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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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the colleges, when the israel's prime minister meets the us presidents and his 1st visit to the white house during job items, presidency the hello. and for me, the middle of this is all just 0 life from the also coming up 50 days of hard. we hear accounts of torture, phone palestinian prisoners released by as well. are you k police officer suspended off to kicking and stomping a man that's an airports will be live in mantra stuff. and the district search for
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100 still missing any see of the days of the to land slides. it's a remote region the we begin in the united states way. president joe biden's meeting as well as the prime minister in washington dc. it's benjamin to, to the i was 1st visit to the white house since 2020, and his 1st trip of broad since october 7th, a cease fire bill. and the release of captains is on the agenda. and that's, and you always expected to meet with vice president cumberland harris today to on thursday. the protesters have gathered near the white house as israel's prime minister meets us president joe biden. and it's a now, is, was, it comes a day off to thousands of demonstrators gathered on capitol hill to denounce his address to congress, as well as cross to island fisher, who's live now from the white house. the president biden reported these expected to
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take on a tougher tone with the prime minister. there's been a seized by applied on the table for months now. will it change in tone? bring about the breakthrough that, that many are looking for. of the one was suspect. they've given that we've had so many times in the past that joe biden was angry with these really disappointed with the very least looking for a change in policy from the user, at least. and this been very little done on the ground that would suggest that he's been successful. it would seem that whether or not he adults with different towards might not have the impact he wants. certainly it was the usual diplomatic greetings as both of the met and the oval office. the hand checks the smiles of the photographs of both praised each other for the support. busy of israel and the support of the united states. and then they went into the meeting that we're told joe biden will push and benjamin netanyahu to overcome the last few steps that are required to get the ceasefire completed. it's been more than 20 days since we were
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told that they were very close to a framework at the white house and says that there are just a few gaps on both sides that have to be iron died. we know that joe biden would be keen to have a c spot as part of his legacy, easy for peers to leave. office is something that he's pushed for for several months, but there is detail, it's something he's pushed for for several months, and there's still no c spot in god, but also he doesn't have a great many leaders to use against benjamin netanyahu to stop him. because of course, there, withholding the 2000 pine bottoms that the united states didn't want to ship to israel by the assess that, that is the only those are the only ones that are not being sent to the israelis at the moment as they prosecute the war. in gaza, so will a different tour and change things. it seems unlikely, and we'll have to see after that meeting, if there is any defendable change on what happens in the great thing guys, or because of any us pressure. i live in the post i what we've also heard from the white house national security spokesman, john coby,
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what's the have to say about netanyahu's visit, and also questions about the us position on the war and gaza. fully insisted that the us position is i am clad towards israel security that they continue to support them. they said again that they feel that the amount of violence on the west bank is unacceptable and that will be commuted to benjamin netanyahu. during the discussions in the oval office, john cabby with us. if you're buying this position from 2020, that the us was going to take exec credibility and just sort of the on the world stage was undermined by having a legs war criminal in the oval office. he dismissed that very quickly saying that a spot is via consent. benjamin netanyahu is not a war criminal. the dispute what the court of justice has decided and that he continues to be a friend. and then allied benjamin netanyahu will also go on to meet with cala
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harris at joan covey with us. why that is happening when not withdrawal? bide me said it's simply about timing. but of course, benjamin netanyahu will be aware that was coming on how this almost set to be the democratic presidential nominee. it's important to stop building bridges with her if she wins the election in november. all right, ellen, thanks very much for that. update to ellen fisher, they at the white house on the ground in gaza. the is really all me is released and live in palestinian prison as many of them show such signs of torture. they were taken by ambulance to the alexa hospital in darrell butler for treatment is really forces had been holding them in all for prison. and they occupied westbank since the beginning of the multiple reports and testimonies of detailed abuse of palestinian prisoners in his ready jails. and tara was soon as more from darrell bhalla in central garza and some of those testimonies of the thousands of palestinian prisoners and his many detention counts. now most of the hills without
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any charge with every time they are released by these, but maybe continue to see if there is a rustic testimonies about the physical and psychological child that's been experiencing it is fairly james, the underscore. we raced by these really soldiers who full access to the ground and kept mastering us. we would towards just the 50 consecutive days, all hands and legs tied throughout. we was throwing pieces of stale bread as food we were denied made us into. we were electric shots, verbally and physically abused day and night. i was even electric, shocked in my mouth. is asa torture? these are some of the testimonies that we manage to get from palestinian prisoners were released today. and the sight of other prisoners to now was still unknown time, because when he paused on the new official confirmation about the exact number of whose prisoners was tucked behind the it's very possible for sorry,
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surprises which is 00 is that i kind of find meanwhile, these really minutes, these killed at least 28 by less than ends in con eunice and store them thursday it's operation has been continuing and the southern cause us with the full force consecutive day, the palestinian woodcress and says there's no space for a single tempted all my wasi as thousands more displaced, people have been forced to flee again. people with disabilities in gaza facing extreme distress as the will rages on. many don't have access to food, medical k or say shelter. the family say they're struggling to meet even the most basic needs honey. my mode has moved from darrell vala or sabrina was saying helps her son abdulla gary. they are in a dent where they were forced to find shelter after this. really army destroyed their home in the northern gaza strip. 18 year old of the dream was born with server policy. she is tired, then
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a traumatized. he often suffers seizures which are made worse by the summer heat. but there is little medication available to treat them. hot auto motor heat is the west problem and because he was diagnosed as body heat, gifts, and rushes and even appointments to treat him onto available at the un agency, we have to use the water in buckets to wash out laundry. imagine what that sea will to does combined with this heat. he sabrin stays up to the greens condition has worse, and since the war began moving from place to place to try and scape the bombing, she is easily agitated and needs even more care. let me know, i would appreciate that. i think there is virtually nothing for him here. i just take him out and that turns switch at the door to get some pressure of mounts. he plays with his siblings. his mood has changed. that crime, he had just learned toys to entertain him. now he and the children are always on edge and the feet. so i brought them in the kitchen to play with and diffuses the
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stress of a people with disabilities in gaza. are the most vulnerable, grew in israel relentless for a twice this trend. they have many of the challenges that they are facing, including the inability to access medical care, mobility, and economic opportunities for being pushes up to 3 am in a wheel chair to a palestinian a charity which for years has held the children with the special needs in the gaza strip the palestine my better societies building was bombed at the beginning of the war. 3 caregivers and the 3 patients were killed in the attack. the charity relies heavily on the private donations. it was forced to relocate the central garza but there is nowhere safe in this trip. but it's still a couple of how kind of some on the before the war. we could say patients, we provided with 95 percent of the needs in terms of comfort and safety,
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or residential homes we. they could be accommodated treatment, medical tools and hygiene supplies. now we try to cater as much as we possibly can . sabrin describes the fear and exhaustion g and i've been getting him endured as they were forced to flee the odd sort in you fellow, we had to go to iraq. so hospital you could say that for 2 months he was fighting for as long as you would have up to 12 pages a day. c keeping a children with a special needs like up degree and healthy, unhappy was hard enough in gaza before door. now it's a challenge nearly impossible to meet honey mcmullin alicia theater. there's by the city, palestine the to the u. k. now way it's been confirmed that amanda was stumped in the head by a police officer has developed assist on his brain. a warning,
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the pictures your boss to see all distressing. b, u. k. police watch dog is investigating off to an officer was foamed kicking and stone thing on a man's head at manchester airport. great to man. just the police say the firearms officer was attacked while trying to arrest the man off to a fight in the airports terminal. one office has been stood down while the investigations ongoing what i have seen the footage and for that reason i do understand the public concern. but obviously option has not been taken in relation to the suspension of an officer and at the head. factors already have the most discussions with the matter of bunch of stuff. i think they've already happened to. they've taken place as we speak, and she has rachel. she's kept updated on developments of a since the incident as well as close to manchester, where belinda visited the victories keeping us updated lena. tell us of what's
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happening, where you will, the will be very matches that have been protesting this evening asking for more lead accountability. you can see part of that part of that behind me. a few people have sat in on tram tracts, blocking traffic here in central mont, just uh from what i can see. there's that me on any of these offices around i think the decision has been taken off to that. a horrible video to take a step back and let people know that i'm guy. and as you can see here, behind me, yes, traffic has been blocked as 2 times the cons goes through. however, it's very peaceful and we've had the chance of no, just as no peas, people basically angry at the video that they have seen. now, 3, what we 2nd to i reassured by the side that that will now be an independent investigation into what happened by the police. was stuck in police. lots of said that they have met with
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a family of the men who are at the center of this video. they also say they'll be investigating 2 things in relation to this incident. one of them, obviously the police office at the level of violence in, in a detaining that passed on the floor and found thinking, taking you've had that the other thing of the complaint they have received a referral by the grades to match the police as being in relation to that very same office and deploying something called a part of a spray, which is like a pep of spray, i guess another pass and add the port. so obviously that has made people here quite angry. you bought the a mirror over the bridge, match the and the by them has appealed. so cons attentions to you to be reduced and yes, people off the views, but they are doing that piece of that. we also understand that the man's condition is worse and overnight. the, the, what we've had from his lawyer is that his condition has watson since wednesday
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night that he went into the hospital again, had a c t scan and which revealed assist on his brain and see and his family are worried about his house. they say that off to the scenes that we saw in that video, that they would not take into hospital that they had to take themselves to hospital off to us now for that called the great to match the police say that they were responding to report some in a sold at the port and that in the in suing altercation, 3 of their own offices were badly injured. meeting hospital treatments and one female officer had her nose broken, but they do acknowledge that the video that we've all seen has been shocking. and it displays the level of violence that is not usual when they op swimming arrests. they also have setting one of the audio statements that there was a reason why. okay, sorry about that language. you may have had that always eats quite a lot, a strong feeling to about what the police said is that there was a real risk on some of the firearms being snatched off the opposite. responding to
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this incident because they were carry wesson's and finally didn't say they did the rest for people for a free and assaulting and emergency walker as well. but really nothings very much for that. melinda visited an eviction mentioned stuff on china, remains on high alert. this type of gave me makes 9 full long itself, eastern coast. it's expected to be the sick and strongest. i phone on record in terms of potential wind and rain damage. the stones already slipped through northern tie, one feeling at least 3 people. and sinking afraid to laura westwood proposed from uncle of packing wins equivalent to a category full hurricane. the destruction roots by typing gave me was particularly folks in northeast and ty, one restaurant own a little. each one said she will have to replace her entire root or thing. they'll show. the roof fell on the water pipes burst. i'm on the verge of crying now. i'm
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going to have to spend a lot of money and i'm afraid the roof will fall in hit someone you'll have not. the stone brute, extreme amounts of rain that sets off flooding in many parts of the island. schools, offices and financial markets closed for a 2nd day. it'll say grounds and hundreds of flights throwing travel plans in disarray. i think so. the government has to take care of about all these things. they have to be public on chasing media because we are here for the business purpose to end the data and informed us about that the, this is going to be happening. so we cannot find that for them. meanwhile, preparations in china is se and provinces of food john and j. j young began long before gaining made line for more than a 150000. people were moved from coastal areas. fishing boats were ordered by the hava, while ferries, trains, and flights were cancelled. cities along china's coast are often struck by ty,
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simms, and emergency responses are in place and preparation. the strong wind storm searches and to wrench so rain authorities and fuji on have had a caught susan ships on stand by to handle any maritime. imagine the full cost is expect the storm to bring heavy rain with it as the types of contracts nor raising the risk of move flooding while down who's continued to back to the north of the country, including the capsule badging to national highways were blocked by much slides unplugging, the heavy rain is expected to last a week. that will pile more pressure on a region that is already seen record levels of rain this. yes. laura westbrook, algebra, hong kong. a still a head and ultra 0. we don't have a major announcement today relative to a to a return date, a voyage with no return date 6 weeks on since the launch of boeing stone lineup.
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nasa says it's astronaut will remain in space for now. the pod came in to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that to move in the f one, his government with these 5 digit you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the e you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential, could we do it or something we can uptake the effective use of the present as not that important effective. he had the story on talk to how does era the
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safe, the mean been comment as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out is there a reminder of our top story?
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is this our you as president jo biden's meeting israel's prime minister in washington dc. it's benjamin. that's in the i was 1st visit to the white house is 2020 and this bus trip a boat since october 7th, a ceasefire deal. and the release of captives is on the agenda. pro testers have gathered near the white house as israel's prime minister meets us president joe biden. and it's a now is visit, comes a day of to thousands of demonstrates has gathered on capital hill to denounce his address to congress. these ready armies released a group of at least 11 palestinian prisoners, many show signs of torture. since the beginning of the war, multiple reports on testimonies of detailed abuse, all finest and in prison is in his ready jails. the united nations has demanded an investigation of the bundle of issued governments, correct? donald student protests violent clashes that killed at least a $150.00 people. was fox doing student demonstrations against quotas on government
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jobs. those quotas of since been mostly scrapped. the protest movement is now putting on a number of government ministers to stand down. oh, to 0 is done because recent this update from doco, the 7 hour car feel break just about to and, and feel better. it's in the capital. zack on and people are rushing back to their home businesses where open people really suffer. most of the business houses daily wage earners like rich, triple or so now that they couldn't make bunch of money that goes up to shut down and the car for you know, the ultimate, i'm given by the starting protest of say before yesterday. and tonight, the main see the manager of the university, they are open, security should be removed. all the internet access should be all the time. and all the store, things that are missing should be found. and the harassment and the tension of the students,
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your time. congress still remains apprehensive on time. the main topic of discussion is how many people died. whereas the missing people's, the hospital for stickler the public hospitals are facts with the injured people that don't have any room from time to bath to keep them in the corridors. so everything may look normal, but there is a lot of tension in the city. people are still apprehensive. what is the fall out from all these? what really happened with him coming weeks and months funded to audrey? i'll just say the dock us to hundreds of people are still missing and so the needs help you out 5 days off to to land slides hits a remote area heavy machinery college which the region. so risk teams and volunteers have been using their bare hands and shovels to dig through the month. the wednesday is the death toll from the dissolves to has risen to at least 257 people and wanna look on reports. price of mourners. i go through ralph, if you will be
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a southern officer heavy rains it. the area on monday causing land slice a 2nd land siding. don't locals that rushed on to the scene to help with the rescue efforts. the mountainous region has made it close to impossible to bring in heavy equipment for use in rescue attempts. so people have resorted to using their hands to the cup mails of red month, hoping to find the missing my job. i am as to why my elder brother and elder sister are dead. my sister's husband and sisters, children are all dead. all my relatives are gone. i have buried 13 family members that talk about the height is i recently gave birth to twins. my husband is dead, my sister is dead, her body has not been found. the day is dark for me. the united nations tiers, the desktop could climb exponentially in the coming days view and also says the
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area remains on see, and thousands need to be evacuated for now, scramble to find bodies continues for these villagers. grief is being dug up all around them and run a loss on how to 0. the olympic games officially open on friday and the french government's promised an unprecedented security operation. took off the event between $55.45 secuity plus now will be deployed. i'll do the rest of the tester. butler has moved from paris. central powers in the lockdown, been still with tens of thousands of police officers on patrol, i suppose to propose the games. on the same french sold, visiting, deployed a hated using ceremony. it will be held on the river for all of us and in the stadium for the 1st time in david's history. nearly $7000.00, the athletes will travel by boat during the event and a vicious and daring project and a huge security challenge. i don't want,
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i know when i put the security desk, we have a multi environment security approach, which means considering all sorts of crap on us for the underwater threat that we have to protect. so in the bottom of this, and we have also barriers on the river and positions on the line. we're coordinating closely with the french air force who can go on to join squads helicopters in flight. the jets will secure the skies, they'll be in the slides. they know for the city during the opening ceremony and providing additional backup, nearly 2000 police officers from other countries. the organizes the powers games wanted to do something different. so instead of hosting the olympics of a news outside the city, they made the c itself into the main venue with its famous monuments as backdrops. but that is why the security operation is so vast. the french authorities suspend is planning defense and say they already know don't, can just show it to us. it could be of us. we are very well prepared and french
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people will be very proud of the police offices are confident, but vigilant. multiple attacks against, from the pulse decade. so i put some rules and ukraine and goals that have raised the stakes. israel's team arrived with extra security on it. the games work up florida. uh, dodge, it festival least. of course, when you uh, war like between russian and korean like to, i mean does, uh, you have to increase citrate team is there is no 0 risk bought the homepage. everything's in place for the olympics to run smoothly and safely. i was excited with bills ahead of what's promising to be an inspiring few weeks of sport in one of the wells, most spectacular cities. natasha butler algebra, paris to nasa astronaut. so, so no closer to learning when they'll be able to return home technical problems
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including helium leaks on boeing, star line of prompted nasa to keep them in space. and that's, this is figuring out what went wrong with the spacecraft before another one is arranged to bring the 2 extra notes home. they were scheduled to spend around 8 days in space, but have not been there for more than a month and off. last time we talked, it was about 2 weeks ago. so a lot has transpired in those 2 weeks. and i thought we would sit down and talk a little bit about all the work that's happened across the country relative to what's going on. we don't have a major announcement today relative to uh, to a return date. uh, we're making great progress, but we're just not quite ready to do that. a comic con international has opened a stores at the san diego convention center. the comic book and pop culture extravaganza draws more than a $150000.00 vans every year. fence, create their own customs and attend the event alongside access full make is comic
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book authors and illustrators. actors, ryan, windows, and you've. jackman are scheduled to appear to promote the latest. won't did full and will bring or well, that's it for me. somebody to molest you can find more information on a websites ultra 0 dot com. the news continues here off the top to to 0. the hello that despite the ins and heat across europe at the moment, especially down in the south, we are seeing the development of most pulling the conditions of sweeping in from the west. we've got 2 areas of low pressure bringing some heavy rain to coastal areas of the black sea stretching all the way up to the baltic. states is what it behind that. another band of rain moving in across a scan today. be a stretching all the way down to western pot,
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severe and touching it to northern spain as we go into the weekend. so we'll still see the showers across britain on the island of island, one wave sunshine and woman conditions down in the south. the heavy rain picks up moving across the low country, some of that touching into northern parts of font. so that's going to cool things down in paris. we are going to see a chance of light rain on friday for the opening ceremony of the olympics. but we will see that sunshine dominating the field on sunday. and we're still seeing lots of heat because they are burying pending should have the temperatures have come down to the pots of portugal, not in the east, however, and spain continues to civil onto those heat wave conditions. but mamma mia, it's going to get scorching hot once again. calls pots of is the over the weekend will be touchy 38 in room on saturday. the unique perspective. i said,
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i really not that because we are left and nothing is something you that we on heard voices, but we are committed to guessing best i can for all of us. you see so much connect with our community and talking to conversations, you won't find elsewhere. lot of these vision cause problems or medical facilities and got positive to be preventable. that's the hor, what's the stream on our, just the are on the back of the dash and seen some of its worse violence in decades. spunk by student protests against a government job. quite a system that demonstrates is say, favorite support is if the ruling a want me leave the country supreme court has now scrapped the quote to, but with thousands killed and hundreds arrested. serious questions are made over the government's handling of the crisis with students demanding meetings from


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