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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 25, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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the, the nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. joe biden outlines why he made the historic decision to fall out of the 2020 full us presidential election, the baron jordan, this selves the red lines and don't want to come. i fill a valid charlotte, north carolina, west thousands of donald trump supports as it turns out to hear him at his latest reality. but with such a huge show of support, a warrant, democrats,
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very confident that they could take this thanks america. any of those roles must stand together is really 5 minutes to bring him and let them know who seats the bulls to move us to fulton is addressed to a joint sitting on his ready s bikes talking to a residential area. and does a city coming up, please tell us demands children the but you as president joe biden has been able to attend, advise the dress to explain his decision to end his 2020 for re election. bit by booth said he did. it didn't like the democrats, he'd been undergoing pressure from high ranking party members to battle out of the concerns of his age and health officiate reports from the white house. after ending his presidential campaign, joe biden faced the american public for the 1st time from the oval office on
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primetime tv. he explained why he was i to the race that he claimed just days ago. he could, when you know, a racial weeks has become clear to me. i need your 9 my party in this critical endeavor. it was the terrible debate performance in atlanta 4 weeks ago that undermined his campaign. people in his party wondered if he was capable of winning . the poll said he would lose heavily. and well, donald trump watched on his plane. he want the republican candidate was not the answer i ran for president 4 years ago. because i believe in still doing that, the sole american was the state, very nature of who we are with the state. and that's still the case. the president said it was his job to hand over to a new generation to new voices and clearly endorsed his vice president to follow him into the oval office. how am i to frank? our great vice president come wires experienced. she's tough, she's capable. she's been an incredible partner me,
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leader for our country. i'd site the white house smoke i gathered for hardly organized thank you joe rally. when analyst says he made the right decision, it's amazing to see him step up and sacrifice his own personal ambitions for what he recognizes is the better for. and he ended telling the american people, the power was in their hands, where they had been all along. great thing about america is here, kings and dictators do not roll up people's history is in your hands the powers in the right to bite and will not be america's next presidency, no effectively becomes a lame duck. on one of the jobs he had was to convince the american people you can still perform as president. but there's also the realization that after almost 50 years, his political life is effectively over. i was so sure i'll just do that at the
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white house. meanwhile, in north carolina, thousands of people attended donald trump supposed rowdy since joe biden pulled out of the race. it's an important battle ground state for both parties. the republican no money wasted no time in attacking. his lanky opponent in november, coming to harris from charlotte is full of them. even on a wednesday afternoon, even in north carolina's oppressive summer heat. thousands came to see donald trump lining up for hours to get inside the president. the big, droll for the day in a packed stadium of 8 at the hall 1000 is a great man. yep. so that's why we're here to support all those to do. why? because they just wasn't enough space. and within seconds of walking on stage, they attacks began little love, but he's likely rival campbell, the highest and best read everything from all a touches turns into a total disaster. chill destroy
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a country of shoes elected. so we won't let her be elected with jet, let that happen. uh, not much outside either. will not come out of harris. do you think she's worth while advisory? why, why not a surcharge of the border? it you put into the borders are, she's a j, a c divorce and by north carolina is a possible ground state. now, that doesn't mean it springs wildly from a public and democrat. in fact, the democrats haven't taken north carolina since of pharma and 2008. what it tells me is that when the republicans have one here, it is seen with very small margins of victory. and that's why, despite such an obvious, huge show of support for donald trump, the democrats still feel confident that based on the chance the state has a democratic governor, really cooper. he is widely believed to be a couple of hours, a short list of possible running mates. trump often talks about his piece, making credentials. he did here. i will prevent world war 3 wedding to world war 3
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. we're headed right into the piece of it because we have stupid people representing us. that's why this vote to is backing him. do you actually have a better image internationally then why the democratic this riley was held in doors. it is reported that most future trump ones will be 2 after that attempt on his life, but the crowd will still come of the attacks against team harris to thank you to fill out a 0, charlotte, north carolina. the is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu has addressed the joint sitting of the us congress, where he gave a vague outline of a plan for what he called a d. radicalized post will gaza. dozens of democrats and one republican representative boycotted the address wilson jordan sent us this report from
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washington dc. benjamin netanyahu, whose record 4th address to a joint meeting of the us congress, was not a historic moment of statesmanship when the tyrants of doing wrong, who hadn't games for trains and murder women for not covering their hair appraising, promoting and funding you. you will of officially become your ron's useful idiots. some of these it's amazing. absolutely amazing. some of these purchases hold up signs proclaiming games for god though they might as well hold up signs saying tickets were paid up. say nothing. you know who speech was meant to boost us support for israel in the war on garza launched after the october 7th attacked by a month. his talking points in a run intend on wiping is real off the mount. the rise of global anti semitism. the
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need for continued us political and military support. netanyahu rejected international claims that israel is committing genocide, the ice, se prosecutor accuses israel of deliberately targeting civilians. but at the same time come us, how much does everything and it's bar to put palestinian civilians in harm's way. they fired rockets from schools, from hospitals, from off to the even shoot their own people when they're tried to leave the wars, the congressional republicans eager to curry favor with the election. your voters had one side of the chamber. but on the other side, empty seats, a protest against the man. many democrats hold responsible for nearly 40000 pounds, standing in debt among the absent former house speaker, nancy pelosi, who later called netanyahu's speech: one of the worst of vice president, comma la harris and republican, vice presidential candidate,
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j. d. vance. both on the campaign trail. nothing young ended his speech with a promise of total victory over her months and left capitol hill with the endorsement of only some of the people. he came to court, russell and jordan elders. era, well, how much has issued a statement in response to nothing yahoo speech. it includes 10 points, the 1st cold for the rest of these really prime minister as a war criminal. the group criticizes the us congress for inviting him to washington . at a time when it says israel is leading a war aimed at exterminating palestinians on violating international, i says netanyahu played on emotions distorted the facts, and promoted full narratives about october. the 7th. as it goes on to accuse him of lying about intensified efforts to return these very hostages saying he's responsible for 14 negotiations. it also condemns washington and for providing israel with a means to continue the war. while thousands of protest as gathered on capital hill
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to demonstrate against these riley prime ministers visit, many called them the bite and administration to stop um, shipments to israel. and to end the war on guns that she had pretends to report from the us capitol at the very moment is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu was receiving a rapture association for members of congress. some of the thousands of protests is who gathered upside with pepper spray by police and have to seek treatment. police from new york joined those from washington dc in guarding the capital from congressional constituents. from all over the us who determined to emphasize the politicians inside did not represent. the goal is to issue a citizens arrest for the war criminal benjamin netanyahu. well, how likely is that? well, i think it's likely that we've sent a message, you know, our ability to actually enforce international law as severely limited when you have a demonstration like this. we are the constituents. i think we're all is there we just, it's a movement, it's going to take a constant push like so many other us protests against these really will
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a diverse group together to share their so with directly with the people goes and during his address to members of congress, these really prime minister criticize those protesting outside the capital building and across the country, accusing them of standing with evil. we meet today at a crossroads of history. our world is in a people in the middle east. you onto the axis of tar confronts america. israel and are our friends. this is not a clash of civilizations. it's a clash between barbarism and civilization. as he was speaking, rashid to tell you, we only have a standing, a member of congress, held up to signs one said will criminal. the other guilty of jealousy and outside some protest. this took issue with attain binders and yahoo suggesting they were paid agents of their own. i totally believe you find it hard to believe that we
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don't want genocide. he finds it easy to the human eyes, people. so when he sees people in the streets to protect human life, that is completely foreign to one prominent us musician will to express his outrage over the war and gaza. it's disgusting. show of support for someone that doesn't deserve support. i'm ashamed that my tax dollars are going to this the brutalizing of, of, of, of, of, of the, of the entire people. usually with terabyte. and i'm coming to hire a separately of the white house because there's some of the demonstrators, there's a bell will be outside the way that's too much about voice. and she had her turns out, is there a washer and guns and city and as many as probably because killed full honest demands, including children, women and children. roles are injured in the attack. a little bit in centrals recovered some of the strong tongue that a family home. indeed shake red with neighbors. and southern guns is rarely attacks of killed at least a $129.00 palestinians in hon. unice since monday. another 400. the injured is
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ready for his talk that a family home in the operator's refugee camp, leading a child as the sole survivor. the un says a $150000.00 palestinians are forced to sleep in just 24 hours. for many, a seeking shelter in the cities nasa hospital and one of the last medical facilities still operating in the south, overwhelmed by the number of injured doctors, are appealing for blood donations. i'm 0 is talked about. zoom is indeed a valid that's in central gaza and tell us more about the situation inside district of medical specials enough for hospital have confirmed that at least 5 palestinians have been killed off to a cli, i'm direct targeting for some members of garza's electricity distribution company that cause we've hit as a kind of escalation in terms of loans and area of the bottom. and the eastern areas of the city of finance has come to be tough. covet area with very a clear sedge of attacks and even to ashes when most places on these wood
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excavation forces. i what this is, as we'll have spoken to, i would say we're saying that cope to drones are widely used intensively to target anyone who was trying to get closer to areas of confrontation, some families i've been looking for that similar elective. so have been messing under the roof was especially with at least a $6.00 to $8.00 palestinians are still missing. no one, no, there knows there at their destination as well. while the is also on getting mounts in prussia. home goose, who are right now working inside the lots of medical facilities aspects as well, continues in other parts of this trip and how does that writes refuge account, but residential floods and in duluth residential towers have been, has been targeted with no cash. it keeps being reported well, so we have been saying different casualties. how can you come to the hospital? one of them has been particularly on the top that being hit immediately with a true attack in a great refuge account. now we also continued to hear from local sources,
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that there is a very remarkable advancement for the is when the troops in the eastern, another part of a race, which is you come, this is the areas that the ministry has. braces in the full bought the are right now trying to accept new military crush on such areas where families here are surrounded by the abutment. with no problem. safe schultz has to use or even to go to a 15 palestinian children who lived in gaza have arrived in spain for medical treatment . they were evacuated from an addiction hospital in court nation with a world health organization. some have cancer and clinic comp conditions. health are, it hasn't gone to say more than 11000 people in the strip. i mean, the critical condition i need to be evacuated as well. it says it's recovered the bodies of another 5 captives from casa, and it's released pictures of 4 of them. 3 of whom were soldiers that previously been announced that based on intelligence information, at least one search and kevin and brodsky was killed october,
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the 7th. this type of slope right here. and i'll just say right, when we come back, china, braces for time from dining up in the storm, hit taiwan on the philippines, causing severe flooding. confuse us put in place in bangladesh, off in the days of protests against quotas for government jobs, hold on to the housing people up in the us department, state the the had a lie there. it's a very hard picture across the middle east and live and we'll see temperatures continue to rise across the gulf states in the days ahead. so, so very why we're only seeing some rain coming across into, to kia and affecting coastal areas of the caspian sea. the winds pick up across the golf as we go into that today,
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but it remains very windy situation down in the south would likes of yemen and a month have just will be pushing up across the golf in places like katasha don't have see 47 ways this house is the 3 to friday. it'll be a little bit breezy on saturday with some lifted dust. and the heat continues for the north west of africa in particular morocco, that's thanks to a heat pulling down from the iberian pendant sheila. now morocco is set to the 45 degrees celsius on thursday, excessive heat here, but it's working fine on the set of dates and launching dry picture. not for that central band. however, we've seen the bus of rain and showers continuing across a tropical africa for the south of this. it's a story of heat from much of south africa temperatures up here johanna, so it'd be saying sunshine, 20 degrees celsius, the much cooler. however, for cape town, it'll be some sunshine here on thursday, but the rain rolls i can by friday, the
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or as far as the past to host the olympic games, french athletes where they just will not be allowed to compete. alongside players, coaches and team leaders and athletes challenges the by creating a space for old to embrace the game they loved, regardless of what they wear on their head. paris game changes, which is the document on just the the welcome back and watching out. is there a quick reminder about top stories here? this us president joe biden says dropped out of the 2024 presidential race to unite
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the democratic party. and a televised address as an american septic, choose the democracy or division when it comes to that balance in these ready, prime ministers, told the us congress, you will press on with the will and cons until there was what you just find us victory. dozens of the democratic representative boy consciousness on how much sense responded to nothing, yahoo from ox on efforts to reach us. the spot deals announcing them as few nights . a mass securities ready, 5 minutes to looking at let's talk to in game is moving across the taiwan straits. i'm heading towards to show in china is present in providence. the high speed regular system has been closed, affecting about 260 trains. and for those young fairies have been suspended and construction at building sites has been holstead. so what's happened dining my land phone on the north eastern coast of taiwan early on thursday, triggering heavy rains and floods. it's the strongest, ty,
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soon to hit the island and 8 years. winds of up to 230 kilometers an hour. at least 2 people have been confirmed that laura westbrook is live in hong kong with more for us. nora. so the type boom now heading towards china is foods young problems. how are people that preparing of the yeah, that's right here in hong kong, we are experiencing very hot weather. it's getting up to 35 degrees celsius here because of typing gave me that because of subsiding air on the outside edges of the type. you're not cool thing temperatures to rise, but over in mainland china, it's a very different picture as type you gave me moves across the taiwan straits. it's expected to make a landfill. and to joe and china is booty on providence and then move northwards where it will lose intensity. but full cost to say it's going to bring with that very heavy rain and they are making the necessary preparations. they've evacuated some, a 150000 people,
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mostly from coastal areas. they also offer fishing boats to bring that the boats to hava they've, they've suspended some very services train services as well as some flights. and it really is rain, which is what is the real threat because of the, of the threat of blood things, according to full cost is a huge and could experience $600.00 millimeters of rain during the ty soon and meanwhile, in the north of the country, they are also making a imagine c a measures because they are also expected to experience heavy rain as well. and remember, a china has been experiencing consistent heavy rain and we recent weeks that has caused deadly flight thing. and landslide. a nora, we also know that type of game a hit tie one. what's been happening there in the optima as
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well as far as he said at least 2 peaceful and uh more than $200.00 have been in, she'd be injurious because of the ties. seeing it's full, it'll say close to half a 1000000 people tend these. how anti one is still experiencing very heavy rain for the 2nd day in a row. they close the financial markets. they've closed schools and offices, and according to voices of race are off the coast of the southern ports of house us has sunk with it, caring 9, a people from the on ma, that's according to voices. and they all of their search operation is, is continuing. but gaming hits a quality in with uh it around midnight and uh, someone from wiley and sent me some video and you could see a sign pulling off the building uh and pots the buildings pulling on the card. so
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that really gives you a sense of how strong the winds, why they had reached a category full hurricane in terms of, of, of strength. and gave me, has been expecting to make landfall in taiwan in on wednesday, off to noon. but it struck taiwan mountains and then went off the coast for several hours before it swung back around and stuff and blew past the northern parts of taiwan. and that just gives you a sense of how big the mountains uh, in taiwan, all right. and laura westbrook lifetime and home from north. thank you. we don't in the philippines, people in minnesota, i'm returning to that homes off. that's hyphen gave me both the capital to a standstill on the wednesday. although the storm did not make landfills. it's triggered severe funding on land slides in the past week. 13 feed was killed in more than 600000. just based on that home. obviously was bonnet below has moved from the philippines capital us for the 1st time in days the sun is shining here in
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the philippine capital manila. and it is giving the opportunity for residents of this riverside community to clean up all this debris. i mean, just look at the amount of debris on this read alone, and this was left by flooding on wednesday. now, the flooding was caused by intense continuous monsoon rains, which were in turn intensified by type boon gave me residents of his village. tell us that the flood waters rose to the 2nd floor of their homes. and so many of them were trapped on the 3rd floor of their homes for hours. and if they didn't have a 3rd floor, they were trapped on their roofs, or they had to lead to evacuation centers. now the flooding did not just the fact, this village, it was so wide spread that now the entire metro manila region is under a state of calamity. now, what does that mean? the unofficial declaration of a state of calamity means among other things. the quick release of emergency funds,
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so now philippine president for the men. marcus junior has earmarked about $50000000.00 for aid and assistance to victims. now remember, the city is a city of 13000000 residents. hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced by the ty, food and monsoon rains, and it's not just here in manila, but in other parts of the country as well. the good news is that in this village, nobody died from the flooding. but in the northern philippines, we know that people died from last, lights weren't below algebra. manila, as a tank accounting, 1400000 liters of oil as capsized altamont in the bay in the philippines, strong current. so causing this bill to spread quickly. authorities are racing against time to contain it. 16 of the crew members on board the time to have been rescue with one remains mis. unlimited few has been in place and bound to the shop,
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a days of protests and a police track down some businesses and government offices are reopening, and partial internet service has been restored, but access to central media is still banned. police arrested more than 2000 people . obviously it was time that choppy has the latest from the protest and straight violence may have ended for now. but the police in burn with the shadow, resting more student to testers and opposition. members. on monday, student leaders made some new demands on all the ensure security on all the campuses and released all our students. i came here is taking great risk and i'm afraid there are members of intelligence agencies everywhere following us. once the media leaves, perhaps i could be even missing a civilized and independent nation can not find like this. the us state department of the united nations, the european union, and 7 international, the rights bodies of condemned the risk from violence and call for an investigation
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. the initial pro desperate against a government job code, a system that after the track down that followed kill nearly 200. people need your thousands more many and now demanding accountability the capital city dr. remains come. but 10 after days of student protests and class with heavy presence of security forces, stories, a personal tragedies are also slowly starting to emerge by mistake. it is a detective team picked me up blindfolded me and then later took me to a room and a building and interrogating me about the student protests and the strategies. and they also mentally and physically tortured me until i became senseless. last saturday, 25 year old college student momento sloan, who, according to his family, was not involved in any protest, was caught in the middle and shot in the chest by police in the maple or area of dr . remodelers. they're the guys. i am a poor person and lost my only son,
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but i hope i will finally goes through this. it's not enough just accept our quote, to demand those who were killed, how they were killed and why they were killed must be accounted for 1st. and the government must answer this. the government blames the opposition and its allies for our gifts trading the recent violence. many government and public properties were burned and damaged, including metro rail and bun with their state television center. i'm making business today as part of the call of duty, the police force us to the to protect the life and security of the people, government and public properties. instead, what we saw is that the police forces themselves came on their boots, will attack any or calling on the government to hold an investigation and provide justice to the families of those who have been killed. sunday, treasury, oh, just a dot com. now in spring firefighters have been battling a far as filing
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a wednesday as the 2nd heat weight of the summer hits the country emergency work because you see plains drop water on the affected areas in the northeastern problems of our going around 37 people were evacuated, search and recovery efforts are continuing in southern d. c o p, off to major land slides, and the remote henry at least 213 people have died. no heavy machinery can reach the regions or rescue teams and volunteers have been using a bad hands and shovels to dig through the mud. so the kids are the, the bulky, the i was swallowed by a much light along with many people, including my children. they ducked me out, but for my children died and remained buried in the mud and it says i left no set of goals most consumed fish. the southern miller is disappearing from a local board has and that's worrying. coastal communities, fishermen blame industrial trolls, but scientists say rising temperatures are sending the fish north in search of a cooler climate. because how it reports from deco it
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begins at dusk. fisherman and by fall empties the cooler. preparing for his couch, changes his clothes, prepares the bait and untangled the line. a routine passed down from one generation to another. i pulled it tightly. he instructs the boy started annella. no, we are coming. the sound of the nose as means of my father and my grandfather has a more, i'm sure if the fish installed, it will ask us because he would be more nowadays. it's best if they hide it away from us. late the night will be long and dangerous. they set off. what is the model by it? i think what one is in search of a fish no longer found close to shore. only further out in the distance atlantic out there, europe in deep sea trawlers scraped the ocean floor with their nets. according to the environmental cat.


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