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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 26, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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[000:00:00;00] news, [000:00:00;00] the hello i, my name sides of the news i live from coming up in the next 60 minutes. we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. we cannot allow ourselves to become num to the suffering, and i will not be silent. addressing the plight of the palestinian people, the us vice president calls for an urgency sy, in gaza, a few hours before the are things,
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sir. many of the olympic games from says railways of victim to a paralyzing attack. the philippine coast gone. deploy is floating barriers in an effort to contain and we'll spell from the capsized tank. the interior of the wells most wanted fugitive sleggs need is of mexico send a low, a drug costs out on rested in texas. we begin this news out in washington where us vice president carmella harris says reiterate to the need for an urgency is fine in gossip during talks with is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu? she said. any d o needs to include the release of captives our source and code for a 2 state solution and emphasize the flights of the palestinian people. i think i'll hang reports from washington. walk, you know, to give an scheduled remarks,
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vice president come over here is made clear, she had one message for the is really prime minister and the proposed ceasefire. as soon as i just told prime minister netanyahu, it is time to get this deal done. and so to everyone who has been calling for a cease fire and to everyone who yearns for peace, i see you and i hear you a new and clear message to the pro palestinian protestors who have mostly been dismissed by the bind administration. and while she pledged iron clad support for israel, she spoke at length about the horrors, the palestinian people have been suffering for so long. what has happened in gaza over the past 9 months is devastating. the images of dead children and desperate hungry people fling for safety, sometimes displaced for the 2nd, 3rd,
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or 4th time that we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. we cannot allow ourselves to become num to the suffering, and i will not be silent. this is not how american officials usually speak about palestinians. they very rarely talk this way about the human toll, the dead, the starving. and in both meetings, when the press was allowed in sending a clear message to these rarely prime minister by what they didn't say. very few words of welcome and no praise for their visitor, which almost never happens to the binding ministers and says they are close to finalize in the ceasefire proposal. and some analysts see renewed reason to hope that can as it goes into recess, july 28th. and during a recess, which will last until late october, shortly before our elections here, it's impossible to bring down a and is really government. so if mister doug junior wants to do a deal,
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you will have the political space and the absence of pressure from his right when you do it you if prime minister netanyahu came to washington to prove he still has us support, he leaves knowing the images painted a much different picture around half of the democrats in the house and the senate boycotted his speech to congress, and the bind administration is clearly losing patience with him. and his continued war on gasser. patty calling l g 0 washington. i will protest as supposing palestinians in guns i gathered near the white house for a 2nd day of benjamin netanyahu visit, had been cooling for the rest. if the is rarely prime minister. on an end to the wind, gossip vice president coming to harris condemned activist who bent us flag and proficiency and supports us how much on some landmarks, shepherd tons, he sent us this update from a demonstration in washington. the reason pays
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a much larger exclusion zone outside the white house of another. yeah. whose visit but the housing stops. i googled for testers from gathering outside where they come . that message is clear. they have a john, f, a g. a benjamin doesn't go unimportant gallons and gallons of blogs in the streets, the blood is on that then you always have. but also about of us administration. protests is particularly incense by a statement from pamela harris, the presumptive democratic nominee, not condemning the purchase outside the capital, capital hill on wednesday, as of the symmetric and violence, i think is insane. everyone who is there kind of symbols a man and how about the same demand for the past 9 months. and if you call dish and actually listen to the well the people and they would have listened months ago if the 9 months of people are wishing and really hoping for a ceasefire. all of this comes interesting time. when even progressive members of the democratic party,
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a colon on garza protest is to get on board behind combat hire a support to guys donald trump, but really a lot of the girls are pronounced as a model is disgusted by us policy of another convincing still to do she ever time see out? is there a washington? meanwhile, on the ground in guns are they is really ministry has killed at least $28.00 palestinians and con eunice on thursday. the army launched a tax on the southern city for a 4th, a consecutive day, thousands of displays. people been forced to flee to alma wasi, but the palace then you run present says there's no space even for a single 10th. israel said on the last name was a circle, safe, sorry, but it has been attacked repeatedly. so let's go on to terry covers. do me joyce. now from darrow. paula and central garza tarik. so 1st they bring this up to date with what the latest strikes across casa will melina,
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are. they is very ministry's suspicious tipping up their military attacks for screen time. it's right on the main attacks during the past couple of hours on the silver pods can be sits each of tanya and his words. 6 palestinians have been recovered too. from some dean road. it seems that they were trying to go to their houses and they have been attacked twice when he chose alongside with the use ready of century units which continues to destroy residential squares and the eastern areas of the city. now, just 30 minutes ago, a residential house has been hit where a number of casualties have been transferred to naso hospital and even an overnight to strikes. 3 palestinians have been killed in an attack when i residential house. that is, that is very populated with the residents spot. the reality is that the entire city of funniness has been talking to not only the eastern areas by the fighting. and the kinds of strikes gets extended to reach to the central and even to the question part um its ongoing military activities as well. and the central areas were in
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a grange with you, john. we continued he loud explosions as they used by the armies activating their military operations and such areas. and we have people so annoyed by the sound of these very trims that can clearly hear the bucket around the is really towards right now, a whole bring in a very low altitude. we can visibly see them clear because they are large in size and they are also whole putting in the very low term and the st. john, it's these for the most, he is among palestinians that there was going to be no s twice to be carried out as we continue also to record is plugged into the other cost full time. is there one to which residential college has been the main areas that has been targeted october, reviewing its rain pool result that has been recently established by the entire
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senior. mostly that has died in is ready detention. this will just add one to the anger amongst public opinions about the treatments within as rainy jails. what more can you tell us about what happened? well, what we do know is that the 6, the 3 year old news, the fall, blah, blah. he's a senior. how much leads that he'd be occupied to westbank has only the news. very j. u is because of kind of mr. gonzalez, i'm this is a very tiny part of what's happening for kind of city and detainees, and it's very detention caps and changes. they have been brutally beaten on they have been subjected to different kinds of physical on psychological torture. on the handle that use one of the offices that police officers alongside with the, as by the army, some of the occupied was by prisoners, have been threatened to be sent to bones an order to be bombarded by these 25 tickets. as a part of the site for them to come, pressure being executive than others have been beaten with beat some pause with wires as we can clearly see on them for
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a palestinian prisoners from 0 to 5. west burns have been released and they are completely exhausted. with different traces of to check from so it will be so the bodies and mainly the are forcing his rest except most tom says that even impacted ability from the ability to over speech. because of the unprecedented, this tell you like the level of future they have been experiencing these very defensive and that is not only related to the occupied with the president's proposal for the presence of huffman recent deliveries yesterday. samples, another company, prisoners were released. 3 of them have been transferred to the intensive care unit to get medical treatments due to their that your racing medical condition and be happy to reporting was just the one is they have been tons costs as we are. they were like full dead, they were not allowed to get 2 toilets. and at the same time, they have been stopped by because by the army, which is a new policy that has been used by the authority of the prisons in induced by the
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chat truth about how they must deal with a protestant improvement on we can see mounting prussia and palestinian prison. isn't it 10 years since october, the 7th, especially the 19th palestinians have only been has really changed since the beginning of the one the couches. okay, thank you for that's how it goes. doing that for us in there on by the end. central garza and that's bringing her son there already. is professor of international affairs at kentucky university. he joins us now live in amman. thank you for your time. so i want to refer back to comments yesterday for us, vice president carmella horace. she made a forceful case for israel and israel gauze a ceasefire after meeting with prime minister netanyahu saying, and i quote that she will not be quiet on the suffering and gaza. what did you make of her comments? what i love yesterday um, kinda the highest is uh, dissatisfied with the speech of the congress which was full of lies and deceptions
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. especially when he talks about the beginning of the btn said and the uh, resistor uh with it. but as soon as we need to night, all of that, i think this is a direct response to that. uh and uh, i'm not sure that this is a policy change or just your topic. but again, for coming to has to come in public after the meeting and speak again. stephanie jenkins, his policy is and the for the kind of seeing, i think this is a big deal. and so i am in the election campaign now because as we know, every and no money is looking for the jurors or can america, everyone is afraid to be as a lobbying and united states before cabinet has to come in public and say these words, i think this is a big deal. it is stronger resurrect than we've had from the pro present invite and i want you to libraries on that point. i mean, do you think it's an indication of a change in us policy or possible change in us policy on the couple of harris if
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she were to be president? or i think what she's trying to do is to be vh from home by this policy, by this policy of being compass. it would be if i get traffic this and the genocide, the war in guys that so kevin has wants to tell everyone in the united states that she's different, that she cannot follow a different approach. but again, here we're talking about to tory, we're not talking about the policy change because kind of hers is not as isn't. yeah. and we're, i'm not sure that you're going to be a president in the one, but uh, but that one more time visit is very important. simply, it's your fix. the fact that the americans are divided over the one gather. and they divided over the support for his rent and maybe use a go. the americans have that kind of consensus when it comes to insurance. but now we see like a huge division online, be in the americans and among the american politicians the course of the public. and but you remember the, the university of practice movement. and i think this is that on a vacation of that, we have another meeting today between prime minister netanyahu,
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donald trump. what are you expecting from that meeting, given that relationship has sounds somewhat because of nothing yahoo support for president biden. obviously in the canal, he's trying to mend fences with the time because he expects that time going to be a present that this is very important. he wants to go back to isaac business as usual. but again, it trump come up with a statement when he said that, you know, the wash has come to an end and the hostages shouldn't be released. but at the same time, see, you need not be kidding at his bidding about that. and we know that he threatened before that that, that was not coming to an end, then that would be a price. uh, but again, we know that he is, his policy is twice action and he's looking for his own political, narrow interests. and it remains to be seen whether this is going to be sort of divide it clear and concrete policies or not. ok, thank you for that. how son barry, a professor of international affairs at guitar university speaking to us that live
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from a mom. thank you. thanks for having me. okay, want to bring you some breaking news that's coming through to us just right now. the olympic games which officially opens in paris later today friday. well, people are being told not to go to train stations. the french rail company, s m c f says it's network has been the victim of several malicious austin attacks that have damage the facilities. the statement goes on to say that high speed train traffic is very disruptive. launch number of services will have to be cancelled. okay, let's go straight to all correspondent, ben. it's smith. he joins us now. live in paris. so just hours away from the openings set a ceremony. bennett, what are you hearing about the french rail company?
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yeah, well, this attack, according to the french, nothing. boy, what national railways has pulled the high speed rail weight network across france to a hold. it says that of been a tax on it seems awesome. it sucks on a series of signaling boxes at different locations around the country. and it means that the s and say at the national right away company is telling people not to go to the railway station state. they've got jody's planned today, not to travel. you come and my, you can imagine the how incredibly disruptive this is across the country. not only are people traveling to work, but it's the holiday season, tens, hundreds of thousands of people traveling on the holiday. and now they've been told that that was the right ways of saying that they're not expecting this to get back to normal until monday. so right on the day of the opening, certainly the lympics, a clear indication of the norms security challenges friends is facing. we want to
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pay is to be coordinated network attack on the railway network. here in paris, already unprecedented security operation on the way. 45000 members of the police, the military, the john don murray and security forces patrolling the city. a law jerry along the sand, locked down for this, unprecedented opening ceremony tonight, which will go along 6 kilometers. of a send watch spots more than a 100, a 100. the lead as global leaders from countries across the. busy so really in tens security operation here in the us and the games are being held across against the backdrop of was in gaza and ukraine. we've also got political upheaval within france itself. the chrome has been cooling for an and then pick truce 1000 a. i mean, is he likely to get that of the day? cool, so this, let me pick true. see them? well, i've gotten a joint statement with a chinese presidency jim thing when he was in france earlier on this year. i me un
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general assembly back in november, it also called bobby's island pick true as well. there is no ceasefire and gaza is now is right, was not stopped as foaming. and ukraine. russia is still making territorial gains that so there isn't really much hope for an olympic truce. there's also accusations of double standards because while the russian about our ocean countries a bottom from mainland, thanks to sending between not just over 30 uh uh, it's a 2 hour late, so not allowed to fly. the national flags are not allowed to take part in the admin side of me. the accusations of double summons all the israel is allowed to take part as well as, but h e h, oscillate, say the palestinian olympic committed, cold for israel to be brought to know that allowed to take part to be limping because of the war in gaza. but those goals are full and on that phase and you've got these riley flyers, they will have some of the types of security as anybody here. a building. okay,
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thank you for that bennet smith, the in power as a head of the opening ceremony, which takes place on the rivers thing that's excited today. well, as we just had a heavy security operation is in effect ahead of games. natasha butler has more. the central powers in the lockdown and still slips tens of thousands of police officers on patrol. i suppose to propose the games on the same french sold, visiting, deployed a hated using ceremony. there will be held on the river for all of us in the stadium for the 1st time and date of us history. nearly $7000.00, the athletes will travel by boat during the event and a vicious and daring project and a huge security challenge. i don't want, i know when i put the security desk, we have a multi environment security approach, which means considering all sorts of trouble. so the underwater threat we have the product. so in the bottom of this,
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and we have also barriers on the river and positions on the land. we're coordinating closely with the french air force wants to go on to join squads helicopters in flight. the jets will secure the skies, they'll be in the slides. they know for the city during the opening ceremony and providing additional backup, nearly 2000 police officers from other countries. the organizes the powers games wanted to do something different. so instead of hosting the olympics have been used outside the city. they've made the c itself into the main venue with its famous monuments, is backdrops, but that is why the security operation is so foss. french's ortiz suspend, is planning defense and say, they already know, don't, can just show it to us. it could be of us. we are very well prepared and french people will be very proud of their police offices, confidence spots vigilance, multiple attacks against,
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from the pulse decade. so i put some rules and ukraine and goals of raise the stakes. israel's team arrived with the extra security on the games work up florida . uh dodge it festival least. of course, when you a long like between russian and korean like to, i mean does, you have to increase citrate team is there is no 0 risk bought the homepage. everything's in place for the olympics to run smoothly and safely as exciting with bills ahead of what's promising to be an inspiring few weeks of sport in one of the wells most spectacular cities. natasha butler algebra, paris. so nearly 300000 people live in force from their homes in eastern china is typhoon gave me, makes land for several provinces, upgraded the time. if you're an emergency alerts on friday, i've been transport has been suspended in some parts. offices and schools of course
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have been closed or heavy rain and storm warnings effecting several 1000 people in coastal areas. gave me made land full and tie, wants east coast on wednesday and coming at least 3 people. the storm is target flooding, land slides and damage to buildings, tools that cause a power outage to over $88000.00 homes. eunice cam has moved from type a. this. the 1st look here is saying fully the impact of this latest high soon on 5 k at least, is not as bad as a another category. 3 storm types is not in 2001 that has submerged these roads for days until dozens of people, we are in the northern parts of the island. and thanks to an updated drainage system installed since 2001 life is quickly returning to normal here, the public transport as well as railways are back online as, as the stock market that has been suspended over the past few days,
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due to the store with a very different picture in the central and southern parts of taiwan where heavy rain is still forecast and last night risk also continue, especially in mountainous areas. and these are reasons that have a 3rd consecutive day calls and businesses remain in close. we are uh, types of jimmy is of course taiwan strongest store, extra food in arizona and more than $500.00 people are said to be injured. strong winds and waves and mon seen reins hampering efforts to contain an oil spell of the west coast of the philippines. fuel tank accounts sized and sign command manila bay on thursday. when timeframe gave me sweat through the region is 20. 2 people have been confirmed that finally life has moved from the of
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the thousands of filipinos are picking up the pieces after torrential rains and floods swept through most of the capital on wednesdays. they're grateful to have survived, but don't know how they're going to rebuild their lives. sullivan was laid up to say, it's more difficult to recover at this time compared to in who offended before. because the 2nd full of a home caved in. we'll need to get that repaired to respond. them says she doesn't know where to get the money for the repairs, but the president for it in and marcus junior promised government assistance. now the floods have subsided. we are beginning to see the extent of the damage type, who gave me left in its wake the entire metro manila region is under a state of calamity and a personal move that speeds the release of emergency funds out to the president. his also ordered authorities to speed up the delivery of food and other 8 isolated rug villages. in the early hours of thursday,
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a tanker carrying nearly $1500000.00 leaders of industrial fuel cap sized off the west coast coast guard personnel rescued most of the crew members and later found the body of one that had been missing. but they were struggling to contain the oil spill because abrupt 630. so what would it be uh, would be there. and uh right now we can let, uh, we can let uh, the spots uh were uh, resources because of withdrawal wins and highways authority spears, strong currents could spread the oil towards manila in nearby fishing communities. something the coast guard described as a big danger barn to below al jazeera mendota. well, we can speak now live to bottom to be la. he joins us from manila fe barnaby. so just bring this up to date on this oil spill. i mean, what, what is that, what, all the latest assets to contain it? yeah, well,
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there has been some progress in terms of trying to contain the oil spill. the philippine coast guard now has 3 vessels on side. and these 3 vessels have oil spill booms on them, and the crew have been being dispersed since. now this presidents are chemicals that have the ability to break down the oil into a tiny little particles, which in q e should prevent the oil from spreading. but that's, that's not the main goal of their main goal. these are just initial measures. their main goal is to be able to siphon off all 1400000 leaders of industrial fuel from the tanker within a matter of the 7 days. and they've enlisted the help of the private company to do that. and the private company is also going to help pull the tank or from under water. now the good news is, according to the philippine coast guard, is that they believe that the oil spill is just limited. now 2 within that vicinity of where the tanker capsized that they believe that the oil that has leak from the
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tanker is engine oil and not industrial fuel. from, from the tanker about the size of the cap size. it is also very shallow. its about 34 meters deep and this is important because last year there was also a tankard that sink and it sank in very deep waters. and the coast died says that because it's 2nd very deep waters. there was tremendous pressure. that force devolves to open and that costs a major spill. so they're hoping that this is not the case right now, but which is why it's important that they be able to cycle. now it's all 1400000 leaders of industrial fuel in 7 days. okay. that's really interesting. um, so what are the concerns of feed coastal communities around manila by especially given what could when the last oil spill took place? or yeah, so having said all of that, there is of course bill a major concern because a major oil spill is very much still possible right now. it's an if, but if they're not able to do the siphoning within a matter of 7 days,
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there's going to be a major oil spill and it's possible that this is going to be the biggest oil spill in the philippines history. now the manila bay is a huge area. it covers not just manila, but it covers the coastline as well of provinces north of manila, in one province, south of manila. so a lot of coastal villages are going to get defected. if this oil spill happens. now we've been able to speak the fisherman here where we are right now. and they said that if this oil spills reach us, their cost line, it's a problem on top of their other problems. they say that there are still really from dfcs of type who gave me the flooding here, having destroyed some of their boats there. they have also been dealing with reclamation on manila b, which they say have dwindled fish ducks in manila bait. so if an oil spill happens, that's really going to affect their likelihood. ok,
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thank you for that. barnaby know that for us at manila bay state funeral is taking place for the most dominant figure in vietnam for over a decade, a single new when food trone was felicia, if the communist policies have 13 years, died last week and the country is declared 2 days of national morning, with flags flying at half, most smaller funeral ceremonies have been held throughout the week. total will be buried in snow. 8 lights it this friday. still head on out. is there a police officer suspended, often kicking and don't think a 9 in the head snapped full and young migraines from senegal and monte line to swim office evolving and dangerous? because
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the have that despite the incessant heat across europe at the moment, especially down in the south, we are seeing the development of most fully conditions of sweeping in from the west . we've got 2 areas of low pressure bringing some heavy rain to coastal areas of the black sea stretching away out to the baltic. states is what it behind that. another band of rain moving in across the scan today. be a stretching all the way down to western pot, severe and touching into northern spain as we go into the weekend. so we'll still see the showers across britain on the island of island, one wave sunshine and woman conditions down in the south. the heavy rain picks up moving across the low country, some of that touching into northern parts of phone. so that's going to cool things down in paris. we are going to see a chance of light rain on friday for the opening ceremony of the olympics. but we will see that sunshine dominating the field on sunday, and we're still seeing lots of heat across the eye barian pending should have the
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temperatures have come down to the pots of portugal, not in the east, however, and spain continues to sizzle under those a heat wave conditions, but mamma mia, it's going to get scorching hot once again because parts of it so the over the weekend will be touchy $38.00 in rome on saturday. the a 150 is a chip sion history, seen through an extraordinary photographic archives, stepped into the opulent 12 of egypt, thrill, family, with photographs recruit every moment as king photo slavish fighting in 1938. but behind the eclipse, perhaps he also tested moments the trip egypt scroll course, egypt through the lens, room marriages on on to 0. the latest news as it breaks several
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investigations are on the way. in the meantime, trickles testimony is only added to the 5 pauses on calls for her to go with detailed coverage. people have said that they feel the manual macro is doing everything that a time in order not to a point and measuring prime minister from around the world to this particular account that i'm more than 200 and $26000.00, making the total to more than $1200000.00 suiting this refugee is in charge. i know in news the you're watching out as a reminder, all top stories, best outlet just hours before they are being served. if the powers olympics problems as high speed speed rail network has been hit by want source has
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a cooling, malicious acts including austin. people are being told to avoid trained stations. nearly 300000 people have been evacuated in eastern china is ty soon gave me makes lawful comic transported suspended offices and school supplies so mornings are in place and several eastern provinces us vice president cumberland harris says she had a frank and constructive me saying that his writing prime minister benjamin that's now in washington. she reiterates in the need for an audience, peacefulness. the goals and people with disabilities are facing extreme distress during israel's warm concept. many don't have access to food, medical care, or safe shelter. and in my mood has moved from darrow by sabrina jose and helped her son abdulla gary. they are in a dent where they were forced to find shelter after this. really army destroyed their home in the northern gaza strip. 18 year old up to 3 and was born with server
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policy. she is tired than a traumatized. he often suffers seizures which are made worse by the summer heat. but there is little medication available to treat them. how da da, it's belinda. the heat is the west problem and because he was dying because his body heat gets him rushes and even appointments to treat him on the available at the un agency. we have to use the water in buckets to wash out laundry. imagine what that c will to does combined with this heat, he, sabrina's phase of this greens condition has worse and since the war began moving from place to place to try and scape the bombing, she is easily agitated and needs even more care. let me know. i would appreciate that. i think there's virtually nothing for him here. i just take him out and let him switch at the door to get some pressure of mounts. he plays with his siblings. his mood has changed. that crime. he has his own toys to entertain him. now he and the children are always on edge and the feet,
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so i brought them in the kitchens play with empty diffuses, the stress of the people with disabilities in gaza are the most vulnerable, grew in israel, relentless for across this trend. they have many of the challenges that they are facing, including the inability to access medical care, mobility, and economic opportunities. so being pushes up to 3 am in a wheel chair to a palestinian a charge which for years has held the children with a special needs in the gaza strip the palestine. my better societies building was bombed at the beginning of the war. 3 caregivers and the 3 patients were killed in the attack. the charity relies heavily on a private donations. it was forced to relocate the central garza but there is nowhere safe in this trip. but it's still a couple of how kind of some on the before the war, we could say patients, we provided with 95 percent of the needs in terms of comfort safety or residential
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homes we. they could be accommodated treatment, medical tools and hygiene supplies. now we try to cater as much as we possibly can . sabrin describes the fear and exhaustion g and up to 30 and endured as they were forced to flee. the odd sort in you fellow, we had to go to iraq. so hospital you could say that for 2 months he was fighting for as long as you would have up to 12 pages a day. c given to children with the special needs, like up degree and healthy, unhappy was hard enough in gaza before the war. now it's a challenge nearly impossible to meet honey mcmullin alicia theater. there's by the palestine. u. s. federal agents have arrested one of the wells most wanting drug lords in texas, smiles and bought out also known as a maya co founded, the notorious mexican send the low account tell without shop of goodman. there is
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currently in prison in the us. i'll chop a son, hakeem at guzman. lopez was also arrested. truly, diana has moved from mexico city. as we know this arrest was a joint effort between the d. a and the fbi. i both organizations have already released statement saying that the rest of that these 2 most wanted men will deal blows, devastating blows to the organization, to the scenario. and then um, now the rest itself played out as follows. these 2 men flew into an airport, a small uh airport, in a private aircraft in the city of a paso texas. and they were met by authorities on the aircraft. so it's clear from the information that we have at this point that they were being expected. now how it's laid out, but these 2 men, obviously, you know, fugitives for decades in the case of one of them that they would fly directly into . the us obviously speaks to
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a bigger story of which we don't yet have all the details. mexican media has reported that as maya was actually set up by another high ranking member of the scene, i looked at the into flying. unbeknownst to him to the us, whether or not that is actually the case. i think we'll find out in the coming hours now. what is that will these um, arrests have on the scene that look at that as a whole. i think history in mexico proves that these big drug lords, being arrested doesn't usually reduce violence. you know, and we saw it with a chapel, who's mine, a few years ago. he was a rest that he was the head of the organization at the time. and then the truth is that these organizations are built in structure in a way that accounts for the possibility. and frankly, the likelihood that their leaders will at some point be killed or arrested. so they basically know how to restructure themselves. so really the likelihood that much will change despite the claims by the f b i and the da saying that it will,
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you know, the devastating blow that this restful deal. i think um, in reality, mexicans aren't really expecting for violence here. cost by this organization will diminish in the coming days or in the coming weeks. and certainly i would say that i don't think you authorities in the us expect the trafficking of fentanyl to dramatically drop either do we ago. yeah, i know i'll just euro mexico city, the presidential candidates in venezuela of hell. the final campaign raleigh's i had of the election on sunday, or physician leaders or skiing bases to our president, nicholas ventura, who was seeking a set time button to do or has one of the country risks a blog boss if the position wins. alexander, i'm here to reports as a final appeal for a new era in venezuela presidential candidate. the former diplomat at the moon bill gonzales together with the driving force behind this can be the
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see my the equity now my child called for a massive boat on sunday to on seats. presidents because that's my daughter. that's why we need everyone to get active very early in the morning. i ask you a question. who defends your vote? you their last event in the capital cust came at the end of up to middle to his campaign. that's rally the most significant, both are mobilisation since the late president to go chavez. the opposition? any international server, say the government has tried to do real to complain using a regular tactics. my buddhist government barred my child from running the night. 4.5000000 venezuela's living abroad from registering to vote and excluded opposition. candidates from appearing on television left. these governments like columbia and brazil withdrew their delegations, meant to observe the elections,
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saying my buddhist government was not respecting the democratic process. the us government insisted on the need for competitive in inclusive elections. we support a peaceful elections that we expect and hope will come on sunday elections that will reflect the will and the aspirations of the venezuelan people for a more democratic, stable and prosperous future. any political rep rep, repression and violence is unacceptable. due to supporters also took to the streets of downtown cut out guest for a final rally. brought there in large numbers of governments, hired buses. the president who has been in power since 2013, appealed for a 3rd term. we will not allow them to continue causing damage due time is up. if they make this mistake, they will regret it for 200 years. that will be the last mistake they may, can be a political life. they will be an iron hand injustice against the sexiest and rises
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. the says venezuela has the world's most transparent electoral system, but as warn the country risk, the blog bass, if the opposition wins. recently the government tests curb the country sky high inflation during doing sanctions has slashed its oil income, and the economy remains in crisis. more than 7000000 venezuelans have fled the country's economic collapse in past years and many more or considering doing the same depending on sundays results. i listened that i get the address ita. hundreds of people are still missing in ethiopia, 5 days on to to land slides hits a remote southern region. heavy machinery comp reached the area. so rescue teams and volunteers have been using the bat, hands and shovels to dig through the month. even says that at least 257 people have died and not the number of dead could rise significantly further. in wrong or the
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con reports. the price of mourners echoed throughout the ethiopian southern top is the heavy rains at the area on monday, causing land slice a 2nd land side in gulf locals that rushed onto the scene to help with the rescue efforts. the mountainous region has made it close to impossible to bring in heavy equipment for use in rescue attempts. so people have resorted to using their hands to the cup mails of red month, hoping to find the missing my job. as to why my elder brother and elder sister are dead. my sister's husband and there's children are all dead. all my relatives are gone. i have buried 13 family member, so that's probably my height is. i recently gave birth to twins. my husband is dead . my sister is dead, her body has not been found. the day is dark for me. the united nations tears to
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death to could climb exponentially in the coming days. do you and also says the area remains on see in thousands need to be evacuated for now. scramble to find bodies continues for these villagers, 3 f as being dug up all around them and run a lot of fun out to 0. in the u. k, a lawyer says the condition of a man kicked in the head find british police off is that much to ask for. it has wasn't the police watch dog is investigating the incident. police say that we're responding to reports for the soldier, but acknowledge the level of force used in the arrest was unusual. but none of us to let him know which reports from non stat wanting, the pictures you about to see all the stuff they took off from only because a police officer kick somebody in the head as he lies face down on the ground by stand this film in shock, as this k all succeed on folded and matches to apples on tuesday nights,
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police say they were responding to reports of an assault, and the 3 of their offices were injured in the altercation requiring hospital treatments, one with a broken nose by the violent arrest captured on video, essential quays across the nation. what i have seen the footage and for that reason i do understand the public concern. but obviously option has now been taken in relation to the suspension of an officer and the head factors already having those discussions with the matter a bunch of stuff. i think they've already happened all they've taken place as we speak and she has my job. she's kept updated on developments and ever since the incident, so i would advise yeah. they were released not long ago from to the police station. the men who are in the video here with a lawyer who says they have no space in great amount just to police or to you in
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peace. right now, the domain comes in is what they have. that they are very traumatized by this experience. they are the family members of a saving police office that in the crate dimensions to please. so available, hired to shop to buy what's happened. d and p says will people have interested at the scene for a free and a soul to an emergency service workers. but the level of force used in the arrest is now investigated by the independents. police watched old greece and mounted to police school. the video, truly shopping and said that the use of such force in interest is unusual. and then they understood wide force along. but in an obvious statement, they said that there was a clear risk of firearms being snatched from offices to a carrying west. but that was and got on the streets of mount just at once as a nice people here demanding more accountability from the police. and many the
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community now appearing, so call me that i'm sending image out a 0 months to so it has the own out. is there a from break out need the form is this your thing? sounds like the number on james who to watch out for the powers for them. the
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the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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uh front says high speed rail network has been hit. i want authorities and cooling, malicious acts including austin attacks just hours ahead of the opening ceremony. the powers lympics were just looking at life pictures that are feed for the train station. not a lot of people standing that people have been advised not to use the train stations in the coming hours. now, despite that hundreds of thousands of people are expected to line the river sun. for the event, the opening ceremony takes place later this evening, all along the river. let's go to pull, rees, now he looks at what we can expect from the world's biggest sports extravaganza. paris has been transformed by the olympic games. the sporting events went into the fabric of the city beach, volleyball of the, the only full tower scape holding the plus to work on code and a bit further away. so i think in the he think it's a once in a lifetime chance for french athletes exactly a century after the games would last held in paris. which what,
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that means also please. yeah, we are elliptic tempting, then we play at home. so that puts a double target on our backs, cause without probably giving up support, it would be an incredible moment. the lympics is an event like no other 32 sports more than 10000 competitors from 206 national olympic committees. with the paralympics, the full a straight top, the palestinians will compete under their own flag. it powers 2020 full. while the refugee team has gotten from 10 of fleets in 2016 to 37. the previous games and totes you. i was heavily restricted by cobit 19, so piracy is also a chance for new olympic sports to truly arrive 3 sports chosen for the use of pale climbing escape, voting, and surfing. we'll have that 1st chance to be showcased in front of a full olympic crowd. while one brand new sports has made his way from the streets to the stadium. breakdown says will compete in a pop up venue at the plus to a concord. although the sports is called breaking, rather than breakdown,
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spring break is what are the form and elements of hip hop? and so to be able to represent that available platform for me, i think it could change the world's old problems. it presents to a published, holly jump, who was suspended for doping on the eve of the games. while this resentment of 11 chinese swim is being allowed to compete despite failed typing tests, contaminated substances was cited. i want to add 5 and it was no $5.00 and $6.00 enjoyment off of may. so it's uh, i just do what i do as will walk a control the games take place, submit a huge security operation with friends on high alert. funds will help the games begin and end with only spoilt and focus. pull race out is era. paris. more than 5000 people have died in the 1st 5 months of this year trying to reach spain by sea. only on end of tunnel reef traumatized. the young people are learning how to swim off this involving one of the most dangerous crossings in the world. if
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to some again, field reports a close to the spanish shore, young men from send a gallon molly are taking the punch for them. the ocean is held the danger of grim desk. they made the perilous journey here crossing the atlantic in overcrowded boots. in some of this all, we would 215 people on board. we left from sent a go. the journey took 6 days. we got to the canaries at night. we had to spend the night at sea and only around 5 or 6 in the morning. we got to the page thousands diet sea every year trying to reach spain. 95 percent of them walk crossing the atlantic from west and north west africa to the canary islands. spanish volunteer instructors are teaching those for me to trust the water again. one breast stroke out of time. a see i can begin to go on. there are people that come with terrible
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fear. you see the entering the water, they hold onto your hand as if clinging to life, like anybody who doesn't know how to swim. you have to add to that they have bad gauge of experience with the crossing of 1012 or 15 days where they might have lost relatives and studies show people from high income countries, a considerably more likely to know how to swim, leading to lifelong health benefits reduced risk to drowning and more professional opportunities. i'm gonna do is for molly, a landlocked country were less than 40 percent of young people have learned how some have lost friends and family in the crossing. roughly in poverty, a violent spike, home incense walked in the most. i wouldn't do it again. it's very difficult, very, very dangerous. it's a risk we took because we didn't have a choice. it's tough and found out by the way, what was it is challenging the waves again,
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thanks to initiative like this. these men are finally returning to the water, embracing it as a life giving force if this i'm getting food, i'll just 0. the planet recorded its hold us 3 days on rack, hold this week, prompting the u. n. to issue an urgent call for action. temperature is stored as high as 48 degrees celsius in one marrow consisting killing at least 21 people and 24 hours for us to slay municipal in the scorching heat of rule. tunisia, 80 year old nea had carried sets out on her grueling daily journey to fetch water, a burden she carries quite literally on her back. and it's been over this whole area is dry. if one had water at home, everyone would be free. they could feel whenever they wanted to, but at this age i carry 2 containers and spend the entire afternoon here in the heat. the old and the young,
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as well as those who work outside among the most vulnerable to rise and global temperatures. and the focus of the un secretary general's call to action on extreme heat. if there is one thing that unites all of the varieties wells, is that we are all increasingly feeling the heat. purchases becoming hotter and more dangerous for everyone. every with june was the 13th month in a row to set a new temperature record. putting 120000000 people in the united states under cheat advisory warnings leading to the death of 1300 muslims. pilgrims during hodge and closing schools in asia and africa, impacting more than 80000000 children, or the un says global infrastructure needs investment to boost resilience and the reduction in fossil fuels to limit temperature rise. i must call out the flaw, the forcing full expansion. we have seen in some of the world's wells, he has gotten to use in signing such
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a surge of new orleans guy's licence. is that assigning away our future under the paris climate accord? 2025 is the year that nations are supposed to commit to a plan to reduce their carbon emissions and limit global temperature rise to one and a half degrees celsius and with the summers record setting temperatures. the heat is on christine salumi. al jazeera, the united nations, while science have destroyed home, the town of jasper in western canada residents and about 20000 torres have been evacuated. where is it? what town, which is in the rockies gets as many as 2 and a half 1000000 visitors a year. the fi was fox by lightning and sprint cricket because of the strong winds, hundreds of international 5 for it is due to arrive to help local teams. did those in alberta and around the world who have experienced the magic of jazz.
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this the magic is not lost and that never will be. alberta is government will provide the support needed to families and communities to recover and to rebuild stronger than ever. so the future generations can continue to experience this wonderful kind community and to feel the magic of being able to come home. bolivia has declared a state of emergency in santa cruz due to wall fires and extreme weather conditions . fires have fence for over 300 a 1000 heck to us by preventing delivery of fuel supplies, making it difficult the responders to reach effective areas. authorities say some of the places with triggered by agricultural, the names of data on a little bit. okay, before we go, let's show you some live pictures of train passengers wasting in paris, a business off to francis high speed rail network set it been hit by what authority is, according malicious acts,
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including awesome taxes and the cost just hours ahead of the i've been ceremony of the powers and then and then to explore the to the yeah, the oh to there's no place like home except when home is for the part of the lebanese filmmaker documents is like one of the country's most turbulent times. the pills. i'm the anxious and fatal a witness documentary on that jersey at a, as we look at the world still placement stores, what kind of response can we expect from china is tech talk is in the back the markets and economies and small businesses. how prime cube is wide economic
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problems be addressed, trying to be fixed to understand how it affects the 9 south asia is growing for employment levels. that actually only why is that counting the cost? oh, no jersey or to leave off church solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs on the don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, and at least in my life and all the stages we want, we want the patient reward because the women and my country, they're not sweet because we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be treated equally. we are working in their thoughts,
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that's our assessors. whatever has been done before can be done. as long as the human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the transport chaos in the lympics fits a powers is paralyzed by what the french government says is a deliberate attack on train stations. games. hers was already a wash with security. we looked at the steps it was taking to ensure people's safety, the money, and so i need, this is zone. is there


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