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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 25, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the a ceasefire in garza is needed soon. jo biden's was to benjamin. it's in yahoo during the is really prime minister's visit to the white house the for me. the miller, this is old. is there a nice from? don't. so coming up 50 days of heart,
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we hear accounts of torture from palestinian prisoners released by israel u. k. police officer suspended optic ticking and something a man that's an airport. plus we don't have a major announcement today relative to, to a returned a 6 weeks on since the launch of boeing stall. lineup. nasa says it's as for notes, will remain in space for now the we begin in the united states with president joe biden smith as well as prime minister in washington dc. it's benjamin, that's a knows 1st visit to the white house since 2020. and his 1st trip of board since october 7th, a ceasefire deal, and the release of captives is on the agenda. netanyahu is expected to meet with vice president campbell harris slates on thursday. a protest as have gathered near the white house, as israel's prime minister,
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meets us president joe biden. benjamin netanyahu, his visit, comes a day of the thousands of demonstrators gather on capital hill to the notes his address to congress. let's go live to patsy. co haines. she's joining us from washington, dc, but did you think there's been a change in tone from biden to achieve some sort of breakthrough? well, the white house has been letting the know, excuse me, for months now. and presently joe biden is getting increasingly annoyed and frustrated with his rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he sent that message very clearly. we know he's decided to withhold 200-5005 100 pound bombs from israel later, given record getting in. but know the white house is incredibly frustrated and think of work present. joe biden is right now. he is now said he's not going to run for re election. he's going to focus on the next 6 months before she turns the office over to whoever wins the presidential election. so it's widely seen that he's going to focus most of his attention on things that he can actually get done, such as
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a potential ceasefire in god's like he can't get anything done with the us congress . it's too caught up in domestic politics. he wants to see a cease fire and gaza. now we're the white house, the same through john kirby and national security spokesman that they are closer than they have ever been. and that there are gaps that they need to bridge, but they are in fact able to close them. they want to see compromises from the israeli prime minister, who is pretty much rebuffed the administration every single time they've gotten anywhere close to this. so whether or not a change of tone which we do expect from president joe biden will have to wait and see, but it is expected to be a much tensor meeting than has been in the past. uh that said, it was all smiles. of course, when they met before the cameras. oh, perfect. given that level of frustration and also a vice president coming to her as she was among the 1st to go for a ceasefire at least be able to mild spoken. do you think she might to take
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a different approach with netanyahu or potentially sort of staying in line when trying to achieve a ceasefire? well, we probably won't see much of a change from what the, by the ministration is on camera. if they do a pull spray where the press is allowed to come in, but this is a hugely important meeting for campbell, a harris. now that is the presumptive democratic nominee. she is either somewhat weak on foreign policy. so she's going to want to show that she can meet the moment . um, when it comes to international affairs, you're right. she was the 1st us official to call for a cease fire. she was the 1st to talk about the plate and the horrors of the palestinian people and gaza. she's also in this very tense political moment because young people, minorities, were turning away from jo vine in droves in large part because of his support for israel. so while she needs to, she is couple things she needs to do in this meeting, choose to show that she is up to be the leader of the united states. when it comes to foreign policy, she has to send a message that of course,
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the us supports israel. but at the same time she has to send a message to all of those disenfranchised voters. who are she cannot win the presidency without them showing up in huge numbers that she hears them. she understands them and that she is kind of that she agrees with them up to a point. so really critical meeting for a couple of harris whole family. thanks very much for keeping us updated as meetings take place between the 2 particle in in washington dc. as we mentioned earlier, protesters gather near the white house as as rows 5 minutes to meet you as president joe biden. a shepherd tense has been sent this report on saturdays and pays a much larger exclusion zone outside the white house for another yahoos visit. but the housing stops. i googled for testers from gathering outside where they come. that message is clear. they have a john, f, a g, a benjamin doesn't go unimportant gallons, and gallons of blogs in the streets, the blood is on that and you all the time. but also about of us administration
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protests is particularly incense by a statement from pamela harris. the presumptive democratic nominee not condemning the purchase outside the capital, capital hill on wednesday, as, as the symmetric and violence, i think is insane. everyone who is there kind of symbols of man and how about the same demand for the past 9 months. and if you call this is actually listen to the well of the people and they would have listened months ago. it's been 9 months of people wishing and really hoping for us these fires. all of this comes interesting time with even progressive members of the democratic party, a calling on dollars. the protest is to get on board behind combat hire a support to guys donald trump, but really a lot of the goal is to progress as a model is disgusted. by your policy, i'm an older convincing still to do she ever time see out? is there a washington on the ground in gauze or the is really all me is released and live in palestinian prisoners. many of them show signs of torture. they were taken by
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ambulance to alexa hospital, and darrow bala for treatment is where the forces had been holding them and also prison in the occupied with band since the beginning of the multiple reports and testimonies have detailed abuse of palestinian prison is in his way to jails target a boy zoom as more from 0 by line, central gauze on some of those testimonies, the thousands of palestinian prisoners and this many detention caps now most of the hills without any charge with every time they are released by these buddy, maybe continue to see if that rico rustic testimony is about the physical and psychological chit chat that's been experiencing it is fairly james, the underscore. we raced by these really soldiers who full access to the ground and kept mastering us. we would towards just the fu c consecutive days, all hands and legs tied throughout. we was throwing pieces of stale bread as food
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we were denied made us into. we were electric shots verbally and physically abused day and night. i was even electric shocked in my mouth, just aso torture. these are some of the testimonies that we manage to get from palestinian prisoners were released today. and the site you took up prison is to now is a still unknown time, because when he paused on the new official confirmation about the exact number of whose prisoners was talk behind, that is very possible for sorry surprises which is 00 is that i kind of saw the, the condition of the man who was kicked and they had to buy a police officer to match the airport is worse. and that's according to his lawyer . the incident is being investigated by the independent police watch dog. but they say they were responding to the reports of an assault, but acknowledge that the level of force used in that arrest was unusual. really not visited,
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individual votes from manchester. and the warning the pictures were about to see all distressing to golf from only because a police officer kick somebody in the head as he lies face down on the ground. by stand this film in shock. as this k all succeed on folded and matches to apples on tuesday nights, police say they were responding to reports of an assault, and the 3 of their offices were injured in the altercation requiring hospital treatments, one with a broken nose by the violent arrest captain video essential quays across the nation . what i have seen the footage, and for that reason i do understand the public concern, but obviously option is now being taken in relation to the suspension of an officer and the head factors already having those discussions with the matter a bunch of stuff. i think they've already happened all they've taken place as we
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speak, and she has rachel. she's kept updated on developments ever since the incident. so i'm in, i'm on, i'm 5 here. they were released not long ago from to the police station. the men who are in the video here with a lawyer who says they have no space in great amount just to police or to you in peace. right now domain clubs, and that is why they have they are very even traumatized by this experience. they are the family member. ready of a saving police officer in the crate dimensions to please. so they were hired to shop to buy what's happened. gm, p says, will people have interested at the scene for a free and a soul to an emergency service walk as. but the level of force used in the arrest is now investigated by the independents. police watched old greece and not just the police school. the video,
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truly shopping and said that the use of such fools in interest is unusual. and then they understood wide caused alarm. but in an obvious statement, they said that there was a clear risk of firearms being snatched from offices who were carrying weapons. but that was and got on the streets of mount just at once as a nice people here demanding more accountability from the police. and many the community now appearing so called me that i'm sending it out to 0 months to a china remains in jaila to stifle gave me makes 9 full along itself, east and coast. it's expected to be the 2nd, the strongest type phone on record, in terms of potential wind and rain damage. the students are really sift through, move into, i want killing at least 3 people way and thinking afraid to laurel with real couples from uncle packing wins equivalent to a category full hurricane. the destruction roots by typing gave me,
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was particularly felt in northeast and ty, one restaurant own a leech, one said she will have to replace her entire route. all the, they'll show, the roof fell on the water pipes burst. i'm on the verge of crying. now. i'm going to have to spend a lot of money and i'm afraid the roof will fall and hit someone you'll type on the stone brute, extreme amounts of rain that sets off flooding in many parts of the island. schools, offices, and financial markets closed for a sec today. it also grounds at hundreds of flights, throwing travel plans in disarray, driving to the bottom, it has to take care of about all these things we have to become chasing. we do have because we are here for the business for us to get and they didn't informed us about that the, this is going to be happening, so we cannot find that for them. meanwhile, preparations in china is southeastern provinces of food, yon and j. j. young began long before gaining made line for well then
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a 150000 people were moved from coastal areas. fishing boats were ordered back to hava, while ferries, trains, and flights were cancelled. cities along china's coast are often struck by ty simms, and imagine c responses are in place and preparation. the strong wind storm searches on to wrench, so rain authorities and the food g on have how the costs has been ships on stand by to handle any maritime. imagine see, full cost is expect the storm to bring heavy rain with it as the types of contracts, nor raising the risk of more flooding while down who's continued to back to the north of the country, including the caps will badging to national highways were blocked by much slides on sledging, the heavy rain is expected to last a week. that will pile more pressure on a region that is already seen record levels of rain this. yes, laura westbrook,
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l g 0. hong kong. a strong winds. high waves and months in reins are affecting efforts to contain an oil slick off the west coast of the philippines. that's of the fuel tank of sized on thursday morning. when 5 on gave me slip through the south wisc getting at least 14 people. below reports. from manila, a thousands of filipinos are picking up the pieces after torrential rains and floods swept through most of the capital on wednesdays. they're grateful to have survived, but don't know how they're going to rebuild their lives. selling them was made up. let's say it's more difficult to recover at this time compared to and who are flooded before because the 2nd full of a home caved in. we'll need to get that repaired. when we get to respond, them says she doesn't know where to get the money for the repairs, but president, brandon and marcus junior promised government assistance. now the floods have subsided. we are beginning to see the extent of the damage type with jamie left in its wake the entire metro manila region is under
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a state of calamity and official move that speeds the release of emergency funds out to the president as also ordered authorities to speed up the delivery of food and other aid isolated rural villages. in the early hours of thursday, a tank are carrying nearly $1500000.00 leaders of industrial fuel cap sized off the west coast. coast guard personnel rescued, most of the crew members and later found the body of one that had been missing. but they were struggling to contain the oil spill because abrupt 630. so they'd be, uh, void, speed there. and uh right now we can, uh, we can that be spots uh were resources because of withdrawal wins and highways. before the spears, drum currents could spread the oil towards vanilla, nearby fishing communities, something the coast guard described as a big danger. barn to below al jazeera,
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many of the are still a head analysis era. this would search for 100, still missing in a sealed days of to, to land slides. it's a remote region. plus, i'm just such a popular in paris where security is high and excitement is building ahead of the big games. the ally that was stopped down on the in australia and the wild winds a back over the weekend. full. that southeast corner of one cold front was across. it has been c bringing heavy rain to southern parts of new zealand, south island. we've got another one sweeping in across the bite that'll bring rains in powerful winds to tasmania some rain as well, touching into victoria, and we'll see what the weather across most eastern parts of new south wales and
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southern queensland. thanks to that cold front, but the sunshine in sidney, the temperature at 20 degrees celsius temperatures will be coming down across the se. as that cold front approaches about footpath while will be pumping up to 20 degrees celsius. lots of sunshine at of west to whether that slips in on sunday. but the sidney we are likely to see some showers on monday, across the field, taking us into the new week. that's not the case with new zealand, temperatures on, on the out that fun effect. bringing woman conditions to christ church through to saturday. the heavy rain. however, smoking warnings for southern parts of the south island and we still got flooded warnings out across pots of the philippines. as the heavy rain continues to pour in, what was the thing a system developing to the east of, of philippines? we'll keep an eye on that through the weekend. the, the unique perspective. i not that i really not that because the i left and nothing is
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something you that we on heard voices, but we are committed to guessing best i can. all of you so much connect with our community and talking to conversations you won't find elsewhere. lot of these positions, if it was public, the medical facilities in golf as it would be presentable. that's the horror of what's the stream on our, just the or the the, to watch. and i'll just a reminder of our top story, is this our us presidential biden's phrase for a cease fire to the one cause the antiques with is where the prime minister
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benjamin. it's in the old as there's a nose 1st visit to the white houses 2020. and this was the trip report since october 7th. protest has gathered near the white house as israel's prime minister mitchell biden. mentioned y'all as visitors come as come a day off to thousands of demonstrators gather on capital hill to denounce his address to congress. the these where the armies release a group of at least a living by listing and prisoners, many shows signs of torture. since the beginning of the multiple reports and testimonies of detailed abuse of protestants, prisoners and his very jails is waiting 5 minutes to benjamin. that's and you also address the conflict with liberal needs group, his beloved during his speech to the us congress on wednesday. he says israel proposed diplomacy, but will do what's necessary to secure its northern border. as in a quarter has moved from beirut. signs of conflict are visible on both sides of the
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11 on as well border. the data exchanges a fire between these really military and hezbollah, have destroyed thousands of hector as of land. along the front line is really media se, as well as rocket fire is now reaching distance, is a 5 kilometers and communities that have not been evacuated. it's still avoiding civilian targets, but as well says children will not be able to return to the north for the start of the new school year in september, in recent days, hezbollah abroad in the range of its targets, in response to what it says is as well as the escalation, as well too, is still focusing, it strikes on the groups, infrastructure, and fighters, but it's warning that it is ready to do what must be done to secure its northern border if a diplomatic supplement is not reached. but for that to happen is rel, needs to end. the score on garza tops, scheduled to take place in doha on thursday to go for
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a cease fire deal that would include the release of this rated captive have been postponed until next week. hezbollah has accused is really prime minister benjamin nothing out of salt lake negotiations. a few days ago, hezbollah threatened to increase military pressure from what it calls, support front in lebanon, yemen and iraq were other you run back to groups operate, but not on yahoo! who framed as well as war on garza as a fight against a bronze influence, is now calling for an anti around noon alliance in the region center for their elders. either hundreds of people still missing and 70 c o p a 5 days off to to land slides hit a remote area, heavy machinery cons which the region. so risk of teams and volunteers have been using their bare hands and shovels to dig through the month. the un says the death toll from the disaster has risen to at least 257 people. in ronald con reports,
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the price of mourners echoed throughout the if you use southern top is a heavy rains at the area on monday, causing land slice. a 2nd land site in golf locals that rushed onto the scene to help with rescue efforts. the mountainous region has made it close to impossible to bring in heavy equipment for use in rescue attempts. so people have resorted to using their hands to the cup mails of red month, hoping to find the missing my job. as to why my elder brother and elder sister are dead. my sister's husband and there's children are all dead. all my relatives are gone. i have buried 13 family members that lives in i hate. recently gave birth to twins. my husband is dead. my sister is dead. her body has not been found . the day is dark for me. the united nations tiers,
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the desktop could climb exponentially. give the coming days view and also says the area remains on see, and thousands need to be evacuated for now, scramble to find bodies continues for these villagers, grief is being dug up all around them and run a loss on how to 0. the united nations, as the mom did an investigation into the bundle of dish governments correct on the student, protests violent clashes of killed at least a $150.00 people was sparked during students demonstrations against quotas and government jobs. those quotas of since been mostly scrapped. the protest movement is now cooling on a number of government ministers to stand down. ultra 0 sunday child re sent this update from deca for the 7 hour car feel break just about to and, and failed minutes in the capital that time people are rushing back to their home. businesses were open. people who really suffered most of the business houses daily wage earners like rich,
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triple or so now that they couldn't make bunch of money because of the shut down and the car for, you know, the ultimate, i'm given by the story in protest of said before yesterday and tonight, the main see the mind throughout the university be open, security should be removed. all the internet access should be all the time. and all the students that are missing should be found. and the harassment and detention of the students, your time, congress still remains apprehensive on terms. the main topic of discussion is how many people died when i was missing people's the hospital for sick a little of the 5 they cost for dogs are facts with injured people that don't have any room sometime to that to keep them in the courtney doors. so everything may look normal, but there is a lot of tension in the city. people are still apprehensive. what is the fall out from all day is what really happened with him coming weeks and months under drudgery?
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i'll just say the dr. let's in america is the only region in the world to reduce the number of people experiencing food and security over the last 3 years. that's according to the united nations in mexico city. government program is helping tackle food waste. julia gully. i know has more 2 days donations include spinach beats and onions all fresh and in near perfect condition. these are the day sir, plus for some of the 10s of thousands of stole folders and one of the largest wholesale food market in the world. from last time, before we would just throw this in the garbage because clients just buy it like this christian food seller in the market explains, was showing us most of the pi a is perfectly safe for consumption. now he donates all his on salt fruit to eat that got a government run program that in turn sent it to soup kitchens and shelters across the city. over the last 4 years,
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the program has provided close to 900 tons of foods to some of the cities medius. residents, mexican government statistics, say 18 percent of the population. some 24000000 people experience food and security . here the markets director says the programs benefits go beyond feeding the hungry . it's also helping change the mentality around the reuse and disposal of food for people that to bring that thing. all goal is to get down to 0 waste, not to have more food banks. so donation centers, we're trying to create awareness and people that nothing should be wasted. that includes restaurants, food stools and public markets that can develop circular economy projects to help them use those products that today are going to waste. and on one hand, the scale and impact of these programs is somewhat limited. timings and logistics. the general lack of information about the means that tons of food are still lost every day. here, you can see some of it here. but for those who rely on the support they provide is
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simply invaluable. it's the difference between being food and secure and having a daily balance diet 40 year old housewife. you know, dad comes to the soup kitchen every day, or some of the food comes from the markets donation for the equivalent of roughly 12 us dollars. she buys enough for her family, a 6 to have 3 healthy meals a day economy costs ok with prices as they are. i would have to take out most of the proteins from our diet. i'd have to take meet chicken beans out of our family menu and start buying much cheaper products. honestly, without this program, my kids would be malnourished. it's supporter say the success of the plan live and it's simplicity by tackling food and security on the list waste as one with thousands of people fed every day. it also provides a lifeline to entire families while saving tons of perfectly edible food from the dump. julia go yeah,
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i know i'll just the euro mexico city to nasa. astronaut. so still no closer to learning when they'll be able to return home technical problems including helium leaks, onboard install lineup of prompted nasa to keep them in space. so says it's figuring out what went wrong with the spacecraft before another one's arranged to bring the 2 extra notes home that was scheduled to spend around 8 days in space, but have not been there for more than a month and off the last time we talked to it was about 2 weeks ago, so a lot has transpired and those 2 weeks. and i thought we would sit down and talk a little bit about all the work that's happened across the country relative to what's going on. we don't have a major announcement today relative to, to a return date. we're making great progress, but we're just not quite ready to do that. the olympic games officially open on friday and the french government's promised an unprecedented security operation to
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guard the event between $55.45 and security personnel will be deployed and i'll just there is natasha. butler has moved from paris. the central powers in the lockdown fence still slips tens of thousands of police officers on patrol. i suppose that you propose the games on the same french sold visiting, deployed a hated using ceremony. there will be held on the river rather than in the stadium for the 1st time in davis history. nearly $7000.00, the athletes will travel by boat during the event and a vicious and daring project and a huge security challenge. i don't want, i know when i put the security, that's what we have a multi environment security approach, which means considering all sorts of crap, i mean us for the underwater strategy. we have the product. so in the bottom of this, and we have also barriers on the river and positions on the line. we're coordinating
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closely with the french air force and wants to go on to join squads helicopters and flight. the jets will secure the skies. they'll be in those slides they know for the city during the opening ceremony and providing additional backup, nearly 2000 police officers from other countries. the organizes the powers games wanted to do something different. so instead of hosting dealing face has been used outside the city, they've made the city itself into the main venue with its famous monuments as backdrops, but that is why the security operation is so fost. french's ortiz suspend. he is planning defense and say they already know they'll get destroyed specifically of us. we are very well prepared. and french people will be very proud of their police officers so confident, but vigilant multiple attacks against, from the pulse decade. so i put some rules and ukraine and goals that have raised


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