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tv   Witness Ringside  Al Jazeera  July 24, 2024 4:00am-5:00am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the on carry johnson in de la, the top stories on houses here. a choice between freedom and chaos. coming to hire a says lay down to pitch to american voters in a campaign speech, and the battleground states of wisconsin. he says she now has enough delegates to win the democratic nomination to take home donald trump area. on tuesday, iris received the public endorsement of public policy gross income for his house, laid out hockey and jeffries and the senate majority leader. chuck schumer, the former prosecutor, has been comparing trump to criminal. she's dealt with in cost, is a stump speech. in this campaign,
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i promise you i will proudly put my record against his any day of the week the as attorney general in california, i took one of our country's largest for private colleges that was scamming students . donald trump ran a for profit college that scammed students. as a prosecutor, i specialize in cases involving sexual abuse as well. so i was found liable for committing sexual abuse as the attorney general california to bond the big wall street banks and held them accountable for fraud. donald trump was just found guilty
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of fraud on 34 count probably within the candidates. donald trump says he's looking forward to debating horace. more than once house republican leaders have also been out shifting the political focus away from joe. but she is the co owner, a co author, a co conspirator, and all the policies that got us into the mass. i just made a list all sitting in the back this morning. crises owned by campbell here is co own, the border crisis, the inflation crisis, the crime crisis, everything happening with the economy or national security. witness on the real estate sheet. she has a, she has a equal partner and all of that, from the inflation crisis to the energy crisis to the crime crisis. and the number one issue facing americans, no matter what district across america is, the border crisis and comma harris is jo biden's, open borders are the guys are now as well as minutes for us. so to con, unice has killed at least 89 palestinians, and injured more than 250 people rest and certainly had
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a couple of minutes to evacuate before as well. target to the area, i don't, it's ground the sold displays protestant and say they have nowhere to go out to is really forces ordered them to immediately evacuate from eastern con, units to on. the last seat is rarely settlers of the types kind of thing and property in a ton of hawaii, right and occupied westbank. they've been blocking roads and targeting residents and vehicles as well. so i'm looking for text is rarely troops. those attacks triggered the font and confrontations with how does, can you use some of the things through stones and response is very ministry. vehicles are also here to monitor pals and the, the of the student needs a permanent to rapid support forces. so said the group of participating talks to end the conflict. the sudanese army and the recess have been fighting for more than 14 months. you and has invited the 2 sides for talks started on august 14th and
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geneva focused on humanitarian aid. protecting civilians. releasing can here have this 1st pro and anti government protest is on the streets of know ruby crowds gathered to demand president william router's resignation. they've been running baffles between for testers and police and fire. i guess the on the rest was spot. my tax bill has since been with june, right? script st. more than 50 people died in the on this sunday july 21st was the wealth hope to stay at the recording. that's according to the data from european unions. climate change status for global average surface temperature and he's just a but 17 degrees celsius is all the headlines and these continuous head. oh no just there off the witness to the
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. ready the. 2 the case, sims is heading to the ranks and them, it has an opportunity tonight to make his way into the final. so he's going to be looking to really go into the reading a to charge the instruction with this fine jenny sims,
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juniors this. busy this kid is often telling me in the street here from chicago south side the sale out of rascal fine is 12 year old boxer in america. there is the city butler junior just to the side with coach frank smith and the gladiators boxing club. he's only 12 years old . you may want to remember the name of destiny. butler. very porterfield says destiny butler junior, someone you should know my hopes and goals of lead being that 17 the way. and they have become professional 513 year old and boxing since the age of 6. and they
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already hold $75.00 is gone. what is this about this sports that you love someone a life? you can get people, you can't get in trouble for the newsletter by the destiny was already bought. destiny was the man that's
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the he hasn't had any with this particular neighborhood usage. this see at least once to twice and why don't you give yourself just being cranky. you don't see the struggle have been times when you asked me to have lights and have gas such as we have food. but this fight is come from our ship back when i step on, i take my rifle 1st. full, right. know you can do good is if you with me, i know you can get in trouble. if you with me,
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this is what you're doing. of the best way to get anybody working on 1212. yes sir. let me see the news. i usually he's even gonna look up to his father or he's gonna look down on his file. if he has a file that has done his job, he's gonna look up to you guys, father who hasn't looked down on that. he's gonna look for role model somewhere. and that's how it works.
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the as a coach i want to bring in means that as a father, i want to seem to match the it's been times where i've had with him and patted him, added him, and he was ready to quit. that made him keep me on the face. the brother made them a tim sold up sometimes and i know if i can break nobody else will break.
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the goal is to make the other day, the yeah, natural tablet you just made some bad diseases which sometimes you can get out of that was may it hurt?
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upset because you had to do that. i made all the sacrifices for this family and you want to do some done stuff like that. i gave you my last and so a good is here because of him. uh huh. as a zillow, as a deal, as customer real. you've been working out the email organizing every day. what about us is of the matter not ain't automatic. it means that you want to be like is big brother, man. you won't be like a man. you want to hang with the so you put the show need to
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a good example. me he won't, he won't the fame. he will have the same. there's like you own the same as. busy or a want, can you see my mom as you've been? is that right here for 2nd? right to see how you do you doing? good. yeah. let's make them also. so let me see you've been working out. let me see who does not think it's bigger than yours. so how you've been doing? oh my yeah. we miss you tremendously. you know that and don't you yeah. feel like a loading dock or like a low low you expect a low you spend more for me. i know he, he never thought i was going to be and you never thought i'm going to be in jail. so that's, that's the main thing the you know,
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the pipe. i know he thought i was won't be so will follow them a box correct by now the now they charged him with 3 burglaries. cook county was staring down 12345 burglaries at a league county residential burglary is what we call an illinois a class one felony class one felony. you're not eligible for probation, it's a minimum of 4 years in prison, a maximum of 15 years in prison. but the kicker is you are eligible for something called boot camp. it's called the impact incarceration program, the 6 month program. it's in the department of corrections. you go to a camp has a military, like a training, good mentors. it's
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a really good program. it's actually found to be very, very successful for a lot of my guys, he could be out a bouquet of by september, back tray, back with your flip to throw the keep them to move it out. see why he couldn't, he'll be ready for the olympic trials and make you, i'd say, to live you right. the . 6 the, the,
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the for us to do so now subleasing grease for peace of mind.
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the time to be a bother it was a long time to be because he was time to be a father and protect the desk. if you don't try to get to boot camp manually, you know probation body,
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you're going to get there that you don't have them to keep 100 with. you're not getting no probation man, you're getting a big boy. this big you didn't have to get a no big deal. i'm doing all my my to do a big boy. man. you're gonna have to do none today. so you, as a young man, you gotta suffer. good. because i'm telling you, go to the graduate you to do, but that's your natural god given talent and up and you know, scott, as you know, you're going to get it. that's crazy. but now you've got about it. i'm not saying you can't make you can do. may may have been a joy when he got up enjoying. he made it to the new office and did the same thing as me. 50025000. this is, do you guys pay more? oh what,
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what do you have show for me when i was i have some drugs. mine is the sale though i had the pounds. i had money, i had cost with the show for the closet that you the you got to close. it seems to be an issue. you can get no money today. you got a full robbers in lake county, just sending them out how many times about to do in like you to this is in a car and this is what i to you always. you might just rather gonna suit yourself because you needed to talk and you not listen to me. i have been out of been rich. i've been broke. i've been paul, i've been through it all to net shot. it gang, bang. i didn't did all the time. can you not listen to the per roma the
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the i didn't made a living thing. can be the sense in, at the national how in october 1 that i wanted to you as a nation's so like,
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i want it to do something bigger. go to the next level, the couple of people contacted me to me and talk to me and stuff because they see me as an amateur is saying i was to be that. so it is trying to convince me it's hard for sometimes just do me down and to listen to me, give me some ideas and stuff. the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the in design,
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the good, good. you ready for the next transition? everyone is now recently that i talked to gary saw yes. today, i, you know, the best thing that they say it really was what a nice young man and how your, your dad, they left you out of the, how you and your dad, you know, worked together and, and came up through the ranks together and just been very honorable and nice. so they were there to his mom. mom, mom is anchor. they probably know me if i'm out in the sound and the mom is a so that, that, that makes that contract is 5 years. and if he becomes world
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champion during that time is extended automatically for another to the wireless use.
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the phone is one of many checks that i have to deliver to you. okay. good to have you on our team is good a man or i'd say you guys know if there's any pros see you in california in the ring? the
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. i'll do it. all right, well joe, what did he find out that i was in the box? i was supposed to be the 26 to live. that's when they really started right. here. we go all to be on your mark. yes sir. the . they put me little hard is that they book i've got all interesting come with vision the we're go. no stop 530 to 330. the
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just trying to give me say a quick of the do you feel like i have some to let's see. so they don't want to take away from the i was thursday to go home. i'm thinking like i got this far, nathan, terminate, you know, the big old play most of the live every day. this program like you mean you have to sound every day. like to me? yes. convinced me you have successfully complete this program and then you're me and all the rest of the staff investing into your work because you're going to give
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us the end result we want. yes, you understand the need to know when the dental 10 days left in the mail and so it was an airbag, my name is i was abducted by the c. i a, in 2004, a german citizen was kidnapped and tortured by see the came up with some sense that me into integrity from a powerful documentary tells the story of how the geo politics of the post 911 when
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we were in the life of an innocent bill, my suitcase phone, which is here the the fiduciary self. so the leader who fought in a brutal 21 years civil war and which on to become so dense, 1st vice president a news release, global knowledge to which we would identify what happens next is still
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a mystery. which is the real world, tells the story of john graham and mysterious death on l. just the okay, just thing dial, the touch store is now just here, a choice between freedom and chaos. coming to hire a says laid out her pitch to american votes has not come heinous, speech in the battleground state of wisconsin. she says she now has enough delegates to win the democratic nomination to take on donald trump area. on tuesday hurst received the public can do expensive. so policy for us in congress has to be the key jeffrey's senate majority that chuck schumer, the format prosecutor has been comparing trump. the criminals you've dealt with in
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the past is there's some speech, a publican candidates donald trump, besides, he's looking forward to debating harris more than once house republican leaders have also been out shifting the political focus away from joe. but she is the co owner, co author of co conspirator and all the policies that got us into the mass. i just made a list off sitting in the back this morning. crises owned by comma here as co own, the border crisis, the inflation crisis, the crime crisis, everything happening with the economy or national security weakness on the real estate. she, she is a, she is a equal partner in all of that, from the inflation crisis to the energy crisis to the crime crisis. and the number one issue facing americans, no matter what district across america is the border crisis. and commer harris is jo biden's, open borders are, is rouse minutes. we have so tone that con unice has kills at least 89 palestinians, an inch and more than 250 people rest and certainly had a couple of minutes to evacuate before isabel talking to the air in the when she
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gets ground, the sold displace palestinians say they have nowhere to go off as many forces ordered them to immediately evacuate from eastern, caught eunice out my wasi the police and can here have dispersed pro and anti government protest is on the streets of nairobi. don't rest to a spot. my tax bill with this since being with june rights groups, same more than 50 people, died in the unrest on sunday july 21st was the post office day. ever recorded as, according to data from the european union's climate change. so disagreeable adverbs, surface that attempt reach just over 17 degrees celsius, as all the headlines and these continuous hair on the, i'll just sarah,
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and that's off the witness. on the
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friday, the,
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the, the the, hey guys, good evening. i just went over the rules of your opponent's pretty good understanding
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of what should happen and what shouldn't happen tonight. you guys have an obligation to the promoter and the fans, the,
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the, the madison square garden. ladies and gentlemen, night of fights, we've got a nice 6 round her here. 2 young charges and this is the 1st meeting between kenneth boss, man sims, the
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you know, this comment? oh, man as comment. oh, that's the way to blow the. oh boy, i got a close to that down there. who is that the most of it they get to the good. oh. all right. now the somebody else,
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the dog somebody is the least like the do we go? we all say problem. very my boy. yes sir. you're already doing that so you can be no $165.00. well, you know, i have the job that you love. you need to be doing right now the so which you got to take. so, you know, like one out of the to be some beats which you get. it takes the state as, as a to a, like i was
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a mistake. sure. first told
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the, i'll just come up with the same box as much time. it was all the must be one. so my for moving what the, the of the,
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i just feel awkward. the info is the moment exceptionally well. you already knew we already knew where you're going. good side is ok. just hard. you're going to get back there. the i just randomly woke up i like 4 30 in the morning, the head
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4 or 5 text messages. people telling me of the they told me how bad it was. another homicide over the weekend took the life of one of chicago's best boxers 25 years old. early saturday morning. where's the west or field and his manager say they were after working on in the nearby and jim when someone pulled up next they've been together since i was 8 or 9, i wouldn't call them offering it. i called on big brother has caused the words, i used to tell them, go buy a house to give you a lot of trouble
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and call my mom, his mom, it's all my dad, his dad, the to me i'm talking about being a world savings, winning titles the says the smallest i have to have both of us because we can't do it yourself now
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and make them proud to do what we talked about the
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. 4 the the
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the the i see it in is as i see liam determination. you can taste the dog and taste it. the whole team can taste
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the it has to be history. it can't be much. i'm with the box, it is my get out to you. is not even just much is the people around me like the people around me is looking for me to make it out, you know, looking for me to, to box. and it looks to me to get all of us out. all of us out the situation that
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we are, you know, so they always tell me that. so is bigger than me the,
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the, the,
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so the whole year the 6 months, the wage and the best do we have family home?
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i think we region for the so almost this there the have pretty much shouted him for moving and his mom pretty much. so today he has a system that said around him for him not to feed
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the guy from the side that mom can even sits in the but being like, no i don't want him to be like me. if he has a child, i don't want my grandson to be like me because we're suppose the box is supposed to be, but the good for
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iris, for parents to host the elliptic games, french athletes where the head. jeff will not be allowed to compete alongside players, coaches and team leaders and athletes challenges to by creating a space for us to embrace the game they love, regardless of what they wear on their head powers. game changes with this document on just the hello. once again, windsor changing in patagonia, a good to see. so that means things are cooling off of it. places like some of those will be the dat via 13 degrees for you on find state. and then we've got some disturbs weather around the river plates. so shower, seem likely in month of the day on top end of south america on wednesday. most of brazil is dr. so let's go columbia and venezuela for the biggest down ports in time . central america looks like this. it had been rather wet for the eastern caribbean,
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that patch of what weather is moving away. really, most of the action is around the gulf of mexico, and this is impacting that us southern states. so places like houston looking to scoop up copious amounts of rain, potentially a month's worth. and i'd say 24 to 48 hours a bit of relief by friday. but we know houston is prone to flooding. storms had been bubbling up around the midwest and the great lakes that continues also unsettled, really from the mid atlantic breakthrough to the start. the us north east of jasper . national park evacuations underway there because of what wildfire burning your buys, some relief coming with what weather cooler air. but look, buildings in montana closing in on your hottest job. high day on record number to beat is 42 and up and down the california coast. plenty of sun for you on the,
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on the covering hawk truth fillable from china's expansion and visions. it's not up to the people in taiwan to the side about the one china policy, the israel, aggressive doctrine, genocidal rhetoric, content of southern tendency with genocide within 10 sizes. really government with nothing. $30000.00 defense of thousands of thousands that would be hundreds of thousands of losses that left the house and the stucco, some of the toughest issues of our time had to hit coming soon on
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a jersey to the states. them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, nominator here on now the a deal we want to live in a country of freedom, compassion, and rule of law or country of chaos, fear and hate coming to her as hits the campaign trail,


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