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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 24, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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that has been done before to be done, even as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the picking through the wreckage. the pilot is the only survivor from the plane crash and the polls capital. the other that i'm associated, hey, this is alger 0 life and also coming timeframe gave me is just alice from his england and taiwan depend on china. also bracing the heavy flooding. these really minutes below is a palestinian home during raids in the occupied westbank for people who venture
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sleeping wherever they can find space. this is the scene outside one of the few hospitals still operating in $1200.00. the now the pilot appears to be the only survivor of a pain crash in the pools capital. the aircraft crashed during takeoff and kept men do killing at least 18 other people on board. media reporting that the playing skidded off the runway before then busting into flames. rescue is push out the blaze. it crashed just before lunch time on wednesday. we understand it was headed to for kara city and central and a pool. well, we can bring in cost rise, quite ra, he's the editor of the english language publication republican daily. he joins us now from the deputies capital,
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cutting under cost. can you talk us through what exactly happened to you? it's obviously a very much developing story as well. as this into this accident actually took place at 1114 in this morning, and this to play softly. then a 2nd after it to go from the d i it on we. we do not know the exact reason buying this, but so far is like, what do we know so far is there were 19 people on board and captain has been rescued safely and he's currently on the waiting to commanded local. i'll speak to the customer of the medical college and the 18 de bodies had been to try and sundays and insight and they had been gifted the to do the hospital for a postmortem prime minister give you some i'll leave home minister are obviously cook and all the senior government offers so how to read the incident site immediately after the accident and we are stored by the airport. appreciate that the bang was you flying to boat? could i? it was a test flight and all the crew members,
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all the bases in the unit trapped where the staff of somebody airlines and the renewal on a regular basis. and they are crap that have been issued as an a pull when it comes to pull evasion, safety records. i understand there's been a bit of a, a boom in terms of ad transport there, especially with the arise and tourism. and recent news, has there been sufficient maintenance sufficient training to keep up with that? oh, yeah, this has been a, one of the big issue. and international community also has been raising these use to time and again. and europe in union has boot and they probably aircraft is blacklist uh, in terms of, you know, a v as in safety. so that has been, you know, as far as being made by civilization all to do, you have an invalid. but then again, these, these accidents have been, no, i'll cutting repeatedly, especially in the domestic fleet. the have been, it makes it in time and again, and this has become one of the big issue. and we media people as i've been raising
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these issues. because you know, this is, this is, this is likely to affect our tourism business as well. of course. yeah. in terms of, of what's being done by government there have been, i know issues in the past, particularly because of the types of runways in the pool table, top runaways that uh, that are obviously and types, right, trust terrain as well. this was not one of those. so will there be an investigation? will there be accountability to yeah, maybe the government offices that they have said that they will follow the prompt committee. but as you're likely mentioned, you know, we do have difficult data and, and some of the accidents are, you know, attribute it to difficult data and, and with the condition. but this particular incident, despite the lice it in, was not of any, any of that kind. and because you know, they extend to place 2nd after the take up, this means that there were some mechanical ceiling or maybe the inspection was not that proper. so i think the investigation committee will find out. but again,
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these, this particular exit inputs. uh um, a v as in safety issue again in the highlight and this some is something that government needs to let me ask you a little more about domestic carriers. this was a domestic flight from the capital to torres in hub. you said that it was a test flight in terms of, of, of besides, of domestic carriers. just how much accountability is that and monitoring of, of maintenance of the croft as well as training for pilots, for instance, a me. so these are see really regional authority of new by the way, just supposed to, you know, do all these task. it's a, it's a religion body of the own, you know, maybe some sector in the bottom. but they have been questions about it's um, it's a rule and people have been asking about it's effectively because these things dislike these type of accident had been or cutting time. and again, um yeah, but then again, you know that particular um,
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certain year drafts which have frequently, you know, meeting these kind of makes it in a setting domestic airlines or so they have done pretty good job and they have not been even single incident in some of the airlines without operating the domestic feed. so it is again the responsibility of boats. you know, they have kept curious the service and those who are providing this are risk and also the monitoring this. i'd be glad to bodies. i think both these in part is need to walk together. oh, certainly the lord that be so kind is not satisfaction. indeed, certainly lots of questions being asked about exactly. what's happened here. we'll be following the story closely for you here on al jazeera cost raj corolla, the editor of republica daily, joining us, the from cap men do. thank you, sir. thank you. all taiwan is bracing for a tie for your and to hit land at the in the coming as schools and offices have been closed in 21 cities and counties,
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people are being asked to prioritize their own safety with the storm. said to him about midnight to tie one time japan and china are also among the countries in the past of typhon gave me. china has said that it's closing it's high speed railway system that's going to affect about 260 trains of that type food matched with another tropical storm last week and the southern philippines, coming 7 people, bonnet below has an update for us from the philippine capital manila, where the flood waters are rising, as it has been raining on and off here in the capital of manila for the past few days, as well as in other parts of the country. but it has really been good all overnight from tuesday and all throughout wednesday. and you can see on my left side that car over there already drowning in flood water. i think pretty soon it's going to disappear into the floods. but people who have evacuated from inside the community
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from that street over there where you can see the white building, they say the flood waters there are rising even higher as high as the 2nd floor of their homes as far as when they had evacuated from their homes and they're now here, over on the right side, these people sheltering under an elevated highway and they're asking the government for help. they're asking the government to rescue many other people for stranded in their community. there are about 400 families living there, but they know that search and rescue workers are such to say, because this situation, this situation is happening all over the capital manila and again as well as in other parts of the country. but apart from that, they're also asking the government to provide them with a more permanent shelter, at least over the next few days, because they know that this rain is forecast to last for a few more days. now this heavy rainfall that's already set off the deadly
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landslide, and it is likely that it would trigger even more evacuation. but it is hope that these evacuation edwards would save more people. the hope is that there would be minimal casualties arising from these heavy rainfalls. the now these really minute tree has killed at least full palestinians during raids in the occupied the west bank. during one of them now the army storms, the columbia refuge account and blew up a palestinian families home. mohammed administrative was accused of killing 2 is riley's back in february. is there any soldiers shot dead at least one passenger in the operation? i'm injured 6 others? well, we can now speak to norah did. she joins us from the columbia refuge account in the occupied westbank. know you were telling us, sadly about just what a violent light that had been indeed very violent. we've been here for over
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2 hours and people are still picking up the pieces from that very large, 2 explosions, consecutive explosions that blew up the home of the family of mohammed monassa mohammed was killed by his really forces back in february, during that elijah, the attack on an illegal is rarely supplement, but now his family has been punished for his actions and they have been now displaced. the debris is all around the neighborhood and the neighbors have yet to be able to clean their homes. 116 year old was shots and up to 8. now we're hearing from medical sources have been injured in the account. no. tell us a little bit more about the other attacks that have been taking place because this wasn't the only one. the only right in the occupied westbank offline. a yeah we, we've seen and we've been monitoring raids across the occupied westbank, most notably info boss to the north east where an undercover is really occupation
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force, rated that town and killed an officer, a customs officer and injured his colleague. he is receiving treatment in hospital . we also are monitoring a home demolition in jericho all. and all 4 people are confirmed, killed by his really forces in dust since the dawn hours. they include a 13 year old boy who's the come to his wounds during an earlier raids, 2 weeks ago near full cut them no road to the with a very nice just for us from the ground and the occupied westbank. thank you. no, a plumbing lot on the ground and gaza that had been more poets of heavy is riley and artillery attacks on con eunice, residential squares and buildings have again been targeted few and says a 150000 palestinians have fled that area since monday. many of them have been seeking shelter in the cities, nasa hospital, one of the last a medical facilities still operation there in the south. at least 89 palestinians
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have been killed in more than 250 injured since as well. the guidance ministry operation in not solving the city on monday. well, let's speak to him cause our issues in general bala in central garza and you were saying, well what 3 days now into this con eunice offensive. how people kind of thing? well, 3 days of a couple of minutes for you to get to evacuate. people did not take any of their belongings, not take any money, does not take any food. most of them are concert on the streets of the western parts of the community and the other parts of the policy knew who were not able to evacuate our trap into schools without any food, without any watch or without any communication. and no one could reach them, they sent a couple of of appeals saying that they are under heavy artillery selling heavy strikes and whoever tries to evacuate is being targeted by the is there any spots
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cop truth? so both policy and use the ones who were able to manage to evacuate, and those who are trapped are living miserable moments right now. this is the same exact scenario. and the same exact seeing that happened in australia where these are the forces also surprisingly started in bathing. that's area a couple of weeks ago, according to the civil defense teams and the paramedics, they set that's the number of the decimal is expected to rise because they are, were unable to reach any of the targets of the places for 3 days. now we're talking about areas in the eastern parts of hon units. another is thing. is there any forces shrink the so called humanitarian zone in community? and now polish thing is do not have a lot of options to evacuate to. that's what has already under a ground and agent operations like that. is there any forces admitted by that is under attack and it's over one impact with policy news being displaced on milwaukee
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is also a pull of p for them. phillips tents and mixes comes but also it has been a target and no one could go to the north of gaza. so everyone is squeezed into the middle area ends in the milwaukee, but it's, they're already being targeted. so palestinians are left without choices where to go. so that's why a lot of time to see me is our scots are on the street. so can units without any shots or they're literally homeless and cold. all right, that we're forcing with all the nice from the ground from general on central gaza for us. thank you. all still a head here on out of there is the mother of 2 killed in her own home in the us. why have found these questioning the police officers background the i
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had a lie there, it's a very hot but also a very stormy situation. weatherwise across europe at the moment we've got temperature is continuing to fit very high across the south and coming down in the north. thanks to some very heavy rain stretching, move away from scandinavia down towards the bulk. as you can see, those storms bubbling away, bringing temperatures down for places like serbia and remain you looking west as well. so the south, the places like greece, but athens still seeing the temperature sit very high and some of that rain as well . we'll splash into to hook you up with the west of the rain on wednesday, effecting southern parts of new way. moving into sweden as well is very dry to the south, west, lots of heat and exceptionally high temperatures for places like madrid in spain. one way of whatsoever moving into the north west. however, the person on the island of island wednesday into thursday. we'll see the tail end
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of that system, bringing some of those showers into northern parts of france on thursday as well as that rain pushing across the baltic. states on woods to ukraine, some of that touching into weston pots of russia just coming down across the north . they will be sitting very high for places like portable, but they'll be some relief coming in to lisbon, by thursday as to whether the african stories from african perspective or lake on venture. i, dentist, authorities using different media to show documentary slide african filmmakers from kenya. and kansas, if it goes to a science, it in black a need for you pulls up on me, it says all them on the left side, the bile, bob waste and all was fine. i use the drivers on, i'll just sierra of the
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the welcome back to watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories. the ssl, the pilots appears to be the only survive of a plane crash. and the polls capital via croft skidded off the runway during takeoff and kept him under killing at least 18 other people on board. it was headed for the city of kara and central in the pool. the now taiwan is bracing for a tie food to make land for schools and offices have been closed in 21 cities and counties. japan and china are among the countries in the past of the store. type
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you and gave me matched with another tropical storm. last week in the southern philippines, killing 7 people. all these really military has killed, at least for palestinians during raids and the occupied westbank. as we reported earlier, during one, the armies stole into the columbia refugee camp and blew up a palestinian families home. that mohammed we lost, right, as we reported, was accused of killing to his relatives in february. is there any soldiers shot dead at least one other passenger in the operation, an injured 6 others, as you had from nora day as a mendez, as kenya is media and say that police have grossly targeted john les covering the recent antique government protests. they are holding riley, after the shooting of the local reporter and the detention of a communist. while we can speak to malcolm, when he joins us now from the canyon capital malcolm,
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there people are on the street side, but you'll pay the, at a different kind of purchase today. the system is generally on the, on the street process. the say the high level to generally say seems press free to maintain you purchased movement. the gun last month, purchased losing sausage against the government plan to increase tax hearts spread across the country. you see demonstrations on these very streets every week and other towns and cities turned into tools for sweeping government homes to the, and in the nation, the people being killed during these demonstrations what it took place tuesday. we were here. let's take
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a look at our story. it's been a similar story in nairobi, city center every tuesday to more than a month. practice stocks, it against the government plan to increase taxes. they spread across the country and it's growing close to president william we take to resign. demonstrate is blame his government for endemic corruption. they tried to go to night, rabies international airport campaign to say it's about to be leased to an indian company onto a secret deal, which the government denies the police are only targeting us peaceful demonstrators. why? the higher the goons in the mask on motor bytes was concealed. number plates are moving as the police just watch off the government. fairly in the day, thousands of men on motor bikes gathered around the city and into the center. city trade is in protest to set the paid by politicians, now numbered them,
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chased them away, and set this blanket light. in the western town of kac omega, please find life bullets demonstrators. at least one person died here, country wide more than 50 protest as have been killed in the last month. demonstrations took place in several towns and suburbs of nairobi. some residents of this low income neighborhood, full running baths of us with please, others got caught in the middle of the remember, meanwhile, and peace stopped in parliament for the 1st time since protest is entered. the building 4 weeks ago, this view as we speak is it that prompted president, re take the scrub with tax hikes and file for my store of his cabinets via pointed some of the same ministers for the rang during the demonstrators, periods of inspiring gas and sizes bus, even the small groups of processes a demonstration of say, present,
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i'm very sorry it hasn't. diana meaningful to meet the demands of sweeping reforms in government than corruption and improve service in every some of the protest movements, prolific activist like any. so i've been showing no signs of giving up. we've had to in your e as in the system. i take action in spain. yeah. send that to us. that gives us. so if anyone, if they knew i shouldn't say that it is enough, is enough. and this is low yet on the streets every week, because enough is enough. enough is enough. what routes i said about the demonstrations when he spoke on sunday, the weeks of police firing, take us in the street, hasn't stopped widespread discontent with his government to malcolm web out to 0. maybe kenya. nothing's really off to the events of the last few weeks. we're hearing calls for justice from multiple set to the society.
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the wiggly or the president can use association freelance during this. really come out . really, why you and a street today for all right. maybe i'm afraid to read them to the new brand name, not being infringed on the not being the police. and that's why the street demand for our rights as suddenly because we've seen the news of septic crossing the lines, the government is crossing the line. you monday, not, not sending us to south since the south, and we do not want that. we want you to watch. we are seeing what the drum and the clock. can you tell us about some of the things of that and the last few weeks to
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get it? is it tim, send you what is going sunday is the 2nd scene i've done on it's been shot read times and seen a done. i need to bring the arrested and harassed. then asia and the menu have rough dimensions on that list right now. and that is the most appalling thing that's happening in 10 years and it's still not what you need because we are one of the attention that i've seen that helped me redone. but right now it's gone. it's going to the do not to be stop. so right now, then it's going to go completely and we are defending our rights right now. why do you think the government and the police uh, doing these things as following the law? it says the stock i protested, isn't that during this things just do stop us by the end to to make sure that we do not report the truth. cuz most of everything that's happening in the country right
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now is it so and what the protest and the gen sees that doing, they are selling the government, the tour, and the to show such as free when we know it's a true. thank you really to miles from the the president, the association of the street on certain is know that's take the camera and have a look. who's here at this crowd of the some well known faces here from 10 is the television news networks as well as many others. some people have joined up along the way to the back of the printer to the other demonstrations we've seen on these very same street in recent weeks. right here, just clicks away again and again and again, that's one of the things i know when the industry is incidents is was on
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the spot but visibly directly on the press. the products as we've experienced and the type of this one's going phase one is the smaller number. we weren't seeing this, this much will indeed be completed. so the government office is just the, the journalist work to submit a position in the field with the press organizations to submit a raised ranch press. so you're going to have this time of the social or political have $8010.00. yeah. nothing with the with the laser, as far as from the streets of downtown i wrote me. thank you very much. welcome. i, its cause use in bangladesh has now been relaxed slightly as students continue their protest against government job quarters. people can now go out for 7 hours
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during the day to allow officers to open. and some movement may have been weeks of unrest in the country as protest as fights with security forces. tundra chevy reports from the band, with ashley capital dot com. as there is a, a sense of agree mood and some burden us within the population. there's some apprehension also traffic as much heavy then usually last several days, not as a normal de towed list because office hours are only 4 or 5 hours, you know, so it will end pretty soon by 3 pm local time. a day and use are still very hard to come by. people who wants to know what really happened. where did that happen? highway to happen. the local tv and the media library selves sunset the putting out but it calibrated news pretty much carrying the government line last several days. so people wants to know more detail what exactly happened, who is behind what? so many people died including police man rolling party to didn't members, not just the protest of general public. so these are question people have in their
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mind the protesting student for later yesterday in a very brief discussion with the media, people said they had 2 days. i'll do, man, i'm for for more fresh the mountain which would include opening up the campus and showing their securities, lifting of the car car for you. and just starting the internet quotes and other demands are that lot of the missing student protests start as well, or one of the key liter he's been missing. they won those people found and they one stop harassment and they're arresting. those are participate in the recent pro does the student members, the government, on the other hand, is blaming the opposition and its allies squarely for the reason drives and protests and burning up buildings on public property. as i said, it's extreme isn't what the dates, so they're taking this away from the student into a different direction. the north korea has sent over and it's filled with rubbish into south korean one, even on the inside the presidential compound. and so this came just
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a is off the south, great boosted its front line propaganda broadcasts from loud speakers pointed across the demilitarized zone. moving 2000 balloons. have now been dropped on south korea since late may carrying things like cigarette butts manual and used boundaries on the united states. the family of a black law that shot dead in her home by white policeman say that he should never have even had a gun. the illinois officer has since been fired and faces. not a charge is a warning. somebody who is may find the images and she have her tons, he's report to staffing. i'm trying to get help in the area as of saturday july 6th, sonia massey told the police to report that she thought a problem that was outside the home police body come video. she has 2 offices entering matthews. home to tell her that nothing suspicious but things put the escalated out there, massey approached her stove to attend to a part of boiling water.
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and so far as the 36 year old mother of 2 was pronounced dead and hospital from a single gunshot to the head, the body come up. the officer who fired the shot shown. grayson was any turned on off to the shooting. he gives his account of the incident and narrative. it alters with what we see in the video from his colleagues body count reset. grayson, that has been fired from the force and is being held with that bone for 1st degree murder among other charges. he's probably not guilty of the fatal shooting. however, grayson's balls the local sheriff says of grace and did have other options available that he should've used and that his actions were inexcusable, and didn't reflect the values or training of the office of
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a massey's problem. we are asking what grayson was allowed to serve and the police and the 1st place share here is an embarrass, covers.


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