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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 23, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the the . ringback the we have people to talk to, we have phone calls to make, and we have an election to in the us vice president come on. the harris begins, i campaigns for the white house saying she has enough support from democrats to clinch the policy. the policy of, hey, this is out of their life from the also coming a desktop and garza is rising of to is right, launched a new military operation in the city of connie. and at least
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a see want to have been cal was waiting for and strikes the also targeting the occupied westbank. at least 3 people have died, then folders is have destroyed building and as, as far as war on gauze it goes on need is a 14 palestinian groups including lost and foster sign, an agreement to enter their division. the holy begin in the united states with vice president cumberland harris has now been made on his check campaign to become president. she says she is secure the support of enough democratic delegates to become her policy is normally like kind of begins health coverage from washington dc. vice president harris meets members of what is now the campaign stop in wilmington, delaware, hometown of president biden, who still recovering from coded and who addressed the meeting by phone. the name is jan is the top of the ticket,
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but the mission hasn't changed at all. but as the vice president started speaking, the president made clear he was still on the phone. i love the i cumberland harris threw down the gauntlet to donald trump. referring back to the time as prosecutor and state attorney general creditors who are abused women prod stairs, ripped off consumers. cheaters who broke the rules for their own game. so hear me when i say i know donald trump's type in the wake of president biden's decision not to contest the election. what began as a trickle of endorsements for cumberland harris has become a flood today. i am fired up to endorse campbell harris. multiple state governors have expressed the support, some of whom were considered potential challenges. well, the nomination, not only because of how honorably she has served in the past,
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but how absolutely ready she is to be president. for my house speaker, nancy pelosi also gave her endorsement. this is particularly significant, and she'd previously argued for an open convention in which the nomination would be contested and seized exciting the country while praising cumberland, harris. the 2 democratic party leaders and congress have not yet formerly endorse to the scene by some as a reluctance to put a finger on the scale. early in the day vice president terrace made his 1st public appearance and starting to seek the democratic party nomination. hosting the event at the white house, celebrating student athletes, and she keep to praise on her former running mate. joe, by his legacy of accomplishment over the past 3 years, is unmatched in modern history. the campaign organizers say in 24 hours a re, quote $81000000.00 was the night,
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did 66 percent of it from people who have not given before a definitive indication of the impact harris is already having on the parties, grocery support. mike, kind of out to 0, washington, all the republican vice presidential candidate j, the balance talks in both president by the outcome of the harris during his riley's invoice, ohio and virginia. now as you remember, joe biden as not just a quitter, which he is, but one of the worst president's the united states of america. but my friends, combo harris is a 1000000 times worse, and everybody knows that she signed up for every single one of jo biden's failures and she lied about his middle capacity to serve as president at the valley. and his home state of ohio vans pay is done on trying to submit decisions that he made during his 1st
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time as president. he's also promised to increase domestic manufacturing and to raise living education standards if he and from are elected and isn't full of elders at that rally for us and middletown, ohio, of which i have on spend a lot of time during this, riley refer rate phase trial to, to the fact that it comes from it after all, he is a local boy that's worked through the crowd here. there are hundreds of people. many of them couldn't even get inside. at one point, they have to be find their way. because the whole in this school was full, he actually came out to that point because he knew people were annoyed. he gave them away and people left to couldn't get in happy that they'd at least got to say the man they hope will become the vice president. of course, like i say he is a local boy, he's seen as a local boy who has done good. yes, he went to university one of the most prestigious in the well, yes, he was a venture capitalist, and he was a best selling author whose life story was made into a netflix movie. but also he comes from very humble roots. he grew up here in small
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town america, he became a marine, he became a senator. now he is a potential vice president, some sites. he could one site be a president of the united states, and that's what a lot of the people here are hoping for security here as being very, very tight. remember, this is just over a week since an attempt was made on his boss, donald trump, slight in pennsylvania, and that is why we've been able to say security everywhere. there offices with guns there was night pissed on the roof. nobody here was taking a chance. feel about, i'll just say era in middletown, ohio was david hogan as a political analyst and also some stuff and president built in terms of ministration. he says the race between republicans and democrats will be about a bottle of narratives of the republicans and the republican machine has been extraordinarily effective him in and sang. joe biden was too old. he was the nile he was part of despite and crime family. all of that work that they've been doing
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to demonize in a way and make this even confident present and find all that works gone because that doesn't apply to vice president harris. now what the republicans are going to try and do, and you see the vice presidential candidate, judy vance, in particular doing is tying vice president harris to president fine when it comes to the issues of which they are not holding very well where they don't have a lot of support immigration, number one, inflation in the economy like home number one or number 2. and so they're going to try and make this a referendum. and president biden's 1st term and what vice president harris is going to do and, and, and can do more effectively than what president biden was trying to do is make this a referendum on donald trump. and do you want 4 more years of, of what we had from 2016 to 2020. so it's a battle of narratives. and president buying was not as capable of, of winning that battle to control the narrative as vice president harris isn't. and
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that's where we come to right now, and is why you see the republicans trying so hard to tie vice president harris to president by the israel's military assault hong kong unice has killed at least 81 palestinians. and engine more than 250 people say they were given no time to find safety. is there any for assistance at the bottom? not area just moments of to they issued and evacuation order on monday is where to order the space process to instantly of what it had to previous the designation as a humanitarian zone. and who do i already has this update from journal bella and central garza. and in the past 24 hours, this renew force is worth thousands of tyler sinews to become displaced again. and not only displays, but also homeless fields at least 821 college, sinews, injured, 25th. the other polishing is. and this is only happened in san eunice in the
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southern gauze of city. thousands of palestinians did not have any place to go to last night. he slept in the streets without taking any of their belongings because they were at force to evacuate under fly or were they not even have time to collect any of their belongings? there not only loss, but there are policy is still trapped in the eastern parts of con eunice. just like when you still have the colorado as days where the forces are expanding their ground opperation the eastern parts of the community. also the is there any forces strength, the human to target? and so the so called the human through your and zone in milwaukee. i couldn't use it, but it's the size of the humanitarian zone on the map is smaller than it used to be after this evacuation order. yes, all the thing is also believe that there's no place in gaza as the western parts of communities. we're all very targeted in the past couple of weeks or has
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a lot of things as it wants to dozens of rockets towards northern israel is really media is at least 2 people have been injured in the town of gloria. this is the 1st such attack on that town by hezbollah has been kneeling daily across the border exchange of 5 since the war and gaza began. this is randy dryden. strikes have killed at least 3 palestinians until carton and they occupied westbank. the military rate of the city and was seen carrying several bodies away on the folders folders, as we understand also used to destroy roads and buildings. there are reports of israeli snipers on rooftops and all entrances into to current happen close. now by the is really on the well, let's get the latest from the road as you joins us from the law in the occupied westbank. no, as we've been saying, these raids have been almost nightly since october. that can you perhaps give us some context as to what's happened here until con, as well. the raid into the,
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to cut them refugee camp and the total kind of area has been going on for more than 13 hours. now the residents of the camp are telling us that the electricity has been cut off. communication has been disrupted, and the paramedics confirmed to us that they are unable to access the area where the is ran. the army is still attacking. there is a wide spread destruction, as we're hearing from the residents. 3 people confirmed that in that drone strike attacked to work confirmed by these really army. they are members of the to cut him brigade, one belonging to how much as a cassandra gave another to focus on ox martyrs brigades. we saw a video earlier from the him, us military wing, showing attacks carried out by its fighters in the twins cutting area. and that brigade is really an umbrella grouping where the fighters from different factions operate. one woman is confirmed dead in that drone attack she, her body was delivered to the palestinian red crescent and further south in the
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occupied westbank. 2 separate raids in the southern hebron area also resulted in the killing of 2 palestinians. no, stay with me because of 14 palestinian factions has now signed a declaration invasion ended ending in division of these groups, including the last and fonts that have signed. but they for the beijing declaration, and they've agreed to form an interim national unity government to administer goes up when the war. and what's the latest in a series of talks to unite the science? or, i mean, i've spoken with stuff about gucci and he's the 60 general of the posting and national initiative. it's one of those 14 posting in groups that are assigned to that deal. and pacing. you told me what's included in the agreement is that out of florida, basic elements and disagreement. so which are the most important? the 1st one is that the student in groups have declared doubt or unified and confronting the genocide that is happening in gaza on the extra panic station. and
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the attacks on the west bank as well as 2nd. there was a declaration of that stuff just went off and into the national consensus, the government, which would be the responsible for maintaining cuz they wanted to you 1st bank and gaza. and would that if it isn't above do that, would to be responsible for the guys a and the day after the c. and this is an important step because it blocks the is there any efforts to create some sort of a collaborative structure against a bonus to an interest? there was also a decision that the, there will be a and to them. uh, even if i do this and i've quoted for the meeting of the leaders of the listing and 14, but it is to become this kind of the instead of leadership dealing with each of point where the police thing and people could conduct elections. it was
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a i found and disagreement the new policy now national concepts, a deformed so to democratic for the elections, for police deals in the occupied territories on the outside by this time. and all that had been a tenant set foraging units in between these groups before, i mean biography, it was telling me earlier too that the implementation of this agreement is the most critical part. as you're right, this is the team meeting that palestinian factions hold on the same issue. the formula for reconciliation hasn't really different. we've seen meetings held in cairo. we've seen meetings held in china in russia, in the amount, at some point, even, and also in saudi arabia. so the efforts have been going on for as far back as 2006 . the palestinian public has really grown quite frustrated with the failure of factions to implement what they continue to repeatedly agree on forming and entering leadership, forming a consensus government representing
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a united front so that they can protect the interest of the palestinian people. a quick look at the media that is affiliated with the different factions here in palestine shows very little interest in the coverage of those thoughts and the agreement that came out perhaps an admission that there's a long way to go between that declaration and beijing and the implementation on the ground which factions basically more or less deferred till after the war on guys. no day the with the very latest for us from a long in the occupied westbank. thank you. still i have here on al jazeera, the head of the u. s. secret service admits the donald trump's attempted assassination was that agencies the most significant operational failure and dismay within the european union on hungry its position on russia's war and ukraine. the
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on the wall can see right off the bat. so got to talk about some what weather over scandinavia, particularly for southern norway, there's weather alerts in play here for the potential to see some flooding that includes also so a pretty good helping of rain outbreaks also across central europe. right through to the balkans as well. and you know, there's been a heavy burst of rain for northern sylvania that's triggered to land sites and still more rain falling over top of this area today on tuesday. the story of the heat though, for portugal and spain list spin up to 37 degrees on tuesday joint. well, you can because your temperature is dropped down on thursday with a bit of a shift in the wind. all of this hot air is coming out from the northwest slice of africa. i mean, you can see right america bush, 45. it is going to get hotter by the day. so let's go to wednesday,
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paint the colors on dark. the red, the 100 is marrakech closing in on 50 degrees back to europe. one more time for greece and turkey are also hot here, but some showers, dancing across the boss for as impacting it stumble stones, marched out of molly, pushing into senegal. round, getting the south and guinea. there could be some flooding there and it's caught. and today in south africa on tuesday, but we've got a rain and winds combo come in for south africa's south coast on wednesday. that's it's, it was a journey through every story, every step as a narrative, a separation of what we can achieve when to reach the welcome to send me an extra reading design, a redesigns luxury living cross deals future. today we create
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound, us vice president come to the harris was formerly known to campaigns to become president. she says she is secure enough to democratic support to become her policies normally increased issue on palestinians have been killed off to israel, lost a new military operation in conyers. since for $6000.00 bombing, the area just moment is off,
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the issuing of actuation close to talks between chinese officials and 14 published in in groups, including senior loss of fonts only does have computed in beijing. all the parties have signed a document and an ending division, recording the beijing declaration. if you're, if you're the government official says at least a 157 people has died in the district of ghost in the south. west of the 2 lines lines hit that area. officials on saying that women, children, and police offices are among the dead. we understand rescue efforts on the way. yeah. and they're going to come out with the late week of the thing as enough after the insurance up and following a heavy rain. but the damage is heavy. initially it was 3 families that were buried by the lawn. so we are so searching for body and the death to search for people who came to the rescue also got dropped so far. we don't have the exact numbers as verizon, it's fine casualties. i know when we complete the investigation, we will make everything public. this is a very sides and so we're transporting the injured to health facilities and
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hospitals. we are trying to gather people who lost their houses. and we might also need one of the machines and bring them here which and well, that's when you come out how soon mohammed he is. and if you, if your member of parliament, he joins us now from addis ababa. mister mohammed. so what we were hearing that there were 2 land slides. the 2nd happens often people arrive to help rescue victims from the fast. what exactly happened to the thanks. yeah. so what exactly happened is a, is it said that situation. so i to, according to the information we received from the local authority on monday morning, got on 10 in the lunch light as often due to a viewing. so see if this is not the video coleman, the kids in the area. so people with a, with video, whether they cavities. cool, very few people who were at a victim. so the 1st one landslide. and as that you really uh, moved. uh it was,
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it was the largest number. please give them another line slide. and a few minutes ago pop and then the, which became the recent, you know what it is over a good number, then download the was expected. so that's what exactly happened according information that a given guess to people are searching for the bodies of the victims. everyone be the community or the local dealer, but that is the id, calabria jenkins in and finding the bodies that that's what's happening. this is allows in this area right, more than 300 kilometers from the capital. so what does access like for emergency responders who are heading then? yeah, so even that does happen to think that the, the of doesn't obviously, should that a job, they should not. i would also, the situation is the team. you know that a couple of the, uh,
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2 to 2 cloud people that are on there now because of that, even people that all that i, if it's frustrating, so pete config issues the for the giving, there was a cookie. this with it's a flute or things that are on that, the commission, assuming on the lookout, it is doing that capacity to establish the people. so there is a stop all some boys according to me i but as well most of the level of dislikes like also given a bodies, uh, water. just once we lost 100 distortions. and so uh, the relief service i didn't really because of sure. i that as a collaborative response, we've seen images of people literally digging and not read that with their hands. what is the capacity of a launch scale response when, when, when we're hearing such a huge desktop. busy is that the possibility of bringing in machinery or external help for instance? yeah, exactly. uh, according to my last call,
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those are, those are these uh, what was the heating that trying to, to, to, to the cook, the on going to uh, leasing commission so. so finding buddies with the machines and in other countries but even cooperating people, making sure that the people that are doing the campuses was it the available resources, need his quote, you know, collaboration and also organizing people as well. so we're going to do but so that's what the i think. so there's obviously, as he was saying then particularly heavy rain and flooding. narrow. i understand how unusual is the 6th stream, whether and is this concern about another line slide that could affect the, the ongoing relief operation that i think landside is mostly uh, it is so natural and then to be honest, is it montana she had asked the v is a very evening and most of the time, but the land slides north claremont. uh it happens uh once in
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a while. so nobody can be sure of what's going to happen. but in terms of, uh, uh, you know, maybe uh, a guessing counting school, i think the most scientific people who are experts is that on lunch, that situation is kind of the bid that they just wondering this. but does any as anybody, but the thing is not to comment around them, but i'm sure people will take all the precautions because he did a victim happen where people are glad to ask the uh the, the victims of the 1st landslide. but no, but you know, with that a lot so i can come in time and people out of it. if it's cancelled, then they wouldn't be fine. well that has been lance lions in these areas in the past as it previously has thousands killed. and there isn't, there have been concerns raised about more and more extreme weather, especially as we see climate change, etc rates. what has government been doing to try to address threats like these i think what do you want them to do is because uh, any there is about when people, you know, shoot to set up their lives, it as, and also what kind of
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a can't they should do when you know there is a hint made most in a decent, landside shop, but june vis you. this is to be careful and cautious. but to give it that i've tried to, uh, you can understand that. yeah. that the for them too many to be i but also making sure that the lady to this one i tend to will they don't, they don't capacity come out. how soon the hand of that nature, if you're a member of parliament, thank you so much for your time with us on al jazeera and we wish you and your government all the best with the rest of us. it. my pleasure and thanks so much, would you now in uganda, the military has been deployed on the streets of the capital. come paula to the top, planned anti government, antique corruption protests. the soldiers and police are reported to adopt over roads leading to parliament. young ugandans are choosing the government of rampant corruption and human rights abuses. police has done little protests in the capital
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. now on the eve of these kind of protest, you guys are not positioning the to bobby wine posted online saying that police, it's around the headquarters of the opposition national unity platform potty and can paula broking offers arresting it's party members. he's a government fee is the will of the people and once the fear of the government fades court, they will lose their power over us. uganda is president gallery and was 70 wound in a televised address on saturday. the protests will not be tolerated. what the right to the do you have to seek to do? let's go to compare what the right to do of we are busy producing what a good thing is to put up between the other parts of the study. the grateful hunger. do you
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do you want to disturb us? you are playing with the fire and one of the is the managing director of the independent news news magazine based out of uganda. he believes in the seventy's government will take no chances and lies of how recent protest across the board and kenya escalated. this is what the, what expected of present to 70. i think that the given the kind of for the scene to kenya, she's very care for that. if you allow such to put this take place, it may lead to the wrong place, so it is better to present it from ever happening. then while i was hoping i'd have to bear the consequences, i think these professing uganda has been a good to me, is bad and the stimulating what is happening and you've been there and didn't have gotten the government to discuss it. so it's shipped by looking at what top
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indicating you see the mobility restaurant has been taking place for around about one of my senior brand thinking based on social media. so the government knew what was coming when it looks across the board that they see that any kenya, the governments. so this movement, mobilizing, on social media, i'm going to action. what advantage on the action they went over whelmed by the most special needs and the present was forced to devices, decisions. now in uganda, government different than just letting people get and you've got to work this. so that was what i need from kenya. so the social media owner that the government here, especially the president, has effected personal control over the, over the elements of the state, especially the forces. so he has the problem, is that a real kind of critical to see that to ensure that people are going to much to what is by them and, and also gardens? no he, that's the one. yes. said go through with the fight a few minutes it. so, but if you were there on the dash at least a $187.00 people have died and
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a clock down on protests against a government job corps of policy, thousands will have been injured. on sunday, the supreme court scrapped most of the job reservations game. as reintroduction had sparked the student led protest, police and soldiers had been enforcing a nationwide coffee. and telecoms blackout continues, as your opinion says, it's only is upcoming foreign and defense ministerial meetings from budapest to brussels and protest against congress position on the war. and ukraine. hungry currently holds the european union presidency, thought as prime minister as it to old man has come under criticism for traveling to moscow to meet the russian president vladimir prison. without the support of you outlines, i understood that we have to send the signal even if it is a symbolic signal that's been a gains put a partial due to a p and union. and disqualifying the policy with the union as the party
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will pass to have some consequences ahead of the u. s. secret service has described the assassination attempt against donald trump. as the agencies, west operational faded and decades, the republican presidential candidate was shot during a rally in pennsylvania more than a week ago. now, many politicians on the house are beside committee want kimberly, chase will to resign. she has her times, he takes a raise her right hand, despite caused by her resignation, secret service director. kimberly cheadle refuses to do so all doing it's her role now to monitor the various inquiries into the security. lapses that up to the assassination attempt against donald trump. on july 13th, we failed. i am dedicated to find any answers to what happened. and like every secret service agent, we don't sure can for our responsibilities. i will remain on and be responsible to the agency to this committee, to the former president and to the american public. they don't publish transparency


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