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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 22, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the system even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, nominator hero. now, the joe, by his legacy of accomplishment over the past 3 years, is unmatched in modern history. with a tribute to bind in cumberland harris's off to a 1st full day of campaigning as a democratic presidential contenders the on somebody the this is all to 0 life from del also coming up. the head of the u. s . secret service admits the agency failed and its mission to protect donald trump during the attempted assassination. hundreds of displaced palestinians on the move,
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again is rarely launched a new offensive and con unice city to people are killed. plus i'm going to send that, i'm getting bobo sat for a long get where vinny, swear them my grants, are you going to need expecting the upcoming presidential elections? many say they are hoping to return. if the opposition, when the campaign up ended a race transformed, were less than full months away from the 2020 for us presidential election and campbell, i harris's officially start as i can pay. and as the democratic contender just a few hours ago, she paid for the 2 joe biden's legacy was of 1st public appearance. since being endorsed by the president to take over the mantel is candidates. iris evolved to own that nomination and defeat donald trump. campaign has raised
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a to $1000000.00 in the nation since the announcement on sunday. the biden would not stand for re election. and she's just received the endorsement of my house speaker, nancy pelosi. in one term, he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents with serve to terms and office. and i 1st came to know president biden through his son bo, we worked together as attorneys general in our states and back then bowed. often telling me stories about his dad, he would talk about the kind of father and the kind of man that joe biden is of the qualities that both reveres and his father are the same qualities that i have seen every day. and our president, his honesty, his integrity, his commitment to his face and his family, his big heart, and his love,
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deep love of our country. as good morning this from my canada, he's in washington dc like it's taking 24 hours of the full house because nancy polosa is endorsement of cumberland. harris is very significant. isn't it a very significant did the, the former speaker has tend to go throughout the, in the kind of them of the democratic party. and certainly the endorsement is absolutely vital. uh, but it was 24 hours. there was some ice raised when close. he did not immediately endorse carmella harris. however, in the course of the morning, the whole series of governors have a throne in behind, comma that harris. now this is significant because some of these governors will be impossible contenders in any election race. so any nomination, race, and be a convention next month. so this decision by polosa, he follows a whole slew of governors who and nonsense swordsman to j. b pritzky from illinois
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. christian with matt from michigan, westwood, from maryland, and keep a share from kentucky. and even independent joe mentioned who had been floating with the idea of taking on cumberland harris. he's saying that he will not contest the nomination. these are significant figures, and there's almost a groundswell of support now for combat harris from throughout the democratic party . remembering this is really important, this on 1000 democratic committees in the various states. these are now at her disposal. she has got ready may campaign to walk into which has already been structured. so this is now a very important spring board for combat harris. getting all the governors on board getting the state democratic committees on board and getting the very influential form i speak off of the house on board. one person that has not yet to come out is for my president, brock obama. he as not yet in door to cumberland harris. oh, well mike was so much of this being unprecedented. is that a road map?
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what do we expect to happen from this point on? i was just on the campaign trail. she's holding an event in wilmington, delaware, in the course of the afternoon, we will, it may be hope codes here to speak there. but in terms of the overall thing of what happened as well, the democratic rules committee has got to meet to decide what rules are going to apply in the convention. and the nomination is always the rules committee which draws up, for example, the mold and 98 percent of the delegates, who have already made a pledge to joe biden before this. now they are not bound to by that pledge, according to the rules. so even though he's nominated cumberland harris, as that does not mean that all those delegates automatically go to paris, unless the rules committee decides that that is the case that this rules committee is absolutely critical. but she's going to be campaigning. and she has got a real war chest, as you mentioned,
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that has been $81000000.00 raised in the 1st 24 hours. historically, this is the greatest, pretty good ever raised in the 1st 24 hour period by a candidate. and this is an addition to a war chest of some $250000000.00 that she builds up with joe biden. and what is very significant to is that among those pledging with some 888000 individuals of those 60 percent of 1st time done this in the last 6424 hours. this is very significant, very significant figures indeed. like mike, thank you very much for keeping us updated on the story. my candidate in washington dc, a republican party's vice president nominee jody vance has praise. donald trump, for the decisions he made during his 1st time is he was president. he made the remarks at an election campaign, riley and his home state of ohio, and some stuff from his to increase domestic manufacturing and raise living and
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education standards is support is elected in november. it's the senator's 1st solo campaign since he was chosen as tom's running mates at the republican party convention last week. i think we what the kind of president who sees around foreigners, who doesn't follow the stupid conventional wisdom right off the cliff, who fights for american citizens puts them 1st. it has the wisdom to know how to leave this country. lavelle has the latest spell. middletown in ohio, that which i have on spend a lot of time during this, riley refer right phase trial to the fact that it comes from the, the after all, he is a local boy that's worked through the crowd here. there are hundreds of people, many of them couldn't even get inside a one point. they have to be times your wife because the whole in this school was full. he actually came out to that point because he knew people who were annoyed. he gave them away and people left to couldn't get in happy that they'd at least got to say the man they hope will become the vice president. of course,
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i guess like he is a local boy. he's seen as a local boy who has done good. yes, he went to university one of the most prestigious in the well, yes, he was a venture capitalist, and he was a best selling author whose life story was made into a netflix movie. but also he comes from very humble roots. he grew up here in small town america. he became a marine, he became a senator. now he is a potential vice president. some sites just put the ones i be a president of the united states. and that's what a lot of the people here hoping for security here as being very, very tight. remember, this is just over a week since an attempt was made on his boss, donald trump, slight in pennsylvania. and that is why we've been able to say security everywhere . several offices with guns there was night pissed on the roofs. nobody here was taking a chance. feel about ouch is era in middletown, ohio, the director of the us secret services. the attempted assassination of donald trump was the most significant operational failure in decades. kimberly chief,
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those appeared before the congress. truthful told the house committee, she's taking full responsibility for any security labs. the secret service has come under intense scrutiny off to the attempted assassination of the former president, the idea of this month, donald trump was hitting the ear by of what one person was killed and 2 others injured. the secret service, a solemn mission is to protect our nation's leaders. on july 13th, we failed as a director of the united states secret service. i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. we are fully cooperating with ongoing investigations . we must learn what happened and i will move heaven and earth to ensure that an incident like july, 13th does not happen again. she, everytime she reports from capitol hill on the proceeding so far there, she fled transparency and accountability to the house oversight committee in her
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opening statement. kimberly cheapo infuriated lawmakers by refusing to answer even the most basic questions about what happened in both the pennsylvania no to be how could that roof of wind up and secured despite its proximity and direct island to the podium window on trump speaking, how could the would be assassin, be deemed a suspicious with the fred, even as he was using a regular fighter to find a gauge distances at the side, and cameron onto a nearby roof. given retrieval kept saying she was waiting for the results of the investigation and that could take up to 2 months. those members of the committee was a wait when an election season right now we need the changes, right? that we have accountability right now, but people seem to think she could tough it out. well, that would appear more and more by pauses on members of congress and now awesome. if a to either resign will be fired. she advertise the algebra capital the,
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the death told and gaza is rising quickly of the israel launched a new ministry, reparation. and the city of con eunice, at least 70 people have been killed. dozens of wounded and have been taken to a nearby hospital palestinians. they were given no time to find safety is really forces started to bomb the area and just moments solve to they issued and evacuation and order him quarterly reports from that old bala and central garza air strikes on one unit. and then as always, the casualties across 2 hospitals in the back of cards. inside the dead lay on the floor, a familiar scene in garza, there's known disappear. you don't know that 6 of my family were killed. my son and his wife, together with the 3 daughters and son were all killed. what's wrong to those innocent children to me? so i landed in the neighbors houses. i ran out to see my sister's nephews and
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nieces, only lying on the ground torn to pieces, and the mother was also killed. the stomach was ripped open. they were old women and the young innocent children, the body parts of wood over the place. more ambulances arrive at most of the hospital, the task came minutes after. and is there any warning to leave? not enough time for those people to escape. thousands of others rush to get out for simply display time and time again. told police, then it's a vicious cycle of brutality. the family was sleeping and they hit and they were children. this is the american naziism. this is the nothing. yeah . not says israel carried out the tongues. i swear this time outside of the hospital and did it. but the drones try kitchen, attend,
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used by turning this. this try catch was only 20 meters away where our team was base next to the hospital. the strength was so strong, but the couple of my colleagues were knocked off their feet. this is meant to be a safe space next to the hospitals compound cuz it says we have continued this, this man worries. that's why. where is our mother to ask him? she was killed. her body is inside the car trunk. he tells him. and from here she will be taken to the bay in the morning as soon as driven away cleaning on to their final moments with her into the office. either the cause of how the medical stuff at the nurse or hospital as of the situation day is out of control. the medical complex in con, unice has been overwhelmed with the number of patients the wounded have been treated on the floor. health officials had declared the hospital out of operation.
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sorry, a couple assumed has been following the latest developments from daryl viola in simple, gaza on this very minute, 3 is bouncing more pressure on at the city of han year. this is how the hospital district, when you military controversial does have been passed to residents and the eastern areas recommended them to no longer remain in the place. but they have been given a very short time in which to have been the white men at 3 bombardments families. in fact, they have been really struggling in order to leave. we're talking about thousands of displaced, palestinians are right now have a notebook and shelters. while they are still families product, um it's this ongoing funnel with a minute to announce that they are starting a new mandatory and cogent and that parts of the city far seemingly as the situation sounds really critical. it has been also wesley and the central areas. what honest with these, wait a minute to right now for an upgrade to refuge account, there was a very notable um, limited advancement for this very minute treat tanks on the eastern areas of
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a brace, which has been a combined by white and tv onto the re an area for apartments. uh, i think, oh, residential houses in that area, the causing the berries on the present. veal of destruction, in that very marginalized parts of a district too. now there's so many kinds of lit up and fighting guys, how much or pretends have been engaging in fighting with these without corporation forces. not only do this as well, but also in operation in roughly in the pos house of a straight power composer. i will just be right there with that, i had a story. i knew we spoke to job, but the name a medical team. neither was doctors without borders. he explained what happened to national hospital following these really offensive and con units. this is the 6 mass casualty event in fly alone for which in the last 9 days, today's mass casualties started super quickly. alternative actuation older was given for many blocks in the humanitarian zone. and very quickly injured patients
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came to the emergency room and very quickly for the whole day there was a trickle of injured patients uh at by 230. so from 9 am to 230. with that at that time, there were a $115.00 injured and approximately faulty dead. i have just received a message from my colleague still on sites saying another wave of injured have arrived. what i can say is that we almost run out of luck today. the staff members are involved or of my colleagues was living in the of actuation or did zones. 2 of them were in tears at the work because they were on the phone to that families listening to the visit they called cop to as in the home saying they felt on the sites. and my colleagues couldn't go to them a stuff nice that i was working with tons. and so a patient that was
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a doctor that he had been working with yesterday. another feature was how many on a company children that were today, it was very striking and very shocking is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu was traveling to the us hours of the prison invited abandoned d is we election bid? that's in y'all, spoke to reporters before voiding his flight to washington. he certified them for supporting the war and gaza are still ahead on al jazeera student protesters and bugs. additional refusing to send down despite to court rulings in their favor and doctors without borders, a civilians and so then a suffering who windows levels of violence in the context, the
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hello, any way you look at it. it is a washout for the northern philippines. let's go into what's happening on one side, the monsoon rains on the other, this the parting tropical storm, which is intensifying into a type food. it's dragging all this rain right across the booze on. so for the western side, the pulses of rain here on tuesday, manila could see half a month's worth of rain in 24 hours. now at the same time, this tropical storm may combine fall into northern vietnam around a noise. we can also expect about half a month's worth of rain there as well, but picking up the story for what will become our type food as it creeps closer to tie $11.00 to paint. the red line on this will show us where the storm looks to track rate over type pay over the next few days. and when it does, this will be equivalent to a category to hurricane to packing a punch in terms of both rainfall and winds. tuesday, wednesday onwards, also seeing quite a punch with this band of rain here over the korean peninsula as soldiers dealt with sun flooding. and certainly could see some mark. plenty of sun though. it's
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a coal round for indonesia. so let's move on to australia where we've got this weather front sliding across from w a into the fight. right. and when condo here and for new zealand, it's quiet. but we are seeing some big waves just off the coast of both islands on the east side of the country. of the was a journey through every story, every step as a narrative, a separation of what we cannot choose when to reach the welcome to simmons. and exclude, does that affect the redesigns luxury leasing, trusting of future? today, we create the
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the 0 reminder about top stories, the sour us vice president, comment of harris has paid for the 2 job items legacy in a 1st public address. since he dropped his a sid for re election, iris has arrived in wilmington in delaware, where she will be meeting the campaign stall. she was induced by biden, as the democrats presidential candidates, the director of the u. s. secret services. the attempted assassination of donald trump was the most significant operational failure decades. kimberly told toby congress is taking responsibility for any security labs. at least 70 palestinians have been killed in gaza, often as well watched a new minute to opperation in eastern con units. people say they were given no time
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to find safety. is there any forces started to bomb the area just moments of the issuing and evacuation order? you, if you and you know, says it will move upcoming foreign and defense when the state will meetings from what appears to brussels in protest of hunger. his position on the war and ukraine hungry currently holds the repeating union presidency, but it's 5 minutes to victor over and came on to criticism for traveling to moscow to meet russian president vladimir put him to discuss the war in ukraine without the support of each allies the best and has moved from adams to them. it would be an understatement to say that to fix the oven has ever tasted brussels and many you lead us. what has been brewing in the back is now really a spots within the you and what has caused is all, it's all about photo trip just as hungry. assume a d e u presidency in july. immediately he travelled to see if to moscow,
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so badging, and even met with donald trump in the washington. and all this happens without a mondays from brussels or any you need us all, but of course have from the beginning had a different sense a than many are you lead us on what russia has done in ukraine. the invasion of oregon has warm relations. so with the president sliding me a put them on has a long talk to any age minutes. we 8 for ukraine. well, this latest this trip, this solo trip, as it has been described, you called at a piece mission, but left on the la and lashed out last week saying it was in the basement mission, joseph burrell, the you for a policy chief has called is unacceptable. this has now gone too fast, too many you need to. so now this is very important. the meeting, which is scheduled for august in hungry will now take place in brussels and hungry
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. it's for administer. has also lashed out against this decision. also saying that's what the us doing is that the child is he's calling it the boy called and also says that this is val, colorado. so this is definitely a spot and we will see how this continues stop class and i'll just say wrap it up. so that the bunch of additional with the some semblance of call them on the streets of the capital of the civil days of protests against the controversial jump quote, a system, a kind of you remains in place and definitely, and the telecoms blackout can, to me, is to affect internet and mobile phone service is seen as a partial victory for protest as the supreme court scrapped most government job protests on sunday. the reinstatement of the policy in june, initially swap the student the approaches that have been split elsewhere. well, that a 140 people have been killed in thousands injured off to of correct on 5 police.
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and the military tons of children has moved from deco. of the situation is early comm. there's 3 hours car, few bag today, but the carpet continues in definitely on get the situation normalize according to the government. the student stays, they'll continue that person and they're a point, demands remain intact. there is also a major concern with becoming operation going on. students and other politicians been picked up many and not accounted for a permanent to young politician. were a student leaders, jeanette sucky, and now there is no real hard. no, no. then on the account that fraud united was found in the hospital, rudely bitten by the ruling party soon. members, so those cutting down still going on opposition member and the students who were protesting. and yet the government wants to conciliatory a compromise with the student. the also concerned with people injured with shot gun pallets as many as brain dead. many family members went to get their families who
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are killed during the protest, but the medical alternatives are unwilling to hand over the body of those with the bullet injury. these are concerned that remains in a situation where they have complete black out. there's no news. the news in the p b r censored and there is no social media for people who kind of protest people kind of show what happened. and this will have that fall out and coming days and weeks. and this is hardly over till we know how people react to win the fee. all those videos. what happened on the, all of those people that accounted fox, because in the end, people who are to those who did that must be accounted for sandwich audrey, i'll just say the dock of and the philippines president sudden and marcus june, is old of the closure of online casino businesses, most of which are chinese owned, that's often investigation and coveted human trafficking, financial food, and other crimes. well the most been commended. many people say they want small
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because to 1st address the high cost of living. want to below reports from manila. 1 and is 3rd state of the nation address. philippine president, 14 and marcus junior toted a fast growing economy on track. he said to deliver upper middle income status to millions are poverty rate has significantly dropped the 15.5 percent down from 18 percent in 2021. but outside congress or markets delivered to speech thousands who gather to po, to say, he's out of touch. s gas and food prices remain high. the, the recently approved the minimum wage height of less than a dollar decent enough is a sentiment shared by many filipinos president for the men. marcus to do was selected by an overwhelming majority of people, but his popularity appears to be fading. with the latest opinion polls showing his approval rating falling to 53 percent. and then the other survey nearly 60 percent,
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the filipinos printed themselves as poor. simply what most filipinos do support is marxist foreign policy. the sort of international support for the philippines claims in the south china sea. the philippines cannot yield. what else are working to settle this territory of dispute with china? diplomatically ahead of his address, the ford ministry announced a deal with badging and resupply and filipino troops, etc, has been reached for details remain unclear, of the 2 countries are also very much on the same page. on the issue of online gambling us, marcus announced a total ban of the mostly chinese operations that are illegal in china. this guy using as the jumping this entities their operations have ventured into realistic areas for this from gaming. the grave abuse and disrespect or system of laws must not a standing ovation from legislators follow the order that may prevent public support
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from marcus from sliding further wine to below algebra manila. so denise civilians have suffered a windows levels of violence that's according to doctors without borders. the 8 group is accused of both facilities, ami, i'm sorry, a military rapid suppor forces of, quote, a blatant disregard for human life and international social accused. both parties are subjecting entire communities to indiscriminate killings and persistence attacks on medical facilities. over the past 2 months, health facilities that we support typing rapid has been repeatedly attacked and targeted. we were forced to suspend the operations in what mcdonny in southeastern is to don. and most recently, in the touch hospital, in cartoon since may and assess supported hospitals or premises have been hit by shilling or strikes at least 5 times in on demand call to end of sasha
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leading to the death tests of health workers and patients including children at least 50 people have been killed in the district of go find southern if the opiate following to land slides. officials say children, women and police officers are among the bid. some emergency work is of also died rescue if it's all continuing for the you and rest of the agencies as more than 7000000 venezuelans. i've left the country in the past 9 years. most have settled in neighboring states where they've continued to struggle with economic hardship and we'll split it towards migrants. many hope the upcoming presidential election could put venezuela on a different false paving. the way for there were ton hello central run thea t has this report from columbia is capital ball with a some echo decked underneath catalina, i believe there left in the swear last 6 years ago escaping unbearably harsh
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economic and political conditions under president. because that's my daughter. 3rd time here in the colombian capital has not been easy to make a living. she sells coffee on the streets of bullets. we'll caring for 9 years old daughter online y'all. she says she's hoping the upcoming presidential elections will give her the opportunity to return home to be with the rest of her family. they were fed out the law support. i have to hope i'm face that we will kick out the government. that things will change, that i will be able to return to my country. most of the venezuelans abroad won't this badly said the president leaves and the country gets fixed. like many others are putting their faith in the opposition candidate. it moved to go inside this route. yeah. one of his campaign play just to bring back migrants living abroad. there's no doubt that the upcoming elect.


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