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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 23, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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slice with driving, so that's the average of joshua catalyzing job creation. we also assuring to sleep economic empowerment because the women move found empowering african entrepreneur is the, [000:00:00;00] the, we're watching the news, our life from a headquarters in del hi, i'm debbie, you navigate, i, here's what's coming up. in the next 60 minutes. we have people to talk to, we have phone calls to make and we have an election to win us. the vice president cumberland harris begins her campaign for the white house saying she has enough support from time across to clinch the party nomination. the death toll in gaza
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rises after israel launched a new military operation in the city of fine universe. at least 89 palestinians are killed and is really drunk strikes target the occupied westbank killing at least 3 people. while it's soldiers use bulldozers to destroy the buildings, at least a 157 people are killed in south western ethiopia in land slides caused by heavy rain in a remote mountainous region. and in sport and 3 days ago until the olympics get under way and, and the murray is confirmed. he will retire at the end of the games. the 3 time tennis a grand slam champion says the tournament in paris will be as last as he looks to add to his 2 colt metals. the again, this is our in the united states where vice president's kala harris has formerly
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launched her campaign for the white house. so she says she has secured the support of enough democratic delegates to become her party is not many. my count begins are coverage from washington, dc, vice president harris meets member. so what is now the campaign stop in wilmington, delaware hometown or president biden, who still recovering from coded and who addressed the meeting by phone. the name is changed the top of the ticket, but the mission hasn't changed at all. but as the vice president started speaking, the president made clear he was still on the phone. i love the cumberland harris threw down the complete to donald trump, referring back to the time is prosecute to and state to to any general creditors who abuse women prod stairs, who ripped off, consumers. cheaters who broke the rules for their own game. so hear me when i
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say i know donald trump's type in the wake of president biden's decision not to contest the election. what began as a trickle of endorsements for cumberland harris has become a flood today i am fired up to endorse. come on, here's multiple state governors have expressed the support, some of whom would consider the potential challenges. well, the nomination, not only because of how honorably she has served in the past, but how absolutely ready she is to be president. a former house speaker, nancy pelosi also gave her endorsement. this is particularly significant, as she'd previously argued for an open convention in which the nomination would be contested and seized exciting the country while praising cumberland, harris. the 2 democratic party leaders and congress have not yet formerly endorse to the scene by some as a reluctance to put
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a finger on the scale. early in the day vice president terrace made his 1st public appearance and starting to see the democratic party nomination. hosting the event at the white house, celebrating student athletes, and she keep to praise on her former running mate. joe, by his legacy of accomplishment over the past 3 years, is unmatched in modern history. campaign organize the se, in 24 hours a re, quote, $81000000.00 was the native, 66 percent of it from people who have not given before a definitive indication of the impact harris is already having on the parties. grosse root support. my kind of out to 0, washington. okay, we'll get an update now from kimberly how good. who's joining us from washington, dc. kimberly, what do you have for us this our it's yeah. well, it only took about 32 hours from joe by then making his announcement for complet harris to become the presumptive nominee. she was able to do it with the delegates
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from her home state and she acknowledge that in her statements. she put out shortly after she made it over the finish line saying, but in fact, she was really excited that it was tele for you. that helped put her over the top, nancy pelosi and what we understand was a zoom call sort of handing those delegates over to her. and what she said was, she was really looking forward to be coming and transitioning for the presumptive nominee to formally accepting that nomination. of course that's for to happen. august 19th at the democratic national convention when the delegates actually vote . but as we heard from my account of the excitement that her cabinet was c has injected into the democratic presidential, race has been enormous. what we've seen is just record breaking fundraising. it's now talking more than $100000000.00 in just 24 hours. and what we've learned is
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that 62 percent of those donors are 1st time donors. many of them raspberry, it's still under. does that mean it's just ordinary folks with it, very little money to spend, not the big time donors that we're used to. so this is a lot of excitement and what i can tell you also is that 58000 people have also signed up to work on the campaign. so kimberly, what is the strategy for the harris campaign moving forward? yeah, they've had to rethink it because it's no longer x 5 in some presidents now, harris for president, and they're really concentrating on 4 key states. they say this will be everything for pamela harris. they're in nevada, arizona. georgia is pennsylvania. they know the midwest not going to be where she's going to pick up any votes, and it's for to be black and brown voters that are specially young people in those demographics that are really gravitating towards her. so see her campaign focusing in those areas. that is how they say if they can get those areas in those states, that's the way the rest of the country will go. so watch,
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she's going to be going towards milwaukee today. she's going to be campaigning for the 1st time out there. so going to be talking about abortion, she's also going to be talking about donald trump project 2025. that is where he is trying to re make the federal government taking it out of the rest of what he says the far left and also watched for some hints about her running mate. because we getting some clues about who that might be looked for. possibly, the arizona senator, the north carolina governor of the pennsylvania governor, or the kentucky governor. those are the front runners. so we're watching very carefully that voting could begin early next week so that all right, kimberly, we'll check in with you a little later. thank you. so much for the time being. well, the republican vice presidential candid enjoyed events targeted both president biden on campbell harris during rallies in ohio and virginia. right now, as you will remember, joe biden as not just a quitter, which he is, but one of the worst president's the united states of america. but my friends,
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combo harris is a 1000000 times worse, and everybody knows that she signed up for every single one of jo biden's failures and she lied about his middle capacity to serve as president. we're going to talk about this and much more with vermont state senator keisha ram hillsdale. she was also the vermont state chair for counselor, harris has campaign in the 2020 the democratic party. the primaries. joining us from the city of burlington centers are good to have you with us. thanks for your time. so i know that you've set in the past that it was one of the highest honors of your life to help hair is given to the white house, and the vice president having served us for a vermont campaign chair at the time. and today she holds her 1st campaign rally in the battleground state of wisconsin. there's a huge pressure she now has to make her case as to why she should be in this position. well, thank you for having me, doreen,
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and i don't know if you can tell, but i can't help but smile when we talk about the the very likely potential of a presidential candidate comma, davy harris. and the possibility of the 1st woman president, the 1st black woman to be president and the 1st woman of south asian just meant to be present in. um, i really think what you've seen is the american people's state of washington. and to the political pundit tree that we're excited, you know, even if it took them a while, the american people are very excited for homeless candidacy and we're ready to get to work. how confident are you that she can do better than by the, in, in key swing states. and, you know, all the polls indicate that she, she has that path to success and that her stock has been rising. um, you know, i think this gives you a unifying call to action to a lot of people who have been disaffected,
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but haven't wanted to get involved with the democratic party. i want to give the credit to presidential bind and for this decision. and i think it's healthy, younger generations, and those who felt disenfranchised, you know, start takes to get organized quickly. here's the thing though. i mean, we've replaced that sound and the video in fact of j, the vance who is attacking cala harris and she's already being attacked by the trump campaign and trump himself. so he posted this on social media, kind of the harris is the most unpopular vice president in history, who's incompetence gave us the worst and most dangerous border anywhere in the world, in your opinion. if harris wants to have a decent shawna beating, the former president is where do you think that she needs to differentiate herself from bite and then what specific policies a well, 1st of all, i think sushi chooses as her running mate will be extremely consequential. so that they can go on the attack, we are going to see, you know,
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only the 2nd woman be the major party nominee and history after hillary clinton. and she has to figure out, you know, where she is a fighter and where she left. others do that work um you know, but in general, i think people are excited because the contrast to donald trump will be in her level of bigger. her being a generation younger. her having a very different lived experience and perspective. and so she'll be able to contrast both her predecessor in president joe biden, and the opposition um, you know, with the same prosecutorial lens that she's put on things, you know, with her passion and energy and with a lived experience that's simply so different than what we've seen before and the presidential look, i mean, we know that's our real high profile democrats like nancy pelosi bill and hillary clinton and have come out and support
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a couple of harris has endorsement or endorsement, but others like the former president brock obama, for example, hasn't to yet, and for those who aren't infuse, he asked, think about her, what do you think she needs to do to move them in attention to it? so i think that is what's happening right now with her record fundraising from grassroots donations. with the majority of delegates, you know, pledging support for her. you know, i had my d. c network reach out with talking points about how she's the best person to win. it's a convention and i said back to them for months, ready to elect her at the convention, we need the talking points about how we help her when and i hope that's the message that's gotten back to washington is the rest of the country hasn't been waiting for a candidate like this, and now we're just ready to get to work. you know, many people would have done their best to a left, you know, a, newfoundland dog,
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a dentist can of beans over donald trump. it's that dangerous. but now we have a kennedy who has energy, who is, you know, going to be able to speak to, to certain generations or certain voters who feel disenfranchised. and our pick your about who they choose. and she's have the benefit of being a prove in a fighter in washington, she's already vetted at the level of vice president. so, so now it's just about, you know, really getting out there being organized and reaching disenfranchised, and disaffected americans. but why do you think that some top democrats haven't endorsed for yet? and i think we're going to see, i think we're going to see that soon. i mean, you know, president obama, i'm a big fan. i was a delegate of his, you know, he is often reading and listening to the american people. i just spoke with a senator welch's team here in my home state. senator welch was the 1st us senator to call for president biden, to uh,
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to pass on the nomination to someone else and to withdraw from the race. and you know, they're getting ready to issue their formal endorsement of, of comma harris because of the vermont delegation to the convention has spoken. so, you know, i think those in washington are those in positions of power who have recognized that maybe they don't know past. they don't want to put their finger on a scale or now here in the american people say we don't like chaos. we want a candidate and that's what we're getting. let me just ask you one final thought, senator on these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as you know, is in the us and who's due to address congress and their reports that cala harris will be absent from that address due to what her team is saying. scheduling conflicts, but we understand that you'll still be meeting with natalia who at some point to me, what was your advice to her be when it comes to the is really policy with your advisor to differentiate herself from biden when it comes to israel and the
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genocide and gaza, or do you think that it should be business as usual? and so, you know, like i vice president here is i have a pretty unique american story. my father is an indian member grant, and my mother is jewish american. and you know, i know what it's like on both sides of my family to see conflicts that stem from borders drawn long before any of us were here, or we're making decisions. and this is going to be a really complicated, you know, lightning rod issue for our candidate come on here is to navigate. but i think the american people already understand and particularly democrats, that she has advocated more for aid to gaza. you know that she has wanted to ensure that people on both sides, but particularly in guys that are treated humanely and especially families and children. those who are entirely in a sense the contrast will be clear between vice president harris and former
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president. donald trump. on this issue because if it was up to a 2nd term president trump, there would simply be no gaza know palestine in the near term. and you know, president biden has been fair to both sides. i think now vice president coming here . so it's a very difficult balance and a difficult line to walk, but probably best to have those meetings in private and not be seen as agreeing to something that she may not agree to by being present at a public event before she's ready to release her on the platform, right, we'll leave it there. case around hillsdale sen from vermont state senator from vermont. thank you so much for your time with us on out to 0. thanks, jerry. on the well speaking of gaza is really artillery showing has killed at least 6 palestinians,
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and the body is refugee camp. in the center of the strip or residential building and the camp was targeted, rescuers had been working to remove bodies from the rubble. and in a separate attack is really forces targeted families of the floods. the output is come in southern gaza. israel's military assault on the city of san unice has killed at least 89 palestinians and injured more than 250 people say they were given no time to find safety is really forces started to bomb the area just moments after they ordered people to leave to bring in our correspondence auto plaza has joining us from dayton bundle from central guys. i thought it been just tool is rising from the attack in hon. eunice and we expect it to go even higher. so that's going to re, uh, the security situation on the ground is the best place, especially in the city or on units of the southern part of district. what we do know is that the ministry has this talk to the military operation of 24 hours ago.
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why they have been giving people a very short time in order to flee from the houses here from eye witnesses is that they have been attacked as of which likes to sleep from the house as well, according to what we also can get from the government media office and that official statement, the ship that's at least 18 knowing palestinians have been killed during the past 24 hours fully in the city of con. you as well more than 260 others we wanted fox. generally the be shocking to reality is that there is $26.00 to thanks. all those missing under the rough, less search teams cannot really get close to the eastern areas with a fighting that was raging, that we come off. oh, which is obviously the occupation forces. these humanitarian situation has ended up to be the sounds incredibly drastic as while i'm selling the distressed rows in the horizon, the specialty that the space of the humanitarian so has a long time. now we can also say that it's normal that can be classified to be safe . humanitarians of because right now it says it's
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a full operations by the is by the army. so the creation of the so called a humanitarian say, is what has found to be right now. i trap full death in the perspective of displace families while i right now living, have you been without getting on a proper source of show top off as the situation is incredibly sound rent in the city of con units. it's also due to a rates in, in a range where there's also a very limited military and cogent has been carried out by the, by the occupation forces are advancing deeply and the slow leak into that a comp destroying residential house as well. casualties of death full of multiple things, but also rows to reach more than southern palestinians being killed. and one of the latest type stuff in fact, to read. all right, thank you so much for that reporting from data about a 100 central gaza of israel's attacks on gauze. i have destroyed more than half of the strips, farmland fields and agricultural facilities have been devastated by airstrikes on bulldozers. before the war,
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garza had 230 square kilometers of vegetation in total. and because of the extensive damage by is really forces only a 137 square kilometers, remain. and you can see with the satellite images, most of the trees are gone along with 60 percent of gauze farm land. 96 percent of girls. this population is facing food shortages. nearly half a 1000000 palestinians are now at risk of starvation. the palestinians are on the list of the human heading. these spoke to farmers in northern gaza, or fighting to keep their crops alive as essential food sources are being wiped out all for a long shorter you fluid. farmers are trying to rebuild their nurseries that have been damaged by air strikes. refrain, grow as central vegetables to feed the local community. for this for situation is very dire here in northern guys as families can't find income by such fluid.
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this initiative is driven by local farmers to try and provide the basic feelings like whatever was over again i'm, i'm covers which are important for the families and this hard supply and the star ration. so i have should share that issue. i had one eye on the shank road one plus nursery company. it was damaged by these really attacks in 2023 following october. the 7th does honest occupation sped. neither trees, no stones targeted, also so flexible in the gaza strip and none of the equipment was fed. now the goal is to strict these virtually devoid of seeds, agricultural materials and fertilizers. by the way, when we return, having been displaced, we came back home and restored the plum necessary. we removed all damaged plans. these are the heaps of bags in which the savings were planted. we put them in one place. civilians who live and nearby are cheering for this project as they are
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trying to look for some relief. providing such vegetables in the times foundation that that much when that higher had done much as long as there is life we will plant again and again. we will plant savings because natural life and gas that is completely gone. one can't see any green. i will plot. they said lanes and a plot of land that i have, but these riley miller tree has scouted. it was full of all sorts of trees. you name it, and it was all for peter and my wife, but i scouted and turned it into a barren land. in january i stopped a pond in the land and you with all that was destroyed, you will come see you and you will find it on green, gold willing. we will not be rooted out of this land and the united must have missed. we came to the nursery to buy seats in order to provide food for my household. since there is no food in northern garza, nothing is allowed to enter our area because if we plan to have a single line, these rays will scour and fight tonsils with human as the run the vegetables. i told them the market was even in the vegetables arrive, akito bank, plundered cost, $100.00 shot guns. what their initiatives are important, as is right,
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as warren guys that continues. the land has had views for, for farming, had been completely destroyed as well as the equipment making. it's hard for these farmers to grow bigger nurseries or, and provide better vegetables, a flaw for the civilians here. northern guys is really driven strikes of killed at least 3 palestinians and to, to cut them in the occupied westbank. the military rated the city and was seen carrying several bodies away. on a bulldozer, bulldozers were also used to destroy roads and buildings. not all of those joining us from what i'm allowing me occupied, westbank, who would, what's been the fallout from this rage as well? that even we can update our viewers, that these rarely forces have withdrawn from the told cut them refugee camp. we now have confirmation that the total number of people killed in that throne. an attack
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is in fact 5. it includes a mother in her fifty's. her body was a of handed over to palestinian paramedics and her 16 year old daughter there onlookers, residents of the account. 2 fighters were killed in the during the attack. one belonging to the how much military wing and another to the effect the military wing . both men, of course, uh, part of the total cutting brigade, which is an umbrella grouping, where all those a fighters, a co, a less and, and joined efforts further to the south and the occupied with bank to palestinians were killed in separate trades and least you don't have to remember those is rarely rates have tripled a number since the beginning of the war on gaza. they have become relentless and they happen at all sorts of hours of the day. and they include, usually of course, the tense and 6 people in total were detained. this, these 24 hours in the occupied was by noon to stand by for just
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a moment. because we also know that 14 palestinian factions have signed a declaration in beijing and that ending their divisions. so the groups including how much and such a signed with their calling the beijing declaration. and they agreed to form an international unity government to administer a gaza when the war ends. this is the latest in a series of talks to unite the sites. we spoke to most of about a hold to you earlier on who's the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative. and it's one of those 14 palestinian groups that have signed the unity deal in beijing. it explains what's included in that agreement on the floor. the basic elements and disagreement, so which are the most important, the 1st one is that the student groups have to collect the data or unified and confronting the budget aside. that is happening in gaza on the actual funding station. and the attacks on the us bank as well as the kind of the there was
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a declaration of the step judgment of and into the national consensus of government, which would be and responsible for maintaining cuz they wanted to you 1st bank and gaza. and would that if it isn't the do that, would that be just sponsored for the guys? and the day after i was to see this is an important step because it blocks the is there any efforts to create some sort of a collaborative structure against a bonus to an interest? there was also a decision that the there will be a and to them uh, even if i do the ship and call for the meeting of the leaders of or ballasting and 14. but it is to become this kind of the, instead of leadership dealing with each of going to have the ballasting and people good conduct elections. it was the i found and disagreement the new policy now nice and have concepts, a deformed little democratic for the elections,
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for police stands in the occupied territories on the outside by this time and the back to you. and what are we to rate into the fact that there was what's not in this plan is a roadmap or a timeframe of implementation as well that as one senior palestinian political figure put it to me, china, it was the hosting those stocks. so we couldn't not have a declaration, we couldn't believe them with that kind of disappointment for freely if you look at the tax, they re affirming what they had reaffirmed in previous talks that i've been going on for quite many years now. they met in china, in russia, in yemen, in algeria, in cairo, even in gaza, itself. but tell us the names are frustrated, not just with the numerous agreements, but these factions assigned, but with the failure to implement any of them. and that's why there's been very
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little attention paid in local media in faction affiliated media as well. the only notable reaction we got was from these rarely for administer who oppose the agreement or the declaration. and he said, among other things, this in reality, this won't happen. because how mazda is rule, will be crushed, and i bass will be watching gaza from far israel security will remain solely in israel's hand. of course, that's reference to the fact that israel occupies and controls the west banking raids where it pleases when it pleases and at all times that it wants to maintain that kind of control over gaza as well. so not much in the way of progress, maybe one more agreements that will be added to the next declaration, at least from the perspective of ordinary palestinians. that is all right, thank you so much motor holiday reporting from the law and it's just government. so i was at least a 157 people have died in the south western district to go far after to land slides
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. there women, children and police officers are among the dead rescue efforts are underway. yeah, they're going to come out with the late week of the thing as enough to use it didn't happen in following heavy rains. the damage is expensive. initially there were 3 families that were buried by the land slide. we're still searching for their bodies, but the death toll search after the people who came to rescue them also got trump tonight. so far we don't have exact numbers as we are identifying casualties. when we complete the investigation, we will make everything public. it is a very side incident. we are transporting the injured to health facilities and hospitals. we're trying to gather people who lost their houses. we might also need earth moving machines and bring them here. no html house you mohammed with is an issue. okay. and member of parliament, and he says that operations are under way to retrieve the bodies of those still buried by monday's land slides. according to information we received from the local
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authorities on monday morning and got onto their lunch slate as often due to a viewing. so see if this is not the very common the kids in the area. so people are aware of uh, with video with that like they cavities. cool. very few people who were victims of the 1st a landslide. and as the, the, the, the largest number, please give them another line slide. and a few weeks ago happened in which you pretend that recently though, in the days of the eclipse, a number of them downloads it was expected. so it does what exactly happened. including information data giving guests to people are searching for the bodies of the victims. every one of the, the community or the look out, the woman that he may be collaborating in, in finding the babies. even that this happened during the day and that the full doesn't. obviously she did
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a job position on aware of the situations that you know that a cup of tea uh to, to, to 12 people out of there know because of that, the young people at all. did i, if it's frustrating, so be to prepare the issue before the giving there was a cookie, this would have to float or things that are on that deformation. but assuming on the lookout, it is doing that capacity to establish the people to so there is a, the step also was a coming to me a but as well, most of the level of dislodge slide. i'm also going to bodies of water just once we lost 100 distortions in taiwan is on alerts as a ty phone move closer. jeff is following the storms past right off the bat. there's 2 storms and we need to talk about in this part of asia. the 1st tropical storm pepper room making 9 full northern vietnam. this is going to dump about half a month's worth of rain on a noise over the next 24 hours. but the bigger storm type room gave me is insurance
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. closer to taiwan, you're looking to make landfall over. ne, tie, one late wednesday into thursday, but this one's really cooking up the equivalents of a category for hurricane. what does that mean for places like type paid month's worth of rain? you're going to scoop it up in 24 hours that will cause flooding, and then look, the winds will be roaring anywhere from about 70 to a 100 kilometers privacy. that certainly will cause some damage to try to obtain some funding in korea the korean peninsula with these burst of rain on wednesday. but it's a different story and indonesia, plenty of sun to go round for all jakarta, look and go with the sun cloud condo at 30 degrees and the cold front, working its way across the street. now pulling in to south australia along the coast. here we could see these wins rob to about 80 to 90 kilometers per hour, but it's leaving a fresher fuel. 16 in per and at a late heads up. your temperature is full trop, on thursday breezy just off the coast of new zealand. so some big waves there, but nothing to prompts any water alerts here. the still ahead on the else as it
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renews our in can ya skirmishes between pro, an anti government protest or is running bottles between them and the police will have a live report from nairobi in a moment on the lympics are such a use visa or a technology for the 2nd time, but there's one country that refuses to use it. that's coming up in support. the african story from african perspective. i lay convinced i dentist, authorities using different media to show documentary why ask leaking seal make is from kenya and kansas. if it goes to a science, it in black, a nickel, you pulls up on me to the west side, the bile, bob waste and all was fine. i use the drivers
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on, i'll just sierra once a journey through every story. every step is of narrative. celebration of what we cannot choose when to reach the welcome to cities and exclude does the redesigns luxury losing crusty know future? today we create the the color within the top stories on the policy renews our at least 89 palestinians have been killed after israel launched
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a new military operation in con eunice and southern gaza. its forces started bombing the area just moments after issuing and in fact, to wasting order is where the drone strikes have kills at least 5 palestinians into and cut them. and they occupied westbank the military rate of the city and was seen carrying several bodies away on a pool. those are the bulldozers were also used to destroy roads and buildings. us vice president cumberland harris as formerly launched 1st campaign to become president. she says she secured enough delegates the democratic support and delegates to become her parties on any policing. can you or dispersing pro and anti government protests or is on the street of nairobi. the crowds have gathered to demand president william bring to his resignation,
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and they're running bottles between for testers and police who fire to a gas beyond the rest, with sparks by a tax bill. but since been withdrawn, rights groups say more than 50 people died in the unrest and one of the protest or say their focus has now shifted. welcome web is joining us from i robi, malcolm. you are right in the center of nairobi just a few blocks from parliament. were there been calls from mass mobilization right across the city today? what have you been seeing as well, just in the last few minutes, places that fired multiple rounds of the gas of just taking my moscow so he can do this. pro costs is affecting me a little bit very small group of processes that keeps gathering. and we gatherings a sample of them here a step. and they saying that the president winning brito have taken to, to meet the demands which you've included firing the cabinets and re hire you. some
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of the ministers don't come anyway. they meeting the demands for sweeping government. they say that the needs to be meaningful. change those take the come around the paper firing. let's say augustus. yeah. say this, take the camera around. so they say they wouldn't meetings or change to flights. endemic corruption, assisted in kenya for decades, and also to tackle pool service delivery. i would say complain of the hospitals being sort of med sends and everything uh, not working is uh, as well as it should of uh and this to gotten with the government's price plan to increase taxes the following demonstrations i almost a month ago for it is better than william root, so i ordered parliament to withdrawal that fail and today problem, and that's the 1st time in 4 weeks. and then they proceeded to to, to stop that to hold up bill in its tracks. but from fitness sam, we've seen
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a growing close from the demonstrate destructive adjust this for the thousands of people killed the day that demonstrates is ended parliament 4 weeks ago. uh, also for meaningful change of government. president, william, it's a 5 is inside cabinet. the people have been demonstrating here, say they won a proficient cabinets a 2nd across to be appointed, but they were disappointed by many agreed to re appointed uh some of those same ministers. okay, thank you so much welcome. thanks for that reporting from nairobi, the united states as announced a $60000000.00 humanitarian assistance package for haiti. it's in bass, order to the united nations, linda thomas greenfields, made that pledge during a trip to the carrier, be a nation, and the aide will include food shelter as well as help with improving water and sanitation services. a multinational force led by can you all, how's arrive in haiti as part of a security emission to tackle gang violence in bangladesh. so at least
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a $187.00 people have died in a crushed stone on protest against a government job close to a policy. thousands more have been injured. on sunday, the supreme court scrapped most of the job reservation scheme. it's reintroduction had sparked the student led protests, police and soldiers are enforcing a nationwide curfew. the telecoms blackout continues to interrupt mobile phone and internet services. prime ministers, a fussy now has been the opposition for the violence. and she said the curfew will only be lifted when the security situation improves. i think it is $0.50 to do with the top to the most sensitive thing is the matter of the students. we must make sure that they won't get homed. we've tried by assets of all police and old offices, when awesome terrorism started protesting, students said they were not involved in it, and we condemn it. we don't want it. when the students pulled away from the protests by deployed the army only,
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then i did not do it before that. many want to tell me about deploying the army against the students. i was involved in student politics starting from the dock of university. i know what the army could do the new year. okay. home secretary has revealed how much the previous governments spent on the scrub plan to send my grand store wanda, in 2022. the vend, conservative governments made a deal to son, migrants who arrived the store ways or in boats to be african nation. and human rights groups called the plan on ethical. and it was been challenged in the courts . 700 pounds have already been spent on sending just hold on 2 in 2 and a half years. now we have a new one is that it would frankly be cheaper to put them in the terrace, which frankly would not because that was actually cheaper to find the power. the
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european union says it will move upcoming for and in defense ministerial committee meetings from budapest to brussels. and that's in protest against congress position on the war. and ukraine, hungary currently holds the you presidency, but its prime minister of victor, oregon has come under criticism for traveling to moscow to meet the russian president vladimir fruits and without the support of you allies. i understood that we have presented a single even if it is a symbolic so, you know, that's been a gains for a body. so to pay a union and disqualifying the policy of the union as the parties well has to have some consequences to the head of the u. s. secret service as described, the assassination attempt gains. donald trump, as the agencies worst operational failure. in decades, the republican presidential candidate was shot during a rally in pennsylvania. i'm more than
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a week ago. and now many politicians on the house oversight committee, one kimberly shield to resign. she advertises the reports raised her right hand despite caused by her resignation. the secret service director kimberly cheadle refuses to do so all doing it's her role now to monitor the various inquiries into the security. lapses that up to the assassination attempt against donald trump. on july 13th, we failed. i am dedicated to find any answers to what happened and like every secret service agent, we don't shirk for our responsibilities. i will remain on and be responsible to the agency, to this committee, to the former president and to the american public. it is seasonal types of transparency, but refused to answer key questions. no, to be how it is possible that our roof and such proximity to trump podium. that is, pennsylvania riley on july. the 13th could be left on secured. well, even inside the security perimeter, people said she was waiting for the results of the investigations about make up to 2 months to complete. she did, however, confirmed of
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a 20 year old government had been flagged suspicious, but not as a threat. so secret service didn't stop the riley and that the would be a fast and that use the range find and reported the drone the case besides, i have to assume that they did not know that there was a threat when they brought the president out on the stage pro, but chico did not leave of the trump campaign had been robust and its request for extra security at this particular event. i believe directors should all that you should resign. type of homes has met with frustration and incredulity among members . the safety of secret service protect these is not based on their political affiliation. and the bottom line is that under director cheetos leadership, we question whether anyone is safe not present the bible, not the 1st lady, not the white house, and certainly not the presidential candidate security. over the course of 4 hours and 40 minutes, people insisted that they wouldn't be accountability, but not her resignation. i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our
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agency. we are fully cooperating with ongoing investigations. several investigations are underway, including a bipartisan task force appointed by the department of homeland security. but in the meantime, cheetos testimony is only added to the bipartisan calls for her to go. she advertise the outer 0 capitol hill. here's what's coming up on the news, our, their protest in the philippines against the cost of living. but the president tells the nation that poverty is decreasing and it's a constant battle for the athletes in gaza who have lived picks, dreams and ambitions. that story is coming up in sports
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the on
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the spot for all the sports news on the news. our heres for thank you so much during there's just 3 days to go now and tell the parents olympics, due to israel's were on the site. it's been a constant battle for the palestinian athletes and been aiming to compete. 6 of them are set to take parts, but many others have been left behind. need to abraham reports. even for a weight lifting champion, the heavy burden of the war isn't too crushing. this is how much come out of the winning a gold medal in the junior world championships in greece, 2 years ago coming from the besieged because this trip he carried the palestinian flag at the top you olympics and athlete star in the making. he went back home to the what is that
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a viable change for the stuff i left the i was the puts us to my family. so i was tasked with carrying water. i counted 500 meters per day from a far distance. unable to saw that this would help me maintain my spence and i didn't want to all my training to go to waste a week before the olympic qualifiers. some of me just out of garza, but losing 20 kilograms of weight and unable to lift his own personal best cost him his support at this summer's games in paris. some of us going to check and i enter the might need because of the water carrying. we also have $0.23. but then if i lived in the north of garza, was sometimes the only food we caught was animal feed palestinian sports. i've survived decades of oppression and occupation seen as a way to bring the recognition to a nation in suffering. no. this is the main stadium in palestine. and since the war started, it's been empty, but at least it's still standing. in gauze,
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all the sports infrastructure has been flattened. many players say it's hard to keep their eye on the goals when they're trying to survive. even before they touch the, these players say that already at the disadvantage. this is a rear training for the national use basketball team prevented by is really way the mid 3 check points in the occupied. what's been the team haven't had enough training. this is going to hinder our chemist city. we're not going to be able to communicate with and actually coordinate and get along as we're supposed to. most of the teams may can ahead of time a month, 2 months prior to the tournament game. and they would be able to pay it for some ada. his training continues in the public capital of do how his body might be recovering what his trauma mike never hear. he says he will watch the palestinian flag the powers olympics for him. a nation facing genocide being able to send
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players to the world's biggest sporting event is a victory even before the competition starts to do that. but he just needed the occupied westbank palestine to tom olympic gold medalist. andy murray has confirmed to be retiring at the end of the games. the 3 time grand slam champion regarded as one of great britain's greatest sports man is the only man to have one to single school's feel effects of a one in 20122016. he'll be competing in the singles and doubles in paris just 2 days after being so sit down by a single point to us mans olympic basketball team pulled up another narrow, warm up victory ahead of the games before time defending olympic champions. beat roll top winters germany 92 to 88 on the same day. le bron james. the sick to be team yourselves. 5 there for the opening ceremony. the 39 year old was the hero for his side score. in the last 11 points,
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they opened their live in campaign against serbia on sundays. 3 time olympics women champion, adam td is a leading contender to carry the british flag. michael phelps is the only male swimmer to one the same events at 3 successive olympics. pd could equal that achievement with victory in the 100 meter rus for ok. the 29 year old stepped away from competition for most of last year. and due to mental health pressure as, as an athlete that you never really take time off of a few weeks, but never enough time to allow in all my 2nd level, bad personality because you so tied all the time. so instead of time off, it was more of a reflection of what do i want. and if that wasn't to go to the games, it wasn't going to be. but i make that decision to get my absolute best muscle. that's it. and hey, we all that. you know, you don't have to like yourself to be here. you can actually enjoy it. you can actually go, okay, i want to do this. i want to talk of this and we'll go get it to skateboarding.
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we'll see some of the youngest athletes. i think olympics australians gate border chloe canal is making her games. they view at the age of 14, but is a veteran compared to her 11 year old chinese arrival. john how, how escaped boarding competition begins on saturday and will feature men's and women's park and street events recently crowned through the front window and had a for job car has withdrawn from the olympics due to fatigue the sylvania and won the event for the 3rd time. on sunday and was scheduled to take part in the road race. on the 3rd of august, he became the 1st rider in 26 years to do the tour of friends jared's tale and devil. only one day. it's my only officially get underway on friday, but the football tournament starts on wednesday and the men's events argentina will in to be the world cup copa america and olympic champions. all squads are allowed 3 players over the age of 2336 year old nicholas or to manage it. you will, captain, the 5 is your only taking part of mid protest to revoke their participation from the games fee for i have delayed. it's decision on
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a proposal from the policy mean football association to suspend is result is real from international football clearing the way for them to play. the women's tournament starts on thursday and all eyes will be on 6 time feel about women's play or of the year marta and 38 year old brazilian will bring an end to her career after the olympics. she's been a runner up twice. it will be her 6 games that the video system referees system will be in the spotlight at the olympics. it's been the subject of sound protest worldwide, but only one country so far has listened to them. paul reese reports from stock on where the swedish league is billing itself as football at its purest swedish football is all about the funds of the countries of ignore the support of discontent with the use of video assistant referees o. v. a. all. but here, clubs must be at least 51 percent of by that support has and they voted not to have
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vol in the swedish else. whence comes the restore for them to do? i think it spoils football and c i o isn't as reliable as people think that i don't like it. it takes away literally from football. please come to the should never be the a are in sweden, not as long as i go to matches. a major complaints about v a r is the long wait for decisions on the dump ending effect on those celebrations. swedish farms don't often agree with the referee, that they've decided to say no accuracy is more important. we'll see you david's where you did this a bit like stepping back in time when the boat isn't units, you're generally straight away. if it's a goal, you could sell it right without any, i'm sorry. i think the reason use of vol at the euro is, has not made it more popular with many decisions bustling from isn't quite as like, but sweet. and it's still the only country in europe to reject it. and i have play
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with it and i play i stuck with the place to stay with it. then during that i'm feeling not that good. of course i have to like, have the decent in this respect towards the fact that we, that they can decide if we should have via or because they are the paying for the tickets to come to watch the game. stopping play for slow motion analysis looks set to continue outside sweden. however, last month, english club owners overwhelmingly voted to keep vol, despite 2 thirds of funds opposing it. why introduced it this year leading to support is disrupting much isn't protest. football is. it's so complex there, i mean there is so many situations that are not black or white. you can line uptown experts on that and you will have all kinds of use on who we spoke before. but what is the most important part? is that to achieve perfect justice,
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or is it to deliver this reading of 4 or 4 emotions for those? dreading vol in europe's top flights of the season. there's probably early one long term solution. moves to sweeten full rece out use era stop kind a leading players union and the top here pen legs are taking legal action against footballs, governing body fee for they say there is an abuse of dominance and the game and not the international match calendar is risking the wellbeing of players favorite has previously come under scrutiny for its plans. go ahead with a 32 teen club a roll top next year. and that is all your support for that will back to you during thank you so much for that upsets one. the philippines president furden on marcos junior, has ordered the closure of full online casino businesses, most of which are chinese owned not to after an investigation uncovered human trafficking, financial fraud, and other crimes. while the move has been welcomed,
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many people say they want marco's to 1st address the high cost of living. barnaby low reports from middle and it's the 3rd state of the nation address philippine president for dina. and marcus junior toted a fast growing economy on track. he said to deliver upper middle income status to millions. our poverty rate has significantly dropped to 15.5 percent down from 18 percent in 2021. but outside congress or markets delivered to speech thousands who gathered to protest say he's out of touch. s gas and food prices remain high. the recently approved the minimum wage height of less than a dollar. decent enough is a sentiment shared by many filipinos president for the men market. deal was selected by an overwhelming majority of people, but his popularity appears to be fading. with the latest opinion polls showing his approval rating falling to 53 percent. and then the other survey,
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nearly 60 percent, the filipinos printed themselves as port. and then the president put what most filipinos do support is marxist foreign policy. the sort of international support for the philippines claims in the south trying to see the philippines. okay. not you. what else of working to settle the territory of dispute with china? diplomatically ahead of his address, the ford ministry announced a deal with b, g, and resupply and filipino troops, etc, has been reached. for details remain unclear. the 2 countries are also very much on the same page and the issue of online gambling us. marcus announced a total ban of the mostly chinese operations that are illegal in china. this guy using as legitimate entities, their operations have ventured into, elicit areas for this from gaming. the grave abuse and disrespect to our system of laws must not a standing ovation for legislators follow the order that may prevent public support
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from marcus from sliding further wind to below algebra. manila. okay, that's it for the news. our thanks for watching. we're back in a moment for warner's the as far as coverage to it was to develop filibuster from the data from china's expansion and visions. it's not up to the people in taiwan to the side about the one china policy, the israel aggressive doctrine, genocidal rhetoric and genocide, intensity with genocide and intensified is really government would not to 30000 defense of thousands of thousands that would be hundreds of thousands of dollars is that left the house and the stucco. some of the toughest issues of our time had to hit coming soon on a jersey to reducing their results with leader who fought in a brutal 21 years civil war. and which on to become so dense. first vice president news, so good news,
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global knowledge to which we or identified what happens next is still a mystery. which is the real world tells the story of john graham and mysterious death on l. just the revealing eco friendly solutions to come back to our planet. on o g 0,
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the system even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator here on now. the so we have people to talk to, we have phone calls to make and we have an election to in the us vice president. cala harris begins her campaign for the white house saying she has enough support from democrats to clinch the party nomination. the, you're watching all the 0 life or my headquarters in delphi and getting you


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