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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 25, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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politics in the why the jewish community of milton, which is alive just today in holocaust survivor community outside israel the . ready the hello one way of a hawk. this is the news our life from don't coming up in the next 60 minutes. 30 days of war. we are accounts of torture from palestinian prisoners released by israel. and israel's prime minister, set to meet with the us president is 1st visit to the white house during joe vines, presidency type, not daily, makes land fall on china's east coast after tumbling taiwan and the philippines and
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a desperate search for a 100. so missing and p c o, p on days after 2 last slide, scared of remote regions and on piece of same as the sports news officially, the olympic games any start on fridays. but we already have a 1st world record. south korea's literacy john shoots an old phone, basically the women's archery that i'm coming up later. this is our, the it is $1500.00 g m to 6 pm and gaza, where the is rarely army has released a total of 11 palestinian prisoners. many of them are showing signs of torture. they were taken by ambulance to a lock, so hospital and their butler for treatment is rarely forces had been holding them in office prison and the occupied westbank. since the beginning of the war. multiple reports and testimonies of detailed abuse of palestinian prisoners and his
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rarely jails. the we were arrested by the israeli soldiers who full access to the ground and kept us mastering us. we would torches the foods he consecutive days, all hands and legs tied throughout. we was throwing pieces of stale bread is food we would deny it made us into. we were electric shots, verbally and physically abused day and night was even electric. shocked in my mouth . is us of torture. swati is really your military has killed at least 21 palestinians in con unice. since dawn on thursday, it's authoration has been continuing in the southern gaza city for a 4th consecutive day. the palestinian red crescent says there's no space for a single tent and my way i see as thousands more displaced, people have been forced to flee again. let's get you the very latest the on these
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developments we can go laughter thought of how those who, who joins us now from doing better in a central garza, i thought before, ask you about these latest attacks. i want to know more about what you have learned about these disturbing reports, the release and the condition of the palestinian prisoners such as a law, we continue to hear in facts, very tragic country, rustic testimonies from this house. the new prisoners were released today from these many detention caps now to tell 11 how experience has been released since the 80 hours this morning. 3 of them have been transferred to the agents of kent unit and, and also to ask which was due to their very home state for medical conditions. we have heard from the more thing for to be on believe it. they have been aggressively beaten by these, but on a daily basis. quite hard to minute come passed without being to church. different traces, quite movies of the bodies from their hands. some,
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some of the have some think is being broken to have been hit with wires and meet some pause. they have been also denied access through central phase which mississippi's and saw in the prison as a stop. vague ship has been used as a very, a key policy in these sites. these, the sentient caps, where prisoners have been good, have really good smiles for ms. betty jays being visibly sending due to the incredible ways they have lost inside these jails. and also they have been reporting that they have been allowed to have been denied access to toilet. as there's been 6, those diseases have been spread among those who are inside the valley detention caps out. they have been lucky today to be released as the funds do not know any sort of information about the destination or despite it since. but at the moment they have had their relatives and their loved ones have been incredibly lost. um they are still messing fox. the grim reality is that even did you catch all the prisoners being released today, you have seen the poor thing about very human conditions. all the prisoners behind
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is where they pause have been going through we. so how when bring because of the very end for the beloved, the same result of the, from the on doing a study to each of the house of the is what it offices that. but they are saying that there's 2 hundreds and thousands of palestinian prisoners inside these for the detention caps, who have been inc, which will be subjected to disparate signs of switch defense. what they have been subject to, to as the have been a given the chance to stay to release from these. but he just mentioned heading to the central areas of a strength. very harrowing accounts. are there a thought i want to ask you about the, your tax on the hon unice? since i explained that to not stop since this morning, i'm quoting to the latest updates that we managed to get for ministry. so they have come from that at least $28.00. how experience has been killed cincinnati house
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this morning with at least we would see one of those ones that i'm talking about. there's one that are in a very desperate, needful condition, has been designated as opposed to point to be listed as the utility to talk to them right now as a whelmed with patients. and which means that people resulted from ongoing corporation in the city or funding to spot the latest we can clearly hear from our witnesses to stop the eastern areas of what was the loud explosions by these very point to get sounds up to the unit units. the smell it was, are deployed into eastern area shooting. anyone is moving back. and basically no one can get deeper into the galleries. are due to the very raging bottles that we come up with. it says this without the patient, not only finding the city as been, defeats a fault race response, a variety which has been widely targeted um its own going active military existence for the surveillance of drugs. on this call of derek bi lifetime, which is a house right now, the home for more than $700000.00 pounds,
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many of which is clearly indicated that might really beat more strikes within the common hours. as soon as there is ongoing existence for the strong and this call, you can be warranty, movies invisible for everyone. the size of box, hospital stack of assume a reporting from the village. thank you so much for your continued coverage. and people with disabilities and guys are facing extreme distress as the war. wages on monday don't have access to food, medical care or say shelter. and their families say they're struggling to meet even their most basic needs. i mean, my food has more from the better sabrina was saying helps her son abdulla kerry. they are in a tent where they were forced to find shelter after this read the army destroyed their home in the northern gaza strip. 18 year old up to 3 and was born with server policy. she is tired, then
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a traumatized. he often suffers seizures which are made worse by the summer heat. but there is little medication available to treat them. hot auto motor heat is the west problem and because he was diagnose his body heat to give him rushes and even appointments to treat him onto available at the un agency. we have to use the water in buckets to we'll shut laundry. imagine what that c will to does combined with this heat e. sabrina's phase of this greens condition has worse than since the war began. moving from place to place to try and scape the bombing. she is easily agitated and needs even more care. let me know. i would appreciate that. i think there's virtually nothing for him here. i just take him out and let him switch at the door to get some pressure of mounts. he plays with his siblings. his mood has changed. that crime. he has his own toys to entertain him. now he and the children are always on edge and the feet, so i brought them in the kitchens play with it diffuses the stress of
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a people with disabilities in gaza. are the most vulnerable, grew in israel, relentless for a twice this trend. they have many of the challenges that they are facing, including the inability to access medical care, mobility, and economic opportunities for being pushes up to the dream in a wheel chair to a palestinian a charity which for years has held the children with a special needs in the gaza strip the palestine my better societies building was bombed at the beginning of the war. 3 caregivers and the 3 patients were killed in the attack. the charity relies heavily on a private donations. it was forced to relocate the central garza but there is nowhere safe in this trip. but it's still a couple of how kind of some on the before the war. we could say patients, we provided with 95 percent of the needs in terms of comfort and safety and residential homes we. they could be accommodated of treatment and medical tools and
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hygiene supplies. there was now we trying to cater as much as we possibly can. sabrina describes the fear and exhaustion g and i've been getting him endured as the were forced to flee the bots out in the fellow we had to go to iraq. so hospital you could say that for 2 months he was fighting for his life. you would have up to 12 sieges a day. c keeping a children with a special needs like out degree and healthy and happy was hard enough in gaza before door. now it's a challenge nearly impossible to meet honey my mode. i'll just see it out there, but i city, palestine. israel says it's recovered. the bodies of another 5 captives from grasso 3 were soldiers, one was a civilian, and the 5th was a security guard is really military. so as they had previously been confirmed, that they were killed during almost that october attacks on southern israel and
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their bodies taken to a guy. so it's estimated 112 of the 251 captives remain in gossip and u. s. presidential barnett said to hold a meeting with israel's prime minister in the next few hours in washington dc, and it comes after thousands of protesters gathered on capitol hill to denounce benjamin netanyahu. his visit, as he gave an address to congress on wednesday. all right, so i'd like to welcome our dog waxman. he is a professor of israel studies and political science at the university of california, los angeles, and he joins us now from london. a very good day, sir. welcome. give us a sense of the is rarely perspective, you know, as the prime minister gets ready to meet with the president. bind in the oval office and with families of chapters still held in gaza. how are people looking at this and what i think the 1st place many is right is i think the entire trip was
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unnecessary and inappropriate that they really weren't mentioned yahoo to focus on making the deal that will bring the hostages home. and i think there was a lot of public prostration written engine yahoo, which has been existing now for months about plus ration. we're going to get into washington. and then once he was in washington speaking to congress, not announcing a deal to bring the hostages haven and each of these 5. so i think for many his reading is really this is the kind of side show. and they want him to be dealing with the word problems that they face not only the, the hostages, but also the situation on these roles. northern border where the situ. ready i'm a principal, it remains that we bought a child. and so i think the general view it is well is that this is, this whole visit is really about making offers. a personal political interest isn't really a southern israel's interest. talk to us uh what, what is in your view is that uh from isn't it? yeah. who wants from the united states to what i think for the president biden. he
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wants to ensure a continued support for the duration of the by the administrator and the results when god that he wants to ensure in particular, that the united states continues to supply is route with the weapons that it needs to carry on that more. so i think even more important from this, you know, if you're going to meet you move by to resolve to now a loading dock. president is these meetings we've come out of house on, especially with donald trump, and he's really dying to try to uh, re in great shape himself. we have uh, donald trump, the obviously i think codes that trump will be back in the white house in january. and he wants to insure electronics going to us botox in personally and his, uh, his policies cuz he had trying his best. so, you know, these are 3 very different meetings, potentially. it could be quite a high wire act that he's trying to pull off here. so that's why it's the tricky uh
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to buy this uh try to build this relationship. we've come all the houses are at the same time um restore it's relationship with donald trump while no defending has been by them as well. it's really coming to washington. well, this is a visit he's wanted for a long time since you returned to office in 2022. he's really coming at a very bad time, or the country is obviously focused on the presidential race. and now he has to navigate this very difficult situation of trying to have these meetings, which are important without offending either presidential cabinet either come on. i was like 2 democratic candidates and donald trump. so it is a difficult thing for this. and you all are going to do. i'm his various judy, politically. so i think you can probably put it all, but i think the challenge is going to be, particularly kamala has what she's gonna say in have meeting with mr. yahoo! south waxman,
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the professor of israel studies and political science at the university of california los angeles. thank you for speaking to us. thank you. i like to take an hour to a model number shar, he's l, just our senior political analyst and he joins us of the sky from paris, summer one, good day. what's that steak for the prime minister of israel? what are his political calculations when he meets moments from now with president barton and later with the facto democratic presidential nominee harris as well, the vision is 1st and foremost for the step. what personal anyhow is a very personal man, incredibly narcissistic, big logistical. and clearly he's in a bind, it is right, he cannot solve this kind of reception induct an asset. but he does find that in congress, he's not at all in good shape and these, right? he's actually considered a major failure, both a political criminal and
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a walk criminal as far as part of the disease is concerned. fucking americans received a weird is uh, open arms that the white house and, and was choosing congress. so for his own political carrier, federal personal future, i wouldn't even see it for his own legacy. having been, uh, the 1st ever for me that to speak for times of congress. that's a big, big thing. now the 2nd thing on the political agenda, please call me i, i disagree with most of the commentators and think that com at the best time i think it's actually the country and the elliptical is speaking. now he has a far wider margin to play on the differences between the 3 main characters now and in washington. come at a higher spider and from between coming to harrison and trump definitely play a this versus they bought one of these and they both would want to have the support of israel lobby and clearly by the need to in order to prove that he has
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some of these one for an costs success considering so much of his failures thus far, the $1.00 credit is not necessarily going well. so i think the one guys, you know, has been a dark moments in american history and this policy, nothing, nothing you would want not to black mountain. and being the player, he is the political player. he is being a logical lawyer use. clearly he's going to be lying his weight a, but you would be charming and you would be money to i think that's a good one. and the more one, i'm curious to learn what you think about. you know, the fact that the buying ceasefire plan is still on the table has been on the table for the past couple of months. do you expect to any movement on that front? i mean, the president is said to take on a more urgent tone with the prime minister when he meets him. i am actually to expect some kind of a movement in august september really something what?
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i mean, honestly, i mean, we're not in washington and we are an international global media network with huge presence in the united states. but can, we can't really look at things you know, with a bit of, uh, quite a bit of a position in french where they went over to, you know, with the distance with a bit of objectivity. after 10 months and unfolding genocide after tens of thousands of killed children within and so on, after $100000.00 casual, if there's not a default of destruction of guys of 5 weeks ceasefire. that's, i'm guessing that's a big accomplishment for is running us fine. is that's important. i mean, certainly is that response for the people and gosh, actually to talk about that. they have been one of the apartments in the siege start ration. you know, 500 us or what for, by the so that's
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a question of a major for a bunch of success. 5 weeks on that one. i mean, we, you know, we try to cheated. the american population is ready to send you in public. so i think building so much for the fact that it could somehow convince nothing. yeah. what i think is already convinced about the fact that they could have some kind of a fire fire, which is fine. it's not a disease. and having said, go by them today might speak loud with nothing. yeah. but he's holding a smaller stick that you did for me last week because he's rather assisting pop press 4 or if he was on the was just especially not exactly somebody else do. then it should give means because everyone knows he's not going to be at the white house 56 months from now. they know that they don't actually need to visit them. they
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don't need to be setting fire. he's no longer probably the present in so many months and come to find a better whether it's come with our tongues. we've probably effectively the ones who are going to talk in terms of foreign policy decisions or software. so finding might try to be connected to our, to do something about the ceasefire. and i, once again, i think that wouldn't be a big deal to him. it's just something that is going to have to come 10 months after the death and destruction of receiving costs. and what i want to show our elders are as a senior political analyst. thank you my one us and is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu also addressed the conflict. so with the lebanese group has bola during his speech to the west congress on wednesday. he says israel prefers diplomacy, but will do what's necessary to secure is northern border. then a hold of has more from a route signs of conflict are visible on both sides of the 11 on as well border.
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the data exchanges of fire between these really military and has been lost, have destroyed thousands of hector as of land along the front line is really media se hezbollah as rock and fire is now reaching distance is a 5 kilometers and communities that have not been evacuated it's still avoiding civilian targets, but as well says children will not be able to return to the north for the start of the new school year in september. in recent days, hezbollah brought in the range of its targets in response to what it says is, as well as the escalation, as well too, is still focusing. it strikes on the groups, infrastructure, and fighters. but it's warning that it is ready to do what must be done to secure it's northern border if a diplomatic supplement is not reached, but for that to happen is rel, needs to end. the score on garza tops scheduled to take place in doha, on thursday to go for a cease fire deal that would include the release of this rated captive have been
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postponed until next week. has full of has accused is really prime minister benjamin nothing out of salt lake negotiations. a few days ago, hezbollah threatened increased military pressure from what it calls, support front in loveland, on yemen and iraq were other you run back to groups operate but nothing yahoo! who framed is rouse war on garza as a fight against a bronze influence? is now calling for an anti iranian alliance in the region center for their elders. either davids the, the ty phone gave me. it has me landfall and china. i was referred you on the problems with mass evacuations. now underway. state media reported high winds and 3.5 metre, highways. well, the high speed will waste system has been closed. affecting about 260 trains.
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fairies have been suspended and construction as to building sites has been halted. and earlier ty phone gave me made land full on the north eastern coast of taiwan. at least 3 people have been confirmed dead, high winds and heavy rain cost flooding across the island. 5 fritz ships were stranded in one sec after the storm. barrels through the islands is the strongest time for me to hit the island in 6 years. with winds of up to get this 227 kilometers an hour. count thomas is a journalist and typewriter, she explains what happened when ty phone gave me hit the north eastern coast on thursday. us as the type of a land fully we can considerably and not to be moved across the yard and quite quickly, it had already gone into the taiwan strait by full 20 this morning. however, because of the amount of water that it picks up in the loop, what's happened is that we've had torrential and extremely torrential rain full
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across a large part of the country. so i'd say things like getting back into normal and type a city at least because i can't pull up here. it's a little calmer in the know them south a full scale of flooding. and it's still on high, low down south america. but, and even if the typing is moving across, that these rates are going to continue and train started running again round about 3 o'clock this afternoon. and slowly the city will return to normal and tie, paid the tools to clean up and so forth. and gosh, and things might be a little bit slow at that and south of the country. and the strong winds high waves and ma soon raise or affecting efforts to contain an oil slick off the west coast of the philippines. af, after fuel tanker capsized on thursday morning when ty phone gave me swept through the south west killing at least 14 people. barnaby lo reports. from manila,
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the thousands of filipinos are picking up the pieces after torrential rains and floods swept through most of the capital on wednesdays. they're grateful to have survived, but don't know how they're going to rebuild their lives. selling them was made up. let's say it's more difficult to recover at this time compared to and who are flooded before because the 2nd full of a home caved in. we'll need to get that repaired to respond. them says she doesn't know where to get the money for the repairs. but president brandon and marcus junior promised government assistance. now the floods have subsided. we are beginning to see the extent of the damage type with jamie left in its wake. the entire metro manila region is under a state of calamity and a personal move that speeds the release of emergency funds out to the president as also ordered authorities to speed up the delivery of food and other aid. isolated rural villages. in the early hours of thursday, a tank are carrying nearly one point. 5000000 leaders of industrial fuel cap sized
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off the west coast coast guard personnel rescued most of the crew members and later found the body of one that had been missing. but they were struggling to contain the oil spill because abrupt 630. so they'd be, uh, void, speed there. and uh right now we can, uh, we can, the, uh, the spots uh were resources because of the strong winds and high waves. forward the spears strong currents could spread the oil towards vanilla, nearby fishing communities, something the coast guard described as a big danger barn to below al jazeera, minnesota, and lydia guerrero is the grand piece, philippines country director. and she says, communities hit by the spill will be effected for a long time to come. the oil spills uh, really live uh, leaves um, permanent damage to the marine environment and to communities that depend on
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a healthy marine environment. so even if, for example, on all still has been declared clear um there are uh portions of the sea um, which never really recover a lot of uh, cleaning and the clearing that the see are, are really the visible uh effects the visible signs of this bill but a lot of it is happening under the water um, where these chemicals are effecting marine life and so forth. um, and if you look at that uh the impact of an oil spill against um, the garden uh uh, changes um the climate prices that's happening in the philippines for example. uh um, fisher full having a hard time um, uh with fish catch. uh, because of, uh, dwindling numbers of fish because of the warming of the seas of a dying of coral reefs on the,
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it's all of these acting together is really making life difficult for coastal communities. so that if we say, you know, how long will the impact last on until when will it be clean and so forth? it's not really just the cleaning or the, the, the, yeah, the cleaning of the oil spill that we're talking about. it's really the confounding effects on communities that are reliant on a healthy marine environment. as so head here on this algae, is there any? who's our calling for justice krause gather, continues capital once again demanding accountability after the killing of protesters, a police officer suspended after detective stopping a man at manchester airport. the police watched off is investing and, and as far as how size olympic team has arrived in paris for the games and
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the ongoing more, the hello that there's lots of hate to be found across central america and the caribbean was july requisite, broken on a day there's also a lot of heat across that central slice of south america. temperature is picking right top in places like power one feels more like summer. then it does winter bolivia as well, but temperatures will be coming down slight even put a little weatherford. that's going to bring some west of weather across more moving areas of argentina. you can see some wet and windy weather as well, sweeping into southern parts of chile that will knock the temperature down in santiago, it remains rod, a breezy with mountain snow. as long as you drive across much opposite
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the parlour state, you live now to houston, texas, you as vice person come with harris is speaking the thank you very much for letting me it. thank god, it's so wonderful to be back with everyone here. thank you. that means some so, so much more than i can say randy, thank you for your friendship, your long standing friendship. as we all know, randy is a force and she has been an incredible friend and adviser to the president and me, and i want to thank you on behalf of the president and me and our country for all
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the and i want to begin by saying a few words about our presidential bye. i to, you know, the, the last night are present address to nation. and he showed once again, what true leadership looks like. he really did his, his words were plain, you know, the else speaking a moment about the importance of reminding people of history, teaching americans true history. he, he thinks and talks about his work and our country understanding what it means in terms of what we do now and how that will impact the future. he thinks about our history in the context of the importance of the work we do now and over the past 3 and a half years. and over his entire career,
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joe has led with grace and strength and bold vision and deep compassion. and as he said, that's right. and then he said in the next 6 months, he will continue to fight for the american people. and i know we are all deeply, deeply grateful for his continued service to our nation. and to the members of a s t. i thank you for your service to our nation from the public service workers and higher education faculty to the school bus drivers and the custodians to the school nurses and our teachers. you all do god's
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work educating our children, the whole eco system of who are of team members. it is you who have taken on the most noble of work, which is to concern yourself with the well being of the children of america. and i thank you for that. i thank you for that. and i thank you also for your support over the years and for being the 1st union to endorse me this on the same and as you may know, i am a proud product the public education many of you know that my 1st grade teacher, mrs. francis will soon, god rest,
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her soul taught me and educated me and encouraged me and inspired me. an years later, when i walked across the stage to receive my last whole diploma, mrs. francis wilson was in the audience and that's who you know we are. i know who you are. this work is personal and it is professional, and it is so critically important. and so it is because of mrs. wilson and so many teachers like her that i stand before you as vice president of the united states of america. and that i am running to become president of the united states the
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and what i know 1st hand is that our teachers and all those who are here, all the members of a of tea. i know that by make sure you are visionaries, you are focused on the future. the work you do is about a focus on the future. you see the potential limb, every child, you foster it, do you encourage it? and in so doing you shape the future of our nation. fine, you're listening there to you. as far as presence tomlin harris speaking, you add a convention for one of the nation's largest teachers union dues, where she started off by paying tribute to president joe bind. let's take you now to alan special is also been listening here in the allen a very friendly crowd,
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the vp in full election mode. it seems like she has injected new life into this campaign for what you have seen so far. does she stand a better chance of beating donald trump then vine did as well. the polls that we're seeing certainly suggest that, but there is a honeymoon period and she's right. buying smack in the middle of that. and she's speaking to an audience that is very receptive because she has a product to a public education. a teachers tend to be a natural constituency for the democrat party. and so for all of those reasons, she's doing very well. this is a crucial period. these 3 weeks are vitally crucial for the hottest campaign in this period. donald trump is kind of define you. he's done it with everyone who stood against them from jeb bush back in 2016. demarco rubio at that point, against your by mid 2020 list successfully. but then this time right,
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with one desantis and nikki haley, he gets nicknames, he repeats that and continues to hammer the message. and the struggling to find the message against pamela, hottest, they've got to do it certain. what else she is going to define ourselves for the american public. no matter what the trump bunch campaign says isn't going to stay. so performing in events like this unimportant for tamela. how does getting a good reception like she's getting in texas is important for tamela. how does just in the last 10 minutes, our office has put out a statement condemning protest, or to set fire to the us flag protesting against benjamin netanyahu speech to congress. and that will play well with many americans as well. ok, team are savvy, the understand that these 3 weeks that important, she may well get the democratic nomination on august. the 1st is full but a done deal. but between now and then she has got to establish that she is a credible candidate. i know like donald trump defined as something else,
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right at allen, i mean you reference it there. i mean, the world gaza is emerging as a wedge issue. what are some of the clues we have right now? that can give us some insight, a rough idea of what her foreign policy positions might look like, specifically on israel for the next 6 months, there's likely to be very little daylight between yourself and joe biden. she may start to separate at the pool suggests that what she's saying isn't quite receptive for from the american public. but you remember couple of how this was the 1st of the, by the administration to call for a c spine and gaza. no, sir, but she was the 1st to do it. and so you see where she is positioning yourself on this issue. and of course, she's coming back from texas to meet with benjamin netanyahu. you will have a meeting with joe biden in the oval office in a couple of hours time. then he will go to come a, how does his office in the building right next to the white house, the old executive office building. and then he will meet with the woman who is
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running for president, not to that. he's also going to meet the truck on friday, but the most crucial meeting isn't going to be what you'll bite me. well, put pressure on benjamin netanyahu to push towards the see spot. he is very keen on that idea, particularly for his legacy, as he's about to leave the oval office. but what he might face is a much more forceful couple of hottest people to mind that he does more with a c spy. and also getting into guys the read out of that meeting will normally be coached in diplomatic language. what will be interesting is in the days after 2 or 3 days after, we may start to get insight. those giving is exactly what happened in that meeting between the 2 l. fisher reporting from the white house. thank you. alan of the
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hundreds of people are still missing in southern ethiopia, 5 days after 2 wild slides here at a remote area. having machinery can't reach the region. so rescue teams and volunteers have been using their bare hands and shovels to dig through. the mud will be un says the death toll from the disaster has now risen to at least $257.00 people. then i get the bulk of the i was followed by a much light along with many people, including my children. they ducked me out, but for my children died and remained buried in the mud. and it's such a lot. and samuel, or get for 2 is an independent journalist who joins us now from the year. so la a in, if you just go from the district to a good day to you, samuel, how were people coping in the aftermath of these devastating land slides? well, the whole village looks like a funeral site where us, you said, hundreds of people have died. take your pen document tests to 229 bodies have been
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recovered. that you were in the united nations. the saying up to 500 people may have di. 2 even saying it's even more, we've seen a must funeral happen in the village because they cannot handle an individual funeral anymore because there are so many of them. a 1000, a 100 zip. know thousands of people showed up at 15 bucks in the morning, buying, jumping up and down and, and really desperate on what's being happening. so it's really a side of things to see very desperate situation or that you report on and what's happening now in terms of efforts to try and get it in what 5 minutes of the item that is expected to arrive tomorrow and see how far the situation is uh perhaps uh make a commitment on how to move forward. uh,
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when this many people are, you know, based it, um, i mean its, it's become a headlight new solo over the world. the government wide stability is really reacting and promising to have what we saw today, where people taking clients to find bodies and off. so we left the side. we've been told that they've been able to find that few bodies and people are just digging. people are just looking for the loved ones. a whole generation have been lost on, on some of their family members. if it is not a brother, a sister, or cousin or a wife, that's the kind of story they told us to be a really sad story at the. and finally the till the end of the month is promising to come, show up and bring that much. no use that they need to really dig in and find the bodies that the farm. this is just are still a life and they're looking for them. so that shows you how, how desperate they are to find them enough. but the whole is diminishing by,
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by the heart breaking scenes. so i'm gonna look at that you were independent journalist of talking to us from if you just go for the district. thank you. samuel and protesters in the canyon and capital have marked a month since the worst day of a crack down by security forces on people rallying against a controversial finance built. more than 50 people have been killed in the weeks of process. on thursday, police arrest of high profile rights activists, as well as family members of some of the victims of the june crack down there. such a body. what has more now from my will be the message for president william retail as people gathered. and i wrote these financial center to remember those tales in protest during the past month. families of the victims care to make sure coffin trying to make their way to the office of the president to deliver petition demanding justice
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the security forces moving quickly to arrest. one of the organizers, boniface, milwaukee, who remain defiant. the what is the, the, the, the a few minutes later he was taken away. this is david, take his mother. her son was shot and killed outside parliament on june 25th. he was 32 years old. no one has been charged in connection with his dad, nor any of the other more than 50 people killed the, the few demonstrators who came out to market the one months since their loved ones have been killed in these for anti govern protests had been arrested and take it
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away, the woman we just saw put in the back of the police around with screaming you have killed my child. you have to. 2 my child as she was being taken away, and i understand acutely president routes to address the nation on wednesday, insisting he had heard the people he's announced almond hughes or his new cabinet. and, but the opposition and young protestors have criticized the candidate saying the president is refusing to make substantial changes to what they maintain is a corrupt governments. for now, security forces have managed to crush, further on rest and route. so retains his tight grip on power doors. the divorce alpha 0 nairobi the u. k. police watch dog is investigating after and officer was filled chicken and stomping on a man's head at manchester airport. greater manchester police say the fire arms officer was attacked while trying to arrest the amount after
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a flight in the airports terminal. one officer has been stood down while the investigation is ongoing. and all of your groups assault solicitor, acting for the family scene on the viral video, caught at manchester airport and he says the ordeal has caused some great distress . right now, the main consent is what they have. they are very traumatized by this experience. they are the family member. ready as of a saving resources that in the crate dimensions to please. so they were hired to shop to buy what's happening. they used to be very proud of the grant as much as the police force, as it was at the end of so and the son who does take employed by that. he's not going to rick now because he's afraid of what the police may do
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to him. so it is a very traumatic time up for the family members. so around the doing the best as a kind of so head here on algebra 0 this year i will be half an i can and half starts. vader, us comic con, returns in full force after hollywood strikes and temp in last year's event. and as for personal officially presents the new coach that's all coming up with peter the business latest sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by the
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business leaders to sponsored by him to lot global. your real estate destination in due by the
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the man is our territory sport. here's peter later. thank you very much. i as the elliptic sufficiently opened on friday, but some action has already started and we already have a will record south korea's let me see you on prove that a country all the ones to be once again at the games 21 year old, shorter record $694.00 in the ranking round of the women's individual altering. she'll be bidding for her nations times the individual golden this fold. while the women the i'm the featured in the teen event. since it was introduced at the 1988 games. hundreds of thousands of people expected to line the same river full friday's opening ceremony to watch athletes, bright on boats full rece, looks at what we can expect from the world's biggest sporting events. horace has been transformed by the olympic games. the sporting events went into the fabric of
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the city, beach volleyball of the, the only full tower scape holding the plus to work on code and a bit further away. so thing in the, he think it's a once in a lifetime, chance for french athletes. exactly. a century after the games would last held in paris to what that means. also please. yeah, we are elliptic tompkins and we play at home. so that puts a double target on our backs without probably giving up support. it would be an incredible moment, a little more. a stealing picks is an event like no other 32 sports more than 10000 competitors from 206 national olympic committees. with the power olympics, the full a straight top, the palestinians will compete under their own flag. it powers 2024. while the refugee team has gotten from 10 of fleets in 2016 to 37, the previous games in tokyo was heavily restricted by curve at 19. so piracy is also a chance for new olympic schools to truly arrive 3 schools chosen for the use of pale climbing, skateboarding and surfing. we'll have that 1st chance to be showcase in front of
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a full olympic crowd. while one brand new sport has made his way from the streets to the stadium breakdown says we'll compete in a pop up venue at the plus to a concord. although the sports is called breaking rather than breakdown, spring break, it is. what are the form and elements of hip hop and so to be able to represent that on the olympic platform for me, i think it could change the world old problems it presents to publish. holly jump, it was suspended for doping on the eve of the games. while this resentment of 11 chinese swim is being allowed to compete despite failed typing tests, contaminated substances was cited. i want to add 5 and it was no fat and takes enjoyment out from a side. it's uh, i just do what i do as will walk a control the games take place, submit a huge security operation with friends on high alert. funds will hope the games begin and end with only spoilt and focus pull race out is era. paris, as,
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as poll made reference to me and he's revolt, the chinese swimming doping case has been a big token, pointing into these games. that's all pretty much 23 swim is we actually have to compete at the last of them fixing tokyo just by testing positive for band substance head of will. the mc diving agency is once again defend the agencies handling of the matter and also says doping can never be totally eradicated from schools. the rules are always not to be with a standard of credibility to every, every single out through the you know, it's obvious that you will never eliminate the doping from the, from this bolting lensky, you will always find someone who wants to touch it, so it's not that now we want to assure that every single operate, this is clint. we don't know, actually, it's not all we're all to do it. our road to do is to oversee the system not to, to, to tell you that the game is going to be, you know, totally clean and the with another. you're not having, i mean, even the one single positive test. there's a better dispute between water and the us and t dosing agency over the handling of
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the china swimming case. and then pick bosses have won the americans. they could be stripped of hosting the los angeles and salt lake city games, if they found to undermine waters or pharmacy, the us and then pick him as he has urged both policies to work together for tempers between water and you sorta as reflected in the statements that go back and forth between the 2 of them are unfortunately just too emotional and it won't be healthy if that's the basis for some dialogue between them. and so we hope that they'll find a way of conducting that, that, that interaction, you know, less dramatic way. and we'll try to help or 2 times sent us gold medalist and the mary has withdrawn from the singles event due to injury. the 37 year old is retiring from the school to the end of the games. i've had to pull out of wimbledon . also having surgery on the spines remove, assist, you will take part in the doubles alongside them, evans. but this time it is very far from the junk of which is mine between the full
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time grand slam champion, as one pretty much everything in the sports. but in the gold has so far included him. i don't have the retirements close in my mind to be honest. um, even though i know a lot of people would love me to retire so that this area is done. but i think as long as, as long as there is at least one of us left in the competition, i think the arrows still going off. the unix center dropped off with tons to lights . this chunk of which is now the top seed for the singles tournaments. if he and rough estimate though, when they opening matches the long time, rivals would play each other. in the 2nd round wimbledon champion, call us al cortes, thoughts of, against living on how do you have been while raining olympic champion alex on, does that? it takes on the jo, may not palace phones and then pick team has arrived in paris amid the ongoing war in gaza. that's called on the international olympic committee to ben israel from
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the games. but the i a see headspace neutrality and response that assign says more than 300 anthony to have been killed since the stones of the will in october and saw what else is trying to do justice to the palestinians and show the right code to israel from fif, i'm the international olympic committee. it's time to speak the truth in favor of the victims of this occupation. and we call them friends to recognize the state of palestine. if you really respect and the committed to international legitimacy, justice and the rights of people to self determination as much of the supposing infrastructure in garza has been destroyed. so training back home is not an option . they're all h athletes who will compete full palestine in paris across fixing lasix judo tie quando, shooting and swimming. this is been a dream of mine for as long as i can remember and being able to raise a flag for palestine is the greatest honor i could ever have were with the people
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of gaza. my family is there. i have so many friends there and it's just we're here for so much more than just competing for here to represent our country and to fight for our country in a very peaceful way away from the olympics. hunting flick has been officially presented as possible in his new coach. the 59 year old, one to brenda sleek, a titles during his time in charge of fine munich. he takes over from chevy, whose team finished 2nd in the spanish league, both the season behind a european champion arrivals rail madrid. twin tablets. uh you can also, you can only one with a big because collapse and, and this is why i'm here. so it's not, i'm not saying that we've been advocate that way ever tied a little like that but, but we've caught, that'd be kind of chief this start. that is all the smallest needs for the time being laid out. that's what we would like to awesome. thank you so much for to greatly appreciate it now or comic con international has opened its doors at the san diego convention center,
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a comic book and the pop culture extravaganza draws more than 130000 fans every year. fans create their own cost shoes and attempts the events alongside actors. filmmakers, comic book authors, and illustrators. and actors are ryan reynolds and hugh jackman are scheduled to appear to promote their latest movie deck pool and will hurry. first of all, it's amazing energy. look around us like so many kids so many, you know, i find some of this beautiful folk art industry and you know, when you were a little girl, what would you do? you would read all these comic books rise and, and dream about being this year old. i'm a special effects makeup artist. i go to comic on every year. i usually dress up and something and showcase my special effect. make up work. this year i will be half and i can and half starts. vader. uh so every year it's like a little bit more challenging because everyone expects
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a little bit more. thanks so much for watching. i'll be back in just a moment to read more news. the the south korea police receive up to $200.00 reports while it's every day when a is to investigate career lead from one out to 0. my wife and my judge between you and me, the financial, 2010. today, the admitted fund digital has between about won't qualify me the young about the contract and now we have this was one of them that you had the last to reduce the other bit advisors who have worked on the kids about 400000 of those are the best coverage, we believe multiple any plan, actually a bar and these don't have the guns. what alternate training them and then providing mentors for them. today. on the 2nd largest employ of labor in the
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private space of soap with the states of 90 on russian sci space is to a fall or use create technology oriented opportunities, worthwhile with driving frontier registration to live in job creation. we also assuring to sleep economic empowerment because the, the tv, the women move foundation and powering african entrepreneur is the
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safe. them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero now or the 30 days of war. we hear accounts of torture from palestinian prisoners released by his realm, the louder on layla. how long this is alj a 0 life although hell also coming up. israel's prime ministers set to meet with the us presidents. his 1st visit to the white house during dro bind's presidency. iphone gave me makes landfall on china's east coast after.


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