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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 24, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the eligibility or with the the ultimate news, our life from headquarters in delphi and getting you navigate. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. kenny as president nominates you cabinet positions as members of the media, say they've been intimidated by police. a plane crashes in the polls capital while on a test flight. a pilots is the only survivor sleeping work effort they can find space . the scene outside one of the few hospitals still operating in southern gaza. and
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we look at why police and the german city of hamburg have shut down a religious center. and you have a nice with the sport controlled to see if they didn't pick games as kind of the women's football team send time to staff members for legislate using a training. it's a spy on that. we're kind of while that kind of sits out his sides, i didn't match against the students as a consequence. the welcome to the news, our kind of goes presidents as nominated, new cabinet ministers after weeks of anti government protests. william roots so has included members of the office dition dots after having dismissed most of his ministers earlier this month. and he promised to implement measures he says, will address the corruption crisis within his government. the protests were initially sparked by anger against the plan to increase taxes. the movement is now
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spread across the country, demanding government reform, as well as retails resignation. i have these to state dependence. i have had you and i have had you clear the consequent as the following message us shall be taken to accelerate progress to achieving the deeds stated by the deep. i have nominated the following precedence for consideration and approval by the national assembly for the appointment as coming at 6 studies or bring in our correspondence or so jabard. joining us from the canyon capital nairobi to tell us what reaction there has been so far as or so to reach those message. while it seems that's what the presidents have to say is not going down well with many here. those who have been demanding change or continuing with their demand, saying that the president has made no real concessions. he has not listen to what
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the people have had to say. and this is when the demonstrators, the gen, the, we're hoping that they will hear something from the president that would show that we're in route. so was really looking out for the best interest of the average kenyon. but based on today's statement, maybe here say they feel that the president has taken this opportunity to further his own political career. joining me now is one of the use acts of us who has been taking parts over the past months in the demonstrations as well. thank you for joining us and i'll just 0. can you tell us what is your reaction to what your president has to say today? thank you very much for having me. dorsey. my name is scott so much ok. and what the president has done is reflective of what the political class has always been as we had expected. it is us stop one's self which see mr. move in terms of self
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preservation. as we have said, time without number. we have shed blood and most recommended comb rates. and what has ended up happening is a match of 2 political parties when they was complaining that you could oldest of all, but they would never work together. but it's gotten to the point where the political class has come together for its own sake, and not for the sake of cadence. they had said that they were having broad based conversations, but the group is conversations ended up being a match of 2 political parties because he idolized keenly. that means that we're missing out on the list. it is the part to lead us and deputy party leaders of the legend opposition party that we used to have. it is now incumbent upon us as a people to become the opposition. now we know that the political class is to get back, and they've done this number less times where we will clamor for change. we wouldn't lose lives and they despise us as people because blood disease of no value to them . because if he does a blot, it's a beat us the roots and nothing but they go or them and have these little meetings and coons and being covered to each other,
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to try and propagate their own political much. and that we've seen them into trade off products, we've seen them still, i pulled corrupt leaders, which we had said, we have asked him to dissolve the government and not to shuffle. but we've seen him bringing people dropped the case of as we've said, we want to administer without any corruptive, look in good political standing. they have made it look as if the country is devoid of what he does. and he breaks our hearts just what, that's why we're going to be on the streets again. as i'm being quote, to the full and comedies. it cannot be that every single time we use a lot the politicians use all black to sign the ties themselves and part of their political agenda. thank you very much for giving us your insight into how you feel at the moment. so there is some reaction for you, gives you a sense of how people are feeling how the agency of use are reacting to what the president has have to say. and it appears that this political crisis for router was anything that over all right or so thank you so much for that reporting from nairobi. now a pilots is the only survivor for plane crash in the polls. capital,
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at least 18 staff members of sorry, a airlines died on not test flights. the plane crashed during take off in catman. do. a said big reports the moment to think precious of the runway in the polls and best into flames captured on security camera. start to say 18 parties have been covered. the only survive is the pilot. the police admitted research, the charge remains clues of a one. doesn't that one's the scene of how does that the bodies of 15 plus $31318.00 have already been recovered and transported to the more we now have information that one of the people on board survived and is getting treated as can see hospital west and further investigating the crush mckyrie associate, a lines was taken go from troop of an international airport in testament due for days from the scene showed in large smoking. so the last conversation the pilot had
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with the atc was designated to give the clearings for you know, take up and then there was no further communication and within 20 to 20 to 2nd, the plane actually took off, but it lost it certainly lost control. and it started, you know, moving to the other direction, then the direction that it was supposed to buy. and it certainly fell on into the ground and burst into the flame. we paused, has been criticized for a pool, a safety record. in january last year, a pain covering 72 people across click on board since 2000. they have been 19 crises getting nearly 360 people and european union has put in the valley. your draft is black, least in terms of, you know, a v as in safety. and so there has been, you know, a far as being made by civilization all to do. you have an invalid, but then again, these, these accidents have been no, i'll cutting repeatedly, especially in the domestic fleet. officials say the cause of the crust is not yet known, but they said the pain was troubling for maintenance. tx,
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the latest incident as to the long history of a crushes in the pool. i said big i to 0 of the there have been heavy is really air and artillery attacks and southern gaza residential squares on buildings and fine eunice have been targeted. the when says a 150000 palestinians have fled since monday, and many are seeking shelter in the cities and also hospital. one of the last medical facilities still operating in the south, at least 89 palestinians have been killed. and more than $250.00 injured since israel begun its military operation in the southern city. on monday, we are with us, our correspondence auto about a student who is joining us from dated. but of just tell us about what you're hearing about the situation in con units right now the audit and also about the latest is really a tax on there after my guess. in fact,
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the reading is the is really minute trees the pressing on for the 3rd day, uh, consecutively, i expenditure operations in the city of con eunice, just to money is that we continue from iowa and it says, really, very drastic and correct. think about the level of destruction, how posing inflicted from the ongoing confrontations which must bite to these but now the patient is in the eastern areas upon you and is basically what is happening . that is, that the minute we started quite to you're getting that area in order to be that told us they said this month of how much remaining minute to build up that. but they have been defending or destroying and loving off the phone with visuals, was snipers have been working effectively in that area to palestinians have been king so far during the past couple of hours. one of them is young. children is young child and a same time. there is also in during the statements by the most a ring of how much is a white thing. the baptism getting that the managed to destroy associate counter yet with an explosive device. plastic is ready. a media report proposal comp to has
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landed in the eastern area, so connie would have to evacuate the engine at so we just so the situation, those things would you believe that's the only thing that has never witnessed. i'm so to let talk. so now i'm thought in terms of those who have been injured and of course, who have been killed, we understand that they're heading to an also the hospital one of the few or the last actually function hospitals in the south. what's the status of that hospice or the hospital is increasing be overwhelmed with patients and the people who are talking about more than 100. how soon he is has been right. not receiving medical treatment on site, the departments of the hospitals, medical sources, sometimes the beds, capacities are now obviously overwhelmed. alongside that the people are receiving a treatment on the flu, on the size of the hospitals. the departments inclusively work above the capacity
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as opposed to do the very deep filters in terms of the products available inside the book, banking in the hospital to pass theirs on getting appeals be made by the ministry for displaced families in order to donate notes for the injured people and that happens that due to the very high rates of casualties among due status, the museum has removed from these very ongoing attached and at the same time and need to put in such a distribution what to do with a central medical supplies or something token to right now, there is ongoing attacks also in the city of kind of casualties that turns out with such hospitals and basically, and also is one of the bailey functional stuff alongside with a very limited number of ways. hospitals including a way to one which is already can be very limited to some of the injuries cannot really carry out some it's not surgeries with a vast majority of cases that have been disruptive it into the bit critical that. okay, thank you so much thought of also and thanks for that reporting from data by says,
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well not has released drone footage of what it says is an error based deep. ringback inside is real, the 11 on base group says the footage is off planes and fuel storage facilities and israel's rama david air base. and that's 50 kilometers south of the lebanese border earlier this month as well. the published a drone video showing is really military sites and they occupied gold on heights. and then in june, it released the video showing the hifi area is in a whole that is joining us from lebanon's capital bay roots. so the 3rd such drone video to be released by his bundles, they know what are we learning about this one? well this one focuses on one of the main air bases in northern israel. some 50 kilometers south border is able to take this all these images on detected and this is an air base which has the anti aircraft facilities as well as other radar equipment. so this is being seen as
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a security breach. now these raise the army, appears to be down playing the incident that says that this drone is used for photography purposes. and the activity of the base was sounds hard. but this is a message like the previous messages that has full of sense as well. it's one of the parents telling as well not to think about expanding the conflict with the arms of groups. it is also a message that has full law is ready and capable of confronting as well. if it chooses to expand the conflict, the timing of the release of this video while there's really prime minister benjamin nothing. yeah. who is in the united states sources post as follow. have told us that of, you know, just hours before nothing. yahoo is to address congress. the message from hezbollah is we know that you are in the united states to try to seek support to widen the conflict. we tell you, we are ready to confront him to confront any
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a full on offensive. in recent weeks, i've seen a recent days, excuse me, not weeks. hezbollah has started to target new areas in northern as well. so this is a very much dangerously poor use conflict. it's a still limited to military strikes on both sides of the border. we visited a pockets of the territory close to the border, which has been largely spared by the fighting, but even their people are really from the consequences of this conflict. the dues is the voice of lebanon on this song is for the cells of the country. that's again at 4. we are a few kilometers from the border with israel, and one of the oldest markets in the middle east. so con, as it is known here, dates back to the 14th century, sort of thinking, well this market was across the road from here. you can reach jordan, palestine rough. uh, egypt. trade is also used to come from syria, but
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a lot has changed, especially since the latest hostilities between has been law and the way the military began in october. in the past, they would be crowds and the market would stay open and to not time, there wasn't a market like this in the country. we are in house by this district and surrounding areas our home to live in ons, minorities. there's an understanding in place where by the main, the, she all armed group doesn't the launch military operations against is really military positions across the border from here, as well to is largely carrying out the surgical strikes, targeting, as well as assets. this corner in southern lebanon hasn't been directly targeted during nearly 10 months of fighting, but the sound of is rarely war planes, air, and artillery strikes, as well as rocket launches by has the law has become part of daily life. the serenity is deceptive. and so the um has gone, hello,
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you are lucky because so far it has been quiet today fall 2 weeks ago. we were here shopping. and the exchange of bias started. people ran away as the instability is affecting livelihoods. i was 5 years old when my father started to take me here to sell old projects for the last few months. it's been difficult, at least various is among the 10s of thousands of people displaced by the fighting . he's closing shop early because of a lack of customers. the best, no one, my home has been destroyed. i live to my village. we lost every time. we hope this will in soon because it's been going on for too long. there's little optimism in a conflict that's linked to an end to as well as we're on casa, or possibly not even that center for the else as ita southern nothing on jewish piece groups have been making their voices heard ahead of is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is addressed to the us congress later on wednesday.
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they've held a citizen inside the us capital building, demanding a ceasefire in gaza, and they were calling for an end to weapons exports to israel. meanwhile, dozens of relatives of the captives held him does not have protested mere capitol hill, a head of nets in yahoo's fees, and their calling on him to sign a deal with from us for the release of the captives for us to step down as israel's prime minister will displace palestinians and guards on seeing us and yahoo should not be welcome by world leaders a little bit. i'm just letting you know who is in bryce by the american see he's being provided with meals, food and drink. he's being hosted in congress. well, we've been killed and slaughtered. where should we go? where all the nations, what, where are the are people? whereas they are well with the muslim world, where all the people have morals into european nations, who welcomes each months that he kills the ship?
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united states is the main partner in what is happening and gaza and we think killed because of the united states. and we've been floated by the american plains, american ships, american tanks and american troops. everything we have been killed with these american button glasses, any operation in any killing and any massacre. okay, let's bring in our correspondent rosalyn jordan, who is joining us from washington dc. so talk to us about how wide spread are the protests expected to be ahead of netanyahu's speech. rosalind, as well organizers of all the protests outside of the main capital complex, are expecting thousands of people from around the country to demonstrate their opposition to benjamin netanyahu. to his giving a speech to a joint meeting of congress to his conduct of the war in side, regardless of which they say constitutes a genocidal operation. they are planning to be as loud and as just relative as they
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possibly can be in order to make it known. that even though they believe in trying to support the people of israel, that they do not believe that attacking innocent palestinians is the way to guarantee israel security. there are well security barriers already going up around the main capital building to prevent demonstrators from trying to get insight into what just rubbing the speech. the house speaker mike johnson has also award members of congress, their staffers and a congressional of civilian staff, as it were to that no disruption will be tolerated, that people will be rejected and arrested if they try to disrupt benjamin netanyahu and speech later on wednesday. yeah, girls living, you know, what the timing of all of this, of course is something that we should pay attention to because nothing else has visit comes in the middle of a turbulent election campaign in the us. so how are both sides looking to capitalize on this as well, let's take
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a step back. the original i invitation from the house speaker, mike johnson, who is of course, a republican was originally set for some time in june, but neither the speakers office nor the prime minister's office could arrange a time in june. now here it is late july, and it's all coincidental that this is happening as there's been a major shake up on the democratic side of the presidential campaign with the vice president of commer harris. now, the presumptive nominee for the democratic nomination, she already had previous plans for campaigning. and it's basically really complicated to set up a campaign event and been to cancel it. and so she was going to keep to her plan that said she is planning to meet at some point this week with benjamin netanyahu. of the senate majority leader, chuck schumer, the house minority leader hygiene jeffries did not want to extend this invitation,
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but essentially were shamed into going along with it. that said, republican, see an opportunity to show their pro israel bona fides by saying that they are going to be there to show their very vocal support for nothing. yahoo and for is real, but a large number of democratic representatives and senators are planning to skip this because there's one center to reported. he's not willing to be a prop for, but he says will be benjamin netanyahu has propaganda during his speech on wednesday. all right, thank you, rosalind jordan for that reporting from washington dc. well, dozens of countries and organizations are trying to stop or even delay the international criminal court issuing an arrest warrant for benjamin netanyahu. the courts prosecutor requested international warrants where there is really a leader on his defense minister as well as leaders of him us for suspected war crimes in gauze up. but $64.00 countries have now intervenes both in favor and against the warrants, and that's likely to delay
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a decision by months. so positive reports from the hague, the never before in the history of the international criminal for it has so many countries and organizations try to stop international unless once again suspects of war criminals, as in the case against is for any leader benjamin nissan. jo. his defense minister and suite how much lead us after the u. k, was allowed to intervene in this case, not in total. 64 states and organizations are allowed to make this association by august 6th. this will all be as complicated legal procedure, but what it comes down to is that it will significantly date the late any decision on possible arrests warrant. what these countries like germany, i know arguing, is that this court has no jurisdiction to prosecute if for any citizens. they say the court to the intimate, international criminal court was established in 2002 to prosecute the war criminals from countries where they would not be prosecuted, for example,
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because they don't have a proper legal system or any political reason. but germany now says as well should do the case in its route, but the legal experts say this is not a valid arguments because this one has not showed any indication that this will do so. but it will definitely delay any decision. and so for now, benjamin they to jo, i'm still freely traveling around the world without do risk of being arrested. step last and l just sierra take the is really military has killed, at least for palestinians during raids and the occupied westbank during one the army storm to come down to a refugee camp and blew up a palestinian families home. well, how much money also that was accused of killing $2.00 is released in february, is really soldiers shot dead, at least one person during the operation, an injured 6 others, not all day reports from colombia refugee camp and the occupied westbank. the people are still picking up, the pieces behind me is the home,
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the family home of how much manasseh earlier of the cruise from the civil defense came to assess whether this building can continue to stand because the lower for lower still house family. this is a part of the is really policy of collective punishment as defined by human rights organizations. a 16 year old teenager was shot during classes that ensued in the 7 hours of the raid in columbia, where these really forces ordered the residents to stay in the house, clashed with the youth, demolished the home, and then left them. this is not the 1st time such an incident kind of has happened, but it's certainly the most violent in some time, particularly into boss where an under cover is really a occupation force unit dressed as civilians enter to boss. they startled a palestinian customs officer shot him dead and injured his colleague. and this incident is now under investigation,
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being condemned by the customs police of the palestinian authority. elsewhere in the west bank. there were, there were attacks by his really subtler info, lot of close to nablus, where a cars and other property was set on fire and a family in the tooth cut them. area is grieving the loss of their 13 year old boy who succumb to his bones, the ones he sustained when he was visiting his crown grand parents. 2 weeks ago during a run is rarely military raid of their village. the iran has summoned a german envoy into her on a non softer the german government band. the hamburg is lumnick center. that's him with muslim religious association that's been under investigation for several months. in a statement the german interior ministry said the organization was pursuing what it's called radical islamist goals. it accuses the center of supporting lebanon's
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has by law and spreading. it runs ideology, a just sent home home book simpleton. today we have banned hamburg this nomics center following the extensive search measures our security authorities have analyzed the confiscated material. it is now certain that this law make center humbert act and is directed against our constitutional order. that is why we are applying one of the sharpest weapons of our law to band this organization. this is a further consequent step against the smallest extremism. it is very important to me to make a clear distinction. we are not acting against a religion. we are making a clear distinction between a slowness against whom we are taking thoughts, action, and the many muslims who belong to our country and lived their faith. let's, i'll speak to advantage seller was the director of the middle east division of the heinrich bowl foundation dot, the german dream party affiliated political organization. joining us from berlin, thanks for your time with us on alj a 0. so look, there's
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a long list of accusations and claims made by the german government against the center, but the evidence hasn't been made public. why is done well, the investigations or the observation of this month, the association running it has been ongoing for years. if not the case, so it's a long term process and we have with the 1st base of the institution. and also last here were a number of documents and computers were taken away and off the dots. now it has been said that amongst the evidence found where links up the organization to us by law. so i'm sure that it is an ongoing process. so because it was not the only rate all the other institutions related to them, austin hubbard were rated today. and i think we will need to keep an eye on what actually comes out of this. is there something to reset about the timing and why this was done now as well?
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i think it has been really part of the long term process, particularly during the past 2 years. the pressure has been mounting off the biological son down of that radiant vision. on the time of his ventilation in russia, pressure has been mounted in the thirty's here to see how can, if they supported, how can it be prevented that that ran into the extensive control and for rest? is that opposition? members here? i think it is everybody's memory in germany, how 30 years ago actually in 1992 that ran into gene have 4 opposition figures killed and accommodated detached. here in berman and therefore i think compare is big that the center might be an extension of rang and machine to control of a position in exile. yeah, i got ones, i mean, no allegations. yeah. a gun allegations that had been put forward by the german government, but he, ron, has now summoned the german ambassador over this. do you expect the diplomatic fall
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out as well? i think it will be handle on that level because even though there has been a road disclosure, nobody has been arrested. so i think escalation has not reached a peak. and it might not, it is understandable, let ross amongst the investor. but i think the 2 method exchange on this will deliver further results that come back from a consistence politics minister. interior has made it clear which i think it's important. it's not against the relation, but it just against political motivated agitation here. so let's see what comes out of it. yeah, i mean, we heard the minister and what she had to say that this wasn't against their religion. but is there a risk that this will be perceived as discrimination? because according to germany's own report, there was an independent commission assigned by the german government in 2023. i'm sure you're aware of it, which found that muslims in germany faced racism,
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hatred on discrimination on a daily basis, and they're subjective to daily stereotyping. so is there a risk of this will be perceived as discrimination by some there is the risk that this will be perceived as such as of chris, it is evidence. there is anti muslim racism in germany. and i know that many people are experiencing on the basis. however, if we look at the small, i mean their expense to $30000.00 to the radians in hover. as i think most of them have never said that most could many also express that they don't feel representative by it. they feel intimidated by its presence because of the strongest creation, but that really envision and therefore i think we also should see it in the context . okay, we'll leave it there. thank you so much for joining us from berlin. i think you still had on the houses around this hour and search for bites. we looked at why more people are going hungry around the world. and we look at the huge role that
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a tiny island thousands of kilometers away from terrorist we'll have in the upcoming olympics. the investigative journalism is quite chewing. well, can you, through here, sensing that last horrible mind? what of the journey? voices from different corners of organization survival. it's survivable. survival runs for reparations and justice stories from other angles like this actually music of the way people talk, the way we walk programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on now to sierra was a journey through every story. every step is a narrative, a separation of what we can choose when to reach the
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welcome to submit an extra re designed redesigns, luxury leasing, trusting of future. today we create the the, [000:00:00;00] the top floors on the houses around is our county as president was nominated, 10 new cabinet ministers, including members of the opposition. william rudo dismissed most defense ministers earlier this months after weeks of anti government protests. and he promised to
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implement measures to address the corruption crisis within his government. the pilot appears to be the only survivor of a plane crash in the falls capital. the aircraft crossed are and take off and come and do before bursting into flames. at least 18 staff members of asian company died in the test flights. there been reports of heavy is really air and artillery tax on the southern. does the city of fun, eunice palestinians are being targeted by as really forces as they try to see the area at least 89 palestinians have been killed in more than 250 injured since israel began its military operation in the southern city on monday. the united nation says it's go of 0, hunger by 2030 seems unlikely, issued a report that says 582000000 people will be under. nourished, by the end of the decades, more than 9 percent of people worldwide went hungry. in 2023. that's comparative.
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7.5 percent. 5 years ago. hunger has been on the rise in african countries for nearly a decades. last year, a 139000000 people were affected. but more than half of all those without enough to eat were an asian nations. nearly 30 percent of the world population did not have regular access to adequate foods last year. more than a 3rd of the global population couldn't afford to eat a healthy diet in 2022. as we have with us alexandra, which is so ser perrera, who is the head of nutrition with action against hunger, u. k. joining us live from spain. welcome to the algebra 0 news. our thanks for your time. why do you think that the global prevalence of hunger is persisting at the same level for the past 3 consecutive years? high and thanks for the coming me. um, but the main reason why it's best sistant, it's because we,
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i'm not really addressing the main strict oral causes of my nutrition. we are times addressing same dose and even so that the financing is not sufficient. but when we talk about the consequences of conflicts, the consequences of climate shocks, the conflict quincy is of increasing in the quantities, especially economy. we don't talking about gender equations as well as the fact that the cost of the healthy diet keeps increasing. do we have enough the dressing has struck to causes of a fun. yeah. really not to be able to um, to get the numbers down really. definitely not be able to reach the sustainable. the main goal number to handing hunger incident security by 2056. you mentioned a number of things that were in fact in this report that's been released by the united nations. let me just 0 in on the issue of funding. because the report even
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set that one of the main challenges a remains access to funding. so in your opinion, how, how do you scale off of the funding response? what's needed as well before before talking about how do we set it up? i think it's really, really important to talk about the gaps and, and how these financing is going to, to where it's needed and fill out the direction again. so i've got produced a repo called the hunger funding. that's where we saw that 53 percent of the bill to uh, to, to, to finance you might have done in crisis link long ago where i'm of finance and that's actually and the results are like it's, it's a country that needs be needed the most and the and heidi are going to be some loved, you're aware whether to be just one that gets the, the best edge of the appeal being finance. and in this report as well. when we look at the,
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the 15 countries the most in need. and we looked at the amount of money needed, we found that the need was about $4000000.00. no, you know what, for the, doing the term to. it's also applied to a, for the american depot, spend on betting on the c panel. so when it comes to, how can we reduce, how can we find ways of financing now? so suddenly, a number of, you know, the ways that we can fine to, to make any sense to be about to a low frequency. because the money is that the resources is that when you say in a bunch of ways, like like what can you give, just give me an example. so it could be, it could be taxing, it could be using the public with what interest them more and they paid for fundage . it could be insurance as well, especially on the smaller on the farm. the so the number of ways that they're listed in explaining the, in the reports,
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much bigger than i do because i know assignments specially. okay. um, okay, let me ask you this. you know, let me just ask you this. uh, i mean, the report says that the goal of 0 hunger by 2030 seems unlikely that is a pretty grim assessment from the work that you do and from what you've seen. do you share that assessment? yes, i've certainly appealing to this issue of financing the issue of having access code . so to the people that needed the most, because we talk about financing being a big problem, you know, conflicts we, we are currently uh some, some, lots conflicts. uh, we are known down south through the places where we are struggling to have access to the population. i don't have those things found not so we we, we'd be shipping as well the best and expect view that we've been the changes go okay, we'll have to leave it there. thank you so much for speaking to us from spain.
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thank you very much for waiting, coming me set of goals, most consumed fish, be sorted. danella is disappearing from local waters and it's worrying. coastal communities, fishermen blame industrial trawlers, but fine to say the rising temperatures are sending the small paddle shaped fish north in search of a cooler climate. nicholas' hoc reports in the capital the car. as it begins at dusk. fisherman and by fall empties the cooler. preparing for his couch, changes his clothes, prepares the bait and and tangles the line. a routine passed down from one generation to another. i pulled it tightly. he instructs the boy started annella. no, we are coming out of the nose as means of my father and my grandfather has a more i'm sure if the fish installed, it will ask us because he would be what nowadays?
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it's best if they hide it away from us. late. the night will be long and dangerous. they set off. what is the model by it? oh, i see what one is in search of a fish no longer found close to shore. only further out in the distance atlantic out there, europe, in deep sea trawlers scraped the ocean floor with their nets. according to the environmental campaign groups, feedback vessels like these catch half a 1000000 tons of those. they started in a lot of the west african coast. every year, enough to feed 33000000 people in the region. instead, these trawlers are bound to china in norway where the sergeant allies turn into fish meal for the sound and farming industry. critics say they're taking food from people's plate in africa, defeat fish in europe, however, basically what used to be an affordable fish is guessing pricey, especially during summer season when it's hard to, to find research or a commercial buy is trying to understand the migration pattern of this are danella
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looking for answers and the fishes in their ear. you know what it says? it's bio mass is dropping. he suspects the fish is struggling to survive this fish going? uh no, no, no, no, ford, because of the climate change because the temperature is now increasing. so the fish is what doing one more water. the sudden a lot is really become more and more scarce and endured. it's early morning. the sun has just come out, the fishermen are coming back now. it has been an unusually cloudy night and the temperatures are rising and the fishermen we spoke through here. fear that the catch won't be as good as expected after a night, etc. and by returns, tired and disappointed, and the cooler his meager catch. a few fish,
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but not the sort of nicholas hawk elgin's here at the car. the leader of this through the news paramilitary rapids support forces are said, the group will participate and talks to end the conflict. how much time john john gallo said they are assess shares, the goal of a comprehensive ceasefire. the r a stuff on the sudanese army have been invited for peace talks starting on august 14th in geneva. the conflict has for us more than 10000000 people from their homes. creating the world's largest displacements, crisis. conditions are deteriorating for over a 1000000 susan. these refugees who have to flee across the border to charge off my the various reports from ad ray on the child to don border of the situation for hundreds of thousands of food and use refugees in eastern charge is getting more and more desperate. let's face this conflict. the world has forgotten this conflict and the plight as well. now you're not technicians are saying that in this area
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alone, which is not the account, not from official town, but the transit station for a suit and use refugees that i'm more than 200456000 in fact sued and his refugees in this particular station, which means that they cannot access all the amenities that are supposed to go through registered refugees that have arrived in eastern chide. the not to patient says, recent conflict in a price of an engineer and i have no refugees in eastern charge right now. we still have around hundreds of new arrivals every day. sometimes thousands on the old arrived in the very bad conditions. many of them either the toes, the children's, i'm on numerous, there are some then forwarding dirt. so that's some, that's what we've seen so far, and the most the thing of women and children in this particular account that i'm over 426000 accounts. more than 14 of them that are more than 400000
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refugees in those comments. add to it, added to the number of refugees. so early a flight, the conflicting double, making the total more than $1200000.00 students refugees in charge. a lower and eastern charge in particular on the situation, according to 8 is, is getting more and more desperate. many people in these cams feel that they have been upon done by the rest of the world. i'm a degrees, i'll just see that on the charts who's on board. still ahead on the all to 0 news our to fox or is bible for resources and recognition back home. as they target a limitation of history, we have more forceful, the, to in which i'm off. coming up in a moment the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the full taiwan is bracing for its high food to hit land and they coming hours. heavy rains and strong winds are ready, lashing july and county weather. all stories say guide me. it has gain speed and it will make impact sooner than initially forecast. they're calling it the strongest type, feeling to land on its shores. in 8 years, people are being are, it's to prioritize their own safety. japan on china are among the countries in the path of that type food. china says it's closing, it's high speed railway system, which was affecting about $260.00 trains. north korea has that more balloons filled
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with rubbish into south korea. one landed inside the presidential compound and so it's happened just days after south korea boosted it's frontline propaganda broadcasts from loud speakers pointed across the demilitarized zone. more than 2000 balloons have been dropped on south korea since late may carrying cigarette bus manure, as well as use batteries. so let's get an update on the sports news now with demo. thank you. during this been some control the say you had a feeling pick women's football tournaments with the canadian team, sending home to staff members for allegedly spying on their opponents. the cottage of the team beth of priesthood is also decided to sit out to sides opening match against museums. as a consequence, friedman's assistant coach and a comes up so catalyst to be removed from the c. often easy didn't complain to to the i is he's integrity units offered drain, was fighting over to the training sessions besides play on thursday in the opening games the tournament. this is want to kind of this coaches have to say about since
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you said on behalf of our entire team. i 1st and foremost want to apologize to the players and stuff. i do see that in football and to the players on team canada, this does not represent the values that all team stands for. i'm. i'm also the responsible for conduct and i'll program to emphasize all teams of commitment to integrity. i've decided to voluntarily withdrawal from coaching the match on 1st day. i as power as to 2024 will bring an end to the international career of one of the greatest sub list to ever play the game of mos set for past 6 and then picks the 6 time fee for women's players. the is one of waste every accolade on office, but some of them pick gold medals so far, lou, to often run his up finishes in 20042008. assessed the 8 year old as a result or time leading goal scores. he's got the team goals across 5, and, and pix, and an international create that stretched 22 years by fall 515, g naked by for will, and determination will not be lacking so that we can really achieve this stream, which is not only the dream of sports people, but of a nation well working to achieve
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a data. and we will have the opportunity to show this from the beginning when we get to the lympics events, told them that it has kicks off now and the extra security is expected in the capital. a head of israel is much it gets molly. later around, $1000.00 police offices will be deployed at the park. they prone stadium with an empty terrorism perimeter assess up around the venue. the palestine football association has cooled on facebook to suspend israel from international football. for the delay on the decision is pay for the wife as well. so take pause to, to mexican athletes will look to in that countries, 1st metal in women's bulk thing is being 25 years since mexico and legalized women's books. and it's produced multiple champions. but today the sport finds itself in a precarious position. julia gadgianno has moved from mexico city boxing runs and by the end of the doors, this is like the 17 year old comes from a family of mexican boxing champions,
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women champions. and she's hoping to turn professional in the coming months with the help of her aunt and trainer holstein boxer, and a mighty authorities known here as the warrior one give almost like a complete schedule in the 25 years as women's boxing was legalized. it's been a constant battle between promoters, the public sponsors and even the families at home, but didn't want to support her daughters saying this was a man support at the road for my deanna and other boxing hopefuls like her and mexico can be quite bleak. despite having many world champions as well as world class talent, women's boxing likes the institutional structure to propel fighters into profitable careers. as in so many other areas of life here, the lower better opportunities up north has a strong pool. see to combine us in the americas of working it out. and if you compare the money they can make in the us with a promoter, with
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a boxing match with what they can make here in mexico, the numbers just don't add up. so what have mexican for motors done? and they go to the us market, they sign their boxers with big companies in the us space. and that changes have the business develops here in the social media without local promoters. there's no sponsors, no prime time television spots. but for many, the love of the sport is stronger still. for many boxers. the dream of course, is to end up here training to represent mexico in the olympics. and this month, to the officers will in to make history. trying to become the 1st mexican women to bring home and olympic boxing metal with only days to go before paris. 2024 is the plan your piece inside the method that are hard at work. they're not exempt from the challenges faced by their professional counterparts. but they know olympic success can help open doors. the biggest challenge is, is always the, the support
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a kind of financially, how to get a job to invest in my career. so i feel like it's a general problem, like it could almost mean like you're gonna find better opportunities in the states . well, more competitive salaries may end up changing the course of their careers. for now, they have one focus to get mexico, its 1st women's boxing metal. julia gallano, i'll just euro mexico city. while most libyans will be the best link for glory in paris, the surface from around the world will be getting so cold. 16000 kilometers away on the island of tahiti. the decision was made because beaches in front, so mostly flat. this time, if you have it's under biased reports tell who to call it the end of the road. the others to hear these wall of skulls, home to one of the most iconic and dangerous waves in the world. and where the world's top surfers are gathered,
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hoping to fight for olympic gold. it's surfing 2nd to parents at the games. but it's also a spiritual home coming to he is in french polynesia where the earliest evidence of the sport has been traced back to the 12th century. i think we're for everyone, it's good history. it's a good reminder of how your land picks are connected to the ocean to the people, to the little villages. the decision to hold the event initially sparked significant local backlash, which concerns over the environments and their way of life. this is ridiculous in december, a barge being used to build a new judging tower damage the coral reef. after protests and threats of boy costs, the original plans for the olympics site were scaled back. local homes will provide 98 percent of the housing concerns over the environment. remain dirty weather. we
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cannot to go fishing anymore because we can't see anything. it's very good. despite those fears, many to haitians are excited about the opportunity. competition is expected to be fierce. one wrong move onto the oak or puts athletes in serious danger, slammed by explosive mountains of water onto razor sharp coral just below the surface. you can have the most craziest experience in your, your, your best feelings, the best way you can have in your life. and you can also can have the worst wipe on your life. forecast show high odds for bigger than normal waves during the competition window, which begins on saturday. that's good news for at least half the field, representing friends or to to eastern locals who grew up on this way. and surfaced from america, australia and brazil have pulled off draw dropping performances the past contests.
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but for others, this will be their 1st time to repeating on a wave this dangerous, far outside paris, and far outside their comfort zones. alexandra buyers to 0. even though the 1st 2 events and now underway, the games officially opened on friday with a ceremony on the river. said the torches, guessing i have a class. so it's a central power. so head on that event, on tuesday, french football coach to be a day shots at the cost and the relay as the torch passed through the country's national football academy in platform, saying it also it went through the palace of sci with phil mattress and produce that sound lot higher, you know, getting involved saves than and it was a french tennis, pat. colleen garcia, lights in the quarter stuff. that is only a sport from basin out pizza. it will have more lights off 3. ok, so i'm a thank you so much for that. as well since the start of the war on dallas of 39000
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palestinians have been killed and 89000 injured many was life changing injuries. and the strips health facilities have been decimated. but one physical therapist has taken it upon himself to offer his services. if the sample and food reports in attend on a beach in gaza. there's a makeshift physio therapist bed with patients' lives in fear, not knowing if they will be targeted by these rarely army. most, as obadiah has managed to put it together from what little there is another, the in the just the due to the scarcity of resources and therapy and our rehabilitation centers in southern gaza strip. i have launched the initiative giving hope to the injured targeting, injured people, sheltering in the tense. i felt a substantial number of injured people. he works throughout the day, treating both those injured before and during the war. i was injured on january 19th over my budget. this resulted in a dislocation to and i needed physiotherapy, which mr. montez is providing a you know what?
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this is the hard things, because even though we are poor people, we have nothing. we're sort of medicine and food and everything. we want, this was just a matter of had that had his leg amputated before the war. he's been displaced several times and now lives in the 10th. he needs treatment something the hospitals and god that just don't have the capacity to provide other most of the some hospitals told me that they would perform the procedure, but without tennessee. sure. some of the hospital said that i would have to go home and i will offer the operation, but there is no place with hygiene and there are no pain killers. there are no results this but he is now receiving help. learning how to walk with his prosthetic legs, so the others are too young to know what is happening around the moustache
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tries to bring some happiness to those he treats be careful in times of war. it's the little things to count and bring some relief from the carnage that surrounds them. to some good food, ultra 0. well, that's it for me for the time being, but we're back in just a moment to how much more projects? news on all the latest headlines, the a 150. is that a gyptian history seen through an extraordinary photographic archive? this remarkable treasure trove shows how well photographers captured key military historical moments from the earliest british occupation to the arab israeli,
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who was the 20th century and the contrast and emotions in 6th street and defeats egypt through the lens. conflicts on al jazeera, the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence award. denominator hero now have feelings of quote, city of gosh, to burst its box. small villages into beds. uh, with a fast assault that these women have decided to take studies. they need to go to town and look for help for their families. they need tense and just about
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everything. and some of the families that have managed to escape are now living here in these little shelters of stick on store their property. they'll find me land as well as their homes house or being some most local authorities believe between 5 and 6000 people have been affected and they are afraid this michael, would you be the beginning? the husband now goes deep inside is really territory with a drone saying it has footage of air base facility. the you're watching elder 0 light from headquarters in delphi and getting obligate to


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