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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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0 now the we have people to talk to, we have phone calls to make and we have an election to in the us vice president color harris begins her campaign for the white house, saying she has enough support from democrats to clinch the party nomination. the, you're watching all the 0 live from a headquarters in delphi and very you navigate also coming up. the death toll in gauze arises after israel launched a new military operation in the city of san eunice. at least 89 palestinians are killed. israel's war has wiped out more than half of causes,
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foreign lands. we report on how some farmers are fighting to keep their crops alive . and the more unrest on the streets of kenya, police confront for testers who weren't demanding president william stuff down the so we begin in the united states where vice president is carmella harris has formerly launched her campaign for the white house. she says that she's secure the support of enough democratic delegates to become her parties. nominate my kind of begins are coverage from washington dc. the vice president harris meets members of what is now the campaign. stop and wilmington, delaware, hometown of president biden, who still recovering from coded and who addressed the meeting by phone. the name is changed the top of the ticket,
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but the mission hasn't changed at all. but as the vice president started speaking, the president made clear he was still on the phone. i love the cumberland harris threw down the complete to donald trump. referring back to the time is prosecute to and states attorney general creditors who are abused women prod stairs, who ripped off, consumers. cheaters who broke the rules for their own game. so hear me when i say i know donald trump's type in the wake of president biden's decision not to contest the election. what began as a trickle of endorsements for cumberland harris has become a flood today. i am fired up windows. come on, here's multiple state governors have expressed the support, some of whom would consider the potential challenges. well, the nomination, not only because of how honorably she has served in the past,
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but how absolutely ready she is to be president. a former house speaker, nancy pelosi also gave her endorsement. this is particularly significant, actually previously argued for an open convention in which the nomination would be contested and seized exciting the country while praising cumberland, harris. the 2 democratic party leaders and congress have not yet formerly endorse to the scene by some as a reluctance to put a finger on the scale. early in the day vice president terrace made her 1st public appearance and starting to see the democratic party nomination. hosting the event at the white house, celebrating student athletes, and she keep to praise on her former running mate. joe, by his legacy of accomplishment over the past 3 years, is unmatched in modern history. campaign organize the se in 24 hours a re, quote, $81000000.00 was the native, 66 percent of it from people who have not given before
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a definitive indication of the impact harris is already having on the parties. grocery support. my kind of out your 0 washington. well for all the latest coming out of washington, this our we have with us. kimberly how can joining us from the white house. so kimberly, what do you have for us? yeah. well, there is a lot of excitement about com, la harris as the new presumptive nominee. she in just 32 hours, was able to clinch that nomination as a presumptive nominee. it does become a formal nomination though, until the democratic national convention when delegates can actually vote. and that will take place august 19th, but she was able to do it by 9 30 pm dc. time on monday with nancy pelosi handed her. the 300 delegates for her home state of california, and she put out a statement saying she look forward to being able to formerly accept that
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nomination at the convention. but i can tell you, well, there's a lot of excitement on the democratic side. the republicans are less than enthusiastic. in fact, donald trump, the presumptive republican, or rather now he isn't that because of the he has been named as the republican presidential nominee as of his convention. and he's not too happy about it because he was ready to run against joe by then, and they've had to rebound their strategy. in fact, he took to his social media platform to social the say tom ola harris is the most unpopular vice president. is history, in fact, he said, who's incompetence gave us the worst and most dangerous border anywhere in the world. now the reason the republicans are so unhappy about this is that they spent an enormous amount of money and time preparing a strategy to run against joe biden. and now are left kind of re vamping their strategy in uh,
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was really for months to go until the presidential election. and for the next 4 weeks they really don't know who the running may might be. so they're having to kind of leave a question mark and they're left hanging, and donald trump likes a villain. he doesn't know who that other villain might be in terms of the running mate. so he's railing onto social at the moment, given the fact that he doesn't have anyone to punch at, wouldn't he likes to punch him back? yeah, and kimberly, so do we know what the harris strategy is going to be for, for her campaign moving forward? and not only when it comes to via tax by the republicans in the trump campaign, but also, you know, in a, in a, in a larger picture of what her campaign is going to taco moving forward. yeah, well there's a lot of money to do it because in the last 24 hours you got a 100000000 and donations and 62 percent of those people were 1st time donors. so they're pretty excited about that. the harris for president campaign is feeling
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really energized right now and they're focusing on for t stays where they think she's going to get a lot of traction. and they are in nevada, arizona, georgia, and pennsylvania. they feel if they can really make headway there, especially among younger voters and the demographics of hispanics, the african americans, they feel like the rest of the country is going to follow. so just for, to the going to milwaukee today, she's going to be talking about issues like reproductive freedoms, gender issues also, is they something those project 2025, which is the desire of the republicans if they are to make up the next administration to a re mae the federal government and pull it from what they say is the risk of the left wing 5 ministration. so she's going to talk about what she sees as the dangers of that. so this is what she's focusing on. and again, there seems to be
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a lot of new energy given the fact that joe biden has step decides. all right, thank you. kimberly. thanks for that update from the white house. on earlier we spoke to vermont state senator acacia ram hinsdale. she was also the vermont state chair for kind of le harris's campaign and the 2020 democratic party primaries. hillsdale says harris's vice president, pink will take will be important to her presidential ambitions. and i don't know if you can tell, but i can't help but smile when we talk about the, the very likely potential of a presidential candidate comma, la davie harris. and the possibility of the 1st woman president, the 1st black woman to be president. and the 1st woman of south asian defended to be president. i really think what you've seen is the american people's state of washington and to the political pendant tree that we're excited, you know, even if it took them a while. the american people are very excited for commerce candidacy and we're
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ready to get to work. all the polls indicate that she she has that path to success and that her stock has been rising. you know, i think this gives you a unifying call to action to a lot of people who have been disaffected, but haven't wanted to get involved with the democratic party. i want to give the credit to presidential buying and for this decision. and i think it's helped younger generations and those who felt as we franchise you know, start takes to get organized quickly. i think who she chooses as her running mate will be extremely consequential so that they can go on the attack. we are going to see, you know, only the 2nd woman, the, the, the major party nominee and history after hillary clinton. and she has to figure out, you know, where she is a fighter and where she left. others do that work. yeah.
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the is really artillery showing has killed at least 6 palestinians, and the body is refugee camp and central gaza. a residential building and not camp was targeted. rescuers have been working to remove bodies from the rebels on a separate attack is really forces targeted families as they floods the days come and southern gaza. israel's military assault on the city of tanya and this was killed at least 89 palestinians and injured more than 250 people say that they were given no time to find safety is really forces started to bomb the area just months after they ordered people to leave thought about as soon as joining us from data, but often central guys, i thought it did so that that tool is rising from this attack in time. you and i said we expect it to go even higher, don't we? yeah, that's right. so in fact,
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if we don't go in gays barely attacks on these 6 feet of con units into separate parts of his strength. now what we can also confirm is that at least 18 on palestinians have been recorded, killed in the city of china since the beginning of the ministry and touch in 24 hours. that goes on. the key part of this ongoing military operation is the, is very systematic disruption or for residential plasma, eastern areas. um, its a good thing at the residents of these areas a very short time in order to please spot that very short time has been a combined by a very intensive lambs, an area bought a by used by the fight to just now bought another really problem that has resulted from what is going on and sign you in. this is the uh, the mass displacement waves has been resolved to after and resulted from the attack on the eastern areas. this is the 3rd time to find you. this has been attacked on food, introduce many media report, propose that the operation might continue for the days and, and perhaps for weeks until we can get a very clear smell, it treats
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a clearance. and that's the area that from the eastern areas of funding was this 5 because been admitted to the previous announcement that the money submitted totally this month of how much military gauge in such areas. but basically the, the, the song doesn't get touched, continued. we are talking about 6 to 8 publish thing, is it still missing under the russell? no one can get in order to rescue them. so definitely even on part victims gonna increase rapidly within the comic hours. the more residential houses being targeted . but one of the most important realities that there is a notable strength of the space of the humanitarian site. so what palestinians are leading from the eastern areas, despite the fact they have been living with the remnants of their destroyed houses . i know they are living in a very crowded space as most basic line food, mostly in the western side of the city that has been also widely tall, gifted and yet seems that they were trying to uh, to eliminate each one of how much the officials in the southern part of the central funny response, as well as long as there is going go on getting mountain prussia in con,
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units and situation is also due to your rates. and you know, grades as have mentioned the read what, uh, more than 7 palestinians. in fact, talking to a who, so the bodies being balls up at the move with the hospital kia um, its new kind of let top with the uh, i have consent. i would just need a rather is wait a minute, 3 hub, deployed a small it tooth. um, but it treat tanks and eastern areas of finding this as the are attacking and shooting. everyone is moving in that area without to mount any proper indication about the purpose behind the, the new military and cajuns that this out to be limited in such areas of the city. okay. i thought it thank you so much for that reporting from central gaza of israel's attacks on dogs. i'll have destroyed more than half of the strips, farmland fields and agricultural facilities have been devastated by air strikes and bulldozers before the war. garza had 230 square kilometers of vegetation in total because of the extensive damage by is really forces only a 137 square kilometers, remain. and you can see with the satellite images that most of the trees are gone
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along with 60 percent of gauze us farm land. 96 percent of gauze, this population is facing food shortages. nearly half a 1000000 palestinians are risk of starvation. the palestinian journalist about human honey lease spoke to farmers in northern garza who are fighting to keep their crops alive as a central food sources are being wiped out. after a long short, the fluid farmers are trying to rebuild their nurseries, that have been damaged by air strikes. with frank gro essential vegetables to feed the local community. for this, for situation is be very dire here in northern guys as families can't find income for the buy such would this image if is driven by local farmers to try and provide the basic siblings like whatever was over. yeah, and i'm, i'm covers,
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which are important for the families and this harsh times of star ration. so i have should share that issue. i had one eye on the shank road, one plump nursery company. it was damaged by these really attacks in 2023 following october, the 7th. the designers talked to patients, but neither trees, no stones, then targeted, also so flexible. and the goal is to straighten this out. none of the equipment was fed. now the goal is to strip these virtually devoid of seeds, agricultural materials and fertilizers. by the way, when we return, having been displaced, we came back home and restored the plum necessary. we removed all damage plans. these are the heaps of bags in which the savings were planted and we put them in one place. civilians who live and nearby are cheering for this and project as they are trying to look for some relief. providing such vegetables in the time star vision that that much when that higher had done much as long as there is life,
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we will plant again and again. we will plant savings because natural life and gas that is completely gone. one can't see any green. i will plot, they said lanes in a plot of land that i have, but these riley miller tree has scouted. it was full of all sorts of trees. you name it, and it was all for peter and my wife, but i scouted and turned it into a barren land. in january i stopped a pond in the land and you with all that was destroyed, you will come see you and you will find it on the green god willing. we will not be rooted out of this land. no j united must have missed. we came to the nursery to buy seats in order to provide food for my household. since there is no food in northern gauze, and nothing is allowed to enter our area because if we put on time, the thing is raise will scar. i'm fight toxins with them in the the run their vegetables. i told them to market even if the vegetables arrive akito electronic cost 100 seconds gab what their initiatives are important. as is right, as warrant guys that continues the land has had to use for, for farming. that had been completely destroyed as well as the equipment making.
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it's hard for these farmers to grow bigger nurseries or, and provide better vegetables, a flaw for the civilians here. northern guys is really drone strikes, have killed at least 5 palestinians, and to and kept him in the occupied. westbank. the military rated the city and was seen carrying several bodies way. on a bulldozer, the bulldozers were also used to destroy roads and buildings. the still ahead on al jazeera, at least a 157 people are killed in south western if yoko in land slides caused by heavy rains in a remote mountainous region. and with just 3 days to go until the summer games begin in paris, we hear from paula, send me an apple leaves for us to put there a live pick ambitions on hold. the
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low highest level alerts had been dropped for heavy rainfall up and down the west coast of india. now it looks like the bulk of the action really for central india. but that is starting to pull in to new delhi, pretty much the core door from delhi to agra. gonna get hits with heavy falls of rain. sure. tropical storm, proper rule making land fall in northern vietnam along the border with southern china. this is going to jump about half a month's worth of rain on, annoyed within 24 hours. but the bigger storm is our type food type room gave me as it is getting closer to taiwan. looking to make line fall over northern tie, long taiwan over the next little bit. this will cook up to be the equivalent of a category 3 hurricane. so what exactly does that mean? looking at type pay over the next few days, months worth of rain and 24 hours. that much rain. that fast will certainly trigger
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some funding and then wins. i'd say anywhere from $75.00 to a 100 kilometers per hour on thursday. looking brother, what's for the korean peninsula that could produce and more flooding for sol, and don't easy. it's con son to go around jakarta, looking good sun cloud combo there at 30 degrees. and guess what? the monsoon rates picking up for like a starting sponge up. probably and straight through to the capital territory. so a heavy falls of rain for as long as i on wednesday. okay. believe it there. so yeah, a unique perspective. i said, i really not that because the i left and nothing is something you that we on heard voices, but we are committed guessing best i can know all about you so much connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. lot of these patients, if there was all of the medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable, that's the heart of what's the stream on our just the or
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the the hello again the top stories on alpha 0 this our, the us, the vice president, cala, harris has formerly launched her campaign to become president. she says she secured enough democratic support to become her party's non. any is really artillery showing has killed at least 6 palestinians, and the anybody is refugee camp in central casa, a residential building and not camp was targeted. rescuers have been working to remove bodies from the rubble and in southern gaza. israel's military assault on
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the city of tanya and this has killed at least $89.00 palestinians and entered more than $250.00 is really forces started to bomb the area just moments after they order people to leave a policeman can you or dispersing pro and anti government prot, hester's on the streets of nairobi. the crowds have gathered to demand president william router's resignation and their running battles between protest, tourism police will fire to be on rush to a spark by attack spell that has since been withdrawn. rights groups save more than 50 people died in the young press. one of the protest or say that their focus has now shifted. when people are being seen directly to me. um, when would be monday just to see, you know, because we have proof everywhere of people who for me to this he, me a price, you know, they totally see, but no action has been taken against them. it's just
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a tough press is very tactic as we have from the government. so it says um, being above the finance, being that known, pay my goal over $50.00 people did not have to die, you know, to drug the fight must be so. no, it does not bode justice, justice, justice montgomery, i was joining us from central nairobi. he's just a few blocks away from parliament. malcolm, when we spoke in the past hour, there was somewhat of a k arctic situation. going on. what's happening there now it's quite said now, but in the last few hours, please, having firing, take us to break up. even the smallest groups of anti government demonstrates is the police arrive place in this truck just here. and even the day we saw a gains of many on most of bikes gathering just around the city sense that we spoke to people who saw them lining off and fueling that bikes, that fuel stations, before they came into town, where they were confronted by the motorbike taxi ride as you normally work here in
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the city center on trade is on protest is about number them. and then the people that we spoke to the trade is an bike, right. is that what you said that they thought those incoming gains were paid for by politicians to try and to, to demonstrate is from coming into the city. if that's the case, the city, what the demonstrations with us again, the 5th week in arrived. we'll base in smaller groups today and much smaller than what we saw exactly 4 weeks ago that was when protested and to parliament and today pilot bottom and stuff for the 1st time in nearly 4 weeks following president william roots, as you said on the controversial finance bill that proposal to increase taxes following the stats of the demonstrations y'all's polymer withdrawal that fell upon them and still not today. just a couple of blocks from here. they're still sitting right now. but since the process is entered parliament that day and thousands of people were shot dead by
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police when police use live gun fire and the crowds demonstrated that seems it just that i'm going to the demonstrates is not to add to the fire light for cause for justice, we present a re take the step down and for sweeping reforms in government. this demonstrates as a demanding president william roots. i fired his cabinet, demonstrates as a demanding a new cabinet of technocrats. people who they said had clean records, no records of corruption. it will be capable of improving service deliveries, to the following president great size firing. the cabinet is being pointed off, a cabinet and many of the ministers that some of the same people being pulled back in right. demonstrate to say, none of that really meets meaningfully meets the demands for change. okay, welcome. thank you so much for that reporting from i robi, the new u. k. home secretary has revealed how much the previous governments spent on the
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scrap plan to son, migrants to rwanda. so in 2022, the van conservative governments made it to, to son, migrants who arrived a still a ways or in boats to the african nation. human rights groups call that plan on ethical. and it was been challenged in the courts. 700000000 pounds have already been spent on sending just hold on to into the office. now we have a new ones that it would frankly be cheaper to put them in the time we switched, frankly, with now because that was actually cheaper to find the parents. if you're with us government to us, at least a $157.00 people have died in the south western district of go fall after to land slides. they're women and children and police officers are among the dads, rescue efforts are still under way of the canals, with the likelihood of thing as enough to use. it didn't happen in the following heavy rains. the damage is expensive. initially there were 3 families that were
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buried by the land slide. we're still searching for their bodies, but the death toll search after the people who came to rescue them also got trump tonight. so far we don't have exact numbers as we are identifying casualties. when we complete the investigation, we will make everything public. it is a very side incident. we are transporting the injured to health facilities and hospitals. we're trying to gather people who lost their houses. we might also need earth moving machines and bring them here. come alhashan mohammad who does an if you open member of parliament and he says that operations are under way to retrieve the bodies of those still buried by monday's land slides. according to the commission, we received from the local authorities on monday morning and got on 10 m a lunch light as up to you to a be away. so see if there's not a very common the kids in the area. so people with a, with video that like the cavities. cool, very few people who were victims of the 1st
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a landslide. and as they unity um, the, the largest number, please give them another line slide. and a few minutes ago content in which you pretend that recently the end of the day is over and create a number of time downloads it was expected. so that's what exactly happened. including the patient, data giving guests to people are searching for the bodies of the victims. every one of the, the community or the look at the moment that you have a collaborating. and in, in finding the bodies, given that this happened, you think that they had their full doesn't obviously she did a job, they should not aware of the situation. is that the, you know, that a capacity uh to, to, to, to help people around there know because of that the, the people that all that if it's frustrated. so pete, uh, pretty, pretty good. should therefore be able to give you. there was a cookie. this with it's a flute or things that are on that machine. well,
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i'm assuming from the local authorities doing that capacity to establish the people . so there is a supp all some boys coming to now, but as well, most of the level of just lots like also given a bodies of water. this wants to be last hundreds, restrictions in a china southern most island province. hi, non is experiencing flooding after typhoid property ruin brought heavy rains, emergency services rescue people trapped in a water log truck. this is the 2nd tropical sy clone in china. this year, as a rental rains are also expected along the coast of long dawn, which is china's most populous province. the wildfire is still burning in a remote area of eastern canada, nearly 10000 people in laboratory, a city have to leave when the flames burned out of control, they are now being allowed back home. but the fire is spending more than $13000.00
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. hector still haven't been extinguished. the united states has announced the $60000000.00 humanitarian assistance package for hate. see, it's a basset or through the united nations. linda thomas green fields, made the plans during a trip to the caribbean nation. the aid will include food shelter and help with improving water and sanitation services. there's just 3 days to go now until the parents olympics and due to israel's were on gaza. it's been a constant battle for the palestinian athletes who have been aiming to compete. 6 of them are set to take part, but many others have been left behind me, but i am reports even for a wait listing champion, the heavy burden of the war isn't too crushing. this is how much come out of the winning a gold medal in the junior world championships in greece, 2 years ago coming from the b. c. 's. because his trip he carried the palestinian
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flag at the tokyo olympics and athlete star in the making. and i went home, he went back home to the woods, said viable king 1st. i left the i was the fittest to my family. so i was tasked with carrying water. i counted 500 meters per day from a far distance, unable to thought that this would help me and tamara's friends. i don't want all my training to go to waste a week before the olympic qualifiers. how much made it out of garza? but losing 20 kilograms of weight un, unable to lift his own personal best cost him his pulse at this summer's games in paris. some of us going to check and i ended him, i need because of the water carrying. we also have $0.23 but and i live.


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