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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 26, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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reparations, and justice stories from all the angles like this actually music of the way people talk, the way we walk programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on now to sierra the we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. we cannot allow ourselves to become num to the suffering and i will not be silent. addressing the blind to the palestinian people, the us vice president calls for an urgency spot in garza, the hello am dire in jordan. this is about 0 life and also coming up the lead of mexico similar to a drug costs. lemme some of the former lead chapel goodman, a both arrested in texas. the philippines coast guard deploy is floating battery is
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an effort to contain an oil spill coming from a cap size and the worst with security. how the french capital is looking down in the account found to them and fix opening song. the us vice president come of the harris has reiterated the need for an urgency side deal for gaza, including releasing captives during torps with israel's prime minister. come to hire is also called for a 2 state solution and emphasize the applied to the palestinians. after there was practical hanging reports from washington, d. c. walk, you know, to give an scheduled remarks, vice president come over here is made clear. she had one message for the is really prime minister. i'm the proposed ceasefire as soon as i just told prime minister netanyahu, it is time to get this deal done. so to everyone who has been calling for a cease fire and to everyone who yearns for peace,
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i see you and i hear you a new and clear message to the pro palestinian protestors who have mostly been dismissed by the binding administration. and while she pledged iron clad support for israel, she spoke at length about the horrors, the palestinian people have been suffering for so long. what has happened in gaza over the past 9 months is devastating. the images of dead children and desperate hungry people fling for safety, sometimes displaced for the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th time that we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. we cannot allow ourselves to become num to the suffering, and i will not be silent. this is not how american officials usually speak about palestinians. they very rarely talk this way about the human toll, the dead,
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the starving. and in both meetings, when the press was allowed in sending a clear message to these really prime minister by what they didn't say. very few words of welcome and no praise for their visitor, which almost never happens to the binding ministers and says they are close to finalize indices fire proposal. and some analysts see renewed reason to hope that can as it goes into recess, july 28th. and during a recess, which will last until late october, shortly before our elections here, it's impossible to bring down a and is really government. so if mister doug junior wants to do a deal, you will have the political space and the absence of pressure from his right when you do it you if prime minister netanyahu came to washington to prove he still has us support, he leaves knowing the images painted
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a much different picture around half of the democrats in the house and the senate boycotted his speech to congress. and the bind administration is clearly losing patience with him. and his continued war on gasser. patty calling l g 0. washington protests as supporting palestinians in gauze. gavin, near the white house for the 2nd day of benjamin netanyahu, has us visit. they've been coding for the rest of these, where the prime minister the into the blood shed in the gaza strip. vice president come to harris condemned doctor visits, a bunch of us planned on the appearance of graffiti, and i'm not supporting homeless chapters, hunting sentences update from the protest in washington dc. the reason pays a much larger exclusion zone outside the white house of another. yeah. whose visit but the housing stops. i googled for testers from gathering outside where they come . that message is clear. they have a john, f, a g. a benjamin doesn't go unimportant gallons. and gallons of blogs in the streets,
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the blood is on that. then you always have, but also about of us administration. protests is particularly incense by a statement from pamela harris, the presumptive democratic nominee. now condemning the purchase outside the capital, capital hill on wednesday, as, as the symmetric and violence, i think is insane. everyone who is there kind of symbols a man and how about the same demand for the past 9 months. and if you call dish and actually listen to the well, the people and they wouldn't listen months ago if the 9 months of people are wishing and really hoping for us these fires. all of this comes interesting time when even progressive members of the democratic party, a colon on garza for testers, to get on board behind. coming to hire a support to guys donald trump. but really a lot of the girls that were just as a model is disgusted by your policy. i'm a little convincing still to do she ever time see out, is there a washington on the ground and gauze, are these randy ministry killed at least $28.00 palestinians in hon. eunice on
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thursday. the army has been carrying out unrelenting attacks on the southern city, including targeting remaining residential districts. thousands of displays, people have been forced to feed on the last 8 for the palestine. red crescent says there's no space for even a single tent that's a lot now to talk about. assume you joins us from data. bala that's in central guys . i target. so i just bring this up to date. then with the latest is really a tax across the gaza strip. yeah, in fact, german was a very plug deal that night. it strikes that what carried out by these very occupation, probably to jet southern side with the alternator with unit on the ground. they have been attacking cold air is of district from the north this into the southern part of the strip down now spouting quickly from the north of the strip. well, i, residential building was completely destroyed. 3 palestinians, at least have been recruited, killed adults as counts casualties. being reported, and they have been transferred to the pump this hospital to get medical treatment.
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and we need to plan to remind all of you is that in other parts of the browser, strict families and displaced people, they are experiencing very harsh humanitarian. admitted to suggestions that due to be ongoing bonded deliveries to people in the north of the state. they are defensive and using very primitive means of a feeds in order to see if the children alongside. they are surrounded, i'm full just by a very unrelenting 2nd of attacks and destruction by that is very occupation forces in the central every, every continue to hear loud explosions of the eastern areas of a great refuge account. but even in the north repost hold on was iraq, which has been the 2 main fulton points in terms of the metric ratios of such areas . while in the south metro ration insisted on getting in the city or con unit, at least a 3 palestinians helped him recover. killed close to one of them. evacuation senses in the eastern areas of the city alongside that 2 others have been killed in an overnight attack. when the residential house in the eastern side of the city that
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bucks gladly the are some palestinians being recovered, killed. they have been killed by his very snipers fire, especially that they are quite easily hit to their heads. and that just, it's ongoing chloe's among this will have been forced to please to allow us to go yet due to the continuation of the flight to we how much light is on the east. but al q patient forces, we saw different videos by the way down and have been released by the measuring of how much showing a number of attacks on military operations being carried out against these valuable it 3 times in phasing the city of han, eunice, and they have been confirming that is by who offices have landed in the eastern areas in order to evacuate speed. just so just so generally the fight to on the ground is on going a bit. we have most is, well, it's the only is the palestinians or some on getting i'm heading to carry regarding be your round of negotiations that is about us. todd said we'd come awesome is what an order to a to reach to at least buy it to you. it's
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a very clear that your ration in life aspect c and the strip. alright, that topic up as boom, that live for us. so from here on the ballot and central garza target, thank you. how much lead on the outside westbank has died in is really custody. the palestinian prisoners club says mustafah either died in his riley hospital he'd been transferred to from raymond, present because of deteriorating health. the 63 year old is i'm the administrative detention is where it allows the time more than $4700.00 pounds sterling homes. this year the one of the world's biggest drug loans has been arrested by us. federal agents in texas is mailed, somebody known as and may have found it in the taurus and mexican similar cartel with l. chapel goodman, who was already and present in the us of chop a son walk in guzman. lopez was also arrested by federal agents. prosecute to say
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the similar content is the biggest supply of drugs to the us, including fentanyl, which has been blamed for an academic to the on that it has more now from mexico city. as we know, this arrest was a joint effort between the d. a and the b i both organizations have already released statement saying that the rest of that these 2 most wanted men will deal blows, devastating blows to the organization to the scene. i look at then. now the rest itself played out as follows. these 2 men flew into an airport, a small uh airport, in a private aircraft in the city of a paso texas. and they were met by authorities on the aircraft. so it's clear from the information that we have at this point that they were being expected. now how it's laid out, but these 2 men, obviously, you know, fugitives for decades in the case of one of them that they would fly directly into . the us obviously speaks to
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a bigger story of which we don't yet have all the details. mexican media has reported that as maya was actually set up by another high ranking member of the scene, i looked at the into flying. unbeknownst to him to the us, whether or not that is actually the case. i think we'll find out in the coming hours now. what if that will these um, arrests have on the scene. i look at that as a whole. i think history in mexico proves that these big drug lords, being arrested doesn't usually reduce violence. you know, and we saw it with a chapel, who's mine, a few years ago. he was a rest that he was the head of the organization at the time. and then the truth is that these organizations are built in structure in a way that accounts for the possibility. and frankly, the likelihood that their leaders will at some point be killed or arrested. so they basically know how to restructure themselves. so really the likelihood that much will change despite the claims by the f b i and the da saying that it will, you know, the devastating blow that this restful deal i think of in, in reality,
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mexicans aren't really expecting for violence here. cost by this organization. will diminish in the coming days or in the coming weeks. and certainly i would say that i don't think you authorities in the us expect the trafficking of fentanyl to dramatically drop either do we ago. yeah, i know i'll to 0 mexico city. the name is 300000 people, have been evacuated in the eastern china as type of game. he makes land for the pomp of stone, forced public transport and foods, young providence to be suspended on friday and many offices in schools. the also have been closed. thousands more people face heavy, rain and storm warnings across several of the eastern provinces. be for the panes coast guard says, well deployed chemical, disperse and some floating barriers at the scene of an oil spill name and the bay a. tank accounting, 1500000 liters of fuel oil capsized in the storm on thursday, leaving one of the crew dead strong winds and launch waves have been slipping down
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efforts to contain the slick, which is now several kilometers long. obviously it was bonnet below reports from manila, but if the industrial fuel beaks from the tanker and if there is a massive west bill at least uh, according to the philippine coast guard, this is going to be a massive catastrophe. one because of the proximity of where the tanker capsized is just 7 kilometers off the coast of the on which is just north of manila and to it's because of the vastness of the coast line of manila bay. it's called many of the base, but it doesn't just cover manila, it, it also and compasses. the coastlines of several problem is north of manila and one province, south of many of that. so several, a coastal village is will be affected if there is a massive westfield. and we spoke to fisherman here and they said that this is going to be a problem on top of the many problems that they already have. one, they're still reeling from type of gaming happened to me having brought severe
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flooding here and destroyed some of their bolts smell from this is on god just hours away from the opening ceremony of the powers olympics. its government has promising and unprecedented security operation with up to 45000 personnel. latasha, a bunch of reports from fox central powers in, in nope, down, been still with tens of thousands of police officers on patrol i to assist you prepares the big games on the same french soldiers that being deployed the hated using ceremony. it will be held on the river for all of us and in the stadium for the 1st time and gave us history nearly $7000.00. the athletes will travel by boat during the event and a vicious and daring project and a huge security challenge. i don't want, i know when i put the security desk, we have a multi environment security approach, which means considering all sorts of crap,
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i mean us for the underwater strategy we have to protect. so in the bottom of this, and we have both are barriers on the river and positions on the line. we're coordinating closely with the french air force who can go on to join squads helicopters in flight. the jets will secure the skies. they'll be in the slides they know for the city during the opening ceremony. and providing additional backup, nearly 2000 police officers from other countries. the organizes the powers games wanted to do something different. so instead of posting the lympics have been used outside the city, they've made the city itself into the main venue with its famous monuments is backdrops. but that is why the security operation is so vast. french authorities suspend is planning defense and say they already know don't, can just show it to us. it could be of us. we are very well prepared. and french people will be very proud of the police officers don't to confident spots vigilance
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multiple attacks against, from the pulse decade side. but right. some was in ukraine and goals that have raised the stakes. israel's team arrived with extra security on it. the games work up florida. uh, dodge, it festival least. of course, when you a warm like between russian and korean like to, i mean does a, you have to increase citrate team is all, there is no 0 risk bought the who pays who the, everything's in place for the olympics to run smoothly and safely. i was excited with bills ahead of what's promising to be an inspiring few weeks of sport in one of the world's most spectacular cities. natasha butler algebra, paris. i left plenty of options to, to come here now to 0 from break out new performers to shooting stars like lebron james who to watch out for a game that he is more than, i'm sorry, the
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same depth analysis of the days headlines he's right is like his ray is accusing that i was looking upon them, said informed opinions. this is person's 1st visit to northridge in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way as well as voters in america inside story massachusetts. the queen was fine to send on out. josie, around the front cover, a hawk to filibuster from the, from china's expansion and visions. it's not up to the people in taiwan to the side about the one china policy, the israel aggressive doctrine genocidal rhetoric identified an intensity with genocide within 10 slides is really government with nothing. $30000.00 defense of thousands of thousands that would be hundreds of thousands of losses that left the
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house and the stucco, some of the toughest issues of our time had to hit coming soon on a jersey to the colleges. here with the the welcome back you. what you're going to say right quick reminder about top stories here. this i like us vice president come of our it says she had a frank constructive meeting with is ready by minister benjamin netanyahu in washington to raise the rate of the need for an urgency spot due for garza as well as the on waiver and commitment. as well as long term security. one of the world's
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biggest drug lords has been arrested by us federal agents in texas. this males on bottom known as a mayo found a data taurus, mexican similar cato, without chop of bisman who is already in prison in the us chapter son joaquin because my lopez was also arrested. oh, how does the people are still missing in ethiopia? 5 days after 2 landslide say to a remote southern region heavy machinery comp, which the area so rescue teams and volunteers have been using that bad hands and shovels to dig through the mud. un says the death toll from the disaster has risen to at least $257.00 con reports. the price of mourners echoed throughout the ethiopian southern top is the heavy rains it. the area on monday, causing land slice. a 2nd landside in gulf locals that rushed on to the scene to help with the rescue. efforts on the mountainous region has made it close to
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impossible to bring in heavy equipment for use in rescue attempts. so people have resorted to using their hands to the cup mails of red month hoping to find the missing. my job is to waive my elder brother and elder sister are dead. my sister's husband and there's children are all dead. all my relatives are gone. i have buried 13 family members that talk about the height is i recently gave birth to twins, my husband, his dad, my sister was dead. her body has not been found. the day is dog for me. the united nations tears to death to could climb exponentially in the coming days. do you and also says the area remains on see, and thousands need to be evacuated for now, scramble to find bodies continues for these villagers, grief is being dug up all around them. and run a loss on how to 0. now,
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the condition of a man who was kicked in the head by a british police officer at manchester airport has worse, and that's according to his lawyer. the incidents now being investigated by the independent police watched unc police said they were responding to reports of an assault, but acknowledge that the level of force used in that arrest was unusual. malayna facilitates reports enough and manchester warning. the pictures you are about to see a disturbing to golf from under cuz a police officer kick somebody in the head as he lies phase down on the ground bystanders. film in shock. as this k all succeed on folded and matches to apples on tuesday nights, police say they were responding to reports of an assault, and the 3 of their offices were injured in the altercation requiring hospital treatments, one with a broken nose by the violent arrest captain video essential quays across the nation . what i have seen the voltage and for that reason i do understand the
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public concern, but obviously option is now being taken in relation to the suspension of an officer . and the website is already helping those discussions with the matter of bunch of stuff. i think they've already happened to by the taking place as we speak. and she has rachel, she's kept updated on developments of a since the incident. so i'm in a month and 5 here. they were released not long ago from to the police station. the men who are in the video here with a lawyer who says they have no space in great demand, just the police or gm p. and right now the main consent is what they have. they are very even traumatized by this experience. they are the family member. ready as of a saving police offices that and the crate dimensions to please. so they were hired
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to shop to buy what's happened. d and p says, well people have interested at the scene for a free and a soul to an emergency service walk as. but the level of pools using the arrest is now investigated by the independence police. what's still great to the monitors, to police, pull the video, truly shopping and said that the use of such force and then the rest is unusual. and then they understood wide force along, but in an obvious statement, they said that there was a clear risk of firearms being snatched from offices who were carrying weapons. but it was and got on the streets of mount just at once as the night. people here demanding more accountability from the police. and many of the community now appearing so called me that it was the need to reach out to 0 monta wall fives, and the canadian province of alberta, rock, causing widespread destruction. dozens of homes and the city of jasper had been destroyed. canadian prime minister adjusted intruder says more than 400 foreign
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firefighters are due to arrive to help local rescue teams. so far, 25000 people have been evacuated from affected areas. those in alberta and around the world who have experienced the magic of just the magic is not lost and it never will be. alberta is government will provide the support needed to families and communities to recover and to rebuild stronger than ever. so the future generations can continue to experience this wonderful kind community and to feel the magic of being able to come home in bolivia has declared a state of emergency incense accrues due to water fires. unexplained weather conditions for hasn't been through more than 300000 the heck to as far as you say, some of the wall fires what triggered by agricultural band and what state funeral is taking place for the most dominant figure in vietnam for more than a decade. a 2 year old in when food trunk was becoming his potty chief for 13 years
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. he died last week and now there are 2 days of national morning with flags across the country at half, most smoking. a funeral sermon is have also been held throughout the week. drum will be buried in handling later on friday. how many con international eyes opened its doors at the san diego convention center? the comic book and the culture extravaganza grows more than a 130000 times every year. they create their own costumes and attend events alongside actives filmmakers. comic book authors and chemistry does act as ron reynolds, and she would jackman are scheduled to appear to promote the latest film, dental, and will 3 hundreds of thousands of people expect as a line to send river for fridays opening ceremony to watch athletes for right on boats for race looks at what we can expect from the world's biggest sporting events . paris has been transformed by the olympic games. the sporting events went into the fabric of the city, beach volleyball of the,
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the only full tower scape putting the plus to whack on cold and a bit further away. so i think in the he think it's a once in a lifetime chance for french athletes exactly. a century after the games will last held in paris. she what that means all set up is young. we are elliptic tompkins and we plant homes. so that puts a double target on our backs without probably giving up support. it would be an incredible moment, a little more. the stealing picks is an event like no other 32 sports more than 10000 competitors from 206 national olympic committees. with the paralympics, the police straight topped the public opinion. this will compete under their own flag. it powers 2024. while the refugee team has gotten from 10 operates in 2016 to 37. the previous games in tokyo was heavily restricted by cobit 19, so piracy is also a chance for new olympic sports to truly arrive 3 sports chosen for the use of pale climbing, skateboarding and surfing. we'll have that 1st chance to be showcased in front of
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a full olympic crowd. while one brand new sport has made his way from the streets to the stadium. breakdown says will compete in a pop up venue at the plus to a concord. although the sports is called breaking rather than breakdown thing, break is what are the form and elements of hip hop? and so to be able to represent that on the olympic platform for me, i think it could change the world old problems it presents to publish. holly jump, it was suspended for doping on the eve of the games. while this resentment of 11 chinese swim is being allowed to compete despite failed typing tests, contaminated substances was cited. i want to add 5 and it was no fat and takes enjoyment out from a side. it's uh, i just do what i do. that's all i can control. the games take place, submit a huge security operation with friends on high alert. funds will hope the games begin and end with only spoilt and focus pull race out is era, paris?
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well, that's it for me, diamond jordan. the weather is coming up next. and then inside story looks at the term summation of the us presidential election campaign. since jo button pull out of the race, that's a spectrum sense of watching the the hello the, the heat continues to sweep northern and southern parts of africa. but before we get that, let's have a look at the middle east and live on what temperature is sitting very high over the next few days. we'll continue to see those numbers push up. we have got the high temperature a lot slots, parts of the event, but even in the gulf, we are going to see those figures attached up into the high forties for places like a caetano. it is a large, huge why picture the quote because we'll see some very wet weather on saturday. we
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could see the chance of some showers thanks to breezing conditions along coastal areas of a month on western parts of gm and pushing into southern south west and saudi arabia as well. now we can see some showers come into the north west of africa, that'll drop temperatures in morocco, but from now on friday, the heat persist across much of the region. we have had some mornings off high temperatures for the canary islands pots of algeria as well, but this show is coming in on saturday. and the heavy rain continues to close that central band of africa. the democratic republic of congo seems very heavy, rain and pulse move and areas, but temperatures are sitting high here for the time being very high as well across to baldwin and zambia. we've seen them around 35 degrees celsius in winter. the unique perspective, i love that i really not that because that's the i left and nothing is coming your
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way on heard voices, but we are committed to guessing all about you so much connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. lot of these provisions, if it was part of the medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable that the heart of what's the stream on our 0 donald trump tax is likely opponents in the presidential election as a rather cool, less lunatic campbell harris highlights from his convictions and scandal saying he offers calles fear and hate. so what kind of campaign would it be between the 2? this is inside story, the .


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