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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 26, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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the, the system even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award. denominator here on now. the repair job that could take days. francis high speed rail network sabotaged hours before the olympics. opening ceremony travel chaos for hundreds of thousands of passengers across europe. euro star tassels a quarter of his trains to paris the hello everyone, i'm way off a rock. this is alger 0, live from don't also coming out. most leader from the occupied. westbank dies and
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is really custody. his son says he did not receive proper medical care in prison. pamela harris gets the endorsements that she's been waiting for from former us president rock obama, the and, and we begin in france where the high speed trading network has been plunged into chaos before the olympic games opening ceremony. will the government is warning it could take days to return to normal critical railway infrastructure was sabotaged at several important sites. maintenance teams are working to repair the affected areas and the main real operator, as since the f says 800000 travelers could be effected. at about 4 am on friday, the networks of systems detective problems in the north and the east of the country
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as well as south west of paris. there were attempts to damage infrastructure, south east of the capital, but railway staff intervene and copper cables are used for signaling work cuts and fires started. bernard smiths begins, are coverage from paris. it's impossible to fully secure thousands of kilometers of french railway lines. a weakness exposed by these attacks on crucial signaling equipment. this is quasi in northern france when a full locations targeted with fires was set and cables caught some time on thursday night. it's a friday morning, april the high speed rail network to a halt across most of the country. multiple the civil there. today, all the information we have clearly shows that it was deliberate. the simultaneous nature vans were found from which people it fled, particularly in the southeast. this incendiary agents were found on site previous. everything now points to the fact that these were awesome attacks,
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particularly the timing, which is more than a suspicious incognito. the travel plans of more than 800000 royal passengers up in sabotaged lines, connecting powers to cities in the north east west. i'm the united kingdom have been affected. all travelers have been advised to postpone that journeys. what's the declared value? yeah, yeah. we definitely, we have prepared ourselves. there are a lot of people in coal for the lengthy gains, but honestly, we thought that was multi to being on the lines effected by the maybe games and normal breakdowns. we didn't think we would have to mobilize, but obviously we're going to repair already on the way. but the royal network is expected to be severely disrupted, at least until the end of the weekend. hey, the crippling of the railways is being said as a clear attempt to overshadow installed to be able to change. there is unprecedented security. would you rather talk to trains, pound of, of ability, unexplored smith, alex's or the
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and gaza is early fighter jets have carried out a new wave of air strikes, targeting various areas across the strip, at least 21 people were killed. one person was killed in an attack on a residential building in new say that refugee camp is central gossum. while a read on a house in dogs, a city killed at least 2 people and hun units in the south. at least 18 palestinians have been killed. i'm off says it's fighters, have been targeting is really tags using rocket propelled grenades and thousands of displaced people who have been forced to flee to and my where i see in the south west. but the palestine red crescent says there's no space there. israel initially declared in my way, i see a so called save soon, but as a tactic repeatedly and a moss. so leader in the occupied westbank has died and is really custody. the
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palestinian prisoners clubs says and the stuff all died in and is really hospital. he had been transferred there from raymond prison because of his deteriorating health. the 63 year old has been held under administrative detention. many, it's how many of us, what do you, what i'm gonna have to cut away out of the full responsibility lies on those have arrested him and us medical history and health history. he's a sick prisoner who suffers from many health problems with blood platelets. and in science, it's considered an execution of many of the sick prisoners with the risk without providing him with the necessary medical services and without providing him with food that suits his health conditions. via the united nations security council is holding an open meeting about the worsening humanitarian crisis and got some officials from unroll ambassadors to the un. i've called the state of affairs in garza a catastrophe, and they urge the security council to take action. algeria,
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china, russia called for the meeting, and of course, the salumi is live for you. we're after you in headquarters in new york, or why was this meeting called a while russia holds the presidency of the security council. they called for this meeting along with china and algeria after is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke to congress earlier this week. and in that speech, downplay the impact of this conflict on civilians and also diminished any hope that a ceasefire is in any way imminent. so we heard from those un officials as well as council members about the ongoing, dire humanitarian situation in gaza. an attempt to keep the focus on the suffering of the people. they are that suffering impacted not only by the ongoing fighting and displacement, but also by destruction. of infrastructure, not just roads,
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but also hospitals and medical centers and shelters where people have been trying to stay safe. we're really heartbreaking stories again about what people there are facing and also the challenges for humanitarian workers as well. given the attacks that they have come under, the us says that a 199 workers from the un relief and works agency and raw has been killed. many of them along with family members in their homes. just to highlight the challenges of bringing a to people who so desperately need it, the algerian and bassett, or a marvin john, uh, describe the situation as worse than a crisis. he called in an absolute catastrophe, which is the capacity of happening in real time on while we're trying to engine the very essence of our humanity. how do we come up
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the way? we cannot remain silent, and we must not fail to act to the eyes of the story upon us and the voices of gods of suffering people, eco, in this very tremble. security council members reiterated their call for a cease fire and immediate cease fire as was express back in march and resolution 2728. the united states abstained on that boat on that call for a cease fire, but has expressed its support for a seat subsidies fire again. doing so today, deputy ambassador robert would suggesting that her moss was the road blocked and getting that cease fire done china for its part,
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urge the united states to use its leverage on israel to kristen on israel to mix up that cease fire. thank you for finishing. that's our christmas. so literally your life where you at the you're in the headquarters in new york. thanks a lot kristen. and as we mentioned earlier, is really a fighter just so carried out a new wave of air strikes and gaza targeting various areas. at least 21 people were killed. and jose is in there in bella and central gaza and we can talk to her now. what more can you tell us about these latest strikes and the well, the lot late this is where the strike was here in the middle area in a good age where to college news were killed and they were transferred to all ok. so hospital, but also for the sake of consecutive day, that is where the air strikes and nurse has your reselling continue and their ground operations continue in unison,
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especially in the eastern parts of con eunice. now the is ready for says, gave policy needs a couple of minutes to evacuate their houses. so there are policy is still trapped for this 6. they now without food, without water, without medicine, without anything they need. now there are people who bought us to evacuate some of them state and couldn't eunice in the eastern and the western parts, sorry. and so the made it here to a did it. but most of them are cultured on the streets without any shelter, without any clothes. without no thank. you know, there are also airstrikes and dropped off. there's also research because of the city and the not doing parts of the plaza city. so all of the is there any attacks are attacking separate parts of the gaza strip across the street. but the desk told is a cell phone is likely to increase according to civil defense these because they're saying that they are not able to reach people. it's
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a in new and especially in the eastern parts. and that is really good. plus doctors are as topics anyone who would try to move towards those areas. now upgrading to a mazda at a hospital. the only hospital that's facilitating in augusta and commune is that they receive 23 policy new skills from several parts across can use. so according to see what different scenes the numbers are likely to increase, not only because they can't reach the area, but because also there are a lot of people still trapped under the rubble where the is where the forces have been targets incompletes residential areas. and the whole 3 year reporting, thank you very much and we are going to turn our attention out to the united states where a former us present brock obama and michelle obama have endorsed. kala harris says a bid to be the next president obama's phone, the presumptive democratic party,
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nominated while she was out campaigning to offer their support to take a lesson. i am proud of you. this is going to be historic. we called to say, michelle and i couldn't be prouder to endorse here and to do everything we can to get you through the selection of and into the oval office. oh, my goodness, michelle practice mean so much to me. i am looking forward to doing this with the 2 of you and alan fisher spoke to a sir earlier from the white house about the significance of comalla harris's endorsements by the obama. i mean, the reality is the obama is doing with almost every other significant figure and the democratic party has done since sunday, which is through their weight. fine. tom la, this is taken longer than many people expected, but it's here. no, no, it is important, but it hasn't given the huge boost in the polls. it hasn't helped with fundraising because she's already busting a lot of fund raising target. there was
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a huge zoo meeting on wednesday of white voters, white women voters for tamela. it essentially broke zoom. it's been the biggest meeting in history. and so she's raising all this money. so essentially the obama is just joining in with everyone else. it was important that they gave hearts that gave heart their support. but it came a bit late, certainly on sunday, it felt as if there were hedging their bets to see where the democratic party was going. but very quickly, by monday morning, wouldn't you exactly where they were headed. and that was to make, come a, how does the democratic know many should go to bones because of what happened since the we can, there's no doubt about that. and not bonuses sadly slightly under donald trump's phones. every candidate gets a boost in the poles after the convention, and donald trump, would it be sent me back on friday morning, expecting to see that ella fisher of reporting their us federal agents have
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arrested one of the world's most wanted drug lords in texas as millers and bottle, also known as m, i o is the co founder of the notorious mexican send, in lieu of cartel. it was detained along with working guzman lopez, the son of el cheapo guzman. another drug kingpin who is currently in prison in the united states or mexico security minister says she was surprised by the potentials but said mexican authorities had been informed by the us julia ago. yano has more from mexico city. we know this arrest was a joint effort between the d a and the fbi. i both organizations, i've already released statements saying that the rest of that these 2 most wanted men will deal below is devastating blows to the organization to the scene. i look at then, now the rest itself played out as follows. these 2 men flew into an airport,
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a small, uh airport, in a private aircraft in the city of a paso texas. and they were met by authorities on the aircraft. so it's clear from the information that we have at this point that they were being expected. now, how it played out. but these 2 men, obviously, you know, fugitives for decades in the case of one of them that they would fly directly into the us obviously speaks to a bigger story of which we don't yet have all the details. next have been media has reported that as my jo was actually set up by another high ranking member of the scene, i look at the into flying. unbeknownst to him to the us. whether or not that is actually the case. i think we'll find out in the coming hours now. what is that will these um, arrests have on the scene a little. i've got that as a whole. i think history in mexico proves that these big drug lords, being arrested doesn't usually reduce violence, you know, and we saw it with a chapel, who's mine. a few years ago, he was a rest that he was the head of the organization at the time. and then the truth is
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that these organizations are built in structure in a way that accounts for the possibility. and frankly, the likelihood that their leaders will at some point be killed or arrested. so they basically know how to restructure themselves. so really the likelihood that much will change despite the claims by the f b i and the da saying that it will, you know, the devastating blow that this restful deal i think of in, in reality, mexicans aren't really expecting for violence here. cost by this organization. will diminish in the coming days or in the coming weeks. and certainly i would say that i don't think you authorities in the us expect the trafficking of fentanyl to dramatically drop either do we ago. yeah, i know i'll just 0 mexico city us. and so had here on al jazeera, the philippine coast guard, the pores, loading barriers in an effort to contain an oil spill from a cap sized tank or the
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had lower. that will stop by looking at the satellite image for south asia. and you can see the monsoon rains in full force across central and northern parts of india or it's already pockets done manages to stay dry for now, down in the south, we'll see the development of some west of weather across the move in areas like the whole but the heavy rain on the sack today, we'll continue to pull into western areas. we have warnings, amber warnings, stretching from raw just on a down to come can and go us fis wins as well, coming into coastal areas with that across the bay of bengal, the width and when the weather continues with heavy falls to come from me and my heavy rain is a story from much of east asia that thanks to tie food going may that's downgrading
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as it works its way further north, across much of china, it's going to bring that to wrench will range in a cub across the korean peninsula into rushes far east with some bus of heavy rain affecting northern parts of japan. it's so hot and humid down in the south, and hot and humid across parts of southeast asia, in particular for malaysia and indonesia. it's looking very dry here. but on saturday we'll see more heavy rain pulling into northern parts of the philippines. the relationship with nature is long as in violence. fossil fuel extraction, intensive, agriculture, over consumption. it becomes quite clear. we need a reset, ohio, the planet excuse how reassessing human kind place within the well, he's, teen tech lean climate change. this is a totally different world news piece of will leave me. we are cost with
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nature, no support from it. on our 20 the the color there, you're washing alger 0 reminder of our top stories this our high speed trains in france has been sol, baton rouge. to ahead of the opening ceremony of the paras olympics authorities report damage to signaling and fires at several sites. teams have been deployed to carry out repairs, and many high speed trains are not running affecting some 800000 travelers. although some lines are now slowly resuming operations authorities,
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the services are only expected to return to normal by monday and in gaza is really strikes across the strip filled at least one to one people. much of the assault is focused on hun eunice in the south. a ma says it spiders targeted is really tags in the city with rocket propelled grenades, security authorities in progress. dawn have banned nationwide protests for a position political parties planned to hold demonstrations on friday. for testers wanted the government to take action against rising inflation and electricity costs . let's get you more on now. these are developments are kamala hyder is in islam, a bunch of pocket stones come out, how significant are these protests and what exactly are the demands of the demonstrators to read?
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first of all, this is probably the most significant protest since those february elections that brought in the coalition government into ball law. and of course, the jamal, just allow me a q is the government of rigging the elections and stealing the mandate. now this is a political party that is being very strong on the street. it's a discipline party. they have st. paul, and it's also significant because what they're now asking for is that the government should, can said it's did and agreements with the independent follow up, reduce the didn't depend and follow up, reduce or the ibp agreements were done under the government. don't know why. sure. if that did deposit done was simply, you know, watch and the progress on people. sparky. now, according to the detail is focused on right now has the highest price for electricity almost $3.00 times that of india where it costs about $5.00 to $0.06
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per day. and focused on it's almost $0.20 per unit and the concept squared a huge burden on the paper. so that is widespread grid then rent across the country because people are not able to pay the bears needed. because of that, that does, your model is not me, has now taken up dead cards and now trek named a major citizen. and it's not all about until their demands are met. housings of their supporters have already reached the city of robert penn date, which is not very far, not likely to come through. it's not my body of to day regroup. so indeed, the 1st big challenge for the government in islam of water come off, give us a sense of how much supports the drama. just allow me as a political party, your accounts on it and, and what will the fall out of this shouldn't be for the ruling coalition, governments you think of as well as your mother's law, me uh it has become one of the strong parties they had lost the fall
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a few years ago, but they've been able to reorganize, they are across the country. it's a major partner, dakota, bar, d. uh they have cause did uh have a kid with the government of rigging those elections and i've got the fact is that they've become even more. busy related because they've taken in this, but this particular progress on behalf of the people are focused on. so it is a significant party with significant st. paul, what the government of course, will be hoping to refute this guy said, but the political party that rather did them wrong cons focused on teddy can solve even j. and they would also support to suppose to protest today. but the government climbed down saying they were not allowed to do so. and the government also invested hundreds of support the might just allow me across the button job. and they have also, or restrictions on any gathering or protests. so indeed this is a major development. and for the 1st time, the government of god's going to be thinking that it doesn't go into something big
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. come ahead are reporting on developments from islam abad. thank you so much for that update. and police in the bung with that should have detained the 3 student leaders. authorities accuse them of organizing the recent protests against quotas on government jobs. i'll just, there's a ton your child reasons. this update from dr. the security has been size and not they for the pride and joy, my prayer because you have a 9 hour pause to day was briefing the press, the home minister said the car for you will remain at listen for district including dock uh and the capital with a 9 hour pause, all over in all the states. the local authorities can decide based on the situation . and he said the track down on those involved in the arson and destruction will continue across the country. let us go to the there are sticking through the
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portions about they're also on the wrong, they're unable to hold press conference, but they're speaking with the 9 points demand. starting the economy of taking the tool as it is, it was struggling with high inflation and storing for trifles for last 2 years. government industry is losing orders because of the internet shut down. business has that been closed? april with fixed income and daily lab or the, the one who's suffering the most. if that continues like this, there will be a serious consequence on the economy. according to analysts. however, the government is continuing to say that things are normal, yet everything seems to be very pen. and paper also want to know why it happened, how it happened. why so many people got killed? sunbridge, audrey, i'll just say the dock uh for long cuz the election commission says the presidential election will be held on september 21st. the opposition parties accused members of the current administration of trying to postpone the poll.
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shalanda is recovering from major financial challenges which led to mass protests and a political crisis 2 years ago. and michelle fernandez has more now from the capital colombo, the announcement by the election commission behind me stops. so an 8 week process that will cause me need in the presidential elections on the 21st of september. and obviously this comes after a long period of political and economic upheaval. shalanda had seen the president elected by a massive such a majority in the last presidential elections, leaving office under a cloud literally being handed out. we have the current president who in fact is contesting the election. he is representative, was the 1st person to come and pay up the boned at the election commission and after the announcement and also the country going through
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a huge economic sort of a crisis that so it's unable to afford basic essentials like food medicine and flipped fuels. so here with this election is a chance for the people to speak to, to indicate you know, where the sam regarding, you know, web that thoughts lie regarding the country and the direction forward. the cutting president has said he's a safe bet him hands. he guided the country to sort of stability during this economic crisis, but all the policies say that he and those he represents of the very reason the countries fell into that situation. in the 1st place, mendez, i'll just 0 colombo and the philippine coast guard says it will deployed chemical or disperse since and the floating barriers after a tank are tearing one and a half 1000000 leaders of industrial fuel cap size near manila big. but as barnaby
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low reports, despite government assurances, people in coastal communities are worried, the oil will spread. a fisherman in this coastal community of manila are still reeling from type when gave me their boats swept away by strong waves and rising water levels. alan port the found his in pieces. it's been hard and i'm not making any money because i'm not able to fish. and that means i'm not able to feed my family proper metal. and that's on top of the woodland catches they say, says the building of man made islands. and manila bay began a few years ago. and now a tanker carrying 1500000 leadership. industrial fuel is underwater and leaking oil . not far from where the fish caught the oil will stick to the fish. no one will want to binding, but i know it took 3 months to clean up the oil. spill off the central philippines last year. they fear a crisis worse than that. while the tanker capsized off the province of with the on,
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which is less than 150 kilometers from manila, the waters are part of many of the bank. and so this vision community in the philippine capital could be in the trajectory of the oil spill shouldn't spread. but the coast guard says it appears to be, for now is from the tankers engine. it is contained within the vicinity of the accident, siphoning off the industrial fuel assess to media to take a week, but it needs to start. so we're preparing for the worst case scenario, which is that the industrial fuel leak. so we have low spill bones. this person and very time environmental protection personnel on site. but fishermen here hope it doesn't come to that. because the worst case scenario isn't something they can prepare for. warranty, below l just a minute. and police in the south africa have arrested 95 livia nationals suspicion of receiving training at a secret military camp. and police are read at the camp in the right river area on
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friday morning. the libyans are believe to have entered a south africa on study visas to train as security guards. but police investigations indicate they've received military training and is unclear if the individuals are linked to any group or a 91 year old former rifleman from senegal carry the olympic torch on the eve of the opening ceremony of the olympics. o mart d m is one of thousands of african soldiers who fought for france during it's colonial wars. because hawk reports from docker marching into paris, a 91 year old former senegalese soldier, the victory for war veterans who mar jim from a small village and sent a goal to fighting abroad for france. this was a privilege he did not expect. do they? is they told me we want.


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