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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 26, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, to the hello everyone, the are way, little rock. this is a news our life from do coming up in the next 60 minutes. a repair job there could take days. francis high speed rail network sabotage, just hours before the olympic opening ceremony. and travel chaos for hundreds of thousands of passengers across europe. eurostar chancellors, a quarter of its trays to paris,
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also ahead of moss leader from the occupied westbank xyz and is really custody. his son says he did not receive proper medical care in prison. commer harris scouts feet endorsement. she's been waiting for from former us presidents for rock obama. we called to say, michelle, and i couldn't be prouder doors here to do everything we can to get you through the selection of that. and so they all go off and on piece of same as what you're supposed to use. we're building on to the parents 2020 full opening said are me the torches on the last leg of the security for the american wrap of snoop dog, helping it on its way ahead of the lighting of the and then because of the we begin in france where the high speed trading network has been plunged into chaos just hours before the olympic games. the opening ceremony. the government is
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warning it could take days to return to normal. critical railway infrastructure was sabotaged at several important sites. maintenance teams are working to repair the affected areas of the main real operator. since this says 800000 travelers could be effected a while at about 4 am on friday, the network systems the techs have problems in the north and the east of the country. as well as south west of parents and there were attempts to damage infrastructure, a south east of the capital. but railway staff interviewed copper cables used for signaling were cuts and fires started separately. a 40 year old russian now is now under investigation in connection with an alleged attempt to disrupt the parasol lympics. he was taken into custody on wednesday. the state prosecution has given no details,
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but says the case is not linked to terrorism or to you or your shop, or whoever is standing by for us and moscow with reaction out of russia. and will also be live in the french capital with a natasha butler in just a moment. first of burnett smith. although i don't think we're going to have bernard smith here because he begins our coverage from paris, or it's impossible to fully secure thousands of kilometers a french railway lines. a weakness exposed by these attacks on crucial signaling equipment. this is cause the northern france when the full locations targeted with fires was set and cables caught some time on thursday night. it's a friday morning, april the high speed rail network to a halt across most of the country, multiple dere consumer out there. today, all the information we have clearly shows that it was deliberate. the simultaneous nature vans were found from which people had fled, particularly in the southeast as incendiary agents were found on the side.
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everything now points to the fact that these were awesome attacks, particularly the timing, which is more than a suspicious incognito. the travel plans of more than 800000 royal passengers up and sabotage lines connecting powers to cities in the north east west. i'm the united kingdom have been effected. old travelers have been advised to postpone that journeys. will fit deeply about it. yeah, yeah. that's what we had prepared. so there are a lot of people in copeland they became but honestly we've thought that was multi to being on the lines effected by the maybe games and normal breakdowns. we didn't think we would have to mobilize, but obviously we're going to repair already on the way. but the royal network is expected to be severely disrupted, at least until the end of the weekend. the crippling of the railways is being seen as a clear attempt to overshadow the stock. james, there is unprecedented security. would you rather talk to the trains, bound of ability, unexplored students?
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and i'll just i'm going to say in paris. so we're going to head through. we're natasha butler, who is joining us live in natasha. what sort of impact is this trained network attack having, i mean, just a couple of hours before the opening ceremony of the no, there's no doubt the, the sort of grey, rainy weather. and these multiple austin attacks on the phone says a round network of cost a shadow over the beginning of these and then big gains. you have a situation of which some 800000 people traveling, and frauds have been impacted. many of them gave and holidays, some of them died moving around full deal and paint games. and we've heard from french authorities and investigations the norms. they all saying that they going to find the perpetrators. but it certainly feels a sense of anxiety amongst some people here in the capital, just a few hours before the evening. so everybody gets underway already and opening ceremonies as controversial because it is the 1st time in games history that it is being held outside the stadium. that is being held right in the center of paris on
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the river said some people have said that that's most sensible because it is a huge security risk. bought the organizers of the games. and if i divorce ease of said that they have put everything in place, which huge security operation to try and make sure that is safe for the hundreds and thousands of people that are going to be lining the river in the center of the capital over the policy few weeks and days and well particular days i should say the center of power is really high speed and they look down. all right. and, and natasha from your conversations with people there in the capital are, are they concerned about security? what's the mood impairs? i think it's a bit of a mix that's cool. some people are concerned about security because the opening ceremony is taking place right in the sense that there's also a lot of excitements about will this open evening start when he's getting to look like we've heard recently from the autistic director of
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a. so if he's talking about something i'm vicious and daring a real spectacle, you're going to see 7000 the athletes on the boat scattering along this 6 columbus, a route along the river in the center of the century. the historic and famous landmarks of monuments, the powers acting as a black dropped from note to them to the eiffel tower. so there's no doubt that it will be very magical if it is actually safe and it goes smoothly and according to pine, even if the weather is quite what the organizes were, just wanted to know once a week and then pick holes and is late if the games will begin as well. the focus, organize this hope will be very much on this force even though that have been some control sees in this game. those are things like the participation of russian estimates of his really estimates. but again, people all very much hoping for the next few weeks. i want about inspiring sport. and that's about politics, even though we know it's very difficult to keep those 2 things upon. it is indeed a natasha butler reporting from the capital. a parents. thank you. so much i a and
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your your shop a whole lot of joins us now for moscow separately. you yeah. a 40 year old russian man is under investigation and connection with an alleged attempt to disrupt the paras olympics. what more have you been able to learn so yes, indeed, this is how countries there are talks about a possible russian trace in connection with the disruptions at high speed row way. facilities in front of the tools have been prompted by this arrest of a russian national, according to the french slide safety chains. and the alleged russian agent who had reported they being recruited by the f as b. he and rush overland about his arrest, about 2 or 3 days ago, and it's not clear when exactly he had been arrested. but it definitely happened well before i let him pick, opening the other big opening ceremony and uh well before the uh,
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the disruptions of the french roller facilities we've had from criminal spokesman to meet your best called, who has said that the kremlin does not have information about the, the tensional that russian national and the all they have seen just as media reports when the sun, but the detain time, as you mentioned, is a full 0 russian national, whose name is korea, who has no. and he was born in the city of param and started to become a lawyer. he, in most cutting graduates with the master's degree, he enjoyed some sort of glamorous lifestyle and works as a chef and powers. and the number of french is key results. um, who was a kind of a blog as well. and uh, back in may, he reportedly was on his way to paris with a transfer entered keir, but in a symbol he got so long that he was not allowed to pause the play then who was even blacklisted back. and then griggs know drove to baldera by call where he was, where he got drunk again and began telling runs and people that he who is going to
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paris on that secret mission. and let's have a reporting on that. the rest of the powers prosecutor's office said that they found evidence indicating that he was a member of the russian special services and according to a number of 4 and publications. and if his b i. d condos found in his apartment, so good as no was charged with as pen osh and now he faces up to says he is in prison. but when to stand that the french side blames him for attempting to disrupt the opening olympics on instructions from the says, be your shop of all over the talking to us from moscow. thank you so much. we have for your reporting and the french government has promised an unprecedented security operation to point as many as 45000 personnel. and they include 815000 french military members, 250 british officers,
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50 specially trained dogs and the 1750 police from countries from spain, germany, south korea and guitar. all the opening ceremony along a 6 kilometers stretch of the river. some will showcase 10500, at least representing 206 national olympic communities. and more than get this a whopping $320000.00 fans are expected to watch from the river banks, but access to central powers will be restricted. right, and i'm joined now by a and g to shelly. she is a specialist and global security and she comes to us from paris a very good day. it's raining on their parade. this is the day, obviously, that paris and france is supposed to shine and hopefully it will. what does the security breach reveal about the threats assessment?
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the one i sent you the fund raising me 1st and it was to tell you that 1st of all of all the means have been and the brides and the security mats are incorrect. since many monkeys a i would say, even years a. so uh, what the differential, sorry to have done is to, to think about any kind of scenarios and to him to grim that's a machine all there ms. you and to shoot you into a system, the city system that has been that okay. mentions as seen. so many weeks now. um the so uh easy, oh is it so the ran into the fact that uh there is no they no 0 risk. you know, of course the, you know, premium knows, uh, i'd say even terry's recreate keeping, trying to find a new brace brush in the very strong security center to tell you we've never seen
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that before. i sent you the same sort of system imposed on the other, the french reputation, and specifically the very hands once. so it's in pricey. what we've got used to, to that since many weeks know is a level of frustration. so we have this sort of cool that it's due to the scripts and the many strengths we were exposed to. so that the, i mean, so what i think is notes back to the hor, securities that have been prevented since many weeks. no. okay. so it's, let's say a, it's a, it's gone 10 way to change. i completely understand it's contained, but it doesn't bode well. does it? i think anybody who has lived in, in, in france or where spent any time in france understands that the high speed trading
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network is a vital piece of infrastructure. i have to tell you, i was honestly, really surprised that this proved to be so vulnerable. um, you know, were you surprised by the fact that, you know, this turned out to be a blind spot or security measures are simply not working? well, i seen the in these cases uh, i really you let you know, to be sure uh our premium knows to, to succeed in such a peroration. that means that they need to have some evidence of a, let's say, associates. so it's, it's possible that these are also going to in town and let's say police, of course i'll do a, do you call them uh, loops within the railway transportation the company. and so, if you will just want to use a crown,
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weighs needing some to so on. you need to have the good in tell, you know, the to 6 is a. so is the reason why i'm sending you that. so is that the so or so exposed, so of the that you said he just has to be sure you succeed, you need to have the right location and knowledge of the system to be use, how to destroy it. so it's one of the, let's say the, the window and the direction of the current investigation. the no, i'm the just trying the talking to us from parents. so specialist in global security, thank you for your time. thank you. the next to gosh, hour is really fighter jets have carried out a new wave of air strikes, targeting various areas across the strip,
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at least $21.00 people were killed. and one person was killed in an attack on a residential building. and, and you say that refugee camp is central gossum, while a read on a house in gaza, city killed at least 2 people and been hon. eunice in the south, at least 18 palace 10 years have been killed. i'm off says it's fighters, have been targeting is really tax using rocket propelled grenades. thousands of displaced people have been forced to flee to and my where see in the south west. but the palestine red crescent says there's no space there. israel initially declared anywhere where c as a, a so called safe zone but has repeatedly attacked it. and hopefully you're joining us now. she is in the village in the central or guys saw what more can you tell us and of the will. yes. lar talerie,
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shutting continues ers trace continues across the gauze was true. and not only that, some people are still profit. we're talking about 6 days for policy news. the were on able to leave because they simply did not have any time to these. these really forces through the leaf slats and then the artillery selling started pound thing with the residential areas and houses in the eastern parts of con eunice. so those who did not manage our trust and those who manage to evacuate are, are, are scattered across the street we have with us to have can on. she's one of those thomaston hughes who evacuated and was forced to leave her house in the eastern parts of hon. eunice, she loves from hon. eunice to dead in buff. um, how about how long have the welcome have my time have you didn't have enough time to help us, you know, to,
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to sleep. but you were able to come to do that about how can you please tell me more about your experience, especially on that day. where is riley's have sent you the flyers, and that's how this displacement is the 7th displacement in a row. i. if your friend in the middle telling how why we're not able to attack or take anything with us and then from hon. eunice, we had to be displaced again after we received a message online on our phone. and we went to the eastern side that was close to us from han eunice as we were leaving, trying to evacuate the from the eastern area. there were a letter of children who are carrying their few things and women are also carrying. we're quite carry in some water gallons trying to get as much as they
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could. it was dramatic and tragic scene and unfortunately that our people are subjected to. so when i saw that this air strike and all those people who had to evacuate, i've tried to anticipate the situation and to leave. so i stayed with my neighbor and then now my son is also displaced and i don't know where he hit and he is. so i'm trying to look for him. so this is our story. it's a series of genocide that started in 1948 and then move to loveland on the now it's back again. and the international and the world conscious does not. we kept it in order to put an end to those genocide against our people. i hope that the war will end soon. so to have is one of the thousands of hundreds of policy in use to evacuated multiple
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times from different areas across the gaza strip. have son is missing and she's still looking for him in the tons imbedded by the hand for 3 days now, she could not find him. well, this is one of the stories, but there are numerous stories for every single person who has been evacuated multiple times from place to another policy, news has been exhausted and drained from the fact that they are evacuating every single time with a little bit of time at everyone is saying that the barely had a couple of minutes to evacuate from hun you and this, but so far they were caused to move and to evacuate to the middle area, which is the so called human syrian zone. but even the humanitarian zone and the area that is recognized, safe as there is early forces has, is, is also being targeted where the locks the hospital just receive to palestinians. that wizard kills and is ready air strikes on a good age. in the middle of the cause of stripped from
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a holiday or reporting from the central guy. so thank you very much for that. thank you. and i'm us leader and the occupied westbank has died and is really custody. the palestinian prisoners clubs says and the sofa who are all died in israel. the hospital he had been transferred there from raymond prison because of his deteriorating health. the 63 year old was being held under administrative detention. as many as how many most of the home and i took all the way out of the full responsibility lies on those have arrested him and you as medical history and health history. he's a sick prisoner who suffers for many health problems with blood platelets and enzymes. it's considered an execution in mind of the sick prisoner with the risk without providing him with the necessary medical services and without providing him with food that suits his health conditions. may well united nations security council is holding an open meeting about the worsening humanitarian crisis and got some officials from on raw and ambassadors to the un have called
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a state of affairs and goes off a catastrophe. and they urge the security council to take action. algeria, china and russia called for the meeting, christmas salumi is the lie for you or as the un headquarters in new york or christian. why did they call for this meeting now as well? members of the security council wanted to highlight the humanitarian situation in gaza. perhaps no coincidence that a prime minister, benjamin netanyahu of israel is in the united states at this time, in fact, russia, china, and algeria, russia holding the presidency of the council, called for this meeting after his speech to congress. and we heard the latest on the dire situation for the people of gaza in this meeting from henri officials and
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also the deputy middle east coordinator for the region. they talked about people's inability to satisfy their basic needs, food, clean water, medical care, all of that being impacted by the continued displacement and in security and lawlessness in the region as a result of the ongoing attacks most recently. and the ongoing attacks and the con unice area where hundreds of people have remained trapped despite evacuation orders, many of them with limited mobility and unable to flee the latest file edge violence with a communicable diseases on the rise. and then you factor in the attacks on the aid workers that have been happening. the united nations has reported 3 in the last week in a couple of cases. clearly marked vehicles that gave their coordinates to is really
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forces and the ability to help the people there on the ground as fighting continues, is just a dire the algerian ambassador describe the situation as a worse than a crisis to choose a cup of the roof happening in real time on while what challenging the very essence of our humanity and to become of the way we cannot remain silent. and we must not fail to act the eyes of history upon us and the voices of gods, of suffering people equal in this very tremble. and again, this was a meeting called by l. jerry of china and russia after
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a prime minister benjamin not. and then yahoo speech to congress in which he claim that israel was doing everything and could to avoid civilian casualties. and in fact, civilian casualties in the area of ross, our quote practically none rushes and bassett, or vast selena bens, the seemingly attempting to refute those claims. described reports of children being killed, palestinian children being killed by snipers, gunshot wounds to the head. he called collective punishment. what's happening in gaza that would be an international, a violation of international law. he called in to attempt to eliminate the civilian population, whereas china, called on israel and the united states, to use its power to effect israel, to call for an end of the hostilities. there that was really the message that we heard from the majority of speakers in the council. the need for
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a ceasefire. christmas one we're reporting. thank you. and i'd like to welcome now or georgia. so petra pool, so he is the head of the you weren't humanitarian affairs office in garza, i'm told he's just left the strip on friday morning and joyce has now from occupied east jerusalem. so share with us what you saw in gaza and that's getting the picture of him. indeed, as other people have come good that we find a location, orders and operations a couple of weeks ago, both of you guys are sitting in northern garza and on the 22nd of this month in con eunice, effectively about uh, i would say uh, 15 percent of what the, these are the choices quotes. each monetary zone has now been closed off to 2 people and services. we've lost 20 food points, 10 water points. thousands of children are out of emergency education services and thousands of women and girls not being forced into
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a more and more condensed velocity, coastal zone where even the 8 that we are able to provide now doesn't deliver on time due to just this year, congestion hope this time of year and the smaller geographic area where millions of people and the workers are forced to work and we see the recreation as on giving us displaced from you, just east to west and from the guys up north. you saw the thousands and thousands in town, eunice, and a trickle of people from the north. and sadly, those who cannot decide to remain in the north anymore. and must choose the very dangerous crossing of the chart of point because of this year needs to survive. this year need to protect your children. or in many cases, at least we try done some very terrible stories. a parents must care for child with,
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with mental health issues, disabilities, the elderly, and these people, these, the people have to sometimes, uh, 16 kilometers inside of the roads, without water, often under fire, under cross fire, under direct fire, until the safety of the us military. well, some points into very often unknown southern guys, a situation where their friends and relatives have caused them to say that even in the south, we have a very difficult time getting the services of these monetary face that we, that we need to get. so as you're describe this ever increasing dire situation, you know, there's another, you know, united nations security council meeting on the humanitarian crisis in gaza, which you have seen firsthand, which is now beyond catastrophic what really needs to happen. now. i think for, for months and months waiting pretty uh,
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pretty clear about what happens next uh, in a situation like this, we seem very, a lot of terminology used for this crisis or tragedy. and so what i hope, what would happen next is that the displaced in the hostages go home, and if there's a note to the war, if the war continues, what must happen. it's not the 1st or the test to have some of the tyranny, but we know how to do some of the to a need. we know a lot to 8 people that are the tragic war we must be allowed to do. so we have to have a septic supply to be effective, supplying it workers. we have to have the health system, the worst. we have to have communications and we have to have absolute protection of civilians from all sides to this conflict. now unfortunately, at this stage, at the time of this conversation, it doesn't seem like there will be any let up and the violence and there's no change, of course in israel. so a campaign, the status of the ceasefire. negotiations is frankly unclear at the moment and in the us we have
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a lame duck president. so if this continues for another 2 months, 6 months, or would that mean at the moment? um, we have over the many months deteriorated system of delivery of what people need um, the water supply system. even the roads have turned some time back into uh, into south and it's a very fine sound. the run, the trucks get stuck. people cannot, well don't the cards get stuck. and we're at the point, i want to just pay the picture for you. what's the point where logistics best specialists have gone from talking about fuel trucks to talk to you about father and don't keys. we're regressing decades back into the systems that we have to use to support the people in casa, and i wish i hope, i hope that we can rely on good understanding of it, regardless of politics and elections. the humanity, the,
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the understanding that people should be a lot to help people this monetary need to, to go and help these people should be enabled and supported. um we have uh, we have a funding request. we have several solutions and ideas of progressive ideas, innovation that we've, we've had with the governments of his room. 12 or more of those need to see the light they need to be allowed to be attempted be is an opening of more crossings via the allowance of more power from power lines, from israel into the guys spirit and more capacity for the united nations. and, and use to help the people who need one place where we could start immediately. and i hope i will be something you see very soon would be the creation of those injured . and those chronically due to places where they can see the medical care and that
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because they're treasure. so federal policy is the head of guys as you weren't office of coordination of humanitarian affairs. thank you, sir. did you? i, as i still had here on al jazeera, 2 of the world's most wanted fugitive alleged leaders of mexico's in a little while drug cartel arrested in texas. and is for to will be live in paris as the world's best. the athletes prepare to go for gold at the olympics, that's all coming up with peter. the paddler, the pots of south america, switching on the something of a winter, a heat wave. we got high pressure in charge across from the central and northern areas keeping very hot and dry. but this front is the dividing line between that
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heat up in the north and very cold conditions down in the south. so temperature is well above the average for much of power y as well as bolivia, we've got a state of emergency that's to cut being declared in santa cruz state that's expected to last till the end of the year. thanks to wild fires as well. the extreme weather, clinging on with high temperatures, pushing us into sack today it's much colder for the south of this. we've got some very wet and windy weather pulling into patagonia with gale to severe gale force winds, with a weather as well continues left across more move in areas with bouts of rain moving from columbia into venezuela. and that rain drenched those pots of central america as well with heavy falls to come from panama, stretching through costa rica on woods to belize and the yucatan peninsula. in mexico. the northern and central areas of mexico will continue to see some very heavy rain on friday. into fact today, thanks to a trailing weather front,
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putting across the gulf of mexico, the us every talk to the digital filibuster of them, the data from china's expansion and visions. it's not up to the people in taiwan to the side about the one china policy to israel, aggressive doctrine, genocidal rhetoric and genocide, intensity with genocide and intense light is really government would not to 30000 defense of thousands of thousands that would be hundreds of thousands of dollars is that left the house and the stucco, some of the toughest issues of our time had to hit coming soon on a jersey to be honest. it was an irving. my name is how i was abducted by the c. i a, in 2004, a german citizen was kidnapped and tortured by c on the chain of me into interpretation. a powerful documentary tells the story of how the geo politics of
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the post 911 when we were in the life of an innocent bill, my suitcase phone, which is here, a newer the flower, you're watching your ultra 0 reminder of our top story is this our highest speed trains in france sabotaged ahead of the opening ceremony of the paris olympics. authorities report damage to signaling and fires at several sides. teams have been deployed to carry out repairs and many high speed trains are not running affecting
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800000 travelers. although some wires are slowly resuming operations, authorities say services are fully expected to return to normal. by monday, i've been goss i is really strange to across the strip have killed at least 21 people. much of the salt is focused on us and the self. i'm awesome, it's fighters. targeted is really tags in the city with rocket propelled grenades. former us president brock obama and michelle obama have endorsed commer harris has been to become the next president. the obama phone, the presumptive democratic party nominee, while she was out campaigning to offer their support. i am proud of you. this is going to be historic. we called to say, michelle and i couldn't be prouder to endorse here and to do everything we can to get you through the selection of and then so they all blogs. oh my goodness. michelle practice mean so much to me. i'm looking forward to doing this with the 2
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of you. all right, let's get you more. alan fisher standing by life from the white house allen in terms of, you know, the obama's offering, their supports in or your high level in terms of added value. how much does that help, what kind of rule could they play? well, no, it states the total was, i mean, the reality is the obama is doing with almost every other significant, bigger. and the democratic party has done since sunday, which is through their weight. bind pamela, how this is taking longer than many people expected, but it's here. no, no, it is important, but it hasn't given the huge boost in the polls. it hasn't helped with fundraising because she's already busting of. busy of fund raising targets. there was a huge zooming meeting on wednesday of white voters, white women voters for camelot. it essentially broke zoom is being the biggest meeting in history. and so she's raising all this money. so essentially,
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the obama is just joining in with everyone else. it was important that they gave hearts they gave heart their support. but it came a bit late. sadly, on sunday, it felt as if there were hedging their bets to see where the democratic party was going. but very quickly, by monday morning, wouldn't you exactly where they were heading. and that was to make, come a, how does the democratic know many alan, it was very staged. i think she use it right away or for her campaign on the democratic party is, is all fired off. i mean, there's, so when susie asked to put, you know, she's preaching to the converted, how does it actually translate to convincing those who those photos were still on the fence or apathetic potential voters? i mean, is she making any in roads there as well? it should go to buttons because of what happened since the we can, there's no doubt about that. and not bonuses sadly slightly under donald trump's phones. every candidate gets
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a boost in the poles after the convention of donald trump would have been sent me back on friday morning, expecting to see that. but that's being undermined by the events of the we can remain. but there's still a long way to go before the election in november, but certainly you've got to remember that a lot of people, a lot of people didn't want either job. i know donald trump running is the candidates. they wanted another option. and suddenly, because of circumstances they have that they have someone who is not drunk, who is not buying, and they will give her a look. and it's going to be the undecided voters who will decide that. the moment the hottest campaign is suggesting a lot of those undecided voters might just start preaching for her. and certainly we're seeing that she's improving the poll numbers in states where joe biden was way behind. so if she can continue that momentum, then this race is really open. and you wouldn't have said that a week ago,
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alan fisher reporting from the white house. thank you. so us federal agents have arrested one of the world's most want of drug lords in texas. is mailers and bought, also known as m. i o, is the co founder of the notorious mexican. so in a lower car town, he was detained along with walk in guzman lopez, the son of al chapo guzman, another drug kingpin who is currently in prison in the united states or mexico. security minister says she was surprised by that detaches, but the mexican authorities have been informed by the us and a julia ago yano has more now from mexico city. as we know, this arrest was a joint effort between the d. a and the fbi. i both organizations, i've already released statement saying that the rest of that these 2 most wanted men will deal blows,
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devastating blows to the organization to the scene. i look at then. now the rest itself played out as follows. these 2 men flew into an airport, a small uh airport, in a private aircraft in the city of the paso texas. and they were met by authorities on the aircraft. so it's clear from the information that we have at this point that they were being expected. now how it played out, but these 2 men, obviously, you know, fugitives for decades in the case of one of them that they would fly directly into . the us obviously speaks to a bigger story of which we don't yet have all the details. mx has been media has reported that as my jo was actually set up by another high ranking member of the scene, i look at the into flying. unbeknownst to him to the us. whether or not that is actually the case. i think we'll find out in the coming hours now. what if that will these um, arrests have on the scene. i look at that as
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a whole. i think history in mexico proves that these big drug lords, being arrested doesn't usually reduce violence. you know, and we saw it with a chapel, who's mine, a few years ago. he was a rest that he was the head of the organization at the time. and then the truth is that these organizations are built in structure in a way that accounts for the possibility. and frankly, the likelihood that their leaders will at some point be killed or arrested. so they basically know how to restructure themselves. so really the likelihood that much will change despite the claims by the f b i and the da saying that it will, you know, the devastating blow that this restful deal i think of in, in reality, mexicans aren't really expecting for violence here. cost by this organization. will diminish in the coming days or in the coming weeks. and certainly i would say that i don't think you authorities in the us expect the trafficking of fentanyl to dramatically drop either do we ago. yeah, i know i'll just 0 mexico city,
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security authorities and pocket stone have blocked nationwide. protests oppositional political parties planned to hold demonstrations on friday. the protests had been aimed at demanding a government to take action against rising installation and electricity costs. let's get you more now. we can go to couple of harder. who's in islamabad for you? um, how about how significant are these purchase and what are the demonstrators or demands the way just laid off then? no, and there came this broad tears. what not going to happen. however, after sunset, they all told her do, decided to bring and many more containers to block. major avenue then to his mom about the door to gail as far as traffic is concerned, but thousands of this project started belonging to the jump out. this law me heading into a summer by day planning to,
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to order to 12 point one which leads to the m one more go away and the grand strong grows the all day is always showed the drawers are leading through the or the airport. i know it so does that you did or towards the fun job. now they're the mind of god. and that day, ready to continue to grab this sit, then they have costs have been trying to get to this particular place. power. within the figurative ports as president, particularly the police were the right to get guy share his that now ready. however, this projected on know, engine close the by the hour do is not my body and not already on the outskirts. now the mind of god said that the government or gun said all agreements for the independent follow producer these uh, uh, entities, ridge belong, what's needed the political in need. and they have cost that charging a golf present price. the, despite the fact that they're not producing any electricity in the government that's to pay them. so this is indeed going to be a big them on the government. on the other hand,
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i'd say that they're going to stop deeds protested they've already addressed a hundreds of this protested, and i've got a government to stop them. right. and come all in terms of the, you know, if you can conceptualize for us put into perspective how popular is the tomato saw me as a political party. and, and what could the potential fallout be for the ruling coalition? government of this sit down or sits in, sorry, excuse me, as well as far as the jamal just allow me is concerned that there is indeed a popular bar did i just made a huge comeback? in fact, they accused the government of stealing that mandate, and the southern board safety of garage is where they said they were winning. they did very well into marriage, electrons out there and they have been able to reorganize and also gone out public support because they did huge. they then went against or the girlfriends price, psych of god their their mind going to be that all agree men should be guns and
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read these independent follow produce that the rates are to be brought down by august on a day and a bailout packet. is that it is negotiating whether you read the i met and of course has to meet during the monitor, the government really be in a fix. indeed, because the jump on this allow me and able to much that thousands of it support the, the dedicated, committed noise or the domain that day was set. and it's not my, but of course you will be seeing thousands of people converging on the city or within the next few or then that they would take care on 10 of their demands that make. all right. so come on harder or reporting from sama by the pakistan on the latest developments. thank you very much. thousands of people have attended the state funeral for one of your mom's most dominant political figures. so 80 years old, or new when pho, truong,
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strong has was rather the communist party leader for 13 years. and he died last week. warners lying, the streets of the capital, annoyed as his coffin was driven to a private cemetery in a military procession. a and so a head here on algebra 0 is for a little fix opening ceremony has us even taken place. but one martial artist is already being sent home from paris. details coming up. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination, and due by
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the business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the in the
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exciting times we're going to get the latest from the olympics with peter are you excited, of course. we're going down to the opening ceremony of the olympic games in paris. excitement is building in the french capital, american rapids snoop dog is being involved in the build up the 52 year old. carrying the torch on the last leg of the relay. hundreds of spick faces turned out near the steps of phones to get a glimpse of the grammy winning musician, the flame will light the lift, including the opening ceremony which will take place along the same river. let's go now live to pull recei standing by in paris full as much talking to you. the whole city tends to show during the opening ceremony. what can we expect later? a yeah, paid. so they organizes are really taking the concepts of a romantic bug trip along the sand. so it's extremes. this is going to be the 1st
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time that's lympics. i haven't seen athletes parading inside and olympic stadium instead of the moving 10000 operates, will be on a huge flotilla of boats as thoughts and got the also it's bridge in the east of paris making that way at 6 kilometers along the sun, ending up a truck a day or i would passing some of the conic vent news. i've been working into the fabric of paris along the way, the the oven, and the open events that plus the icon code like skateboarding and breaks down thing. and then, of course, beach volleyball at the eiffel tower itself. next to truck, there are hundreds of thousands of people will be lining the roots. sorry, i'm vicious. i happen to contingency plan as well to take it to the stop the front last minute. it really made it there any problems so far? it seems to be the whether it's bolting with right at the moment. but french meat urologist is pretty pessimistic. about the opening ceremony itself meant to be
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a downfall. well, that's a shame. well, uh, pulling the 1st week of the olympics, swimming take center stage the days of michael phelps so well behind us. no. so what's your defense look awful? a swimming paper is really coming into its own and the sort of post folks era for the french, a little mouse show is the real spend though he's been, he's been really dominant in his events in the lead up to the olympics. he already has, one of selves has previous world records and he's hoping to be the 1st french off late to winning gold in the pool. the 12 is another star swimming is team jeebies out in paid say a 3 time olympic gold medalist at since his last gold level he's had real struggles with with depression, alcohol problems, he appears to have come back from that and he's wanting to really seal his legacy at these games. and so the women, the 7 time gold level is to executive the united states. she certainly has
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a really serious competition in the form of kind of those at summit macintosh and it all comes with the background, but don't bring scandal. 23 chinese swim is tested positive for funds substances a few years ago they've since been cleared by that i started paying all sorts of these and 11 of them have seen a lot of to compete by the world on t typing all sorts a the arrivals not happy about that. there's a big investigation even by the f b i in the united states. also it's a full out between a tv usa, the international olympic committee, and water side quite a mess, the time to swimming. and then finally, athletics is the of the flagship events. in the absence of previous gold middle heroes, like you say, impulse and elaine thompson, hara, how much of an opportunity is there in paris for someone new to become a global still? it was wide open after after the boat really isn't. it pays about what,
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what shoes to fail. you know, there's been told, cuz i'm on the plum test, the american ball in swedish poll volt style kind of being the, the new, your same vote of tracking failed if that's possible. you know, he's broken the world record in poll volt, 8 times. and also on the track know eliles is perhaps the uh, the natural success to design both for the usa. he's hoping for full gold medals and he really wants to be both world records in the 100 meters and $200.00 basis. and of course uh, shelly on, phrase of price will be taking part and have 5th. i'm final olympic games on the truck for jamaica. she's really going to be wanting to sell a absolutely fantastic legacy for jamaica. full re send joey. the other thing certainly. but ahead all of that opening, certainly we've had the 1st positive doping, taste of the parents, games, a rocky men's to delta subjects. they hadn't tested positive for to anabolic
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steroids. international testing agency has confirmed it means, se him is out of the olympics. the 28 year old was due to compete next tuesday. in the 81 kilogram plus the coach of canada women's football team has been suspended for the remainder of the games in the wake of the drones spying control the sea. they've pre spin, voluntarily sent out canada's 1st match of the tournament to one way and 2 members of himself the same time for immediately using a drone to style new zealand training sessions, placement denied, and all that. but it's now being suspended. often new information came to light, which may also question canada is gold, middle in tokyo, 3 years ago. makes me feel, makes me sick to my stomach to think that there could be something that calls into question or what i'm sure. so many of you have heard me say over the course of the last 3 years,
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one of my favorite olympic moments in history that women's team winning that gold medal. i 91 year old former rifleman from senegal, carried the olympic torch on the eve of the opening. sir, me, my dear me is one of thousands of african soldiers who fought for friends during its colonial was nicholas hawk reports from deco marching into paris, a 91 year old former senegalese soldier, the victory for war veterans who marked him from a small village and sent a goal to fighting abroad for france. this was a privilege he did not expect. do they is they told me we want to send the galleys rifleman to carry the and then pick flame and it's you that we've chosen. what do you think? i post for a few minutes and then i said, okay, this is an honor for me. jim spent decades fighting the french government to receive his pension because until recently, france largely ignored the contribution of the regiment known as the synagogue leads to yeah, a quarter of
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a 1000000 africans fault for france. this is one of the rare monuments that pays tribute to those that were involved in spring europe during world war 21 represents dupel, the french soldier, the other denver, all of those from former colonies, whether france or the u. k. that were involved according to the historians today in liberating paris, except at the time, those that had my skin complex, you know, even darker were not allowed to march into paris. the olympics has long been used as a platform to make a statement to call for change. and this legacy is passed on from old to young, the belief that anything is possible through sports. the last time sent a goal one. a metal was in 1964 in the 400 metre hurdles. marianne believes she will be next day of going in a way, but the good thing, my friends and i'm h,
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but this is not going to stop. i will represent senegal. i will bring back the gold medal. you will see i can do it a burning desire to win, to be seen in a foreign land, representing more than a country embodying the olympic spirits. nicholas hawk algebra the car, thousands of football fans in japan would treat it to a glimpse of asia's biggest football stall. sonya and in the south korean for would lead training for we've seen talked with hospice as a prepay to face vessel koby in a pre season friendly, around 20000 friends. showed up in tokyo primarily to see the suppose a captain thorpe unfinished 1st and the premium the last season and begin a new campaign against less the on august 19th. all right, we'll leave a day for the time be i'll be here again later with most of all of these including olympic games information. right. and we're getting so much closer now are to uh to
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that opening ceremony. thank you so much, and that's all from us. thank you so much for watching. i'll be back in just a moment with more of the days. there's the a 150 years. if a chip should history seen through an extraordinary photographic archives, step into the opulent 12 of egypt as real family, with photographs recruit every moment as king photo slavish wedding in 1938 bucks behind the eclipse, proper, etc. also attempted moments. the trip egypt scroll poets, egypt through the lens, all marriages on on to 0. widespread flooding continues to inundate rural areas are not disciplined bung with dash. tens of thousands are still stranded and in desperate need of fresh food and water. the select region of or not is
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bangladesh is now facing new flooding from heavy monsoon, rain and upstream water from india. bad weather is also impacted burned the dishes, southeast region, many rowing a refugee is leaving the foothills of a can anywhere a back on last, a 21 year old son and the land slide my to turn to and i try to rescue him in the darkness that it was too late for many. how busy up to come
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the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption excellence award, denominator here on now the a repair job that could take days. francis high speed rail network sabotaged hours before the olympics. opening ceremony, travel chaos for hundreds of thousands of passengers across europe. euro star tassels a quarter of his trains to paris the hello everyone, i'm way off
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a rock. this is l g 0. life from dawn also coming out of moss leader from the occupied westbank dies and is really custody. his son says he did not receive


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