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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 23, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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the, the safe, the mean big come in as an international anti corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now the . ready ready the desperate search for saliva zones to lance nights and a remote community in south west. and if you, if you at least 229 people at that, the ssl does their life. and demo also coming up is rarely time. some troops kill 189, polished indians in one day during and you were selling some con eunice. some ahead of the secret service was signs off to facing quotas to step down to secure c
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lapses that led to the south nation to attend some form of president donald trump cents list an unconstitutional outrage in the us, the police kill and on the land woman in 100 president joe bought in just the 1600 g m t, just off to 7 pm in eastern europe, where a nation is struggling to come to terms with one of its, with natural, dissolved, as in recent history. at least 229 people have now been confirmed dead off the heavy rains triggered to land signs. as it happened here in the south western district of gopher, which is about 320 kilometers south of the account. the oddest of about women, children, and police officers have been reported to be among the dead rescue efforts on the
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way. because many people are still buried under the russell local authorities. same as the victims were trying to rescue people from an earlier land slide in the area . the going to canada with the late week of the thing has enough incident happened following heavy rains. the damage is expensive. initially there were 3 families that were buried by the land slide. we're still searching for their bodies, but the death toll search after the people came to rescue them, also got trapped. so far we don't have exact numbers as we are identifying casualties. when we complete the investigation, we will make everything public. it is a very side incident. we are transporting the injured to health facilities and hospitals. we're trying to gather people who lost their houses. we might also need earth moving machines and bring them here. then we can all have c, mohamad isn't if you can member of parliament, he says operations on the way to retrieve the bodies if they're still buried by mondays, loved slides according to information we received from the local authorities on
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monday morning and got on 10 m a lunch light as up to you to a be away. so see if there's not the video coleman, the kids in the area. so people where uh with video will that like they cavities, can very few people who are at a victim. so the 1st a landslide, and as the unity um the, the largest number, please give them another line slide and a few minutes ago pop. and then we'll just pretend that recently the end of the day is over a good number of time downloads and was expected. so does what exactly happened? including the information that given guests to people are searching for the bodies of the victims. every one of the, the community or the look of the roman that easy ab collaborating. and in, in finding the bodies, given that this happened,
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you think that they had all the position that the job placement or what else was the situation? is that the, you know, that a capacity uh to, to, to 12 people out of there know because of the young people that all that, if it's frustrated. so pete paint issue before the giving there was a cookie. this whether it's a flute or things that are on the, the for mission. well, assuming on the look out, it is doing the capacity to establish the people. so there is a, the step also was coming to me a but as well, most of the level of dislodge slide. i also given a bodies of water. this once we lost hundreds, restrictions in us us, president joe biden says he plans for points, new director of the secret service soon comedy chico has resigned delta the assassination attempt on donald from 10 days ago. on monday to jo told members of congress the attack on july 13 malta agencies,
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biggest operational failure and decades just come on to growing pressure to resign onto government, open fi on the presidential candidate, ronnie in pennsylvania. let's get more of this with my county joins us from washington, dc and mike office stopped to come back to of hearing yesterday where cheese will face very hostile questions. for me know, make is, is not not surprising. is it that she's had to resign? indeed, yes, the grilling in the house by the oversight committee was intense and many were not satisfied. with the honest, as from the director of the secret service, she was a base of. she insisted that she would have to wait to get full details when the report into the shooting for when he came out, which could be as much as 2 months time. so certainly there's no surprise that she resigned in the course of the day. and this is what the speak up the house had to say when i'm the director of so it's, it's a critical time with the secret service, isn't it?
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it's, i mean, we're months away from an election. plenty of campaign events, the full that mike a. so a lot of ad agency in a replacement being announced, do we know when we will hear through that will be one? well, one would appear that best is immune into an appointment of either a full time director or a feeling direct to while the appointment is made. the apologies for the reference to the speak of the house there, but he said that she should have resigned a week ago. and he also had held president by the comfortable because it's president finding who actually appointed to she came back from retirement at president biden's request to head up the secret service. so it is in the hands of the president to decide who he is going to a point. this separately, investigations underway into the workings of the secret service that's being much criticism. not telling me of the way in which it operates, but also it's such
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a treat over spend in some cases. so all of this is ongoing while the president, most of a who he's going to a point to the post that is a critical position, given the fact that the country is going to be going into an election in november. and given the fact to of the mess of political devices most within this country like canada for us in washington, dc. thank you. sized president, couple of harris has kicked off her campaign for the presidency and the coming out . she's heading to the background state of wisconsin to hold a campaign. raleigh in milwaukee. on monday, she address campaigns, sofas, headquarters in delaware, just alice off the guessing the endorsement of the full, the house speaker. i'm seeing yet, democrats, nancy, and i see. or is this promise to defeat donald trump if she is chosen as the candidates for the november election? when the days and weeks ahead?
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i, together with you, will do everything in my power to unite our democratic party to unite our nation and to win this election. you know, as many of you know, before i was elected as vice president, before i was elected as united states, senator, i was the elective attorney general of mentioned to california and for the court room prosecute. and those roles i took on perpetrators of all kinds. creditors who abused women, fraudsters, who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own game. so hear me when i say, i know donald trump's type. and in this campaign i will proudly i will probably put my record against his because we thought was i was correspondent and kennedy home coach. she's the only 1st in washington dc, and kimberly coming to harris not wasting any time. she holds her 1st campaign.
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riley lacey today in the background state of wisconsin. what are we expecting of the yeah. what we're expecting is that she'll be talking about the fact that she is going after donald trump is you her there. and she will be really trying to focus on what she thinks she connects with when it comes to voters. and that is a reproductive freedoms of potentially re making the, a supreme court. and also a trying to a really rough from donald trump, the potential for him to putting forward his agenda, which is project 2025. and that is to uh, if he is elected, he wants to re make the federal government he believes is far too far. to the left, so those are sort of the issues she's focusing on. and uh, what we know is that she's really celebrating the fact that she's got a lot of money to try and do that. she's raised more than
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a $100000000.00 in just the last 24 hours and she's signed up already some $58000.00 to work on her campaign. and we know of those donations, by the way, since 62 percent of the people donating are donating for the 1st time. and all, we're getting a sense, a tool of how donald trump and his running mate j the vans. uh uh, gonna tackle the president by the replacement, having vp harris on the ticket instead of joe biden as well. we know that they are having to rethink their whole campaign because the whole time what they were thinking about is that it would be against joe biden. to expend an enormous amount of money at the time. in fact, joe biden, or rather donald trump, is already saying that the democrats should have to pay him back for wasting all this money that they've had to rethink their strategy. that's probably not going to happen. but he's taking the 2 troops social already sort of railing against commer
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harris. that's his social media platform. what he's saying is pamela harris is the most popular vice president in the history. he's also said, whose incompetence gives us the worst and most dangerous porter anywhere in the world. what is reference say, is the fact that when she add, as vice president has the task with overseeing the board or as one of her portfolios as vice president, it is true that there were and the record number of crossings. well, she was vice president, but the point is, is that the immigration was an issue that hasn't been resolved for the last 20 years in the united states. bottom line. and all of this is that the republicans are having to adapt this strategy with a new front runner on the top of the ticket and still no running made. although we know that com la harris has narrowed it down. likely to 2 candidates, arizona, senator mark kelly and pennsylvania governor josh shapiro. were expecting that
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early next week could be the beginning of when we can see democrats delegates that is beginning to vote. c possibly remotely, for some of those delegates, potentially issue names. one of those candidates to be who are running may thank you for that can be helped get that for us at the white house. and of course, decent of the to golf a now where israel's military assaults on con, unice has killed at least $89.00 palestinians. and injured more than $250.00 residents, only had a couple of minutes to evacuate before israel targets of the area and launched its ground assault space, part of sydney, and say they have no where to go off. this riley forces ordered them to immediately evacuate from eastern con eunice to on the wasi. on this been is ready on henry, shutting in central garza residential building in alvarez refugee,
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kansas. targeted rescue is have been working to remove bodies from the roof that's going on. i have to, i'll correspond entire couple of assume you joins us from 0 balance, central goals. i so now the bloody day in, on eunice to pastry, the laces of the laws of the eastern sally hours of this morning in fact, smelling where there was no, any sort of laptop in financing. no one else strikes about continue to have a residential house. is quest in the eastern selling to the city of 100 percent, basically a 1000000. what we do continue to hear from hire this is from the ground is that is actively working. that is to incomplete residential supplies and even have been raising destroying stomach trees with builders is um the minute 3 times. it could be also a sign of what is happening. that it seems that it's a kind of miniature ration of the only set in order to me to tell you this month to come off if the military built on that. but basically it has approach negative. i'm
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triple effects in terms of the humanitarian situation alongside also with the medical one with a police, 89 palestinians helping to within the past 24 hours with more than 200. 60 hours being haunted by the grim reality is that there are still people missing under the roof of the destroyed houses. new one, even search teams alongside with images. workers can get close to such some cation so due to the wanting to pay your rent, tax cable debt talk carried out by the minute, treat and center unit stuff. but apparently, those palestinians who are right now heading to almo, obviously, have no further options, even though moss is intrinsically overwhelmed and overcrowded with civilians. and, and so we've displaced families. it's quite hard to find even a meat. so could be m. c m, 's. even you can find a white color, it just entirely covering the entire area due to the wanting to stay with a couple of shipments all a make shift tens evaluation sensors so that the other 200000 palestinians have
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been forced to sleep from the eastern area spokane eunice as to now the bombardment did not stop. i wouldn't have confirmed that there was a very remarkable deployments of a small it is on the ground and the eastern areas are funding the shoots and anyone moving felt more families dropped without having access to fluids? um, to essentially basic, this is the cities due to the very short time that has been given in order to sleep from the city of connie and us as well. park of assume that person there on my left . thank you. is really drones throwing some killed at least 3 palestinians into cairo. them in the occupied west and i'm going to see right of the city was seen carrying several bodies away on a full size. now the boulders as were also used to destroy roads and buildings. they all reports of his running snipers on rooftops. all entrances into 2 param have been closed by the is ready. 14 palestinian
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factions have signed a declaration invasion aimed at ending the division. the groups including hum austin facto selling what that cooling the beijing declaration. they agreed to form an interim national unity government to administer garza when the war ends. the latest in a series of tools to unite the sides list of a bug, which is essentially general if the palestinian national initiative. it's one of the 14 palestinian groups that find the unity deal invasion. explain what's included in the agreement that out of the, for the basic elements and disagreement. so which are the most important? the 1st one is that the student in groups have declared doubt or unified and confronting the genocide that is happening in gaza on the ac. since i mix ation and the attacks on the us bank as well as 2nd the, there was a declaration of that step. just went off and into the national consensus,
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the government, which would be the responsible for maintaining cuz they wanted to you 1st bank and gaza. and would that if it is in the body that would to be responsible for the guys a and the day after this here. and this is an important step because it blocks the is there any efforts to create some sort of a collaborative structure against a bonus to an interest? there was also a decision that the there will be an interim. uh, even if i do the ship and call for the meeting of the leaders of the city and uh for the team. but it is to become this kind of the interim leadership dealing with each other point where the police thing and people could conduct elections. it was the i found and disagreement the new policy now nation of concepts of deformed through democratic for the elections, for palestinians in the occupied territories on the outside. by this time,
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it still has on the out, is there a cautious com for 2nd day and by the dash on today's advanced company process bought a nationwide kept the remains in place in the constant vessel for the athletes and also evelyn dreams and ambitions that's coming up for the low highest level alerts had been dropped for heavy rainfall up and down the west coast of india. now it looks like the bulk of the action really for central india. but that is starting to pull in to new delhi, pretty much the core door from delhi to agra. gonna get hits with heavy falls of rain. sure. tropical storm, proper rule making land fall in northern vietnam along the border with southern
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china. this is going to jump about half a month's worth of rain on the annoyed within 24 hours. but the bigger storm is our type food type room gave me as it is getting closer to type want looking to make line fall over north or, and tie long taiwan over the next little bit. this will cook up to be the equivalent of a category 3 hurricane. so what exactly does that mean? looking at type pay over the next few days, months worth of rain and 24 hours. that much rain. that fast will certainly trigger some flooding and then wins. i'd say anywhere from $75.00 to a 100 kilometers per hour on thursday, looking rather what's for the korean peninsula that can produce and more flooding for sol. and don't easy. it's con son to go around jakarta, looking good sun cloud combo there at 30 degrees. and guess what? the monsoon rates picking up for buckets starting sponge up profit and straight through to the capital territory. so heavy falls of rain for as long as on on wednesday. okay. believe it there. so yeah, of the
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was a journey through every story. every step is in there to the celebration of what we can choose when to reach the welcome to cities and exclude does the redesigns fluctuate, losing crafting austin chip? today we create the, [000:00:00;00] the forcing out, is there a mind that a top story is this,
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our is government says at least $229.00. people have died and 2 non sites in the remote parts of the country. in the south western district of good 5 women children, i'm police officers all among the dead rescue efforts around the way. because many people are still missing. ahead of the u. s. secret service task design officer, the assassination attempt, and donald trump. 10 days ago comes a day off to accumulate, chico told members of congress, the attack on july, the 13th or say agencies biggest operational failure index in southern guns, as well as miniature. your thoughts on the city of hon. unice has killed at least 189 palestinians injured more than 250 squarely forces thoughts. it's a bone the area just moving soft to they ordered people to leave. authorities in the us have released body come video for police officers shooting
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a black woman inside the home. it happened in illinois on to 36 year old sonia massey, cold police to report a suspected intruder in her home. the video shows the 2 officers entering the house and follow into the kitchen. police then shouts of how to put down a pulse of boiling water. as they point, the guns out to massey was transported to the hospital where she died of her injuries. the police officer who shot in the head has since been fired and is facing charges mad at an official misconduct on president joe barton has condemned the shooting. in his statement on acts he said, when we call for help all of us as americans, regardless of who we are, where we live, should be able to do so without faring for our lives. he said, sonya is death at the hands of
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a responding officer. reminds us that all too often black americans face fees for the safety in ways many of the rest of us do not. the out of the congress must post the georgia floyd justice in policing act. now let's go see what she advertising is long for us in washington. it is indeed a very distressing video. what sort of reaction has that been in, in the us, to the release of this video? outrage as you might as you might expect. because once again, what we have here is a shooting and killing taking place. the officer involved in the shooting, who pulled the trigger, giving a story which suggested that he felt he was under in an almost danger. that's why he killed sonya mass that he felt that she was about there. how a pot of boiling water on him. so he what choice does he have, but the shoes in self defense, but now we have in fact e p, then switched on his body, come off to his shots. sonya massey gave his side of the story. but what we now
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have is the body count footed from his colleague who is also in the room, which are very different story off, as on your mouth, basically pleading for her life thing. sorry, sorry, sorry, and proud trying and brace. i'm just shooting that point blank if i had any way. so yeah, just real, real shock. i'm discussing this. is it, what do you have another, another instance though, off a powerfully, allegedly police officers lying about what happened the circumstances of agreement . and how quickly have authorities acted and moved to charge the officer who carried out the shooting. right? yeah, i mean it's interesting when you mentioned that the, the grades and has already been charged actually been charged with 3 columns. so 1st degree murder, aggravated bout tree with a fire. um, official misconduct. you face has 45 years to life for the, for the murder the mad at charges or do you happen to know, but weeks ago he was fine. but i mean, i'm not sure the sheriff is boss, came out and said look, he shouldn't have done that. but you know, you, you had other options if you felt you isn't in danger,
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but the family are asking what, why was the officer in the 1st place. he had a very trusted career. partly reportedly, he was a member of various law enforcement agencies that never worked out. he had several criminal convictions. why was it given a badge and a gun by this police development given given us history and the 1st place? i think about some of the, the more questions or the systemic problem with the one for so we have it about the type of people who are being employed. okay, thank you for that. she everytime say that 1st in washington, the 2nd day of course, has come in bangladesh, off the days of dudley protests, at least a $187.00 people have died. of the security forces cracked down on student lab purchase. now, angry as a controversial government job, quote, a system student leaders to planning more demonstrations in a cooling for accountability and the release of hundreds of protest. as on sunday, the supreme court scrapped most of the jobs scheme,
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a nationwide care if you remains in place as bangladesh remains without internet for a 5th day. telecoms minister has promised to restore the internet by tuesday evening or the prime minister, shaken, seen as blame the opposition for the violence. she said, because you will any be lifted and the security situation improves. i think it is $0.50 to do with the top to the most sensitive thing is the matter of the students . we must make sure that they won't get homed. we've tried by assets of all police and old offices, when awesome terrorism started protesting, students said they were not involved in it, and we can damage. we don't want it. when the students pulled away from the protests by deployed the army only, then i did not do it before that. many want to tell me about deploying the army against the students. i was involved in student politics starting from the dock of university. i know what the army could do, started out, meanwhile,
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and opposition lead as deny. the accusations says that why the problems that led to the period test people been done into it. because moment just really, students can model this piece and not only that, not really as dr. rig universities, shootings based on drugs. because of that, in fact, the tech to happen because of the main reason is these, then the people have no software. the software to use the economy. kelly kelly and i tend to find the item is going to be in such a place that no government is there. so a list they've been daisy governance is going to go in and it does this law and order solution is good that you can kind of see how busy there's a problem. the police in kenya or the specing pro, an anti government protest is on the streets of nairobi,
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the ones you have that crowds of gathered to demand that president william re, to resign. they've been running bottles between protesters and police who have 5 take out young rust with fox by a tax bill that has since been withdrawn. warrants group say of the 15 people of died in the unrest. one of the price gestures says this purchase has now shifted $226.00 migrants of distant box in the italian port of levona. the doctors without borders are concerned. they will be neglected by tally and officials following a controversial migrant deal between it's lee and all bang. yet. the construction of 2, it's highly migrant detention center in albania is on the way. would be facilities expected to open by august, albania is agreed to detain,
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up to $3000.00 migrants rescued from international voyages each month while easily processes that sort of claims qualified as a trying to stop while fires from advancing on towns in west and canada majesty services pushed back a far at the edge of william's lake and british columbia in neighboring alba as a province residence in just but national park for forced to evacuate as far as approached. and one of the smallest, but highest profile teams, the power as and then picks will be from palestine. geez, israel's will on gauze that palestinian athletes face a constant struggle. 8 of them do to take part in the games. many others have been left behind it. abraham has or even for a wait listing champion, the heavy burden of the war isn't crushing. this is how much come out of the winning a gold medal in the junior world championships in greece,
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2 years ago. coming from the b. c. 's because his trip, he carried the palestinian flag at the tokyo olympics an athlete star in the making . so i went home, he went back home to gaza, which said viable king 1st. i left the i was the fittest to my family. so was task with carrying water. i kind of 500 meters per day from a far distance. unable to thought that this would help him even to immerse friends . i don't want all my training to go to waste a week before the olympic qualifiers. some of me just out of garza, but losing 20 kilograms of weight and unable to lift his own personal best coast him. his support at this summer's games in paris. some of them a check engine might need because of the water carrying. we also have $0.23, but then i lived in the north of garza, were sometimes the only food record was animal feet. palestinian sports have


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