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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 25, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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as millions turned their attention to friends with the hosting, they should be ready to welcome the world on july, the 26 stay without a 0 for the latest updates. the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our line from headquarters in delphi and jerry, you navigate, here's what's coming off for the next 60 minutes. painful steps to freedom. palestinian prisoners are released by the is really the army showing signs of torture. a desperate hunt for hundreds of people still missing days after 2 land slides hit
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a remote region in if you'll get an oil slick that spreading rapidly to environmental disaster looming near the philippines. capital the officer suspended after kicking something in mine at a u. k. airport, the police watch dog is investigating. i'm driven ash with the sports protest. funds olympic team has arrived in paris, full of games and mid the ongoing, more in golf, the hello, it's 14 gmc and we begin the news. our in the gaza strip to where the is really army has released the groups of at least 8 palestinian prisoners. many show signs of torture. they were taken by ambulance to an upstart hospital and data by law was really forces had been holding them in over prison. in the occupied westbank. the we were arrested by these rarely soldiers who full access to the ground and
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kept mastering us. we would talk just susie consecutive days, all hands and legs tied throughout. we was throwing pieces of stale bread as food we were denied made us into. we were electric shots verbally and physically abused day and night. i was even electric, shocked in my mouth. is awesome torture. meanwhile, israel's, as long as detox across the gaza strip with the number of children among the dead, one survivor was an infants rescued from the rebels. after a residential building was hitting garza city, at least for palestinians were also killed in that attack. started up as soon as joining us not from dated back in central garza thought to bring us up to speed with the latest on the attacks that had been taking place across the gaza strip. well that's right, and at the very end in fact, what we continue to he's allow, it's an ongoing thomas and explosions on this thing. so even in the southern part of this trend,
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we have been reporting. this is the thing of admitted to ration is not one of the city of con eunice, but the situation is getting much more difficult of what, especially these at least 23 palestinian has been killed so far since the hours of this morning, only in the city of han units, the ongoing residential slash is continued to be allowed the overhead from the southern parts of the city. i have confirmed that the armies right now, racing completely in the eastern areas of funding just as they are having kinds of engagements intact with commercial protests on the ground. and at the same time, the bus majority of do some have been killed. i'm seen just innocent civilians who have been trapped in arizona compartment. they did not manage to get any sorts of rescue by emergency watches. and they are to now also with dozens of palestinians, missing tons of the rough areas of confrontation on april to now to sleep. from the cities that box the grid reality to read is that, but also did not stop in the city on eunice by oh, say,
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continue to be overheads in the i'm is that rochester just kept as a kind of clear lake. yeah. it's about the ground, the sound of these valley surveillance dro, sucked off, flowing in a very low altitude we can from our location see quite visibly clear within its size. rockets being also attached to munitions with, but more great fear among the palestinians who are right now with the central area of move growing attacks by these. but um it within the coming hours, every time the can hear the sound of the bottom and the sides. that there's something going to happen in the central area um, but the ongoing system, messic escalation being practiced by these, by the armies, especially in the eastern areas of elk range where they are witnessing a very kind to. busy remarkable, a noticeable military advancement for the as many, many treat tungsten such areas, which can defies the central areas into 2 parts. which also can provide me find a warning about what might come next for the central areas of a distribution on it. and as you speak to us,
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we can certainly hear the sound of that drone above your head over there. and by now, um, let me ask you about the palestinian prisoners that were released from the is really prisons. the stories that they've been saying are quite harrowing. what sort of conditions are they in no way we can continue to hear these testimonies every time. there are new actions of prisoners being released from the city detention council today for a couple of nights, california prisoners have their release including 2 women. and you can only imagine how much difficult since you've been kind of insurmountable challenges and stephen to, to they have been exposed to and he's really detention to families. and so i have no idea about what the, what wednesday, the 1st time they have been arrested. the workshop by the fact that the work detained by the study all me, the same time we have heard from them reading whole frickin'. this one is on to pick a circumstances that have been going through and he's very j as including be proved
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to be things that have been just as they have been exposed to every single sites and it's rarely detention camps. there's on getting that vibration of getting their basic, a humanitarian mississippi's insight. these detentions are also defined from being exposed to the sun seats in every single day. and at the same time, we can also confirm that do suppressing those are experiencing a very dangerous and incoming mount st. physical on psychology put through them about what was happening for them in the hands of isabel offices. but to now also, i've been getting updates from our sources on the grounds that i know that to present is, have been released and they have been transferred to doctor hospital in the city of klein new this. and also, as we've been hearing from medical sources, the physical condition is on. so you pulled on, some of them are getting get treatment and such hospitals in order to make a proper medical check about the medical situation right now. as the, as some of them have been saying that they were beaten by wires and by meat. so
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pause. and basically they have people who are not allowed to speak to each other, even inside the prisons and jails. the where he is inside the majority. they've actually been held us outside of char saltado. thank you for that update. and for that reporting from didn't run out from central gone so well is really saying that it's recovered the bodies of another 5 captives from gaza. 3 were soldiers, one was a civilian, and the 5th was the security guards. these were the military says they had previously been confirmed dead and they were killed during the how my sled october attacks on southern israel, under bodies taken to gaza. it's estimated a $112.00 of the $251.00 captive, still remain in gauze on or the us president to bite on such a hold a meeting with israel's prime minister in the coming hours in washington dc. so this comes after thousands of protests or is gathered on capital hill to denounce benjamin netanyahu. his visits as he gave an address to congress. let's get reaction from the us and fishers joining us now from washington,
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dc. so all in our re getting any sort of idea as to how that meeting is going to go between the us president divided and that's an yahoo later. well, you've got to see this through the president of the fact that the 2 don't get. oh, and they haven't for some, considerable time, although the walmart is doing that and yes, speech to the joint session of congress on wednesday. the reality is that job by then hey, i'm happy that all it's about the way the water has, has been conducted for some time at the board where it's eating from the white house is that job. i will be much tougher on benjamin netanyahu this time and you've got to see that through the prism of jo bite and thinking about his legacy. he would like to see a ceasefire deal, something that he has pushed for something that has team and self negotiate. and then that would leads to the release of the captives, including all the americans currently being held in guys as well. and joe biden sees that as a big when,
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and he's also freed from the body of competing for re election. so he can't afford to be a bit hotter on benjamin netanyahu. this time around to ask for more needs to get into guys out. of course, we know what the americans tried to do that through the key or taking ill fated program which literally broke apart. and he would like to see less civilians being killed quite how he exempts pressure on benjamin netanyahu. not entirely clear, but we're told this will be a much tougher jo bite and when they meet in the oval office and just another point . benjamin netanyahu was betty keen on meeting with joe buys and in the white house after he returned to office. and israel bite and then extended invitation, that is very unusual. and that kind of signifies just how far apart these men are when it comes to liking one another. and allan looking ahead also, we know that nothing. yeah. who is going to be meeting with the former president, trump,
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who's reported they may have comments to american media. he's saying that israel needs to end the war, fos just put that into context for us as well as that could feed into a benjamin netanyahu said to congress that they keep the bid the killing will. and if the water was over a new could end the war sooner if they got the weapons that they needed, and that was, i didn't direct criticism of joe biden as hell back. some of the weapons that were due to be sent to israel because he was concerned that these massive bombs would be used in rafa. and that would increase the death toll their significantly be under no illusion. there is some upset in the white house that benjamin netanyahu is also going from here in washington to model i go to pay tribute to donald trump keep did that. and the speech on wednesday, we talked about how trump had to go straight to the abraham accords. i'd recognize jerusalem is israel's capital had moved the us embassy to jerusalem as well,
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and also recognized school on heights as this really territory, even though that is against international law. and so they feel this is slightly benjamin netanyahu playing both sides, putting pressure on the administration by going and visiting donald trump as well. so that adds to the tension. there will be in the meeting in the oval office in a few hours time. okay, i'll and will speak to them. thank you for that updates from the white house. well, we can now get more on these developments with our correspondence from this one. what time does here? because israel has bound elza sarah from a reporting from there. so comes up, 1st of all, let's just pick up on what alan was saying about that meeting fitness when yahoo is going to let, let's talk about biting 1st. i mean, what are you hearing? sort of from is really media and people on the grounds as to how they see that meeting going well. the is really public was not too fond of nothing. yahoo, even going to the united states in the 1st place, saying that as a prime minister,
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who is supposed to be reading a country who is at war. he's failing on all scopes, he's not having any achievements in this war and such as going on the international stage to essentially a campaign for himself, whose families was really captives who were furious at the fact that he didn't announce any sort of developments for a ceasefire. deal that's something that they have been talking about for months and in fact and recent weeks there happened developments with the v is really negotiating team and that was supposed to be dispatched day on thursday, but that has since been moved. so there was also is really security officials who sent a letter to members of the us congress saying that nothing you all who is an ex, essential threat to the world, to israel security as well. and then you have opposition leaders within the government to set that nothing you all who failed on the international level and not his speech in front of congress was an embarrassment. so all around there are mixed reviews when it comes to nets and yahoo going but the most popular of these opinions among his rallies,
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especially families of his really captive people who've been protesting his leadership for months. so that he shouldn't have gone in the 1st place. so what is he trying to get out of the meeting with trump, which will, but we expect to take place on friday. well, certainly interesting because the former president's remarks to american media so that israel should, in this work quickly. but the reason he's cited was that it's quote, bad for public relations and that israel is bad public relations and that this war has been bad for israel's publicity. when you look at it, nearly 40000 palestinians have been killed in war. that's considered a genocide against the palestinian people in gaza and nothing yahoo doesn't have a way to end. not even in his speech, it was reported that he was going to announce some sort of plan forward for the day after gaza. but what he said was nothing new demilitarization, d, radicalization as well as is really security control. this is stuff we heard back from us in yahoo in december of last year. so perhaps what he's hoping to get is
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favor with president trump for longer than this and you know, who has a good relationship with the former president anthony. i was also meeting with the vice president connell harris who is going to be of in albany on the democratic ticket. so essentially making his rounds with all of these us officials trying to garner favor for israel for continued support for continued weapons. and essentially a pass to do what ever israel feels necessary in gaza, even if it needs more lives of palestinians who are killed as a result in this war. all right, thank you so much. i'm done. once again, i'm just reporting from here in delphi, because alger 0 has been banned in israel. we will move on and tell you about what's happening in loving on because that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu also addressed the conflicts with the lebanese group, isabella, during that speech,
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and the us congress on wednesday. and he said that israel prefers diplomacy, but will do what's necessary to secure it's northern border. then it has, it has more from favorites on select, are visible on both sides of the 11 on as well, border the data exchanges of fire between these really military and has the last have destroyed thousands of hector as of land along the front line is really media say, as well as rocket fire is now reaching distance is a 5 kilometers and communities that have not been evacuated. it's still avoiding civilian targets, but as well says children will not be able to return to the north for the start of the new school year in september. in recent days, hezbollah brought in the range of its targets in response to what it says is, as well as the escalation, as well too, is still focusing. it strikes on the groups, infrastructure, and fighters. but it's warning that it is ready to do what must be done to secure it's northern border if
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a diplomatic supplement is not reached. but for that to happen is rel, needs to end. this war on garza tops scheduled to take place in doha, on thursday to go for a ceasefire deal that would include the release of this rated captives have been postponed until next week. has fuller, has accused is really prime minister benjamin nothing out of salt lake negotiations . a few days ago, hezbollah threatened increased military pressure from what it calls, support front in loveland, on yemen and iraq were other you run back to groups operate but nothing yahoo! who framed is rouse war on garza as a fight against a bronze influence is now calling for an anti iranian alliance in the region center for their els. receipt of the hundreds of people are still missing in southern if you appeal 5 days after to land
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slides hit a remote area. heavy machinery can't reach that region. so rescue teams on volunteers have been using their bare hands and shovels to dig through the month. the one says the death toll from the disaster has risen to at least 257 people. the kids are the bulky, the i was swallowed by a much light along with many people, including my children. they ducked me out, but for my children died and remained buried in the mud on. if that's a lot. well, we can also get to samuel gets a true, who's an independent journalist joining us from the, from a cell law. and if you guys go from district, so samuel, tell us what you're hearing about the latest situation there and how the search and rescue operation is going on the ground. once we've seen as a base thought, see where on vintage, where this happened, decided to bury the hundreds of people that died in the same area. and they had
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a big ceremony for them. we saw families that have lost uh, siblings. uh we so uh we spoke to a few people that uh, most of for generation of family members. people kind jumping and confused with the future, which all of a sudden the village has been under. there's a sense of sadness. you can imagine then you've seen the images and it's a really, really side finish, but we so and joe assigned to russian to support them. all right, samuel, thank you for that update from you. i hope you are protest or is uncanny. are calling for justice for the people killed in weeks of antique government demonstrations. earlier police use tear gas to disperse the crowd, trying to gather in the capital. nairobi. it comes
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a day after president william roots ro, named an additional 10 new cabinet ministers. the protests were initially against the bill to increase taxes, even though russo scrap that proposal. kenyans want him to step down as an oil slake is spreading rapidly off the coast of the philippines, threatening to become an environmental disaster. strong wind high waves and monsoon rain or affecting efforts to contain the spill after a tank or a cap sized. and that's not all there is. that's not all there is to clean up after typing gave me stress. killing 14 people were going to be low reports. from manila, a thousands of filipinos are picking up the pieces after torrential rains and floods swept through most of the capital. on wednesdays. they're grateful to have survived but don't know how they're going to rebuild their lives. selling them was made up, let's say it's more difficult to recover at this time compared to and who are flooded before. because the 2nd full of
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a home caved in. we'll need to get that repaired. when we get to respond, them says she doesn't know where to get the money for the repairs, but president, brandon and marcus junior promised government assistance. now the floods have subsided. we are beginning to see the extent of the damage type with jamie left in its wake the entire metro manila region is under a state of calamity. and official move that speeds to release of emergency funds out to the president as also ordered authorities to speed up the delivery of food and other aid. isolated rural villages. in the early hours of thursday, a tank are carrying nearly one point. 5000000 leaders of industrial fuel cap sized off the west coast coast guard personnel rescued most of the crew members and later found the body of one that had been missing. but they were struggling to contain the oil spill because abrupt 630. so they'd be, uh, void, speed there. and uh right now we can, uh,
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we can that be spots uh were resources because of withdrawal wins and highways. before the spears drawn currents could spread the oil towards vanilla in nearby fishing communities, something the coast guard described as a big danger. barn to below al jazeera, made a, it will take, some gave me, has made land salt and china. as food gian province, it's the biggest to hit china's eastern seaboard this year. whether officials say the storm will stoke heavy rainfall and strong winds as it sweeps across the country. some cities in fiji on have raised emergency response levels and type from gave me made land on the northeastern coast to taiwan early on thursday, triggering heavy rain on floods. it's the strongest type for them to hit the islands in 8 years with winds of up to 227 kilometers an hour. at least 2 people have been confirmed at thomas as a journalist in taipei and she explains what happens when typhon gave me
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a hit the north eastern coast on thursday. after the type who made land fully, we couldn't considerably and not to be moved across the item quite quickly. it had already gone into the taiwan strait by full 20 this morning. however, because of the amount of water that it picks up in that to do. what's happened is we've had torrential and extremely torrential rain full across a large part of the country. so i'd say things like getting back into normal. and ty pay $50.00 nice because of kill whole to it's a lot calmer in the know them south a full scale, a lot of flooding and so on, highlight down south america. but to even as a type in this move a cost that these rates are going to continue and train started running again round about 3 o'clock this afternoon. and slowly this, if you will, return to normal in taipei so cool, so clean up and so forth. and gosh, and things might be
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a little bit slow at that and south of the country all the time for the weather. just carl, a headlight at the typhon trouble is, continues the east asia, where it's going to be exceptionally what's in china in today's ahead and full. so looking very wescal, south asia, the monsoon range, keeping things foggy. for much of india. we've got heavy rain that spot red warnings along the west coast of india, but an area of low pressure will bring, wrenching down pause to central northern areas in the days ahead is also some heavy rain pulling into northern parts of pockets done that remains very hot. and humid across the southern areas and places like karachi. but we will see some of that wet weather. so need to push its way further north, over the days ahead. we will see some of that rain in the latter part of the weekend in southern pockets done. now heavy rain has been the story in taiwan exceptional flooding here. thanks to the tie. food guy may know that's moved. it's way into southern china. the winds may die down,
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but the rain does not. you can see that wet weather stretching all the way up to move in areas as we go through the weekend. now we'll downgrade from a tropical storm into a tropical depression, but legacy of rain continues pushing into know the areas across the korean peninsula and on was to move in pots of japan by sat today spearheads on the, on the 0 news. our a thank with definitely minister tells alger 0, his government was not responsible for violence during recent terms of a limb fix, newest, or it gives athletes a chance to showcase their passion. that's coming up in sports, which i'm the hard huge. i mean to be, is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing, the f one is government with this is 5 digit, you say getting russell? they thought provoking. nonsense. but e,
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you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's how it gives you facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president, juggle, we don't know. some we can uptake the fact that he was signing a present as not that important factor. he had the story on talk to how does era, once a journey through every story, every step is in there to the celebration of what we can choose when to reach the welcome to send me an extra design, a redesigns luxury leasing, trusting of future. today we create
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the top stories on the alta 0 news. our at b is really army, has released a group of at least 10 palestinian prisoners in gaza. many show signs of torture is really forces had been holding them in for prison in the occupied wes, thing and fears are growing of an environmental disaster in the philippines after an oil tanker sink and heavy waves generated by tyson gave me the ship, carrying one and a half 1000000 leaders of oil capsized altman to live a 16 of the crew members on board the tank or had been rescued. and another has died for testers have gathered outside benjamin netanyahu. his hotel in washington, dc. us present into a bite and a set to hold a meeting with israel's prime minister in the coming hours in washington. a while on wednesday,
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the us president's address the nation from the oval office explaining says, this isn't to end his re election, but i'll official reports from the white house. after ending his presidential campaign, joe biden faced the american public for the 1st time from the oval office on primetime tv. he explained why he was i to the race that he claimed just days ago. he could, when, you know, a racial weeks has become clear to me. i need your 9 my party in this critical endeavor. it was the terrible debate performance in atlanta 4 weeks ago that undermined his campaign. people in his party wondered if he was capable of winning . the poll said he would lose heavily. and well, donald trump watched on his plane, he wanted the republican candidate was not the answer i ran for president 4 years ago. because i believe in still doing that, the sole america or the state very nature of who we are with the state. that's still the case. the president said it was his job to hand over to
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a new generation to new voices and clearly endorsed his vice president to follow him into the oval office. how am i to frank, our great vice president, coming wires to experience. she's tough, she's capable. she's been an incredible partner me, leader for our country. outside the white house, a small crow gathered for hardly organized thank you jewel rally. when analyst says he made the right decision, it's amazing to see him. step up and sacrifice his own personal ambitions for what he recognizes is the better for. and he ended telling the american people, the power was in their hands where they had been all alone. great thing about america is here. kings and dictators do not rule people's history is in your hands. the powers injury joe biden will not be america's next presidency. no effectively becomes
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a lame duck. on one of the jobs he had was to convince the american people he can still perform as president. but there's also the realization that after almost 50 years, his political life is effectively over our fisher. i'll just see it up at the white house. well ahead of biden's address. thousands of people attended donald trump's riley in north carolina. unimportant battleground states. trump wasted no time in attacking his likely opponents in november. cala harris of zeros for lavelle reports from the city of charlotte even on a wednesday afternoon. even in north carolina is oppressive. summer heat, thousands came to see donald trump lining up for hours to get inside the president . the big draw for the day in a packed stadium of 8 and the hall 1000 is a great my. good. yep. so that's why we're here to support all those to do. why?
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because that just wasn't enough space. and within seconds of walking on stage, the attacks began lift loved his likely arrivals. pamela harris, at this rate, everything tamala touches turns into a total disaster. she'll destroy our country if she's elected, so we won't let her be elected. we can't let that happen. uh, not much outside either. we're not kind of our students, these are worth while advisory. the why, why not a surcharge of the border? it you put into the borders are, she's a senior person by north carolina is a possible ground state. now, that doesn't mean it springs wildly from a public and democrat. in fact, the democrats haven't taken north carolina it's. it's a bama in 2008. what it tells me is that when the republicans have one here, it is seen with very small margins of victory. and that's why, despite such an obvious, huge show of support for donald trump. the democrats still feel confident,
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but based on the chance to the state has a democratic governor, really cooper. he is widely believed to be a couple of hours, a short list of possible running mates. trump often talks about his piece making credentials he did here. i will prevent world war 3. we had a to world war 3. we're heading right into the piece of it because we have stupid people representing us. that's why this both a is backing him. the us, we have a better image internationally. then what the democratic this rally was held in dollars, it is reported that most future trump ones will be to after that attempt on his life. but the crowds will still come out of the attacks against team harris to fill it out. i'll just say era. charlotte, north carolina. well, tom la harris, who has taken her 1st swing at donald trump with the release of her campaign video
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on thursday. and she says, trump once a country of chaos hate and fear, she advertises. joining us in washington and tell us more about this campaign video that's been released to happen and how it's going down in the us. a was there a just released we have starting a truck, but the own say about where the course is. freedom is clearly as a temp then to get some in do is you as a member of the democratic campaign that was solely lacking with joe biden, at the top of the ticket, we've been introduced to the concept of double hatreds over the last several months of a campaign that is that the other sections of electric who didn't want either trump or binding. and this is an attempt to me that decide none of the wait. there is something to fight for here. this isn't just about to very unpopular old man, one of 5 fellow and 11 the allegedly suffering from, from dementia. this is about freedom. this is about fighting for what we have. it
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is very clearly aimed at black to versus at, at women verges. are the emphasizes raises, emphasizes reproductive rights, which are key issues, but which is sort of slipped a little bit the box to democratic base because that was such doesn't trutland with joe bites. and this is a reminder of elements and don't troubles constituency. who are some of the few races potentially and certainly there are elements that who want about abortion and so on. and this is what we're, but the democrats have been hoping to run on it, work for them in the mid term. as for example, the kind of slipped a little bit to and where there was lots of evidence that young people, black versus women by the suburban women burgess key swing constituency. you know, but either wasn't going to vary the tool they were well, they were leaving the democratic party. this is getting them back because there is not constituency of potential swing versions or potential couch, right. so let's just stay on the couch instead of revising it in elections with structurally margins and key swing states. they could make all the difference. she helped us to feel like all the gloves have come off at this point. i mean, also, if we look at trump,
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just during the republican national convention earlier this month, he spoke of unity. but since then, he's continued his attacks against a democratic tomlin. harris more recently. and i think it's a secret now that the trump campbell, where they were for pathways to venture out of your lives, the job i the step down they really wanted to run against one. they gave joe biden, who clearly had a lot of a lot of weakness of others and trump man's. it's like trump on truth social, his social media platform, deposit a refund for all the well, the millions of dollars you'd already spent attacking by them. so they all know recalibration, we're all getting the come to us with the attack. she's, she's a radical liberal. she's very closely associated with the unpopular by the administration. that means inflation, that means the border you had in phil's package that someone's i wasn't sure the board is all because yes start button didn't give her it with the border as, as, as her portfolio. and the border is always at the top. often at the top of the list
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of concerns, but most, for most devices that could be quite effective on the, on the downside or i'm presenting simply trying to protect reproductive freedoms that are already in trying to wear and try and in a slightly being, being edged away as a radical liberalism may not, may not sit well with some of the constituencies i was mentioning, mentioning earlier, but we all certainly seem to come to is of the of types of events that new nickname . now lying come, all the lying is there is a favorite prefix of donald trump that he's for hillary clinton, for example. he had been using laughing come out because it come all of them. i was legendary trades of laughing at inappropriate times. but if it seems, yeah, mine come out, i'd say that's, that's going to be the 5. okay, so you have thanks so much for that reporting from washington. the police watch dog is investigating officer an officer was filmed ticking on something on a man's head at manchester. airport, so greater manchester police say the firearms officer was attacked while trying to arrest the man after
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a fight in the airports terminal. one officer has been stood down while that investigation is ongoing. we cannot speak to the document, the cool who is a solicitor acting for the family that was seen on that viral video card at manchester airport. he's running his life from outside of rochdale police station. thanks for your time on alda 0 1st. let me just ask you how your clients are holding up, sir. uh, thank you very much for helping me right now, domain clubs, and that is why they have they are very even traumatized by this experience. they are the family member. ready of a sending police officers that and then the crate dimensions to please. so the name of the hyatt shop to buy what's happened. they used to be very proud of the green to much is the police pause, as it was at the. ready end of so and the son who. ready is still employed
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by that. she's not going into the canal because he's afraid of what the police may do to him. so it is a very traumatic time up for the family members. so around the, doing the best as they can. i mean the, the most out was in the now we're having a meeting with the aisle pc. so maybe i'll see, see, of course is the independence office of police conduct. so can you tell us about the perhaps not meeting and what you're hearing about the investigation that's now taking place to be investigation? is that a fact of the stage? and so we can't go too much into it, but i kind of comment on the video was that the, everybody has seen circulating a spot already. it's probably what's happened on the treatment that they have to be into the public at
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a p as in p. and out of the piece and it should not be life that imagine just imagine a pre is totally been busy take cooking, who gets off and my just pulled and see is that that's the greatest experience of the united kingdom police of if the statements are that has been ordered by the police, so the statement that has been put forward by the police, i'm sure you've seen it, but just to our viewers are aware. the police are saying that they have responded to reports of an assault and 3 officers were assaulted during their response. the officer was including one female officer whose nose was broken, required hospital treatment on the big deal was on the scene. think 1010 to 5, and his name is when his mother opened. it doesn't show any assault from that
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gentleman. it shows the talent t and a boss battery act on the police mountain. he's down to the, on the, he's pulled it on his base on his head. it's, can you hold cap shoes on the piece of this is in the u. k. ready ivan required as a uniform to lose the cold cap shoes. so okay, anything something like that such was on the head could be not only to bring that mean. i'm a defense lawyer at the present to many people over the years who have been simply charged the demand for punching. so in the end the big deal. awesome. as of late. so we just hope that there are no lost in the increase for a united sectioning introduced to this man. there's nothing that can just do for the actions of to please,
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unfortunately. and the more that the more that was attacked can be seen in the video that the police officer, after standing on the man's head, he is down and goes to punch at the mother. and that wasn't the only time that she was assaulted dish. she was assaulted as well before. what seed on the video of sea level because they haven't been on the wrong date upon social media. right. so it's bob having to say the least. okay. we'll have to leave it there. thank you so much for speaking to us. thank you. of all the united nations has demanded an investigation of the bangladesh and governments cracked down on student protests, violent classes that killed at least a $150.00 people were sparse during student demonstrations against quotas on government jobs. so those quote,
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owners have since been mostly scrapped the protest movement and now calling on a number of governments ministers to stand down. an earlier we spoke to the bangladesh administer for information on broadcasting. how much on the out of thoughts? she said, 3rd party actors should be held responsible for the violence and not the government will not talk to you about the students. we're not referring to the students to be that address on energy is it is the 3rd party of those who entered into this movement and started doing all this. what do you think the thing indulge you into the jail break and, and help? 820 prisoners. to escape who do the thing is invading into the jail and then lose the fight out. please tell energy and things that i don't get under 60 the prison stuff hostage, please, please help us with who you are counting. all those things had happened here. so this is, this is the part party,
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all the extra shift. and the pair is those who have the track record of doing all of this, even in the past, back in 2000, 152013. i need to go back to their track record and look at it and find out we do not know ultimately what these 3rd policy groups were doing a lot. busy planning, we kind of substantiate any of that independently, but it is at the end of the day, the government's responsibility for state security. and you must agree that something very seriously went wrong. yeah. no, no, no at hold on. of course we are, we, we, as a government, of course it is our responsibility to bring back the piece. and we did everything that you need to do to bring back the piece, will have to do it because it gets all responsibility to protect the lives of the people. therefore, we tried our best to diffuse attention as much as possible. we tried our best to de escalate attention so that we can quickly bring back the piece. but because of the, you know, some people who are trying to add fuel to the fire trying to create a situation where they can, you know,
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take advantage of it on top of the government. or they went to that the so the side of it is getting more obvious and also mister, we made it difficult for us, mr. or if we agree then that it is the, the government's ultimate responsibility to maintain state security that's clearly has in many ways crumbled over the past couple of weeks who passed the responsibility. surely the buck stops with the prime minister. no. should she resign? i mean, she should resign for protecting the people so far, the helping that people are protecting that people are trying to bring back the fees. why on our department so should resign for that as well. you can watch our full interview with the bangladesh administer for information and broadcasting on talk to all to 0 that's later on thursday at 1930 gmc and will not speak to irene khan, who was the u. n. special reference her on the freedom of opinion, unexpressed, and she's joining us from junior felt welcome to algebra ma'am. first,
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i'd like you to comment on what the minister of information and broadcasting of bengal does have to say when he said it's not the government that is responsible for the violence. it's in fact, 3rd party actors. and it sounds to me that this information, probably some nation, the government is responsible for security and the government has been handling this very good. it's been a fine to correct tom, the police and military and the go. government ministers have many strong mcclockey statements, but these were protests for going on. i think the government affiliated groups with this which then so it's a very lucky uh, hard the next, you know, the government has to restore security that they have restored, keeping in mind the human rights of the people in full. that's what you're asking for. now press for east. yeah. oh so yeah, here it is. i have your press release right in front of me and you've added your name along with the number of experts as you just said,
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you're calling for an immediate end to the violent crack down as you describe it and full accountability for human rights violations on that issue of accountability, how do you see that happening? what are you calling for? what are the steps that needs to be taken a given hold of broken promises, but this problem just made on human rights. the for sure is that have been given the wrong information that is being treated. now. there is no trust. people don't trust it is very obvious. and we are calling for an independent in colorado investigation. what has happened? the government is planning other people. oh oh, the other is updating the government. we need to embark some investigation. but since there's no trust and it has to be done with the international community, we have pulling on the god to invite the un to conduct such an investigation,
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to find out what went wrong to take responsibility for the creek is to account. and just on that call, have you received the response from the bank, but definitely government yet? no, we have provided a statement to them as well. and this morning, high commissioner for human rights and so also for the press release where he to is feel free to search for us excuse. and we are waiting for an answer from the government. but from what you've seen, ma'am, if you can just put this into context for us and tell us, in your opinion, to what extent has there been a decline of, or not, of human rights in bangladesh recently. it, will this be disastrous decline? this is not something to just just subject for us. institutions of the on the mind . um the other catches in the past. we see any directions that a lot of people have called was read or there's a great deal of defense. she just content on the ground with corruption
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mismanagement with the, with the police in law enforcement, for example, the regular stories of torture. even now we are hearing stories from people about june. this being threatened for reporting about students disappearing about the return and not been just picking up the suspect and taking them away, torturing them, leaving them ok sometimes disappearing the beast, the kid. so in this kind of situation, you know, this has become some kind of can t, right wrong with dish was described where it's not near it's gone down this drain human rights disasters. i know we're asking one way for what is true in boxes, independent of power investigation. we need to have
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a united nation score international already on the un special rabbits are on the freedom of opinion and expressions. thank you for speaking to us from geneva. you here within his hour and here's what's coming up in just a moment. origin. see no solution for natural gas for rocco was stopped for 2 hours to to found trouble details coming up, put them on the
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the time for all the sports visitors demo. thank you. during the olympics, especially open on friday, but some action has already started and we already have
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a weld records. south korea's limitation priest, the country of the ones to beach once again at the games. the 21 year old shows her record $694.00 in the women's individual ranking. she'll be bidding, foundations tense, individual god, and the sport, all the women on the face, it in the team events since it was introduced the 1988 games to time tennis go medalist anti murray has withdrawal and that from the singles events due to injury the 37 year old is retiring from the sports at the end of the games. how to put off when would it do to surgery on his spine it's remove, assist. he'll take pos and the double side alongside down, evans, mary preparing to take advice to tennis while retirement is very far from navy jacob, which has bind the 24 time ground. some champions want to pretty much everything in the sports thoughts and olympic gold has. so far eluded him. i don't have the retirements close in my mind to be honest. um, even though i know a lot of people would love me to retire so that these arrows is done. but i think
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as long as, as long as there is at least one of us left in the competition, i think the arrows feel going off the antics and it drops out with some slices. joke about just now the top said for the singles told him that if he and roy i found that out when the 8th inning matches the long time life was to be playing java in the 2nd round. when wouldn't champion carlos alco restaurants off against 11 homes? how do you have you all raining and then pick champion? i've been found. this is our if it takes on jump. mm hm. yeah. in the women's events. well, number one industry on 2nd plays remain is a rena camelia vegas. us open champion code golf spaces on us, on the out of it, and fresh from winning the winwood in size, will bubble recreate, chief left against a campaign against? all right, so we this to my name is socket. we'll take on angelica, who's announced she will retire office again. the president of the weld mt facing agency says the dicing can never be eliminated from support. lot his chief has
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defended the agency following revelations. the $23.00 chinese swim is with clear to compete and the take care of and picks despite testing positive for events, the substance, water is now facing increasing pressure as 11 as a semester. going to take positive powers the i will role is not to be able to stand with credibility to every, every single out through the, you know, it's obvious that you will never eliminate the doping from the, from this bolting lensky, you will always find someone who wants to touch it so it's not that now we want to assure that every single operate, this is clint. we don't know, actually it's not the overall to do it. our road to do is to oversee the system enough to, to, to tell you that the game is going to be, you know, totally clean and the with another. you're not having, i mean, even the one single positive test. there's a bits, a dispute between water in the us on to disney agency over the handling of the china. so in case limping bosses, if, once the americans, they could be stripped of hosting the los angeles and salt lake city games is that found to undermine waters will sourcing us and,
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and pick committees based policies that to work together for tempers between water and you sorta as reflected in the statements that go back and forth between the 2 of them are unfortunately just too emotional and it won't be healthy if that's the basis for some dialogue between them. and so we hope that they'll find a way of conducting that, that, that interaction, you know, less dramatic way. and we'll try to help palestine is olympic team has arrived in paris and that the ongoing will and gaza. they've called on the international olympic committee to band israel from the games for the i is he has stressed neutrality and response out of science as more than this. 300 athletes have been killed since the thoughts of the boy in on the table and suffered what of it's time to do justice to the palestinians and show the right code to israel from fif. i'm the international olympic committee. it's time to speak the truth in favor of the victims of this occupation,
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and we call them friends to recognize the state of palestine. if you really respect . and it committed to international legitimacy, justice and the rights of people. the self determination as much as the sporting infrastructure in gaza has been destroyed. so training that crime is not an option or h athletes. he will compete for palestine in pars, across boxing, and due dates like one day shooting. i'm swimming, this is been a dream of mine for as long as i can remember and being able to raise a flag for palestine is the greatest honor can ever have. were with the people of gaza. my family is there. i have so many friends there and it's just we're here for so much more than just competing for here to represent our country and to fight for a country and a very peaceful way. and i scanned the refugee is one of 5 estimates representing the country as part of the olympic refugee team in paris. maneesha, it's actually it's competing in the breakdowns in competition, which is making it stable with these games. sonya guy, i get reports, it's
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a full cry from where she began. as a 17 year old in kabul, maneesha tyler, she became obsessed with breaking, also known as brick, don't sing, but never does. she think it would take her to a limb, pick heights, especially as a young woman and dunces. you too, i asked myself, why can't i do it? why consul, go do this? and that's when i started to learn. now, living on the outskirts of a spanish capital, she practices day and night, one of hundreds of outcomes who were brought to spain by ministry plains to escape the tele, bond manager found a home here of to realizing she would not be able to pursue her dream in her own country, one, the one is when the taliban found out they didn't like. so to go was dancing? well, i don't think it's daunting. it's a sports and now seats part of the olympics. it's already been doesn't like goes to done. so practice sports and now girls can't do anything. they can't leave their homes. they can't study nothing. even before the return of the television,
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life wasn't easy for benicia. she was the only go practicing the sport at her club . and as a young woman challenging social moves, she quickly became a target as to the club post train at home behind closed doors. maneesha said she would not be able to continue to pursue her dream. see yours to run off on a sub. if i were in afghanistan, i wouldn't be able to live because the telephone don't like the sports. it's very dangerous for me and my family. but here i'm doing it. i'm not afraid. this is the 1st time breaking will be included as a sport and you'll pick games. the run up to the competition may be tough, but so many sure it is an active tramp. overcoming the all see in the face of those who see young women as a threats. so a key i'm here because i want to reach my dream. not because i'm skid. so when the guy, yeah, go out to 0. there was control vesee in the men's football tournaments. they let me pick sergeant senior courage heavy and my sharona is described as teams opening
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defeat to morocco as a disgrace on a circus, and a match that had to be stops to 2 hours due to from trouble. argentina is full, they go to dramatic lights. equalizer and the 16th minutes about it. so i've broken funds, reacted strongly to it some 3 boxes onto the fits while others invaded it. that goal was and this allowed off the a via you all review the decision that was really revealed when the matcher resumed . it 2 hours later, it's an empty stadium. we're okay holding on for to one victory. the highest front speech usa 3. now 3 players over the age of 23 are allowed a little bit squats. on the $33.00 o captain and it sounds like is that score, that the women sort of been stops and an hour, raining olympic champions, candidates face museums and easy to ended off fee for not toward kind of the any points if they win the match is off the team members and start from the canadian team was sent home seizing a drink to spy on these evenings training sessions. kind of those have coach beckett, priest men, his will say decided to sit sound like a. all that is
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a sports anomaly, said 3, see later. thank you so much. i'm a thanks for watching the news. our we're back in just a moment for how much more of the day's news. all the latest headlines see you in a minute. the unique perspective that i really not that because definitely i left and nothing is something you're always on heard voices, but we are committed guessing best i can. all of you so much connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. lot of these provisions, if there was problems or medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable. that's the hor, what's the stream on al jazeera, the,
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the safe, the mean, big summit as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now, a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time in one year we source that change, it became clear at that point, but we really were in that kind of a new era of nobel peace, slower. it's maria, theresa and professor michael wooldridge and explore the pedals and possibilities of artificial intelligence. it changes the way we think. and then the way we act
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out can protect ourselves. studio b, b, a. i series on a jersey to holding the powerful to account as we examine the us as role in the world on o g 0. the painful steps to freedom palestinian prisoners are released by the is really armies showing signs of for sure. the you're watching out to 0, like from un headquarters in delphi and tell you, navigate also coming up a desperate hunt for hundreds of people still missing days after to land slides at a remote region in ethiopia. an officer has been suspended after checking on


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