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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 25, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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not haven, nearly enough. it is much more acceptable to hear a so called moderate jewish voice than i tell us the invoice, the the hello i'm for me to minute. this is the news. our line from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. america in israel must stand together is really prime minister benjamin. it's a no 6 to balls to move. you is support and is addressed to join to meeting of congress. but she did tie with the only by listing an american in congress, protests and that's on the i was invitation by the speaker of the house.
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the, the on the streets of washington dc, nets announcement was a day of rage with thousands of protest as marching and so on a diety with palestinians on the ground. it's been a bloody day in southern gaza is really strikes kill at least a 129 palestinians, and forced more than a 150000 to the con eunice in the past 24 hours. and on peters statement and all your thoughts needs to be a lengthy games that starts with. i'm officially rocha begin with the controversial when the overall agency and the main circles tournaments of that story and move for you later. this news our, the we begin this news alo from washington dc with these really 5 ministers addressed members of the us congress. benjamin netanyahu thank to presidential biden voice
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support. following all mazda attacks on october 7th, dozens of democrats and one republican representative boy called to these speech that's in you all as it is, government will do everything to return the remaining captives held in gaza back to israel. i now have the hon. we're actively engage in intensive efforts to secure their release and, and i'm confident is that these efforts can succeed. some of them are taking place right now. i want to thank president barton for his tireless efforts on behalf of the hostages and for his efforts to the officers families as well. or if you to type the only palestinian american in congress. vote a man who has lost family members in garza to congress as a guest. before the address, she posted a picture with her new of my tune,
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who she said would be joining in the chamber. and at last, over a 150 members of his family in the war inside i protested, nothing else. speech with assigned, calling him a war criminal on one side and duty of genocide on the other. she's one of several democrats, frustrated with natania. i was invitation wasn't, jordan was listening to benjamin netanyahu. speech in washington, dc for me is to image. it's not going to change the political reality here in the united states. there are many millions of people who are disgusted by what they see happening in the war and garza. they see the melting death toll. nearer and $40000.00 men, women, and children, and many thousands more injured the entire population of essentially homeless inside cause. you also have those who believe that is the us is obligation to stand by israel and to defend it. no matter what you see,
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that schism playing out in side capital inside the capital. on wednesday, at least of 50 democrats, mostly members of the house of representatives, but a few senators as well. skip the speech because they said that they did not want to listen to what they have described either as a war criminal or to serve as a prop for benjamin dutton yahoos. political speech, the republicans for their part were uh, pretty much all on deck was very applauding everything that benjamin netanyahu had to say. and essentially accusing congressional democrats of not showing the kind of support that they believe should be shown to israel, which they like to say is the only democracy in the middle east. so that it's not going to change the political calculus, certainly not inside congress. and perhaps it's not going to change the calculus nationwide either. oh, francis, which i don't know is
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a full the us and best sort of to egypt to joins us live from washington d. c. a thanks very much for your time this evening and joining us an old 0 given the pressure that's nathan, you always facing domestically internationally and also of the frustration we've seen from a president biden on this matter. can he leave the us without a ceasefire agreement? us of course you can leave us without a ceasefire agreement. i doubt he came here wanting a ceasefire agreement, particularly to speech was masterful. and i believe he probably feels the accomplish what he set out to accomplish with respect to his audience, his primary audience in israel, and his secondary audience here in the united states. do you think that that's the same sort of response he would have from people in israel who wants to kept his back many, who also want them into the war? has he been able to quell the criticism that he's facing there?
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do think from the speech and, and position himself as a statesman. well, we'll have to see how these rallies react. you know, there's, there's a broad spectrum of views within israel, very polarized against the prime minister. probably more so in israel then in this country even is unfavorable readings and it is real and very, very high. and a very strong majority opposing by publishing before october 7th, and blame him for october 7th and blame him for his management of it. and what he sought to accomplish or they can coming here is showing that he is still a master of us politics. still one who can handle the all the important relationship with the united states. and whether you oppose mr. nathan, yahoo or or israel, or, or support him, or support the palestinians in pairs, watching a master at work in that speech in the american congress today. america, his, his,
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his biggest ally, the united states. he's biggest ally, but he's often been criticized for interfering in us politics. what do you face, that kind of criticism now, given just how divided the united states is on this issue? and he, but maybe we'll say some criticism for that from those who oppose him in any case, this was his, at least as 4th appearance before the us congress. more than any other world leader in history, any other foreign leader in history. and he has showed his mastery of american politics, he threw complements to president biden. he through many compliments to former president trump calling him president trump not former president trump. and so he may well say some criticism, but it won't be from the majority of people who support israel on. and i think
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there's less in reality show of support for as well. would it be a victory for that to know? because we've also got to consider that between the 2 i c, j rulings and the i, c, c. arrest warrants them, seeking that. what message does is invitation a sense to other countries a send to the international community? well, i don't think there's anything really new there. it's a strong bipartisan american support for israel. um, it is well known that the democrats and president biden to have a highly qualified support who is still strong support, but they are critical at the same time. one of the most interesting parts of his speech and which he blended a lot of painful cruise with a pure propaganda was that he dared to paint anyone who criticizes israel or him as dupes of iran. he called them useful idiots of the wrong. that won't sit well
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with those who do criticize him and criticize his government's approach to the war with from us, i'm hope is what would he be seeking when speaking to of both president biden kamala harris and eventually for the president, donald trump, what would you be looking for in terms of in ron, he is already cautioned the united states. they as anti yes, he has. well, remember i, i think the 1st thing he's speaking in the speech is, is convincing his electorate that he's indispensable for managing the american relationship. at this point in history as to what he seeks on the americans use, extremely clear. and on that point of iran in particular, he said, if there's one thing you take away from the speech or americans, it is that your, your enemies are our enemies. we stand with you. thank you for standing with us and
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he co identified iran is the greatest enemy to israel and to civilization and, and therefore to the united states. he also imply, i did. iran is the greatest threat to stability in the region and therefore to the our state. so what we did not say that explicitly. all right, thanks very much for your thoughts on this process, which i don't. a former us invested us to egypt. outside congress, thousands of demonstrators gather to protest, netanyahu's address and they wouldn't be by to the administrator sent to stuff on shipments to as well and end of the war and gaza, us capital police. so using purposefully to this, this protest is chapter times the is with some of those protesters in washington, d. c. you have been there for some time now, should have all those approaches as strong as they've been in the last few hours. what's been happening since we last spoke, you know. right as
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a very much over now if i just really awesome a cops now. never a good thing. but yeah, made me watching the cops as a huge contingent. i really like to be like huge contented of new york police department cops of police. i can say row about as well, who seemed to be regrouping with the practice actually seems to be finishing it. but it was very striking that as the yahoo is getting upstanding innovation from members of congress, the people, those members of congress are supposed to be representing. we're getting pepper sprayed in the streets around the web store because of the protests as fast as we are now. let's get your reflections on, on what, what we will been through the actual doesn't, you know, restart. he suggested that you are being paid by iran. you should be ashamed of yourself and then golf. a bipartisan standing ovation from members of congress. what do you make about? well, i would say we know who has a payroll. it's not us, and the members of congress are on it. because they're all getting paid by a pack, which is a disgrace, and that there are traders through america. it's the people sitting in congress
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right now that are putting israel above the united states and they're loyal to a foreign government over at the american government. i mean, what, i think it was never jo, getting this. i mean, you've always, yeah, there's a lot of, is there a pack being these ready and i'll be the main. is there any it i'll be here. but what is what i don't, what can you do to other than demonstrate, i guess when your members of congress are inside uploading him, then what, how do you feel? now, great, not great at all. and i don't know what to do except, you know, donate to the people and guys that keeps supporting and just making our voices heard because i really don't know what else there is to 0, but keep going topic. then we have this new dynamic into us selection, the presidential election, joe biden, who are in that many by his habits. i genocide are no longer at the top of the ticket. is there anything, tomlin harris can now do there? perhaps the window back in the hope that maybe you get maybe over. we'll count him some. i'll bring some kind of order in peace and stop the killing and go. i mean, it's great that she wasn't here today, but i think she's meeting him like tomorrow or the next day. so that's not helping
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her case whatsoever. so i don't know, there's much she can do except totally shut it down and stop sending the bombs and stop sending the money. that's the only thing that would, that would be the key. we don't need israel to agreed to receive the fire. we just need to stop supplying them with 2000 pound bombs and other to mutilate and kill and destroy and blow up children. thank you both very, very much. and as i guess just said actually, and as you'll be hearing more about later in the program, i think nothing you know, who will be going to the why does it meet separately with a bite and harris. and there are more price as funds for when that happens. so if there are, will be that to hutch up. thanks very much for that updates and the looking at those protests in washington dc. let's bring in and load one bushera up to 0. senior political analyst, he's joining us on skype from paris. one, if you look at the protest that should have it is covering and the plan protests, they all more coming up regarding a lot of what, nothing, you know,
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has to say for some audiences. there's also going to be a way to explain a way these illegal acts. and again, those protests, we're seeing increasing awareness of an alternative understanding. do you think that to know is receiving unexpected or predictable audience in the united states? oh yes, absolutely. there was no doubt that those who came in to listen to him today. no, what you, what, what's the sense for what his government signs for, and what sort of a crime they've got a so they've been counting the past and months for the past few weeks. finally, the american media has been awash with the reports about the humanitarian catastrophe. and guys are caused by his government. i think the numbers now speak for themselves compatible to the united states. it does uh with that with the same population. we also kind of my 7000000 deaths in gaza.
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20000000 casualties have more than 300000000 misplaced. i think the american congressman, in a sense of sitting there know what is going on. that's why with the what they are doing is nice and the shape for shameless construct, dislike all these for those outside they know what's going on and they know that the art shooting or criminal my problem was that it's not just the fact that the read and it was for the victim was all about. what did you do? well, that 60 times $63.00 times to be exact. so much so. i don't know if you remember what point. he said no, no, stop here on class. he was actually today, the stooges for babies in the lobby, that was of stop dropping for him. and you said instead of describing because they were like on a, you know, on some kind of
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a remote control. he just skipped on dropping after every phrase. and if you watched his speech, it wasn't like few pages, because thousands of pages of sound bar, it's pretty sure he's on lies. and every time he lied, great, you a little on how much has just released the statement in response to what we've heard. they say nothing y'all was took on intensified if it's to release hostages, appeal lies. what do you make of that? especially a given how we've seen the ceasefire towards the release of captives all of that still time and time again. well, what do you think about, what are mazda saying that it's pure allies? what exactly is your lies that i can do? is there any hostage families are saying the same thing? i think most of the opposition is there a that staple to start finding more. the set, the 2nd thing 5, pete, the header bees ready opposition so that this was a, i think you said something about discussing what our speech and i thought it was
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a newsy a thing speech because it was full of lies including the lives of practice and about what he called her the whole day of october 7, october started with goes on yesterday, but thought the photos right. where that was the absence of a higher was than i have to to defeat today. will go down in american history as i thought they should. it's a, it's a, should they, she, that's how it goes down in the, i know i was american history because they are basically, or has been arresting, peaceful test as well. cheating or what criminal work on the international for the international criminal court. it's basically been looking for, for our thinking and what, what the international court of justice has been putting his government just country or try it for jo side. this is the leader that has been received for the 1st time in congress,
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which last years each tried to charmed him. maybe he did shop there and then he hits it with it. we want more pounds. that's why i was in washington. he was more bombs and he wants america on board for original war. the 2nd half of risk each month for insight. i typically, just as it was in the previous, those features to the instructions against you on basically stopping for a new additional one with a miracle. more time. what do you want? just selected, the new president open his arms. i insist the doors, the auto mall dorsey, i'd say it's time to watch the united states. we have a new, a new new president willing and ready for a title with the united states. when we have, it is really more criminal. a prime minister leading costs are not big, such as government with this affordable, such as yourself and not exceeding the amount of congress basically. so,
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hosting and cheering for that, you may just be sure this is the 1st or venue axis will be able to see that that is where it is, right? if i'm not, it's an american product that you know, i didn't forget to fuel another regional war when god knows how many more additional casualties, i guess in addition to the 10s of thousands of do kind of seniors over the past 3 months. and the one agenda is certainly important then you touched on this a moment ago. not only is a a powerful jewish lobby, but it's also an election. yeah, that's and just full months, how does this old play into nets and the hours visit to the united states? actually i would qualify. is that and it's really, it's a very important distinction. this is a, this rare lobby, this and these are those obvious assign a slot if you were, because the deep, the important components of it nowadays is
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a question. if i'm trying to call this be the most radical sort of even so was title i would say set this sick. fanatics all the types of, uh, mike johnson. uh, the uh, the congress, uh speaker and all the fanatics of the religious, right? christian. right into your i see says one as the military industrial complex and so much, uh, sort of, uh, uh, strategic admitted to investment is the answer to that number of design just billionaires lobbies in washington and in new york sites. all together, the 3 make up destroyer role, that these black menu, congressmen, senators, pressuring an influence in uh, congressmen and senators. because you said next year they would have a huge sway business, remember, and the special elections as well as in the congressional elections. a lot of the
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senators and congressmen as well as prizes, we have probably a capacity to win with one to perhaps 3 percent. the lobby is able to swing the heart with heart more than 2 c 4 percent of americans, for example, are able to say get baby in states like michigan, but there's a lot be so strong. so if you want show, so rich, i saw k because uh, it took insurance and options that scares the hell. i don't know a lot of people, so it's not so much that is right, is a citric acid. in fact, is your is a strategic burden on the united states today. i mean, look what your answers has to do is read $40000000000.00 from the obama and additional $20000000000.00. now, under finance, the $60000000000.00 of commitment on the number of years when there's so many homeless and so many families in america are suffering from many tricia for poverty
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and so on, so forth. so clearly it is a lot of the household loss way. a lot of both them just make sure to go home. no, it's not be somewhat convinced it logically or religious. what to do is a lot of them are both in so moran, we appreciate your time and those insights. uh the one to be shara ultra 0 is a senior political analyst. thanks again. on the ground and gaza is way the attacks have killed at least a 129 palestinians, and con unice since monday, more than 400 others have been injured in the southern city. a family home was targeted in the bridge refugee camp leaving the child. the sole survivor for you is a $150000.00 palestinians were forced to flee in just 24 hours. many are seeking shelter in the cities and also hospital. one of the last, the medical facilities still operating in the south, overwhelmed with the injured boxes, they are calling on people to donate blood direct. otherwise,
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zoom is in general by law in central garza and tells us more about the situation inside the strip as medical specials enough for hospital have confirmed that at least 5 palestinians have been killed off to a cli, i'm direct targeting for some members of garza electricity. distribution company that cause we've hit as a kind of escalation in terms of loans and area of the bottom. and the eastern areas of the city of finance has to be tough to cover the area with very a clear surge of attacks and even to ashes when most places on these wood excavation forces. i what this is, as we'll have spoken to out, they were saying that co drones are widely used intensively to target anyone who was trying to get closer to areas of confrontation, some families i've been looking for that similar to so have been messing under the roof was especially with a police, a $68.00 palestinians are still messing no one,
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no, there knows there at their destination as well. while the is also on getting mounts in prussia induced who are right now working inside the knots of medical facility. best practices will continue as in other parts of this trip and is that right refuge account? the residential floods and in duluth residential towers have been, has been targeted with no cash. it keeps being reported. well, also we have been seeing different casualties. how can you come to us the hospital? one of them has been particularly on the top that being hit immediately with a true attack in a breakthrough refuge account. now we also continued to hear from local sources, that there is a very remarkable advancement for the is when the troops in the eastern, another part of a race for future come. this is the areas that the ministry has. braces and the full bought the are right now trying to excess mandatory to crush on such areas where families here are surrounded by bombardment. with no problem safe. schultz has to use or even to go to his village release tone footage of what it says is an
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air based deep inside israel. the living on base group says the footage is of pain, a and seal storage facilities that as well as from a david air base that's 50 kilometers south of the liberties buddha, earlier this month is below published a drone video showing is really mandatory sites in be occupied golan heights in june, it released a video showing the high for area o rama cory is a public policy fellow at the american university of b realty, joins us live from boston. thanks very much for your time. what does the say about his below his capability? and it says that this capabilities continue to increase the sophistication of its aerial surveillance, its ability to evade as rarely defensive facilities. and it's about
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willingness to provoke the has ran is all the time, as well as to carry out more and more sophisticated psychological warfare against the as rarely population of you have to remember these really government has and military as a very difficult position. now, the military has exhausted it because of how mass, even that because of the fighting and guessing comes from as many generals have spoken publicly. and there's real about the need to resolve the cottages issue peacefully to negotiations and not to continue fighting the running out of ammunition, spare parts of printers that are publicly citing these things which is unprecedented in this real time. so the last thing that they can do now is have another war in the north, but at the same time as well as strategy is to go to tie up many of these really army on this, on the north and to keep the population on edge. so they've already have 6070000
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israelis leaves and the other part of his real, the school year is not gonna start as many as really is hope that or so these people are going to stay away for a while more. so it's a combination of the military strategy of psychological warfare and technical capability is all wrapped into him or given the developments we've seen including this and, and the prolonged war and gaza. all concerns around an escalation of us, tennessee is justified. well, concerns about escalation between has bella and israel have been there for years, years and years kind of service that gets more intense now because of the him as a finding him and guys of the expansion of the fighting into doing for the sort a lot of the holidays in the i'm on some, some of you popular mobilization force units and syria and iraq and hezbollah. i'm
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loving him so that there is an expansion already of the conflict with how mass, but they are the feeling as a full fledged war. i believe it was a wrong getting involved for instance, or has been low. hers is israel, that fear is exaggerated. i believe right now. these rarely so would have a hard time maintaining a serious war with the, with has been a lot of the suffering on both sides severely and especially would be a men. so they, they're trying to avoid that. but they have what they have now is a slow motion. the war, this isn't anymore just stood for top one for one. these really is of killed around 450 loveland age between his beloved people civilians, including from hezbollah commanders in the south has been less killed around 31. the 34 is rarely as a civilian and military, but have as well as shown this ability to reach the military bases and other sites
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like the board and have from places like the so there's all right, ready and going on. but it's a long time. so the slow motion or with his by level, this is what both sides are willing to do right now. and of course, none of this is an isolation the you in special coordinate to for live one on a said that the solutions to such as to the t's don't only lie and live and on and as expressed hope that a cause a ceasefire deal could resolve them, do you agree with that statement? oh, absolutely. because has been a really ratcheted up and increased its uh, military activities and psychological warfare activities. specifically, it said in support of thomas and gather as well as so hopefully if it is real close out of gas or stops the war, then has about language stop. it's attacks as well. so yes, there's clearly a link and i think the level originally is ram is probably concerned about another war from does with a sort of love. i haven't seen him and showed the other day,
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which is they can hit with a drone specially modified iranian drone. they were able to hit a site and television and detected. so these are really scary things for the as rarely for the military as well as for civilians. all right, and this to rom inquiry, a public policy fellow at american university of the roof. thanks very much for your thoughts on this. thank you. so my head and i'll just say around time phone gave me makes land full on so i was eastern coast japan and china of pricing for heavy flooding. the, we look at the huge role that a tiny islands thousands of kilometers away from doris, will have in the upcoming olympics the,
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it had a lot of that. it's been a story all the exceptional heats across here. but we will start to see things cooling down temperatures coming down with the arrival of more storms. you can see that band of heavy rain stretching away from scandinavia down towards the balkans with storms brewing up the paces like remain. yeah, around the black sea as well. as mel drove up pulling into western parts of ukraine and onwards to the baltic states. now behind that it is much dry. a temperature is sitting rather high for places like australians do a lot of heat coming in for it's really red warnings out facade. any of the things have cooled down, so the se for grease and to kit with the arrival of the west, the weather. but in contrast for the south west for spain and portugal, still lots of heat to be found. madrid, sitting at 39 degrees celsius, is a corner feel for the north west with cloud conditions will not show a person on the island of island. and that rain pushes this way further,
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east folding, heaviest across the low countries into denmark and no wait for friday. so in terms of temperatures, we will see them come down across to know what else will be coming down in that southwest corner for portugal. lisbon, at $28.00 and a little bit low for athens, $32.00 to friday of the wants of the capital of the compare empire. the serene, ancient city of uncle in present day cambodia is it protected unesco world heritage site. but as its temples of lakes and irrigation canals are being preserved, many of its inhabitants are being relocated. people in power investigates, the alleged forced evictions of thousands of families. the bottom for the soul of anchor box, pots and $11.00 on the jersey. and they don't want to lose their dignity being
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displaced and makes it comes and not being able to get access to food. asking questions. how likely is it in reality that nothing yahoo would be arrested when visiting a fine look posing from the action from what i would say to the administrative health is coming to the the effects about the best off from the factories in india . i'll just use chines across the world when you closer to the house of the story the the, [000:00:00;00] the, you watching all to 0. a reminder about top stories this hour. these really prime
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ministers told us congress in washington dc. no prestone was one garza until this total victory. benjamin antonio's of israel does not seek to resist what goes up, but what he wants, overriding security control of the strip process of taking place outside homeless against nothing else address. they want to buy and administration to stuff on shipments to as well an end of the war and gaza. us capital police use pepper spray to dispose protest is from us as a sponsor to nothing else. remarks on efforts to come to assist by a deal denouncing them as pure allies. mazda choose these ready. 5 minutes though, for locking efforts to end, the u. s. president joe biden will deliver an address to the nation, discussing his decision to quit the presidential race. this will be the president's a 2nd to appear, and since he spent nearly a week recovering from colbert at his home in delaware, the democratic parties agree to formally nominate combo la harris as presidential
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candidates as soon as august, 1st, and visual joins us live now from the white house and then what should we be looking for when biden speaks tonight? a look visit. this is a big deal. you have the president of the united states, speaking from the oval office in prime time on american television. no like the drama of 1968. what at the end of a 40 minute address. lyndon b johnson, the 9 spin not famous phrase, he would neither accept nor would he seek the nomination for that from the democratic party for president. but we know that joe biden is stepping dining, so certain questions that could be us plus one. why? why his the doing this now? is it anything to do with his health? well, in the briefing just a short time ago as press secretary said, it wasn't because of his health. so the question then is, is it politics? is it because of the polls that someone showed him that he simply couldn't win?
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and that is why he stepped to side. then that's the question of what does this mean for the rest of his time and office? he has 6 months to go. he's effectively announced that he is a lame duck president. so what is he going to do in those remaining 6 months? does he have any intention to resign? certainly, we've seen lots of republicans over the last 3 days. call for him to resign saying look, if you're not fit to do the job, come january, what makes you think you're fit to do the job? know? so he's got to address that question to try and head off that level of criticism. and then that is the question of what, what do you see about come behind us? he's already endorsed, he's joined cock campaign. he says he's going to fight for her to become the next president of the united states. so what is he got to do that? so we're not going to have the drama of 1968, but this is a momentous historic moment. here's a president of the united states. after 3 and a half years of his 4 year town going on national television. i'm explaining why
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after a lot of soul searching, he is not going to run for office again, just days after seeing he was the most equipped to be the next president of the united states of america island. thanks very much for keeping us updated as ellen. fish of it at the white house. the former president donald trump, is back on the campaign trail. he's due to address supporters in the swing states of north carolina in the coming hours. it's trumps. first. ready since president biden withdrew from the election race. right for more on this, let's cross do full eval, who joins us from charlotte, north carolina. that's what donald trump is due to speak in a few hours of what can we expect of from a former president, trump, as he continues on the campaign trail as well. we can expect a lot of talk about kind of a lot higher as you know, donald trump had already said a few weeks ago,
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but he was filmed by somebody at his golf course. so he didn't think he would beat off against joe 5. and he said he thought that they would be up against pamela. and he said, that was a good thing because he what he, she is, he said, and i quote a is aust, i'm what we seen over the last 3 days or so. i was since president by and with true is uh, shopping in the rhetoric against pamela. how are as follows from donald trump? i'm from is now no, but so j. d finds the man who also wants to become the vice president received them large campaign ads in sweden state where they attack it for have role on the folder and with a cool whatever it is all set. and i also say that she was biden's enabled her and she felt for full use, he had a cognitive decline and she over so that's a lot of the message that will resonate with his support as i'm there all thousands of them here. i mean, this is a big turn out. the ability behind me, the jungles call the same house, 8 and a half 1000 people. president trump, we think it's just a raj. a lot of people just walked over that will run over there. i should say to say his medicaid, but we heard an announcement a few moments ago about building is now all those supposed to capacity. if you'll
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be on the 2nd point in light, you're not getting in and it's uh, it's 20 minutes before 6 pm here in north carolina. that mid day there was more than a 1000 people. i mean, people are coming despite the fact that it's a wednesday afternoon, but a week the fight, despite the fact that it is really hot because they are so keen to hear what form the president trump has to say. a full in one of the most recent polls. a it indicated that president trump, for president trump and accommodate iris when they can make it about 42 percent. how important is north carolina and campaigning there for trump today? it's really important. this is a possible ground state. now that doesn't mean that it swings wildly from rock republican democrat. in fact, it hasn't voted democrat since 2008 with the president of the box, even though the republicans have taken it every election since it is b with a small margin of victory was hoping maybe like 4 percent. so very small. so the
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democrats really failed, but they have a strong chance of flipping the state life. not only that, remember, they have a democratic government, really cute, but he is being touted as a potential vice president. we understand that he's already submitted the paperwork for that thing. so they think that that could really be uh, an advantage for them and they could cite the states also just tell me about the security because this is an indoor arena. so the likelihood of a small, you felt like we sort of pennsylvania much less because everybody inside that has to be back to be. so the same thing in michigan, a few days ago, we, on the stand for media reports here in the us, that we all been told that the trump campaign has decided that from now for the forseeable future, like only going to have in the event if they do do any outdoor events, they will be in a very small controlled area because obviously security is very much power amounts of the month. all right, and full of l. thanks very much for that update. just a it of,
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uh for president donald trump speaking to support is in north carolina. a telephone gave me has a tie phone rather gave me, has made land full on tie ones east and the coast. 2 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. gave me both terrain, terrain and strong gusts across the islands. it's expected to be the strongest by phone in a p, as far as he's a warning. the storm my cause land flies and flash flooding in japan and china or among the countries in the fall off of a type. when gave me a trying to says it's closing it's high speed railway system affecting about 260 trains in the food young province. very roads have been suspended all construction projects. i've also been stopped a full size when gave me so what do you live to thousands of people homeless in the philippines. ultra zeros bonnet below. as the latest for manila with flood waters has been rising. a dramatic rescue in the middle of
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a storm with flood waters rising fast in this manilla suburb. there was no time to move this woman to a hospital emergency. workers had to deliver the baby before taking them to safety . meanwhile, and many neighbors were left with no choice but to swim against the current because the alternative would have been to drown on and off on a couple of deepest we tried to rope to a tree on one end and to a post on the other end we used it for support while we saw him against the raging flood waters. type phone gave me its credit the philippines, but intensified the south west one to generating heavy down pores that lasted hours inundating the capital of manila in days of on and off race. here in the philippine capital manila as well as in other parts of the country, but overnight on tuesday and all throughout the wednesday. it's just been brutal. the rates have been incessant. they have been relentless. you can see over there that car is already drawn in, in floods, water and residents in this area say that the flood waters are even higher in their
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community, which is over on that street inside on that street, from where you see that white building over there and evacuation center nearby, they say with help, especially since it's not their 1st time to experienced flooding of this scale. let's say you're going up on me the we've been here since doing, waiting for the flood water to subside. it could be a long wait, however warm and soon rain is in the forecast, even as its high food moves away from the philippine authorities here, hope the reports will limit that even as a trauma could link or the goes narrowly escaped. the warranty, below l. g 0, many appliances the only survival of a pain crash and the pulse capital at least 18 stuff. members of threat airlines were killed on the test flight when it crashed over and take off. and catherine, do us
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a big cuz the latest the moment to think pressure is off the runway in the polls and best into frames captured unsecured camera. sorry to say 18, but you'd have be we covered, the only survive is the pilot. the police admitted research, the charge remains for clues. one of the ones i've seen i've had is that the bodies of 15 plus $31318.00 have already been recovered and transported to the more we now have information that one of the people on board survived. and is getting treated as can see hospital west and further investigating the crush because associa airlines was taken go from to prove an international airport in testament due for days from the scene showed in large smoking. so the last conversation the pilot had with the atc was designated to give the and the clearings for, you know, take of and then there was no further communication. and within 20 to 22 2nd, the plane actually took off, but it lost, it certainly lost control and it started, you know,
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moving to the other direction. then the direction that it was supposed to buy. and it certainly fell on into the ground and burst into the flame. we paused, has been criticized for a pool, a safety record. in january last year, a pain covering 72 people crushed, click on board since 2000. they have been 19 crises getting nearly 360 people. officials say the cause of the crust is not yet known, but they said the pain was troubling for maintenance. checks. the latest incident as to the long history of a crushed as in nicole. i said big i to 0 it will tell you those are as he is suspended all slice by. if you open a lines from september 30th flights between the neighbors resumed in 2018 off to 2 decades of strain ties as of of a m s. morris signs a peace deal that owns a fee of his appointment as the lead a nobel peace prize. if you open a line says the reasons for suspension of not being disclosed. i can, as president,
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has nominates and 10 new cabinet ministers of 2 weeks of antique government process . we have route, so as intuitive members of the opposition that's often having dismissed most of his cabinet ministers. early of this month, he promised to implement the emissions. this is will address the corruption crisis within his government. the protests were initially spoke by anger against a plan to increase taxes. customer mcguire is an activist with ken is jen z movement that's quoting for sweeping or forms. he says, router's announcement is self serving and not in the interest of all 3 people. what the president has done is reflective of what the political class has always been as we had expected. it is a stop one's self wish to see mister move in terms of self preservation, as we have said, time without number. we have shed blood and last breath man and comb rates. and what has ended up happening is a measure of 2 political parties when they,
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what outcome paintings that you could oldest of all that they would never work together. but it's got into the point where the political class has come together for its own sake, and not for the sake of cadence. they had said that they were having good base conversations about the group is conversations ended up being a match of 2 political parties. because if you analyze keenly the means that we're missing out on the list, it is the party does and deputy party lead as of the a legit opposition party that we used to have. still, a head on al jazeera, 2 boxes, battle forest, horses and recognition back home as they talk in history. on that it was full to peter off to the break, the these business uptake the school by the state bank growth, partner of bung the dashboard to use
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the these business uptake. these me, roy, thought, know, bundle dash football to use the
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the, it's time for sports. here's peter what the latest for me to thank you very much. let's start with the olympic games were pitching. vision mode of the 1st event in paris, where walker took a to the lead against argentina in the mains for 2 minutes, sophia, and that he was so, so just to me, so i started the house on inside the 2nd floor, equalize it in the minutes of added time, the with the disintegrating players and many more welcome support is also ran onto the pitch. the plays with taken from the field and the remaining farm was played in an empty stadium. argentina's equalizer was also ruled out some rock one to one
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also in the main supposed to in spain. so cute a to one. we know this is becky stone mountain view and there's been some control the see a hit, a be limping women's football to the middle of the canadian team, sending him to stuff them before allegedly spying on their opponents. canada's head coach, a big brinkman as also decided to sit out her sides opening match against new zealand . as a consequence, policeman's assistant coach and the analyst have been removed from the team, often easy them complaints of the ios. eas, integrity unit of the training was floating over to of a training sessions besides paid on thursday in the opening game of the tournament . this is what kind of this coach had to say about it on behalf of our entire team . our 1st and foremost want to apologize to the players and stuff that needs even football. and so the players on team canada, this does not represent the values that our team stansell and i'm ultimately
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responsible for conduct in our program. to emphasize the teams commit them to integrity, i've decided to voluntarily withdrawal from coaching the match on thursday. the rugby savings also began on wednesday. old eyes were on the host nation from one days by day 15 to 5 cats and entering the phone. the man many consider rugby based play currency was unable to sophie's country from being held to 1212 against the usa. they're made during the day the and speaking of the york ones. vain would be by to time and look at those who brought us to us to start with the 12, we know that the south americans begins in rochester, sunday with the people of the usa. mesa can match to mexican athletes will look to when they countries 1st middle in women's, boxing, it's been 25 years since mexico legalized women's boxing. and it's produced multiple champions. but today the sport finds itself in
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a precarious position to go to yano has moved from mexico city. the boxing runs, and by the end it throws his blood to 17 year old comes from a family of mexican boxing champions, women champions. 2 she's hoping to turn professional in the coming months with the help of her aunt and trainer holstein boxer an idea, thought it is known here as the warrior. one more thing in the 25 years is women's boxing was legalized. it's been a constant battle between promoters, the public sponsors and even the families at home, but didn't want to support her daughters saying this was a man support at the road for my deanna and other boxing hopefully like her and mexico can be quite bleak. despite having many world champions as well as world class talent,
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women's boxing likes the institutional structure to propel fighters into profitable careers as in so many other areas of life here. the lower better opportunities up north has a strong pool seat to combine us in the middle because of working it out. and if both, if you compare the money they can make in the us with a promoter, with a boxing match with what they can make here. in mexico, the numbers just don't add up. so what have mexican for motors done? and they go to the us market, they sign their boxers with big companies in the us space, and that changes have the business develops here in the social media without local promoters. there's no sponsors, no prime time television spots, but for many, the love of the sport is stronger still for many boxes. the dream, of course, is to end up here training to represent mexico in the olympics. and this month, to the officers will aim to make history, trying to become the 1st mexican women to bring home and olympics boxing metal. it was only days to go before paris 2024 is the plot of your peace and fight. the
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methods that are hard at work, they're not exempt from the challenges faced by their professional counterparts, but they know olympic success can help open doors. the biggest challenge is, is always the, the support a kind of financially, how to get a job to invest in my career. so i feel like it's a general problem like it could almost mean like you're going to find better opportunities in the space. well, more competitive salaries may end up changing the course of their careers. for now they have one focus to get mexico, its 1st women's boxing metal. julia gallano, i'll just euro mexico city as well. most of them can. this will be the best thing for glory and paris surfaces from around the world will be going for gold. 16000 kilometers away. on the island of tahiti, the decision was made because beaches in front of them must be flat. this time of year,
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alexander buyers reports tell who to call it the end of the road. others to haiti's wall of skulls, home to one of the most iconic and dangerous waves in the world. and where the world's top surfers are gathered, hoping to fight for olympic gold. it's surfing 2nd to parents at the games. but it's also a spiritual home coming to he is in french polynesia where the earliest evidence of the sport has been traced back to the 12th century. i think for, for everyone it's good history. it's good reminder of how your land picks are connected to the ocean. to the people to the little villages, the decision to hold the event initially sparks significant local backlash which concerns over the environments and their way of life. this is ridiculous in december, a barge being used to build
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a new judging tower damage the coral reef. after protests and threats of boy cox, the original plans for the olympics site were scaled back. local homes will provide 98 percent of the housing, but concerns over the environment remain good to go fishing anymore because we can't see anything. it's very good. despite those fears, many to haitians are excited about the opportunity. competition is expected to be fierce. one wrong move onto the overall puts actually in serious danger, slammed by explosive mountains of water onto razor sharp coral just below the surface. you can have the last create just expands your, your best feelings, the best way you can have in your life. and you can also can have the worst wipe on your life forecast. so high odds for bigger than normal waves during the competition window, which begins on saturday. that's good news for at least half the field,
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representing friends or to to eastern locals who grew up on this way. and surfers from america, australia, and brazil have pulled off the job, dropping performances the past contests. but for others, this will be their 1st time to puting on a wave, this dangerous bar outside paris, and far outside their comfort zones. alexandra buyers to 0. and while the focus is on these olympic games, the host of future event and civil sabine announced earlier on wednesday the i a c made met with the venue for between $230.20 for the full winter olympics. the french helps will hosting and then became seam 2055 between tv when the games will take place in salt lake city, which also hosted in 2002 and that's what was supposed to be useful tonight. so media, thanks very much peter. well, that's it for me, somebody the for this news hour, but i'll be back in
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a moment with more of the days news, and that is in just a couple of minutes. to be honest, it was an airbag, my name is how i was abducted by the c. i a in 2004, a german citizen was kidnapped and tortured by see the chain of lead time attempts me into interpretation. a powerful documentary tells the story of how the geo politics of the post 911 when we were in the life of an in this bill, my suitcase phone, which is here. the latest news, as it breaks, as you 80 minute tree, is up skating the minutes or strikes the hoops, the entire trip. the main focus is on the central area with detailed coverage,
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the rolling of the international court of justice and the legal status of the as rarely occupation comes after 5 months of deliberation. from the heart of the story, water stations are switched up for days or weeks of the time. so there is never, you know, flush her to go around. oh, there's no place like home. except when home is for the part of the lebanese filmmaker documents as likes to one of the country's most turbulent times, the appeal, the anxious and fatal, a witness documentary on this jersey. and this is a region that is rapidly develop thing. but it's one also that is afflicted by conflicts political upheaval. some of those we talk to elsewhere is saying that
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they sled after hearing that other villages had been a talk. what we do in all just sarah, is try to balance the stories, the good, the bad, the id, tell it as it was at the people who allow us into their lives, dignity. and do you mind if he asked me to tell the stories or the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm for me to hello, this is the news, our life from zillow coming up in the next 60 minutes. america in this role must stand together. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu speaks to both of us?


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