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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 24, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. it's the human suffering that the reports are pretty brave, bullets and bombs. and we always include the views from all sides. the deal. we want to live in a country of freedom, compassion, and rule of law or country of chaos, fear and hate come to hire a 6 the campaign trail saying she's ready to take on donald trump in november's us presidential election. the other ones are in jordan, this is obviously red lights and also some of the make no mistake. the american
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people know that comma la harris owns jo biden's, catastrophic and failed policies. the republican politicians who back concerning their attacks from joseph biden to her it's given only minutes warning to flee at least $189.00. the names of children, israel to serve on the phone units in southern guns, plus the non to government protest gain momentum across the tenure despite major concessions by president. the us last president come to harris says, hit the campaign file just 2 days off. the joe biden dropped out and endorsed her to replace him in november's election. she's held her 1st soda around in wisconsin, a swing state that's crucial from both democrats and republicans from milwaukee, his phil of elf. and you can keep tamela harris away from wisconsin at the moment.
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but something's changed since the vice president last visited him. the crowd all smiles as they prepared to the breaking news. everybody's been expecting and i am told as of this morning that we have earned the support of the mess delegates to secure the security was on the show as be fits of the visit, snipe is on the roof on the roads, blocked a few, trump supposes, but they were drowned out by those calling for an end is rails rule on garza and israel zone as the on across the street. nobody really taking any notice because there was only one person that you were here to listen to. we need to support that . that's pressure the united states. we don't have a choice. would you mind like you want to be the president efficiently? she? she better be. we're going to do everything we are that line. i think she's standing on the right side of this. and i want to protect the democracy in this
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country. this is actually coming on august 5th, visit to wisconsin this year alone. why? what? because simply, it is a crucial swing state which explains why both sides a pretty so much effort into it. why didn't took it in 2020 trump took it in 2016 present in fight, and mentioned wisconsin to respect to the union earlier this year. whereas last week there were thousands of republicans here for the national convention. this site is a big deal to both campaigns. its only been 2 days since president 5 withdrew from november's election ad endorsed to come with harris. she's already raised a $100000000.00 in donations. they haven't even had time to take. jo finds made of the brands and yet a sign of just how quickly this campaign is moving. but the democrats don't feel there is a 2nd to waste. let's also make no mistake. this campaign, it is not just about us versus donald trump. this
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campaign is about who we fight for. there's plenty of fight left in them. they own more than ready fed lavelle out to 0, milwaukee wisconscin. but president joe biden was back in washington for the 1st time since he dropped his bid for reelection. how are you feeling? you drop out of the rate sir? he'll be giving a tele buys address from the oval office on the wednesday and his decision to step aside by them issued a statement saying he'll speak about what lies ahead. they've been isolating at his home in delaware of the testing positive because of 19 a white house correspondent, kimberly healthcare post on washington dc. to us president joe biden emerging from his home in delaware, telling reporters he is feeling well. it is the 1st time in almost a week that people have seen joe biden, after being diagnosed with cove it. it puts the end almost
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a week of speculation that the president was more ill than the white house was letting on. but those fears were put aside and reaffirm in terms of the fact that the president is well by a letter from the white house physician, dr. kevin o'connor, who said the president never had a fever. he was always able to do his presidential duties and his symptoms have now resolved. now, given the fact that the president has passed the baton in terms of being at the top of the ticket to his vice president, kala harris. what we know is that he's now really focusing on the business of day, the day of being president. he has wifes his schedule clean of really campaign events and is this is going to be a problem for the president. given the fact that when there is really what is known as a lame duck presidency, is very hard to work with congress, particularly when you're a democrat. and the house of representatives is controlled by republican still,
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the us president is going to use wednesday evening to discuss what he wants to do for the remainder of his term. he's going to speak from the oval office and he's going to lay out his agenda and talk to the american people about how he's going to finish the job, as well as why he decided to leave the presidential race. he also is going to be meeting on thursday with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. one thing that he is still trying to accomplish and that he believes his administration is very close to accomplishing is brokering a cease fire in israel's war on gaza. in the president's words, he says his administration is on the verge of being able to do that. kimberly healthy alger 0, the white house, or meanwhile, donald trump says he's looking forward to debating, come to harris, smoking once house republican leaders. i've also been out shifting the political
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focus away from job i. she is the co owner, co author, a co conspirator, and all the policies that got us into the mass. i just made a list off sitting in the back this morning. a crises owned by com la here is co own, the border crisis, the inflation crisis, the crime crisis, everything happening with the economy or national security weakness on the real estate chic. she is a, she is a equal partner and all of that from the inflation crisis. to the energy crisis to the crime crisis. and the number one issue facing americans, no matter what district across america is, the border crisis and comma harris is jo biden's, open borders are. what are the, my colleagues to me? the minute i spoke with joy, chaney, i democratic strategist on james davis, a republican strategists. they discussed how the rates for the whitehouse shape you in terms of identity. what would they be looking at exactly with regards to a contender? full vice president, again, we go back to come with her as being
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a woman. would it be important to balance that out with a, a of vice president who is a man? i'm sure i don't know, but i'm sure she's looking for who is going to compliment heard of best, who's going to help us deliver the state the most that we want? who she has chemistry with what all 4 of these in this case they happen to be named . candidates are fantastic. so we're thrill this is. this is an embarrassment of riches for them can live a, james, don't not so impressive that he's willing to debate calmly. harris any time and, and, and move in once. should he do so list, so it's in the will be as easy as, as what happened in the last of a what it is. and also the bader tools, he gathered richard his trans, when she was trying to get notes in the democratic primary. and she was a presidential candidate. it's and, and she did, and she used the uh,
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the fact that um, kamala paris had, as a prosecutor, really put a lot of a black man in jail for simple drug possession. and i think that could backfire again, sir. you know, especially since that's one of the narratives that she's trying to use in this campaign that she's a prosecutor versus an offender. i think i can actually backfire against her because it would bring up her history as a prosecutor, which wasn't great. it helped moderate kind of where she was, i think at the time and in california, but ultimately i think it would be a major liability, a joy to disagree with that. mr. davis. mr. davis, you need to talk and find listen, brother, you're the just black men call the other night that was out standing brimming over catch. it is still on youtube, he's a washer. and he and we raised a, there were tens of thousands of blackman on your,
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in just a few hours. we raised over $1300000.00. all black men were not worried about it. when we know our best thing we have known come later as his record, she has another we are so thrilled in and proud that she is a prosecutor and proud of everything that she has done a we are, we are ready and black men are right in that with black women, so excited to gone so now israel, it's been a tray of souls on han units, has killed at least $89.00 palestinians and injured more than 250 residents. and we had a couple of minutes to evacuate before israel talking to the area. i launch described a sold just based palestinians, say they have no way to go. updates ready for us is older than to meet it. evacuated from eastern hon. eunice on the wasi. this has been his very often
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reselling in central against a residential building in the outrage comes, was targeted rescue as well to move bodies from the level assume as more from 0 but well, it is very up to patient forces are still ongoing with the military operation in calling the city for the past day when you have completely demolishing applauding residential supplies in the eastern areas. while there was a very notable advancement for the east reading country. joining us which has raised a symmetry in the near the city destroying unpleasant res. i'm at home during fine exchange with mazda corporate says in the eastern areas of tonya. and we are talking about more than $400000.00 palestinians, have been displaced from the eastern areas of con eunice, heading to a more into the same truck areas of the strip. what also these areas have been witnessing more attacks within the past 24 hours. in particular, you know, parades, refuge account where there was
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a very notable military encouraging in the eastern areas of, of raise whether you minute treat ring or from us, announced that they managed to attack these really maneuvering troops in such areas as they are 2 families. the trapped and this ongoing exchange of funds we come off of forces. sandy is where the occupation forces without getting any sort of help on the ground day by day. they just told us, rising, i'm a new kind of even the escalation in terms of the security conditions on the ground so far target because i so i would 0 there that i had a story. meanwhile, the united nations, as detailed the scale of the displacement from hon. eunice, saying the short evacuation interval has left many people trunk yesterday. about a $150000.00 people fled areas income units as assessed by humanitarian colleagues . monitoring population movements in the area. it is expressed our concern about the short interval between the dropping of the leaflets telling people or to leave
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and the escalation of military operations, which caused a significant risk for those fleeting many have been observed on the move with none of which without any belongings, the immediate escalation of hostilities in the air, it also resulted in many people being trapped in the evacuation area. these include the people would reduce mobility and met family members supporting them. each evacuation order profoundly disrupts people's lives. people have been forced to move into areas with little or no infrastructure where there is very limited access to shelter, health, sanitation, another life saving you medicare and assistance. also the area designated yesterday's for evacuation yesterday, including included 2 primary health centers and 2 medical points. as well as dozen food distribution points in
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a cooked meal provision points. these of all seized operation with only one community kitchen, still operational for those who remain behind on duty on tuesdays rarely settled. as i talked to paula spending property in the town of hawaii and the occupied west bank blocking roads and targeting residents and vehicles was under the protection of his rainy troops. those attacks triggered vaughn in confrontations with alice giving you some of whom threw stones in response to the minister vehicles, but also hit with monitors as well as the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is on his 1st trip to the us since the war on gaza began a meeting top officials, including president biden, was trying to broker seize fund. he didn't garza 7 months of protests across college campuses and major cities against as well that yahoo is expected to address congress and meet donald trump during his visit and definitely have relatives of the captive held in gaza. hilda purchasing the a capitol hill on tuesday. i headed that speech from making yahoo,
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that's holding on him to sign a ceasefire and come to release deal with him. us will step down as well as lead some personal break here. now just here, when we come back, a desperate search for survivors on the to land slides and the remote community and south west. and if you get time this past sunday was the hottest i ever recorded slow, but it was fixed upon it scientism. one of these records of being broken so frequently on the, there is a hot wind blowing across the la band straight through to the rocks that's coming down through the gulf. that is super charging temperatures here, running a fever in terms of his temperature. so we take a closer look. great. so over the next few days are temperature wobbling around 50 degrees. and for us here in doha,
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we'll lock into 47 degrees for the next 3 days or so. but it's also hot at night. that's part of the problems. your part of the danger is no real relief. also hot for it was back of stones capital. tash can set 40 that's hotter than you should be at this time of year and have to put this on your radar. there is more rain coming for 30 as black sea coast. there's been some flooding here as of late to get some heavy falls of rain on wednesday for africa, the northwest slice here it has been hot. yeah, head away from the coast mirror, cash flow close in on 50 degrees for wednesday, starting march out of molly pushing to send a gold again. be a guinea be so and guinea there could be some flooding in his own here. and you know, for northern camera room and there has been weather alerts in place here for some pretty powerful winds, really powerful thunder storms that set to continue on wednesday. and this weather maker comes into south africa. so a rated winds combo for south africa, south coast on wednesday. okay, we'll leave it there. i'll see you soon. the take care of, of the,
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with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us once to keep the war in ukraine going to russia's will is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after, in israel's more on causes the quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media, on how to 0 government shut off access to social media. the the welcome back here watching out just a quick reminder about top stories here,
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this outcome of iris light output bits to american photos and the campaign suites in the front of the state of wisconsin. the prosecutor has been comparing a republican rival, donald trump, to criminal justice douglas in the past. donald trump those as he's looking forward to debating harris smoking once house republican leaders also have shifted the political focus to iris. lemming seems as one to many crises including the for that issue. inflation and national security. i just really made a tressles on han, unison guns as killed at least 189 honest them in some engine, more than 250 residents only had a couple of minutes to evacuate before israel time to the era launched, expands the jewish peace groups of how the city and inside the us capital building demanding a ceasefire and gaza comes a day ahead of his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu is addressed to congress . the russo quoting for an end to us weapons x boats to israel,
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some demonstrations another way by the police. somebody up my us notes was one of the organizers of the protest. she says that demands are supported by most jewish americans. this protest gathered over 400 americans use rabbis, students the sentence of holocaust survivors from all across the country. gathered together in the heart of congress to tell our president, to tell our vice president, to tell our elected officials, that what we need right now is a weapons embargo need an end to the us funding and aiding the and sending weapons to these really military. we need a ceasefire right now, and the only way we're going to get this is through permanent weapons embargo that will ensure that our weapons are not being used to committed genocide, reactions from the people that happens to be in the building was quite positive. the police were obviously distressed and they arrested over $300.00 of us.
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but we are going to keep going and we have seen seismic shifts. it's not enough. we are going to continue pressing. we are going to continue doing more. but the only way that us foreign policy has ever shifted to center human rights. and it's long history of doing terribly ingredients. things has been when there has been a popular uprising, demanding change, and we are seeing that right now. we were 400 people having a peaceful, civil disobedience sitting in the heart of congress. but we represented the majority of american folders. we represented the majority of the american jewish population, all of whom on a ceasefire, and support of weapons and fargo. as the leader of the 70s paramilitary rapids support forces, i said the group will participate and towards the end the conflict. mohammad, how does the gallo send the reception is the goal to that comprehensive cx 5. but you invite to the hours of i'm least of nissan if a piece dogs started on august 14th in geneva conflict as far as moving 10000000
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people from their homes. crating, the world's largest displacement prices, well, conditions on west things. over a 1000000 sudden these refugees are flat across the board, up to trend from other day on the chance to them vote and interest reports of the situation for hundreds of thousands of food and use refugees in eastern charge is getting more and more desperate that space this conflict, the world has forgotten this conflict and the plight as well. now you're not technicians are saying that in this area alone, which is not the account, not from official cam, but the transit station for suit and use refugees. that i'm more than 200426000 in fact sued. and these refugees in this particular station, which means that they cannot access. oh wait a minute. is that supposed to go to register? refugees that have arrived in eastern tried the not to have it just says recent conflict in a flash or an engineer and i have no refugees in eastern charge right now. we still
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have around hundreds of new arrivals every day. sometimes thousands on the old arrived in a very bad condition menu of the either the toes, the children's i'm on yours, there are some then forwarding dirt. so that's um, that's what we've seen so far. and the most of the thing of women and children in this particular account that i'm over 426000 accounts. more than 14 of them that are more than 400000 refugees in those comments. add to it added to the number of refusal early a flip accomplishing double, making the total more than $1200000.00 students refugees in charge of north eastern time in particular on the situation. according to 8 is uses, is getting more and more desperate. many people in these cams feel that they've been upon done by the rest of the world many degrees. i'll just do that on the chart. so then border more than 50 people have been killed since anti government
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demonstrations began in kenya last month. they were initially spot by and go by the increase in texas. the protest movements now spread across the country, demanding widespread government reforms, and president william boot test resignation. welcome lab reports and the capital. my rody, it's been a similar story in nairobi, city center every tuesday to more than a month. practice stocks, it against the government plan to increase taxes. they spread across the country and it's growing close to president william we take to resign. demonstrate this blame his government for endemic corruption. they try to go to my babies international airport campaign to say it's about to be nice to an indian company onto a secret deal, which the government denies. really the police are only targeting us peaceful demonstrators. why? the higher the goons in the mask on motor bikes was gonna see the number plate are moving. as the police just watch off the government. early in the day,
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thousands of mental motorbike gathered around the city and into the center city traders and protests to set the paid by politicians, now numbered them, chased them away and set this blank of light. in the western town of kac omega, please find light bullets demonstrators. at least one person died here, country wide more than 50 protest as have been killed in the last month. demonstrations took place in several towns and some of ups of nairobi. some residents of this low income neighborhood, full running baths of us with please, others got caught in the middle of the remember, meanwhile, and piece stopped in parliament for the 1st time since protest is entered the building 4 weeks ago. these being as we speak is a pit stop from 5th president, re take the scrap the tax hikes and file for my soul, of his cabinet with any be appointed,
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some of the same ministers for the rang during the demonstrators periods of inspiring gusts. and so i, this bus, even a small group, surprise us the such a demonstration to say, present, i'm very sorry it hasn't. diana meaningful to meet the demands of sweeping reforms, the government, the, and corruption and improve service in every some of the protest movements. prolific activists like any so i've been showing no signs of giving up. we've had to in your e as in me as a system. i take action in spain. yeah. send that to us. that gives us. so if anyone, if they knew i shouldn't say that it is enough, is enough and this is low yet on the streets every week because enough is enough enough is enough. what routes i said about the demonstrations when he spoke on sunday, the weeks of police firing, take us in the street,
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hasn't stopped widespread discontent with his government. malcolm web address era. my baby kenya ccrpi and struggling to come to terms with one of its worst natural disasters in recent history. at least 229, people have been confirmed that dr. heavy rains triggered to land slides that happened in the south western district of go for about $320.00 come to south of the capital. i just thought about women, children and police officers are reported to be among the dead. i'll just be with catherine, sol, ripple's people dig through this lodge hoping to find survivors in go for our region. this is one of the was natural disasters and used to appear in reason. he is many have been buried underneath the marks. it was a double tragedy. the canal with the late week of the thing is enough to use it. it happened following heavy rains. the damage is extensive. initially there were 3 families that were buried by the land slide. we're still searching for their bodies
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and the death toll search after the people who came to rescue them also got trapped . this is a mountainous area and getting the right equipment to help is difficult. so everyone is trying the best they can to help save lives. i think the, the devastation is huge and beyond double capacity. as a result, there are a lot of people who are uprooted from their homes and livelihoods. the area is no uninhabitable. we will also need to work on relocating these people. i think the area is prone to disastrous. seasonal rains that often displace hundreds of people, land slides know tacoma. it happens once in a way so nobody can be sure of what's going to happen. this latest incident just makes things hard to, to back. cathy sorry, 0129. migraines have been rescued from the southern waters of the spanish gram canaria island. they were crossing from sub saharan africa. any 20000 men,
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women and children, and attempted to reach the canaries so far this? yeah, a 160 percent increase from 2023. ok this here the you signed a 210000000 euro deal with more time here to stop smugglers from launching folks for spain, for the dealers had little effect arrivals are on 226 microns of this and bought to mentally and pull it up live on a, but the doctor is not supposed to say that consent. it will be neglected by telling officials on a controversial migrant deal between easily and albania. construction of to a tele and funded migrant detention center in albania is on the way with the facilities to open a new invest. a bank has agreed to sign up to $3000.00 people, rescued from international waters each month while get to the process. is there a site in the class? a group of 2000 people have set off on foot from southern mexico to try and reach the us and talk families, including women, with baby strollers, a marching along the highway. they say they hoped to reach the us before the
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election and said that if donald trump wins, he would follow through and i promise to close the border to assign them. so they tell us that old immigrants will be turned away between not going to home. the us, the going for, but the future to work and to serve them and then return them to our country. they want to come here to help my family, to move forward to help them support them. as you can see today, our country is not good. and today, each one of us has to leave in this way to do better so. so i think i am a brought my name out to a standstill on the wednesday as heavy rain triggered severe flooding on land slides and the philippines regional authorities of council, most work and government offices and shop schools kindly emerge with another tropical storm last week in the south philippines, leading 7 people. 10. well, the storm is not heading towards taiwan with $21.00. cities and counties have already announced to an office closure sunday july 21st was the world's hottest day ever recorded. as according to the taser from the european union's climate change
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service, the global average surface temperature we've just of a 17 degrees celsius, comes as heat waves have been sweeping around the ro we've done it will go for the climate scientist. he says, greenhouse gas emissions of to blame as we increase greenhouse gases on our planet, these gases go up in the atmosphere. they sort of crap, more heat into our planet's air. and as that retreat gets at, as the heat gets trapped, it increases the temperature all around the world that can affect climate systems that can affect sea levels. it can affect all sorts of different things around our climate system. and so really it is on us. we are increasing the amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere to fossil fuel emissions, and other greenhouse gas emissions, and the temperatures of the planet are rising as a result, we know that right now, it would, we would need very steep tots to uh, greenhouse gas emissions all around the world and we would need those types of very .


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