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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 26, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the we cannot allow ourselves to become num to the suffering, and i will not be silent. the us vice president calls for an urgency spar and gaza and the release of captive during tulips with his writing prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the other ones are in jordan, this is all 0 nice and go home. so coming on a test as got the new, the white house for the 2nd day of benjamin netanyahu has us visit calling for the
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rest of these ready prime minister type one guy. and he makes land full on china se in the coast office sweeping across the taiwan causing flooding. i'm not on the lead of mexico. similar drug content was arrested in texas. and the son of formerly, the top of bisman, is in custody. us vice president, come to harris has reiterated the need for an urgency supply deal for garza that includes the release of captives during talks with his right the prime minister benjamin netanyahu come to her as sole set goal for a 2 state solution and emphasize the plight of the palestinian people, i'll just here as practical hanging reports from washington walk, you know, to give unscheduled remarks, vice president campbell harris made clear she had one message for the is really prime minister and the proposed ceasefire. as soon as i just told prime minister netanyahu,
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it is time to get this deal done. so to everyone who has been calling for a cease fire, and to everyone who yearns for peace, i see you and i hear you. a new and clear message to the pro palestinian protestors who have mostly been dismissed by the binding administration. and while she pledged iron clad support for israel, she spoke at length about the horrors, the palestinian people have been suffering for so long. what has happened in gaza over the past 9 months is devastating. the images of dead children and desperate hungry people fling for safety, sometimes displaced for the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th time that we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. we cannot allow ourselves to become num to the suffering,
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and i will not be silent. this is not how american officials usually speak about palestinians. they very rarely talk this way about the human toe, the dead disturbing. and in both meetings, when the press was allowed in sending a clear message to these really prime minister by what they didn't say, very few words of welcome and no praise for their visitor, which almost never happens to the binding ministers and says they are close to finalizing the ceasefire proposal and some analysts see renewed reason to hope they can as it goes into recess july 28th. and during a recess which will last until late october, shortly before our elections here. it's impossible to bring down any and there's really government. so mr. nat geo wants to do a deal. you will have the political space and the absence of pressure from his
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right when you do it you if prime minister netanyahu came to washington to prove he still has us support, he leaves knowing the images painted a much different picture around the house of the democrats in the house and the senate boycotted his speech to congress and the bind administration is clearly losing patience with him and his continued war on gasser. patty calling l g 0 washington. but rick philistine is a columnist with the american prospect. he says, come of ours proved in just one speech that she has what it takes to be president. i think the fact that she was able to face the media after clearly telling a world leader something he didn't want to hear. really, you know, behind that backdrop of american flags, looking like a president will go a far away to convincing a lot of americans who might have doubts about her capacity is that she's ready for the job. that in addition to just the, the spirit of kind of joy and fun, she's introducing to a democratic party,
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which has been quite dial or in the face of a candidate who seemed to be kind of spiraling into something uh, unthinkable. a loss of donald j. trump is facing arrival, which could be clearly has used in vitality on her side. and, you know, donald trump seems to have a skill in framing his adversaries with these cutting nicknames and his nickname for connell. a harris was laughing tamela. and this kind of signifies the fact that she has this kind of can have this kind of bubbly, kind of cheerful demeanor and can seem kind of silly out of context. but clearly today she showed that you can show her a serious side. and that automatically kind of cuts down what the trump team clearly thought with their strongest line of attack against her. they're really flailing. they seem to be at see, the republican party seems to be in disarray, whereas the democrats are united as they have not been in some good time. you can't
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emphasize too much how much the tendencies of donald trump are authoritarian. you know, he gave a speech last thursday of this convention. he submitted, you know, a text to a recorders, but the things that he spoke off the text or full of, you know, quite blatant lies, you know, saying things like, you know, uh, crime is up when crime is down. you know, really up is down kinds of stuff and that's the way he governs or what protests as supposing palestinians in gauze and gathering the other white house for the 2nd day of netanyahu's us visit. they've been calling for the rest of these ready prime minister and then into the blood shed. and the gaza strip. vice president come to her as condemned, active as to banter us flag and the parents of graffiti on landmark supporting how much does they wish advertise? he sent this update from the protest in washington authorities and pays a much larger exclusion zone outside the white house for another yahoos visit. but the housing stops. i googled for testers from gathering outside where they come.
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that message is clear. they have a john, f, a g, a benjamin doesn't go unimportant gallons, and gallons of blogs in the streets, the blood is on that and you all the time. but also about of us administration protests is particularly incense by a statement from pamela harris. the presumptive democratic nominee now condemning the purchase outside the capital capital hill on wednesday, as of the symmetric and violence. i think it's insane. everyone who is there kind of symbols a man and how about the same demand for the past 9 months. and if you call this is actually listen to the well of the people and they wouldn't listen months ago. it's been 9 months of people wishing and really hoping for us these fires. all of this comes interesting time when even progressive members of the democratic party, a calling on dollars, the protest is to get on board behind. coming to hire a support to guys donald trump. but really a lot of the girls that were just as
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a model is disgusted by your policy. i'm an older convincing still to do she ever time see out, is there a washington? well finally is that american is randy captives held him gauze and since october 7 had met the us president and israel's prime minister in washington, they said benjamin netanyahu. i showed them israel will submit them, updated the seats for our proposal to have us in 2 days. time as we came in and really emphasizing to the leaders of the united states and of israel, a desire to get this deal done. this 3 phase deal with the president announced a few weeks ago and has been on the bow shooting table in order to return all now 115 of these really hostages. and to end the suffering of the people of god that because the moment they come home is a 150 chilling ends, the madness ends, we feel probably more optimistic than we have since the 1st round of releases. in late november, early december, we're a little over
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a 100 of is real fast digits. it were released and we got absolute commitment from the, by the ministration and from prime minister and attorney out that they understand the urgency of this moment now to waste no time. and to complete this deal as it currently stands with as little changes humanly possible within it. meanwhile, on the ground, them guys are these. randy ministry killed at least 28 palestinians in hon. eunice on thursday. the army lost a tax on the southern city for 4th consecutive day, thousands of despised people have been forced to free to on the last day. but the palestine red crescent says there's no space for not even a single tent that. so it is very ami released at 11 pellets to me and present as many as showing signs of torture. they were taken to the alex the hospital and get out the balance of treatment is ready for us is they've been holding them in of prison in the off by the west panel since the beginning of the war,
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multiple reports and the testimonies of detailed the abuse of palestinian prisoners and is right in jails. obviously was talked about as them as more of them data by law in central cause of the thousands of palestinian prisoners and this very detention caps. now, most of them kills without any charge, with every time they are released by these. but it may be continued to see if that rico rustic testimony is about the physical and psychological teacher that has been experiencing as well in the school. we were arrested by these really soldiers who full access to the ground and kept us mastering us. we would tort just the foods he consecutive days, all hands and legs tied throughout. we was throwing pieces of stale bread as food we would deny it made us into. we were electric shots, verbally and physically abused day and night. i was even electric, shocked in my mouth. is asa torture? these are some of the testimonies that we managed to get from palestinian prisoners were released today. and the sight of,
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of the prison is to now is it still unknown time? because when he paused on the new official confirmation about the exact number of prisoners last talk behind, that is very possible for sorry surprises. how would you say rough there was that i had to sign a lead of how much and they occupied westbank has died in his riley custody. the palestinian prisoners club said must offer a guide. and on his way to a hospital, you've been transferred to from raymond prison because of worsening health. the 63 year old was being held on the administrative detention as wells detain more than $4700.00 palestinians this year. israel and the lebanese group has below have run the top of tanks against each other in recent weeks, during is addressed to the us congress. on the wednesday, these 25 minutes to set said his country prefers diplomacy, but will do whatever is necessary to secure of its northern buddha. but as they know how to report some bad route has ballasa is that we will push it as well to
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end its war on garza. signs of conflict are visible on both sides of the 11 on as well border. the data exchanges a fire between the is really military and hezbollah, have destroyed thousands of hector as of land. along the front line is really media se has well as rocket. fire is now reaching distance is a 5 kilometers and communities that have not been evacuated. it's still avoiding civilian targets, but as well says children will not be able to return to the north for the start of the new school year in september, in recent days, hezbollah abroad in the range of its targets, in response to what it says is as well as escalation, as well too, is still focusing, it strikes on the groups, infrastructure, and fighters, but it's warning that it is ready to do what must be done to secure its northern border if a diplomatic supplement is not reached. but for that to happen, israel needs to end this war on garza tops scheduled to take place in doha,
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on thursday to go for a ceasefire deal that would include the release of this rated captive have been postponed until next week. hezbollah has accused is really prime minister benjamin nothing out of salt lake negotiations. a few days ago, hezbollah threatened to increase military pressure from what it calls, support front in lebanon, yemen and iraq were other you run back to groups operate, but not on yahoo! who framed as well as war on garza as a fight against a bronze influence, is now calling for an anti iranian alliance in the region center for their elders. eda david starts on game a has made a landfill in china. the tropical storm is expected to be the 2nd strongest of its kind on record in terms of potential wind and rain damage. more than 240000 people have been evacuated and the problems officially on well guide in midland full on taiwan,
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east coast on wednesday can at least 3 people. the storms triggered flooding, land slides and the damage to buildings. those echoes power outage more than 18000 as well. i'll just say what the units can joins of live. now from the time when he's capital type, a unit system has now passed of a taiwan. what's the assessment of the damage so far that you're there? and that assessment is underway, but the 1st look here is think fully the impact of this latest high soon on 5 k at least is not as bad as say, another category. 3 storm types is not in 2001 that has to birds. these roads for days until dozens of people. now, as you say, we are in high say, which is on the northern part of the island. and thanks to an updated drainage system installed since 2001 life is quickly returning to normal here, the public transport as well as railways are back online as,
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as the stock market that has been suspended over the past 2 days due to the store. but a very different picture and this central and southern parts of taiwan were heavy, rain is still forecast and last night risk also continue, especially in mountainous areas. and these are reasons that have a 3rd consecutive day pools and businesses remaining closed. we are uh, pricing to me is of course taiwan strongest store. it's for my food in my fees, holidays and more than $500.00 people are said to be injured. all right, so you're just getting life as the in the time when he's capital type the eunice, thank you a tougher stop right here. and i'll just say it right when we come back, young microns, i'm sending golden money. learn to swim. office of i think a dangerous to cross the length. i'm to talk to popular in paris where
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security is high and excitement is building headed really big games. the have that let's have a look at the weather across north america in the days ahead and we've got con, trusting coasts in the us. we have lots of heat, dangerous heat assisting for the western parts of the us. in particular, for california, the interior areas see the temperatures pushing lights up, above average. it will be coming down, however, across the north, west, pacific and western parts of canada, as thanks to the arrival of some west to weather walters, continuing to burn, however, across british columbia. and alberto now it is looking very wet to close the deep south of the us some relief coming in. however, across the east coast as the weather weather stopped to pull out to sea. but we'll
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see those bus rain continuing across texas and louisiana, bringing a threat of flash flooding in the days ahead and the tail end of that weather system will continue to bring a scattering of showers to much of mexico heavy rain affecting more northern areas . we could see some flooding from those torrential downpours, and then we moved down pause effecting southern pots of central america for the likes of nicaragua, as well as costa rica and panama. it is looking clear across the caribbean, some showers in sunshine for much of cuba, as well as much of his been yada, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back here watching out just a record remind a bunch of stories here. this us vice president come to how it says she had a friend come constructive meeting with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu in washington. she reiterated the need for an urgency, responding to gauze, as well as killed at least $28.00 palestinians in han units as a full consecutive day of the southern. the city has been targeted by these rainy all types of and got, you mean it has my land phone in china more than 240000 people. i've been evacuated in the province of sushi. now the united states says that it has the leader of mexico sent me to a drug content in custody as well as the sun. the formerly the l chapel goodman is smiled. somebody whose nickname is a male co founded in a torres, similar cato with a drug load known as though chop of whose country and present in the us. l. chapo son, hakeem goodman lopez,
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has also been arrested by federal agents. juliano has more now from mexico city. all the information is of course, still coming in as we speak. this happened only a few hours ago. we know that these 2 men were arrested in l. a. no. paso in texas . what they were doing in the us, they were, they flew into a small airport in a very small private aircraft and were basically met by add the officials on the airplane. mexican media and us media are both saying that this is actually the miles on by the was tricked by another high ranking member of the see that look at the into flying to the the us unbeknownst to him as part of a larger deal that we don't have many more details on right now, but that i'm sure we'll find out more information in the coming days. but of course, the fact that these 2 men to have the most wanted men by the d a be flying to an airport in the us is, you know, speaks of, of a larger plan in place. i think,
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you know, these are organizations that they're built in a way that accounts for the possibility of their top leaders be either arrested or killed. so they basically know how to adapt as you know, the mexican journal. this was just saying recently, on the cover to the press here is giving it that never and the history of mexico has the arrest of one of these trop, top drug lords, lead to any less violence in this country. and i think that, you know, we saw it with um, walking a couple of months. a few years ago, you know, the origin, he was arrested, he was the head of the organization. and it, you know, the, the amount of fentanyl going into the u. s. traffic by this, you know, like i said, has only grown since then. so i think it's nice to think that this is somehow going to, um, you know, and the thing i look at the, uh, the d a and the department of justice have said in a statement that they consider this to be an enormous blow to this organization. and while that may be so,
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i think everyone here expects the organizations to basically restructure very quickly as they're used to doing and continue their operations and continue traffic in drugs into the us. i suppose this has been, as well as present on nicholas mcbee, euro have held a final rally and cut off costs ahead of sunday's presidential election. they march through one of the capitals main streets waving flags and chanting slogans. the president was taking a 3rd to him campaigns in other parts of the country, economy and respect for democracy. some of the major issues we are here to tell the world that's a blockade or sabotage, will not stop the revolution. we are standing firm with the president, my daughter who has shown loyalty to all the people. my daughter is president today and always just like chavez. you know, one of the leading opposition candidates the says he believes the minute treat with respect the outcome of the election. i'm going to gonzalez held a final campaign rally alongside maria. carina machado has been signing from
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contesting rights groups. and the position parties have questioned whether the vote will be free and fed silverlock to this an opposition party members have been arrested. maybe they might to legally have the state resources. they might have control over the national electro council. they might have control of the supreme court justice tribunal. they might have a prosecutor's office that celebrates their abuses, but we have the love and these have some of the most, but it's white and see once a peaceful change. not more than 5000 migrants have died in the 1st 5 months of this year trying to reach spain by c. on the spanish island of tennessee reef traumatized. young people are learning how to swim off to surviving one of the deadly as crossings in the world. edison binford reports a close to the spanish shore. young men from send a gallon molly are taking the punch for them. the ocean is held,
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the danger of grim desk. they made the perilous journey here crossing the atlantic in overcrowded boots. in some of this all, we would 215 people on board. we left from sent a go. the journey took 6 days. we got to the canaries at night. we had to spend the night at sea in only around 5 or 6 in the morning. we got to the big thousands diet sea every year trying to reach spain. 95 percent of them walk, crossing the atlantic from west and north west africa to the canary islands. spanish volunteer instructors are teaching those for me to trust the water again. one breast stroke out of time. a see i can begin to go on. there are people who come with terrible fear. you see them entering the water. they hold onto your hand as if clinging to life. like anybody who doesn't know how to swim. you have to add
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to that they have bad gauge of experience with the crossing of 1012 or 15 days where they might have lost relatives and studies show people from high income countries, a considerably more likely to know how to swim, leading to lifelong health benefits reduced risk to drowning and more professional opportunities. i'm gonna do is for molly, a landlocked country were less than 40 percent of young people have learned how some have lost friends and family in the crossing roughly in poverty, a violent spike, home, incense, washington, mostly i wouldn't do it again. it's very difficult, very, very dangerous. it's a risk we took because we didn't have a choice. it's tough and mount up on way. what was it is challenging the waves again, thanks to initiative like this. these men are finally returning to the water, embracing it as a life giving force. if this i'm getting food, i'll just 0. the wall sizes and the canadian province of alberta, canada, causing widespread destruction. dozens of homes and the city of jasper has been
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destroyed, counted as 5 minutes to adjust the intruders as more than 400 find firefighters are due to arrive to assist local rescue teams. so fall 25000 people have been evacuated from effected areas. bolivia has declared a state of emergency in santa cruz due to wildfires and extreme weather fires, adventure more than 300000 the heck to as far as the preventing delivery of fuel supplies, making it difficult for us bummed us to reach affected areas. it's hard to say some of the funds are triggered by agricultural burning, know a planet recruited. it's hot us 3 days on reco this week, prompting the un to issue an urgent call for action temperature sold as high as 48 degrees and one barrel considering getting at least 21 people in a 24 hour period. christmas. somebody has more in the scorching heat rule tunisia, 80 year old nea kerry, sets out on her grueling daily journey to fetch water a burden she carries quite literally on her back. and it's clean with this whole
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area is dry. if one had water at home, everyone would be free. they could feel whenever they wanted to. but at this age i carry 2 containers and spend the entire afternoon here in the heat. the old and the young as well as those who work outside among the most vulnerable to rise in global temperatures and the focus of the un secretary general's call to action on extreme heat. if there is one thing that unites all of the varieties wells is that we are all increasingly feeling the heat. as soon as becoming hot and more dangerous for everyone, every with june was the 13th month in a row to set a new temperature record. putting 120000000 people in the united states under cheat advisory warnings, leading to the death of 1300 muslims kilograms during hodge and closing schools in asia and africa impacting more than 80000000 children. the u. n says global
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infrastructure needs investment to boost resilience and the reduction in fossil fuels to limit temperature rise. i must call out the fly, the forcing full expansion. we have seen in some of the worlds well as he is going to use in signing such a surge of new orleans guy's licence. is that assigning away our future under the paris climate accord? 2025 is the year that nations are supposed to commit to a plan to reduce their carbon emissions and limit global temperature rise to one and a half degrees celsius and with the summers record setting temperatures. the heat is on christine salumi. al jazeera, the united nations, now benefit games officially opens in paris on friday, and the french government has promised an unprecedented secure, pre on security operation to going to the event that has a buckler, has moved from the french capital. the central powers in the lockdown been still
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with tens of thousands of police officers on patrol, i suppose to propose the games on the same french sold, visiting, deployed a hated using ceremony. there will be held on the river for all of us and in the stadium. for the 1st time and gave us history nearly $7000.00, the athletes will travel by boat during the event and a vicious and daring project and a huge security challenge. i don't want, i know when i put the security desk, we have a multi environment security approach, which means considering all sorts of crap on us for the underwater strategy we have to protect. so in the bottom of this, and we have also barriers on the river and positions on the line. we're coordinating closely with the french air force who can go on to join squads helicopters in flight. the jets will secure the skies, they'll be in those slides. they know for the city during the opening ceremony and providing additional backup,
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nearly 2000 police officers from other countries. the organizes the powers games wanted to do something different. so instead of hosting the olympics of a news outside the city, they've made the c itself into the main venue with its famous monuments is backdrops, but that is why the security operation is so fost. french's ortiz of spend, is planning defense and say, they already know they'll get destroyed, specifically of us. we are very well prepared, and french people will be very proud of their police offices. there's too many, the confidence spots. vigilant multiple attacks against, from the pulse decade side. but right. some was in ukraine and goals of raise the stakes. israel's team arrived with extra security on the games. work up florida. uh, dodge, it felt the deal, at least, of course, when you, i was like, between russian and korean. like, i mean, does a,
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you have to increase citrate team is there is no 0 risk bought the homepage. everything's in place for the olympics to run smoothly and safely as exciting with bills ahead of what's promising to be an inspiring few weeks of sport in one of the wells most spectacular cities. natasha butler algebra, paris. hundreds of thousands of people are expected to rely on the stand with us for fridays opening ceremony to watch athletes per item votes for re slip. so what we can expect from the world's biggest sporting events? paris has been transformed by the olympic games. the sporting events went into the fabric of the city, beach volleyball up to the only full tower scape holding the plus to work on code and a bit further away. so i think in the he think it's a once in a lifetime chance for french athletes exactly. a century after the games would last held in paris. should i measles, please? yeah, we are a little bit. tompkins and we play at home. so that puts
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a double target on our backs without probably giving up support. it would be an incredible moment. i'm on the lympics,


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