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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 25, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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ready to welcome the world on july the 26th stay without a 0 for the latest updates. the is nothing. nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. job by and outlines why he made the historic decision to by allowance of the 2020 full us presidential election. the other ones are enjoying this sounds. they are a life and so on. so coming up america in this role must stand together is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu seats, the both the more us boards and his address to a joint setting of congress. the
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thousands was asked on the streets of washington, then some of down to the palestinians. in gauze and in search of the bites we live at one more people are going hungry around the world. the us president joe biden has delivered a ton of values the address to explain his decision to end his 2020 for re election bid. by them said he did it to unite the democratic party. he'd been undergoing pressure from high ranking party members to bile out due to concerns over his age and health, an official report from the white house. after ending his presidential campaign, joe biden faced the american public for the 1st time from the oval office on primetime tv. he explained why he was like of a race that he claimed just days ago. he could, when, you know, originally ex, has become clear to me. i need your 9 my party and that's critical and better. it
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was the terrible debate performance in atlanta 4 weeks ago that undermined his campaign. people in his party wondered if he was capable of winning. the poll said he would lose heavily. and well, donald trump watched on his plane. he want the republican candidate was not the answer i ran for president 4 years ago. because i believe in still doing that, the sole america or the state very nature of who we are with the state. and i still the case, as the president said, it was his job to hand over to a new generation to new voices and clearly endorsed his vice president to follow him into the oval office. how am i to frank, our great vice president, common wires, see experience. she's tough, she's capable. she's been an incredible partner, me, leader for our country. outside the white house, a small crowd gathered for a highly organized thank you. joe riley went on the list says he made the right decision. it's amazing to see him step up and sacrifice his own personal ambitions
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for what he recognizes is the better for. and he ended telling the american people, the power was in their hands, where they had been all along. great thing about america is here. kings and dictators do not rule people. history is in your hands, powers in your right to bite and will not be america's next presidency. know effectively becomes a lame duck. and one of the jobs he had was to convince the american people he can still perform as president. but there's also the realization that after almost 50 years, his political life is effectively over alice for sure, i'll just see it up at the white house, as we know of thousands of people gathered in north carolina for donald trump's 1st . ronnie, since joe biden pulled out of the race, it's a key battleground state for both sides. and the republican nominee wasted no time
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in going on. the attack against his lanky opponents, independent coming to harris from charlotte. philip at reports, even on a wednesday afternoon, even in north carolina is oppressive. summer heat, thousands came to see donald trump lining up for hours to get inside. the president's the big draw for the day in a packed stadium of 8 and the hall 1000 is a great my good. yep. so that's why we're here to support all those to do. why? because that just wasn't enough space. and within seconds of walking on stage, the attacks began lift loved his like the rivals campbell, the highest and best read everything tomorrow. that touches turns into a total disaster. she'll destroy our country if she's elected so we won't let her be elected. we can't let that happen. uh, not much outside either. we're not coming to hire a student sees with while advisory, the why one not a surcharge of the border. it you put into the borders are, she's
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a j. c. divorce and by north carolina is a possible ground state. now that doesn't meet its wings wildly from a public and democrat. in fact, the democrats haven't taken north carolina since of pharma and 2008. what it tells me is that when the republicans have one here, it is seen with very small margins of victory. and that's why, despite such an obvious, huge show of support for donald trump. the democrats still feel confident. but based on the chance, the state has a democratic governor, really cooper. he is widely believed to be a couple of hours, a short list of possible running mates. trump often talks about his piece making credentials he did here. i will prevent world war 3. we had a to world war 3. we're headed right into the piece of it because we have stupid people representing us. that's why this both
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a is backing him. do you actually have a better image internationally, then what the democratic this rally was held in doors. it is reported that most future trump ones will be 2 after that attempt on his life, but the crowd will still come of the attacks against team harris to fill of out. i'll just say era. charlotte, north carolina of the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has addressed a joint meeting of the us congress, where he gave a vague outline of a plan for what he called a d. radicalized post. will garza dozens of democrats on one republican representative boycotted the address wasn't jordan sent this report from washington d. c. benjamin netanyahu, whose record 4th address to a joint meeting of the us congress, was not a historic moment of statesmanship when the tyrants of to the wrong,
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who had games for trains and murder women for not covered their hair, appraising, promoting and funding. you. you of officially become your ron's useful idiots. some of these it's amazing. absolutely amazing. some of these purchases hold up signs, proclaiming games for god. they might as well hold up sign sign tickets for the day . i know who speech was meant to boost us support for israel in the war on garza launched after the october 7th attacked by a month. his talking points in a run intent on wiping is real off the mount. the rise of global anti semitism. the need for continued us political and military support. netanyahu rejected international claims that is real is committing genocide, the ice, se prosecutor accuses israel of deliberately targeting civilians. but at the same
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time come us, how much does everything and inspire to put palestinian civilians in harms way. they fired rockets from schools, from hospitals, from us. they even shoot their own people when they're tried to leave the war zone . a congressional republicans eager to curry favor with election your voters to be packed one side of the chamber. but on the other side, empty seat, a protest against the man. many democrats held responsible for nearly 40000 palestinian decks among the absent former house speaker, nancy pelosi, who later called netanyahu's speech: one of the worst of vice president common law harris and republican vice presidential candidate, j. d. vance. both on the campaign trail and the only palestinian american legislator rashida to leap, who instead honored honey of home doon, who has lost over 150 members of his extended family and netanyahu's genocide?
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nothing yahoo ended his speech with a promise of total victory over her months and less capitol hill with the endorsement of only some of the people. he came to court, russell and jordan elders. they are. well, how about us has issued a statement in response to netanyahu's speech to congress. the statement includes 10 points. the 1st goals for the rest of these really probably minister as a war criminal. the group criticizes the us congress for inviting, getting yahoo to washington. out of time and it says as well as meeting a war and that exterminating palestinians in garza and violating international how much as netanyahu played on emotions distorted the facts and promoted false narratives about october 7th, the statement goes on to a tuesday's really 5 minutes to applying about intensified efforts to return these ready hostages, saying he's responsible for 14 negotiations. it also condemns washington for providing israel with the means to continue the war on the golf. that's what
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thousands of protest as gap it on capital hill to demonstrate against these way the payment is just visit, many called on the bottom administration to stop shipments to is relevant. and the one concept chapter time see reports from the us capital at the very moment, just really prime minister benjamin netanyahu was receiving a rapture association for members of congress. some of the thousands of protests is gathered upside with pepper spray by police and have to seek treatment. police from new york joined those from washington dc in guarding the capital from congressional constituents from all over the us who determined to emphasize that the politicians inside did not represent. the goal is to issue a citizen's arrest for the war criminal benjamin netanyahu. how likely is that? well, i think it's likely that we've sent a message, you know, our ability to actually enforce international law is severely limited when you have a demonstration like this, we are the constituents. i think what hall is there?
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we just, it's a movement. it's going to take a constant push, like so many of the us protests against these ready will a diverse group gather to share their so with directly with the people goes and during his address to members of congress, these really prime minister criticize those protesting outside the capital building and across the country, accusing them of standing with evil. we meet today at a crossroads of history. our world is an, a people in the middle east. you onto the axis of tar confronts america, israel, and are our friends. this is not a clash of civilizations. it's a clash between barbarism and civilization. as he was speaking, rashid had to leave the only palestinian member of congress held up to signs one said will criminal the other guilty of genocide and outside some protests took issue with obtained by n, as in yahoo,
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suggesting they were paid agents of their own. i totally believe you find it hard to believe that we don't want genocide. he finds it easy to the human eyes, people. so when he sees people in the streets to protect human life, that is completely foreign. one prominent us musician will to express his outrage over the war and goes, there is disgusting show of support for someone that doesn't deserve support. i'm ashamed that my tax dollars are going to this the brutalizing of, of, of, of, of the, of an entire people. usually with turbine, i'm coming to hire a separately of the white house because there's some of the demonstrators, there's a bell will be outside the way that's too much about voice. and she ever turns out, is there a washer in kansas city? and his randy strike is killed for palestinians, including children, women and children are also injured in the attack. wounded infant was recovered from under the rubble of strength, talking to the outside of the family home in the shape, read one name and on the ground. and gaza is really a tax of killed at least
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a $129.00 palestinians in hon. unice since monday. pulled on 400 others have been injured in the southern city. a family home was targeted in the berries, refugee camp, leading a child as the sole survivor. you ins as a 150000 palestinians are forced to flee in just 24 hours. but many a seeking show to in the cities, not as a hospital or one of the last medical facilities still operating in the south. overwhelmed with the injured doctors day i'll call them people to donate blood. i'm just a, was talked about as boone was in the ballot in central garza and told us more about the situation inside district. a medical specials enough for hospital have confirmed that's at least 5 palestinians have been killed off to a cli, i'm direct targeting for some members of garza's electricity distribution company that costs we've hit as a kind of escalation in terms of loans. an area of the bottom and the eastern areas of the city of funding. this has to be tough to cover the area with very
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a clear surge of attacks and even to ashes when most flight says and these would have to patient forces. i was as will have spoken to alex, they were saying that quite cool. drones are widely used intensively to target anyone who was trying to get closer to areas of confrontation, some families i've been looking for that similar elective. so have been messing under the rough was especially with a police, a $6.00 to $8.00 palestinians are still missing. no one, no, there knows their, uh, their destination as well. while the is also on getting bouncing. prussia induced who are right now working inside the knots of medical facility. best practices will continues in other parts of this trip and is that right refuge account? the residential floods and in duluth residential towers have been, has been targeted with no, cause it keeps being reported. well, so we have been saying different casualties. how can i have come to the hospital? one of them has been particularly on the top that being hit immediately with
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a true attack in a breakthrough refuge account. now we also continued to hear from local sources, that there is a very remarkable advancement for the as when the troops in the eastern lower costs of a race for future time. this is the areas that the military has operated in before, but they are right now trying to expense new military crush on such areas where families here are surrounded by the abutment. with no problem safe. schultz has to use or even to go to 15. palestinian children who lived in gaza have arrived in spain to receive medical treatment. they were evacuated from an egyptian hospital in coordination with the world health organization. the children have complex injuries such as cancer electronic cop condition. more than 11000 people in gaza are in critical condition. a need to be evacuated is ready for the field, an 18 year old, palestinian and a refugee camp in the occupied westbank could happen during an overnight raid. demolish of family, home raids and set you know,
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a text elsewhere and the occupied westbank. i've led to more depth and destruction . nora date reports and the columbia refugee count gone in an instant is really occupation forces raised the color and you had a huge account to blow up the family home of humbug. monassa killed back in february during an attack on an illegal is rarely supplement. confrontations ensued is rarely, horses responded with life fire, killing a young man, an injury, 8 others it's difficult, but what can we do? there's a lot of destruction and the model is low. think good for everything. people here are still picking up the pieces. a family is now displaced. another is grieving the loss of a child and seems uncertain. simmons like this are repeated across the occupied westbank into boss and under cover is really forced shoots and kills
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a palestinian customs officer and injures his colleague. fires consume cars to the north and who are a whole market has really subtler attacks under is really military protection grease in by allowing you to cut him to with the death of 13 year old safe. the boy was visiting his grandparents when his ready forces shots him in the chest during a raid 2 weeks ago. a back in columbia life goes on caring the newest car of israel's relentless occupation, and a certain promise of more scars to come with all the data. and yet, if you do comp, talestine a time for a short break here, and i'll just say are when we come back, we look at why police in a german city of ham. but they've shut down and listening for an interest center on a plane crashes into pools capital mon, on a test flight. the pilot is the only survivor for that states
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the the had a lie there. it's a very hard picture across the middle east and live and we'll see temperatures continue to rise across the gulf states in the days ahead. so, so very why only seeing some rain coming across into to a kia and affecting coastal areas of the caspian sea. the window of pick up across the golf as we go into sat today, but it remains very windy situation down in the sol, so the likes of yemen and a month. cabbages will be pushing up across the golf in places like katasha don't as see 47 degrees. this house is the 3 to friday. it'll be a little bit breezy on saturday with some lifted dust. and the heat continues for the north west of africa in particular morocco, that's thanks to a heat pulling down from the iberian pendant sheila,
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now morocco is set to see 45 degrees celsius on thursday, excessive heat here, but it's working fine on saturday to launch the dry picture not to that central band. however, we've seen the bus of rain and showers continuing across the tropical africa for the south of this. it's a story of heat from much of south africa temperatures up here johanna, so it'd be saying sunshine, 20 degrees celsius. the much cooler. however, for cape town, they'll be some sunshine hill on thursday. but the rain rolls back in by friday. the teams in the gaza strip as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission, a posting in humanity, in western media. and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing
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this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing best. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching out is a record from one of our top stories here. you as president joe biden says he dropped down to the 2024 presidential race to unite the democratic party in a televised address. he's an american substitutes, democracy or division. and that cost of the balance is really 5 minutes to has told us congress that he will press on with as well to warn concept until there is one he just 5 as total victory,
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dozens of democrats and one republican representative boy taunted netanyahu's address and how much has responded to netanyahu's remarks and efforts to agree as the spot deal denouncing them to a nice unless accused is ready, prime minister, blocking efforts to end the war. now iran has some of the german envoy in 10 rom to protest. the ban of the humbug is nomic center. muslim religious association. the organization has been under investigation for several months. it's been accused by the gym and government of support, and 11 homes has beloved and spending what it calls ron's ideology. him and con has more in full view of television cameras, jeremy's police rated this most, getting him back. the german government says it's a front. iran in terry ministry says the organization has 5 subdivisions in 53 locations across germany, collectively known as the stomach center. i'm back full. i said h,
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interior ministry goes on to say it's not a charitable globalization, but a direct front for the supreme leader of or on the case as even prompted a response from the interior administer gives the campus to means it is now certain that these law makes sense a humbug acts and is directed against our constitutional folder. that is why we applying one of the sharpest weapons of our little to band this organization. this is a so the consequent step against dismissed extremism. it is very important to meet, to make a clear distinction. we are not acting against a religion. in november, the gentleman said they stablish a direct link between these lemme extensive handbook and his bullet. and that is what led to the right now that evidence has not been made public. iran has now some and the gym, and best the integral. nobody has been arrested. so i think escalation has not reached a peak. and it might not, it is understandable that runs the most investor,
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but i think the 2 method exchange on this will deliver further results that come back from a consistence politics. in 2020 jimmy declared his beloved terrace organization. and bandits in the country does not make sense of him, but has long been on the opposite direction by germany's domestic intelligence agency. the centre has said in the past, they condemned every form of violence and extremism, and is always advocated piece tolerance and into religious style and wrong code, which is there. no, a pilot is the survive of a plane crash in the pools. comfortable and cap on to at least 18 staff members. i'm sorry, a airlines were killed on the test flight when it crashed during takeoff. i'll just say i was as a big as the latest the moment to think precious of the runway in the polls and best into flames captured unsecured camera. start to say 18,
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but these have be covered. the only survive is the pilot. the police admitted research, the charge remains for clues of a one goes on that one. the theme of how does that the bodies of 15 plus $31318.00 have already been recovered and a transport it to the more we now have information that one of the people on board survived and is getting treated as can see hospital west and further investigating the crush, the tire associate, a lines was taken go from to prove an international, airport and testament due for days from the seen children like smoking. so the last uh conversation the pilot had with the atc was designated to give the clearings for you know, take of and then there was no further communication. and within 20 to 20 to 2nd, the plane actually took off, but it lost it certainly lost control. and it started, you know, moving to the other direction, then the direction that it was supposed to spy. and it certainly fell on into the ground and burst into the flame. we paused, has been criticized for a pool,
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a safety record in january last year of pain covering 72 people across coming on board since 2000. they have been 19 crises getting nearly 360 people. officials say the close of the crust is not, you know, but they said the plane was profiting for maintenance checks. the latest incident as to the long history of a crushes in nicole, i started big a da 0 officials in chat and say the country is overwhelmed by the influx of 2 and a half 1000000 refugees. more than half of them treating the conflict in neighboring sedan agencies say they're running out of money and supplies to help those in need. as a number of sydney's refugees continues to rise, i'll try to address has more now from shawna on the side, on the chat to sit on board. the competition of west coast resources is causing a risk between hundreds of thousands of food and use refugees and the forced community, especially in eastern time. these children are sitting in an open classroom writing an english language exam,
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simply because most of them kind of get into the schools within the community. all the, some of the single schools that just published by the united nations and being run by to offices. yeah. and some of that comes with as close to the town of question. and it's not only in the area of education health, in particular is a very big problem. this facility is a simple clinic, decades of full thousands of refugees, students refuges. why here in this camp in 5 to not, and a lot of them are telling us that the facility is not able enough to take up or 10 percent of the large population of refugees in that camp. and that's not the only area we're talking about. shortages are food competition for food and water between the host community and the refugees here. and one other area is the environment are activists in this camp suited as active as are telling us that because the women here lot sources of energy to cook their food, they have to go into the bushes to cut down trees in order to cook meals for their
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families and that is causing a lot of problems between them and most communities don't agree to that. uh, a move by the refugees here. and they feel that this could result you to something serious in the near future. attention continue to build between these communities. describe you know, pieces in particular seeing that the health infrastructure and other other infrastructures like schools. i've been overwhelmed by the presence of hundreds of thousands of refugees on the territory. how many degrees august data, fucked and eastern track. a desperate rescue. continuing in southern ethiopia, following devastating land slides in an isolated area, at least 230 people have died. rescue as a residence and when using the bad happens and shovels to dig through the mud. if the deadliest natural incident of its kind recorded in the field, yet the kids are the bulky. the i was followed by a much slide along with many people, including my children. they ducked me out, but for my children died and remained buried in the mud. in spring firefighters
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have been battling a large forest fire. on the wednesday of the 2nd peach wave, the summer hits the country emergency work as you'll see, plains drop of water on the air is effected in the northeastern province of aragon . around 37 people were evacuated now, but you and says it's going to 0, hung up by 2030. seems unlikely. so they shouldn't report that says 500 next to 1000000 people will be on the nourished by the end of the decade. mobile 9 percent of people will wide with the hungry and 2023 compared to civil hospice. and 5 years ago, congress been on the rise in african countries, maybe a decade. last year, a 139000000 people were effected. i was up more than half a whole lives without enough to 8 where in asian countries, nearly 30 percent of the world's population did not have regular access to adequate food. last year. old on a 3rd of the global population, couldn't afford to eat a healthy diet in 2022. what kind of goal is most consumed? fish, the southern ella is disappearing from a local waters. and that's worrying. coastal communities,
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fishermen blame industrial traumas, but scientists, a rising temperatures are forcing the fish north in search of tools, climates, nicholas hoc report, some duck off as it begins at dusk. fisherman and by fall and tease the cooler, preparing for his couch, changes his clothes, prepares the bait and entangles the line. a routine passed down from one generation to another. i pulled it tightly. he instructs the boy started annella. no, we are coming out of the nose as means of my father and my grandfather was a more i'm sure if the fish installed good will ask us because he would be more nowadays. it's best if they hide it away from us, like the night will be long and dangerous. they set off. what is the model by it? i say what, what are you in search of a fish no longer found close to shore,
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only further out in the distance atlantic out there. europe and deep sea trousers scraped the ocean floor with their nets. according to the environmental campaign group, feedback vessels like these catch half a 1000000 tons of those, the started in a lot of the west african coast every year. enough to feed 33000000 people in the region. instead, these trawlers are bound to china in norway where the surgeon allies turned into space schmiel for the sound and farming industry. critics say they're taking food from people's plate in africa, defeat fish in europe, however, but what used to be an affordable fish is guessing price. yeah. especially during the summer season when it's hard to find research or kumarelle by is trying to understand the migration pattern of this sort. danella looking for answers and the fishes in their ear. you know, it says it's bio mass is dropping. he suspects the fish is struggling to survive


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