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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the middle of latin america for most of my career, but no country has a light and it's my job to shed light on how and why the kenya is present, or nominated new cabinets, mendez as members of the media say they've been targeted by police. the hello there, i'm this, don't see it. hey, this is al jazeera life from don't also coming the moment a plane crash lands and the poles, capital of the pilot is the only survivor. these are any minute. she blows up a palestinian home during a raid and the occupied westbank for people have been killed since tuesday evening
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. the sleeping wherever they can find space is the same outside. one of the few hospitals still operating in southern golf county as president, has nominated 10 new cabinet and ministers, including members of the opposition on that list we've heard dismissed. most of his ministers earlier this month of to weeks of antique government protest, he's from us to implement measures that he says will address the corruption crisis within his government. protests were initially sparked by ongoing, for a proposed increase in taxes. the movement has now spread across the country, demand and government reform, and we chose resignation. i have these to state dependence. i have had you and i have had you cleared. consequently,
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the following mess just shall be taken to accelerate progress for keeping their deeds stated by the deep. i have nominated the following passengers for consideration and approval by the national assembly for the appointment is coming at 630 as well. that spring talk correspond to mountain web hearings. me now from the canyon capital. now can i say quite a few old faces on that list of cabinet nominees that route has just announced how it purchased as likely to respond so we're waiting to find out these demonstrations being by journalists and others who would protesting against what they say is being increased and threats to generally safety onto press freedom generally since the protest movement began a month ago, incidents including last week, one just being shot in the legs. we live,
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i munition others where i just have been a, a gosh. the regulates a as threatened to sanction through cost is the live coverage of the products as these, the issues that have been ongoing, the, the gentlest and others at this demonstration. but like the, the, the mass demonstrations we've seen in recent weeks, people here say they want action a know, not just woods. now, with regards to what routes i was saying and considering the sooner i can see it as consider rates every time as he mentioned. but this appointment at the appointments, the new cabinet ministers, i think, is likely to be led to be met with a lot of skepticism from those protesters who were cooling for a complete cleaning of the house and for taking the cross to the pool. it's in robin and political appointees. now we'd be someone who can tell us a bit more about that. he's kelly to say it is the direct, the executive director of local africa, the right speak that's being documenting. the thousands of people have been killed
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and the duct tape during these process as well as the abuses against the press as well. we just didn't just take about the rest of the cabinet, the route. so it was a point said, what do you think about that? yeah, i think everyone using shock, we still haven't seen penalize the whole list yet. but what is p a is that to have decided to incorporate the position into the company that's. and that's why i need to move plastic to country. it was to really survive. well, you need a stronger position. so when you go to bed with their position, it means the checks and balances are off. so from the onset we rejects this uh, you know, incorporation of the position, we believe that their position needs to continue doing their walk. they need to all fi checks and balances and keep their in bed with government. then that means they'll position these official. you did, the process is to be demanding a cabinet for the people who are 2nd across. so people who are professionals who proficient in the different fields. so the different ministries it will say demanding people with teen reco or they haven't been implicated in pos corruption
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scandals. how do you think they're going to react to this cabinet? i think it's not the protest passe that have been demanding for, for these. it's the constitution of kenya, because the process i see for just as simply according to what is being the constitution, the constitution is very key and that's it. they shouldn't be politicians. it shouldn't be people who are, you know, have other jobs and other things. they're supposed to be technocrats, they're supposed to be professionals who are experienced in the field that they're supposed to be handling. so by any end in itself, these appointments violate the constitution. and that's why we, as participants have been calling for the full implementation of the constitution. and i think these appointments are a slap in the face of getting young people who voted for these constitutions and said, we want professionalism seem to executive. getting these cabinets, get a gift confidence in demonstrators, in canyons and roots. i was promised that we had what he spoke just a short while ago to find corruption. definitely naturally not the least of the
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cabinet members that has been presented were you not in any way in state? confident in kenyans, in the process of the agency. you, we've already seen the recycling, the same individuals that we've been complaining about. they've been brought back to the cabinet. some of them the most corrupt, some of them, the ones canyon got very angry. we are still met that way by and you're asking the president, if you knew of these individuals, you said you want to work with. why did you been dismissed? i mean, the 1st place should have just let them do you not know, we have to go through all those processes listing of resources. and if you still wanted those guys, yeah, it shouldn't be been dismissed. sent me the 1st place to it, doesn't things take confidence in any way. and, you know, as kenya is we are demanding better from the president because this is not what we expect him to be doing, especially especially after coming out and saying that, you know, he has you sent to the people, he's the sentence in z. i that that will be changes. thank you. can be the same as the director of the co africa. now let's just take
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a look around it. that was at the, the, the crowd here, these gentlest and others who marched around the city this morning to several destinations. it means parliament. they've been to the office of the attorney general seeking accountability for abuse. is committed to they said committed against journalists. they submitted that petition administrative communication on the which the regulate to be party souls is threatened to sanction pro costas for a live pro, costs of the protests. and they come back to this location where they've started by same location where every tuesday. so the last month, the same people demonstrate thing as a frequency be broken out by police using to gas and the other weapons and did not come with the on the streets of downtown. i re be keeping an eye on things for us today. thank you very much bye. now the pilot appears to be the only survivor of a plane crash and the polls capital. the aircraft crashed and during take off,
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some cap men do and then burst into flames. the plane was headed to for kara, which is in central, in the pool. at least 18 staff members of the ocean company died on that test flight. a. while that springing costs arise quite a while, i use the editor of the english language publication republic a daily he joins us again from the natalie is capital. of course, thank you for joining us again on al jazeera. when you look at the new video that we're seeing, the last few seconds of us playing them yet it's remarkable. anyone survive? let's learn the pilot. what do we know about how he's doing? yeah, i you, it has me now and me did in the loop last digital got from the medical colleagues and we had tons of doctor hospital his tasks, and they told us that he's out of danger. but the rest of this, like 19 other crew members and the staff members and the whole date and there, but the bodies had been taken to enter the hospital due to the hospital. and the
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post mortem process, as you know, is, is currently underway. but you know, new details have email there's, there's also one for the national. he's a, he's a e and many national. he's from him and he's also among the dent that we have come to long and post mountain process will begin today. but the dating but it will be handed over to the victim penny, one of the after 3 days, that is what we were told. and you know, if you just thing i was us to, i was in the hospital and i could see grieving family members gathered to do it isn't hospitals their data, you know, believing that or that morning over the dates of the near loved one. and we also came to learn that the base top members would also accompanied some of the step is to have members are accompanied by the family members. and i just came to learn that one of his tasks that had taken his wife and his 4 year old son along with him because of the full price taurus in the city. and maybe they were planning to just have some back patients. these are the details and also the government has got an
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emergency cabinet meeting at 5 pm today. this is 15 minutes up to now and the cabinet meeting is expected to form a problem coming can also take on the mazes to avoid any noise. similar accident taking place in the future. so, you know, they'll just, you know, i'm sorry, cost just, just to be clear about what your just told us. that it sounds like you were saying that it wasn't just necessarily staff members on that plane that, that one of the stock that is actually brought has family, including a child. so we do expect a child to be listed now amongst the dead. you mentioned that this was a test like what was it exactly, testing a yeah, it was a, it was a ctx light and, and the hard to actually take information from the civilization. all 2 different involved to do the c tech in, in boca because they separate anger info, could i internationally a port and they were actually taking the slide and be able to come to learn that some of the problem. what are so busy airlines, airline company,
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and also on board the aircraft? so basically it was, it was, it was an awesome, not necessarily the playing with had already some technical issues, but they were actually, um, you know, trying to conduct the regular test of the craft as part of this, you know, but i see the bodies were seeing more and more video and large of, of the last few seconds of the, of the, the aircraft. and yeah, and you see it come down, crash and literally boston towards a board of things. do we have any more information about what exactly went wrong as the airport officials and now saying that the pain was flying in the wrong direction? no, actually it was find the right direction. so. so the last conversation the pilot had with the atc was designated to take him to the clearings for you know, take off and then there was no further communication. and within 20 to 22 seconds, the plane actually took off, but he lost that. you'd certainly lost control and he started, you know,
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moving to the other direction, then the direction that it was supposed to expire. and it certainly fell on into the ground and burst into the frame and all of the bodies, but actually scattered and byler towards the rescued. the you know, later and he was found, he was ridiculously and he was able to sell by cost last, colorado. the, the editor of english language, publication republic, a daily thank you so much for joining us with more details now here on out a 0 sum page and thank you the, the, on the ground and goals are there have been reports of heavy is really and artillery attacks on con eunice, residential squares, and buildings have again been targeted. the u. n is saying a 150000 palestinians have fled since monday. many of them are seeking shelter and the cities, not so hospital. one of the last, a medical facilities still operating that in the south,
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at least 89 palestinians have been killed. and more than $250.00 injured since is around the guy that some of that fuel peroration in the southern city on monday. well, that's got the license from him, put ari. she's in general bala in central garza and we're seeing these pictures of people actually lining up, trying to find somewhere to sleep, sleeping out in the open. how people coping where we're past 3 days now. is this offensive? well, we need to know that can you and this was already under a c, v or big operation for for 4 months and it's already destroyed. we're all of those houses are unbelievable. the house is partially damaged, is not part of the damage is either completely blocked into the floor or burn. so palestinians and communities do not even have any shelters. and when they decided to go back to their houses, they went back and be stuffed up their tents. they tried to fix as much as the con,
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but now not had given time to evacuate. people went without anything. so people are knit through these concert on the streets. they do not have any kind of clothes. they do not have any blankets there in the streets without any shelter their homeless. and they do not also have an option of where to go. it also has being under a ground invasion admitted by law and business laid off are already being under attack. and they're all ready packed. and over one that the bottom, the un shelters are the most of the sinews. in her newness and the people who manage to evacuate are lying industries. now there are people who did not manage to about 2 ways because they did not even have time. and those are trapped a mid best of ongoing, quite thing. i mean, it's our tenure. we sending an air strikes and anyone who's trying to the is going to be shot by clubs. carpenters know for more than 3 days now. those pilots in use are out of food. they're out of water. no electricity, no. cause even people who have like their phone batteries,
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now they're out of about 3. so we know nothing about what's going on with those palestinians. i have the ability to talk to someone in our best son. and they said that they did not have any time to evacuate, and that's why they are still chopped under fall. your inbox area. no. according to civil defense teams and paramedics be such as they are on able to reach any area that has been targeted by that is where the horses and whoever tries to, to, to reach. and the area the is where the forces are targeting the civil defense team . with plus captors and is there any drones now? a lot sort of hospital has been calling for blood units, but they are saying that most of the people who came to don't that are eligible because they are not in the race. and people are not getting the nutrition and the food they have to. so people are, are, are trying to have. but unfortunately they're not in good good shape to have other
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products in use and hold. all right, that forcing from the ground for us. and darrow, by that in central garza, thank you. hand on villages along 11 on the southern board with his route have been launch the destroyed and the ongoing confrontations between these really military and hezbollah, that is a pockets of turkey, a few kilometers north that has been long as they sped the by the fighting bonds as in the heart of reports, the people of that region also reeling from the consequences of this conflict, as the tables is the voice of lebanon. this song is for the south of the country. that's again at 4. we are a few kilometers from the border with israel and one of the oldest markets in the middle east. so kind as it is known here, dates back to the 14th century, sort of thinking, well this market was across the road from here you can reach jordan palestine rough
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. uh, egypt. trade is also used to come from syria, but a lot has changed, especially since the latest hostilities between has the law and the way the military began in october. in the past, they would be crowds and the market would stay open and to not time, there wasn't a market like this in the country. we are in house by this district and surrounding areas our home to live in on to minorities. there's an understanding in place whereby the main, the she off armed group doesn't the launch military operations against is really military positions across the border from here, as well to is largely carrying out the surgical strikes, targeting, as well as assets. this corner in southern lebanon hasn't been directly targeted during nearly 10 months of fighting, but the sound of is really war, planes, air, and artillery strikes, as well as rocket launches by has the law has become part of daily life. the serenity is deceptive. and so the um has gone, hello,
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you are lucky because so far it has been quieted today. fall 2 weeks ago. we were here shopping. and the exchange of bias started. people ran away unless the instability is affecting livelihoods. i was 5 years old when my father started to take me here to sell old projects for the last few months. it's been difficult, at least various is among the 10s of thousands of people displaced by the fighting . he's closing shop early because of a lack of customers. the best, no one, my home has been destroyed. i live to my village. we lost every time. we hope this will in soon because it's been going on for too long. there's little optimism in a conflict that's linked to an end to as well as we're on casa, or possibly not even that center for the else as ita southern nothing on all. still a head here on al jazeera, we look at why police have closed off a muslim religious association in germany.
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the . the south korea police receive up to $200.00 reports. while it's every day. when a is to investigate career, lead from one out to 0. was a journey through every story. every step is in there to the celebration of what we can achieve when to reach the welcome to cities and exclude does the redesigns luxury living, crafting a future today we create we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others can all, i want to hear god by that put on purpose has the time and it to
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go live on the go live. another story that may not be made for you as far as the, the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the was a mac, you're watching out of here and let's remind you about top stories here. this. how can you, as president, has nominated the 10 new cabinet ministers, including members of the office session? william richard dismissed most of his ministers, early this month of to weeks of antique government protest. he's promised to
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implement measures to address the corruption crisis within his gulf. the pilots appears to be the only survive of a plane crash and the pools capital. the aircraft skidded off the runway during take off and cap monday before bursting into flames. at least 18 southland, this vision company died in not testifying 7 reports of heavy it's rainy and artillery attacks. on the southern gauze, the city of con unit palestinians are being targeted by. is there any forces as they try to flee the area? at least 89 palestinians have been killed in more than 250 engine. since israel began its minute feel freshman that's helped me 50 on monday. a decision on a possible arrest warrants against his ready prime minister benjamin that's in you all. his and his dependence. minnesota happened delayed definetly several weeks. it comes as the international criminal court accepts and legal interventions by the us
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. the u. k. gemini, and several other countries, the prosecutor of the icbc requested those arrest warrants last may for suspected war crimes in casa step boston revolts never before in the history of the international criminal court have so many countries and organizations try to stop international arrest warrants against respective war criminals, as in the case against is for any leader benjamin they find out his defense minister and suite how much lead us after the u. k. was allowed to intervene in this case, not in total. 64 states and organizations are allowed to make these ups of agents by august 6th. this will all be a complicated legal procedure, but what it comes down to is that it will significantly, they delay any decision on possible arrests warren. what these countries like germany, i know arguing, is that this court has no jurisdiction to prosecute is for any citizen. they say
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the court to the intimate, international criminal court was established in 2002 to prosecute the war criminals from countries where they would not be prosecuted, for example, because they don't have a proper legal system or any political reason. but germany now says, as well should do the case and if for out, but the legal experts say this is not a valid argument because it's what it has not showed any indication that this will do so. but it will definitely delay any decision. and so from now, benjamin nathan, jo, i'm still freely traveling around the world without do risk of being arrested. step last and l just sierra. take of all these rarely minute, tre. it has meanwhile killed at least full palestinians during reigns in the occupied westbank. during one of those rides the army storms, the columbia refuge account, and blew off a palestinian families hun mohammed. manasseh was accused of killing. 2 is raised in february. is there any soldiers shot dead,
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at least one passenger in that operation? an injured 6 others, nor a day reports or from the columbia refugee camp in the occupied west. the people are still picking up, the pieces behind me is the home, the family home of how much manasseh earlier of the cruise from the civil defense came to assess whether this building can continue to stand because the lower for lower still house family. this is a part of the is really policy of collective punishment as defined by human rights organizations. a 16 year old teenager was shot during classes that ensued in the 7 hours of the raid in columbia, where these really forces ordered the residents to stay in the house, clashed with the youth, demolished the home, and then left them. this is not the 1st time such an incident kind of has happened, but it's certainly the most violent in some time, particularly into boss where an under cover is really a occupation force unit dressed as civilians enter to boss. they startled
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a palestinian customs officer shot him dead and injured his colleague. and this incident is now under investigation, being condemned by the customs police of the palestinian authority. elsewhere in the west bank. there were, there were attacks by his really subtler info, lot of close to nablus, where if cars and other property was set on fire and the family in the tooth cut them area is grieving the loss of their 13 year old boy who succumb to his bones the ones he sustained when he was visiting his crown grand parents 2 weeks ago during a run is rarely military raid of their village. so germany's interior minister has banned the humbug, islamic center. muslim religious association that's been under investigation now for several months. in his statement, the ministry says the organization is pursuing radical is misconduct goals. it
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accuses the center of supporting lebanon's hezbollah group and spreading runs ideology. investigate has rated $53.00 prophecies across germany that are said to be linked to that center, including the pre mosque and handbook. lama should send to him have books i bought . today, we have banned hamburg this nomic center. following the extensive search measures our security authorities have analyzed the confiscated material. it is now certain that this law makes center humbert act and is directed against our constitutional order. that is why we are applying one of the sharpest weapons of our law to bend this organization. this is a further consequent step against a small mist extremism. it is very important to me to make a clear distinction. we are not acting against to religion. we are making a clear distinction between a slowness against whom we are taking top action and the many muslims who belong to our country and lived their faith. and then the rushes and military intelligence
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has believed to be one of 2 people injured and a comp on me in the capital. most could media reporting the last happened shortly after the officer and, and on identified one then goes into the vehicle. a taiwan is bracing for a type of food to make landfill the in the coming hours. schools and offices have been closed and 21 cities and counties and people having to prioritize their own safety. with that storm set to hit about midnight that tie one time of japan and china are among the countries in the positive type here and gave me, china says it's closing it's high speed railway system affecting some 260 trains most career house and mobile or is filled with rubbish and to south korean, one of them landed inside the presidential compound and so the south and just days of the south career boosted its frontline propaganda ruled costs from loud speakers pointed across that demilitarized zone pollutants have been dropped on south korea
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. since late may carrying cigarette spots manual and used batteries? well that's it for me and the stones via tag, you can always find more on elders 0 dot com next inside, stored takes a look at the roles, race and gender play in us politics to stay with us. the, to hello. the weather was continued for china, sayings to tie food going may, you can see it earlier on the satellite image working its way towards the north, east of taiwan strengthening as it does. so will it set to strengthen again before it makes land full in china, is from john proteins on thursday is going to bring some very powerful winds up to a 195 kilometers per hour, soaking rains as well. we're expecting up to $600.00 millimeters to full in places
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. and as we go into a friday it will steadily work its way overland, moving to most central areas and all the winds may die down, but the heavy rain is here to stay. we have got the highest read of that out for that type student in china. by the time we get to select today, you can see it stephanie working its way towards more northern areas. it will push its way towards the north east for the rest of the weekend. and that was a move to south asia flooding rains. the also the issue here much of india sitting down pulls across more central and northern areas, but also down towards the so we've read warnings of 4th at west coast of india, but the rain will so full heavy as around the bay open goals for places like me and ma, meanwhile for pakistan it continues to be a very hot and humid situation. for correction. the pianist who was in irving, my name is tyler. i was abducted by the c i a in 2004,
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a german citizen was kidnapped and tortured by the chain of republicans let me into into a powerful documentary tells the story of how the geo politics of the post 911 when we were in the life of an innocent bill, my suitcase phone, which is here. tamela harris, gaining democratic policy. suppose it had been for the white house will to be the 1st to my knowledge, the woman to hold the top job in the us. what are the chances against donald trump? this is inside story, the
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hello and welcome to.


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