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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 24, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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was you don't know kindly get there just by the time to come up with them when they probably don't get it to be nice of them was, you know the, [000:00:00;00] the one for me the, this is the news. our life from dell are coming up in the next 60 minutes. do we want to live in a country of freedom, compassion, and rule of law, or country of chaos, fear and hate. cumberland harris takes to the campaign trail saying she's ready to take on donald trump in november's
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u. s. election. make no mistake. the american people know that comma le harris owns jo biden's, catastrophic and failed policies. republicans had back concerning their attacks from joe biden to cover the house given only minutes wanting to flee at least 189 palestinians killed in the past 24 hours in isabel's assault on southern garza north in all names to reset to this holes a palace they didn't solidarity protest inside us. capitol hill on the eve of benjamin it's and y'all was addressed to congress. the choice between freedom and chaos. cumberland harris is laid out to pitch 2 american voters in
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a campaign speech in the vessel ground state of wisconsin. wow. she says she now has the most and it gets to win the democratic nomination to take from donald trump. earlier on tuesday, harris received the public endorsement of the topic party gross income risk house lead team jeffries and senate majority leader, a chuck schumer, the former prostitute has been comparing from to criminals. she's dealt with in the past and has some speech. in this campaign, i promise you i will proudly put my record against his any day of the week. the as attorney general california took on one of our country's largest for private colleges that was scamming students. donald trump ran up for profit college that
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scammed students. as a prosecutor, i specialize in cases involving sexual abuse. well, trump was found liable for committing sexual abuse as attorney general california to bon the big wall street banks and held them accountable for fraud. donald trump was just found guilty of fraud on 34 count full of l was up at roland milwaukee. well, this was campbell, a high resolution visit to wisconsin this year. hello, this is a case swing state. they went to joe biden. at 2020. it went to donald trump in 2016. so both sides are really putting every effort into getting voters out and getting people to give them the support. there was $3000.00 people at this event, according to organize this. it was filed at this school. the events had to be moved
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from another location with so because there was so many people who wanted to attend on stage couple of harris reflected what she said the day before. always she said that she would go after donald trump. she was uh, she said she knew his type, she had prosecuted what she called central credit has a she prosecuted fruits because i'm not caught. i will. chris applaud from this crowd. she also gave a sense of his support to joe biden. and people who i spoke to said that they were glad that she was now in the running, but also that they had an enormous amount of respect for joe biden. she has got a lot of support. everybody from hollywood royalty george clooney, i'm using royalty the on site through 2 major driving us through 2 political institutions to the unions. of course those delegates because she said that she has now passed the threshold. forget but the cost democrats examination. fill of out. i'll just say era, milwaukee wisconscin you as president joe biden's back in washington for the 1st
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time since he dropped his blood for re election and induced comment iris. are you feeling you dropped out of the race or he'll be giving a tele vice address from the oval office on wednesday on his decision to step aside . why didn't issued a statement saying you'll speak about what lies ahead. he'd been isolating at his home in delaware of the tested positive for cove and 19 white house correspondent, company healthcare reports from washington, dc. a us president joe biden emerging from his home in delaware, telling reporters he is feeling well. it is the 1st time in almost a week that people have seen joe biden, after being diagnosed with cove it. it puts the end almost a week of speculation that the president was more ill than the white house was letting on. but those fears were put aside and re affirmed in terms of the fact
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that the president is well by a letter from the white house physician, dr. kevin o'connor, who said the president never had a fever. he was always able to do his presidential duties and his symptoms have now resolved. now, given the fact that the president has passed the baton in terms of being at the top of the ticket to his vice president, kala harris. what we know is that he's now really focusing on the business of david day of being president. he has wifes his schedule clean of really campaign events and is this is going to be a problem for the president. given the fact that when there is really what is known as a lame duck presidency, is very hard to work with congress, particularly when you're a democrat. and the house of representatives is controlled by republican still, the us president is going to use wednesday evening to discuss what he wants to do for the remainder of his term. he's going to speak from the oval office and he's
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going to lay out his agenda and talk to the american people about how he's going to finish the job, as well as why he decided to leave the presidential race. he also is going to be meeting on thursday with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. one thing that he is still trying to accomplish and that he believes his administration is very close to accomplishing is brokering a cease fire in israel's war on gaza. in the president's words, he says his administration is on the verge of being able to do that. kimberly help it alger 0, the white house for a public and candidate donald trump says he's looking forward to debating harris more than once. house republican need is. i've also been out shifting the political focus way from biden. she is the co owner, a co author, a co conspirator, and all the policies that got us into the mass. i just made a list off sitting in the back this morning. crises owned by campbell here is co
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own, the border crisis, the inflation crisis, the crime crisis, everything happening with the economy or national security. witness on the real estate sheet. she has a, she has a equal partner and all of that, from the inflation crisis to the energy crisis to the crime crisis. and the number one issue facing americans, no matter what district across america is, the border crisis and comma harris is jo biden's. open borders are well, let's take a look at how come a la harris performed in polls against trump, and that was the full bite and step aside. as the democratic candidates, donald trump was leading with 51 percentage points. well, cumberland harris was behind with 59, and that's according to the cbs. you got polls. and another way to see if those polls show they wouldn't they can nick at 44 percent. now earlier i spoke with joy training, a democrat strategist, and james davis, a republican strategist about how the race is shaping up and is
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a part of that conversation. donald trump and iris are sophisticated tied at this point, but the policies that it's 3 in 10 independent women now say they're undecided and i want to put this question to joy. how concerning is that for a woman, a candidate that is potentially the 1st female president of the united states? no, certainly at all. i mean, the fact of the matter is the vice president here it's, it's only been out the gate. i think we're, we're, we're nearing 3 days barely. and so we're just getting started. i think this is her 1st campaign speech today. she did one with the campaign headquarters yesterday with this is really preferred to introduction as a candidate to the nation. she's just clinched the presumptive la quinta nomination . so you know, with delicate, so we're not worried about it at all. we know that people are going to grow to love
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her. those who already have and folks are waiting to see. and so i, you know, if you know, donald trump has been out there a long time, if he was going to get those women, he would have already done. so she is speaking directly to them and she is saying lady, i am your candidate. and i think they're gonna answer the call, james, on that point mr. trump has to deal with younger and non white voters in terms of winning them over and increasing their support for him. he has worked to do. do you think he has to sort of, we develop his strategy especially considering what's happened within the democratic party? i don't think it has the author strategy that much at all. in fact, um, you know, the vice president here is going to take all the baggage federal bind had because she was part of the administration. in fact, she was asked by president buying to lead the effort at the border, which has continued to be a major issue in this campaign of the, you know,
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folks are happy with what they're saying at the, at our southern border. and so i think she's gonna, we're more of that as people started to really attach that more to her in the work that she was supposed to be doing in the white house as vice president. also, you know, she has the daylight between device uh, between president biden and the economic policies, which are a major driving force and in the selection. if you continue to ask paul, was after poll pocketbook issues are a major, major issue. insulation by nomics voters aren't aren't happy and staying in the us . the director of the secret service has resigned, as well as intense criticism of the agencies since the shooting of donald trump campaign ready and the appearance of direct to kimberly to before congressional committee. on monday, my counter reports for july 13 the resignation came in the weight of the grilling by members of the house. oh, besides the committee, i don't want to add the directors are terrible horrible. no good,
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very bad day. but i will be joining the german in calling for the resignation of the director. have you provided all audio and video recordings in your possession to this committee as we asked on july 15th yes or no. i would have to get back to you that as a know, you're full of today, full on both sides of the aisle meeting and really in the middle in the house for you. okay, express what appears to be a common reaction. you should have done this at least a week ago, and i'm happy to see that i'm happy to, to see that she is heated, the call of both republicans and democrats. and now we have to pick up the pieces we have to rebuild the american people's faith and trust in the secret service is an agency for any people served in the agency for nearly 3 decades. and the man who pointed to the director 2 years ago expressed his gratitude in a statement president joe biden sang to her for her service, saying, as a leader takes on a courage, an incredible integrity,
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to take full responsibility for an organization tasked with one of the most challenging jobs in public service, and he added, i wish kim old the best and will plan to appoint a new director soon. the shooting a form of president donald trump was the 1st note in this estimation to attempt on the president since 1981. when ronald reagan was shocked outside of washington dc hotel, elected to staff members of the secret service, chico said the scrutiny over the last week has been intense and will continue to remain as all operational tempo increases. as your director, i take full responsibility for the security lapse with the election season now. well and the way members of congress since this, the appointment of a new secret service director is a matter of urgency. my kind of o 20 washington. most of a jewelry is a former senior executive with if be i come to terrorism,
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he explains why tool had no choice but to resign. this unfortunately is a said ending to a career committed to protecting people in the united states and visiting foreign dignitaries as well. and the secret service has a massive undertaking and they are relatively small organization. but they have traditionally set the standards around the world for what protective security should be. they will have some great lessons learned out of this, and i'm sure they will come out of it better. you can't judge on this one failure. many people fail. she has led a career of service and she's had great accomplished over the years and that's evident. that's why she was asked and asked to be the director of the secret service. but it's like being the captain of the ship to know if the ship runs around, whether you're on watch or not, you're ultimately responsible. and that kept him is often removed from command. she is ultimately responsible for the organization and is
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a relatively small organization. but she is not out there doing advances on every location she needs to ensure that there's attention to detail, a level professionalism that is pervasive across the organization. and that's, you know, clearly works. she failed. she did need to resign because she lost the confidence of the american people, certainly of congress as was demonstrated yesterday in for the people that they protected. this was one of the secret services greatest failures, certainly their biggest failure in decades to send it to rubbish. menendez, of new jersey is for me, told a senate that he'll resign next. month's menendez has been under pressure to step down since his conviction on bribery charges earlier this month. on monday, the senate ethics committee began the process of expelling him from the us senate that's would have taken several weeks, but this announcement means he'll leave voluntarily. raul, the then becomes the 1st sent it to be expelled. since 18. 62 of us are,
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as he's in the us, have least a body can video of a police officer, the shooting of black women inside a home 56 year old. sonya massey called police to report a suspected intruder in a home. in illinois, massey was transported to the hospital where she died of the injuries she had. pretend see reports that i'm trying to help in the audio. as of sunday, july 6th, sonya massey told the police to report that she thought a problem. it was outside the home police body come video. she has 2 offices entering massey's home to tell her that nothing suspicious but things put the escalated out there. massey approached her stove to attend to a part of boiling water water
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into it for the 36 year old mother of 2 was pronounced dead and hospital from a single gunshot to the head of the body. come up the officer who fired the shots showing grace and was only turned on off to the shooting. he gives his account of the instance a narrative. it all is with what we see in the video from his colleagues, but he can't reset grayson that has been fired from the force and is being held with that bone for 1st degree murder among other charges. he's probably not guilty of the fatal shooting. however, grayson's boss, the local sheriff, said that grace and did have other options available that he should've used and that his actions were inexcusable and didn't reflect the values or training of the office of a massey's problem. we are asking way, grayson was allowed to serve, and the police in the 1st place share here is an embarrassment because this man should have never had a badge. you should have never had a gun. you should have never been given the opportunity to kill much off because
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she had some serious blemishes which on his record showings, display, and have told convictions for the you are present. joe biden also released the state when he said, when we call for help, all of us as americans, regardless of who we are aware we live should be able to do, sir, without fear and for our lives. sonya is death at the hands of responding all of us . it reminds us a little too often, like americans face to face with their safety and ways. many of the rest of us do not. even though authorities do that quickly and charging the officer the killing has once again revealed the stomach problems and law enforcement. she ever transfer you out to 0. my colleague when inside spoke to j window gordon, he's a civil rights attorney to from baltimore in maryland. he is this police officers must be held accountable for the wrong doing yeah, the sides of the bass, the shooting was one of the most ghastly events that i've seen in a very long time. it was completely unnecessary, completely unjustified,
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and quite frankly and comprehensible in viciously malicious and so very, but this a shooting, the police officer who shot sonya massey has been charged with 3 accounts of 1st degree murder and is currently being held without phone until his trial. what would it take, what sort of sentence would it take for you to feel like justice has been done life in life? i don't believe in the death penalty, but if ever i did, that would be a case for the death penalty. but life in prison, that is, it's probably too good for this gentleman, but i've settled for that. and this year, of course, is the full year anniversary since the matter of george floyd, which was in 2010, 20, and really brought into the national conscience for the 1st time. how much of a c auto problem police brutality against blacks in america is? do you feel like anything at all was improved since then? no. in fact, there's been an uptick of shootings in 2022. i think we had 1163 shootings. we're
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at $469.00 or so this year. and so this bill a lot that needs to be done, we need to pass the, the george floyd bill in order to address some of these things. and if we go in another direction, police officers will have complete immunity that's already been forecast, at least by the republican presidential nominees. so in order to bring this country back to center, and right this, we need some protections that allow police officers be held accountable for the wrong that they do. and so, yeah, this sergeant massey is exhibit a as to why we need limitations and protections on certain police officers. the 2000 all way is wells military assault on con, unice has killed at least 89 palestinians, and injured more than 250 people. residents only had
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a couple of minutes to evacuate before as well. target to the area and launched as ground assault, displaced by the city, and say they have no way to go of the is ready forces. old have been to immediately evacuate from eastern con eunice to own the last name. as this being is lady or to the reselling in central garza, the residential building, an old bridge refugee camp was targeted risk to as have been working to remove bodies from the rubble topic of was own reports from federal viola. well, it is very patient forces are still ongoing with the military operation in connie in the city for the past day. when you have completely demolishing a planning on residential supplies in the eastern areas. while there was a very notable advancement for that, you spending peasantry joints, which has raised a symmetry in the con, you to say, to destroy a non profit grace. um its ongoing fine strain to come up where it says in the eastern areas of tonya. and we are talking about more than $200000.00 palestinians,
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have been displaced from the eastern areas of con eunice heading to allow us to get into the same truck areas of the strip. but also these areas happen. what missing more attacks within the past 24 hours in particular, in a breach refuge account where there was a very notable military encouraging in the eastern areas of, of range where the military ring of homeless announced that they managed to attack these women who rank troops in such areas as they are still families, the trapped and this and gunning exchange of funds from us offices that use without corporation forces without getting any sort of help back on the ground date by david just told us raising um a new kind of even the escalation in terms of the uh, security conditions on the ground so far. sorry, cuz i so i would 0 very but i have to sign the united nations is detailed, the scale of the displacement from calling, you know,
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saying the short evacuation interval is left to many people trapped yesterday about a 150000 people. flood areas, income units as assessed by humanitarian colleagues, monitoring population movements in the area, a show as expressed our concern about the short interval between the dropping of the leaflets telling people to leave and the escalation of military operations, which caused a significant risk for those fleeing many have been observed on the move with none of which without any belongings, the immediate escalation of hostilities in the air. it also resulted in many people being trapped in the evacuation area. these included people waiting to reduce mobility and met family members supporting them. each evacuation order profoundly disrupts people's lives. people have been forced to move into areas with little or no infrastructure where there is very limited access to shelter, health,
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sanitation, another life, saving you medicare and assistance. also the area designated yesterday's for evacuation yesterday, including included 2 primary health centers and 2 medical points as well as dozen food distribution points in a cooked meal provision points. these of all ceased operation with only one community kitchen, still operational, for those who remain behind low in the last few hours is where the set, those have been attacking processing and property in the town of war and the occupied with bank. they've been lucky roads and targeting residents and vehicles under the protection of his waiting troops. those attacks trigger divide and confrontations with palestinian use. some of whom threw stones in response is really, but if you, the codes will also hit with one of cocktails. as well as the tax and because i have destroyed move in the heart of the strips, farmland, fields and agriculture facilities have been devastated by its strikes and
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bulldozers before the walls. i had 250 square kilometers a vegetation and total because of extensive damage bias very forces only a 157 square kilometers, remain. and as you can see with the satellite images, most of the trees have gone along with 60 percent of gauze farm land and 96 percent of gauze population is facing food shortages. nitty hall, somebody in palestinian is all at risk of starvation, ballast, and enjoying unless they've ramos really spoke to. farmers in northern gaza will fighting to keep their cups alive as a central foot sources are being wiped out all for a long shorter you fluid farmers are trying to rebuild their nurseries, that have been damaged by air strikes. with frank gro, essential vegetables to feed the local community. for this, for situation is very dire here in northern guys as families can't find income
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by such fluid. this initiative is driven by local farmers to try and provide the basic feelings like whatever was over. yeah, i'm, i'm covers, which are important for the families and this hard supply and the star ration. so i have should share that issue. i had one eye on the shank road, one plump nursery company. it was damaged by these really attacks in 2023 following october, the 7th. the designers talked to patients, but neither trees, no stones targeted, also so flexible in the gaza strip and none of the equipment was fed. now the goal is, is strictly especially devoid of sage, agricultural materials and fertilizers. by the way, when we return, having been displaced, we came back home and restored the plum necessary. we removed all damaged plans. these are the heaps of bags in which the savings were planted. we put them in one place. civilians who live and nearby are cheering for this project as they are
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trying to look for some relief, providing such vegetables in the time star vision that that much when that higher than damage. as long as there is life, we will plant again and again. we will plant savings because natural life and gas that is completely gone. one can't see any green. i will plot, they said lanes and a plot of land that i have, but these riley military has scouted. it was full of all sorts of trees. you name it, and it was all for peter and my wife, but i scouted and turned it into a barren land. in january i stopped a pond in the land and you with all that was destroyed, you will come see you and you will find it on green, god willing. we will not be rooted out of this land and the united must have missed . we came to the nursery to buy seats in order to provide food for my household. since there is no food in northern gauze and nothing is allowed to enter our area because if we punch and the thing is raise will scar. i'm fight toxins with human as the run the vegetables. i told them the market was even in the vegetables arrive . akito bank,
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plundered cost 100 seconds after their initiatives are important. as is right. as warren guys that continues the land has had views for, for farming, had been completely destroyed, as well as the equipment making. it's hard for these farmers to grow bigger nurseries or, and provide better vegetables, a flaw for the civilians here. northern guys. meanwhile, jewish peace groups of how the sits in inside the us capital, demanding a ceasefire and gaza. it comes a day ahead of is really prime minister benjamin. it's in y'all, was addressed to congress. they're also quoting for an end to us weapons expos, too, as well as some demonstrations related away by police. rather than jordan has moved from washington dc. the several 100 members of the group, jewish voice for peace,
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which calls itself the largest international organization of jewish people who are aligned with the support for palestinian independence. staged a demonstration and an office building across the street from the us capital. on tuesday, they were making chance they were singing songs of protests. they were saying that they don't want to see the us government continue to provide military funding for israel. especially given the number of people who have been killed in garza in the past 9 months. these protesters argue that the us needs to be on the right side of history and needs to be morally correct, and that by supporting israel's military operations, especially in garza, the us is on the wrong side of history. the demonstration took place in full view of broadcasters, inside the counting house office building and one by one capital police then
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started arresting each demonstrator. it took about 90 minutes for this protest to be carried out. and then capital police said that they would release a final number of those that were detained for the civil disobedience inside the count and house office building at a later date. now this old priest ages the speech that benjamin netanyahu will be giving to a joint session of congress on wednesday, and they're going to be thousands of people outside the u. s. capital protesting his presence. they say this is not something that the us congress should be doing, especially given the 10s of thousands of people who have been killed in the 9 months of war. inside garza rosalyn jordan, elder 0 washington, still a head on al jazeera a. this would search for survivors off to, to land slides in the remote community and south west and the c o p a this boss
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sunday was the houses they ever recorded globally. you'll speak to a climate sciences on why these records are being broken. so frequently the read off the bat there is to store and so we need to talk about in this part of asia, the 1st tropical storm pepper room making 9 full northern vietnam. this is going to dump about half a month's worth of rain on a noise over the next 24 hours, but the bigger storm type room gave me is insurance. closer to taiwan. you're looking to make landfall over. ne, tie one late wednesday into thursday. but this one's really cooking up the equivalent to the category for hurricane. what does that mean for places like type paid month's worth of rain? you're going to scoop it up in 24 hours. that will cause flooding, and then look, the winds will be roaring anywhere from about 70 to
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a 100 kilometers private. so that certainly will cause some damage the threat of seeing some funding in korea the korean peninsula with these 1st of rain on wednesday. but it's a different story and indonesia, plenty of sun to go round for all jakarta, looking good with the sun cloud condo at 30 degrees and the cold front, working its way across the street, the now pulling in to south australia along the coast. here we could see these winds rob to about 80 to 90 kilometers per hour, but it's leaving a fresher fuel. 16 in purse and add a late heads up. your temperature is full chop on thursday breezy just off the coast of new zealand. so it's a big wave there, but nothing to products i need with her alerts. here. the, the latest news, the lounge, roads that could supply the people of gauze of what are available for the us didn't use. it's leverage to force as well to open them with detailed coverage,
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make sure if this cool stuff as from distraction to from the ongoing contest and plumbing um, displacements of lights and goes up from the hall. so the story is really military claims. the target of the attack was a scene or how much military commanders, but how much is the claim falls or the . ringback the,
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the original, just a reminder about top stories this, our common iris is laid out to page 2 american voters in a campaign speech and the best on ground state of wisconsin. before we prosecute as being comparing from to criminals. she's dealt with in the past for public and candidate. donald trump says he's looking forward to the basing house more than once house republican leaders have also shifted their political focus to harris, saying she's responsible for many crises, including the board issue, inflation and national security. and he's waiting to assault and con eunice in gaza is killed at least 89 palestinians, and injured more than 250 people. residents only had a couple of minutes to evacuate. the full is we'll talk it to the area and launched
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as ground assaults. this is those 5 minutes. the benjamin near to now was on his 1st trip to the united states since the war and gauze that began. he's meeting a top officials, including president joe biden, who's trying to broker a ceasefire, didn't garza, they've been months of protests across college campuses and major cities against israel's war. and that's, and you know, is expected to address congress and meet donald trump during his visits. ultra 0 senior political analyst moran bushera says nothing now is focusing on the political elite on his trip to washington and exporting the ongoing us election campaign. i think after 9 months of a i'm profit in genocide and after a number of criminal cases, a case in in is right. and after the i c g prosecutor decided to go after him for what crimes. and judging from is
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diminishing cause ability after we have including is like a lot of this, right. and is uh, basically, uh, opposite. so any popularity anywhere in the united states or elsewhere? i think he's more or less saving for uh let's use payment for the political leaders . i'm not sure who's i for concern anymore with the so domestic court. it's a national public opinion. i think he has will start even in fact is right. how's the last time? but as it may, i think he's going to be focused on exploiting the ongoing election campaigns between us. because of the democrats, the differences between the republican leadership of congress and the democratic leadership and the senate. you're going to try to write wedges. and play on the differences between the, the,
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the top of the house. and he would probably have some who, the mover and certainly would be received with open arms or even just by the republican congress, a speaker, and go by a good number of dickens. the question is, i think for all the news, how could they receive a war criminal? i continued to pretend to talk about peace and increased. the elections are costs now between comma, the highest and, and donald trump and, and there's less to, you know, to, to big on, and as far as, but to be honest, because then he also has to work with binding himself the next, uh, 6 months through january even though by then might be assisting but president, i'm but by that would be trying to work for the future of his own person and see what possibly the future of the ship including come out of hers. and i think the
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binding would want to emphasize more and more the question of the ceasefire. i think coming to hers as what i saw would be opposing, i need a term to buy and that's and you know, the reason why using the war i'm, does he nothing you know is going to try to defend his case by say, we are fighting on the front of his eyes on the attack and we, or you can depend on the united states as well as our but after 9 months up and drive it in general side an asset. the domestic opinions in the united states has changed against the government is not going to be able to. so i continued more on garza and you won't be able to. so for sure, i regionalization of the world guys or to excel who put it up and on and you're on america and talk to him or come in. i just wouldn't want to be part of that of 14, as well as the infections of signed a declaration invasion aimed at ending their division. the groups, including comm, us,
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and 5 assigned will do according to the patient declaration they've agreed to for when in from the national unity government to administer garza when the. when's is the latest in a series of talks to unite the sides? no day has moved from rome. i lie in the occupied westbank one more agreement signed by palestinian factions to repeat their suppose that commitment to forming a national consensus government to achieving reconciliation. there's very little attention that has been paid to that declaration coming out of beijing here among ordinary palestinians. the press and palestine, including those affiliated with those 14 factions, did not really cover the story beyond publishing the statement or the declaration coming out of beijing. and that's perhaps an admission that the declaration carried very little promise of action. there is no time table,
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no roadmap for action and at the firm it really to after the war on gaza ends, which is an irony in of itself. but it really speaks a lot to the kind of frustration ordinary palestinians have, and the fact that they feel almost at best subject to these talks that they've been following for over 16 years and perhaps losing face, but they could amount to anything. so aside from that really, the only notable reaction we heard was from israel's foreign minister, israel cops and he attacked that declaration. he also said that in reality this won't happen because how most of the rules will be crushed and our bus will be watching garza from a far that's also a reference of to the fact that as well wants to maintain the situation as it is now. it has control and occupation of the west bank. it's rates whenever, wherever it wants, and it has a control over other everything. and it wants to transfer that situation that
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controls that ability to carry out incursions and invasions in air strikes into gaza even when if the war and not all the data that i'm on the palestine, the, the, to the open. now with the nation struggling to come to terms with one of its was natural disasters in recent history, at least 229 people have now been confirmed, dead of the heavy rains triggered to land slides. it happened here in the south western district of golf, about 320 kilometers south of the capital address of, of women and children and police officers reported to be among the dead gathering story reports. people dig through this lodge hoping to find survivors engulfed by region. this is one of the was natural disasters and used to appear in
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reason. he is many have been buried underneath the marks. it was a double tragedy. the canal with the late week of the thing is enough to use it. it happened following heavy rains. the damage is extensive. initially there were 3 families that were buried by the land slide. we're still searching for their bodies, but the death toll search after the people who came to rescue them also got trapped . this is a mountainous area and getting the right equipment to help is difficult. so everyone is trying the best they can to help save lives. land slides not coma, it happens once in a while, so nobody can be sure of what's going to happen. the area is prone to disastrous seasonal rains that often displace hundreds of people. this latest incident just makes things harder to back. katherine story, alda 0 united states has invited the sudanese army and the power military rapids
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support forces to take part in the ceasefire talks. the discussions will take place in switzerland next month with the african union. the u. n. and civil air of countries also involved the conditions of deteriorating for over a 1000000 citizen. these refugees will split across the border to chad. from audrey on the chad sedan for the i'm going to increase reports of the situation for hundreds of thousands of food and use refugees in eastern charge is getting more and more desperate that space this conflict, the world has forgotten this conflict and the plight as well. now you're not technicians are saying that in this area alone, which is not the account, not from official cam, but the transit station for suit and use refugees. that i'm more than 200426000 in fact sued. and these refugees in this particular station, which means that they cannot access all the amenities that are supposed to go to registered refugees that have arrived in eastern tried the not to have it just says recent conflict in
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a flash or an engineer. and i have no refugees in eastern charge right now. we do have around hundreds of new arrivals every day. sometimes thousands on the old arrived in the very bad conditions menu of the either the toes, the children's i'm on your risk. there are some then forwarding dirt, so that's um, that's what we've seen so far. and the most of the thing of women and children in this particular account that i'm over 426000 accounts. more than 14 of them that are more than 400000 refugees in those comments. add to it added to the number of refusal. early a flip accomplishing double, making the total more than $1200000.00 students refugees in charge of north eastern time. in particular on the situation, according to 8 is your says is getting more and more desperate. many people in these cams feel that they've been upon done by the rest of the world many degrees.
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i'll just do that on the chart suit on board. a police intended to have this bus pro and anti government protest is on the street of nairobi. the crowds gather to demand president william boot his resignation, the money vassals between protesters and police who fly a t. i guess the interest was blocked by a taxable but has since been withdrawn rights groups a more than 50 people died in the interest at least 45 protesters of interested in uganda is capital. because you bought in an antique corruption demonstration, the march, as income fall out, was denied permission to go ahead. on monday police arrest the dozens of opposition figures, including some members of parliament. they've been accused of organizing the march they. but at this judge, it is fighting corruption in this country has put to a few guys at the know we lose what upfront i've been treated
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this is 20 percent of our budget. if every i we lose them 3 and split up for and this is the money that they could, chris, it would be more that the means that the government cannot offer such as the data provided in the way it is. it's supposed to be sunday july 21st was the was the hottest day ever recorded? now that's according to delta, from the european union's climate change service, the global average surface temperature, which just over 17 degrees celsius. this comes as heat waves have been sweeping across the world, including the united states, us and russia. so it's a moment. but in a sense is something we just somebody or something we need to get used to. because uh, as like 5 minutes keep working as a consequence of the increasing greenhouse gas in the past year. we about to see
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new back and being broken the next few months, the next few years. or daniel, cuz uh bills the draw, the as a climate scientist at plywood central, he joins us live from orlando florida. thanks very much for joining us and i'll to 0. some of these wiggle woods that we're seeing. they have excess every few weeks, if not days in some cases. why of a so frequent yeah, well, as we increase greenhouse gases on our planet, these got to go up in the atmosphere. they sort of find more heat into our plan. it's a air. and as that a tree gets ad as the he gets trapped, it increases the temperature all around the world that can affect climate systems that can affect sea levels. it can affect all sorts of different things around our climate system. and so really it is on us, we are increasing the amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere through fossil fuel emissions. and other greenhouse gas emissions and the temperatures of the planet are rising as a result. well,
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when in 2015 in power as the voltage to try and keep a temperature rise and the 1.5 degree celsius and most x would say we've already had one point b. is that goal? now out of which, you know, it's hard to say we know that right now it would, we would need very steep tots to greenhouse gas emissions all around the world. and we would need those cuts a very quickly that seems to be very challenging. prospect. i don't want to say it's completely out of reach, but it would take concerted and immediate effort on our parts to to get it down to below $1.00. and indeed, even if we do recreate a, reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, we will still be stuck with a plan that has increased its temperature by $1.00 degrees. and we can already see that the impacts of that all around the world are already being felt, even that there's relatively cooler number compared to what we could imagine in sort of a worst case scenario with temperatures where to go much higher. oh copernicus,
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climate monitoring service is also cool. this uncharted territory. what does that mean in terms of how these records are impacting us? uh, what is the reality or right, so tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions of people around the world are experiencing whether that wouldn't be as hot as it is right now. without greenhouse gas emissions. we know that we are sort of in placing and, and sort of placing our fingerprint on the atmosphere by increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the temperatures at dawn up. and what that means is all around the world, the temperatures are just a little bit warmer, but that increase in temperature means that it's more likely that's a very extreme temperature is the very high temperatures are going to be coming for us. so what we're seeing is many people all around the world in highly populated areas. and in less populated areas are still experiencing very hot temperatures. they are experiencing high levels of rainfall as, as it was just talked about. we're experiencing all sorts of climate impacts. heat is one that stands out though,
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that many millions of people are already being impacted by because of the increased temperature around the planet. so we really are facing something that's unprecedented because our greenhouse gas emissions have never have never sort of. but we've never had this much of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and the temperatures have never been quite so high, at least not on human and not in the human memory. daniel, just as you're pointing out now, whether it's rain, whether it's hot to weather, we've been moving too many times. this is something to get used to all we adapting quickly enough. we're prepared for what is happening and what will continue to happen. yeah, that's a great question. i want to point out that this is not normal. this is not where our plan it would be if we hadn't intervened by admitting greenhouse gases. so even though this is sort of what we need to prepare for, its not normal and we shouldn't be used to it, we should be thinking about how we can reduce our impact all around the planet
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continually. but are we adopting quick enough that depends sort of location to location. of course, there are some places that pop plenty of resources and in time to protect themselves from the worst of impacts. and there are other places around the world that will be much more vulnerable to those impacts and may not have resources available to them. generally speaking, in the north northern latitude, more developed countries tend to have more carbon emissions that they've admitted. they also have more resources to be able to protect themselves from the worst of climate faxed and sort of in contrast other parts of the world that that are sort of less develop have more vulnerability to climate impact. generally, especially heat and flooding and have less of sort of a contribution to the overall total of greenhouse gases into the out and as for fear. so there is sort of a, a question of equity here. we really need to think critically about how we can protect communities that are on the front lines of climate damages are already seeing those communities be affected, day after day after day. oh, daniel guilford,
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thanks very much for joining us and explaining what exactly this means that he'll go for the climate scientist at a plywood central. thanks again. thank you. 55. it is a trying to stop wildfire from advancing on towns in western canada emergency services pushed back a fire at the edge of williams lake and british columbia in neighbouring alberta province residence in jasper, national park, or force to evacuate. as fi is approached, as a south of the holding in the united states fire fights as a battling a so called a mega fi in oregon, it's burned over 400 square kilometers of land. highways were forced to close due to the blaze and authorities of issued evacuation orders in some areas to us today to notice 0. olympic emissions in the by war will hear from palestinian athletes missing out on the world's biggest sporting event.
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the the the one of the smallest, but highest profile teams that the parents and then picks will be from palestine due to israel's one cause a fellow soon enough is face a constant struggle. 8 of them are due to take part in the games, but many others have been left behind. need a brain reports even for a wait listing champion the heavy burden of the war, easily crushing. this is how much come out of the winning a gold medal in the junior world championships in greece,
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2 years ago coming from the deceased goes this trip, he carried the palestinian slug at the tokyo olympics and athlete star in the making. and he went back home to the woods, said, viable king 1st. i left the elizabeth fitz as to my family. so was task with carrying what kind of 500 liters per day from a far distance, unable to thought that this would help them even tamara's friends. i don't want all my training to go to waste a week before the olympic qualifiers. how much made it out of garza, but losing 20 kilograms of weight, and unable to lift his own personal best coast him his support at this summer's games in paris. some of us in the shack and i enter the might need because of the water carrying. we also have $2.03. but then if i lived in the north of garza, were sometimes the only food we called was animal feed, palestinian sports have survived decades of oppression and occupation seen as
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a way to bring the recognition to a nation in suffering. no, this is the main stadium and palestine, and since the war started it's been empty, but at least it's still standing. in gauze, all the sports infrastructure have been flattened. many players say it's hard to keep their eye on the goals when they're trying to survive. even before they touched the, these players say that already at the disadvantage. this is a rear training for the national use basketball team prevented by is really ways admitted through check points in the occupied with thing. the team haven't had enough training. this is kind of handled our chemistry that we're not going to be able to communicate with and actually coordinate. and now i guess, as long as we're supposed to, most of the teams make camps ahead of time a month, 2 months prior to the tournaments game, and they wouldn't be able to pay it for some ada. his training continues the
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property capital of do how his body might be recovering what his trauma mike never hear. he says he will watch the palestinian flag the powers olympics for him. a nation facing genocide being able to send players to the world's biggest sporting event is a victory even before the competition starts to that. but he just the to the occupied westbank palestine a qualify as actress, a bullying, and a bus of signed huge deals at the was because the is showing fond bra in southern england. boeing, which has had the safety issues with its 737 max aircraft bags in order for more than 20 long range trips from cuz it weighs on monday. the plane manufacturer assigned to deal with korean a $420.00 triple 7th. and as many dream line is arrival a bus got an order from japan airlines and folks in atlantic for it's a 350 and
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a 350 planes. oh, that's it for me for me. the 4 of us news, our bunch of my colleagues of kerry johnston, will be here in a moments with more of today's news. the african story from african perspective. i like convince i dentist, authorities using different media to show documentary why asked looking filmmakers from kenya and kansas if it goes to assign to them. but i can meet with you pulled up on me. it says all them on the left side, the bile, bob with an o for sign, i use the on, i'll just sierra a 150 years. if a trip should history seen through an extraordinary photographic archives, step into the opulent 12 of egypt, the real sign, the lease,
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with photographs recruit every moment as king photo slavish fighting in 1938 bucks behind the eclipse, proper, etc. also tested moments, the trip egypt, scroll courts, egypt through the lens, all marriages on the street. so con eunice in central garza offloaded with on 3 to twice to, to from piles of protein rotation. months of these very bombardments have coast extensive damage to see resistance, diesel, they, nation thoughts and water supplying it works even before told that his stomach, how soon he was being done was a faced shortage of a clean drinking water recently on various agencies. but as well, school has intensified the don't running crisis. hepatitis is spreading among children as well as adults is the results of mound nutrition and the like a couple of healthy food view and has one of the 2 rating and being human living
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conditions. it says that even if an immediate cease fires into the meant that it will take kids to repass, the damage close to the destination of plants, sewage systems, and networks of water supplies the a deal. we want to live in a country of freedom, compassion, and rule of law or country of chaos, fear and hate problem harris takes to the campaign trail, saying she's ready to take on donald trump. then goes us presidential election, the carry johnston. this is all just say right,
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well i from day also coming make no mistake. the american people know that comma la


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