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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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as jersey though, holding the powerful to account as we examined the us as role in the on l g 0. the a painful steps to freedom palestinian prisoners are released by the is really armies showing signs of for sure. the, you're watching out to 0 light from un headquarters in delphi and tell you, navigate is also coming up a desperate hunt for hundreds of people still missing days after 2 lamps lights at a remote region in ethiopia. an officer has been suspended after checking on something in mind at
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a u. k. airports. the police watch dog is investigating the thing we should be a country of chaos. campbell harris attacks her republican rivals in the battle for the us presidency. the palestinian prisoners released by the is really army say that they've been beaten and abused for almost a month. the group of at least 10 was taken by ambulance to an officer hospital and dated by law. is really forces held from an o for prison in the occupied west by the we raced by the israeli soldiers who force us to the ground and keeps us mastering us . we would torches, the foods he consecutive days, all hands and legs tied throughout. we was throwing pieces of stale bread as food
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we were denied. meet us in 2. we were electorate shots verbally and physically abused day and night. i was even electric shocked in my mouth. as i said, torture. meanwhile, israel has launched attacks across the gaza strip with the number of children among the dead. one survivor was an instance who was rescued from the rubble. after a residential building was sitting dogs, a city, at least for palestinians were killed in not a time. sort of also him is joining us from didn't, but had central dogs outside to tell us more about the latest attacks on the aftermath of those of the necessary and basically in the past we have been hearing a new fresh waved. so as to like, stop talking to the same truck areas alongside also with the southern parts of the city of car do is find the central area. it's was on a go to coach or land that was hit with the fight to just massage oils. that's how that into place without any sort of problem warning, leaving behind
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a suite of destruction of the area that was targeted in operation, which is right now is a very active oversight which most slices and these. but lp patient forces by the main focus of all the own during depression is on the eastern areas of the city of honda. and as we're a police more than 20 palestinians have been killed so far since the hours of this morning. the vast majority of those who have been killed and injured as well are young children of women. but also there are who are rough, it's just one is about snipers being deployed as an evacuation senses and the strand areas of con, units that been shooting anyone is moving in that area move casualties. also have been a relative to a to naso hospital where medical sources have confirmed that the vast majority of these cases that turned out to the office of hospitals that have been testified to be inquisitive. a terrific old and some of them are in a very okay. all right, apologies. we have lost our connection with thought about someone who is reporting
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for us from data that a has central gaza. we will move on though, for now and tell you about israel saying that it's recovered the bodies of another 5 captives from gauze. 3 were soldiers, one was a civilian, and the 5th was the security guards is really middle teresa as they had previously been confirmed dead and they were killed during the ha sled october attacks on southern israel. and their bodies were then taken. 2 guys off. it's estimated a 112 of the 251 captives remain in gaza to the us. president joe biden is set to hold a meeting with israel's prime minister in the coming hours in washington dc. so it comes after thousands of protests or is gathered on capital hill to denounce benjamin netanyahu. his visit, as he gave an address to congress. la fisher is joining us in washington dc. so are we getting any sense of how that meeting is going to go? and what biden is expected to say it's, and that's any off as well. benjamin netanyahu has went to that meeting in the oval
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office since he came back to power and israel, but joe biden didn't give him one. and that tells you the sort of relationship that the 2 men have. they do not get on another or warm wants from benjamin netanyahu. during the joint address to congress, the sign jo biden's praises said the fact that he travelled to israel after october . the 7th will never be forgotten, and he was grateful for the help and support. but joe biden and the wife has to be very critical of the way that israel has conducted the war. we are told that they put pressure on them at several points, but it seemed to have no impact. this time we are told we will see a different joe biden, but we will actually see him benjamin netanyahu. mike, because he's free from the ted or of running for re election. and so he can actually see what he thinks to benjamin netanyahu. so he's going to be a lot stronger, a lot stronger on reducing the number of civilian casualties. a lot stronger and getting a into guys as well. he believes that despite well benjamin netanyahu said in
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congress that there's simply not doing enough to get food into guys. and of course, we had the old fated project that essentially literally disintegrated and to see all the guys. and so this might be a different kind of meeting. then the 2 will meet the families of americans who are being held captive in gaza. and then perhaps a more significant meeting will be benjamin netanyahu with tumbler. how does she's company in texas campaigning? she's coming back there was a shuffling issue, which meant she couldn't attend the address on wednesday, but they will meet in the old executive office building council. how does this office just across from the white house around 5 o'clock local time? i remember a couple of how this was the flush from the, by the administration to put pressure on the is really the cold spot into biking. it's very keen on the ceasefire deal. he would like that to be part of his legacy before he finally leaves the oval office. allen, and interestingly the trump uh,
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the form president's republican townsend. it of course has been making comments about israel. he's also meeting that's on yahoo on friday saying that it needs to end the war fast. but the interesting part is he's saying it needs to do that to better manage its public relations, put that into context for us and tell us about that meeting what we expect. or of course, as donald trump talk some very broad brush strokes without actually providing details of how he would end the war. but certainly the idea of bringing the war to an alien saying with what benjamin not. and then yahoo said in congress. but putting in direct pressure on your bike and by say, we can end this war sooner and that means your civilian casualties. if you give us the weapons and that's a direct big deal fight. and of course that's held by the weapons, particularly very heavy problems, which he felt could cause real problems if they were to be used in an operation. and rough uh, there is a great deal of disquiet in the white house. the benjamin netanyahu is going to
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meet donald trump, but benjamin netanyahu is a politician who knows how to play the game. and he and he's playing both sides, even though they speak to him, witness the. he talked about how donald trump had negotiated the brown. the court to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel had actually moved the us embassy to jerusalem and then recognized as really sovereignty over the goal on heights, despite that being against international law. so benjamin netanyahu is aware that some of the hottest might not win the election, and donald trump the might. and so israel and benjamin netanyahu particularly would like to have a friend in the white house. and that is why he is making the trip all the way to florida to meet donald trump. okay, got it. thank you alan. thanks for that reporting from the white house. well, that's on yahoo and his address to the us congress also address the conflict with the lebanese group has gone up. so he says that is real, prefers diplomacy,
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but we'll do what's necessary to secure it's northern border. zane us was it has more from favorites. signs of conflict are visible on both sides of the 11 on as well border. the data exchanges of fire between these really military and has been lost, have destroyed thousands of tours of land along the front line. is rarely media say, as well as rock and fire is now reaching distance is a 5 kilometers and communities that have not been evacuated. it's still avoiding civilian targets, but as well says children will not be able to return to the north for the start of the new school year in september and recent days, hezbollah abroad in the range of its targets, in response to what it says is as well as the escalation, as well too, is still focusing, it strikes on the groups, infrastructure, and fighters, but it's warning that it is ready to do what must be done to secure its northern
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border if a diplomatic supplement is not reached. but for that to happen is rel, needs to end this war on garza tops, scheduled to take place in doha, on thursday to go for a ceasefire deal that would include the release of this rated captives have been postponed until next week. has fuller, has accused is really prime minister benjamin nothing out of salt lake negotiations . a few days ago, hezbollah threatened increased military pressure from what it calls support front in loveland, on yemen and iraq were other you run back to groups operate but nothing yahoo! who framed is rouse war on garza as a fight against a bronze influence is now calling for an anti iranian alliance in the region center for the receipt of the 4. hundreds of people are still missing in southern if you,
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if you all 5 days after 2 landslide to a remote area, heavy machinery can't reach the region. so rescue teams on volunteers have been using their bare hands and shovels to dig through the month. the un says the death toll from the disaster has risen to at least 257 people's a good. then i get the bulky, the i was swallowed by a mudslide, along with many people, including my children. they ducked me out with 4 of my children, died and remained buried in the mud on. it's such a lot, samuel gets it. she was an independent journalist and he has more from the sites of the land slights in the gulf of village of 1000. yeah, there are so many people told me to as a result of a month late because last sunday and continued on monday, the villagers seated behind me behind everywhere digging over night trying to find their loved ones, the money hundreds of being accounted for. so far,
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they to open government saying that more aid is coming more support this coming. but at the moment it's the villages trying to save the families, the lowest, a full generation of people i spoke to someone who knows his wife is part of the uh and it seems like a view where you go is a funeral. people are wanting people are crying, people are just desperate, trying to find any trace of their family members here go far. as of now, i see hundreds of people most of comes trying to support the people not digging. the 2nd wave of a much slight that'd be gone on monday is the one that killed a 100. so people they had a symbol here trying to support disability just in finding perfect corporate doesn't know people that were missing. but as of now, the mission continues and people are still in the morning moved.
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police watch dogs investigating after an officer was filmed, kicking on something on a man's head at manchester, airports. so police say the firearms officer was attacked while trying to arrest the man after a fight at the airports terminal. one officer has been stood down while that investigation is ongoing. i think the community as a whole body of sites, i've been gone. what is your working now is making sure that that is an independent investigation in new jersey off of this that this, i'm not trying to rush. i'm supposed to be in a farm by the monster, please, to the front and all the for the police conduct. they have come back to the office . nothing has been suspended as well. almost so please i to all over again i'm, i'm just your man and the phone has also checked the responsibility of the inside, but he has been shot. so i'm just looking at the list of closely dial some close
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measuring. are the deputies for mr. also an off from the launch distribution? don't say. so what's important now is but not the office probably is come back in the office p g investigation and investigation on the which was sort of appropriate action to be chosen from the fixture of the machine from the video. it does seem to be accessed with use of calls. now was the whole picture of this before us, i think then we can make that conclusion that this was excessive, and that is the case of cleaning the time. but because not only that individual officer has left himself so it has let down the holder to register police force and relationship between the manager. so please pause. i am the community which is always a rightful and important. how can i be a cool business solicitor acting for the family scene on that video film that manchester airport? she says that the ordeal has caused the great distress. right now to make lives
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in is a lot they have. they are very traumatized by this experience. they are the family members of a saving police officer in the crate dimensions to please. so they were hired to shop to buy what's happened. they used to be very proud of the great as much as the police force, as it was. ready and this and his son and. ready the state employed by them. she is not coming back now because he's afraid of what the police may do to him. so it is a very traumatic time up for the family members. so in the doing the best uh, as they can still ahead. we look at the extreme difficulties faced by
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people with disabilities in gauze, off as the war ranges on as an oil slick spreading rapidly, the environmental disaster looming near the philistines comes the . they don't want to miss their dignity being displays and makes it comes and not being able to get access to food. asking questions. how likely is it in reality that nothing? yeah. who would be arrested when visiting a fine look posing from the action from what i would say to the administrative health is come to see the effects about the best, all from the factories in india. i'll just use teams across the world when you close to the house of the story. a pod, his aim interviews is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell,
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a thought provoking. odd since the e you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running mean, what does he bring to the table, hard from the presidential? could we go to some we can uptake the effective use of the present as not that important effective. he had the story on talk to how does era the challenges here with the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the here, the headlines on how to 0. hundreds of people are still missing in southern if you appeal 5 days after to land slides had a remote area. heavy machinery can't reach the regions, so rescue teams on volunteers have been using their bare hands on shovels to dig through the mind. protesters have gathered outside benjamin netanyahu, his hotel in washington dc, and also had a meeting with the is really prime minister that set to go ahead with the us presidential bite. and in the coming hours, the is really army has released to groups. this at least 10 palestinian prisoners in gaza. many show signs of torture. is really forces had been holding them an o for prison, stops in the occupied west. se people with disabilities in gauze are facing extreme, just stress as the war rages on. many don't have access to food,
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medical care or safe shelter. their families say that they're struggling to meet even their most basic needs. honey, my food has more from dayton, buff. sabrina was saying helps her son up degree. they are in a dent where they were forced to find shelter after this really army destroyed their home in the northern gaza strip. 18 year old of the dream was born with server policy. she is tired than a traumatized. he often suffers seizures which are made worse by the summer heat, but there is little medication available to treat them hot auto. well, the heat is the west problem and because he was diagnosed, his body heat gets him rushes and even appointments to treat him on the available at the un agency. we have to use the water in buckets to will show laundry. imagine what that sea will to does combined with this heat
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e. sabrina's phase of this greens condition has worse than since the war began. moving from place to place to try and scape the bombing. she is easily agitated and needs even more care. let me know. i would appreciate that. i think there's virtually nothing for him here. i just take him out and that turns switch at the door to get some pressure of mounts. he plays with his siblings. his mood has changed that crime. he has his own toys to entertain him. now he and the children are always on edge and the feet, so i brought them in the kitchens play with it diffuses the stress of a people with disabilities in gaza. are the most vulnerable, grew in israel, relentless for across this trend. they have many of the challenges that they are facing, including the inability to access medical care, mobility, and economic opportunities for being pushes up to the dream in a wheel chair to a palestinian a charity which for years has held the children with the special needs in the gaza
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strip the palestine my better societies building was bombed at the beginning of the war. 3 caregivers and the 3 patients were killed in the attack. the charity relies heavily on the private donations. it was forced to relocate the central garza but there is nowhere safe in this trip. but it's still a couple of how kind of some on the before the war. we could say patients, we provided with 95 percent of the needs in terms of comfort and safety and residential homes we. they could be accommodated treatment, medical tools and hygiene supplies. now we try to cater as much as we possibly can to. sabrina describes the fear and exhaustion g and up to 30 and endured as the were forced to flee to bots out in the fellow we had to go to iraq. so hospital you could say that for 2 months he was fighting for his life. you would have up to 12 sieges a day. c keeping the children with the special needs,
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like out degree and healthy and happy was hard enough in gaza before door. now it's a challenge nearly impossible to meet honey my mode. i'll just see it out there, but i city, palestine. the pamela harris has taken her 1st swing, and donald trump with the release of her campaign video on thursday. let's just listen to a portion of it in the collection. we each faced the question, what kind of country do we want to live in? the people who think we should be a country of chaos. but as we choose something different, we choose freedom. okay, so you can see we'll talk us through this. so she had, this is her 1st campaign video, and we just heard her say that from the once
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a country of chaos hate and fear. and this is a really good time to do because to make this company inspirational. since, since the campaign began with joe biden to the head of the democratic presidential ticket, we've been introduced to the concept of double ages. that's a large number of advisors who just hate both candidates. these are just too old. unpopular men, one's a felon. one allegedly has dementia when you're, what's the planes and you're not that good? yeah, i'm biting himself. was necessarily giving a vision of the future, but just resting on his laurels and say, look, look how much i've done, you know, even when you can understand what, what he was saying. so ours is, are no, no, no, there is something here to fight for. leading very much into your memories of a trump cab of the trump years of the presidency. if i could even pops this house that you should attempt to at the time people say, oh, this is really good for trump, but i was, was like, know, cuz kind of a reminder of the kind of chaos that surrounds trumpet, old times, leading very heavily anxiety issues of reproductive rights into civil rights and it's,
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and it's the secret of many of the trump coalition of the very least one to roll back. both of those things isn't good, but there is something something have to do to fight for the irony being the events. i mean, actually tonight, but remember there is store the evidence of this is actually beginning to work with some younger versus minority, but just impose just publish, publish this morning. and there is, will be g in the, in the election particular with that modern successful. and the password and having to vote for, for either candidate the staying home that could be that could be the difference. having said that, i going to say that you were just talking about god's the progressive very suspicious of her as they remember her record as prosecutor in california. they. that's why she want them to very well the 2020 primaries and they still accuse hire been completed in the goals of genocide because she was vice president wriggle this time of this thing. what we're just supposed to forget about, right. okay. when it comes. ringback trump, she have, i mean, just earlier this month at the convention, he really spoke about unity after the assassination of times. but since then, continues his attacks against the democrats on the games come to the harris
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resolved. so it just seems like the gloves are off at this point. i had started secret of the trump campaign was desperate to compete against drove bites. and they didn't necessarily want this. they were prepared for this, but i didn't want this and you were seeing of anger from donald trump on 3 social, his social media platforms. i know i want a refund for all the millions of dollars i spend attacking bite and, but now we can see from trouble the part of the parameter has to come to us. it is a tax on how this will be, which is g like crazy. progressive, she's lying harris. now that's, that seems to be the preferred nickname now. and you know, you don't want this, especially when issues like the boulder or heil this divergence concerns by didn't make it give her that quote failure. and clearly she didn't, it didn't work best, so that's good. it's going to be that's going to be the talk. she's too left waiting for us. but it's, it's a direct one, but especially with them. you know, the definitely never like her hours that much any way because she was just you progressive but it might be effective. okay. she help thank you so much for that
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reporting from washington. now an oil slick is spreading rapidly off the coast of the philippines on it's threatening to become an environmental disaster. strong winds and high waves are affecting efforts to contain not spill after a tank or a cap sized. and that's not all the risk to clean up. after typhon gave me struck, leaving 14 people dead. barnaby little reports from the law. the thousands of filipinos are picking up the pieces after torrential rains and floods swept through most of the capital on wednesdays. they are grateful to have survived, but don't know how they're going to rebuild their lives. helen was made up to say, it's more difficult to recover at this time compared to into a flooded before. because the 2nd full of a home caved in. we'll need to get that repaired to respond. them says she doesn't know where to get the money for the repairs, but president, brandon and marcus junior promised government assistance. now the floods have
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subsided. we are beginning to see the extent of the damage type, who gave me left in its wake the entire metro manila region is under a state of calamity and a personal move that speeds the release of emergency funds out to the president as also ordered authorities to speed up the delivery of food and other aid, isolated rural villages. in the early hours of thursday, a tanker carrying nearly $1500000.00 leaders of industrial fuel cap sized off the west coast coast guard personnel rescued most of the crew members and later found the body of one that had been missing. but they were struggling to contain the oil spill because abrupt 630. so they'd be, uh, we'd be there. and uh right now we can let, uh, we can that uh, the spots uh were resources because of withdrawal wins and highways authority spears strong currents could spread the oil towards vanilla in nearby
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fishing communities, something the coast guard described as a big danger barn to below al jazeera, made a okay, thanks for watching all the 0 this it for me, for the time being head online for all the latest information, our website is out to 0. talk. com. talk to i'll just 0 that's coming up. thanks by the have a lot of the time frame trouble is continue for east asia where it's going to be exceptionally what's in china in today's ahead in full. so looking very wescal, south asia, the monsoon range keeping things so gate for much of india, we've got heavy rain that spot red warnings along the west coast of india. but an area of low pressure will bring drenching down pools to central northern areas. in
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the days ahead is also some heavy rain pulling into northern parts of pockets done that remains very hot and humid across the southern areas and places like karate. but we will see some of that wet weather. so need to push its way farther north, over the days ahead, we will see some of that rain in the latter part of the weekend in southern pockets done. now heavy rain has been the story in taiwan exceptional flooding here. thanks to the tie, food guy may know that's moved. it's way into southern china. the winds may die down, but the rain does not. you can see that wet weather stretching all the way up to move in areas as we go through the weekend. now we'll downgrade from a tropical storm into a tropical depression, but legacy of rain continues pushing into know the areas across the korean peninsula and on was to move in pots of japan by saturday. the
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oh to there's no place like home. except when home is for the part i say no. the lebanese filmmaker documents is like one of the country's most turbulent times, the appeal, the anxious and fatal, a witness documentary on this jersey into the project is done. nestled in the heart of asia is atlanta striking contrast and rich history. this mountainous nation featured some of the white piece and the as a pos that the strictest back to the nearly sick and brought the ages its mountains


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