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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 26, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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an important effect making him marginalize community feel seen again the olympic k, all the french high speed trading network to sabotage, just hours before the opening ceremony. the i, my name's slaves is out, is there a life? and also coming up, couple of harris gets the coal. she's been waiting for from the full menu as president stark obama. we call to say, michelle and i couldn't be prouder to endorse here. and to do everything we can get you through the selection of tenants available off site and gave me lashes eastern china, forcing people from that homes,
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shutting down transports and placing schools protests off the amount is kicks in the head, find a police officer, his lawyer says he has a brain injury, the problems is high speed train network has been plunged into k of just hours before the olympic games opening ceremony. critical railway infrastructure was sabotaged at several important sites. maintenance teams are working now to repair the effective sites. from says main rail operator, s m c f says 800000 travelers could be affected. people are being told to avoid. the train stations are now in a statement. the railway company reports that a mass of attack on its facilities intended to paralyze the network. it goes on to say that high speed trains have been disrupted,
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and although some have been diverse of many services will also be canceled. leo, this is the result resources. if you know the tvs on these lines must use the old ariah lines, which will result into lines and cancellations, off of old trains on these lines will be cancelled except for the border region, with only a quarter of trying to run the impact as massive spirit full full of the families who was supposed to go on holiday and who was being impacted by these criminal scan . it was x, which i certainly can do. let's take a closer look at where the access sabotage happened. at around 4 am on friday, the network systems detected 3 attacks in the north, on the east of the country, as well as south west of paris. attack is also trying to damage infrastructure southeast of the capital. the railway stuff was able to stop them. a couple of cables responsible for signaling were caught and fires were started back to the
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atlantic line east and middle to paris lines to a standstill regular services on expected to review before monday. let's go straight to them. buttons, bethany's line for us and power spot. and so what's the reaction been a tool this of the fall we've just been hearing from french from minnesota, gabrielle. i taught and be said that this was a clear objective to pay the high speed rail network, or the transport ministry said that this was clearly a deliberate coordinated attempt. they said they know this because of the problems that were found at the different scenes for areas around friends talk to. i'm the people who fled, they said no indication. oh no news about any arrest or who those people who fled well, but it, it lines that went through the know the east and the north west of friends in the southeastern, as attempts made to hit those lines as well,
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but it failed in not so what happened but vision century devices replace the seeds a crucial signaling boxes, the lines of control a lot, the signals and of course by means of the trains can't move without those signals and it's a very complicated process. we have to send to replace them on digital. hundreds of individual cables have to be reconnected, and that's why we're expecting disruption on the network until at least monday, hundreds of thousands of french people travelling on holiday polls. many coming here to see the olympics. and so what are we expecting now, but the opening ceremony just hours away as well? it happens against these very sort of turbulent global backdrop, doesn't it? we have cause the war and ukraine in the war as well as will on the gaza. french prisons, emmanuel macro and had previously called religion pig trees. while there isn't going to be one, certainly not the in gaza. and so, you know, in ukraine is,
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russian makes advances. that in fact, has been accusations, particularly the global south of double standards. because while russia and bella rush, bella rush up in bonds from taking part in the olympics. uh uh, israel is still taking pop and cold as well. so it equally defined because of the war in gaza. nevertheless, some more than 300000 spect sites and are expected to watch the opening ceremony along the banks the sight unprecedented, but it's being held in the open at and with that comes to the president its security operation. as my colleague, colleague natasha buckley, sent you a powers in the lockdown, been still with tens of thousands of lease offices on patrol i assist you prepares the games on the same french sold visiting, deployed a hated using ceremony that will be held on the river for all of us in the stadium for the 1st time and gave us history nearly $7000.00. the athletes will travel by
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boat during the event and a vicious and daring project and a huge security challenge. i don't want, i know when i put the security desk, we have a multi environment security approach, which means considering all sorts of threat and what's going on. and so the underwater threat, we have to provide southern the bottom of this. and we have also barriers on the river and positions on the land. we're coordinating closely with the french air force and welcome to the drains quotes helicopters and forward to jets will secure the skies. they'll be in the slides they know for the city during the opening ceremony and providing additional backup, nearly 2000 police officers from other countries. the organizes the powers games wanted to do something different. so instead of hosting dealing face has been used outside the city, they've made the city itself into the main venue with its famous monuments as backdrops. but that is why the security operation is so foss,
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french authorities to spend is planning defense and say, they already know, don't, can just show it to us. it could be of us. we are very well prepared. and french people will be very proud of the police officers confidence spots vigilance multiple attacks against, from the pulse decade side. but right. some was in ukraine and goals of raise the stakes. israel's team arrived with extra security on the games work up florida. uh, dodge, it festival least, of course, when you a long like between russian and korean like to, i mean, does, you have to increase citrate team is there is no 0 risk bought the homepage. everything's in place for the olympics to run smoothly and safely as exciting with bills ahead of what's promising to be an inspiring few weeks of sport in one of the wells, most spectacular cities. natasha butler algebra,
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paris. the french government has promised on, on precedent and security operation, deploying as many as 45000 pets now. they include 15000 french ministry members, 215 for dish offices, 50 specially trained dogs, and 1715 police from countries like spain, germany, south korea, and could talk very thing sir. many, along with ace, which is along the 6 cologne with a stretch of the scene, same river will showcase of 810500 athletes representing $206.00 national impact committees of a 300 and $20000.00 firms are expected to watch from the river banks, but access to central power will be restricted. they will focus is a risk management. a secure st specialist has worked on the power as 2024 and then big fed. he says he has tax all sophisticated. this is
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a very if we code night is awesome attack. this is not someone who behavior and i think as the investigation on the phones, we will find that there is a strike active behind this. expect my presumption, mama, we have 45000 employees on duty to die for this germany service that has the military. and somewhere between 9 and 11000 contracted security, that's an extraordinary number. but if it works, as is planned, we will hope it does. it will be the most spectacular. i think there are many minds you're referring to. the street will be nothing larger. 206 times down the river in barges. $11000.00 athletes and officials, i think, will be simply amazing. but what's happened? the cost is the in the city is have to be transformed in recent dies with great parameters, like through those red perimeters in terms of access control,
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incredibly complex, but the french authorities, the federal government committee have done it remarkably well. there is disruption because minimize that to the extent that it's possible. there are obviously sort of political um, people with a credit attention. there are 3 points for pick with a q r card live that work there. and there are 3 books for the international, protected persons who built things. and we're down to see something like 100 heads of strikes and heads of government attending this i think sure me again the next look record in terms of other because the thing ceremonies both sides and political representation. so um we have everything. well, i have done everything that i can to protect you so didn't. and hopefully it will be more than sufficient. the full menu as president baraka obama and michelle obama have endorsed cumberland.
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harrison had been to be the next president, the obama school, the presumptive democratic policy nominating while she was out campaigning to offer the support i am proud of you. this is going to be historic. we called to say, michelle, and i couldn't be prouder doors here to do everything we can to get you through the selection of and into the oval office. oh, my goodness. michelle black, this means so much to me. i'm looking forward to doing this with the 2 of you. i speak now to scott and you can see that politics professor with the clinton institute at the university college dublin. he joins us from wicklow in on and scold. thank you for joining the program. why do you think it's taken so long for be obama as to endorse harris? do you think the process was part of a roll out of for a campaign that has hit the ground running?
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uh, you know, satisfied all the conspiracy theories. all the trumpets charter that the obama has don't lifetime law. the idea was, and it was prepared days before jo, bottom next year we drew in preparation for that i would endorse the whole series of different product figures within doors. across the party from the center to the progressives, harris would get the backing of majority of delegates. and so it's like walk up the nomination. and then as it were, the i see on the cake would come in with the obama. so these political having ways then giving their endorsement as well, which means that you have this choreograph video with these one works from both brock and michelle obama. and that's all i heard. i was responding. yes, you know, we're going to go forward for the future of the country and we're going to have some fun as well. and does this now cemented as the policy presidential moment a, or can we still see someone else put up the hand? no, i mean the possibility of a challenge to hear us what's going on within hours of jo volumes now from last
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sunday, because all the potential challengers cover damnation in california governor graft pressure, whittemore, michigan, governor. josh, if you're open sylvania, they normally stuckey side. they endorse terrace. the party is moving or was moved immediately for a confirmation rather than a contrast over here us, right, let's just look at the whole message of us that apology. scott says, i'm watching. give you a t for with it. right? so why all this drama? why the, why the phone cool in the, you know, the, you know, the drawn around it, there's aggressive do cycle. now, what are you talking about today? you're talking about the obama as all day american outlets are going to be talking about the obama as all day. that video is going to be playing everywhere. and what i think the interest campaign has work from the trunk campaign, albeit with a much different message. and with a much different approach to politics is if you grab the new cycle, you've got an advantage. so think thanks in sunday with the by the announcement
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took place. how many times donald trump has left the new cycle in the past 5 days. i can't think of many a change wouldn't be asked. whereas in the weeks leading up to binds withdrawal anytime chop put out a tweet or a message on through social media with get logged on the notes, you don't give trump the oxygen, you keep it for yourself. very, very interesting, until king of grabbing the headlines last night, we had a couple of harris make a very full school case for an as role because a cx 5 to meeting with prime minister netanyahu israel. what, what were your thoughts on the tone she took? which again, was very distinct, a difference. and by that is she again trying to put her knock on the issue or even before bind withdrew. paris was putting the distance between herself and the by the administration's position, by putting the emphasis on civilians and gossip why, of course, not saying you're not withdrawing us for it is really no such including military
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aid. that message became more the stage this week. first of all, because she did not appear at the session of congress that was addressed by net instead of giving a speech in indiana. and then by letting it be known to the price that you know in that 40 minute meeting, she was very, very firm. that the priority had to be, to hold the mass chilling and a safe drive. this is the audience that is and then additional now, by the way, where harris has changed the terms and by the ministration. the bottom instruction always said that the barrier to a cease fire was a loss, is quite notable that here. so in fact, we expect prime minister netanyahu to make moves to agree, so he's fired up. some of this is, is practical politics. we know we're she can, has a lot of air of americans. we know it's just way to say, but some of it i think, is the paris does have a different approach that bind us towards the visual causes situation. okay, really, really interesting stuff stopped. scott lucas politics professor with the clinton
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institute of the university college dublin. thank you. thank you. still has on al jazeera los lead it from the pod, westbank dies while he was being held on the is rarely custody. the front cover a hot tooth. phillip from china's expansion and visions, it's not up to the people in taiwan to the side about the one china policy, the israel aggressive doctrine genocidal rhetoric identified the intensity with genocide and intense light. is really government with nothing. $30000.00 defense of thousands of thousands that would be hundreds of thousands of dollars who left the house on taco, some of the toughest issues of our time had to had coming soon on. i just need a unique perspective. i love that i really not that because definitely i left and
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nothing is something you that we on heard voices, but we are committed guessing best i can know all about you so much. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. lot of these patients, if there was all of the medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable, that's the horror of what's the stream on our, just the or the the, the old just the, [000:00:00;00]
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the welcome back you watching out? is there a mind a thought told stories based our just alice before the opening ceremony of the powers to lympics phones. this high speed rail network has been hit by what authorities? a cooling, malicious tax including austin exclusive, opened an investigation saying the crime carries up to 20 years in prison. coming on, harris has received an endorsement from former us president bar code bama, vomas', cold power as well as she was out campaigning to also the support the united kingdom says it will not pursue it's objection to the international criminal court issuing arrest warrants for is reading need is full, the conservative governments had been considering legal options against the i. c. c
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decision from may to apply for arrest for us, for benjamin netanyahu. and the is there any defense minister you of gallant cc, prosecute a korean com? so the warrants for alleged real crimes committed in israel's will and gaza active as since the forces of palestinians had cooled on the labor government to drop the case. it's ms. 18 palestinians have been killed and israel's unrelenting assault in the southern gaza. the is already on he has been carrying out attacks and con unit loss has been targeting is really made it to me. vehicles using explosives such as rocket propelled grenades, thousands of displays, people have been forced to flee to alma wasi. the palestine red crescent says there's no space charge a bu assume has this update from 0 by the good realities, that as these confrontations are raging civilians have been targeted in other areas of the city itself. and con eunice, well what we do recording is that those of casualties,
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since the hours of the states have been transferred to and also hospitalized to get medical treatment while he's read has been using extensively it's minutes. we quite caught the terms. so attacks of williams, especially in the central areas of this trip or a palace, the amount as he was sleeping in as a flat has been killed by these fire of the true. and especially in the residential towers that the k to the other part of under the roger huge account. also we have observed from our location right now here is ready for the corpses. and this calling of a raised refuge account firing rockets against different targets and residential houses in the eastern areas where its miniature troops alongside with their men. it 3 times are trying to force deeper into that account, but they are also ongoing clashes with homeless fighters that while civilians fits in the central areas are absolutely afraid to from that limited encourage and has been described by these very many traits in that area. because the fuels that could
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be managed to control of res, refuge account, they will divide this into a areas into 2 parts, which means that it is going to be much more pressure will be executive this part of sending as well, obviously. and generally, this ongoing get text since the hours of this morning had really proved devastating, devastating consequences in terms of the residential house is being talked to the long side with the level of safety that is no longer right now can be i'm so someone called a city and because they have been heading to areas that supposed to be safe zones for the normal guy because of this repeated ongoing attacks. it's mostly the and the occupied. westbank has dined and is running custody. the palestinian prison is clump, says mustafah apple. r a died and is there any hospital been transferred that from raymond prison because of to tracing health the 63 year old was being held under administrative detention many as having a studio, i'm gonna have to cut a way out of the full responsibility lies on those have arrested him and you as
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medical history and health history. he's a sick prisoner who suffers for many health problems with blood platelets and enzymes. it's considered an execution in mind of the sick prisoner with arrested without providing him with the necessary medical services. and without providing him with food that suits his health conditions, to the lawyer for a month kicked in the head, fine and office the u. k. f, which says he has a fist on the brain on his condition has got worse. he has that in mind, just apple it as being investigated by the independent police. what strong police say they were responding to reports and assaults, but acknowledge the level of force used in the arrest was unusual purchased as in manchester had been demanding justice to escape. melana best and they know that she
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joins us from rock style and grades amongst a. so let's start with a family of a center full this uh, what are they saying? how they're feeling well, they are deeply traumatized according to that lawyer, especially because they have a family member who also works for the grade to match the police. so this has been a huge shop to them. but crucially, they have appealed because we have seen product of kids in votes, dale, the town where the family lives in front of the police station. here we've seen protest in manchester city center last night. now they were peaceful. however, none the less, the member of parliament for this local area who had spoken to the family, says they told him they don't want to take part in any demonstrations. they're concerned that this incident, that's so possible to them, has been hijacked by extreme is on various sides to use it for their own ends. and they really quite desperately want to avoid that. they have no political agendas.
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the member of parliament said they need one to see just as for that for what happened and they want to focus on healing and the wellbeing of that, not me. so uh, in terms of the investigation we have the independent police much. so looking at this, and do we have any information or any updates on that as well? what we know is that the representatives from this independent police would still have actually met with the family to reassure them that that investigation will be to 2 separate and independent of the grades to match the police and tools to explain to them what the scope of the investigation is we know that the office at the center of this control receiving was seen taking the mine on the ground has been suspended at the police. what's the result of investigating his use of something? i came to a pepper spray against another mine at the ad pool, and for that part, the great too much to please have noticed that the video that we have all seen is
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truly show. okay. and they did say it represents a much higher level of pools that then that's usually used during interest. but they do say they what quotes to the add port to the timing all because the reports of an assault. and then that in the ensuing altercation, 3 of their own offices were injured in needed hospital treatment. one female police officer having had no is broken, but how it will escalate to, to those sees that we've seen in video. there are still many on on the questions to that. okay, thank you for that update melana best and then of edge that for us and watched out great bunch of stuff. security authorities in pockets telling him blocks all position political policies from protesting against the rising inflation and electricity costs. nationwide demonstrations had been planned for friday law high. the reports a major budget sony oh. but there's in bar days, had planned to hor, baseboard protest across the country that jamal just saw me. right?
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re religious party was planning to order that they didn't had and it's not bought. and because of that, the government has in board, restrictions on public rallied are demonstrations that you can see behind me. the local media is all pregnant dad to see what happened at g squared, which is a popular protest size. now it is important to know that although the government is trying to restrict such strategies, they really face that challenge because of the growing resentment among the public, against a price hike and electricity prices. and the boxes are what do you in fact, as so, although the government may be able to control and contain the fraud, there it is on a losing weight. good. because the buckets on a government also has to realize that this is a great nation, and the ideal position party is not able to go no more support because of public goods. i mean, i'm already there,
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i was your data. it's all about nearly 300000 people have been forced from their homes in eastern china as to my food and gave me makes land for several provinces upgraded the tie for an emergency and that's on friday. public transport has been suspended in some pulse offices and schools have also been closed storm warnings all in place across the coastal areas affecting several 1000 people. while fires have destroyed health of the town of just in western canada residence in about 20000 torres have been evacuated. the result town which is in the rockies gets as many as 2 and a half 1000000 visitors a year. the fi was fault by lightning and spread quickly because of the strong winds. hundreds of international are fighters due to arrive to help local teams. okay, so that's it for me, molly, inside, web as next to the inside story, looks at the transformation of the us presidential election campaign since joe
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bought and sold out of the race today, stating that the the had a low that is more troublesome. whether in store for east asia, thanks to typhon dom, a, that's bringing excessive amounts of rain to southern parts of china. so we're going to be japan that see some of that heavy rain. we've already seen flooding across the move in areas of hon. shoot. and if we look at the weather map on saturday, you can see it slowly this ascending across the north of china, bringing heavy rain to most central areas that comes round towards the korean peninsula. and in northern areas of japan is a big bus of rain here, as we go into sundays,
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a pretty wet picture across much of the region. and it's looking very wescal south asia as well. the monsoon rains, keeping things very slowly across, moving on central areas. on saturday we have got warnings out from western areas, but amber looks full. that heavy rain extend all the way from rock just on downwards to carol with some strong winds as well blowing into that western coast. the winds blow the rain as well into mid months looking very west is what across much of the bay old thing go. it's much contract with humidity across much of pakistan, we will see some of that rain start to touch into the very north. we'll see those showers in the whole sunday into monday. not sure weather update of the oh to there's no place like home except for an old
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is for the part of the lebanese filmmaker documents as likes to one of the country's most turbulent times, the appeal them the anxious and fatal a witness documentary on this jersey and donald trump tax is likely opponents in the presidential election as a rather cool left lunatic. pamela harris highlights from convictions and scandal saying he offers chaos fahrenheit. so what kind of campaign would it be between the 2? this is inside storing the


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