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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 23, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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that has been done before to be done even bit as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the the desktop and garza is rising off to is were launched a new military operation in the city of con eunice, at least $89.00 palestinians of income. the color that i'm associated in this is out of their life from the also kind of his reading for and strikes target the occupied westbank killing of these 3 people that call it the soldiers use pull doors has destroyed them. we have people to talk
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to. we have phone calls to make and we have an election to when you as far as president come, a higher us begins how to campaign for the white house saying she has enough support from democrats 6 inch the policy nomination and at least a 157 people killed in southwest to meet here at the during lunch lives caused by heavy rains in a remote mountainous region. the holy begin and garza where the is ready. military is assault on eastern con. unice has already killed at least 89 palestinians injured more than 250 people say they were given no time to find safety. is there any forces starting to bomb the area? just moments of today issues and evacuation. water just based palestinians have been forced to flee. yes, again. all these really minute tree, meanwhile, has released footage of its tanks operating in con eunice. now on mondays again,
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it's minutes. reparation that in the southern city, ordering the space, palestinians to leave what it had previously designated for the so called to mount a terrence or will that speak to him who dory for all the life histories. and darrow bhalla and central garza and to talk us through what we're seeing now in con eunice, we've seen the death toll rival ready. presumably that's going to continue well and the that so is going to continue to rise as long as the artillery can use. and the paramedics and the developers in teams are on able to reach those areas. target things targeted by the is there any courses yesterday? we had a couple of minutes to it's not too late. they only had a couple of minutes to take what they could take with them before the is there any forces started pounding the eastern parts of the units? some people are dropped. some people are stuck and they are unable to leave. and
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according to i with mrs. lopez and from eunice, they're saying that the quad copies are taught targeting every single person who tries to even the civil defense teams and permits reported the same exact thing that they were trying to rescue some people. but they were targeted by the is what is there any quotes, countries no, don't have many options to buy. and there have the western parts of put the in the past couple of weeks. and they also have the middle area, which is it is but which is has been constantly it's hard gigabyte that is really for it's bob glenn. okay, sorry. okay, sorry. i think this woman lost some one very clear on her heart. this is exactly how palestinians have been traumatized, losing their beloved ones every single day. we just received news that the police do fall as soon as were killed and 7 with were injured in
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a target in the middle area and the good asian. and maybe this is one of the family members that have been targeted. so it's all traumatizing kind of thing is somehow does the news were homeless, they stepped with no show through, they slept on the streets. they did not have any time to evacuate. most of the hospital, the only hospital that's facilitating in an income unit is calling for loved units are asking for any medical resources and any medical supplies. the situation is intensifying, is escalating, and the humanitarian and the health sector is collapsing. and because already that information, as far as from the ground from there, all, thank you very much. and as far as attacks on gaza have destroyed move and health of the strips, farmland, fields and agricultural facilities have been devastated by strikes and boulders is essential free to us as a being wiped out. but some farmers are still fighting to keep their crops alive.
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hello, sidney journalist abraham actually has one out from those. and also after a long, short, the fluid farmers are trying to rebuild their nurseries, that have been damaged by air strikes. with frank gro, essential vegetables to feed the local community. for this, for situation is be very dire here in northern guys as families can't find income by such fluid. this initiative is driven by local farmers to try and provide the basic feelings like whatever was over. yeah, and i'm, i'm covers, which are important for the families and this har supply and the star ration. so i have should share that issue. i had one eye on the shank road, one plump nursery company. it was damaged by these really attacks in 2023 following october, the 7th. the designers talked to patients, but neither trees, no stones targeted, also so flexible. and the goal is to straighten this out and none of the equipment
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was fed. now the goal is to strict these virtually devoid of seeds, agricultural materials and fertilizers. by the way, when we return, having been displaced, we came back home and restored the plum necessary. we removed all damaged plans. these are the heaps of bags in which the savings were planted. we put them in one place. civilians who live and nearby are cheering for this project as they are trying to look for some relief, providing such vegetables in the times. foundation that that much when that kaya had done much as long as there is life, we will plant again and again. we will plant savings because natural life and gas that is completely gone. one can't see any green. i will plot, they said lanes and a plot of land that i have, but these riley miller tree has scouted. it was full of all sorts of trees. you name it, and it was all for peter and my wife, but i scouted and turned it into a barren land. in january i stopped a pond in the land and you with all that was destroyed, you will come see you and you will find it on green,
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gold willing. we will not be rooted out of this land. no j united must have missed . we came to the nursery to buy seats in order to provide food for my household. since there is no food in northern garza, nothing is allowed to enter our area because if we plan to have a single line, these rays will scour and fight toxins with human as the run the vegetables i sold in the market. it was even in the vegetables arrive, akito electronic cost $100.00 shot guns. what their initiatives are important, as is right, as warren guys that continues. the land has had been used for, for farming, had been completely destroyed, as well as the equipment making. it's hard for these farmers to grow bigger nurseries or, and provide better vegetables, a flaw for the civilians. here in northern garza and i was really dry and strikes had killed at least 3 palestinians into a car and the occupied west bank. the ministry rated the city and was seen carrying
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several bodies away on the bulldozer. these boulders is also used to destroy roads and buildings that have been report, so it is rarely snipers on rooftops and all entrances into to a car and have them close to by the is randy on the road a has this update from ramallah? we just heard from the is rarely army that said that this raid onto is cut them is one to 50. that is really forces i've conducted since the beginning of the war on god's though we can confirm that 3 people have been killed. one woman in her fifties are per body was handed over to the palace. studying the red crescent of these rarely army took the bodies of 2 palestinian fighters, one belonging to the military being of how mazda cassandra gates and the other belonging or affiliated with the military. wing of fund that we also heard from him us about that attack about that killing of the prominent fighter condemning that attack and vowing to continue confronting the occupation in the occupied west bank
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just as it is doing back in, in gaza. that operation is, has not concluded the communication is quite difficult because the electricity has been cut off and we heard and were speaking with paramedics, who say that they are having a very difficult time getting to people and giving them the help that they need in, in that refuge account of 14 palestinian infections have now signed a declaration in beijing and the ending in division. the groups including hamas on fossa assigned with. according to beijing declaration, they've agreed to form in durham and national unity government to administer garza when the war ends. this is the latest and a series of troops to try to unite the signs. the united states as vice president, cola harris has formerly launched can pain to become president. she says she is
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single to support of enough democratic delegates to become her policy is normally like kind of begins out coverage from washington dc. the vice president harris meets members of what is now the campaign stop in wilmington, delaware hometown or president biden, who still recovering from coated and who addressed the meeting by phone. the name is changed at the top of the ticket, but the mission hasn't changed at all. but as the vice president started speaking, the president made clear he was still on the phone. i love the cumberland harris threw down the conflict to donald trump, referring back to the time as prosecutor and state attorney general creditors who abused women, fraudsters, ripped off consumers. cheaters who broke the rules for their own game. so hear me when i say,
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i know donald trump's type in the wake of president biden's decision not to contest the election. what began as a trickle of endorsements for cumberland harris has become a flood today i am fired up to indoors. come on. here's multiple state governors have expressed the support, some of whom were considered potential challenges. well, the nomination, not only because of how honorably she has served in the past, but how absolutely ready she is to be president. a former house speaker, nancy pelosi also gave her endorsement. this is particularly significant, as she'd previously argued for an open convention in which the nomination would be contested and seized exciting the country while praising cumberland, harris. the 2 democratic party leaders and congress have not yet formerly endorse to the scene by some as a reluctance to put a finger on the scale. early in the day vice president terrace made his 1st public
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appearance and starting to see the democratic party nomination. hosting the event at the white house, celebrating student athletes, and she keep to praise on her former running mate. joe, by his legacy of accomplishment over the past 3 years, is unmatched in modern history. campaign organize the se in 24 hours a re, quote, $81000000.00 was the night did 66 percent of it from people who have not given before a definitive indication of the impact harris is already having on the parties. grosse root support. my kind of out to 0, washington, the republican, the vice presidential candidate, j. d. events at target and both president biden and calling about harris during his rallies in ohio and virginia. now yes, you will remember joe biden as not just a quitter, which he is, but one of the worst president's the united states of america. but my friends, combo harris is a 1000000 times worse. and everybody knows that she
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signed up for every single one of jo biden's failures and she lied about his middle capacity to serve as president and dalia at the riley in his home state of ohio. van surprised donald trump said the decisions that he made during his 1st time as president. he's also promised to increase domestic manufacturing and to raise living and education stand as if he and tons are elected in november. philadelphia is up at raleigh in middletown, ohio, which i steve on spend a lot of time during this. riley refer rate phase trial to to the fact that it comes from a to after all, he is a local boy that's worked through the crowd here. there were hundreds of people, many of them couldn't even get inside a one point that have to be taught under wise. because the whole in this school was full. he actually came out with that point because he knew people who are annoyed, he gave them away and people left to couldn't get in happy that they'd at least got
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to say the amount they hope will become the vice president. of course, like i say he is a local boy, he's seen as a local boy who has done good. yes, he went to university one of the most prestigious in the well, yes, he was a bunch of capitalist and he was a best selling author whose life story was made to a netflix movie. but also he comes from very humble roots. he grew up here in small town america. he became a marine, he became a senator. now he is a potential vice president. some say it could ones i be a president of the united states, and that's what a lot of the people here hoping for security here as being very, very tight. remember, this is just starting for a week since an attempt was made on his boss. donald trump's life in pennsylvania, and that is why we've been able to say security everywhere. there offices with guns there was night pissed on the roofs. nobody here was taking a chance. feel about out of this era in middletown,
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ohio. so let's go ahead here on i was a 0 with just 3 days to go now until the summer games begin in paris. we hear from kind of thing and actually it's forced to put the conditions on home in depth analysis of the day sidelines. he's right, is like his res, accusing that i was looking for them since informed opinions. this is her 1st visit to north korea in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way as well as voters in america inside story massachusetts. the truth was fine to send on out. josie, around the showcase based document truth from across the network on al jazeera,
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the . ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00] the
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welcome back to watching all 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound, at least 89 palestinians have been killed off the israel launched a new military operation of con units in southern gauze. its forces starts and farming area just often issue and eventually meanwhile, has really dried and strikes have killed at least 3 palestinians until the car and the occupied westbank. the military rated decision was seen tearing several bodies away on folders as folders as what was so used to destroy roads and building us. vice president called on the harris as formerly known as ty campaigns to become president. she says she's secure enough democratic support to become have talked to you can use paula and has talked to the fast time since use lead protests against a controversial finance bill at the same time, protest as have been calling for a complete shut down as an i wrote these airport that bill was ultimately scrapped
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off the days of violence and much more than 50 people died. present william bruce, i went on to sack most of his cabinets before then appointing 11 new ministers, anti government protest as though continue to cool. so the president himself to step down to that space and mountain web, he joins me live now from the canyon capital nairobi. now come your in downtown and i re be just a few blocks from parliament times done. there been closer mass mobilization across the city today. what have you been saying? as well as today around the city sense that we so gainesville might divide by does it gathering uh, we spoke to people who sold them to we got for the fuel station. so feel that bikes and we've spoken since to most of our tax dividers and traders. he work here in the city sense that said those guys came into town and they alleged that they've been paid by politicians to disrupt trade and stuff protests. but the most of like taxi, why does he work here with the sensor and the trait is out numbered them. it takes
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them away. since that we've seen a agreed to of anti government protest as who'd be marching here around the block. and i'm joined by one of them handy for i've done who's become prolific in this, in the social movement is the right side of the vista, the gently so heavy for apartments withdrawing the controversial finance bill. that's how it will begun. what are you calling for now? are excellent, so i like to see when is it sees um being about defined i see a long time ago when people have been getting the lease. um, when would be monday just to see, you know, because we have proof everyone of people who for me to this he, me a surprise. you know the totally t, but no action has been taken against them. it's just the press to the tactics as we have from the government. so it says um, being above the finance, being that known, pay my goal of a $50.00 people did not have to die, you know, to drug the fight must be so. no, it is not about yes,
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these just is just not down. know before just the president, william, it's a fight is cabinet. then he re appointed off a cabinet and then 6 is the people in the company. they've been re shuffled at the se, ministers. what do you think about that? so that is a he, i get to the so it's like we, he again to us why you recycling the same people again, this is not how it's the been. you have a chance to redeem himself, even the people close to him, told him that he had been tested, it being himself, even his claw, just before telling you that you have a test for the dsl i is doing well, the thing enough is enough. this thing is given us enough time and stuff, but nothing that's nothing to show for it's, it's not tested by festival and be a part of that democratic, you know, while he wants to protect so, but we have parts of it. so he's talking as if he's excluding us from me, we have parts of the, i'm the most important part of the activity. so no, he has to be safe with them back again. you know,
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meaning that he does not listen. he does not do you send? he does not. yes. so what would you expect over the cabinet? okay. um i haven't been very bad feeling about do you have really bad feeling about too much? i think that district, anyone, me the background corruption is to be, you know, hired by this government. i wouldn't be surprised, but yeah, i'd be much over and over again. it does not leasing a thank you. that's a nice done. jealous devise. active is be perfect in the social movement for among other things, fundraising, uh, online for the people that she mentioned. it'd been killed and injured during the process rights groups. they more than 40, more than 50 of them killed in the last month. not a whole lot that keeping an eye on the situation for us in the canyon capital today . thank you. if you are peace, government says at least
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a 157 people have died in the south western district of go 5 of the 2 lands lines. the women, children and police officers are among the dead rescue if it's all still under way . yeah. they're going to come out with the late thing has enough incident happened following heavy rains. the damage is expensive. initially there were 3 families that were buried by the land slide. we're still searching for their bodies, but the death toll search after the people came to rescue them, also got trapped. so far we don't have exact numbers as we are identifying casualties. when we complete the investigation, we will make everything public. it is a very side incident. we are transporting the injured to health facilities and hospitals. we're trying to gather people who lost their houses. we might also need earth moving machines and bring them here. welcome. all housing the holiday isn't. if you, if you a member of parliament, he says operations all still under way to retrieve the funny is of those various by mondays on science. according to information we received from the local authorities
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on monday morning and got onto their lunch light as often due to a viewing. so see if this is not the very common the kids in the area. so people are aware of uh, with video with that like they cavities. cool. uh, very few people who are at a victim. so the 1st uh landslide. and as the um, the, the largest number, please give them another lend slide. and a few weeks ago happened in which you pretended recently, though in the days of the eclipse, a number of them downloads it was expected. so it does what exactly happened. including information data giving guests to people are searching for the bodies of the victims. every one of the, the community or the look out, the woman that he may be collaborating in, in finding the babies. even that this happened during the day and that the full doesn't. obviously she did
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a job position on aware of the situations that you know that a cup of tea uh to, to, to, to help people out of there know because of that, the young people that all that i, if it's frustrating, so be prepared. it gives you the, for the giving, there was a cookie, this would have to float or things that are on that deformation. but assuming on the lookout, it is doing that capacity to establish the people to. so there is a, the step also was a coming to me a but as well most of the level of dislodge slide. i'm also going to bodies of water just once we last 100 distortions in up and down to dash at least a 187 people have died and across, down on protests against a government job course of policy. thousands more injured on sunday. the supreme court scrapped most of that job reservations game. as readings reduction was what spoke to the student that protests,
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police and soldiers though are still enforcing nationwide coffee. and the telecommunications blackout continues to interrupt to mobile phone and internet services. well there are now just 3 days to go until the powers olympics just as well as war on gaza, though it's been a constant battle for the palestinian athletes who have been able to compete 6 of them all set to take part that many others have been left behind me, the abraham falls or even for a wait listing champion, the heavy burden of the war is crushing. this is how much come out of the winning a gold medal in the junior world championships in greece, 2 years ago. coming from the b. c. 's because this trip he carried the palestinian flag at the tokyo olympics, an athlete star in the making. and i went home, he went back home to the woods, said viable king 1st. i left the i was the fittest of my family. so was task with carrying water. i caught it 500 meters per day from
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a far distance. unable to thought that this would help me and tamara's friends. i don't want all my training to go to waste a week before the olympic qualifiers. how much made it out of garza, but losing 20 kilograms of weight un, unable to lift his own personal best cost him his pulse at this summer's games in paris. some of us in the shack and i ended them i need because of the water carrying. we also have $0.23, but any i lived in the north of garza was sometimes the only food we called was animal feed, palestinian sports have survived decades of oppression and occupation seen as a way to bring the recognition to a nation in suffering. no. this is the main stadium in palestine, and since the war started it's been empty, but at least it's still standing. in gauze, all the sports infrastructure has been flattened. many players say it's hard to keep the oil on the goals when they're trying to survive,
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even before they touched the. these players say that already at a disadvantage. this is a rear training for the national use basketball team prevented by is really ways admitted through checkpoints. in the occupied with the team haven't had enough training. this is kind of hand that are chemistry and not going to be able to communicate with an ex, coordinates in the i guess a long as were supposed to. most of the teams make cam ahead of time a month, 2 months prior to the tournament game, and they wouldn't be able to pay it. for some ada, his training continues the call to the capital of do how his body might be recovering what his trauma might never hear. he says he will watch the palestinian flag the powers olympics for him. a nation facing genocide, being able to send players to the world's biggest sporting event is
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a victory even before the competition starts. do that, but he just the to the occupied westbank palestine. well that's it for ne installs the okay. next inside story, it takes a look at the u. s. presidential race in light of jo biden's accent. i'll be more news off that to stay with the the hello, keeping tabs on the higher type food that is moving closer to taiwan. good to see by the way. so here's the details looking to make landfall over northern taiwan over the next little bit. this one's really cooking up the equivalents of a category 3 hurricane. so what does that mean? well, if i pay is about to be dallas with a months worth of rain in 24 hours, and the winds will range anywhere from about $75.00 to a 100 kilometers per hour. so this one certainly packing up,
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punched back into punched in terms of rainfall, up and down the korean peninsula. rain for the pacific coast of japan. got tickets in the middle east though. things are heating up here. it's hotter than it should be at this time to think you're powerful winds blowing through a rock that's dropping down through the gulf. so over the next few days, quite squabbling around 50 degrees, but paint the colors on dark. the red hotter it is for us here. and they'll have 47 degrees locker temperature in tear over the next few days. that's well above where you should be 42 and also hot at night. so little relief and that makes things dangerous. once he rains are picking up for punjab profits and buckets done around the capital territory as well. and we'll end this weather report in india where the highest level alerts for heavy rainfall had been trucks. but now most of the rain is closing in new delhi on wednesday. see you later. the 2 bucks system,
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the streets of chicago on different with the same man bishop by doing the way to a better life for themselves. and. 6 in the volatile world of chicago, south side is no easy task. witness ringside on out to 0 of the house of the us presidential race. joe biden abandons his re election bid and backs his vice president pamela harris. but what's behind this move and will it energize the democratic face ahead of november's election. this is inside store, the


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