central europe, usual showers and storms around the gulf of guinea. here is somewhat weather for nigeria and for southern africa, it's con for now. so enjoy it. while you can see it later, the
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out of the us presidential race. joe biden abandons his re election bid and backs his vice president pamela harris. but what's behind this move and will it energize the democratic face ahead of november's election. this is inside store, the hello.


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