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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 26, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the, the, this business uptake the rooftop know bundle dash before to use the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life from headquarters, and del fine getting you navigate. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. a live pick k off the french high speed trading network as sabotage, just hours before the opening ceremony. tamela harris gets the call. she's been waiting for an endorsement from presidents for rock obama. we call to say,
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michelle and i couldn't be prouder doors here to do everything we can get you through the selection of intended so they don't want typhon gainey losses. eastern china, forcing people from their homes, shutting down transport, towns, closing schools, and 2 of the world's most wanted fugitive allegedly leaders of mexico send a low, a truck hotel are arrested in texas. i'm driven, asked with the sports. we will be building up to that to then picks opening ceremony in paris, but the action is already underway as high from successful in the semi finals roughly. so the welcome to the news hour from says high speed trading network has been plunged into chaos just hours before the olympic games opening ceremony. critical railway infrastructure was sabotaged at several important sites and the s and c f that's
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the country's main rail operator says 800 its 1000 travelers could be effected. people are being told to avoid trained stations in a statement. the railway company reports a massive attack on its facilities intended to paralyze the network. it goes on to say high speed trains are disrupted and although some have been diverted, many services will be cancels will use it 800 bucks is what techie. i thought it, it's an attack on the beginning of holiday season when the s and cf is attacked upon defrances being attacked. it's french people being attacked. it was supposed to be a celebration. today is a time when everyone goes on holiday and of course, the opening of the olympic games. a lot of french people were planning to go to paris and treat themselves. they taking several days off the shadow in the joy of the lympics. oh, that's the ruins now. leo, this is the result. resources, if you all the tvs on these lines must use the old around lines, which will result into lines and cancellations. off of old trains on these lines
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will be cancelled except for the border region. we're only a quarter of trying to run the impact as massive spirits both of all of the families who was supposed to go on holiday and who will have been impacted by these criminal, scandalous acts, which i family condemned. okay, for more on the development. so that's spring and bernard smith, who's joining us from paris burner, tell us about the scene right now, and how people are reacting to this the well, the concept menissi says this is a deliberate, the top 10 is called major goals. they say at the bottom of the foam and the different scenes of why these 5 sets in the page is called the law. i may say the trumpet from a move to the east of the furniture's effect. there was another talk on the lines that connect to the southeast of the country. the bomb failed. what seems to have
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happened is these attack who's targeted signaling. so it's cutting tables that control the signal equipment. it's a very complicated things together was going to take, at least until monday the national operate decides to do this. it's called a mont saint maximum disruption not only to people going on a holiday. i was surprised cuz the pizza bobs coming to see the games of a people traveling elsewhere in friends. it was always a massive security operation, feeling admission indication of why the french a little bit. so if it is that is a potential target for those who won't scold disruption. yeah, bernard on that point about security, what impact is, is having on the security operation, which as you say, was already in place ahead of the gapes as well. get to the games happening again. this is by a turbulent global drop. not only do we have the roof is full in ukraine. we also
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have the role in gaza, french presents and manual macro on an appeal for a joint sort of a link to the troops. well, there's been no sign of, but certainly no sign of it any ceasefire in gaza, a no sign of russia, and it gets of bands in ukraine. instead, we have this much security operations. now we expect some 300 all 20000 people to come and see the opening ceremony tonight by the of itself. a major security operation. because the 1st time the service i've been held in open in the open, at a long 6 kilometers at the river, send us my colleagues, latasha butler, ripple central powers in the lockdown. been still with tens of thousands of police officers on patrol. i suppose that you propose the games on the same french sold, visiting, deployed the hated using ceremony. it will be held on the river road at the end of
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the stadium for the 1st time in davis history, nearly $7000.00. the athletes will travel by the, during the event and a vicious and daring project and a huge security challenge. i don't want, i know when i put the security desk, we have a multi environment security approach, which means considering all sorts of trouble. so the underwater threat we have to plug so in the bottom of this and we have also barriers on the river and positions on the land. we're coordinating closely with the french air force officer to the joins quotes helicopters in flight suggests will secure the skies. they'll be in those slides they know for the city during the opening ceremony and providing additional backup, nearly 2000 police officers from other countries. the organizes the powers games wanted to do something different. so instead of hosting the olympics of a news outside the city, they made the c itself into the main venue with its famous monuments as backdrops.
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but that is why the security operation is so fost. french authorities suspend is planning defense and say they already know don't, can just show it to us. it's coming up as we are very well prepared. and french people will be very proud of the police offices, confident, but vigilant. multiple attacks against, from the pulse decade side. but right. some rules and ukraine and goals that have raised the stakes. israel's team arrived with extra security on the games work up florida. uh, dodge it from the day of august. of course, when you, i was like between russian and korean like to, i mean does a, you have to increase citrate team is there is no 0 risk bought the homepage. everything's in place for the olympics to run smoothly and safely as excited. the bills ahead of what's promising to be an inspiring few weeks of sport in one of the
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world's most spectacular cities. natasha butler. i'll just sarah paris. while the french government has promised an unprecedented security operation, as you've been hearing deploying as many as 45000 personnel, they include 15000 french military members. 250 british officers, 50 specially trained dogs and a 1750 police from countries like spain, germany, south korea and cats are the opening ceremony along the 6 kilometer stretch of the sun river will showcase 10 and a half 1000 athletes representing 206 national olympic committees. more than 320000 fans are expected to watch from the river banks. but access to central paris is going to be restricted. we cannot speak to sally leads the who is an advisor to companies and governments on security and public protections. just joining us from
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london. thank you for your time with us. so the french trading operator is saying that the, the, the target, the, the network has been targeted by malicious acts including arse and attacks. do you think that this kind of sabotage could have been prevented? it's impossible to prevent this very disposed attack. and let's look at what's probably happened. we speculating at the moment until the french authorities tell us. but what we may find is that it looks like a military coordinated attack, backed by a powerful mathematics that by de decide certain 2 points to bring the high speed route to a halt. it used mechanical us and attacks to ensure that the damage cannot be repaid quickly and moist probably with the pass. and that's being seen before. local criminals have been employed to do the surveys deniability for
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a hostile state actor. i see what you mean about speculation and obviously we don't know much at this hour yet. but what are you basing this on? it wasn't said 2023, the french government, and the french military and intelligence. it was this happy not day to find a very deliberate what they called harvard whole thing, which means a number of disruptive talks attacks against the international olympics committee and against the french government. so the people would be deterred from going to the olympics. and we've also seen the examples of the artificial intelligence enabled fraud making tax videos and, and messages. and this is just a continuation of the winning to people that they can be disrupted. it's, it's, however it's, it's filed because the, the ro is a very tough targets. and what you see isn't actually kyle's each row wise, going into what they call degraded alterations that going on to slower lines. and
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it means services us to run a little bit too many more. we cancelled that from a security point to do. i think what's being picked up is that if you integrate the shootings volume by, by a 100000 people coming into friends into paris and pops of france, the holidays. it makes the place security job a lot easier. there's less of a push on, on the rail sort of networks and the hops when people are coming out and all so i know i know this will sound strange, but terrorist groups historically often will come in at the last minute string right away in particular. and, and other forms of transportation, but they'll come in that state under the radar. so, so they utilize, sorry, may have disrupted what may be independent terrorist activities that have been plans. what was your advice to the government be at this hour to just going
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forward and to try to, to get a handle on things and to try to ensure that this doesn't happen again. it would like to have a handle on it. and i think it's to reassure the public that the roadways of the best operation if the interest structure to get services running again, the roadways might be defeated by this. and it's very difficult for a hostile act to, to stop, to bring in another section of the tax on a particular type of thing to structure. if there's going to be other problems, it may be on the other types of in destruction. now, other types of interest infrastructure like what? well, what we've seen in other olympics is attempts to turn the power off to, particularly in the new server days, attempts to disrupt communications. and the other thing that has been going that the french intelligence and international cyber intelligence reports have said,
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is that the hostile side, the social media, that site can use is very fast to generate pending through stories, if anything happens. so the public on, fortunately the comp to into social media, they have to turn to your types of broad costs and the fridge. national broad costs to get the real news if something happens. otherwise they moderate on their social media. absolutely. panics. talk news. when it comes to these types of events, i mean how important is it? it's for there to be sort of cross border cooperation, particularly to deal with any potential security threats of what like cost for the cooperation is really across the world cooperation. and it stops in the beginning of the planning all phases, lympics, all the other countries will have intelligence liaison with the french government. it's actually
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a period with frames for the benefit of disabled is from massive interactions. and that's really use identifying k groups who may come across the border to cause problems. and our dentist saw him what the intent might be. and that isn't any of the terrorist groups. it's also post all nations. and we see unfortunately because of the problems. but the thing ukraine and the result problems in gaza. we've seen a lot of the tend to use public a fence to demonstrate a games government such as the french go. but any, any government that's helping you kind at the moment is really at risk of these types of, of well disruptive and potentially courtney selections. okay. sally, we usually get to get your thoughts. thank you so much for speaking to us from london. the
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former us president brock obama and michelle obama have endorsed kala harris and her bid to be the next president, the obama as called harris while she was out campaigning and offered their supports . i am proud of you. this is going to be historic. we called to say, michelle and i couldn't be prouder to endorse here and to do everything we can to get you through the selection of and then so they all blogs. oh my goodness. michelle practice mean so much to me. i'm looking forward to doing this with the 2 of you. the . well, the us vice president reiterated the needs for an urgent cease fire in gauze, and during talks with the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu in washington . cala harris said any d o needs to include the release of captives, and she also called for
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a 2 state solution an emphasize the place of the palestinian people potty co pay and has more from washington walk. you know, to give an scheduled remarks, vice president campbell harris made clear she had one message for the is really prime minister. i'm the proposed ceasefire. as soon as i just told prime minister netanyahu, it is time to get this deal done. so to everyone who has been calling for a cease fire and to everyone who yearns for peace, i see you and i hear you a new and clear message to the pro palestinian protestors who have mostly been dismissed by the binding administration. and while she pledged iron clad support for israel, she spoke at length about the horrors, the palestinian people have been suffering for so long. what has happened in gaza over the past 9 months is devastating. the images of dead children and desperate
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hungry people fling for safety, sometimes displaced for the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th time. we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. we cannot allow ourselves to become num to the suffering, and i will not be silent. this is not how american officials usually speak about palestinians. they very rarely talk this way about the human toll, the dead disturbing. and in both meetings, when the press was allowed in sending a clear message to these really prime minister by what they didn't say. very few words of welcome and no praise for the visitor, which almost never happens without. let's talk about the binding ministers and says they are close to finalizing the ceasefire proposal. and some analysts see renewed reason to hope that can as it goes into recess, july 28th. and during a recess which will last until late october,
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shortly before our elections here. it's impossible to bring down a and is really government. so if mr. nat geo wants to do a deal. you will have the political space in the absence of pressure from his right when you do it you if prime minister netanyahu came to washington to prove he still has us support, he leaves knowing the images painted a much different picture around half of the democrats in the house and the senate boycotted his speech to congress and the binding administration is clearly losing patience with him and his continued war on gasser. patty calling l g 0. washington . a full protest are supporting palestinians in gauze. i gathered near the white house for the 2nd day of benjamin netanyahu, his visits, and they've been calling for the rest of the is really prime minister and an end to the war and goes up. the vice president commer harris condemned active us. we burnt
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a us flag on graffiti and support of him us on some landmarks. she everytime see some fits updates from the demonstration in washington authorities and pays a much larger exclusion zone outside the white house for another young who's visit . but the housing stops. i agree with for testers, from gathering outside where they come. the message is clear, they have a john, f, a g. a benjamin doesn't go unimportant gallons, and gallons of blogs in the streets, the blood is on that and you all the time. but also about of us administration protests is particularly incense by a statement from pamela harris, the presumptive democratic nominee not condemning the purchase outside the capital, capital hill on wednesday, as, as the symmetric and violence, i think is insane. everyone who is there kind of symbols, demand and how about the same demand for the past 9 months. and if you call this is actually listen to the well, the people and they would have listened months ago. he's been 9 months of people
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wishing and really hoping for a cease fire. all of this comes interesting time was even progressive members of the democratic party, a calling on dollars the protest just to get on board behind, coming to hire a support to guys. donald trump, but really a lot of the goal is to progress as a model is disgusted by your policy. i'm an older convincing still to do. she ever comes the out. is there a washington? okay, let's discuss this with somebody who is a professor of international affairs and catch her university. joining us from my med welcome back to houses 0. so there's been some furious reaction out of israel to harris's comments, accusing her of showing gaps between the positions of the us and israel when it comes to the war on gosh on. but is there any reason to believe that policy towards israel under a harris presidency, will change this? hello, this is i think you're with aaron. i think the stream is to be seen. we know that this rhetoric is very important to enjoy this time. it smells, we think around the bush. harris made it perfectly clear that nothing. yeah. his
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speech had been congress so would for no one. it's the responsibility of withdrawal to a beatrice. he's fired. and 2nd, b, which is more important even is that they, they, they, they have that which is um, uh, which is the determination for it, but a scene into a solution. so she has not truly at taking it back by the, in the, the speech or nothing. you how it was full of lies and deception. and she makes she, as if she understands the needs of as well for security and, and what is red ones, which is expansion and denying different of seeing the rights of determination. so she, she is insinuating that and they're here leadership and administration, if uh she got elected, she would follow a different approach. i think this is very important. it's because a lot of the couch on the front of harris look and looking ahead and that's on yahoo, we expect them to be meeting with donald trump. what's he banking on here? is he banking on trump's returned to power to bolster his own political fortunes.
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this yes the right to i think one of his objectives is to mend fences would come after the relationship was to come a little bit. uh because of nothing you has statements supporting by guns at one point. i think yeah, he understand that to term doesn't care about the palestinians and all he cares about is to have a transaction at cost section in front of the policy. and what do you can continue with the advert? honda accord. uh, so anything you a whole uh, probably the thing that i think that you know, all of his lies and deception with doesn't it doesn't each one would, would come. so he's trying to back in that be signed to uh, kind of ignite the bonds or the last bonds between the, both of them and anticipation of by trump's winning elections in november. but here's the thing. i mean, the question of course is whether nothing yahoo himself will still be in power later this year. if trump wins the election with all the domestic pressure is on him, of course, there's the looming,
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icy see arrest warrants. and we were just showing the demonstrations also in the u . s. against him. so, i mean, he's his, a lot of people would describe him as being internationally isolates or he is isolated internationally and even internally. and given the, the mounting pressure from the dress works from demonstrations and kind of be and different to see there's in the occupied territories. i mean, is a, and then the point of saying 1948, we've seen this pressure on even his opponents. so the opposition to either a live feed was saying that nothing it was better off staying at the end rather than taking this trip to the stage with which he has to nothing. and this is the 1st time that we see that is ready to be that was given a speech of the congress and the divided come a congress with the, with the huge boy caught, then this is a statement that it previous sizing is that and having different so it is what is no longer double in the next state. so it just adds to his own isolation,
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even not internationally, i think more important in, in america. now, if you people who is coming public support is why because it be can be criminal or a is no longer justified and probably in the south live business from this for many of the, the american verse. alright, thank you so much. have somebody thanks for joining us from a month. sure. thanks robbing me. well, the guys are now and the is really military has killed at least 28 palestinians in con, you and us on thursday. the army has been carrying out unrelenting attacks on the southern city targeting residential districts. thousands of displaced people have been forced to flee of milwaukee, but the palestine red crescent says there is no space for a single tent. israel initially declared at milwaukee a so called safe stone, and it's attached to it repeatedly. meanwhile, how mouse is saying that it's targeted is really tanks in one unit. the group says that it's fighters use explosives like rocket propelled grenades to carry out the
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attacks on is really ministry vehicles in southern garza. let's go to try to abrazzo was joining us from data, but often central garza so we can see thought that the fighting is ongoing. and han eunice, and we also hear that there had been strikes on the central part of gaza that's resulted in casualties of the yeah, obviously that's right. what we can see is that a new video is being released by the ministry range of how much are we to respect tools when it's a fight says ivy, is what al q patient forces the monies to attack them with different explosive devices. along with obviously the tank messiah was for the groom realities, that as a preschool protections of raging civilians have been targeted in other areas of the city itself and con, you and as well. what we do recording is that there is of casualties since the hours of the states have been transferred to and also hospital to get medical treatments while he's read has been using extensively. it's military port quote, the terms so attack civilians, especially in the central areas of district for
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a policy and man as he was sleeping in as a flat has been killed by these fire of the tro, especially in the residential towers that the k to the other parts of i'm is a raj refuge account also. we have upset from our location right now. here is what is the corpses of this calling of of res refugee come firing rockets against different targets. i'm residential houses in the eastern areas where it's miniature troops alongside with their men at 3 times are trying to to us deeper into that account. but they are also ongoing clashes with homeless fighters that while civilians fear in the central areas are absolutely afraid to from that limited encourage and has been described by these very many traits in that area. because they feel that could be managed to control a varieties with your discount. they will divide this into a areas into 2 parts, which means that there's going to be much more pressure will be executive this part of sending as well, obviously. and generally, these ongoing get text since the hours of this morning had really pro,
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to devastate devastating consequences in terms of the residential house is being talked to the long side with the level of safety that is no longer right now can be i'm so someone out of citizens because they have been heading to areas that supposed to be safe zones for the normal. because if there's this repeated ongoing attacks assumed reporting from dated but i've taught it, thank you. how much leader in the occupied westbank has died and is really custody the palestinian prisoners clubs as most of the of the water died in an is really hospital. he had been transferred there from raymond prison because of deteriorating health. the 63 year old was being held under administrative detention as many as how many, most of the home and out the way out of the full responsibility lies on those have arrested him and us medical history and health history. he is a sick prisoner who suffers for many health problems with blood platelets, and enzymes. it's considered an execution in mind of the sick prisoner with the
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risk without providing him with the necessary medical services and without providing him with food that suits his health conditions. may still ahead on the news hour were in manchester as an investigation begins into an incident that saw a man kicked in the head by an armed officer at a u. k. airport on canada, when they're opening match and they only takes but the full out from the ground. spying controversy continues to have the latest formats coming up in sports. the had a lot of the heat holding on across the southern parts of europe is especially intense at the moment, so much so that officials in spain have closed public parks. thanks to those heat deluxe that remain on friday, across the western parts of spain, eastern areas of portugal,
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as well seeing those very high temperatures. and we'll see those hot conditions continue across much of the mediterranean as we go into the weekend with temperatures picking up in road. athens is well, a lot of that heat pumping back into the balkans, but with a cooler weather cause northern pots of to kid, that's thanks to stormy conditions coming on around the black sea, bringing west to weather, to places like a stumble, as well as and correct their show of stretching up as well across into the balkan states. behind that we've got another slice of storms moving across scandinavia. so some heavy rain coming into norway, sweden, denmark, stretching across into germany as well. we'll see a scattering of showers of a person on the island of island own fridays and slices of sunshine in the south here, not as that rain pushing across into northern parts of france and into the low countries . the powers, we're seeing the temperature down some way to where to potentially here on saturday
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. the sun goes from gold through to monday. oh to there's no place like home. except when home is for the part of the lebanese filmmaker documents as likes to one of the country's most turbulent times, the appeal, the anxious and fatal, a witness documentary on this jersey. and we look at the world's top place in the stores. what kind of response can we expect from china if tech talk is indeed back from the markets and economies and small businesses? how prime cube is wide, economic problems be addressed. kindly be fixed to understand how it affects the
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nines south asia is growing for employment levels of actually fully. why is that counting the cost? oh no, just the euro. the the the top storage on the al jazeera news hour just hours before the opening ceremony of the paris olympics, frances high speed rail network has been hit by what all forties are calling malicious acts including arson. prosecutors of opens and investigations saying the crime carries up to 20 years in prison. campbell harris has received an endorsement from the former us president brock obama. the obama is called harris while she was
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out campaigning to offer their supports. israel chilled at least 28 palestinians in tron eunice on thursday. this is the 4th consecutive day. the army has targeted the southern cities. thousands of displays. people have been forced to flee to milwaukee. nearly 300000 people had been forced from their homes in eastern china as ty, food gave me makes landfall. several provinces upgraded their tie. food, emergency alerts on friday. public transport has been suspended in some parts, and officers and schools are closed. storm warnings are in place in coastal areas affecting several 1000 people or gave me made land fall on taiwan east coast on wednesday, killing at least 3 people. the storm has triggered flooding landslide and damage to buildings. it also cause the power outage to more than 88000 homes here and is kim has more from taiwan of the i a type boon gave me which means
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and in korean may have left taiwan. but it's also left behind a trail of damage on lead and on. see what you see behind me is a toggle slide cargo ship from which 9 crew were brought to safety this morning. it is one of at least 8 vessels of a taiwan east coast guard is monitoring. you are forced to ground with nearly 80 people still trapped inside along the west coast after they got caught in type who and can me super gale force winds and treacherous ways. another freighter that has zany and floods who soon got stuck in the taiwan straits and sunk on thursday morning, the 9 person balmy's crew jumped after making a distress. call the tie on east coast guards still searching for 4 people after the captain was found this morning, deceased on the beach for others were rescued. and what the coast guard is calling an unprecedented situation. overall, at least 7 does not, including that captain had been blamed on this type boon,
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which flooded large swaths of the island record. rain pounded caution, taiwan the top port city, and that is where taiwan is. president lighting tub was this friday morning to survey the damage and he's promised to raise relief subsidies and work with local governments to rebuild. but the truth is dangerous. still works including landslide risk on many of these mountain communities that has been, that had been punished by days of torrential rain eunice cab. all just sarah tied on taiwan. the philippines coast guard says that it will destroy me, told us persons on floating barriers at the scene for an oil spill. there, manila bay, a tankard carrying one and a half 1000000 leaders of industrial fuel cap, size and sink in the storm. on thursday. the stormy weather has been hampering efforts to contain that oil slick, which is several kilometers long. for on the below reports from manila bay, a yes,
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the industrial fuel leaks from the tanker. and if there is a massive westfield, at least uh, according to the philippine coast guard, this is going to be a massive catastrophe. one because of the proximity of where the tanker capsized is just 7 kilometers off the coast of the on which is just north of manila into it's because of the vastness of the coast line of manila bay. it's called many of the base, but it doesn't just cover manila. it is also and compasses. the coastlines of several problem is this north of manila, and one province, south of manila. so several, a coastal villages will be affected if there is a massive voice bill and we spoke to the fisherman here and they said that this is going to be a problem on top of the many problems that they already have. one, they're still reeling from type of gaming. happened to me having brought severe flooding here and destroyed some of their bolts. the lawyer for a man kicked him a heads by an armed officer at a u. k. airport says he has
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a fist on the brain on his condition, has gotten worse. the incident at manchester airport is being investigated by the independent police watch dog. police say they were responding to reports of an assault, but acknowledge that the level of force using the arrest was unusual for testers. and manchester had been demanding justice spectrum, atlanta vessel and events. joining us from rochdale in greater manchester 1st tell us about the family of a center of all of this and, and how the is how they're doing the well, the family, deeply traumatized. we've had that from that lawyer. we've also had it from the member of parliament for this area who has spoken to them, but crucially, they have appealed because we have seen purchase here in front of the police station in rochdale, where the family live. and we've also seen protest in manchester last night. now those protests were calm and peaceful, but none the less,
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the member of parliament for this area who has spoken to the family has said that they don't want to take part in any protest. they don't have a political agenda. crucially, they seem concerns that extreme is on both sides. i tried to hijack this incident and use it to their own ends, which is something that they really want to avoid. the only thing that they want is seeking justice for what happened and continuing to money to the health and making sure that everyone in the families. okay. and of course, the very shaken by what happened because one of the side many members also was for the great to not just depending on where things stand right now with the investigation that's being conducted by the independent police watched on. so the man that you can see in the video, the police officer who is kicking the amount on the ground, he has now been suspended. and the independent police watch dog is carrying out and run an investigation into number one, the level of fools that was used,
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that we could all see that. but also the fact that that same officer deployed a spray, that's the same of that to a pep of spray against another mine at the airport as well. now representatives from this a police watch dog have actually met with the family to reassure them that the investigation will be truly independent and also to explain the scope of the investigation. now for the impart the great to match, the police have acknowledge that the video that we have oversee and is truly shocking. they did say that it represents a level of force that they don't normally deployed and interest. but they do also say that they will quote, because of reports of an assault, and that in the ensuing altercation, 3 of their own offices were injured and needed hospital treatment. one female officer had a nose broken as well. and one of the of the, of statements, they also said that there was a terrorist of firearms being snatched off the offices with carrying weapons. but how that escalated into the seas we've seen in that video now. there are still many
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on on such questions to that. and just to note, also the police have done for arrests for people have been arrested for assaulting and emergency walker. i'm afraid. all right, thank you so much for that updates us federal agents have arrested one of the world's most wanted drug lords in texas, a smile, some data, also known as l miles. co founder dental tour unit, notorious mexican sooner, lower carts, house with l. chapel goodman, who's currently imprisoned in the us, and they'll chop a son joaquin guzman. lopez was also arrested julia, go ya know, his more from mexico city. as we know this arrest was a joint effort between the d. a and the fbi. i both organizations, i've already released statement saying that the rest of that these 2 most wanted men will deal blows, devastating blows to the organization to the scene. i look at then. now the rest
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itself played out as follows. these 2 men flew into an airport, a small uh airport, in a private aircraft in the city of the paso texas. and they were met by authorities on the aircraft. so it's clear from the information that we have at this point that they were being expected. now how it played out, but these 2 men, obviously, you know, fugitives for decades in the case of one of them that they would fly directly into the us obviously speaks to a bigger story of which we don't yet have all the details. next the been media has reported that as my jo was actually set up by another high ranking member of the scene, i look at the into flying. unbeknownst to him to the us. whether or not that is actually the case. i think we'll find out in the coming hours now. what if that will these um arrests have on the scene a little. i've got that as a whole. i think history in mexico proves that these big drug lords,
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being arrested doesn't usually reduce violence. you know, and we saw it with a chapel, who's mine, a few years ago. he was a rest that he was the head of the organization at the time. and then the truth is that these organizations are built and structured in a way that accounts for the possibility. and frankly, the likelihood that their leaders will at some point be killed or arrested. so they basically know how to restructure themselves. so really the likelihood that much will change despite the claims by the f b i and the da saying that it will, you know, the devastating blow that this restful deal i think of in, in reality, mexicans aren't really expecting for violence here. cost by this organization. will diminish in the coming days or in the coming weeks. and certainly i would say that i don't think you authorities in the us expect the trafficking of fentanyl to dramatically drop either do we ago. yeah, i know i'll just 0 mexico city. the presidential candidates and event as well,
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have held their final campaign rallies ahead of the election on sunday opposition. leaders are asking voters to oust president nicholas madura who seeking a 3rd term, but mentor has worn the country risks a blood bass if the opposition wins alessandro, and patsy reports a final appeal for a new era in venezuela presidential candidate, the former diplomat, it wound the gonzales together with the driving force behind this candidacy might be equity now. my child called for a massive vote on sunday to on seats. presidents me class, my daughter that's why we need everyone to get active. very early in the morning. i ask you a question. who defends your vote, you their last event in the capital cost came at the end of a to model to is contain that's rally the most significant. both are mobilization
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since the late president to go chavez. the opposition and international servers say the government this tried to do well the campaign using a regular tactics. my daughters government barred my child from running the night 4500000 venezuela's living abroad from registering to vote and excluded opposition . candidates from appearing on the television left, these governments like columbia and brazil withdrew their delegations, meant to serve the elections, saying my buddhist government was not respecting the democratic process. the us government insisted on the need for competitive and inclusive elections. we support a peaceful elections that we expect and hope will come on sunday. the elections that would reflect the will and the aspirations of the venezuelan people for a more democratic, stable and prosperous future. any political rep rep for oppression and violence is unacceptable. due to supporters also took to the streets of downtown cut out guest for
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a final rally brought there in large numbers on governments. higher buses. the president who has been in power since 2013 appealed for a 3rd term. we will not allow them to continue causing damage. the time is up. if they make this mistake, they will regret it for 200 years. it will be the last mistake they might, can be a political life. they will be an iron hand and justice against the fascists and rises. the says venezuela has the world's most transparent electoral system, but as warn the country risks, the blood bass, if the opposition wins. recently the government tests curb the country sky high inflation or in doing sanctions has slashed its oil income, and the economy remains in crisis. more than 7000000 venezuelans have fled the country's economic collapse in past years and many more or considering doing the
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same depending on sundays results. less than that, i'm get the i just need a straight line because the election commission says the presidential election will be held on september 21 oppositional parties accused members of the current administration of trying to postpone the pull, sri lanka is recovering from major financial challenges which like to mass protests on the political crisis 2 years ago, the turnaround began with a $2900000000.00 bailout package from the international monetary funds. you know, fernandez has more from the capital, colombo, the announcement by the election commission behind me stops. so an 8 week process that will cause me need in the presidential elections on the 21st of september. and obviously this comes after loans, heated political and economic upheaval, shall, lanka had seen the president elected by a massive such a majority in the last presidential elections, leaving office under
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a cloud literally being handed out. we have the current president who in fact is contesting the election. he is representative, was the 1st person to come and pay up the boned at the election commission and after the announcement and also the country going through a huge economic sort of a crisis that so it's unable to afford basic essentials like food medicine and flipped fuels. so here with this election is a chance for the people to speak to, to indicate you know where the spend a regarding, you know, web, that thoughts lie regarding the country and the direction forward. the cutting president has said he's a safe set of hands. he guided the country to sort of stability during this economic crisis, but all the policies say that he and those he represents of the very reason the countries fell into that situation. in the 1st place, mendez
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a 0 colombo. well, hundreds of people are still missing and if you appeal 5 days after 2 land slides hit, a remote southern region, heavy machinery counts reach the area. so rescue teams on volunteers have been using their bare hands and shovels to dig through the muds. the one says at least 257 people have died. that number of dead could rise significantly further. around the con reports, the cries of mourners echoed throughout the ethiopian southern top is the heavy rains if the area on monday causing land slice a 2nd land site in gulf locals that rushed onto the scene to help with rescue efforts. 1 the mountainous region has made it close to impossible to bring in heavy equipment for use in rescue attempts. so people have resorted to using their hands to the cup mails of red month,
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hoping to find the missing my job. as to why my elder brother and elder sister are dead. my sister's husband and there's children are all dead. all my relatives are gone. i have buried 13 family members of and i hate it. i recently gave birth to twins. my husband is dead. my sister is dead, her body has not been found. the day is dark for me. united nations for years to death to could climb exponentially in the coming days view and also says the area remains on. see in thousands need to be evacuated for now. scramble to find bodies continues for these villagers, grief is being dug up all around them and run a loss on how to 0. while fires have destroyed half of the town of jasper in western canada residents and about 20000 tourist of old ben evacuated, the resort town, which is in the rockies, gets as many as 2 and
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a half 1000000 visitors a year. and that fire was sparked by lightning and spread quickly because a strong winds, hundreds of international firefighters are due to arrive, to help local teens to those in alberta and around the world who have experienced the magic of jazz. this the magic is not lost and it never will be. alberta is government will provide the support needed to families and communities to recover and to rebuild stronger than ever. so the future generations can continue to experience this wonderful kind community and to feel the magic of being able to come home. bolivia has declared a state of emergency in santa cruz due to wildfires and extreme weather conditions . fires have burned through more than 300000 hector's and they are preventing delivery of fuel supplies, making it difficult for responders to reach affected areas. authorities say some of
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the places were triggered by agricultural burning. and here's what's coming up on the news weather, sports news, and it will be live in saras as the world's best athletes prepare to go for gold. i feel and fix coming up in a moment. the business latest a sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by
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the business latest responses by him to lot global. your real estate destination in due by the the okay, we'll get all the latest from the olympics with jermel. thank you. 3 well, francis installment. i'm 20 plus sailed a domain victory of origin tina as the highest reach,
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the semi finals of the rug peace evans competition was a hostile reception for origin. senior this, the fronds that wrapped dressed as the default as he scored frances finals in his 2614 when france will place south africa for a place in the final that he pulled off by surprise. 147, when even these even to a civil silver med list, the loss of and picks in turkey. okay. just kind of the women's football team has been suspended for the remainder of the games in the wake of the drain, spying control the see. that's friedman voluntarily south, out kind of his bus much as a told him and say to one when, if it needs he lives on size, say to members of his stuff was sent time earlier in the week, allegedly using a drain to spy on these events training sessions present denied any involvement, but it's now being suspended, pending, and investigation. often kind of the focus of new innovation has come to light regarding previous training use against opponents. and audi can tend to hit full
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goals. the tournament from japan, they sort of great free to, to take the lead against, well champion spain that go definitely was another look span equalize to shortly after. and then they school that went to in the 2nd off, as it finished to one, to say the action already. and the way that the official opening ceremony takes place later on friday in paris, where we can now go live it to speak to pull race, pull the city behind you, that was going to be very much on display during these games, isn't it? yes, demo. paris circulating like conic city freights architecture in the organizes of power as 2024. really one thing to start about all form of the hotel deville. no events here, but there is a fun pause that's getting ready to open up tomorrow or the day after the opening ceremony. probably top of the podium in terms of iconic locations will be the
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eiffel tower. uh, the beach volleyball taking place on the uh, showing them off at some of them off the other big like how you, since the palace of that size, where the um, equestrian events will be taking place and the mountain pen. tough alone, also the the comb pele on z plus to walk home cold is being very much revolutionized for these games. a kind of urban paul has been created the a 3 on 3 basketball scapegoating at the amex and a new sports at these games. nope. breakdown thing, it's been called breaking and that's been introduced as at these games as a, as the organizers try and again, increase the appeal of what it decade also it was may be seen as a bit of a, a bit of a dusty, old old event. it's quite a compact games, most of the events that take place within a 5 columbus a radius upon from across the surfing in so hate see which kind of thumbs up. thumbs up that distance average
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a little bit. now hold it is the swimming that really takes center stage in week one. what do you think we can expect and the pool of the yeah, well, something's really coming into its own again in the post michael phelps arrow for the french. yeah, that will be desperate for success. they've not won a gold medal for 12 years in the pool. and they feel that because they own marshall who's been a real dominant swimmer in world championship events leading up to the olympics. he already has, one of michael phelps is record and that will be hoping that he can stop the pressure at 22 years of age and to become a big star in the pool for team g p. that is adam p t. that big star, 3 times a gold metal. when a 5 time world record holder and the 100 mates of breast stroke and defending champion, but he's coming off the back of something of a breakdown a couple of years ago. problems with depression and dial call,
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which he things for you. i will talk now drawing for another goal for team g base. and then for the women k to a deck, a 7 time olympic gold medalist, there's an upstart challenging hiring the pool. kind of, there's some macintosh, so it's going to be an exciting week. it will comes in the backstroke of a dumping scandal. 23 chinese swim is tested, positive, uh, uh, brands, substances. and was subsequently cleared by china's own tongue thing. i'll start with these 11 if those are not here at the games causing a lot of problems with that follow athletes also causing problems between the us. a lot of the 3rd thing uh for the i'm the i r c b s the all you involved as well as i real control the say behind the swimming events. yes and the well that's, that's the pool. but what about the of classics? who are the big names to watch out for that as well as so many to choose from me. i flat success. so i such an exciting thing is kind
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of a multi event, any olympic games really on the plan. so say american bone suite is really catapulted power volt into the limelight in the past few years. set the world record 8 times. kind of been saying is the same bolts, replacement and athletics, at least in the field for on the track. maybe the mind really trying to be the new exciting bolt is no eliles of the uh, of the usa. he's hoping to get full gold medals and said he wants to pay both world records in the $100.00 mater and $200.00 mates a sprint. you know, there's so many, so many ways to choose from that these games, big names and geography, which in the tennis will brung james and basketball, somebody in files gymnastics, but we're going to be saying new stalls and much as well as long as the stablish name reach new heights. yes, that's me. lots to look forward to it for a 2nd. piracy we'll catch up with you again lisa. and that is all we have sports
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now during drama. thank you so much. thanks for watching the news. our analysis. 0000000. sorry. it's with you in just a moment with more news out of service by the pianist who was an airbag. my name is i was abducted by the c. i, a, in 2004, a german citizen was kidnapped and tortured by the chain of lead. time comes into integrity from a powerful documentary tells the story of how the geo politics of the post 911 when we were in the life of an in this bill. my suitcase phone, which is here. mary, south leader who fault in a brutal 21 years civil war and switch on to become so dense 1st vice president a news release,
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global knowledge to which we would identify what happens next is still a mystery. which is the real world, tells the story of john graham and mysterious death and l just a small army of urban artists is changing the space of one of mexico cities torres and most violent neighborhoods more than 11000 of these murals. now what during the streets and roofs will be stopped by the government funded program is part of a larger project to make the areas safer and more attractive. you stop a lot them. ural is a project that tries to involve the local community to listen to them, to rescue themes that need visibility. why? because there's so many stories of local neighbors, the history of this town that need telling if that's a lot, but is not just finance. there is a great history here. as the project has grown and the murals are more and more visible, residents in these communities are entry usually either to have
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a bit of their own personal stories and public display. residents of the stuff a lot but know it will take more than thinking there was to bring less than change to their neighborhood. but the murals have had an important effect, making him marginalize community feel seen again. the olympic k, all the friends, high speed trading network to sabotage, just hours before the opening ceremony. the money in slaves is out. is there a life? and also coming up couple of harris gets because she's been waiting for from the full may you as president sark obama?


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