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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 27, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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as k, photo slavish wedding in 1938. but behind the eclipse, perhaps he also tested moments the trip egypt scroll courts, egypt through the lens. all marriages on the the 2024 powers olympic games are officially opened off respect, talking about the very well certainly made in the french company, the alarm diamond jordan, this is all 0 life. and so he said, coming out is about 5 minutes to agrees to cause us these 5 talks in a row. earlier, donald trump urge benjamin netanyahu to get a deal done. people in gauze, us seek shelter from his ready attacks and gradient onto the latest strikes. kentucky's 21 on one of the leaders of the mexican similar content of the rested in
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texas on friday leads not due to drunk chuck the the 2024 parents and the big games i'm officially opened on what was a wednesday evening in the french capital dunces musical performances and a floating of boats made for one of the most unique opening ceremonies in history. open 10000 the athletes cruise down the river send, passing by historic landmarks. latasha buckler watched the events unfold. a good time spectacular flourish. to set the toad there was don't sizzle, roof tops and rock bands on balconies as thousands of on lead who's the river since the opening ceremony, the terrorist and the big games, the 1st ever to be held outside the stadium. the city in its historic monuments which transformed into a breathtaking stage. but the form is including american store ladies dog,
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a french molly and singer. i am not kamara the setting was certainly unique, bought it left some spec, titles disappointed those. so northern locks stock it did. oh, i don't think the sound system didn't work properly and was pointed in the wrong direction. the screen was small, it was catastrophic. recruit. don't see the same. i would quit and watch the tv. holding the opening ceremony in the center of the city was a huge security risk brought to the event, went smoothly and safely. a relief for french authorities alter my safe austin a time on the country's rel network. earlier in the day field anxiety rail services across much of the country were disrupted off the cables with costs and fines lifting 3 key locations. who's in trouble. k, off french authorities, that the perpetrators would be found well that the show would go on and i did date
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. the french president declared the games open the head to the all you see said it was a new era slip immunizations on a vacant, probably the experiencing olympic games that are more expensive, more of, and young during more sustainable to change the powers, the on the field like, security will remain high over the next weeks with sweets of power spent store if it will be haul to ignore the risks to the day. but now that the cold weather is lit, hopefully it will only be sport. it's in this book like this, actually butler, which is 0 for the for my yes, president donald trump is met benjamin netanyahu. at trump's result in florida. we
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urge these ready prime minister to sign a deal to end the war and gaza. it's the 1st face to face meeting of nearly 4 years . the once close need is filled out top and netanyahu congratulated joe biden in 2021. when he beat trump in the election. that yahoo said is where i would send them to go shaping team to see 5 talks and run next week. philip at last moved from palm beach in florida. or will this me thing? hey amara logo is as much about optics as it was about politics bearing in mind that prime minister netanyahu has already met and president joe biden. he's already met the vice president, pamela harris, the woman who, by the looks of things will almost certainly be donald trump. made viable for the presidency in november. now when she met prime minister netanyahu yesterday on thursday, she said that she would not be silent on the issue of cause that. and donald trump wasted no time in usually not to his political advantage. here's what i have to say . no, i have no remark. she's a radical left versus the san francisco destroyed san francisco. she's really
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a destroyer. she hasn't had a bill and i think are more remarks were disrespectful. they weren't very returning to israel. i actually don't know how a person who is jewish but that's up to them, but she was very disrespectful to israel. in my opinion. i'm going to spend that and you all who was also asked about those comments. bear in mind that he has the struggle of metaphorical line between the democrats who are conscious of what is happening in gaza as cabinet harris said, but also supporting is royal. i'm the republicans who on the donald trump, a free a sleep pro israel. here's what he have to say. we're trying to go to the extensive from us.
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well, that was world smiles. those countries a very far removed from recent years because the prime minister netanyahu had fallen out of favor with donald trump, even though donald trump, during his presidency, was very pro, is riled after the election in 2020 prime minister netanyahu colt job. i didn't to congratulate him that did not go down well, that's whole with donald trump. remember he has always contested that results and maintains he won the election. of course 4 years have passed. and now donald trump wants to be back in the white house and he says he can bring about peace in the middle east. the only way he can do that is to speak to those leaders in the middle east, which is why it was so important for him to be seen, to be talking to the prime minister of israel today. phil laval, i'll just say era morrow logo, florida. meanwhile, the u. k. is new labor government was no longer tried to block proceedings of the
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international criminal court against is riley lead us the deadline to submit a challenge has not passed. the previous conservative government had been considering its legal options. in may i cc prostitutes, i kind con said he was applying for arrest warrants for his ride, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i'm defense minister. you have gone for alleged war crimes and guns that con, also. so one's for 3, how much lead this? meanwhile, im gonna say is why do you find the address of carried out a string of ass products targeting different areas across the street getting at least 21 people. one person was killed in an attack on a residential building in the understand that refugee camp in central gaza on a raid and a house in gauze and city killed at least 2 people. and, and han eunice in the south, at least 18 palestinians have been killed. i says it's fighters. i've been targeting is really times using rocket propelled grenades. thousands of just based people had been forced to flee to on the wasi in the south west. but the palestine red crescent says there's no room for them, as well,
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initially declared on velocity a safe zone. however, it has repeatedly bummed it with nowhere else to go. many families have been forced to move into cemeteries and cut out of this report. the living now live alongside the dead display several times. but is there any talks and evacuation orders? these palestinians are forced to pitch tents in this symmetry. sometimes sleeping next to the grave of a person very thought they will live in gym birmingham. but i shut off, i swear that i have seen a lot of good people. i live here in the cemetery and i see thousands of bodies every day. i suffer too much on life is non stop suffering. but even the dream accommodation may be temporary, with israel's worth showing, no sign of ending, they could be forced to move again at any moment. the gods we move every day from one place to another displacement has almost killed us. we don't
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have money moving is expensive. we urge air of countries and muslim nations to help us to stand with us. we need a solution. con unice has been completely destroyed. we ended up living with the dead in the cemetery. all the god only knows how we survived shows were coming towards us from everywhere. we live in a graveyard. we shared the space with good people. the living conditions here are only fits for the dead. there is no running water, no toilets, nothing that can being a little comfort cemetery is supposed to be a final resting place. perhaps the lucky ones will be forced to move. once again and survive. the lucky ones will be buried with their tents, ones to end of the odyssey to the cause of palestine. united nation says continuing a tax on aid convoys and is randy evacuation orders in southern gaza, a destabilizing humanitarian operations. on friday, the security council of discuss the worsening impact, the boys having on civilians. christine certainly has more now from the us in the
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oh. do you on security council on friday heard the latest horrors of life and gaza . thousands of these children have sustained public injuries, such as the degree burn amputated lens and profound meant that it's all the children who died off and do so slowly and painfully my. i'll jerry's ambassador. describe the situation as an absolute catastrophe, and to become of the way, we cannot remain silent. and we must not fail to oct of the united states acknowledged ongoing attacks on aid workers. 3 more convoys have come under fire this week alone. nearly 200 u. n workers have died in the conflict. we have called on israel to investigate incidents where she, manager, and workers have been killed or injured,
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to hold anyone found responsible for misconduct accountable. and to take steps to prevent such incidents from occurring. the meeting was called by algeria, russia and china after is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu addressed the united states congress down playing the impact of the war on civilians. we are very concerned about the manhattan society garza and we do believe that it's time to stop the killing. and we us the us to put more pressure. i'll give it to you. but as far as, as soon as possible, the palestinian ambassador noted the increasing opposition to the war and the united states. we noticed 112 members of the house from the democratic party boycotted the meeting. 28 members of the senate. while the cause of the meeting, including vice president to come to the house. in addition to that, there were thousands of americans demonstrating outside. one thing council members
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seem to agree on is the need for a cease fire. something they called for and resolution 2728. back in march, kristen salumi, i'll just 0. the united nations. the yes most part of that come to harris says file the official paperwork to contesting the vin. the presidential election. she made the announcement on x saying she had signed forms declaring her candidacy. powers said she will, will count on every vote. the democrats are expected to officially name her as their preferred candidate to challenge donald trump. but i convention next month. on friday for my president, brock obama and his wife, michelle and doors towers, his presidential bid comes 5 days off the job bite and dropped out of the race. the bombers found the presumptive democratic party nominate while she was on the road campaign. i am proud of you. this is going to be his story.
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we called to say, michelle, and i couldn't be prouder to doors here to do everything we can to get you through the selection of and into the oval office. oh my goodness, michelle practice mean so much to me. i'm looking forward to doing this with the 2 of you. i'll just say it was alan fish. it has more now from washington, dc. the there was something said that the obama has been a big deal. the bikes tamela hired us when they put out a statement on sunday that were perhaps waiting to see if another candidate with a marriage. but that simply has not happened. tamela how this is a perspective democratic no money and she signed up the game endorsement some to abide with himself to the a bomb is in other big names in the democratic party. and so the obama is probably so the direction of travel. and that is why they've no, i did their voice in support. what couple of how this will be able to do is tap into the star power be, are still a big draw, a democratic circles on between now and the election in november. so you can turn
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on both of them appearing at rallies that she tries to win the votes of the undecided. and that's heightened by the fact that if you remember just about a month or so ago, the majority of americans didn't want to see either donald trump or joe biden on the presidential ballot. and so now there is a new name to counter, but she's going to try and convince the undecided voters a new small swing states that she really is something different. she go to them from what happened on sunday, and she'll get a bump when she announces our vice presidential candidate. and she'll get another bump when it comes to the democratic national convention. she is writing a wave of a mental just go to try and do that all the way until november. and it's much easier to see that then to do it. for sure, i'll just see you at the white house. meanwhile, the republican party's presidential candidate donald trump has addressed a conservative political and religious summits in florida. from told the crowd is like a presidential rival, coming to harris was hostile to people of faith, citing
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a band on religious gatherings during the cove at 19 pandemic. also attacked, the vice president's record and migration, accusing heard of allowing millions of migrants to enter the us on venti with lot more years of harris, who was worse than joe biden, in a 2 sense and far more liberal america will be decimated by migrant crime, demolished by fascism ravaged by rampant inflation and impoverished by the complete obliteration of american energy. our task is to defeat socialism to defeat boxes of communism to defeat the cartels and the criminals, and the human traffickers, traffic good women. and that means defeating kamala harris in a land slave. we want a land slide this november. we want something too big that to rig are too big to wreck. the
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one of the, let's leaders of mexico similar drug content. let's pleaded not guilty to charges in the us is mailed. somebody to olson on his l mail was arrested by federal agents in texas. on friday, he was detained along with watching guzman lopez. but santiago chapel goodman, another drug kingpin was conquered and present in the us. the honor has more now from mexico. this was the moment 2 of the world's most wanted drug lords were detained on us soil. it's night and my, your son by the 76 year old co founder and leader of the scene, a little a cartel and what king guzman lopez, son of convicted drug lord of chapel, whose minds are now in us custody. the circumstances that led to this remarkable moment remain unclear, but a lawyer representing miles said his client did not arrive in the us willingly, and had not planned to turn himself in. suggesting he had been set up by an ally to walk straight into the hands of us authorities. it fell to the security minister to
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break the uncomfortable news of telling the country that mexico had no prior knowledge of the detention of the 2 of its most wanted drug lords, c 4 were investigation. if this was an arrest or if these men had themselves over, this is part of the information we are waiting to get from the us government. the mexican government did not take part in this detention or hand or far less than 24 hours after his arrest. somebody to enter a not guilty plea before us judge. both men are facing multiple charges in the united states for leading the cartels criminal operations, including its deadly drug manufacturing and trafficking networks. and see how low the mexican government's and special forces in anticipation of violence, breaking out in a possible power vacuum in the cartel physical freedom. i literally can what you're saying by that. one thing i have, if it is confirmed that is my and somebody that was be great or set up by
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a rival fraction of this email, i've got them together. we could be looking at the new media piece of assessing the rates of violence. here, you've seen that often this in that or somebody that is the last major drug, lord of his generation having avoided capture for over 4 decades despite leading one of the world's most important drug empires. while us authorities have described these detentions as an enormous blow to the scene, a little cartel, the reality is it's such a rest in the past has failed to make much of a difference to the organization's operational capabilities. and few here believe that violence levels will go down, or the amount of fentanyl being trafficked into the us will diminish as a result of these arrests. julia go, yeah, no, i'll just sierra mexico city. talk for a short break here, and i'll just share what when we come back to venezuela. as president nicholas madura, ones of a black box. if the opposition, when sunday's election, i'm time phone guy, me for his name is 30000 people in the eastern china to evacuate to opt in during the summer of extreme with more nice thing.
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the new south korea police receive up to 200 reports while it's every day when, when a is to investigate career lead from one out to 0, the investigative journalism voices from different corners. stories from of the angles. programs that open your eyes to an alternative. as to where today on now to say around a 150 is a gyptian history. seen through an extraordinary photographic archive. stepped into the opulent 12 of egypt through a family with photographs recruited every moment as king photo slavish wedding in 1938. but behind the eclipse, perhaps he also attempted moments,
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the trip egypt scroll course, egypt through the lens, room marriages on $20.00 of the welcome back to watching out just the record to mind about top stories here. this within the big games i'm officially open following expect talking to so many cars within 10000 optics proves down the river sun during a wet day in the french capital. for many years president donald trump, the search as well as 5 minutes to to reach a deal and i see sign and concept to help towards that from the results in florida . nothing. yahoo said he will send a delegation to take part in si fi tools. can read it, let's meet as
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a mexico similar drug costs. how have pleaded not guilty to drug charged us some bottoms arrested by federal agents in texas on find a longer the son of the drug kingpin al chapman. there's no venezuelans living in columbia are attempting to cross the boat to go back home to vote in the election on july 28th for the government, and cut off costs as owed at the close of the buddha, for the duration of the election, all got on right, i can lift them, it wasn't they, it wasn't that we didn't expect it, they were going to do everything so that we could not pause because they know the vast majority event is wait in 2 pos are going to vote against the current regime. so it is not a strange thing, but it doesn't matter. we're going to get through no matter what. i mean, a lot of presidential candidates have held that final campaign rallies ahead of the po opposition leaders asking vote as to oust president nicholas mcgrew was thinking of the summer and catching up with a final appeal for a new era in venezuela presidential candidate, the former diplomat,
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it moon the gonzales together with the driving force behind this can be the see my the equity now my child called for a massive boat on sunday to on seats. presidents and the glass. my daughter that's why we need everyone to get active very early in the morning. i ask you a question. who defends your vote? you there last event in the capital cust came at the end of a to mall to his campaign. that's rally the most significant, both are mobilization since the late president to go chavez. the opposition in international servers say the government has tried to do well to contain using a regular tactics. my students government barred my child from running the night 4500000 venezuela's living abroad from registering to vote and excluded opposition . candidates from appearing on television left. these governments like columbia and
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brazil, withdrew their delegations, meant to serve the elections, saying my buddhist government was not respecting the democratic process. the us government insisted on the need for a competitive and inclusive elections. we support a peaceful elections that we expect and hope will come on sunday. the elections that would reflect the will and the aspirations of the venezuelan people for a more democratic, stable and prosperous future. any political rep rep for oppression and violence is unacceptable due to supporters also took to the streets of downtown cut out guess for a final rally, brought there in large numbers on governments. higher buses. the president who has been in power since 2013, appealed for a 3rd term. we will not allow them to continue causing damage. the time is up. if they make this mistake, they will regret it for 200 years. that will be the last mistake they may, can be
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a political life. they will be an iron hand injustice against the fascists and rises the sides. venezuela has the world's most transparent electoral system, but as warn the country risk, the blood bass, if the opposition wins. recently the government tests curb the country sky high inflation. but in doing sanctions has slashed its oil income, and the economy remains in crisis. more than 7000000 venezuelans have fled the countries economic collapse in past years and many more or considering doing the same depending on sundays results. i'll assume that i'm get the address either. not poland as possible. that makes it easier for security agencies to use firearms against migrants of the border with better roofs. no make us approve. the proposal on friday right side to the state would prevent the proper investigation of incidents with firearms were involved,
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comes after 10 to one year old soldier was stumped to death in june at the eastern border triggering probably ganga opponent accused. as russian bella roost of orchestra making a mongrel crisis, august eastern go down of germany's condemned the treatment of one of his national sentence to death. and better. ruth's 30 year old rico kreger i paid on the russian state t. v begging for forgiveness from president lucas shank of he was convicted of photographing ministry sites on planting a bomb at a regular line in minutes. last year. germany's foreign ministry says the t v. a parents was unacceptable, as we must do everything possible so that his rights of being preserved, the death penalty was abandoned in europe. it is illegal. there are clear regulations on the treatment of foreign nationals and we are doing everything we can to best support the german nationals. ethiopians declared 3 days of moving off, the 2 landslide slipped through a remote region in the south. heavy machinery can't reach the air so risk obtains
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and volunteers have been using that bands and shovels to dig through. the mud un says at least $257.00 bodies have been recovered. a death toll could rise and fall, sent this update from the site of a lot of slide. i'm at the site of that on slide dot to killed hundreds of people here in southern ethiopia. behind me, you can see the mountain top from which a huge chunk team down doing heavy duty a don't on sunday, killing many people on the bedding homes under the people you tell us about the initial on slide was limited and it killed only a few people but when a huge crowd came for us to another big one took place and that's the one that has skipped so many at the bottom of the hill, 6 days. so lots of these lots to, to place people out of film sets in, in the month for their loved ones. the forty's tell us not to more than 2 dozen people are still missing. here you see a new body has just been back up from, from them a few minutes later. they also told us that they have signs,
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but they might be able to dig up and not have already from here. so the families and the rescue workers are not getting up. many here might be too busy to express the grief of the place not far. that's the decay deductible that not only the families of the deceased, but also hundreds of villages continue to come here to attend the funeral home and want to see about the live village. so i'm going to need to talk to and gain a has made a land full in south eastern china prompting warnings, a flash floods. and there is to recovering from torrential rain several weeks ago. or far it is relocated more than 290000 people, nor westbrook thoughts from hong kong. off is often barreling through the philippines and tie one ties when gamey struck. china is southeastern coast of gen, bringing with the winds of about a 120 kilometers in our authorities were on high alert as rain submerged streets.
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and people in the small town when moved to safety. only a moment. if the rain continues like this, the flooded area will become larger and larger, so we have to evacuate the people in foods in schools with closed and slights and trains cancelled and neighboring judge, young waterways were flooded. the storm is weakening as it has inland, but full cost is $1.00 heavy rain could effect at least 10 provinces. the next challenge is the amount of rain that gainey is set to unleashed on areas already hit towards by to wrench, lorraine, land slides and flooding authorities. of puts out warnings that water levels in rivers and lakes could rise to dangerous levels, raising the risk of more flooding. it's such a concern that president, she didn't pain chad. a special needs thing on plans to control floods. and food un nuclear report said $85.00 hacked is of crops were damaged as gave me took
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a toll in people's livelihoods. as the storm moves north, it's set to impact provinces such as had none already lashed by weeks of rain that's destroyed, crops and livestock. they will be in pet about uh, where the people can consume, they will be, uh, destruction to us production. i think that will be the most direct economy consequences if we use last year case. as an example, then a china may actually induce around a $40000000000.00 us dollar, which is around 0.2 percent of his gdp. if this extreme where to continue in summer, which is pretty much july and august scientist everyone's climate change is watson and tropical storms. making them less frequent, but more intense analysts say more investments is needed in critical infrastructure to protect people's livelihoods and reduce the impact of extreme weather. passions like this laura westbrook algebra, hong kong wal phones in bolivia,
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destroying large areas of grasslands, prompting all far it is an essential cruise region to declare a state of emergency drone footage of 6 smoke in the center of the country. according to local media of a 10000 impact as of land have already been consumed by the fire, local research has politic this month could be the record for the most files ever recorded in a july period. while finest building from west them, canada to california in the united states, allison's of people have been displaced and does she have tons of reports? climate change has worse than the scale of the devastation. a fire tornado caused by intense heat and high winds captured in time lamps. video is a right changing column of fire and, and it phones near chico in northern california is what's been named. the punk file continues to spread satellite images show the files pub since thursday. it's already consumed more than a $120000.00 acres and there's the mileage of.


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