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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 25, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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the comment as an international inside corruption excellence award, nominated your hero. now, the 30 days of war. we hear accounts of torture from palestinian prisoners released by israel. the folder on layla long. this is l g 0 life. although also coming up israel's prime ministers set to meet with the us president, his 1st visit to the white house during dro binds presidency. iphone gave me mix landfall on china's east coast after pummeling taiwan and the philippines. and a desperate search for a 100 still missing in ethiopia, days after 2 last lives here remotely.
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the and we begin this bulletin in gauze on where the is really army has released 11 palestinian prisoners. many of them are showing signs of torture. they were taken by ambulance to, i'll ox, the hospital and there was a law for treatment is really forces had been holding them an offer prison in the occupied west back, which is the beginning of the war, multiple reports and testimonies of detailed abuse of palestinian prisoners and is rarely, giles, as the we raced by the israeli soldiers who forces to the ground and keeps us mastering us. we would torches, the foods he consecutive days, all hands and legs tied throughout. we was throwing pieces of stale bread is food, we would deny it made us into we were a nick trip shots, verbally and physically abused day and night. i was even electric shocked in my
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mouth. as i said, torture. meanwhile, these really military has killed at least 28 palestine use in hon. eunice since dawn on thursday, as operation has been continuing in the southern gaza city for a 4th consecutive day, the palestinian red crescent says there is no space for a single tempted animal where c as thousands more displays, people have been forced to flee again. all right, want to go with live now to assume or who will join us from the in the central a garza. i'm going to ask you about these latest attacks targeting your fine use in just a moment that if i want to know about what more you've learned about the release and the condition of a palestinian prisoners will in fact khalilah 11 palestinian prisoners today have improved priced freedom after spending a very difficult and hoss periods of genuine detention. so there is many potential
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accounts. they have got charles from this detention house with a very racing medical conditions because of the college level. all physically onsite critical to checks, they have to be experiencing tracy to, to, to, off by a visible plate. the bodies especially that the vast majority of them have been widely beaten with me to meet me, to pause on why is alongside that they have been every single day, few related adverse adversity insulted by these buddy offices will have been investigated with them. and these many jails they have is said to make out what does they are saying that they have been widely at prevented from having a proper access to the amount of food, the day alone sites that they are not allowed to speak to each other inside the entire room that they were imprisoned, seeing, i'm that, to use the critical realities that got not even being allowed to have an access to
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toilet. so i can get to show which has contributed to the white bread. busy in sick to us, these is among those prisoners when bring because of the very great deal of pain and even psychological trauma, they have been experiencing even after they're released from detention. come so clearly 3 of them as we've been told by the medical officials, have been transferred to the intensive care unit to him and also hospital. and right now there are between get treatment i'm. it's a great sense of unit c and re union, reduce public city prisoners and their families who did not know anything about them since the 1st time. and they have disappeared from the eyes on the ground to you. and in the meanwhile, there's been no, let up on your tax on, on, eunice. yeah, that's right. and it's what movies, by the way, because we continue to view the region. corporations tax on the city will fund who is from where we are right now in service. by 28 palestinians have been killed. so
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questions the hours of this morning, only in the city of police 41 of us being who just bought that group relatives that palestinians are absolutely do not how to the option step. going to sleep from the eastern areas stating to our laws at the downtown area unofficially time. there are no casualties amongst civilians who are even showing to be away from areas of abundance. of course is what it is. antonius is introduced into the summer of the very densely populated city of the funds will find you the spot. basically, how do you is testing one new site that the ration the slow i'm going to run? this is happy confirming loud loads the overhead and a few because folks are rising from the, the solver parts. and especially from the inside the district on the central area. here we continue to loud a sounds or biggest value on month aerial vehicles. that's expensive to have
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a full ring in a very low altitude, especially of a very densely populated areas in endeavor and find out where people are afraid and terrified. i'm the know so which will help could be provided. so now even given to dislike somebody is on the ground who cannot really get i'm sense of safety because of the unrelenting scale of attacks and destruction caused by this is what i'm going defensive of this trip late. i thought i would assume a report from the central. gotcha, thank you. and meanwhile, israel says it's recovered. the bodies of another 5 captives from gone. some 3 were soldiers, one was a civilian, and the 5th was a security guard is really military says they had previously been confirmed that they were killed during almost that october attacks on southern israel. and their bodies taken to gaza is estimated 112 of the 251 captives remain inside garza. he was president's job, i know said to hold a meeting with israel's,
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their prime minister in the next hour in washington dc. it comes a day after thousands of protesters gathered on capitol hill to denounce benjamin that now was visit as he gave an address to congress. and the dogs, waxman is a professor of israel studies and political science at the university of california, los angeles, and explains how prime minister benjamin netanyahu his visit to the united states is aimed at garnering further support from president biden. he wants to ensure a continued support for the duration of the by the end as ministration to israel's war and gauze that he wants to ensure, in particular that the united states continues to supply israel with the weapons that it needs to carry on that war. but i think even more important from this younger than his meeting with by to resolve to now, elaine doc, president is these meetings. we have come out of houses and especially with donald
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trump. and he's really going to try to uh, re, in great shape himself with donald trump. the obviously i think codes that trump will be back in the white house in january. and he wants to ensure that trump is going to support him personally. and his, his policy is, is very tricky to both try to build this relationship. we have come, all the houses are not the same time um restore it's relationship with donald trump while noticed ending positive biden as well. it's really coming to washington. well, this is a visit he's wanted for a long time since he returned to office in 2022. he's really coming at a very bad time, or the country is obviously focused on the presidential race. and now he has to navigate this very difficult situation of trying to have these meetings, which are important without offending either presidential cabinet either. tomorrow was likely democratic candidates. i'm donald trump and come on harris has taken her
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1st swing at donald trump with the release of her campaign video on thursday. and she says, trump, once a country of chaos hate and fear, and are you a sports person come with harris. so were speaking just moments ago, at a convention for one of the nation's largest teachers unions. let's get more now. we're alan fisher is a lie for you from the white house. allen, the vice president in full election mode. she's already hit the ground running from what you have seen so far. does she stand a better chance of beating donald trump and bind it? well, this is a honeymoon period for a couple of how does. she's just being a 9 says the democrats slightly presidential know many, so she's going to get a boat and some that and the trump campaign is a weight of the latest pool among young voters says that she has a 20 point lead over donald trump. that is significant. now,
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democrats tend to lead with young voters, but you'll, biden's lake was just 7 percent. so if that starts to be replicated in other areas, then it will be a what a for the trump campaign. this is an important time for camelot is, it's the 3 weeks after she essentially you send it to the nomination. she's got to define herself, what she's about and who she is. if she doesn't, donald trump will do that for the american people, and he's been very good at that. in the past he managed to know coats the political power. how is that was jeb bush from the election campaign in 2016 during the primaries by defining him then. and then ted cruz knocked him out of the race as well. you go to 2020 you tried to do with you'll find less successfully. but even this time round in the primaries run, desantis and nicky healey were never really a force after donald trump started attacking them. and so a key tons of attention to come, a house, which he will do, he's got to find a thread that will resonate with the american people. that is why you're seeing over the last couple of days, he's waving dramatically,
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trying to find that right. that will stick with people from calling a radical more radical than to bite, which goes against what he said. a hire that was done for diversity, equality, and inclusion that isn't striking very well. he needs to find something. and if he doesn't come law, this will define himself for the american people and make it much harder for donald trump to attack. and the allen that we expect to be here is really prime minister to meet with the vice president a little later on. what are some of the clues that we that we have right now that can give us a rough idea of what her foreign policy positions might look like. specifically on israel? of course, before he and benjamin netanyahu meets the vice president, he'll meet joe by then the oval office in the next 15 minutes. that's the plan. and we are told that joe biden will be slightly stronger, slightly more direct with benjamin netanyahu. more than he has been over the last
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10 months or so demanding that more a get sent to guys on the very least take more care when it comes to their operations. so that civilians until what we've had from campbell a. how does, in the last hour or so from a statement is that she says that some of the protests yesterday were unpatriotic. those who button the flag, those who might start choose that is not the sort of thing that she wants to see in the united states. so that perhaps gives an idea that she is to some degree leading into the israeli lobby. but she was also the fox in the fight administration to call for a c spot. and she's aware that among democratic voters, there is a great deal of disquiet about the way joe biden has helped these really prosecute this war. so it may well be that if there is any daylight on foreign policy between jo, bite mcculla, how does it's going to be on the very controversial issue of the guys award? she was in the joint meeting that they held in congress. tell her benjamin
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netanyahu to address the house and the senate that was due to a scheduling issue. and then a meeting with him was put onto a calendar for late this afternoon. it's important that he's going to see because of course, benjamin netanyahu is aware that know that 5 and is out of the race coming up, could be the next president of the united states. and that is who will have to deal with directly. so he has to build that relationship now in preparation for what may happen in november, alan fisher reporting from the white house. thank you. alan of the china remains on high alert as typhoid gaming makes land fall along itself. the eastern coast is expected to be the 2nd strongest, ty, food on record, in terms of potential wind and rain damage. or a storm has already swept through northern taiwan, killing at least 3 people, and sinking afraid or laura westbrook reports from hong kong. the packing wins
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equivalent to a category full hurricane. the destruction roots by typing gave me, was particularly felt in ne, in tie one restaurant own a. leach, one said she will have to replace her entire route all the, they'll show, the roof fell on the water pipes burst. i'm on the verge of crying now. i'm going to have to spend a lot of money and i'm afraid the roof will fall and hit someone. you'll have not. the stone brute extreme amounts of rain that sets off sledging in many parts of the island. schools, offices, and financial markets closed for a 2nd day. it'll say grounds and hundreds of flights, throwing travel plans in disarray, driving to the bottom. it has to take care of about all these things. we have to be conclusively there because we are here for the business part was to get and the didn't informed us about that the, this is going to be happening, so we cannot find that for them. meanwhile,
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preparations in china is southeastern provinces of food. yon and j young began long before gaining made line for well then a 150000 people were moved from coastal areas. fishing boats were ordered by the hava, while ferries, trains, and flights were cancelled. cities along china's coast are often struck by ty simms and imagine c responses are in place in preparation. the strong winds storm searches and to wrench, so rain authorities and fuji on have had a caught susan ships on stand by to handle any maritime imagined seas. full cost is expect the storm to bring heavy rain with it as the types in trucks, news, raising the risk of more flooding well down pause continued to faster than most of the country, including the capsule badging to national highways were blocked by much slides. unplugging, the heavy rain is expected to last a week. that will pile more pressure on
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a region that is already seen. record levels of rain this. yes. laura westbrook, l g 0, hong kong us and so had here on algae 0. calling for justice, crown scouter, and can use capital once again, demanding accountability after the killing of protesters and a u. k. police officer suspended after checking and stomping a man at manchester, airports. the was a journey through every story. every step is a separation of what we cannot choose when to reach the welcome to simmons and exclude does the redesigns luxury losing
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trusting of future? today we create out just with the the welcome back. you're watching out as a reminder about top stories this our us president's job. i am set to hold a meeting with israel's prime minister in the next hour, washington dc. it comes after thousands of protesters gathered on capitol hill to
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denounce benjamin netanyahu. as he gave an address to congress, type soon gave me made landfall in china's for john province. strong winds. heavy storm surge have been reported earlier. typhoid gave me his north eastern taiwan showing at least 3 people. and the israeli army has released a group of at least a palestinian prisoners, many show signs of torture since the beginning of the war. multiple reports and testimonies have detailed abuse of palestinian prisoners and is rarely jails. people with disabilities and gossip are facing extreme distress as the war. wages on many don't have access to food, medical care or safe shelter. and their families say they're struggling to meet even their most basic needs. i mean my food has more from the sabrina, was saying helps her son abdulla gary. they are in
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a dent where they were forced to find shelter after this. really army destroyed their home in the northern gaza strip. 18 year old of the 3 and was born with server policy. she is tired, then a traumatized. he often suffers seizures which are made worse by the summer heat. but there is little medication available to treat them. how daughter, belinda, the heat is the west problem and because he was dying because his body seat gives him rushes and even appointments to treat him on the available at the u. an agency, we have to use the water in buckets to will show laundry. imagine what that c will to does combined with this heat. he sabrin stays up to the greens condition has worse than since the war began. moving from place to place to try and scape the bombing, he is easily agitated and needs even more care. no, i want to push to the therapy. there's virtually nothing for him here. i just take
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him out and let him switch at the door to get some pressure of mounts. he plays with his siblings. his mood has changed. that crime. he has his own toys to entertain him. now he and the children are always on edge, the feed. so i brought the medical kitchens play with empty diffuses, the stress of up people with disabilities in gaza are the most vulnerable, grew in israel, relentless for across this trend. they have many of the challenges that they are facing, including the inability to access medical care, mobility, and economic opportunities. so being pushes up to 3 am in a wheel chair to a palestinian a charge which for years has held the children with a special needs in the gaza strip the palestine. my better societies building was bombed at the beginning of the war. 3 caregivers and the 3 patients were killed in the attack. the charity relies heavily on a private donations. it was forced to relocate the central garza but there is
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nowhere safe in this trip. but it's still a couple of how kind of some of the, the foldable we could say patients we provided with 95 percent of the needs in terms of comfort and safety and residential homes we, they could be accommodated of treatment and medical tools and hygiene supplies there was now we tried to cater as much as we possibly can. sabrin describes the fear and exhaustion g and i've been getting him endured as the were forced to flee to bots out in the fellow we had to go to iraq. so hospital you could say that for 2 months he was fighting for his likes. you would have up to 12 pages a day. c keeping the children with the special needs like up to 3 and healthy and happy was hard enough in gaza before door. now it's a challenge nearly impossible to meet. honeywell mode vieira there is, but i city, palestine. hundreds of people are still missing in southern ethiopia,
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5 days after to one slight hit land flies router hits a remote area of the machine. we cannot reach the regions to rescue teams and volunteers. i've been using their bare hands and shuffles to dig through the mode of humans as the death toll from the disaster has risen to at least 257 people. and samuel, i guess a true is an independent journalist who has more now from ethiopia as affected southern region. what we see is a base todd seen on vintage, where this happened decided to vary the hundreds of people that died in the same area. and they had a big ceremony for them. we so families have lost. uh, siblings. uh we so uh, we spoke to a few people that uh, most of for generation of family members. uh, people kind jumping and confused with the future. uh which all of
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a sudden the village has the um under uh, there's a sense of sadness. you can imagine then you've seen the images and it's a really, really side finish. but we so in deals trying to rush in to support is protestors and attorney and capital have marked a month since the worst day of a crowd down by security forces on people rallying against a controversial finance bill. where the 50 people have been killed in the weeks of purchasing on thursday. police arrest of high profile rights activists, as well as family members of some of the victims of a june crack down. first of jabari has more for me. i wrote a message for president william retail as people gathered and i wrote please financial center to remember those tales in protest during the past month. families of the victims care to make sure coffin trying to make their way to the office of
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the president to deliver petition demanding justice the security forces moving quickly to arrest. one of the organizers, boniface, milwaukee, who remain defiant. the what is the, the, the, the, the, the a few minutes later he was taken away. this is david, take his mother. her son was shot and killed outside parliament on june 25th. he was 32 years old. no one has been charged in connection with his dad, nor any of the other more than 50 people killed the the fuel demonstrators who came out to market the one months since their loved ones
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had been killed in these pur, uh anti govern protests had been arrested and take it away, the woman we just saw put in the back of a police and was screaming, you have killed my child, you have killed my child as she was being taken away. and i understand up to president rudo address, the nation on wednesday, insisting he had heard the pupils. he's announced almond east or his new cabinet and but the opposition and young protestors have criticized the candidate saying the president is refusing to make substantial changes to what they maintain is a corrupt government for now, security forces have managed to crush further on rest en route to retain his tight grip on power door safari out to 0, nairobi the united nations has demanded an investigation of the bundle dish, and governments crowned down a student, protests, violin classes. they're killed at least $150.00 people were sparks during student
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demonstrations against the quotas on government jobs. and those quotas have service been mostly scrapped. they protest i move, which is now calling on a number of government ministers to stand down. to 0 is a town for a child to resend this update from dotcom a 7 hour car to break just about to and and field minutes in the capital. zack on and people are rushing back to their home businesses where open people really suffer. most of the business houses daily wage earners like rich, triple or so now that they couldn't make bunch of money because of the shut down and the car for you know, the ultimate, i'm given by the starting protest of they before yesterday. and tonight, the main, the demands were at the university. they are open, security should be removed. all the internet access should be all the time. and all the students that are missing should be found. and the harassment and the tension of the students,
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your time. congress still remains apprehensive on terms. the main topic of discussion is how many people died when i was missing people's, the hospital stickler the 5. they cost without a fax, with the injured people that don't have any of them from time to. they have to keep them in the corridors. so everything may look normal, but there is a lot of tension in the city. people are still apprehensive. what is the fall out from all day is what really happened with him coming weeks and months funded to audrey. i'll just say the doctor and earlier we spoke to bundle dish she you administer for information and broadcasting. muhammad ali our fault, and he said, 3rd party actors should be held responsible for the violence, not the government will not talk to you about the students. we're not referring to the students will be that address on anarchist. it is the hard part, the, those who entered into this movement and started doing all this. what do you think
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the thing indulge you into the jail break and, and help? 820 prisoners. to escape. who do the thing is invading into the jail and then lute the fire up. please tell interviewing things about oh, you get a 160 the prism stuff hostage, please, please help us with who you are counting. all those things had happened here. so this is, this is the part party. all the extra, based on the theater is those who have the track record of doing all of this. even in the past, back in 2000, 152013. i need to go back to their track record. i look at the do and find out we do not know ultimately what these 3rd policy groups were doing a lot. busy planning, we kind of substantiate any of that independently, but it is at the end of the day, the government's responsibility for state security. and you must agree that something very seriously went wrong. yeah. no, no, no at all on of course we are we, we as a government,
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of course it is our responsibility to bring back the piece. and we did everything that you need to do to bring back the piece, will have to do it because it gets all responsibility to protect the lives of the people. therefore, we tried our best to diffuse attention as much as possible. we tried our best to de escalate the tension so that we can quickly bring back the piece. but because of the, you know, some people are trying to add fuel to the fire trying to create a situation where they can, you know, take advantage of it on top of the government. or they went to that. the other side of it is getting more obvious and also miss out. we made it difficult for us, mr. or if we agree that it is the, the government's ultimate responsibility to maintain state security that's clearly has in many ways crumbled over the past couple of weeks who passed the responsibility. surely the buck stops with the prime minister. no. should she resign? i mean, she should resign for protecting the people so far, the helping that people are protecting the people are trying to bring back the fees
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. why on our department so should resign for that? a sign you can watch that full interview on talk to al jazeera at 1930 g m t u k. police watch dog is investigating a after an officer was filled, kicking and stomping on a man's head at manchester airport. and a warning, the pictures that you're about to see are disturb, bring while are greater manchester police say the fire arms officer was attacked while trying to arrest the man after a fights in the airports terminal, one officer has been stared down while the investigation is ongoing. and also cons uh the labor party and p for the constituency of manchester shown.


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