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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 27, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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the the . ringback the, the 2020 full powers olympic games are underway, despite what officials are cooling, coordinated, sabotaged on from says high speed train lines, the code. so robin want to hold 0 life, but headquarters here in the whole. so coming up, israel's prime minister says time will tell if we're close to, to a cause a cease, find a deal as he meets donald trump. but his home in florida, digging with that,
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that hands beautiful. and the southern ethiopia was such teams as struggling, trying to retrieve bodies batteries by this week's landslide and authorities in buck installed by a nationwide protest, the face of demonstrations against rising inflation. the welcome to the pickup is 2300 gmc, but it's 1 o'clock in the morning in paris, where the only big games have officially being declared open mold in 10000 operates cruise down the river, said, passing by historic landmarks that was the 1st time in the history of the olympics, some of the games that an opening ceremony took place outside the stadium. it's estimates a bit more than a 1000000000 people to that. the tasha butler is in power as with more a large presence of i knew my goal has officially opened the games off to this really low learning ceremony. last of nearly 4 hours and was quite spectacular, quite at g,
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perhaps known to everybody's taste. but it was so nice something unique and not traditional because normally mixer ladies, all health in stadiums outside of cities here in fact, powers became in a way a stage full performers. for dogs says, for musicians, we saw performances from the american singer, lady gall, go just in front of a note to them on the piano. and also i am like a more at the fridge. malia and the senior who a mode through a golden firework. so it's been pretty spectacular to see a test of direct to have pro missed a lot of surprises. and it was suddenly unique because it took place on the river. since thousands of athletes travels along the river by boat spectators lining both sides as well. some spectators disappointed though it seems because they couldn't really see some of what was happening very well. it was so the made more for television for fun, for those who are actually that, but never the less of course, a magical moment for many but event. so it and to be plunged into kyle stuff to the
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countries high speed trading that was sabotaged at several important sites. about 4 o'clock in the morning on friday, the network systems detected problems in the north of the east of the country, as well as the south west of powers. they were attempts to damage infrastructure southeast of the capital. but railway staff intervened couple of cables useful simply like what caught on file started causing travel issues. the 10s of thousands . bennett smith has moved from the french capital. it's impossible to fully secure thousands of kilometers a french railway lines. a weakness exposed by these attacks on crucial signaling equipment. this is quasi in northern france when a full locations targeted with fires was set and cables caught some time on thursday night. it's a friday morning, april the high speed rail network to a halt across most of the country, multiple directed civil there. today, all the information,
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we have clearly shows that it was deliberate. the simultaneous nature vans were found from which people it fled, particularly in the southeast as incendiary agents were found on site previous. everything now points to the fact that these were awesome attacks, particularly the timing, which is more than a suspicious incognito. the travel plans of more than 800000 royal passengers up in sabotaged lines, connecting powers to cities in the north east west. i'm the united kingdom. i've been affected. all travelers have been advised to postpone that journeys. what's the declared value? yeah, yeah. that's what we have prepared ourselves. there are a lot of people in coal for the lengthy gains, but honestly, we thought that was multi to being on the lines effected by the need be games, and normal breakdowns. we didn't think we would have to mobilize, but obviously we're going to repair already on the way. but the royal network is expected to be severely disrupted, at least until the end of the weekend. hey, the crippling of the railways is being said as a clear attempt to overshadow, stop gains. there is unprecedented security. would you rather talk to the trains
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pound of, of the ability, unexplored smith, alex's or the to the us the, the full but present brock obama and michelle obama have adults to come to the house as presidential bid. it comes 5 days after day by and drop down to the race via baba's. so the presumptive democratic policy number, the while she was on the road campaigning. i am proud of you. this is going to be historic. we called to say, michelle and i couldn't be prouder to doors here and to do everything we can to get you through the selection of and into the oval office. oh, my goodness, michelle practice mean so much to me. i am looking forward to doing this with the 2 of you and vishal, hers name from washington dc. there was some concerns that the obama is going to be
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totally back tamela hardest. when they put out a statement on sunday, they were perhaps waiting to see if another candidate with a marriage. but that simply has not happened. tamela how this is a perspective democratic no money and she signed up the game endorsement some to abide with himself to the a bomb is in other big names in the democratic party. and so the obama is probably so the direction of travel. and that is why they've no added their voice in support . what council of how this will be able to do is tap into the stop power be, are still a big draw, a democratic circles on between now and the election in november, taking time on both of them, appearing at raleigh's that she tries to win the vote of the undecided and that's heightened by the fact that if you remember just about a month or so ago, the majority of americans didn't want to see either donald trump or joe biden on the presidential ballot. and so now there is a new name to congress, but she's going to try and convince the undecided voters
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a new small swing states that she really is something different. she go to them from what happened on sunday, and she'll get a bump when she notices or vice presidential candidate. and she'll get another bump when it comes to the democratic national convention. she is writing a wave of a mental. she's got to try and do that all the way until november and it's much easier to see that then to do it. for sure, i'll just leave it at the white house to the lady is the president of the us middle east project. he says couple of hours has a chance to win back democratic policy versus the solutions by the administration. support the israel's will. in garza, has been vice president in the buys with ministration. it's this is an administration that has enabled it as agents in the packet. what is plausibly according to the international court of justice, a genocide measures that would be cool for to prevent that have been rejected by his realm. steve, the scenes of destruction every day. the last civilian killing events,
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we see the bite and the administrator should have all that. now, vice president, paris has largely been excluded from that. what's interesting, this is the, this moment of movement building in the us has put political power on the agenda because it seems to be how is kind of just acknowledges that it's have to do something to win those voters back. any form continues to move a bill then that could impact the policies of a potential harris administration was about to come about. but i think b, b, b, a binding memory image. this good to stay with us. all of this, nothing y'all can visit overall is not lies the the see the blog for us, the rest of it, of these ready prime minister. but it is the fact that the united states congress stood on a pool all the time off the time. so many,
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especially on the republican side, they treated him as something of a messiah, a man who is being issued. if the judges agree with the chief prosecutor with an international criminal court arrest warrant for rule crimes, the crimes against humanity for the use of starvation is a weapon of. busy and it seems to show that the united states congress gets leadership, have no interest in the rest of the world. thanks and have contempt for the rule of law for peaceful justice and for rights. and they cannot, that will be a friend or leader in making peace and asserting international. a donald trump has met the is very prime minister to his home in florida where he asked him to sign a deal to end the war. and garza, is that 1st face to face meeting in 84 years now the once close latest fell out after nothing. you know, he congratulate to joe biden in 2021 after the beat the present. then president trump in the election. now in response to trumps. cool for deal. that's the all who
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said as well would send to negotiating team deceased by adults in room next week. jeff house is the executive director all the revolving door project and independent thing tank. he believes trump and nothing the only the publicity around that meeting will benefit that political features. i think donald trump, indeed you being and yahoo both get a lot out of this meeting. they do not care about the bulk of international opinions. they do not care what people in the middle east europe, asia care about donald trump is trying to win an election if he doesn't win the election. he will probably go to prison. b b 9. yahoo needs to stay in office, or else he will go to prison. so these are 2 very focused people who do not have morality at the center of their vision. donald trump knows any united states or is of large, evangelical christian community, that is a very hawkish on israel. and there is obviously
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a slice of the american jewish community that also is very pockets. and he's trying to appeal to those communities. and john, yahoo is continuing to appeal to the very worst elements of is really a political community. and i think they each are strengthening each other by the start of meetings. there's definitely a lot of pressure on yahoo as there should be. there's pressure within israel, this pastor from families of the hostages, there's pressure from the opposition within israel, but then yahoo political calculus. and he's realized that he is the person who is best accustomed and best suited to dealing with republicans in the united states. and he is making a bet that republicans will be sending to the united states. and with this meeting is showing that he can conduct outreach on behalf of israel up united states. and it's hoping that that is enough to keep them in power and israel. and it's a gamble, but it's probably the best campbell then yahoo is playing a very we can both morally and politically,
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has to apply the holding. gulls is ready find the address of kind of dante string of ass strikes, talking that reset arrears, across the strip cook. at least 21 people. well, bus was killed in the technical, the residential building, and the out of the set. the refugee camp in central garza while the right hold a house in garza city killed at least 2 people. didn't calling you this and the so so at least 18 palestinians have been killed. now how about says it? scientists have been targeting is ready times using rocket propelled grenades. thousands of displays. people have been false to sleep a little i see in the south west. but the palestine red crescent says there is no room for the israel initially to come down. well, i see a say so, but has repeatedly bottomed it with there were else to go. but the families have being forced to move in to cemeteries include the pulse of the living now lives
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alongside the dead display several times. but is there any talks and evacuation orders, these palestinians are forced to pitch tense in the symmetry. sometimes sleeping next to the graves of a person very thought they will live in john berman law shut off. i swear that i have seen a lot of dead people. i live here in the cemetery and i see thousands of bodies every day. i suffer too much on life is non stop suffering. but even the grim accommodation may be temporary with israel's were showing no sign of ending, they could be forced to move again at any moment. the gods we move every day from one place to another displacement has almost killed us. we don't have money moving is expensive. we urge of countries and muslim nations to help us to stand with us. we need a solution. con unice has been completely destroyed. we ended up living with the dead in the cemetery. all the god only knows how we survived. shells were coming
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towards us from everywhere. we live in a graveyard. we shared the space with good people. the living conditions here are only fits for the dead. there is no running water, no toilets, nothing that can being a little comfort cemetery is supposed to be a final resting place. perhaps the lucky one will be forced to move. once again and survive. the lucky ones will be buried with their tents. one stood and took hold of the odyssey to the cause of palestine. the you and says, continue your task. so laid convoys and is rarely evacuation old as in southern gaza or the stabilizing humanitarian operations. on friday, the security council discuss the was the impact was having on civilians of zeros. kristen salumi has moved from the u. n. in new york on the on the security council on friday. heard the latest tours of life and gaza. thousands of these children
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have sustained public injuries, such as the degree burn amputated lens and profound mental from the children who died off and do so slowly and painfully. my child jerry's ambassador, describe the situation as an absolute catastrophe and to become a dunaway. we cannot remain silent, and we must not fail to oct of the united states, acknowledged ongoing attacks on aid workers. 3 months convoys have come under fire . this week alone, nearly 200 un workers have died in the conflict. we have called on israel to investigate incidents where she, manager, and workers have been killed or injured, to hold anyone found responsible for misconduct accountable. and to take steps to prevent such incidents from occurring. the meeting was called by algeria, russia and china after is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu addressed the
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united states congress down playing the impact of the war on civilians. we are very concerned about the manhattan society garza and we do believe that it's time to stop the killing. and we us the us to put blood pressure. i'll give it to you. but as far as, as soon as possible, the palestinian ambassador noted the increasing opposition to the war and the united states. we noticed 112 members of the house from the democratic party boycotted the meeting. 28 members of the senate. while the cause of the meeting, including vice president to come to the house. in addition to that, there were thousands of americans demonstrating outside. one thing council members seem to agree on is the need for a cease fire. something they called for and resolution 2728. back in march, kristen salumi, i'll just 0. the united nations. still at hell now does it events way it is present
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because mentor i was of a blood bath. if the opposition wins of sunday selection, the on counting the cost this week, buckle up for a wild ride transport is changing rapidly. so what does the future hold full view technologies change the way we move goods to? and how can i help aviation to make the transition to re energy counting the cost on al jazeera, the, how much is happening before the end of the question, why is the name of this call on
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it's area relief? foundation in the the book about kilt fields that are things that whole robin and the reminder of all told stories, the olympic games of, of history being declared open following a spectacular ceremony in power as mold in 10000 athletes proves down the river sense. passing by his stomach landmarks in the french capital had all but certainly the country's high speed trains being sabotaged both owed, he's reported damage to significant size and several sites surrounding powers. and this will be you as president, donald trump as fast as well is private and so to reach a deal on a c spot and calls that's the to help folks have trumps results in florida. and
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even the, to the all, he said that he would dispatch delegation to take part in sees font tolts in room. so if you, if you has declared 3 days of molding up to 2 landslide swept through a remote region in the south, have you been trained to be called reach the area. so rescue teams and volunteers have been using that the hands and shrivels to dig through the mud. do you and says at least 257 bodies have been recovered. of the death toll could rise out as it was bob and valves, and this update from the sites of the land slide. while local villages are still taking for their loved ones. i'm at the side of the down slide that killed hundreds of people here in southern ethiopia. behind me, you can see the mountain top from which a huge chunk team down doing heavy duty a don't on sunday, killing many people. i'm betting homes under the people you tell us about the initial on slide was limited and it killed only a few people. but when a huge crowd came for us to another big one took place and that's the one that has
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skipped so many at the bottom of the hill. 6 days since lots of as last the took place, people out of some setting in the month for their loved ones. the forty's tell us not to more than 2 dozen people are still missing. here you see a new body has just been back up from, from them a few minutes later. they also told us that they have size, but they might be able to dig up and i'll have with you from here. so the families and the rescue workers are not getting up. many here might be too busy to express the grief of the separation of the fob. that's the dictate deductible that not only the families of the deceased, but also hundreds of villages continue to come here to attend the funeral. how much fun i just, you know, deliberately fuck in the future. but it's way lives living in columbia are all attempting to cross the border to the home country to vote in the presidential election on july, the 28th,
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the governments incorrect. and so if it has all the closure of borders for the duration of the election, all got on like and all of them, it wasn't meant that it wasn't that we didn't expect it. they were going to do everything so that we could not pause because they know the vast majority event is weighed in 2 pos are going to vote against the current regime. so it is not a strange thing, but it doesn't matter. we're going to get through no matter what presidential candidates, and that is why i love how that final campaign values ahead of the election on sunday opposition. leaders are asking versus to else to president nicholas the do who see if the tub meant to has well in the country risks a blood bass. if the opposition wins for this under on pnc reports, a final appeal for a new era in venezuela presidential candidate, the former diplomat, it moon the gonzales together with the driving force behind this candidacy? maybe i could email my child called for
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a massive boat on sunday to on seats. presidents, me class, my daughter that's why we need everyone to get active very early in the morning. i ask you a question. who defends your vote? you their last event in the capital cust came at the end of up to middle to is can pain. that's rally the most significant, both are mobilisation since the late president to go chavez. the opposition. any international server say the government has tried to do real to complain using a regular tactics. my daughters government borrowed my child from running the night 4500000 venezuela's living abroad from registering to vote and excluded opposition candidates from appearing on the television left. these governments like columbia and brazil, withdrew their delegations, meant to serve the elections, saying my buddhist government was not respecting the democratic process. the us government insisted on the need for competitive and inclusive elections. we support
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a peaceful elections that we expect and hope will come on sunday elections that would reflect the will and the aspirations of the venezuelan people for a more democratic, stable and prosperous future. any political rep rep for oppression and violence is unacceptable due to supporters also took to the streets of downtown cut out guest for a final rally. brought there in large numbers on governments, higher buses to the president who has been in power since 2013, appealed for a 3rd term. we will not allow them to continue causing damage. the time is up. if they make this mistake, they will regret it for 200 years. it will be the last mistake they might, can be a political life. they will be an iron hand and justice against the fascist and rises. the says venezuela has the world's most transparent electoral
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system, but as warren, the country risk the blot bass, if the opposition wins. recently, the government tests curb the country sky high inflation during doing sanctions has slashed its oil income, and the economy remains in crisis. more than 7000000 venezuelans have fled the country's economic collapse in past years and many more or considering doing the same depending on sundays results. less than that, i'm get the address either security or forward. he's in bulk installed, a nationwide protest opposition. political parties of plans, old demonstrations on friday for testers, won't the government take action? the gains rising installation and electricity costs come all high to send this update from the capital is level by as the borders of the jamal. this law may have ridge the outskirts of its lama, but despite their dams by their daughter days to stop them. the headboards and
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their door along the route. but the protested that also getting friends with them that a moving the is all that goes towards the end of them on now to his name, to forward this protest that drove point needing to his mom about the flush. we're planning to come here to wake protests against the door, but the right side, as far as electricity prices are concerned, people are not able to pay. there's some people that even committing suicide. and according to the needs of the jamal, just allow me, it was done through my own constructing the people blog and done to my own, to extortion. now that's all because of the fact that focused on the previous governments by a bug or something which limited and i was in the focused on people's party, decided to sign agreements with the independent follow up producers. and who of course, are now charging exorbitant prices for that electricity almost 3 times that of india focused on right now are the most expensive electric power available through the can you my show, the leadership of the month is not me,
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will be hoping to put pressure on the government, the 1st serious protest against the government since it's the follow up back in february. and that also made accurate nations of massive rigging. so it will add to the momentum that they've been doing because other political parties are also accusing the government of mismanaging the economy. commodity that i'll just say at all. it's not my by the police in bangladesh obtain 3 student leaders, although he's accused them vocalizing the recent protests against quotas on government jobs. the type of child reset this update from the capital doc a. the security has been sizing up they for the private jo, my prayer because it has a 9 hour pause to day was briefing the press, the home minister said the car for you will remain at listen for district including dock uh and the capital with a 9 hour, pause all over in all the states. the local authorities can decide based on the
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situation. and he said the track down on those involved in the arson and destruction will continue across the country. let us go, the leaders are sticking to that point about. they're also on the wrong, they're unable to hold press conference, but that's sticking with the 9 points demand. starting the economy of taking the tool as it is, it was struggling with high inflation and starting to try for, for last 2 years. government industry is losing orders because of the internet shut down. business has not been close. paypal with fixed income and daily lab or the one who's suffering the most. if that continues like this, there would be a serious consequence on the economy according to analyst. however, the government is continuing to say that things on normal, yet everything seems to be very tense. and people also want to know why it happened, how it happened. why so many people got to tunbridge, audrey,
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i'll just say the dock uh, upset for me to hold robin for the moment. so people in hopes that you can follow all the stories on the website to challenges that don't come it's updated throughout the day. that's it. but i'll come to the cost is next 2 statements. the, the the had a lot of that is good news when it comes to the weather for north america. that dangerous heat that's been clinging on to west and pots of canada and the pacific northwest. and the us is set to ease, we'll see temperatures coming down slightly. we will, however, continue to see some very dry conditions across the pacific northwest temperatures . however, in the desperate southwest will sit very high as we go into sunday, 42 degrees celsius. the in phoenix will be coming down across the deep south. we've
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got some severe storms rumbling the way away from texas, pushing up towards the most southern eastern states. and the tail end of a weather system will continue to bring those showers to florida with miami, seeing the thunder we down paused through to the we can the temperature clinging on however, to $33.00 degrees celsius on the tail end of that storm system will continue to bring bus rain to the north, east of mexico, some heavy falls to come, which could cause some flooding. we have, we could also see some flooding across the west in areas of guatemala and el salvador. we pulses over heavy rain pulling in from the caribbean sea, working that way as well towards that you could time peninsula. it's very west as well in costa rica on the front covering hawk truth fillable from china's expansion and visions. it's not
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up to the people in taiwan to the side about the one china policy, the israel, aggressive doctrine, genocidal rhetoric and genocide, an intensity with genocide and intense light is really government with nothing. $30000.00 defense of thousands of thousands that would be hundreds of thousands of dollars. is that left the house and the stucco, some of the toughest issues of our time had to hit coming soon on a jersey to the hello. i'm adrian. instead of getting a, this is comes from the cost obviously, right? you'll be to look at the world of business and economics. this week, buckle up for a wild ride. taxis could take to the skies and self driving cars will become more common. transport is changing, rapid.


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