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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 25, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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to me into interpretation a powerful documentary tells the story of how the geo politics of the post 911 while we were in the life of an innocent feel my suitcase phone, which is here. the any 7 palestinian prison is released by the as rainy. all means some of the men show signs of being tortured and wounded incentives. rescued from rubble of the palestinian children, the killed in an is right. you strike on costs. the money in sight is out of there in life and also coming up. china is next in its parts. we have updates from on correspondence off to type food lashes. taiwan fees
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of an environmental dishonest in the philippines. the time can laden with oil comp sizes, spelled, could reach the capital nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. che biden outlines why he made the historic decisions we stole from the presidential. the, is there any army is released? the group of at least 7 palestinian prison isn't central garza many shows signs of torture. they were taken by ambulance deluxe. the hospital in their own by israeli forces have been holding them in both of prison in the old pod westbank. meanwhile, israel has learned to tax across the guns and stripped with a number of children among the dead ones to live. it was an infant rescue from the rubble of the residential buildings hit in gauze of 16,
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at least 4 how experienced were killed in that attack. let's go ahead and could ari . she's in 0 ballot in central golf, but let's start with the attack on gaza city. and what more can you tell us of the well, this was in a chef one neighborhood. and another parts of the gaza strip. it's in because of the city and if the target to admit somebody, at least for palestinians were killed and other policies have been injured. there are still people still under the rumble. and the civil defense teams are still trying to rescue or search for any bodies. so left there, there was also a target on 2 days in the middle area were at the, there were actually 7 a policy, an injured among the children. however, as the air strikes in our territory, shedding to continue on eunice. and that is where the forces issued and now the 3rd
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character said that they were able to retrieve 5 dead bodies of a cooperative that that were, that were killed on october 7 and were transferred to a the gaza strip. and this is why we know why that is where any forces launch is military operation. and we don't know the details of this operation. this is the only details that is really towards the space and, and now it's what we know that among those are 4 civilian, 2 civilian, sorry, and 2 us soldiers. however, the crowd operation is, continues the car is your, is still under control of the is where the forces closed. the crossing is closed and in different parts of the, in the south, in the north, in the middle. that is where the attacks continue across the globe. and what more
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can you tell us about the release of these palestinian prisoners of the well, we just received 6 policy and prisoners. among them are 2 women. most of the, the, the people, the prisoners feet prisoners who are completely exhausted at one of the females was even unable to walk. she was carried inside the emergency department with the structure, the substance. they have been moved from a place to another, from a jail to another. and those prisoners were not arrested. at the same time, we met the person who was uh, arrested from serbia, mom. and he was a truck driver for aid that was detained from at karen. so um we met the mother of a woman that went on a treatment to the west fence with her at the trial. that's where she was arrested and they, there the time is different, but they all shut the they were all since the same were different from medicine
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and they were always being about to mess numbers. and they were asked about the competence in the classroom. and they were tortured to say, any information that they know, but according to what those kind of sinews told us that they were being human, they said they were being deprived from there. that's why they came here to the hospital for a medical check, a check at check up. and one of the females inside is still receiving a medical assistance because she was very, very exhausted. sick and tired. ok came, could ari the 1st and 0 by or israel says recover the bodies of another 5 captives from the goal of the 3 was soldiers. one was a civilian. the 5th was a security guard is rarely met at tree says they had previously been confirmed dead
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and were killed during the last night. october attacks on southern israel and forties were taken to gaza. estimated a $112.00 of the $251.00 captives remained in also the timeframe gave me is moving across the taiwan straits, heading towards food you in china's food young province. the high speed railway system that has been closed, affecting about 260 trains. fairies of also been suspended on construction and building sites has been hold said little westbrook has more. the pricing gave me moves across the taiwan straits. it's expected to make land full and few jo in china is booty on problems and then move northwards where it will lose intensity.
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but full cost to say it's going to bring with that very heavy rain and they are making the necessary preparation. save evacuated, some a 150000 people, mostly from coastal areas. they also offer fishing boats to bring the boats to hava they've, they've suspended some very services train services as well as some flights. and it really is rain, which is what is the real threat because of the, of the threat of flooding, according to full cost is a sewage and could experience $600.00 millimeters of rain during the tie soon. and meanwhile, in the north of the country, they are also making a imagine c a measures because they are also expected to experience heavy rain as well. and remember, a china has been experiencing consistent heavy rain and weak recent weeks that has
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caused deadly flooding and land slides. we'll talk soon. gabby made land full on the north eastern coast of taiwan early on, says de triggering heavy rains and slots. a strong. this type feeling to hit the island in 8 years with wins about 2227 kilometers an hour is 2 people been confirmed that steve live and returning back to that homes in the philippines. often times in gave me both the capital to a standstill on wednesday. the storm target severe flooding and long lines that seem people dive more than 600000, were displaced from the haves. i'm the time cook tiring. 1.4000000 leases of oil is cap sized off manila basis and it pains some currents of causing this bill to spread quickly. 16 of the crew members on board, the tank of and rescued, but one has died on the low has the latest from and that us
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according to the surviving crew members, 16 of them, 16 out of 17, they encountered rob c conditions. and that is why the tanker capsized now. this information just in from the philippine coast guard, they quickly launched a search and rescue mission. after they received me day from the crew, they have found the body of the missing crew members. so all crew members now counted for unfortunately that last crew member to 17 who member has died. but there is another major concern. this location is technically just off many of the b . so it's not too far from manila. and the philippine coast guard has already spotted an oil slick that's about 2 nautical miles from where the tanker capsized and if they're not able to contain this voice bill, it's possible that the oil spill will reach manila and there are fishing
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communities here. and of course, this is the philippine capital, so it is a very major concern. just last year there was a major oil spill south of manila in the province of min. darl, where a tanker with 800000 meters of industrial fuel cap size, then it took 3 months to clean up that oil spill. so this is really going to be a major problem if that oil spill is not contain and reach us. manila layer guerrera is the, is from the green piece in the philippines. she says, communities along the affected areas of the spell will be affected for a long time to come. the oil spills uh, really live uh, leaves um, permanent damage to the marine environment and to communities that depend on a healthy marine environment. so even if, for example, on all still has been declared clear um there are uh portions of the sea um,
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which never really recover a lot of uh, cleaning. and the clearing that the see are, are really the visible uh, effects the visible signs of this bill. um, but a lot of it is happening under the water um, where these chemicals are effecting marine life and so forth. um, and if you look at that uh the impact of an oil spill against um, the garden uh uh, changes um the climate prices that's happening in the philippines for example. uh um, fisher full having a hard time um, uh with fish catch. uh, because of, uh, dwindling numbers of fish because of warming of the seas of a dying of coral reefs on the, it's all of these acting together is really making life difficult for coastal communities. so that if we say, you know, how long will the impact last on until when will it be clean and so forth?
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it's not really just the cleaning or the, the, the, yeah, the cleaning of the oil spill that we're talking about. it's really the confounding effects on communities that are reliant on a healthy marine environment. the you, as president joe biden is set to meet benjamin netanyahu later this thursday to discuss progress to as a c spine. godsa and meeting comes off the bottom address nation from the office explaining his decision to and his re election bid official reports from the white house. after ending his presidential campaign, joe biden faced the american public for the 1st time from the oval office on primetime tv. he explained why he was the race that he claimed just days ago. he
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could, when you know, originally exist, become clear to me. i need your 9 my party in this critical endeavor. it was the terrible debate performance in atlanta 4 weeks ago that undermined his campaign. people in his party wondered if he was capable of winning. the poles, said he would lose heavily. and well, donald trump watched on his plane, he won the republican candidate, was not the answer i ran for president 4 years ago. because i believe in still doing that the soul of america was a state very nature of who we are with the state. and that's still the case. the president said it was his job to hand over to a new generation to new voices and clearly endorsed his vice president to follow him into the oval office market bank. our great vice president come wires, experience. she's tough, she's capable. she's been an incredible partner me, leader for our country. i'd site the white house smoke i gathered for
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a highly organized thank you joe rally. when analyst says he made the right decision, it's amazing to see him step up and sacrifice his own personal ambitions for what he recognizes is the better for. and he ended telling the american people, the power was in their hands, where they had been all along. great thing about america is here, kids and dictators do not roll up people's history is in your hands the powers injury joe biden will not be america's next presidency now effectively becomes a lame duck. on one of the jobs he had was to convince the american people he can still perform as president. but there's also the realization that after almost 50 years, his political life is effectively over all the fisher. i'll just do that at the white house. well ahead of buttons address. thousands of people attended donald
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trump's riley in north carolina, an important battleground states. trump boys have no time in attacking his unlikely a pain in november. camilla harris, the lavelle voice from the city of charlotte. even on a wednesday afternoon, even in north carolina is oppressive. summer heat, thousands came to see donald trump lining up for hours to get inside. the president's the big troll for the day in a packed stadium of 8 and the hall 1000 is a great my good. yep. so that's where we're here to support all those to do. why? because that just wasn't enough space. and within seconds of walking on stage, the attacks began lift loved his likely arrivals. pamela harris, at best read everything from all the touches, turns into a total disaster. she'll destroy our country if she's elected so we won't let her be elected. we can't let that happen. uh, not much outside either. we're not coming to hire
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a student sees with while advisory, the wife will not a surcharge of the border it you put into the motors are a, she's a junior, senior person by north carolina is a possible ground state. now that doesn't mean it springs wildly from a public and democrat. in fact, the democrats haven't taken north carolina it's, it's a bama in 2008. what it tells me is that when the republicans have one here, it is pain with very small margins of victory. and that's why, despite such an obvious, huge show of support for donald trump. the democrats still feel confident. but based on the chance, the state has a democratic governor, really cooper. he is widely believed to be a couple of hours, a short list of possible running mates. trump often talks about his piece making credentials he did here. i will prevent world war 3. we had a to world war 3. we're heading right into the piece of it cuz we have
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stupid people representing us. that's why this vote to is backing him. did you actually have a better image internationally, then why the democratic this rally was held in dollars. it is reported that most future trump ones will be 2 after that attempt on his life. but the crowds will still come of the attacks against team harris to fill of out out to 0. charlotte, north carolina still has on algae, sarah agencies and shawn say they're running out of supplies to help the millions arriving almost don't ready to read this stuff is who be coming from the goals. 16000 kilometers away from the the
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have that there's lots of heat to be found across the southern part, severe of in particular spain and portugal. this sizzling on the another heat wave and while most people are avoiding those hot and dry conditions, some people are revelling in it. now we're gonna use the temperatures come down. luckily for portugal. 28 degrees in lisbon. so about 10 degree drop from wednesday . but the heat will continue to push into places like madrid. we're expecting to touch 40 degrees celsius that on monday. and another surge of heat is coming up in the southeast for greece and turkey as well as a city. but temperatures are expected to come down slightly across the north. we got 2 areas of low pressure bringing storms from west to, to east, so the heaviest over the rain affecting scandinavia, pulling down across the baltic states some of that roading into ukraine. romania and gathering around the black sea behind that there is
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a next band of rain coming into the northwest. so we'll see some of that rain in person on the island divided in, but still some sunny as spells and room for southern england. i'm are expecting that rain to splash into northern pots of fronds, we could see some showers for the start of the and then picks up the opening ceremony on friday. but sunshine winds the day on sunday are the ones that journey through every story. every step is to a separation of what we can choose when to reach the welcome to submit an extra re designed redesigns, luxury leasing, trusting of future. today we create the the
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the, you're watching out, is there a mind desktops or is this our, is there any army has released? i believe for, for at least 7 palestinian prisoners and the central golf including 2 women. they show signs of having been tilted and were taken by ambulance deluxe. the hospital in there on the 24th as had been holding them in the prison in the west might have been more as ready a tax right across the united nations says 90 percent of policy needs industry have been displaced, at least once to start typing gave me, it's moving across the taiwan straits, heading towards visual in china is putting out in providence regions. high speed
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railway system has been placed, affecting about 260 frames. areas of both they've been suspended and construction are building sites so such and recovery efforts. so continuing is solving easier people to major land slides in a remote area is 230 people now died. no heavy machinery can reach the regions. the rescue teams and volunteers have been using the bat, hands and shovels to dig through the mount. some you'll get to choose an independent journalist. he has moved from the size of the last time us in the gulf of village of 1000. yeah, there are so many people told me to do as a result of a month late because last sunday and continued on monday. the tooth and government saying that's up to 229 people bodies have been found this place. but
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the villagers you see behind me, behind everywhere digging over night trying to find their loved ones, see many hundreds of being on accounted for so far they to open government saying that more aid is coming, more support is coming. but at the moment it's the village of stuff up trying to save the families. that's how most of for generation of people i spoke to someone who lost his wife is part of the city. and it seems like a new way you go is a funeral. people are wanting people are crying, people are just desperate, trying to find any trace of the family members here go far. as of now, i see hundreds of people most of comes trying to support the people. lots of digging on the 2nd wave of the months like be gone on monday is the one that killed a 100. so people, they had a simple here trying to support the village us in finding tough and hope it doesn't
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know people, not what i'm missing. but as of now, the mission continues and people are still in the morning moved us officials until i'd say that overwhelms by the influx of 2 and a half 1000000 refugees move in health, inflamed the conflict and see don agencies say they're running out of money and supplies and interest reports from andrea and the border between child and sue. down on open is cool. you know you in run refugee camp at least a child the suit and his refugee children searching for an english language exam have no access to the local school champions. have welcomed refugees from sudan for over 20 years, taking in more than 1200000, but with facilities and social services reaching a breaking point. that hospitality and patience may be running out. the line will
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be beside the international community has largely ignored the place of food means refugees here. its impact on shed is very unfortunate and negative, and our economy has been damaged. as you know, our economy is weak and now the number of displaced people and refugees is estimated to have reached at 2 and a half 1000000 things. even that i think jesus p a that soon things could change dramatically. that if it is, are forced to go to the forest looking for if i would, and this is one of the problems may, may also lead still conflict between data for youth and also the, the, the whole community more than 600000. so doing this refugees have arrived in chad. says fighting broke out, give saddam last year. they add to the $600000.00 already. yeah. from early adult for conflict in 2003. as a number of refugees goes, tension is rising between them and host communities, almost cash resources, competition for food and water,
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a full surprises of goods beyond the reach of most people here. forcing charges, many of whom depended on food aid to rely on handouts, international, 80. and as i say, only printed 3 percent of the $630000000.00 in going to play just comfortable. and food shortages are widespread. we lack choice, so seems to continue to provide lot saving stuff, thoughts too if you choose to relocate them. uh so uh i do have a uh, well do we reduce their life charge? so for some of the was worst impacts from climate change resulting in severe food shortages, but into coming down fighters and the continued arrival of refugees have added to an already bad situation. how much the trees, i'll just say that i agree on the charge. so don border mediately to jimmy law, i will be spending more time in jail before going on trial in november on the home cones national security laws,
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the 76 serial lost his cool bid on thursday to get sufficient charges against him, dropped the accusations revolve around his support of feet 2019 pro democracy process and criticism of showing his leadership found a feat. now shots, apple daily newspaper has been in prison since 202011 and coffee was still in place in bangladesh. off the days of protests on a police crack down, some businesses and government offices hoping reopening, but access to social media is still banned. police of arrested, of a 2000 people. tundra to audrey has moved from deca or the protest and straight violence may have ended for now, but the police in bung with a shudder, resting more students or testers and opposition. members. on monday, student leaders made some new demands on all the both of them, but ensure security on all the campuses and release of our students. i came here
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taking a great risk and i'm afraid there are members of intelligence agencies everywhere following us. once the media leaves, perhaps i could be even missing a civilized and independent nation can not find like this. the us state department, the united nations, the european union, and 7 international, the rights bodies up condemned the risk from violence and call for an investigation . the initial pro desperate against a government job code, a system. but after the crack done that followed, kill nearly $200.00. people need your thousands more, many on know, demanding accountability the capital city dr. remains come. but 10 after days of student protest and class, with the heavy presence of security forces, stories, a personal tragedies are also slowly starting to emerge by this ticket. that is, a detective team picked me up blindfolded me. and then later took me to a room and a building and interrogating me about the student protests and the strategies is it
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they also mentally and physically tortured me until i became senseless. last saturday, 25 year old college student moment on islam, who according to his family, was not involved in any protest, was caught in the middle and shot in the chest by police in the maple area of dr. worthy mothers, the guys i am a poor person and lost my only son to, but i hope we will finally go through this. it's not enough, just accept our quote, to demand those who were killed, how they were killed and why they were killed must be accounted for 1st and the government must answer this. the government blames the opposition and its allies for our gifts trading. the recent violence, many government and public properties were burned and damaged, including metro rail and band with their state television center. today as part of the call of duty, the police force us to the up to protect the life and security of the people,
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government and public properties. instead, what we saw is that the police forces themselves came under brutal attack any or calling on the government to hold an investigation and provide justice to the families of those who have been killed. funded treasury. oh, just a dot com the and the big games has had its 1st major security breach. the football match between argentina and the rocker was stumped for 2 hours because of found trouble. broken support has reacted to a controversial goal awarded to argentina laced in the game. some 3 buffaloes onto the page, others invaded it. the referee took the players off the field before the match resumed in an empty stadium, or okay, eventually $1.00 to $1.00. now, well, most olympians will be getting for glory and power such as will be going for gold. 16000 kilometers away on the island of tahiti. the decision was made because
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beaches and phones mostly flat to this time. if you like sandra bias has more tail who to call it the end of the road. others to hear these wall of skulls, home to one of the most iconic and dangerous waves in the world. and where the world's top surfers are gathered, hoping to fight for olympic gold. it's surfing 2nd to parents at the games. but it's also a spiritual home coming to he is in french polynesia where the earliest evidence of the sport has been traced back to the 12th century. i think for, for everyone it's good history. it's good reminder of how do you land picks are connected to the ocean to the people, to the little villages the decision to hold the event initially sparks significant local.


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