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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 25, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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of this business uptake the rooftop. no bundle dash before to use the the you're watching the news, our life from headquarters until 530 not. okay. so here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. at least a palestinian prisoners are released by the is really army. some of them show signs of torture. fear is of an environmental disaster in the philippines after a tank are filled with oil. cap sizes also ahead nothing, nothing is coming the way of saving our democracy. joe biden outlines why she made
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the historic decision to withdraw from the presidential campaign and a desperate hunt for hundreds of people. still missing 5 days after 2 landslide, to the remote regions of southern ciocca on devin ash with the sports of how signs olympic team have arrived in paris, all the games and that the ongoing war. and gosh, the welcome to the news our, the is really army, has released a group of at least 7 palestinian prisoners. many it shows signs of torture. they were taken by ambulance to an officer hospital and dated by law. is really forces had been holding them an o for prison in the occupied westbank. meanwhile, israel has launched attacks right across the gaza strip with the number of children among the dead. one survivor was an infant who was rescued from the rebels. after
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a residential building was hit in gaza city. at least 4 palestinians were killed and not attack that. we have our correspondent hindrance with that. he has joining us not from data, but a has central garza to 1st tell us about the release of the palestinian prisoners hinge and what kinds of conditions are they in well, in earlier this morning we received a please 7 palestinian prisoners that were arrested from different areas across of the gaza strip, some were arrested and debbie bella, another one was the rest of the intent, him to know as he works as an age worker. and then there's another woman who is it wasn't even involved when she was arrested. she was arrested in the west bank, and most of them were the other, most of them were arrested when they were at a, at, in their houses as these really forces launched round operations in different areas across the causal strip. we met the 17 year old that who said that he was born in
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cherry, just to give any information about the cops is about the about anyone from mass reducing garza and they did not believe him. when he did not know anything. they said that they were deprived from clothes medicine and even sometimes food and water. and they said that they were tortured reset. we saw a woman that was not even able to walk. she came on a stretcher and she still receiving medical treatment inside of the hospice are right now. this is not only boxes of the under the other part of the story is those companies who are coming to search for their missing, missing relative. they're missing, family members started asking those are freed policy news if they heard anything about their family members. and that's how the this morning was in the lapse of hospital is so sad that there are lots of other missing kind of seniors and their
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families knew nothing about them. just like those palestinians who were free today . according to their comedies, they said that they knew nothing about them all the times that they were arrested in. but there are still a lot of many policy news that were arrested since the beginning of the war and their families till this day. no, nothing, no, don't know any of their conditions and do not know where they are or what's happening with them on hands. while all of this is happening, the is really is have continued to attack gaza. tell us where the latest attacks have been on. what's been the aftermath of those the, the well, in the past hour the, is there any forces targeted at least 3 residential houses in, at 10 units and according to civil defense team, they're saying that they're trying their best to reach those houses and to rescue as much people as possible, but there are, is a number of policy instills. been injured,
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but we do not have the right numbers yet. because as we mentioned before, is that the higher mid a and the civil defense teams are having a lot of challenges and obstacles to reach stuff that area. and especially the fast stuff is really drones and plus captors are targeting them and opening lights and munition on them and on everyone who's trying to rescue those palestinians also their husband artillery selling at just right now, i heard it as i'm speaking to you in the eastern parts of betty bella and there was also a target on a pallet to me and has in a good age where at least 7 honest news were injured. among them are children and in the cause of city, a, another house for new met from us. for policy, news have been killed. among them were children. it's just into a new continuing, it's an escalating and we just received news doesn't upon us and even who tried to cross the northern parts of the closet to the southern parts was a shot by like
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a munition from is where the soldiers that are station on the check point between the north and the south, which means the hottest and use are no longer able to cross from the north or to the south. but we know that the situation in the north is very hard. there's no food. there is no aid palestinians are starving and that's why most of those policy is choose to come across to the southern parts because there's more festivals, there's more fruits and there's more medical assistance than the one available in the other parts of the causes. okay, and we'll let you go for an ice. thank you. 100 for that, a reporting for us from the from central garza as well as really saying that it's recovered the bodies of another 5 captives from gaza. 3 were soldiers, one was a civilian, and the 5th was a security guards. the is really military says they had previously been confirmed
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dead. they were killed during the hamas let october attacks on southern israel and their bodies were then taken into goes on. it's estimated that a 112 of the 251 captives remain in gaza. and we have with us marco and jones who is an associate professor at least so it is a time of been felicia university. joining us here in del highmark. thanks for your time once again. so we've seen this before where the is really is conducting operation and gaza killed scores of palestinians just to rescue a few of the is really captives dead or alive. yeah, i mean the most recently about a month ago we so i think the killing of 271 palace to ensure the rescue full of hostages and the potential use of the us 8 to the military purposes in the operation. so i think we know this is also optics fundamentally was, is really going into to rescue hostages, and they don't actually one pull the hostages back immediately because that would
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potentially and what they could do that through a ceasefire. i mean, you have not, and you all are currently in the us at using hostages for political purposes, but at the same time your families of hostages, demanding a ceasefire. so the fact that is really is and the reason why the army are willing to kill somebody public opinion is just to rescue a number of hostages. and it shows that these all sort of political theater is designed one to show that we still need to belong. this was the rest of your hostages. but the, anyway, we're happy to risk them is militarily, because militarily allows it to prolong that will and force them netanyahu to avoid . yeah, that's exactly it. i mean, that's and, yeah, who will be capitalizing on this? will he not schools, i mean across he, you know, we say we're rest giving them, but you know, they, they could have them immediately to a 65. so why not just have a 65 because you need the hostages in kept if it's a in gaza, in order to legitimize so the conflict, and this is the, the cynical nature of netanyahu's calculation. right now here's who's going to america simply to get more weapons from the us to continue
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a war and the wheel. right. going, it looks speaking of nothing. yeah. how is us? it was, it's actually been revealed now by is really media that ahead of nothing. yeah, who's speech to congress? i'm not sure if you've seen this, but the senior is really security officials sent a letter to us congressional leaders and they called us and you know and exist central threats to the state of israel, who bears responsibility for the war. i mean, that's what was outlined in this letter by these is really politicians. how significant is that? i think is really significant. i think at some point netanyahu's reckoning will come. let's not forget that wants. he's going to be us on the pretext that he's the prime minister of israel. subbing is riley's, he's not really serving his writings because many is right. it is one of the things that you nice them even assume support war is that dislike of netanyahu, right? he's seen as corrupt and a for what's the and the very fact that he's perpetuating this war on wanting to protect perpetual and risk isolating us support for israel is itself and makes essential for that. so i think so long as netanyahu's in power. and now you have
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high powered people x these saying he is an essential threat. the risk to israel's existence is much higher, looked at as he really risk and us support. i mean, let's, if you just look at what transpired yesterday and congress we saw the class thing, we saw the standing ovations. you know, there are some, we know, some democrats were unhappy with nothing. yeah. who they're calling for an end to the war, but are their voices loud enough to actually effect policy or change and that to effect, that is real a us relationship. yeah, i think this is the big question. i think while it's very hard to actually ultimately imagine to us, regardless of who's in power, not supporting as ro, clearly not, and who has present eroding support for, for, for, for, as well we, we saw that, for example, 50 democratic sentences did not show up as a boy count, but ultimately you still have democrats, you had all the republican party that and you had that and you all have to also banking on the trump presidency to, to continue that support. so was, i don't think it will necessary happen any time soon. it is clear and there is a few on knowns down the road. for example, the icpc potentially issued an, an,
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a restaurant from that. and yahoo knew it's politically it might have a expiry base on it certainly. but i don't think israel is well, and we have to remember that people on this really calling for the end of the state or israel. excellent for accountability and existence and recognition of the state of palestine. but i think some people are conflicting the time x a central threats, as well as a legitimate recognized palestinian state and a very different things. right. and i think netanyahu is potentially bringing the existence of palestinian state closer. and for some people that is framed is an essential effect is which is not because you said earlier on is that he's there to ask for more weapons from the interest you think he's going to get them. and what's he going to get out of his meeting with trump scheduled for friday? we really well, yeah, i mean he's down for weapons and i think he will get them because they've got them regardless, right, we've, we've seen on dividing who's now alarmed up president, that is around the pop from a few blips. we're still getting those weapons and those 2000 pound bonds. yes, i think meeting biden biden is that he's either going to sharp his legacy is
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a peacemaker, or someone who go to sci fi, or by them could actually be the to just sort of say, well, i'm a zionist, and i might want my legacy to be the endurance of the state of israel, right? i don't think it's actually clear how that's going to go. but i think that and you know, who knows that binds a lame duck president. he is also meeting trump as he said, and definitely he knows what trump will give him what he wants, which will be weapons. it will be increased authority to actually engage violently in gaza with minimal re cost to, to accountability. so i think that's what he's going for, and i think trump is going to promise him the world, even though there has been some tension between that and yahoo and trump, trump knows his base. you saw what happened to congress. get all those, you know, congress, people putting that in your every 2 minutes to jump know is that his party wants to hold him to, to trump is also very, very proud as well as a huge christine's honest face. and so i think terms kind of from some, the, well not, you know, i was going to hope for a trump presidency bite and no matter what bite and does. but if it's oppression on that, no, not in your nose, he's not going to stick around. all right,
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thank you so much, marco, don't. thank you. what was really forces have carried out raids and the occupied westbank and the raids come after a car and drove past them is really army patrol and open fire. 3 soldiers were lightly injured in not shooting noodle on their joining us from it. i'm a let in the occupied westbank to tell us 1st of all, mood about the shooting incident that took place. we understand near comp, tilio that's right there in 3 soldiers as you said, were lightly injured in that drive by shooting. no palestinian faction has claimed responsibility, but the is rarely army responded by the ceiling. the access to the towns and villages in that area and carrying out search operations to kind of try to figure out who was responsible for that attack. and so far, there's nothing in the way of information about that, but it does go to the general state of tension in the west bank,
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where the confrontations with these really army are peking. again, you know, new to just last week the i c j rule that the occupation of palestinian territory by israel is unlawful in the occupied westbank. yet we see the raids and home demolitions by as rudely forces are continuing right across the strip. what more can you tell us about the, the frequency of those? absolutely, and the court said that all those raids and mazda attention were ways that is real exercises. it's some lawful control over the palestinians. overnight. what we saw is a repeat of that raids across the occupied west bank, whether it's in, in the north or in the center or in the south. dozens of villages or rated up to $22.00 palestinians were detained, including a journalist bringing to a over 90 palestinian journalist the number detained since october of 7. we
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also saw as rarely occupation forces, demolishing homes in on what leisure between bethlehem and jerusalem. and also in hebron, north of hebron city and in other locations so that continues unabated 3 times. the amount of raids that usually happen in this time of it comparatively, in the period last year are happening as we speak every day. it is relentless, very new to all of the reporting from it on the learn were thank you. 15 palestinian children who lived in gaza have arrived in spain for medical treatment, and they were evacuated from an egyptian hospital and coordination with the world health organization. some have cancer and chronic heart conditions. health authorities in gaza say more than 11000 people in the strip or in a critical condition. i need treatment elsewhere. the
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little type room gave me is moving right across the taiwan strait and heading towards food. you in china's for gian province, the high speed railway system has been closed, affecting about 260 trains. fairies have been suspended and construction and building sites has also been bolted. laura westbrook is a journalist based in hong kong, and she has this up. it's the pricing, gave me moves across the taiwan straits. it's expected to make landfill and food show, and china is peachy on providence. and then move northwards where it will lose intensity . but full cost to say it's going to bring with that very heavy rain. and they all making the necessary preparation. save evacuated, some a 150000 people, mostly from coastal areas. they also offer fishing boats to bring that the boats to hava they've, they've suspended some very services train services as well as some flights. and it
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really is rain, which is what is the real threat because of the, of the threat of blood things, according to full cost is a suit you could experience $600.00 millimeters of rain during the tie soon. and meanwhile, in the north of the country, they are also making a imagine c a measures because they are also expected to experience heavy rain as well. and remember, a china has been experiencing persistent, heavy rain and we recent weeks that has caused deadly flooding on land slides. typhon gave me made land on the north eastern coast of taiwan early on thursday, triggering heavy rain on floods. this is the strongest typhon, to hit the islands in 8 years with winds. if up to 227 kilometers an hour, at least 2 people had been confirmed. that kat thomas is a journalist and type
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a she explains what happens when to type food, hit the north eastern coast on thursday. i asked the type who made the land full that we can considerably and not to be moved across the item quite quickly. it had already gone into the taiwan strait by 420 this morning. however, because of the amount of water that it picks up in that to do. what's happened is we've had torrential and extremely torrential rain full across a large part of the country. so i'd say things like getting back into normal and type a city at least because of kill whole to it's a lot calmer in the little down south, a full scale of flooding and a sale on high low down south america. but even if the typing is moving across, that these rates are going to continue and train started running again round about 3 o'clock this afternoon. and slowly this, if you will, return to normal in taipei so pools the clean up so full of ink out some things
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might be a little bit slow at that. and south of the country where people are returning to their homes in the philippines after tyson gave me brought the capital to a standstill on wednesday. the storm triggered severe flooding land slides. 14 people died and more than 600000 were displaced from their homes. on the tank or carrying one and a half 1000000 leaders of oil has kept the size of manila bay in the philippines. strong currents, meaning the spill is spreading quickly. 16 of the crew members on board the tank or have been rescued, but another has died. leyha guerrero is the green piece, philippines country director. she says communities fit by the spill will be effected for a long time to come. the oil spills uh, really live uh, leaves um, permanent damage to the marine environment and to communities that depend on a healthy marine environment. so even if, for example, on all still has been declared clear um there are uh portions of the sea um,
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which never really recover a lot of, uh, uh, cleaning. and the clearing that the see are, are really the visible uh, effects the visible signs of this bill. um, but a lot of it is happening under the water um, where these chemicals are effecting marine life and so forth. um, and if you look at that uh the impact of an oil spill against um, the garden uh uh, changes um the climate prices that's happening in the philippines for example. uh um, fisher full having a hard time um, uh with fish catch. uh, because of, uh, dwindling numbers of fish because of the warming of the seas of a dying of coral reefs on the, it's all of these acting together is really making life difficult for coastal communities. so that if we say, you know,
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how long will the impact last on until when will it be clean and so forth? it's not really just the cleaning or the, the, the, yeah, the cleaning of the oil spill that we're talking about. it's really the confounding effects on communities that are reliant on a healthy marine environment. the us president joe biden and dress the nation from the oval office explaining his decision to end his re election beds. alan fisher reports from the white house. after ending his presidential campaign, joe biden faced the american public for the 1st time from the oval office on primetime tv. he explained why he was i to the race that he claimed just days ago. he could, when you know, a racial weeks has become clear to me. i need you to 9 my party in this critical
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endeavor. it was the terrible debate performance in atlanta 4 weeks ago that undermined his campaign. people in his party wondered if he was capable of winning . the poll said he would lose heavily. and well, donald trump watched on his plane, he wanted the republican candidate was not the answer i ran for president 4 years ago. because i believe and still doing that, the sole america was the state very nature of who we are with the state. that's still the case. the president said it was his job to hand over to a new generation to new voices and clearly endorsed his vice president to follow him into the oval office. how am i to frank? our great vice president, come wires, see experience. she's tough. she's capable. she's been an incredible partner me, leader for our country. i'd say the white house smoke i gathered for hardly organized thank you, jewel rally. when analyst says he made the right decision. it's amazing to see him
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step up and sacrifice his own personal ambitions for what he recognizes is the better for. and he ended telling the american people, the power was in their hands where they had been all alone. great thing about america is here, kings and dictators do not rule people's history is in your hands. the powers injury joe biden will not be america's next presidency, no effectively becomes a lame duck. on one of the jobs he had was to convince the american people he can still perform as president. but there's also the realization that after almost 50 years, his political life is effectively over alex fisher. i'll just do that at the white house while ahead of biden's address, thousands of people attended. donald trump's riley in north carolina. unimportant battleground states. trump wasted no time in attacking as likely opponents in
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november, comma, like harris. the zeros for lavelle reports from the city of charlotte even on a wednesday afternoon, even in north carolina is oppressive. summer heat, thousands came to see donald trump lining up for hours to get inside the president . the big draw for the day in a packed stadium of 8 and the hall 1000 is a great my good. yep. so that's why we're here to support all those to do. why? because that just wasn't enough space. and within seconds of walking on stage, the attacks began little of the, his likely arrival, pamela harris, at best read everything tomorrow. that touches turns into a total disaster. she'll destroy our country if she's elected so we won't let her be elected. we can't let that happen. uh, not much outside either. we're not coming to hire a student sees with while advisory, the why, why not
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a surcharge of the border it you put into the motors are a, she's a senior person by the north carolina is a possible ground state. now that doesn't mean it springs wildly from a public and democrat. in fact, the democrats haven't taken north carolina. it's, it's a bona in 2008. what it tells me is that when the republicans have one here, it is seen with very small margins of victory. and that's why, despite such an obvious, huge show of support for donald trump. the democrats still feel confident, but based on the chance to the state has a democratic governor, really cooper. he is widely believed to be a couple of hours, a short list of possible running mates. trump often talks about his piece making credentials he did here. i will prevent world war 3. we had a to world war 3. we're heading right into the piece of it cuz we have stupid people representing us. that's why this vote to is backing him. do you
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actually have a better image internationally. then why the democratic this rally was held in dollars, it is reported that most future trump ones will be 2 after that attempt on his life . but the crowds will still come of the attacks against team hobbies to fill of out out to 0. charlotte, north carolina. hundreds of people are still missing in southern if you, if you have 5 days after to land slides hit a remote area. heavy machinery can't reach the region. so rescue teams on volunteers have been using their beer hands and shovels to dig through the month. at least 229 people have not been confirmed dead. about the kids or the bulky. the i was swallowed by a much light along with many people, including my children. they ducked me out, but for my children died and remained buried in the mud on. it's such a lot, samuel guy said she was an independent journalist and he has more from the sites of
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the land slides in the gulf of village of 1000. yeah, there are so many people talking to us the results of a month right now because last sunday and continued on monday, the to open government said that up to 22090 to bodies have been found this place. but the villagers you see behind me, behind everywhere digging over night trying to find their loved ones, the money hundreds of being accounted for so far. h open government saying that more aid is coming more support this coming. but at the moment it's the villages trying to save the families the top of those a full generation of people. i spoke to someone who lost his wife is part of the uh, and it seems like a boo where you go is a funeral. people are wanting people are crying, people are just desperately trying to find any trace of their family members here
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go far. as of now i see funder. so people lots of comes trying to support the people not digging the 2nd wave of the months slight. that'd be gone on monday . is the one that killed a 100. so people, they had a simple fee or trying to support disability just in finding perfect hope. it doesn't know people, not what i'm missing but also for now the mission continues and people are still in the morning. moved in, international mediators, orange ability to map out a coordinated initiative for peace and suite on so tribute to use for administer assessor don, is in danger of collapse thoughts after more than a year of conflicts between the army and parent military rapids, support forces. mediators are also looking to find a solution to the humanitarian crisis. 10000000 people have been forced from their
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homes by the conflict officials and todd said they're overwhelmed by the influx of 2 and a half 1000000 refugees. more than half of them fleeting, the conflict ensued on agencies say they're running out of money and supplies. i did today's reports from audrey on the border between shots on, through, done or an open is cool. you know, you in run refugee camp at least a child. the suit and his refugee children searching for an english language exam, have no access to the local school. childs have welcomed refugees from sudan for over 20 years, taking in more than 1200000. but with facilities and social services reaching a breaking point, that hospitality and patience may be running out. the line will be beside the international community has largely ignored the place of food means refugees here. its impact on chad is very unfortunate and negative and our economy has been
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damaged. as you know, our economy is weak and now the number of displaced people and refugees is estimated to have reached at 2 and a half 1000000 things. even that i think jesus p a that so things could change dramatically that if it is, are forced to go to the forest looking for firewood. and this is one of the problems may, may also leads to a conflict between data for use and also the, the, the whole community more than 600000. so doing this refugees of arrived in chad says, fighting broke out. you just were done last year. the add to the $600000.00 already yeah. from earlier, for conflict in 2003, as a number of refugees goes, tension is rising between them and host communities, almost cash resources, competition for food a more to a full surprises of goods. beyond the reach of most people here, forcing charges, many of whom defended 148 to rely on handouts. international is only 23 percent of
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the $630000000.00 in going to play just have come through and food shortages are widespread. we lack price will cease to continue to provide less saving softball. it's to if you choose to relocate them. uh so uh i do are, they are, well, do we reduce the allies to surface some of the world's worst impacts from climate change resulting in severe food shortages, but into coming on fighters and the continued arrival of refugees have added to an already bad situation. how many degrees would you say that i agree on the charge? so the on board still ahead on the, on the, is there any is our demanding accountability for the disappeared students entangled, asked amounts to know where police have taken those, arrested during absence demonstrations. and in search of, of bites, why fishermen and cynical are struggling to caps for countries most consumes fish
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in the sports. there's a, let me fix numerous for and gives athletes of chance to showcase their passions. so that's coming off a little later and support which i'm on the, the hello, there's lots of heat to be found across the southern parts of europe. in particular for spain and portugal. this sizzling on the another heat wave, while most people are avoiding those hot and dry conditions. some people are revelling in it. now we're going to see temperatures come down. luckily for portugal. 28 degrees in lisbon. so about 10 degree dropped from wednesday. but the heat will continue to push into places like madrid. we're expecting to touch 40 degrees celsius that on monday. and another surge of heat is coming up in the
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southeast for greece and turkey as well as a city. but temperatures are expected to come down slightly across the north. we got 2 areas of low pressure bringing storms from west to east. so the heaviest of the rain affecting scandinavia, pulling down across the baltic states, some of that rolling into ukraine. romania and gathering around the black sea behind that the next a band of rain coming into the north west. so we'll see some that rain in person on the island of island. but still some sonya is spells and wounds for southern england and are expecting that rain to splash into northern parts of france. we could see some showers for the start of the and then picks up the opening ceremony on friday. but sunshine winds the day on sunday, the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the here with the news our on, i'll just say right here, the top stories, a tanker carrying one and a half 1000000 leaders of oil has kept size off manila bay in the philippines. strong currents are causing the scale to spread quickly. and 16 of the crew members on board that tanker have been rescued about one has died. us president joe biden says he dropped out of the 2024 presidential race to unite the democratic party in a televised address. he urged americans to back freedom and democracy when they cast their ballots in november. the is where the army has released the group of at least 8 palestinian prisoners and central dogs. off they show signs of torture. they were taken by ambulance to an officer hospital in dayton by law is really
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forces had been holding them in oh for prison docs. in the occupied westbank, husband was released drone footage of what it says is an air base deep inside israel, the 11 on base groups. as the footage is off planes and fuel storage facilities of israel's rama david air base, that's 50 kilometers south of the lebanese border. earlier this month has bella published drone video showing is really military sites and they occupied goal on heights. and in june, it released the video showing the hateful area. while the un secretary general is concerned about it all out war between israel and the lebanese group has been a cross border attacks have been intensifying in recent weeks. kristen salumi has more from the un headquarters in new york, the secretary general antonio gutierrez says that he is profoundly concerned by the escalation of fire across the blue line in his latest report to the security
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council, which details the time of 4 months between february and june of this year, 4500 projectiles were fired. he said that includes rockets, artillery shells, and mortars about $1500.00 of them were of projectiles coming from 11 on into israel. resulting in the deaths of some 17 is rarely service members. on the other side, there were 3000 fired into 11 on from israel and that resulted in about 95 civilians dying, including women and children. of course, tens of thousands of people are displaced as a result of the ongoing hostilities and the damage to civilian infrastructure. is widespread, the concerns that were raised by the secretary general were echoed by many council members we spoke to, including france. friends is extremely concerned by the deterioration of the situation along the blue line and remains fully committed,
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reaching the escalation and promoting the permitting solution to avoid the full fledged wall. consequences of such a perspective would be unbearable and catastrophic for the 2 countries. and for the region. security council resolution 17 o one which was passed in 2006, sets out a plan for lab and on to deploy a $15000.00 of its own troops at the border where that until now has fall out remains the defacto authority. the u. n. says this plan is long overdue and sites the inability of the country to hold an election and elect a new president as a quote missed opportunity. kristen salumi algebra the united nations. unlimited crew, few is still in place and bangladesh after days of protests and a police crackdowns, some businesses on government's offices are reopening, but access to social media is still banned. police of arrest that more than 2
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thousands people. tundra child re reports from dock of the protest and scrape violence may have ended for now, but the police in burn with the shadow, resting more student to testers and opposition. members. on monday, student leaders made some new demands on all the ensure security on all the campuses and released all our students. i came here is taking great risk and i'm afraid there are members of intelligence agencies everywhere following us. once the media leaves, perhaps i could be even missing a civilized and independent nation can not find like this. the us state department of the united nations, the european union, and several international, the rights bodies up condemned the risk from violence and call for an investigation . the initial pro desperate against a government job code, a system that after the track down that followed kill nearly 200. people need your
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thousands more many and now demanding accountability the capital city dr. remains come. but 10 after days of student protests and class with heavy presence of security forces, stories of personal tragedies are also slowly starting to emerge by these tickets. it is a detective team, pick me up blindfolded me and then late. it took me to a room and a building and interrogate me about the student protests and the strategies they also mentally and physically tortured me until i became senseless. last saturday at 25 year old college student more manual islam, who, according to his family, was not involved in any protest, was caught in the middle and shot in the chest by police in the maple area of dhaka, where the mothers, the guys, i am a poor person and lost my only son, but i hope you will find that it goes through. this is not enough. just accept our quote, to demand those who were killed,
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how they were killed and why they were killed. must be accounted for 1st and the government must answer this. the government blames the opposition and its allies for our gifts trading the recent violence. many government and public properties were burned and damaged, including metro rail and bond with their state television center. today as part of the call of duty, the police force us to the up to protect the life and security of the people, government and public properties. instead, what we saw is that the police forces themselves came under brutal attack any or calling on the government to hold an investigation and provide justice to the families of those who have been killed. then each other. oh, just a dot com. the u. k. felice is what stock is investigating after an officer was filled, checking on something on a man's head at manchester, airports, grader manchester police say the fire arms officer was attacks while trying to
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arrest the man after a flight after a fights rather in the airports. terminal. one officer has been suspended while that investigation is ongoing. russian and chinese were planes have been intercepted near the us state of alaska. the joint patrol a strategic farmers flew in international airspace over the varying c, a north pacific ocean. and that then prompted us and canadian air force personnel to intercept them on wednesday. russia says the jets observed international law center goals most consumed fish, the surgeon, ella is disappearing from local waters worrying coastal communities. fishermen blame industrial trawlers assigned to say, raising c. temperatures are to blame. nicholas hawk reports from the senegalese capital the car. it begins at dusk.
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fisherman and by fall empties the cooler. preparing for his couch, changes his clothes, prepares the bait and entangled the line. a routine passed down from one generation to another. i pulled it tightly, he instructs the boy started annella. no, we are coming to us on the on those as mean my father and my grand side. as a more, i'm sure if the fish installed it will ask us because he would be more nowadays. it's best if they hide it away from us, like the night will be long and dangerous. they set off. what is the model by it? oh, i say, what do i need in search of a station no longer found close to shore, only further out in the distant atlantic out there europe in deep sea trawlers scraped the ocean floor with their nets. according to the environmental campaign group, feedback vessels like these catch half a 1000000 tons of those, the started in
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a lot of the west african coast every year. enough to feed 33000000 people in the region. instead, these trawlers are bound to china in norway where the sergeant allies turn into fish meal for the sound and farming industry. critics say they're taking food from people's plate in africa, defeat fish in europe, however, that's what used to be an affordable fish is guessing price. yeah. especially during the summer season when it's hard to find research or commercial buy is trying to understand the migration pattern of this sort. danella looking for answers and the fishes in their ear. you know, it says it's bio mass is dropping. he suspects the fish is struggling to survive this fish going uh no, no, no, no ford because of the climate change because the temperature is now increasing. so the fish is what doing one more to the sudden
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a lot is really become more and more scarce. and endured it's early morning. the sun has just come out, the fishermen are coming back now. it has been an unusually cloudy night and the temperatures are rising and the fishermen we spoke to here fear that the catch won't be as good as expected after a night, etc. and by returns, tired and disappointed, and the cooler, his meager catch. a few fish. but not the sort of nicholas hawk, elders here at the car in the united nations says it's goal of 0 hunger by 2030 is unlikely. and nearly 600000000 people will be undernourished. by the end of the decades. in chile high school students think they have an answer to raising food prices caused by climate change. the see a newman reports over the public high school in south central chile.
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a group of students are using the ingenuity to flight from the 17 year old constance to do then is one of the creators of a hydro food, a machine that can turn a tilo of seeds into 10 times as much plant food for animals and humans with little water and no fertilizers, pesticides, or soil from a different city. well, you can program it despite weak oats, alfalfa, which is over and nutritional for humans and animals. owens and cooling, which glories, like a type of growth center says it was created to produce food in extreme climate conditions, especially after floods, droughts, and fires high. for example, they were massive wild fires here this summer. the so it was no longer photo component and hobbies. so we wanted something that didn't need a lot of space and produced feed false and cheaply. you see here that the water is
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recycled, like you save 90 percent of the water you'd normally use for across a larger version. the size of a refrigerator can produce $300.00 kilos of nutritional plant food every $6.00 to $9.00 days. our, the machine is powered by solar energy and can be monitored and run with the cell phone to the students when the national innovation award, and were recently invited to harvard and mit to display their invention. both a large as a small version of this machine is made almost a 100 percent with recycled materials that you can find at a flea market or even on the street. like, for example, this former printer, this is a piece of a water pipe, and this one or pump comes actually for my part was use the whole, the water for cleaning the windshield. is that the most expensive part of all of this is the software that's in here, which costs about $10.00. all of this can be assembled and disassembled and intervention that could have
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a significant impact. the world over. i don't know. good already that says constantia, was there inspiration? pardon and for her saw the thought of one thing with all teachers. we want to help our community, our region, or country, and then the rest of the world. for example, in africa with mount nutrition is causing have a kind of a do you and food and agricultural organizations is supporting their effort to create a business model for their invention. one that suggest that you can do a great deal with very useful. see, and human al, jazeera new electricity. and here's what's coming up on the i was a 0 news. our sam trouble spots argentina's olympics football match against morocco . details coming up in a moment. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by
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the business latest these things that bind him to like global your real estate destination in due by
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the time for the sports news. here's demo. thank you. during protestants olympic team has arrived in paris, submit the ongoing war and gaza, if quote on the international olympic committee to find israel from the games to the eyes, he has stressed neutrality. in response, palestine says more than 300 athletes has been killed since the thoughts of the boy don't take the a man suffering. what of it's time to do justice to the palestinians and show the right code to israel from fif uh, on the international olympic committee. it's time to speak the truth in favor of the victims of this occupation. and we call them friends to recognize the state of palestine, if you really respect and the committed to international legitimacy,
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justice and the rights of people. the self determination much of this forcing infrastructure and goals that has been destroyed. so training back home is not an option. there are 6 athletes who will compete for palestine and powers across boxing due dates. hi quando, shooting. i'm swimming. this is been a dream of mine for as long as i can remember and being able to raise a flag for palestine is the greatest honor i could ever have were with the people of gaza. my family is there. i have so many friends there and it's just we're here for so much more than just competing for here to represent our country and to fight for our country and a very peaceful way. and i scanned the refugee is one of 5 estimates, representing our country sponsors, the olympic refugee team in paris, lanesha to lashes competing, and the breakdown is in competition, which is making its debut these games. sonya guy, a guy reports it's a saw cried from where she began. as a 17 year old in kabul. maneesha tosh became obsessed with breaking,
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also known as brick, don't sing, but never does. she think it would take her to a limb, pick heights, especially as a young woman and dunces. you too, i asked myself, why can't i do it? why consul, go do this? and that's when i started to learn. now, living on the outskirts of the spanish capital, she practices day and night. one of hundreds of outcomes were brought to spain by ministry plains, to escape the tower. bon maneesha found a home here of to realizing she would not be able to pursue her dream in her own country while on the other one is when the tiny button found out they didn't like. so to go was dancing? well, i don't think it's daunting. it's a sports and now seat part of the olympics, it's already been doesn't like goes to done so practice sports. and now girls can't do anything. they can't leave their homes. they can't study nothing. even before the return of the telephone. life wasn't easy for me in asia, she was the only go practicing the sport at her club. and as a young woman,
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challenging social norms, she quickly became a target. as to the club, post train at home behind closed doors. maneesha said she would not be able to continue to pursue her dream to yours who went off on a sub. if i were in afghanistan, i wouldn't be able to live because the telephone don't like the sport. it's very dangerous for me and my family. but here i'm doing it, i'm not afraid. this is the 1st time breaking will be included as a sport and the olympic games. the run up to the competition may be tough, but so many sure it is an active tramp of a make the ards in the face of those who see young women as a threat is so a key i'm here because i want to reach my dream not because i'm skid sonya guy. yeah. go out his era that was controlled mostly in the men's football tournaments, dealing picks options senior coach habit master on it has described his team's opening defeat tomorrow. okay. as a disgrace and a circus, and
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a match that have to be stops to 2 hours due to fun trouble. argentina, full, they've scored a dramatic blaze equalize it in the 16th minutes. by the time broken fans reacted strongly to it. some 3 bottles onto the pitch and others invaded it. that goal was done and this allowed off to a va all review. the decision that was only revealed with the match resumed to i was late to, to an empty stadium. we're all kind of holding on it for to one victory. the women's tournaments, thoughts and a few hours raining olympic champions, canada face new zealand, these events of off face, but not toward canada. any points if they, when the match is off to 2 members of stuff from the canadian team was sent home. so using a drain to spy on to new zealand training sessions comes as head coach beth present, as we'll say, decided to assist out within the drone footage related to the filming of, to new zealand practices. and it remained in the hands of the
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pilot of the drone. and the advantage that i guess was intended to be obtained was not obtained least the best of our ability to ascertain as well. i was persuaded by the fact that the friedman had no involvement, no knowledge in the incident. a friend travelling plans when dupont is one of the faces of these games, he's got a brilliant started. i tries the heist to get a spots in the quarter finals of the 7th tournament from the street with the united states and their 1st game and then they faced, you're going to fall showing his skills. he has to help his side to a 1912 when in front of the a 2000 and fence office down to one to time it 10 is go med list on the murray has withdrawn from the singles events due to injury. the 37 year old is retiring from the schools at the end of the games and how to withdraw for wimbledon, due to surgery, looks like pots and the doubles alongside down evans, what number one younique's,
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and it has all say withdrawal and due to comes to like to mexican athletes looking for the 1st for that countries 1st and then putting metal in women's boxing box. there was little support from promises and sponsors to that guy on. it has moved from mexico city, the boxing runs. and by the end of the doors, this is like the 17 year old comes from a family of mexican boxing champions, women champions. 2 she's hoping to turn professional in the coming months with the help of her aunt and trainer holstein box, or an idea thought it is known here as the warrior stock. one thing in the 25 years is women's boxing was legalized. it's been a constant battle between promoters, the public sponsors and even the families at home, but didn't want to support her daughters saying this was a man support at the road for my deanna and other boxing,
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hopefully like for mexico can be quite bleak. despite having many world champions as well as world class talent, women's boxing likes the institutional structure to propel fighters into profitable careers. as in so many other areas of life here. the lower better opportunities up north has a strong pool seat to combine us in the americas of working it out. and if both, if you compare the money they can make in the us with a promoter, with a boxing match with what they can make here in mexico, the numbers just don't add up point. so what have mexican for motors done? they go to the us market, they sign their boxers with big companies in the us space and that changes have the business develops here. social media without local promoters. there's no sponsors, no prime time television spots. but for many, the level of the sport is stronger still. for many boxers. the dream of course, is to end up here training to represent mexico in the olympics. and this month,
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to the officers will in to make history. trying to become the 1st mexican women to bring home and a lympics boxing metal. it was only days to go before paris 2024. see plenty of peace and find the methods that are hard at work. they're not exempt from the challenges faced by their professional counterparts, but they know olympic success can help open doors. the biggest challenges is always the, the support a kind of financially how to get a job to invest in my career. so i feel like it's a general problem, like it could almost mean like you're going to find better opportunities in the states. well, more competitive salaries may end up changing the course of their careers. for now, they have one focus to get mexico, its 1st women's boxing metal. julia gallano, i'll just euro mexico city. and that is all ill support from me for now. but i will have all the updates, elizabeth lights out there, and we'll see you later on to our thanks so much. and thanks for watching the news
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. our on alger 0, my colleagues my, the sizes with you in a moment and show how much more of today's use and for the latest headlines by the fiduciary self leader who fought in a brutal 21 years civil war and which onto become suzanne's 1st vice president, a news release global knowledge to which we would identify what happens next is still a mystery. which is the real world tells the story of john graham and mysterious death. on out the house coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of. every time i travel, whether it's east or west africa, people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. and our focus is not
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just on their suffering, but also on a more top listing and inspiring story. people trust to tell them what's happening in their communities and at p a and unbiased. and as an applicant, i couldn't be more proud to be part of the front cover. a hot true don't feel about from china's expansion on. but since it's not up to the people in taiwan to the side, about the one china policy to israel,
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aggressive doctrine, genocidal rhetoric, content of southern tendency with genocide and intense light is really government with nothing. $30000.00 defense of thousands of thousands that would be hundreds of thousands of thousands that left the house. and the stucco. some of the toughest issues of our time had to hit coming soon on a jersey to the painful steps to freedom palestinian prisoners released by his rails on the showing signs of torch him. the and i why not even sight this is out? is there a life though, also coming up. fee is if in the environmental dissolves and the philippines of the time gets filled with oil, cap sizes, and heavy waves


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