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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 26, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the, the system even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award denominator here on now the . ready ready the parasol and fix the opening ceremony sets a kick off in 30 minutes time despite what officials are calling coordinated sabotage on francis high speed train lines. and here's a live look for you from paris, where a tax, including arson, have cost, a lot of travel, chaos. and we'll find out if the rate the letter i'm layla herancha, this is alger 0 life and also coming up
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a series of is really air attacks kills 21 palestinians across casa with the southern city of hon. units took the hardest, israel's foreign minister says time will tell if we're closer to a gaza ceasefire deal as he meets with donald trump at his home and mar, la, go in florida and come on. harris gets the endorsement. she has been waiting for from former us present rock obama the and we begin this broadcast in france, where the opening ceremony to the purse olympics is due to start momentarily. but the event was plunged into chaos after the country's high speed train network was sabotaged at several important sites. all of the government is warning a critique, days to return to normal maintenance teams are working around the clock to repair
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the affected areas. the main real operator, since the us says 800000 travelers could be effected at about 4 am on fridays and network systems detected problems in the north and the east of the country. as well as south west of paris. there were attempts to damage infrastructure, south east of the capital, but railway staff intervene. copper cables used for sickly or cuts and fires started will be live in the capital with natasha butler but 1st burnett. smith has this report from pears, it's. it's impossible to fully secure thousands of kilometers a french railway lines. a weakness exposed by these attacks on crucial signaling equipment. this is quasi in northern france when a full locations targeted with fires was set and cables caught sometime on thursday night. it's a friday morning, april the high speed rail network to
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a halt across most of the country, multiple directed civil there. today, all the information, we have clearly shows that it was deliberate. the simultaneous nature vans were found from which people it fled, particularly in the southeast. this incendiary agents were found on site previous. everything now points to the fact that these were awesome attacks, particularly the timing, which is more than a suspicious incognito. the travel plans of more than 800000 royal passengers had been sabotaged. lines connecting powers to cities in the north east west. i'm the united kingdom. i've been affected. all travelers have been advised to postpone that journeys. what's the declared value? yeah, yeah, definitely. we have prepared ourselves. there are a lot of people in copeland, epic games, but honestly we thought that was multi to being on the lines effected by the need be games and normal breakdowns. we didn't think we would have to mobilize, but obviously we're going to repair already on the way. but the rail network is expected to be severely disrupted, at least until the end of the weekend. hey,
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the crippling of the railways is being saved as a clear attempt to overshadow the stock gains. there is a precedent of security. would you rather talk to the trains, pound of, of ability, unexplored students and then i'll just all right, let's get you more and natasha butler is in pairs of for you what. what sort of impact natasha? is this a train network attack having just, you know, now 30 minutes before the opening ceremony. so there's no doubt that there's multiple austin attacks on farms as well. network of overshadow to the beginning of the and then big games. you have 800000 people across the country that have been impacted some way people are traveling. maybe it's best on the holidays, all the people moving around for the lympics. now, the french authorities are saying they go to investigation that going to look for the perpetrators. so trying to downplay a link. so with the olympic games we've heard justice
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a while ago from the mad powers. i knew that go who said that the opening ceremony will continue as usual because as you say, we are just moments away from that opening ceremony once it is ready, being rather controversial because it's being held nothing. the stadium as a traditional album for the 1st time, outside on the river side, right in the center of the city. and many people have said over the past month the so he's not a good idea in terms of security for just our season organizers say that they have put everything they can in place in order to insure security. we know, for example, just on this occasion, that was 45000 police officers on patrol in the city and the center around the river center as being and veritable look down the days. all right, well let's turn our attention now. as you said, i mean we're just moments away or from the opening ceremony kicking off, tell us a bit of what we can expect to see as
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well. what exactly is going to happen in the evening ceremony has been kept. totes top secrets by the organizes, the autistic director saying that that c course is some of the magic this element of surprise. when people see what happens, what we do know is some, 7000 athletes will be taken by boat on a 6 to them. it's a route and the river said a through the center of paris, pulsing historic world famous monuments like dr. dime, and they all have full tabs. it will be factual as to what is going to be a unique moment to daring is not fishes project is taking years to put into place so many people are very excited to see exactly what happens right. if problems has to be extraordinary, people i understand are arriving at the venue ceremony. is a starting shortly with the forecast says it's gonna rain so you know what's the most or what are people telling you?
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i know it is rather i'm lucky because we have had amazingly sunny bright weather over the last few days. but now, as you can see behind me, gray skies and rain and even heavier rain full cost and a few hours of the organizers say they've always had backup plans. the bad prepared for the venture out of these. but there's no doubt of pools. things would always look more glorious in full sunshine, never less people who are arriving for this evening. so many i was just talking to somebody actually on the phone in a short while ago. so people are pretty excited. there's a good atmosphere in the people really looking forward to something positive, something to celebrate. it is going to be we are told by the organizers the festive moment and you're starting to feel that this is a really good stuff for natasha butler in paris. so we'll catch up with you later. i the the in gaza is really fighters. it's really fight or just rather have carried out
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a new wave of air strikes. targeting various areas across the strip. at least 21 people were killed. one person was killed in an attack on a residential building and, and you say that's a refugee camp in central. got. so while a read on a house in garza city killed at least 2 people and in hon. eunice, in the south, at least 18 palestinians have been killed. come off, says it's fighters. have been targeting is really tax using rocket propelled grenades. meanwhile, thousands of displaced people have been forced to for you to and my where see in the south west. but the palestine red crescent says there's no space there is real initially declared m o s c a so called safe zone, but it has attacked it repeatedly with nowhere else to go. many families have been forced to move into cemeteries for the holiday. reports of the living now lives alongside the dead display several times by is where these talks and
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evacuation orders. these palestinians are forced to pitch tents in the symmetry, sometimes sleeping next to the graves of a person very thought they will live in gym birmingham, but not shut up. i swear that i have seen a lot of dead people. i live here in the cemetery and i see thousands of bodies every day. i suffer too much on life is non stop suffering. but even the dream accommodation may be temporary, with israel's worth showing, no sign of ending, they could be forced to move again at any moment. the gods we move every day from one place to another displacement has almost killed us. we don't have money moving is expensive. we urge air of countries and muslim nations to help us to stand with us. we need a solution. con unice has been completely destroyed. we ended up living with the dead in the cemetery all day and i'm kept. god only knows how we survived shows
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were coming towards us from every why we live in a graveyard. we share the space with good people. the living conditions here are only fits for the dead. there's no running water, no toilets, nothing that can being a little comfort cemetery is supposed to be a final resting place. perhaps the lucky ones will be forced to move. once again and survive. the lucky ones will be buried with their tents once to the end of the odyssey to the cause of palestine and the mouse leader and be occupied. westbank has died in his early custody. the palestinian prisoners clubs says mustafah, i will r on died and it is rarely hospital and i've been transferred there from raymond prison because of is deteriorating health. the 63 year old was being held under administrative detention. it's how and most of the way out of the full responsibility lies on those have arrested him and knew his medical history and health history. he is
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a sick prisoner who suffers for many health problems with blood platelets, and enzymes. it's considered an execution in mind of the sick prisoner with arrested without providing him with the necessary medical services and without providing him with food that suits his health conditions. the united nations security council is holding an open meeting about the worsening humanitarian crisis and got some officials from on raw and ambassadors to the united nations, of called the state of affairs and gauze on a catastrophe. and they urge the security council to take action. algeria, china, russia called for the meeting, which is the capacity of happening in real time on while we're trying to engine the very essence of our humanity. and to become a certain way. we cannot remain silent, and we must not fail to act the eyes
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of his story upon us and the voices of gods, of suffering people equal in this very tremble us. and in the united states. meanwhile, donald trump has met with is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his wife and his moral law go home in florida. the 2 leaders forged a close alliance during trumps years in the white house. the former us president called for a swift and to the war in gaza, saying captors need to be returned immediately. is really leaders said he would dispatch a delegation to take part in talks in rome. and the former us prison. brock obama and michelle obama have endorsed conway harris's bid to be the next president. your ramos found the presumptive democratic party nominate while she was out campaigning to offer their support. i am proud of you. this is
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going to be historic. we called to say, michelle, and i couldn't be prouder doors here and to do everything we can to get you through the selection of and into the oval office. oh, my goodness, michelle practice mean so much to me. i'm looking forward to doing this with the 2 of you and alan fisher spoke to a certain earlier from the white house about the significance of coming on harris's endorsements by the obama's. i mean, the reality is the obama is doing almost every other significant thing in the democratic party has done since sunday, which is through their weight. bind, pamela, how this is taken longer than many people expected, but it's here. no, no, it is important, but it hasn't given the huge boost in the polls. it hasn't helped with fundraising because she's already busting a lot of fund raising target. there was a huge zooming meeting on wednesday of white voters, white women voters for pamela,
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essentially broke zoom is being the biggest meeting in history. and so she's raising all of this money. so essentially the obama's are just joining in with everyone else. it was important that they gave hearts they gave heart their support, but it came a bit late. certainly on sunday it felt as if there were hedging their bets to see where the democratic party was going. but very quickly, by monday morning, were knew exactly where they were heading. and that was to become a how does the democratic know many should go to bones because of what happened since the we can, there's no doubt about that. and not bonuses sadly, slightly under donald trump's phones. every candidate gets a boost in the poles after the convention. and donald trump would have been sending you back on friday morning, expecting to see that. and you were sort of all ages have arrested one of the world's most wanted drug boards in texas, as well as and, but also known as a mile,
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is the co founder of a notorious and mexican. so in a low occurred town, he was detained along with walking guzman lopez, the son of el cheapo guzman, and other drug kingpin, was now in prison in the united states, mexico, security minister. so she was surprised by the detention for said mexican authorities had been informed by the us. and of julia ago, yano has more now from mexico city. we know this arrest was a joint effort between the d a and the b. i both organizations, i've already released statement saying that the rest of that these 2 most wanted men will deal blows, devastating blows to the organization to the scene. i look at then. now the rest itself played out as follows. these 2 men flew into an airport, a small uh airport, in a private aircraft in the city of the paso texas. and they were met by authorities on the aircraft. so it's clear from the information that we have at this point that
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they were being expected. now how it played out, but these 2 men, obviously, you know, fugitives for decades in the case of one of them that they would fly directly into . the us obviously speaks to a bigger story of which we don't yet have all the details. mexican media has reported that as my jo was actually set up by another high ranking member of the scene, i look at the into flying. unbeknownst to him to the us. whether or not that is actually the case. i think we'll find out in the coming hours now. what if that will these um, arrests have on the scene. i look at that as a whole. i think history in mexico proves that these big drug lords, being arrested doesn't usually reduce violence. you know, and we saw it with a chapel, who's mine, a few years ago. he was a rest that he was the head of the organization at the time. and then the truth is that these organizations are built and structured in a way that accounts for the possibility. and frankly, the likelihood that their leaders will at some point be killed or arrested. so they
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basically know how to restructure themselves. so really the likelihood that much will change despite the claims by the f b i and the da saying that it will, you know, the devastating blow that this restful deal i think of in, in reality, mexicans aren't really expecting for violence here. cost by this organization. will diminish in the coming days or in the coming weeks. and certainly i would say that i don't think you authorities in the us expect the trafficking of fentanyl to dramatically drop either do we ago. yeah, i know i'll just 0 mexico city us as so have here on al jazeera, a tribute to those involved in free in europe during world war 2 and 91 year old former senegalese soldier shows to picks for carry rather the olympic flame, the
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in depth analysis of the days headlines is ready, black is raised, accusing the entire world, looking upon them. sense informed opinions. this is person's 1st visit to no credit in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will and power him in any way, as well as voters in america inside story massachusetts, the group was fine to send on out jersey around the phone and counting the cost this week, buckle up for a wild ride. transport is changing rapidly. so what does the future hold for view technologies change the way we move goods to and how can i help aviation to make the transition to green energy capturing the cost on al jazeera, the
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the, the welcome back. you're watching also. is there a reminder of our top story? is this our the opening ceremony of the lympics due to kick off that about 15 minutes time, but the country is high speed trains. i've been sabotaged. have authorities reported damage to signaling and fires at several sides. thieves have been the port
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to carry out repairs and in gaza is rarely strikes across the strip, chilled at least $21.00 people. much of the song is focused on time units and the sell. mazda is fighters. targeted is really tanks in the city with rocket propelled grenades, and israel's prime minister has told donald trump only time will tell if a ceasefire deal takes place. the 2 are holding talks at trump's home in florida. benjamin that, you know, said he would dispatch of delegation to take parts and cease fire talks enroll when it turn our attention now to show long ago that country's election commission says the presidential election will be held on september 21st opposition parties accused members of the current administration of trying to postpone the polls show on guy is recovering from major financial challenges which led to mass protests and a political crisis. 2 years ago. now fernandez has more from the capital, colombo,
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so the announcement by the election commission behind me stops. so an 8 week process that will cause me need in the presidential elections on the 21st of september. and obviously this comes after a long period of political and economic upheaval. shalanda had seen the president elected by a massive such a majority in the last presidential elections, leaving office under a cloud literally being handed out. we have the current president who in fact is contesting the election. he is representative, was the 1st person to come and pay up the boned at the election commission and after the announcement and also the country going through a huge economic sort of a crisis that so it's unable to afford basic essentials like food medicine and flip fuel so here with this election is a chance for the people to speak to,
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to indicate you know, where the sam regarding, you know, web that thoughts lie regarding the country and the direction forward. the cutting president has said he's a safe bet him hands. he guided the country to sort of stability during this economic crisis, but all the policies say that he and those he represents of the very reason the countries fell into that situation. in the 1st place, mendez a 0 colombo, a security or doherty's in the pocket. stone have bad nationwide, protests opposition. the political parties have planned to hold demonstrations on friday for testers. wanted senior government to take action against rising inflation and electricity costs. a tie phone gave me has me land fall in south eastern china, prompting warnings of flash floods. and water logging in areas still recovering
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from the trench will re several weeks ago. well, authorities relocated more than 290000 people. know that have been reported so far . laura westbrook reports from hong kong. often barreling through the philippines and tie one tyson gave me struck china's south eastern coast of gen, bringing with the winds of about a 120 kilometers in our authorities were on high alert as rain submerged streets. and people in the small town when moved to safety, only a moment. if the rain continues like this, the flooded area will become larger and larger. so we have to evacuate the people in fujian schools with closed and slights and trains cancelled and neighboring judge, young waterways were flooded. the storm is weakening, as it has inland, but full cost is worn. heavy rain could effect at least 10 provinces. the next challenge is the amount of rain that gainey is set to unleashed on areas already
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hit hard by to wrench, lorraine, land, slides and flooding. authorities of puts out warnings that water levels in rivers and lakes could rise to dangerous levels, raising the risk of more flooding. it's such a concern that president, she didn't pain chad. a special needs thing on plans to control floods and food un nuclear reports at $85.00 hacked is of crops were damaged. as gave me took a toll in people's livelihoods. as the storm moves north, it's set to impact provinces such as had none already lashed by weeks of rain that's destroyed, crops, and livestock. they will be in pet about uh, where the people can consume, they will be uh, destruction to us production. i think that will be the most direct economy consequences if we use last year case. as an example, then a china may actually lose around a $40000000000.00 us dollar, which is around 0.2 percent of his gdp. if this extreme where to continue in summer,
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which is pretty much july and august scientists, everyone's climate change is watson and tropical storms, making them less frequent, but more intense analysts say more investments is needed in critical infrastructure to protect people's livelihoods and reduce the impact of extreme weather passions like this. laura westbrook algebra, hong kong. if he has declared 3 days of morning, hundreds of people are still missing 5 days after 2 last slides swept through a remote region. in the south, every machinery cannot reach the area. so rescue teams and volunteers have been using their bare hands and shovels to dig through the mud. the un says at least $257.00 bodies have been recovered. and a 91 year old former riflemen from senegal carry fee olympic torch on the eve
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of the opening ceremony. omar them is one of thousands of african soldiers who fought for france during the colonial wars. nicholas hawk reports from the car are marching into paris, a 91 year old former senegalese soldier, the victory for war veterans who marked him from a small village and sent a goal to fighting abroad for france. this was a privilege he did not expect the day is they told me we wants to send these riflemen to carry it in and pick flame and it's you that we've chosen. what do you think? i post for a few minutes and then i said, okay, this is an honor for me. jim spent decades fighting the french government to receive his pension because until recently, france largely ignored the contribution of the regiment known as the indigo leads to yeah, yeah. a quarter of a 1000000 africans fault for france. this is one of the rare monuments that pays tribute to those that were involved in spring europe during world war 21 represents
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dupel, the french soldier, the other denver, all of those from former colonies, whether france or the u. k. that were involved according to the historians today in liberating paris, except at the time, those that had my skin complex, you know, even darker were not allowed to march into paris. the olympics has long been used as a platform to make his statement to call for change. this legacy is passed on from old to young, the belief that anything is possible through sports. the last time sent a goal one. a metal was in 1964 in the 400 metre hurdles. marianne believes she will be next day of going in a way, but they get my friends and i'm h, but this is not going to stop. i will represent senegal. i will bring back the gold medal. you will see i can do it a burning desire to win,
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to be seen in a foreign land, representing more than a country embodying the olympic spirits. nicholas hawk, algebra, the car. and it isn't for me, and we'll have our brothers next them inside story. and then i'll see you the the have that let's get the weather for the middle east, levant and it's a luxury hot, dry and settled picture, many areas. we're seeing some rain, however, push across the very know from take you into the cold because we could see heavy rain, some of that dripping down into north western parts of iran on saturday. so maybe a showers as well. we'll touch into western pots if you have me with a few splits and spots for the southwest of saudi arabia, but it is largely dry with the shamal,
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expect it to pick up across the gulf temperatures. however, it's sitting around the mid forties photo hot in could tom know temperatures have been sitting very high across the north west of africa in morocco for particular in particular, we will see some rain edging into most central areas on saturday. the rain is heaviest. across that central band of africa, big bus, the rain will continue to roll west from nigeria of the south of this. it is a laundry dry picture with lots of heat to be found for winter in places like zambia, as well as in baldwin. we will see some of that rain, however, kick up from southern parts of south africa, new thing, round into southern parts of mozambique. it is the story of heat here, but it is looking cooler for cape town on sunday. the hard hitting intervenes is israel and obstacles piece. i think that to move in the
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f one, his government with these 5 digit you say getting russell. they thought provoking. odd since the e you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive when, and that's how did you facing realities you're running? mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential, could we go to some we can uptake the fact that he was suddenly present as not that important factor. he had the story on talk to how does era ukraine's foreign minister visit staging foot folks. the 1st trip by ukrainian government representative to china since watches invasion moments of years ago by doing intensifying diplomatic efforts. why now can they help in the world? this is inside story. the .


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